l#Page_441" class="pginternal">441 Chattering, Teeth, 182 Chemical Engines, 454 Chemical Fire Extinguishers, 375, 523 Chemicals, Photographic, 162 Chewing Gum, 337 Chicle, 337 Chimes, 260 Chimneys, 158 Chinese Firecrackers, 150 Chrome Leather, 582 Circuits, Telephone, 225 Citrus Fruits, 331 “Clam-shell Dredges,” 491 Clay, 247, 496 Clicking Machines, 438 Cliff Dwellings, 334 Clinking Glasses, 231 Clocks, 61, 344 Clothes, 252 Coal, 244, 543 Coast Defense Guns, 396 Cobbler Shop, 437 Cocoanuts, 132, 138, 214, 450 Cod, 216, 325 Coffee-machines, Electric, 207 Coining, 302, 449 Coir, 132 Coke, 251, 460 Cold Storage, 299, 466 Color-printing, 289, 382 Comb, Honey, 183, 197 Combination Engravings, 381 Combined Sweep Rake and Stacker, 567 Combustion, Spontaneous, 42 Combustion Engines, 12, 53 Compass, Gyro, 74 Compasses, 435 Composition Billiard Balls, 315 Compressed Air Construction, 492 Compressed Air Engines, 133 Conduits, 223 Conning Towers, 425 Continuous Core Ovens, 532 Conveyor Belts, 535 Conveyors, Spiral, 240 Cooking, 121 Cooking Appliances, 205 Co-operative Agriculturists, 333 Copper, 448, 450 Cordage, 121 Cork, 138 Films, 162, 537, 578 Filters, Salt, 474 Finger-prints, 74 Finishing Shafts, 443 Fire Apparatus, 451, 523, 542 Fire-arms, 75, 139, 386 Fire-damp, 244 Fire Extinguishers, 375, 523 Fireflies, 161 Fire-making, Early, 121 Firing Gears, 405 Fireworks, 150 Fish, 99, 216, 325, 333, 377, 384, 468 Fixation of Nitrogen from the Air, 458 Flash Pans, 83 Flax, 132 Flight of Projectiles, 398 Flint, 149 Flint-lock, 84 Floating Docks, 159 Floating Islands, 504 Flowers, 317 Fluid Compression, 401 Flying, Birds, 303 “Flying Dutchman,” 180 Flying Machines, 505 Focus, Eye and Camera, 162 Fog Horns, 60 Folding Machines, 175, 288 Food, Cooking, 121 Food Crops, 458, 556 Foreign Exchange, 356 Forestry, 268 Forging Press, 418 Forgings, Quenching, 532 Forks, 254 “Forlorn Hope,” 306 “Fossil Forests,” 50 Foundry Methods, 531 Freckles, 412 Free Electric Current, 278 Freezing Points, 336 French Guns, 390 Fresco Painting, 336 Front Axles, Auto, 527 Front-drive Motor Trucks, 457 Fruits, 317, 331 Fuel Economy, 244 “Fundamental Development Plans,” 222 “Funditor,” 461 “Liquid Fire,” 377 Listing Machines, 350 Lizards, 583 Llama, 99 Loading Platforms, 531 Lobsters, 384 Lock Gate Operating Machinery, 34 Locomotive Building, 543 Locomotives, 22, 24, 541 Long-bow, 80 Loose Nailing Machines, 443 Low Tension Currents, 262 Lumbering, 306 “Lump in the Throat,” 308 “Lynching,” 355 Machine Guns, 142, 391, 470 Magazines, 286 Magnets, 589 Mailing System, Magazines, 289 Manila Fiber, 132 Manure Spreaders, 572 Map, Tree-planting Regions of U.S., 269 Marsh-gas, 244 Masonic Signs, 262 “Master Clocks,” 344 Matchlock, 83 Matrix-drying Machines, 179 “Measurer of Blue,” 199 Meat, 292, 299 Mechanical Starter, Auto, 529 Megaphones, 308 Merchant Submarine Liners, 14 Mercury, 336 Mer de Glace, 322 Meters, Gas, 270 Mica, 203 Micrometric Regulators, 67 Military Air Tractors, 506 Milk, 383 Mine-planting Submarines, 11 “Mineralite” Balls, 360 Mining, Coal, 244 Mining, Gold, 448 Mining, Iron, 413 Mint, 302 Mobilization, 228 Molds, Steel, 431, 531 Molecules, 324 Monoplanes, 509 Monorail Railways, 73, 520 Moon, 181, 356 Mortars, 397 “Mother of Pearl,” 385 Motion Pictures, Assembling Films, 537 Projecting, 575 Taking, 98 Safe Deposit Vaults, 428 Safety Crew, Mines, 248 Salt, 473 Salt Fish, 330 Sand, 149, 180, 247 Sand-dunes, 180 Sandwiches, 119 Sausages, 292 Scythes, 558 Searchlight Projectiles, 158 Searchlights, 229 Self-binding Harvesters, 568 Semi-submersible Wrecking Apparatus, 16 Set Pieces, Pyrotechnic, 154 Sewing Machines, 279 Shaking Hands, 308 Sheep-growing, 252 Sheffield Plate, 256 Shells, 409 “Shibboleth,” 588 Shoes, 436 Shoes, Rubber, 115 Shoe Treeing Machines, 446 Shot-guns, 92 “Showing the White Feather,” 231 Shutters, Motion Picture Machine, 578 “Side-cars,” 56 Siege-howitzers, 388 Sight-seeing Cars, 482 Silhouettes, 163 Silica, 149 Silos, 271 Silver Plating, 253 Sinking of the “Bluecher,” 479 Siren Horns, 60 Sisal, 130 Skins, 580 Skiving Machines, 437 Sky, 180, 199 Sky-line, 121 Sky-rockets, 150 Slaughter-houses, 295 Sling-shot, 78 Smiling, 412 Smoking, Meat, 292 Snakes, “Glass,” 583 Soap, 298 Sole Laying Machines, 441 Sole Leather, 580 Sole Leveling Machines, 441 Soroban, 345 Sound, 47, 251, 333, 574 Speaking Tubes, 308 Spiders, 51, 146 Spineless Cactus, 317 Spinning, Hemp, 124 Spiral Chutes, 240 Spontaneous Combustion, 231 What was the “Court of Love”? 363 the origin of Masonic Signs? 262 What were “Ducking Stools”? 379 Hour Glasses originally used for? 63 the First Apartment Houses in this country? 336 When does a Tortoise move quickly? 171 When is Exchange at Par? 356 When was “Liquid Fire” first used in Warfare? 377 New York the Capital of this Country? 379 Where are Fireflies used for Domestic Lighting? 161 Milk-pails filled from Trees? 383 Where did the Ferris Wheel get its name? 342 Where do Dates come from? 97 Figs come from? 199 Pearls come from? 385 Where does Ermine come from? 356 Rubber come from? 98 White Blackberries, 316 “White Elephant,” 435 Who discovered Rubber? 98 the Slide Rule Principle? 348 Who invented Arms and Ammunition? 76 Who made the first American Automobile? 290 the first practical Talking Machine? 43 Why are Finger-prints used for Identification? 74 Why are they called “Newspapers”? 121 Why are Windows broken by Explosions? 231 Why do Lobsters Change Colors? 384 some of us have Freckles? 412 Why do they call it “Shibboleth”? 588 call them “Fiddler-crabs”? 229 have a Dog-watch on Shipboard? 317 say “The King can do no Wrong”? 466 Why do we always shake Hands with our Right Hand? 308 Why do we call a Man “A Benedict” when he Marries? 149 Why do we call it “Denatured Alcohol”? 478 “Hob-Nobbing”? 231 the “Adam’s Apple”? 321 the “Almighty Dollar”? 355 Why do we call them “Artesian Wells”? 96 “Cravats”? 270 “Dog-days”? 301 “Sandwiches”? 119 “X-Rays”? 169 Why do we call 32° above Zero “Freezing”? 336 Why do we Count in Tens? 345 Why do we Dream? 182 get Hungry? 588 say “a White Elephant”? 435 say “Get the Sack”? 169 say “Kick the Bucket”? 171 say “the Tune that the Old Cow Died of”? 539 Smile when we are Pleased? 412 Why does a Duck’s Back shed Water?