PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Contents Part I. SALADS page Introduction 3 The Dressing 6 Use Part II. SANDWICHES page Bread for Sandwiches 115 The Filling Part III. CHAFING-DISH DAINTIES page Chafing-Dishes Past and HOW TO MAKE AROMATIC VINEGARS, TO KEEP VEGETABLES AND TO VEGETABLE SALADS SERVED WITH FRENCH DRESSING. SALADS, LARGELY VEGETABLE, SERVED WITH MAYONNAISE, CREAM OR BOILED DRESSING. Cauliflower Salad. HOW TO PREPARE AND USE ASPIC JELLY. CHEESE DISHES SERVED WITH SALADS. CHEESE DISHES SERVED WITH SALADS. Cheese Custard. ( Mrs. Dimon. ) BEVERAGES SERVED WITH SANDWICHES. INTRODUCTION. Chafing=dishes Past and Present. Salads, SandwichesandChafing-Dish Dainties Table laid for Sunday-Night Tea. Table laid for Sunday-Night Tea. "Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week."—Addison. Salads, SandwichesandChafing-Dish DaintiesWith Fifty Illustrations of Original DishesBy |