ConsommÉ—Bread Sticks Boiled Corned Beef with Vegetables Dandelion Salad Frozen Strawberries Spanish Layer Cake CafÉ Noir—Iced Tea CONSOMMÉ WITH BREAD STICKS (For recipe see Page 149.) BOILED CORNED BEEF WITH VEGETABLES Select five or six pounds from the plate or the brisket; wash carefully in cold water, drain; place in kettle and cover with boiling water, let boil five minutes and—if very briny—drain, rinse off scum with hot water and again cover with boiling water; heat to boiling point and simmer until meat is tender (about six hours). Remove beef from liquor, keep covered in a warm place. Skim off some of the fat from liquor. Add carrots washed, scraped and cut in quarters. Let cook fifteen minutes, then add small white onions and turnips pared and cut in quarters, one head white cabbage cut in quarters (stalk cut out). Wash, pare and cut uniform-sized potatoes in quarters, parboil five minutes, then drain and add to other ingredients. Cook beets in a separate vessel. When vegetables are soft, arrange meat in center of hot serving platter and surround with carrots, turnips, onions and cabbage. Sprinkle vegetables with finely chopped parsley, serve beets in separate dish. Pass horseradish, mustard and vinegar. DANDELION SALAD Gather the dandelion when young and tender. That which is cultivated is well bleached and very tender. Wash thoroughly in FROZEN STRAWBERRIES—No. 2 2 quarts cream. 2 cups sugar. Few grains salt. 2 cups strawberry juice and pulp. Process: Wash and hull strawberries (about three boxes); sprinkle with one cup sugar, cover closely and set aside in a cool place for two hours. Mash and squeeze berries through cheese cloth. Mix remaining cup sugar and salt with cream; turn into freezer and, when half frozen, add strawberries and finish freezing. Serve with Strawberry Sauce. STRAWBERRY SAUCE 1 cup sugar. 1/3 cup water. 2 cups strawberry pulp. Process: Make a syrup by boiling water with sugar three minutes (after mixture begins to boil), cool slightly and add strawberry pulp. Chill thoroughly and serve. SPANISH LAYER CAKE 1/3 cup Cottolene. 1 cup sugar. Yolks 2 eggs. ½ cup milk. 17/8 cups pastry flour. 3 teaspoons baking powder. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. ¼ teaspoon cloves. ¼ teaspoon salt. Whites 2 eggs. Process: Cream Cottolene, add sugar gradually, stirring constantly. Mix and sift flour, baking powder, spices and salt; add to first mixture alternately with milk. Cut and fold in stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Bake in two well-greased, square, layer cake pans. Spread with a thick layer of raspberry between layers. Cover top with frosting or dredge with powdered sugar. May
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