- Abelard and HÉloise, 19
- Achilles, 37
- Act of Toleration, The, 114
- Adam Bede, 146
- Æneas, The wanderings of, 35
- Alexander the Great, 86, 103
- Alexander the Sixth, 42, 51
- Alva, Duke of, 61, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
- Angelo, Michael, 11, 12, 15, 27, 39, 123, 140
- Areopagitica, 131, 132
- Aristotle, 25
- Arnold, Matthew, 144
- Asbury, Francis, 162
- Asia Minor, 55
- Athens, 26, 37, 50, 84, 195
- Augustus CÆsar, 36
- Bacon, Francis, 32
- Balfour, Lord, 89
- Barnett, Canon, 197
- Barrett, Elizabeth, 39
- Beatrice, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 30, 205
- Bedford Jail, 32, 85
- Beecher, Henry Ward, 158
- "Beggars," The fleet of, 73, 74, 77
- Bernard the Monk, 105
- Birrell, Augustine, 144
- Black Death, The, 97, 100
- "Bloody Council," The, 57
- Booth, William, 199
- Boswell's Life of Johnson, 151
- Bradford, William, 57
- Brescia, 43
- Brougham, Henry, 103
- Browning, Robert, 39
- Bunyan, John, 12, 32, 85, 27
- Grant, General, 86
- Great Remonstrance, The, 102
- Gulf Stream, Influence of the, 163
- Hallam the historian, 10
- Hamilton, Alexander, 168, 178
- Hamlet, 13
- Hampden, John, 101, 104, 108, 123
- Harrison, Frederic, 106, 209
- Helen of Troy, 36, 37
- Henry of Navarre, 103
- History, The scope of,18
- Hogarth, William, 145
- Holland, 55, 56, 57, 59
- Homer, 10, 11, 12, 13, 123
- Horace, 136
- House of Lords, The, 12
- Hume, David, 145
- Idylls of the King, 23
- Imitation of Christ, 154
- In Darkest England, 199
- Inferno, The, 31, 32
- Inquisition, The, 65, 74
- Italian language, The, 11
- Italian literature, 18
- James I of England, 117
- Jonson, Ben, 90, 117
- Julius CÆsar, 86
- Keats, John, 12
- Kenilworth Castle, 96
- King Alfred's Bible, 12
- Kipling, Rudyard, 190
- Kossuth, Louis, 178
- Last Judgment, The, 27
- Law's Serious Call, 154
- Latin tongue, The, 11
- Lecky the historian, 144, 155
- Leonardo, 35
- Leyden, Siege of, 77, 78, 79, 80
- Lincoln, Abraham, 57, 58, 99, 102, 113, 182, 194
- Lorenzo the Magnificent, 45, 141
- Socrates, 50, Printed in the United States of America