S. J. THOMPSON, WOULD most respectfully announce to the public, that he has one of the best sky-lights in the United States, and is prepared to execute Daguerreotypes. Likenesses of all sizes, put up in every style of the Art. No. 57 State-street, Albany, N. Y. 21y J. H. WHITEHURST'S ELECTRO DAGUERREOTYPES, Galleries, 207 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Broadway, New York, 77 Main street, Richmond, Va., Main street, Norfolk, Va., Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va., Main street, Lynchburg, Va., Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington city. Likenesses taken equally well in all weather. 2tf J. D. WELLS, DAGUERREIAN ARTIST, No. 6 Kirkland's Block, Main Street; Northampton, Mass. Likenesses taken by a sky-light connected with a beautiful side-light. Pictures put up in all styles of the Art. Plates, Cases, Lockets, Frames, and all kinds of Daguerreotype Stock for sale. 2-3 J. E. MARTIN, "EXCELSIOR ROOMS" Jefferson Avenue and Odd Fellows' Hall, Detroit. Daguerreotype Likenesses taken in every style of the Art. 21y HARRISON'S CAMERAS. The attention of those about purchasing instruments, is directed to the following recommendation from one of the oldest operators in the country, and one who has been "tried in the furnace" of experience: Waterbury, Ct., April 1, 1851. C. C. Harrison, Dear Sir,—It affords me much pleasure, after giving the instrument I purchased of you last week a fair trial, and having had eleven years experience as an operator, to be enabled to bear testimony to the superiority of your Cameras over all others, not excepting those made by "Voightlander & Sohn," for the sale of which I was sometime agent at Boston. Yours respectfully, THE DAGUERREIAN JOURNAL.