The remedies are either in the form of tinctures saturated, more or less dilute, in Pellets or Powders. The Pellets may be taken dry upon the tongue, allowed to dissolve and swallowed. The dose for an adult is from 4 to 7; for an infant, from birth to one year old, 1 to 3; from one to three years, 2 to 4; from three to ten years, 3 to 5 pellets; after ten, same as an adult. 15 or 20 pellets may be dissolved in a gill of water, and a tea-spoonful dose given at a time, being particular to stir it until all are perfectly dissolved, stirring it each dose. Powders may be taken in the same manner, upon the tongue, a dose when dry, being about the same bulk as of the pellets as nearly as practicable. If put into water, to a gill of water add of the powder about what would lie on a three cent piece. If the liquid me Bathing.The surface of the body should be kept clean, as far as possible, and to this end, in summer, should be well bathed at least once a day. In winter, though useful, it is not so indispensable; still no one should neglect the bath more than a week, and all ought to bathe at least twice a week, if not oftener, even in winter. The bath should be of a temperature that is agreeable, and the room warm, especially for a feeble person. It should be so applied The teeth should be kept clean and free from tartar. They should be cleaned every morning and after each meal. The feet, legs and arms should be warmly clothed, especially the arms, as an exposure of them to cold is liable to induce affections of the lungs, and to aggravate any existing disease of those organs. By exposure of the feet and legs to cold, diseases and derangements of the female organs, even in young girls, are induced; and one prolific cause of female weakness is to be found in improper dressing of the feet and legs, while the lung affections of females, now so fearfully prevalent, are traceable in a great degree to the fashion that has prevailed for a few years, of exposing the arms to cold. Diet.The diet of the sick should he nutricious, but at all times simple, free from greasy substances, and from all stimulating condiments whatsoever, as well as from vinegar, or food in which vinegar is used. In short, let the food be nutritious, easily digested, small or moderate in quantity, and free from all "seasoning," except salt or sugar; and if salt is used at all, let the quantity be very small, much less than would be used in health. Diarrhoea.This disease consists in a looseness of the bowels, generally accompanied with pain in the abdomen, more or less severe. It sometimes occurs without pain, but is then attended with a sense of weakness, and a general feeling of uneasiness. It prevails mostly in the warm seasons, but may occur at any time. It is not usually considered a very dangerous affection, except during the prevalence of Cholera, or in children during hot weather. TREATMENT.Veratrum and Phos. acid, given alternately, at intervals, as frequently as the discharges from the bowels occur, will generally be sufficient. If there is nausea or vomiting, or cramping pains in the bowels, give Ipecac in alternation with one or both the former. If thirst and a burning of the stomach or bow Dysentery.This disease is caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon and rectum, (the large intestine) generally confined to the lower part of the bowel. It is always painful. There is griping and straining in the lower part of the abdomen, and generally great bearing down when at stool, with a peculiar distress after the evacuation, called tormina. The discharges often commence like a common diarrhoea, with copious liquid evacuations, but there is more or less griping pain, low down, from the beginning. The evacuations sooner or later become lessened, slimy or bloody, or both, the pain increasing accompanied with more or less fever, often quite severe. Sometimes the patient is costive, and has been so for several days, the dysentery coming on without being preceded by looseness. At others, especially in summer, when fevers are prevailing, the dysen TREATMENT.If it begins with looseness without blood, give Arsenicum and Veratrum alternately, once an hour, or oftener if the evacuations are more frequent. If the discharges are bloody, use Mercurius cor. in place of the Arsenicum. If there is any sickness of the stomach, or the discharges are dark or yellow, use Podophyllin with Mercurius cor. If there are colic pains in the bowels, use Colocynthis alternately with the others, giving it between them. If the patient was costive previous to the attack, and the dysentery came on without much looseness, Nux Vomica should be given alternately with Mercurius cor. If the disease comes on with a chill, or a chill occurs at any time during the attack, followed by fever, Aconite, Baptisia and Podophyllin should be used in rotation half an hour apart until a free perspiration is produced, and the pain diminishes; or if bloody stools appear, use Mer Colic.The symptoms of this are cramping pains in the abdomen, without fever or looseness of the bowels. The colic sometimes occurs after the cessation of a diarrhoea that had been induced by severe cathartics. The TREATMENT.For a male, Nux Vom., and for a female, Pulsatilla will generally afford immediate relief. In children, especially, where diarrhoea exists, Chamomilla should be used. If it is the result of severe cathartics, or if there is a soreness or a bruised feeling, Colocynth is the remedy. Hot injections into the rectum, and large quantities of warm water taken into the stomach, will often cure colic. Bilious Colic.This disease, in addition to the symptoms of cutting, cramping pains in the bowels, as in common colic, has great distress in the stomach, with nausea and vomiting, the bowels being costive, the feet and hands cold, sometimes cold sweats occur. There is also considerable fever, and frequently headache is present. The substance vomited is at first dark bilious matter, but if the case continues a long time, stercoraceous (fecal) matter will be thrown up. TREATMENT.Colocynth is the most important remedy, and should be given early and constantly. Podophyllin is next in importance, and it should be given in alternation with the former, the dose to be repeated as often as every half hour at first, and as the patient becomes easy, at longer intervals. In this, as in the former case, great benefit will be derived from large injections of quite warm water, and let it be taken into the stomach freely, as hot as can be safely swallowed. I have given a gallon of hot water in the course of two hours, to a patient suffering under this disease, the first half pint being rejected, but the balance remaining, perfect relief having been experienced. If fever continues after the colic and nausea cease, Baptisia and Aconite should be given alternately every hour until the fever subsides. If the patient is, and has been, for some time, costive, Nux Vomica should be given once in six or eight hours until the bowels move. Injections may also be used. Cholera Morbus.This disease generally comes on at night, in hot weather, and is, in many cases, induced by over eating while the patient is suffering from diarrhoea and a deranged state of the liver. It is essentially of a bilious character. It sets in with great pain in the bowels, sickness at the stomach, and vomiting of large quantities of dark greenish bitter tasting substance. At first, the vomiting will seem to afford relief, but sooner or later the stomach and bowels cramp, and the cramping may extend to other parts of the body, the feet, hands, calves of the legs, and the arms, cold sweats come on, and death terminates his sufferings. TREATMENT.Ipecac and Colocynthis are to be given in alternation, and repeated as often as every 30 minutes, for the first three or four doses, then as the patient gets easier, at longer intervals. A dose every hour will suffice as soon as the symptoms begin to abate. The application of hot cloths or even mustard, over the abdomen, frequently palliates the sufferings, and does not interfere with the action of the me FEVERS.Intermittent Fever, Ague or Chill Fever.This comes on with pains in the head and back, aching in the joints, yawning, followed by coldness of the hands and feet, blueness of the nails and skin of the hands, general chilliness, sometimes "shaking." This lasts from a few minutes in some cases, to several hours in others. The chill is followed by a fever, which is generally severe and long continued, in proportion to the length and TREATMENT.As soon as the first symptoms of the chills appear, such as the headache, pain in the back and bones, coldness of the hands, nose and ears, give Aconite and Baptisia alternately, giving the first three doses every ten minutes, the next three doses every fifteen minutes, and then once in half an hour until the patient begins to sweat freely, when the medicines should be discontinued. If there is nausea or vomiting present, let the patient have lukewarm water freely in large draughts, until he vomits it up several times. In some cases, the chill is irregular and indistinct, the patient is thirsty during the chill, and the cold stage is long in proportion to the length of the fever, the surface pale and more or less bloated. Arsenicum is the remedy, and should be given from the commencement of the chill, and every hour until the fever subsides, then every three hours during the intermission. In chronic cases, where the patient has been drugged with mercurials and cathartics, together with larger doses of Quinine, and is still suffering under the disease, Pulsatilla and Macrotin in alternation, will, in nearly every case, effect a cure. Bilious Fever.This fever may be either intermittent, remitting, or continued, and typhoid. It is distinguished from common intermittent, by TREATMENT.Podophyllin and Merc. should be given in ease of intermittents of this character, during the paroxysm, and in rotation with the other remedies for intermittents, giving a dose every three hours during the intermission. It is well also to continue these remedies night and morning, alternately, for a week or so, after the cessation of the chills and fever, or until all bilious appearances cease. A Remitting Fever is one that goes nearly off, but not so entirely as an intermittent, returning again by a paroxysm of chill more or less distinct, sometimes hardly Continued Fevers are generally of a Bilious character, except in winter, when they are more or less connected with irritation of the lungs, or with Rheumatic affections, when they are termed Catarrhal or Rheumatic Fevers. If the bilious symptoms prevail, give Aconite and Baptisia during the chills and high febrile stage, at intervals of an hour, and during the declining stage of the fever, give Podophyllin and Mercurius until a perfect intermission is produced, when the same treatment should be adopted as in intermittents. But should it take the form of Catarrhal Fever,the head being "stuffed up," pain in the head, the lungs oppressed, cough and sneezing, the eyes and nose suffused with increased secretion of tears and mucus, pain in the back or loins, almost constant chilly sensations, use in rotation Baptisia, Copaiva and Phosphorus, giving a dose every hour until the fever begins to abate and perspiration comes For the chronic cough that sometimes follows catarrhal fever, Copaiva, Macrotin and Phosphorus should be used morning, noon and night, in the order here named. Should the fever be a Rheumatic Fever,(Rheumatism,) the patient complaining of soreness of the muscles, of the chest, back and limbs, with or without lameness of the joints, Aconite, Macrotin and Nux Vom. are the remedies for a male patient, and the two former, with Pulsatilla, for a female, (or for a male, of light hair, delicate skin, feminine voice and mild temper,) to be used in rotation one hour apart. These remedies are to be taken in a severe acute case, every half hour until the symptoms begin to abate; then every hour or two hours as the case progresses. Baths properly administered, are of great importance in all forms of fever. The surface of the patient should be washed and thoroughly rubbed in water quite warm, into Rheumatism,In addition to the medicines directed under the head of Rheumatic Fever, the most decided benefit can be derived from Alcoholic Vapor Baths, which, while they do not in the least interfere with the action of the medicines, tend greatly to mitigate the pains, and produce an equal state of the circulation by stimulating the surface; abridging in many cases, the disease one-half the time it would run under the long interval treatment alone. This is to be applied by filling a tea cup with alcohol, placed in a saucer of water to insure against danger from an overflow while burning. Place both under a solid wood bottom chair, elevated about the thickness of a brick under each post, strip the patient naked, and after giving him the alkaline bath, and rubbing his surface dry, place him upon the chair, enveloping him completely, except his head, with a woollen sheet or blanket, Typhoid Fever.This is a dangerous, and with the ordinary allopathic treatment, a very fatal disease. It generally comes on insidiously, the patient feeling a dull head ache, more or less pain in his joints, back and shoulders, with loss TREATMENT.In the early stage, that which might be called premonitory, while the patient is yet able to be about his business, but is complaining of the symptoms above named, he should, as far as possible, abstain from exercise and food, and take of Baptisia and Phosphorus alternately, a dose once in three hours. These will almost invariably produce amendment in a few days, and as soon as he improves any, leave off the medicines. Should there be diarrhoea present, use Phos. acid instead of Phosphorus. If the patient is delirious or has fullness and redness of the face, the eyes red, and headache, give Bella Scarlet Fever.—Scarlatina.This fever assumes two principal forms: Simple or mild, and Malignant. In the Simple form, there is great heat of the surface, extremely quick and frequent pulse, headache, and some sense of pain and soreness in the throat. After a day or two, there appears upon the surface, bright scarlet patches, in some cases extending over the whole limbs, the skin smooth and shining, and somewhat bloated or swollen; upon pressure with the finger, a white spot is seen, which soon disappears on removal of the pressure. As the disease subsides, the cuticle comes off (desquamates) in patches. In the simple form of this disease, the throat, though often more or less sore, does not ulcerate. In some cases, notwithstanding the fever is high, the pulse frequent, and the TREATMENT.In simple scarlatina, all that is necessary is to keep the child quiet, in a room of uniform temperature, as far as practicable; let it drink cold water only, and give Aconite, Belladonna and Pulsatilla in rotation, a dose every hour until the fever subsides. If any soreness of the throat remains, give a few doses of Mercurius. If the fever subsides, and the soreness remain, Hydrastin or Eupatorium arom. will soon complete the cure. In the malignant form, with ulcerated, dark colored, or red and purulent throat, and typhoid form of fever, give Aconite and Belladonna in alternation, every hour, and, at the same time, gargle the throat freely with Hydrastin. Some of the tincture may be put in water, about in the proportion of ten drops to a teaspoonful, or a warm infusion of the crude medicine may be used. This can be applied with a camel's hair pencil, or a swab, to the parts affected, once in two hours, and will soon bring about such a state as will result in speedy recovery. After the active fever has subsided, the Aconite and Bell. may be discontinued, and Eupatorium I would remark that, with these remedies applied as here recommended, my brother, Dr. G. S. Hill, of Erie County, Ohio, has, during the last four months, treated a large number of those malignant sore-throats, (the "Black tongue Erysipelas,") and been universally successful, relieving them in a few hours, when the symptoms were of the most alarming character, and the disease in some cases, so far advanced that the patients were considered by their friends and attendants, "at the point of death." The Hydrastin is a most potent remedy in putrid ulcerations of the mucous surfaces, and much the same may be said of Eupatorium aromaticum. Yellow Fever.[As I have never practiced farther South than Cincinnati, and have seen but few cases of this disease, my experience with it has not been sufficient to be relied upon as authority. Therefore, I shall give a brief description of the disease, with the proper When this Fever prevails as an epidemic, as it usually does, in the southern part of the United States, it is a disease of the most malignant character. The proportion of fatal cases under the Allopathic course of treatment, has been equal to, and, in some places, as in New Orleans, and some Towns It usually begins with premonitory symptoms somewhat like those of ordinary fever, but with this difference: the patient, instead of losing his appetite, has often a morbidly increased desire for food. He complains of severe pains in the back, and more or less headache. Both the head and backache are of a peculiar character: the pains resembling rheumatic pains, the head feeling full and too large, the eyes early turn red, almost bloodshot and watery, a chill comes on, which may be distinct and quite severe, lasting for an hour or more, or, it may be slight, and hardly perceptible. The chill is followed by high fever, the pain in the head and back increasing, the eyes becoming more red and suffused, the forehead and face extremely red and hot, and the heat of the whole surface very great, the carotids beat violently, the pulse very frequent, and usually, at first, full and strong, though some Sooner or later, varying from a few hours to several days, in the ordinary course of the disease, the fever subsides. From this time the patient may recover without any further symptoms, but this is, by no means, the usual result. If the subsidence of the fever is accompanied by natural pulse, a free, but The disease runs its course in from three to seven days, sometimes proves fatal in less than a day, and at others, assumes a typhoid form, and runs for weeks. Occasionally it sets in without any of the premonitory symptoms, the chill being first, the fever following, succeeded immediately by the black vomit, going through all the stages in a single day, or two days. Again, it sometimes begins with the black vomit, the patient being immediately prostrated. In all cases, however it may begin, the peculiar head-ache and back-ache as described in the beginning, as well as the extreme heat of the head and face, redness of the eyes, the gnawing sensation at the stomach, and peculiar nausea are present. These seem to be characteristic symptoms that TREATMENT.The remedies that proved successful in arresting the disease during the early or forming stage, before the chill or fever had set in, while the symptoms were pain, fullness, and throbbing of the head, with more or less dizziness, rheumatic pains in the back, and redness of the eyes, were Aconite and Bell., at low attenuations, once in two to four hours, according to the violence of the symptoms. For the fullness of the head, pressing outwards, as though it would split, with pains of a rheumatic character, Macrotin 1st, given in one grain doses, every hour or two hours, proved specific. These three remedies, Aconite, Bell. and Macrotin, would, in nearly all cases, arrest the disease in the forming stage, so that no chill or fever would occur, or, if fever did come on after this treatment, it was mild. When the fever sets in, and the pain in the head and back increases, the eyes, forehead and face are extremely red, or purple When called to patients in the stage of Black Vomit, whether that came on as an early symptom, or at a later stage, Nit. acid, Veratrum virid. and Baptisia, all at the first dilution, were administered every hour, in The remedies most successful for the cases that assumed a typhoid character, with dry, cracked tongue, sordes on the teeth, and low sluggish pulse, were Baptisia and Bryonia, given every two hours, alternately. Nitric acid given internally and injected into the rectum, when bloody discharges appear, is generally quite successful. Good nursing is of the utmost importance, and the patient should be visited frequently by his Physician, as great changes may occur in a short time. Three times a day is none too often to see the patient. As soon as the fever comes on, the patient should be stripped of his clothes, and dressed in such garments as he is to wear in bed through the attack. He should be put to bed and lightly covered, but have sufficient to protect him from any sudden changes in the atmosphere, and the The diet should be very spare and light, after the fever subsides, and while the fever exists no food should be taken. Thin gruel, in teaspoonful doses, once in half an hour, is best. After a day or two, the juice of beef steak may be given in small quantities but give none of the meat. No "hearty food" should be allowed for eight or ten days after recovery. A relapse is most surely fatal. As Prophylactics (preventives) of the fever, Macrotin, Bell. and Aconite should be taken, a dose every eight to twelve hours, by every one that is exposed. These will, no doubt, often prevent an attack, and if they do not, they will so modify it, that it will be very mild, of short duration, and very easily arrested. Pregnant females, and young children were sure to die if attacked, when treated by the Allopathic medication; but, by the use of these remedies as preventives, their attacks were rendered so mild as to be amenable to remedies, and all recovered. Pleurisy—Pleuritis.This is inflammation of the Pleura of one or both lungs, generally confined to one side. It is known by sharp pain in the side of the chest, increased by taking a long breath, or coughing, or by pressing between the ribs. The cough is dry and painful, the patient makes an effort to suppress it, from the pain it gives him; the fever is of a high grade, the pulse full, hard and frequent, with more or less pain in the head. TREATMENT.Aconite is a sovereign remedy. It should be given at intervals proportionate to the severity of the disease, once in half an hour, for about three doses, then every hour until the patient is easy and perspires freely. This is the course I have generally pursued, and scarce ever failed of relieving in a few hours. Other means may often be used with advantage at the same time, and not interfere with the action of the medicine. Put the feet and hands into water as hot as it can be endured, and apply to the affected side very hot cloths, hot bags of salt, or mustard. There is no Inflammation of the Lungs—Pneumonia.This disease is often connected with Pleurisy, and consists of inflammation of the substance of the lungs. As in the former case, it may attack only one, but may exist in both sides at the same time. If the pleura is also affected, there will be all the symptoms of pleurisy, together with those peculiar to inflammation of the lungs proper. They are, pain in the lungs, oppressed breathing, cough, causing great distress on account of the soreness of the affected parts: at first, expectoration from the lungs is nearly wanting, the cough being dry, but after a time, there is a rattling sound on coughing, and more or less mucous substance is with difficulty raised. This is, at first, white or brownish, but soon becomes reddish and frothy, tinged with TREATMENT.In the early stage, Aconite and Phosphorus should be used at intervals of from half an hour to one hour, in alternation, until the fever abates, and the oppression in the chest is relieved. If, however, there is bloody expectoration, Bryonia may be used in place of Phosphorus, though I prefer to use it in rotation with the two others. These will soon, in all ordinary cases, subdue the most distressing symptoms, and effect a perfect cure in a day or two. Belladonna should be used, when there is much delirium, or great pain in the head. Occasionally, the cough from the beginning, is apparently loose; there being a rattling sound, but the expectoration After subduing the high febrile symptoms, if there remains cough, indicating much irritation, or inflammation of the lungs, Macrotin should be used in place of Aconite, with Phosphorus and Copaiva, the three in rotation, two hours between doses. Acute Bronchitis,Inflammation of the Bronchial Tubes. This is attended with distressing cough, profuse expectoration, oppressed breathing, pain in the forehead, and general catarrhal symptoms. Baptisia, Copaiva and Eupatorium arom. given every hour, in rotation, will, in general, relieve from the acute affection in a short time; but the Chronic Bronchitisrequires the use of Copaiva, Macrotin and Arum triphyllum, to be taken morning, noon, and night, in the order named; or, if the cough be severe, they should be used every three hours. These will be sufficient to effect a cure. CoughsGenerally, unless they arise from consumption, yield readily to the alternate use of Copaiva, Phosphorus and Macrotin, a dose given once in from three to six hours. If, however, there is soreness of the throat, redness and soreness of the tonsils, palate, and fauces, or soreness of the larynx, with hoarseness, Arum triphyllum and Hydrastus Can. are the surest remedies. They rarely ever fail of effecting a complete cure in a few days. They should be used three or four times a day. They may be used with the other medicines recommended for coughs. In acute Sore Throat,arising from sudden cold, Arum triphyllum and Eupatorium aromaticum are the reme Quinsy—Tonsilitis,Belladonna and Aconite should be given, while there is high fever, then substitute for them, Arum tri. and Phosphorus; or, these may be used in rotation with the former, a dose every hour or oftener. Inflammation of the Bowels.—Enteritis.This consists in inflammation of the muscular and peritoneal coats of the intestines, sometimes also involving the mucous coat. The pain in the abdomen is constant, intense and burning in its character, felt most at the navel; the abdomen is extremely tender to pressure, and often bloated or tympanetic. Thirst is intense, but cold drinks distress and vomit the patient. The pulse is small, feeble and frequent, and the bowels costive. This is a very dangerous disease. It is sometimes connected with inflammation of the stomach, then called gastro-enteritis. The tongue is then red and pointed, the nausea and vomiting are more violent and constant, the thirst burning and insatiable. TREATMENT.The same medicines are applicable to both Gastritis and Enteritis. Aconite, Arsenicum and Baptisia should be used one following the other every half hour until the symptoms begin to subside, then let the intervals be lengthened. In addition to these remedies, I allow the patient to drink often and freely of hot water, as hot as can be swallowed, and though it is at first almost instantly rejected by the stomach, by repeating it in a few minutes in moderate quantities, it gives relief and will soon so allay the irritation as to remain. In some cases the vomiting is severe, the bowels are loose, and pain burning. For such, Tart. Emet. is the proper remedy. Cold drinks should not be taken. Cloths wet in cold water, ice water if it is at hand, and wrung out so as not to drip, should be laid over the whole abdomen and instantly covered with two or three thicknesses of warm dry flannel, and the patient's feet kept warm. This may be considered harsh treatment, but there is no danger in it; on the contrary I have, in the worst and After the acute inflammation has subsided, it is well to have the bowels moved, but don't give drastic cathartics. Nux Vomica given at night and repeated morning and noon, will generally serve to cause an evacuation. Injections may be used. Croup.This is a disease of children. Comes on in consequence of a sudden cold. Children suffering from Hooping Cough are more subject to it. The cough is of a peculiar whistling kind, like the crowing of a young chicken, with rattling in the throat and difficult breathing, fever is present, and often very violent. It is properly an inflammation of the Larynx, but the inflammation may also exist in the Pharynx, the tonsils may be involved, and it may extend to the trachia, Give at first Aconite, Phosphoric Acid, and Spongia, giving them in the order here named once in ten minutes in a very violent case, and as the patient improves at intervals of half an hour, and then an hour. Should the fever subside, and still the tightness in the throat and cough continue to be troublesome, give Ipecac in place of Aconite. And when the cough seems to be deep seated use Bryonia instead of spongia. The patient should be kept in a warm room, and free from exposure to currents of cold air. The application of a cloth wrung out of cold or ice water to the throat, covered immediately with dry warm flannels so as to exclude the air from the wet cloth, will often exert a decidedly beneficial effect, and there is no danger if managed as here directed. The feet should be kept warm and the head cool, but don't put cold water on a child's head. Asthma.If an attack comes on from sudden cold, take Aconite and Ipecac every hour for a day, and if any symptoms remain, in place of the Aconite use Copaiva, Arsenicum and Phos. Acid with the Ipecac, giving them in rotation, a dose every hour. In Chronic Asthma, where the patient is liable to an attack at any time, great benefit will be derived from taking these four in rotation about two hours apart for a day or two, at any time when symptoms of an attack begin to appear. I have recently succeeded in alleviating several bad cases, at once, by these four remedies in succession as here recommended, on whom (some of them) I had at various times tried all of them, as well as other medicines, singly at longer intervals, as directed in the Books, without any decided benefit. After trying these in succession, as here directed, I found no trouble in arresting the paroxysm in a few hours, and I am strong in the faith that with some, at least, I have effected cures. It is worth much to arrest the paroxysm if no more. Hooping Cough.According to my experience, though this disease may not be entirely arrested in its course, and not generally much abridged in its duration, still the use of appropriate medicines will greatly modify it, and render it a comparatively trifling affection. In treatment, give at the commencement of the attack Bell. and Phos. acid alternately every twelve hours for a week, then once in six hours, and if the child should take cold so as to bring on fever, give one every hour. Continue these, as above directed, for the first two or three weeks, then, in their stead, after the cough becomes loose, and the patient vomits easily, give Copaiva and Ipecac in the same manner as directed, for the two former remedies. Dyspepsia.This term is applied so loosely and so indiscriminately to all chronic derangements of the stomach, that it is difficult to define it. I shall therefore point out some of the more common ailments of the stomach and their proper remedies. For sour eructations with hot, burning, scalding fluid rising up in the throat, with or without food, give Phos. acid and Pulsatilla in alternation every half hour, until the stomach is easy. For a feeling of weight and pain in the stomach, with dull pain in the head, with or without dizziness, give Nux. Vom. every hour until it relieves. If there is a burning feeling in the stomach as well as the heavy load, without eructations and rising of fluid, Arsenicum should be alternated with the Nux. Vom., at intervals of two hours. There are persons who, from imprudence in eating or drinking or both, or which is more frequent, from harsh drug medication, have so enfeebled their stomachs, that, though by care in selecting their food, and prudence in taking it, they may suffer but little, are, nevertheless, when from home or on special occasions, liable to overeat or take the wrong kind of food, from which unfortunate circumstance they are made to suffer the most tormenting and intolerable distress in the stomach and bowels, which may last, more or less severe, for several days. Soon after the unfortunate I have here described one of the bad cases, but bad as it is they are by no means very rare. There are such cases in abundance, of all grades from the one here described down to a slight derangement. They all require a similar course of treatment. It is useful for such patients to take at once large quantities of lukewarm water, and repeat the draught every ten to fifteen minutes, until free and thorough vomiting is induced, But even this does not often cure these bad cases. If it did, it is not always convenient to do it. The medicine that is quite certain to afford relief at once is Podophyllin. Let it be given, and the dose repeated in an hour. A third dose is rarely necessary. After relief from this attack, the medicine should be taken night and morning for a month or more until the stomach is restored. In the meantime care should be taken not to overload the stomach. Constipation.The medicine for this affection is Nux vom., to be taken at night on retiring. If there is fulness and pain in the head from costiveness, Bell. should be used in the morning, and at noon. Let the patient contract a habit of drinking cold water freely on rising in the morning, at least half an hour before eating. The patient should not take physic. For constipation of children, Nux and Bryonia are to be given Nux at night and Bryonia in the morning. Opium is useful. Much needless alarm is often felt by persons on account of a costive state of the bowels. If no pain is felt from it, there is no cause for alarm. "Heartburn."This peculiar burning and distressed feeling at the stomach depends on imperfect digestion, but is not ordinarily, as is generally supposed, connected with a sour or acid state of the fluids in the stomach. The condition of the fluids is alkaline, in most cases, though it is sometimes acid. If it depends upon biliary derangement, Nux Vomica and Podophyllin are the remedies for a male; Pulsatilla and Podophyllin for a female. Erysipelas.This is a disease of the skin, producing redness, burning and itching pains, appearing in patches, in adults, most apt to appear about the head and face, but in children, upon the limbs, or in very young children, beginning at the umbilicus. It sometimes begins at one point, and continues to spread for a time, then suddenly disappears, and reappears at some other point. Simple Erysipelas only affects the surface, with redness and smarting. Vessicular, produces vessicular eruption, or blisters filled with a limpid fluid, somewhat like the blisters from a burn. The Phlegmonous Erysipelas affects the whole thickness of the skin and cellular tissues beneath it, producing swelling, and not unfrequently, resulting in suppuration, ulceration or gangrene and sloughing of the parts. It is a dangerous disease, especially when on the head. TREATMENT.For the simple kind, Bell. is all that will be needed, unless there should be considerable fever, when Aconite should be alternated with the Bell. For the vessicular kind, where there are blisters, Rhus tox. should be used with Bell. For the Phlegmonous, with deep seated swellings, Apis mel is the most important remedy. I prefer to use three of these remedies, giving them in rotation, beginning with the Bell., followed with Rhus, and then by Apis mel. giving them one hour apart. In a mild case, or after the patient begins to recover, give them at longer inter A very important part of the treatment of this affection is to keep the patient in a room that is comfortably warm, say at a temperature of from 65 to 75°, and keep the temperature uniformly the same, as nearly as possible, night and day. Do not, by any means, expose him suddenly to cold air, or a cold breeze, as on going into a cold room, going out into cold air, or undressing or dressing in a cold room. Uniformly warm temperature is of great importance. Burns and Scalds.No matter what the nature and extent of the burn may be, the very best of all medicines of which I have any knowledge, is Soap. If the parts affected, are immediately immersed or enveloped in Soft Soap, the pain will be greatly lessened, and the inflam When it is necessary to remove them, let the affected surface be immersed in strong soap suds, at a temperature of about 75 or 80°, and the dressing removed while it is under water, and others applied while in the same situation. In ordinary cases, however, even of extensive burns, after the fever consequent upon it has subsided, and the part is tolerably free from pain and smarting, the dressings may be removed in the air, but others should be in readiness and applied as speedily as possible. The soap dressings are to be continued from the beginning until the inflammation has subsided and the sore has lost all symptoms that distinguish it from an ordinary healthy suppurating sore. After the first few days, or in case of a slight burn at the beginning, an excellent mode of applying the soap, is to make a strong thick "Lather" with soft water and good soap, such as Castile, or any other good hard soap, as a barber would for shaving, and apply that to the affected part with a soft shaving brush; apply it as carefully as possible, so as to cover every part of the surface, and go over it several times, letting the former coat dry a little before applying another, forming a thick crust impervious to the air. In small burns, and even in pretty extensive and severe ones, this is the best mode of application, and the only one necessary. In many cases of very severe and dangerous burns, under the influence of this application, the inflammation subsides, and after a week or more, the crust of lather comes off, exposing the surface smooth and well. Although it is important to apply the soap early, and the case does much better if that has been done, still I have found it the best remedy even as late as the second or third day. In such a case, the lather application is the best. For the fever and general nervous disturbance, Aconite and Bell. should be given alternately, as often as every half hour, and the Aconite should be given in appreciable doses; it acts powerfully as an anodyne. The soap treatment, or at least, the mode of applying it was first suggested to me by Dr. J. Tifft, of Norwalk, Ohio, some six or seven years ago, since which time I have had opportunities of testing its virtues in all forms of burns and scalds, some of which were of the severest and most dangerous character, and I am quite sure in several cases, no other remedy or process known to the medical profession, could have relieved and restored as this did. The application of finely pulverized common salt, triturated with an equal part of superfine flour, acts very beneficially on burns. It seems to have the specific effect to "extract the heat," literally putting out the fire. It is particularly useful for deep burns where the surface is abraded. Some may suppose this would be severe and cause too much pain when applied to a raw surface, but so far from that being the case, Chilblains,That follow freezing or chilling the feet, causing most distressing uneasiness and itching of the feet and toes, take these remedies, Rhus and Apis, the former at night and the latter in the morning. In bad cases, they should be used once in six hours. Applications of Oil of Arnica to the affected parts at night, warming them before a fire, will serve greatly to palliate the sufferings, and frequently effect a perfect cure. The Urtica Dioica will relieve recent cases, immediately, and is one of the best remedies for the chronic affection. It should be taken at the 2d dilution, and the tincture applied to the affected part every night. Hoarseness.This arises generally, from inflammation of the mucous membrane of the Larynx, in ordinary cases but slight. It is a frequent accompaniment of Bronchitis. The remedies most useful, and those which will, in almost all ordinary cases, remove this affection at once, are Arum tri. and Copaiva, to be taken a dose every three hours in alternation. If there is present a dry hacking cough, it will be well to take Bell. in the interval between the other medicines, for a day, or until the cough is relieved, or changed to a moist condition. Inflammation of the Brain.Brain Fever. Though this affection is not strictly what is called "brain fever," it is attended with more or less general fever, while in what is called "Brain fever," there is great irritation of the brain, requiring in many respects similar treatment. As the treatment proper for inflammation of the brain, with some slight modifications in relation to the exist Some of the principal symptoms are delirium and drowsiness, fullness of the blood vessels of the head, beating of the temporal arteries, redness and fullness of the face, the pupils dilated, (though in the very early stage they may be contracted.) If the membranes of the brain be the seat of the disease, the pain is more intense, and frequently the limbs are in a palsied state. The patient sometimes vomits immoderately, and the pulse is slow and irregular, but full. The breathing becomes stertorous. The fever is very considerable, and the head hot. TREATMENT.Aconite, Belladonna and Bryonia should be given in rotation, one dose every hour in a violent case, lengthening the intervals as the symptoms abate. Applying hot cloths to the head, removing them occasionally to let the water evaporate, will greatly palliate and will not in the least, interrupt the action of the medicines. Never apply cold to the head of any person, when hot or inflamed, Convulsions of Children—Fits.These generally occur, either from the irritation of worms, or as precursors of ague, or they may arise from diarrhoeal irritation, affecting the brain. They sometimes occur in hooping cough. If convulsions occur from worms, the child appearing to be choked, give at once some salt and water, and as soon as the first paroxysm is over, give a dose of Bell., and after an hour a dose of Santonine. If they come on at the commencement of an ague chill, give Aconite and Bell. every half hour for three or four doses alternately, then leave off the Bell. and give Baptisia. If diarrhoea is the cause, give Bell. and Cham Measles.This is a contagious disease, and always begins with symptoms like a cold, with high fever, and a severe dry cough, thirst and restlessness. Pulsatilla is the proper medicine to palliate and regulate the symptoms. If the fever is high, Aconite should be used every two hours alternately with Puls. Should the eruption subside suddenly, give Bryonia with Pulsatilla until it reappears. Let the child drink freely of cold water, and avoid stimulants of every kind. If the eruption is tardy in its appearance, a hot bath may be administered, being careful to have the room quite warm, and to rub the patient dry, very suddenly after the bath. Frictions by the healthy hand over the surface, will do much towards bringing out measles. After the eruption is out, quiet, freedom from sudden exposure to cold, cold water and light diet is all that is necessary. In some of the most obstinate cases, where Mumps.This is a contagious disease, consisting in an inflammation of the Parotid gland. There is, at first, a sense of stiffness and soreness on moving the jaw, soon after the gland begins to swell, and continues to be sore and painful, with more or less headache, and general fever for from six to eight days. It is not ordinarily a dangerous disease, unless translated to some other part. It may remove from the original seat to the brain, the testicles, or in females to the breasts. TREATMENT.Mercurius should be given three times a day during the attack. If the brain becomes affected, use Bell. and Apis mel. in Stings of Insects.The effect produced by the sting of Bees, Wasps, and Hornets of all kinds, is so nearly, if not quite identical, that I shall make no distinction between them. There are very few, if any persons, who do not know the symptoms, at least the local effects of the Bee sting. Pungent, stinging, aching pain, redness and swelling of the part. The wound has at first, and for some time, a white spot or point where the sting entered, surrounded by an areola of bright scarlet, growing fainter and paler as it recedes. The swelling is not pointed, but a rounded elevation, with a feeling of hardness. If upon the face, it not unfrequently causes the whole face to swell so as to nearly if not entirely close the eyes. In some instances, the brain becomes affected and death ensues. TREATMENT.I have for many years, used but one remedy, and that has in all cases, and under all circumstances, when applied at any stage of the affection, produced prompt and perfect relief; therefore I shall recommend no other. It is the common garden Onion, (Allium cepa) applied to the spot where the sting entered. I cut the fresh Onion and apply the raw surface to the spot, changing it for a fresh piece every ten to fifteen minutes, until the pain and swelling, and all disagreeable symptoms disappear. If it is applied immediately after the stinging, the first application will afford perfect relief in a few minutes, and no further effect from it will be experienced. Applied later, it must be continued longer, and this may be done one or two days after the stinging, with just as much certainty of removing whatever symptoms may still exist. I treated one case when three days had elapsed, the patient (a young lady) was delirious and speechless, the whole face was so swollen as to entirely disfigure her features, raising the cheeks to a level with the Ledum is highly recommended by some Physicians, and is doubtless of some value, but it is not to be compared with the Allium. The most potent and certain remedy for the poison caused by the Bite of the Rattlesnakeis Alcohol, in the ordinary form, or in common Whisky, Brandy, Rum or Gin. Let the patient drink it freely, a gill or more at a time, once in fifteen to twenty minutes, until some symptoms of intoxication are experienced, then cease using it. The cure will be complete as soon as enough has been taken to produce even slight symptoms of intoxication. It is remarkable how much An intelligent medical friend of mine in Kanawha County, Virginia, gave a little girl of ten years, who had been bitten by a Rattlesnake, over three quarts of good strong Whisky, in less than a day, when but slight symptoms of intoxication were produced, and that seemed to arise entirely from the last drink. She recovered from the intoxication in a few hours, and suffered no more from the poison of the serpent. Instances of cures with whisky are numerous, and I have never heard of a failure, when it was used as here directed. I presume it will do the same for the poison of other serpents. Headache.This symptom or affection, (if it can be classed as a disease) may depend upon so many causes, and be so very different in its effects, degrees of intensity, and the kind of pain or sensation attending it, that one will find it very difficult to mark out any definite treatment. I shall, therefore, only point What is called "sick headache," or "nervous headache," begins by a sense of blindness or blur, before the eyes, of green or purple colors, dazzling or swimming in the head, without, for some time at first, any positive aching or pain. In the course of an hour, a longer or shorter time, the dimness of vision goes off, and the head begins to ache. This may or may not be accompanied with nausea and vomiting. Some persons are always more or less sick at the stomach, when these "nervous headaches" come on, others are not thus affected. TREATMENT.If taken as soon as the first blur before the eyes is noticed, or before any pain is felt in the head, Nux Vomica will, in nearly all cases, arrest the disease at once. It may be necessary to take two or three doses at intervals of an hour. Later in the case, though Nux may palliate, it will not cure. If headache with sickness comes on, Macrotin and Podoph. should be given in alterna If the feet are cold, as is often the case, putting them into hot water will palliate the symptoms, and not interfere with the medicines. If the head feels hot, apply hot water to it. Never apply cold to the head, when there are any symptoms of congestion, as of fullness of the blood vessels. For Common Headache,If the face is red, and the arteries of the neck and temples throb violently, give Bell. If there is paleness and faintness, Pulsatilla is the remedy, especially if the forehead is principally affected. If the pain is mostly in the back of the head, Nux is to be used; if in the front, and is sharp, affecting the eyes, Aconite; if at the angles of the forehead, with a sense of pinching, Arnica; if a sense of fullness and pressing outwards, or with an enlarged feeling, Macrotin; if intermitting or remitting, Mercurius; if there is ringing For that kind of headache that often occurs during the prevalence of fevers, and is not unfrequently a premonitory symptom of an attack of fever, I have found Baptisia and Podophyllin to be specifics. I give them alternately, every two hours a dose, until the headache ceases. It often subsides in a few minutes after the first dose of either, though I have sometimes failed with one alone and succeeded in the same cases afterwards with both in alternation. I have no doubt but that they act in many cases, as Prophylactics, entirely warding off and preventing fevers, or at least arresting them at the premonitory stage. Podophyllin is a most valuable remedy for headache. Nose Bleed—Epistaxis.If it arises from fullness of the vessels of the head, with throbbing of the temples, redness of the face and eyes, Belladonna is the remedy. If fever is present, Aconite must be alternated with Bell. In females or children who have habitual If it is produced by over-exertion, Rhus is the proper remedy. If it occurs in the early stage of fever, Aconite and Bell.; in the latter stage, Rhus and Phos. are to be used. Hamamelis will frequently arrest nose-bleed immediately after one or two doses. Worms.It is difficult to determine the presence of worms in children, much more in adults, yet both are affected by them occasionally. In children, there is more or less fever and restlessness, screaming out in sleep, starting, pain in the bowels, vomiting, choking, diarrhoea, picking at the nose, fetid breath, voracious and variable appetite. TREATMENT.Santonine is a remedy which I have used for years, and I have treated many hundreds of cases, with such unvariable success, that I feel disinclined to use or to recommend I have often prescribed this remedy for children suffering under intermittent or remitting, and even typhoid fever, in the summer season, when there were not present any well defined symptoms of worms, and yet the fever would soon abate, and in due time worms appear in the fecal evacuations. It often arrests entirely intermittent fever, when worms are present, and are the probable cause of the fever. I give either the crude salt in from one-fourth to one-half grain doses, or a trituration of one grain to four of sugar, giving in the latter case, from one to two grains of the tritu This is the medicine par excellence for worms. It may be repeated once a week, when there is a tendency in the patient to the development of worm symptoms, or, in other words, the breeding of worms. The idea held out by some that it is hurtful, or unimportant to remove the worms, in itself considered, is simply nonsense, and worse, for children are sometimes sacrificed to this idea. Earache—Otalgia.This may arise from various causes, but a common one is sudden cold. If it arises from cold, and there is general fever, or if the ear is red, or the side of the head and ear hot, Bell. and Baptisia should be given in alternation, every hour, or in a violent case, more frequently. These remedies will soon relieve such cases. Cloths wrung out of hot water should be laid over the ear, or the side of the head steamed, or it may be laid into water quite warm, with good effect. Where the disease is a chronic affection, and the patient is subject to frequent attacks of pain in the ear, especially on a change of the weather, from dry to moist, Mercurius is the proper remedy, especially if it is worse at night, when warm in bed. If it arises from a shock or blow, Arn. is to be used. In scrofulous persons, whether there is ulceration or not, Phosphorus and Pulsatilla are the remedies. Children and even adults, not unfrequently suffer from earache, without any known cause sufficient to account for it. On examination into the ear you will often find either the cavity filled or nearly so, with a hard black substance, (the inspissated "earwax") almost as hard as horn, or else the ear will be quite empty, and the sides of the cavity dry and red, though perhaps not properly in a state of inflammation. The natural condition of the cavity as it can be seen by straining the ear outwards and backwards a little in a strong sun light, is moist, the surface covered slightly with a yellowish, greasy, soft substance (the cerumen) "earwax." When this is wanting or TREATMENTfor this condition is to remove the accumulation when that exists, as the first step. But this must be first softened by pouring some warm oil, pure olive oil, or good pure sperm oil, into the ear, and repeat it two or three times a day for several days, until it is so far softened as to be easily removed with the probe end of common small tweezers, having a spoon-bowl point. When there is dryness, moisten the surface with oil. In either case, it is best, for a while, to protect the delicate surface from the air, by putting oiled wool into the external ear. If the ear was filled, give Mercurius once a day until there appears a natural secretion. If dry, use Belladonna. Toothache.It is difficult to determine the cause of toothache, and more difficult to select the remedy. It often depends upon decay of Pulsatilla will as often relieve such cases as any other remedy, yet if it has been aggravated by a recent cold, Bell. and Nux V. may be better. If the nerve is not exposed, and there is a disposition to a return of the pain on exposure to cold air, or a change of weather, the pain being of a rheumatic character, give Rhus and Macrotin in alternation. These will relieve many cases. For decayed teeth, the pain being dull aching, with soreness, use Chamomilla. The body of the tooth, that is the dentine, sometimes becomes very sensitive when there is no decay or cavity, the pain being experienced when some hard substance hits, or the air or water, either cold or hot, comes in contact with the tooth. The temporary pain will generally yield to Arnica, and in most instances, the daily use of Arnica at the first decimal dilution, applied to the surface, and upon the jaws, will effect a cure. The chloride of Zinc applied to the surface of such teeth for a few moments will Teeth that are ulcerated at the roots, or have ulcerated gums around them, the teeth being decayed, should be extracted at once, for, besides the pain and inconvenience they cause, they are a very prolific source of disturbance to the digestive organs, from the positive poison generated by the decaying process. If people will use soft brushes upon the teeth with soap and water, followed by rinsing with simple water only, after each meal, brushing both inside and out and crossways, so as to clean between them, they will be saved much pain and decay, and disease of other parts, arising from foul and diseased teeth. Teething of Children.Affections arising from teething of children, are often of a serious character. The most prominent of which is Diarrhoea. Fever frequently accompanies the diarrhoea, and convulsions occasionally occur. Aconite and Chamomilla should be used in alternation, every one or two hours, according to If the diarrhoea is profuse, watery and light colored or brown, give Phos. acid and Veratrum alternately, as often as the discharges occur. For the restlessness of infants at night, Coffea is the specific. ApthÆ—Thrush.This is a disease peculiar to nursing children. The mouth becomes sore, and the tongue, lips, and fauces are covered with a white crust, looking like milk curds, which, when removed, leaves the surface red, inflamed and very tender. It sooner or later, extends to the stomach and bowels, producing severe and dangerous diarrhoea. TREATMENT.Of all the medicines known to our Materia Medica, none, according to my experience, will in the least, compare with the Eupatorium aromaticum. It is almost, if not quite certain to relieve speedily in all cases. I say this, not only from my own experience and observation, but from the testimony of several other Homoeopathic Physicians, who have, within the last year, used it. It should be given at the first or second dilution, once in four or six hours, and three or four drops of the tincture put into a teaspoonful of water, and the mouth occasionally washed with the mixture. In summer, where agues prevail, and the child is feverish and restless, China will aid in the cure, to be given once in six hours between the doses of the Eupatorium. If the diarrhoea is obstinate, the discharges colored, and the child is sick at the stomach, give Podophyllin with the other remedies. Inflammation of the Eyes—Ophthalmia.For common Ophthalmia, in the early stages, while there is more or less fever and headache, with flushed face, bloodshot eyes and throbbing of the temporal arteries, Bell. and Aconite should be used alternately every two hours, and a wash made with ten drops of tincture of Aconite to one gill of pure water, applied to the eyes as hot as the patient can bear. This application should be repeated every two hours, in a violent case, until the eyes are easy, and then about twice a day until all inflammation and red If, however, the case continues obstinate for a longer time, or has been of a week or more standing before the treatment is commenced, in the place of Bell., or after using it one or two days, use Hydrastus with the Aconite, giving them alternately at intervals of two to six hours, according to the stage of the case—more frequently as the symptoms are more urgent, using washes prepared of each separately, as directed for Aconite, except that the Hydrastus wash may be twice as strong; and apply each about half as often as the same medicine is taken internally. The wash should, in all cases of acute inflammation of the eyes, be as hot as it can be borne. Let it be put into the eyes so as to come directly in contact with the inflamed surface. Simple hot water applied to inflamed eyes for hours together, allowing short intervals between the applications, will often cure most painful cases. Never apply cold to inflamed eyes. It always aggravates. When the inflammation Wounds and Bruises.On this subject, I must necessarily be very brief. When a wound is inflicted, the first and most important thing to be done is to arrest the flow of blood. Every one should know how to do this. The bleeding is to be stopped, and the wounded vessels to be secured, so that no further flow can take place. First, then, to stop the bleeding, pressure is to be made upon the artery leading to the wound. If the wound is in the leg or foot, pressure is to be made, either on the vessel above and near the wound, or, where that cannot be easily found and compressed, make firm pressure with the thumb or some hard substance, in the groin, about two and a half inches at one side of the center of the pelvis, (wounded side) just below the lower Slight Cuts about the joints, especially the knee, are dangerous, from their liability to affect the ligaments, inflame, and produce Lockjaw. Therefore, such wounds, ever so slight, are of great importance. They should be at once closed up, whether they bleed or not, and covered with an adhesive plaster, (Arnica plaster is the best) a bandage, and the knee should not be bent, even when walking or sitting, until the wound is healed. It is best to apply a splint from the hip to the heel, and bandage the limb to it, so as to prevent bending of the joint. Bruises are to be treated with Arnica, applied to the part affected, by putting twenty drops of the tincture into a gill of water, if the skin is not ruptured, or three drops into the same if it is, and bathing freely. The Arnica is to be taken internally at a higher dilution. Keep the parts covered with cloths and wet in Arnica water. If a blow is received upon the head, by a fall, or in any other way, producing a "stunning" effect, (concussion of the brain) so that the patient appears lifeless for a time, and delirious when he begins to come to, there is great danger of inflammation of the brain, and death from the re-action, or in some cases, the shock is so great that the patient will never revive unless he has the proper aid. Arnica is the great remedy to bring on reaction, arouse the patient, and prevent dangerous inflammation or congestion of the brain. When a patient is "stunned" by a blow or fall, he should be conveyed soon as possible, to some quiet place, and as little noise as practicable made about him, and the room kept darkened. Arnica 3d should be given immediately, and the nostrils wet with strongly arnicated water. If fever arise after he comes to, Aconite should be given with Arnica, and if the head aches, or becomes hot, Bell. is to be used. This will prevent or arrest all symptoms of inflammation. Torn and Mangled wounds should not be handled much. If they bleed, the blood must be stopped as in any other case. If they are dirty, warm water may be gently applied to cleanse them. The wound should be covered with some soft cloths, and kept constantly wet in Arnicated water of the strength of four drops of the tincture to a pint of water. Piles—Hemorrhoids.One important matter in all cases of habitual piles, is, to keep the bowels regular. Much can be done for this purpose by diet and regimen. On rising from bed in the morning drink freely, from a gill to half a pint of cold water, at least half an hour before breakfast; use such diet as is easily digested, and drink no alcoholic beverages. To relieve the bowels when costive, take a dose of Nux Vomica at night, and Podophyllin in the morning. This may be repeated from day to day until the proper effect is produced. To relieve from a severe attack of Piles, use Bell. and Podophyllin in alternation A poultice made of fine-cut Tobacco wet in hot water and crowded firmly up against the pile-tumors, secured by a T bandage, will relieve the most desperate cases for the time, and is attended with no danger or disagreeable symptoms except in rare cases, when it produces sickness at the stomach, which soon subsides on the poultice being removed. Oil of Arnica is an excellent application for inflamed Piles. A most important point in the management of Piles, and one often neglected, is to replace the prolapsed tumors. The tumors will be protruded from within the anus by the act of evacuating, and if left in that condition, will be pressed upon by the external parts, chafed and inflamed. In all such cases, the patient should take particular pains to return the tumors into the rectum; and to aid in that process a little oil may be applied when they will be easily pushed back, and the sphincter of the bowel will close below For Bleeding Piles, Ipecac and Bell. are very efficient remedies. They may be alternated every half hour, or oftener if the bleeding is severe, or at longer intervals when it is only slight. Hamamelis V., (Witch Hazel,) will in nearly all cases arrest the bleeding at once. It should be applied to the parts and taken internally at the same time. Drop doses to be put on the tongue once in fifteen or twenty minutes. An infusion of the Hamamelis may be taken internally in doses of half a teaspoonful, and the same injected into the bowel with excellent effect. The most effectual way, and the best for obtaining permanent relief from Piles when the tumors have become hard, and remain all the time so as to pass out of the anus at every evacuation, being constantly more or less tender and painful, and often becoming inflamed, is to have them taken off. But never let that be done with a knife. The bleeding would, in such a case, be very But however dangerous may be the knife operation, there is no danger at all to be apprehended from removing the tumors by a ligature. To accomplish this, take a soft cork about three-fourths of an inch in diameter, and one inch long—make a hole through the center from end to end, about one-eighth of an inch in diameter—cut crucial grooves in the top of the cork about an eighth of an inch deep, bevel down the lower end nearly to an edge, make a cord of saddler's silk, three fold twisted together and waxed, about eight or ten inches long, double this in the middle and pass the loop down through the cork out at the sharp end, the two loose ends of the string being out at the grooved end. Make a strong hickory stick about three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter, and just long enough to pass across the square end of the cork. Now have the If there are several tumors protruding, apply ligatures to two of the largest, when these are removed, the others will disappear. Injections of mucillage of slippery elm should be carefully used to move the bowels daily, or at least once in two days. Let the diet be of corn or oat meal mush, or rice. As the tumor gradually sloughs off, the surface heals, so that, though the base where the ligature was applied, may have been an inch or more across it, there will not be a raw surface of over an eighth of an inch in diam Sea-Sickness.Nux Vomica should be used once in about four hours, for twelve hours before sailing, as a preventive to sea-sickness. If, however, symptoms, such as dizziness or blur before the eyes, and headache, begin to come on, a dose of Nux should be taken, followed in an hour with Pulsatilla. If the nausea comes on, Ipecac and Arsenicum should be taken alternately between the paroxysms of vomiting, should that symptom appear. If practicable, the patient should lay still upon the back until the sickness passes off. I have removed sea-sickness immediately in several instances with Pulsatilla alone, and the last time I had an opportunity to prescribe for this affection I gave Podophyllin. It removed all the symptoms in a few Asiatic Cholera.I was practicing in Cincinnati during the prevalence of Cholera in the years 1849, and 1850, and in Northern Ohio in 1854, and had abundant opportunity to observe and treat it. The disease generally begins with a diarrhoea, which may continue for several days, or only a few hours before other symptoms set in, such as vomiting, then cramping in the stomach and muscles of the legs, arms, hands and feet, followed by cold sweats, great prostration, restlessness, excessive and burning thirst, drinks being immediately rejected. These symptoms continue, the patient sinking rapidly into collapse, when the skin looks blue and shriveled, the eyes sunken, the surface covered with a cold, clammy sweat, the extremities, nose, ears, tongue and breath cold, the voice hollow and unnatural. This condition continues from two to eight or ten hours, the patient regularly failing, sometimes becoming delirious before he dies. In some cases the vomiting and diarrhoea set in simultaneously, and the other symptoms follow, as above described, in rapid succession. In others the cramping may be the first symptom, the others following it. In a large proportion of cases, the disease takes the course first described above, the diarrhoea, called the premonitory symptoms, or sometimes cholerine, coming on several hours, if not a day or more, before any other symptoms. The diarrhoea is not usually painful, hence the patient may not be alarmed so as to attend to it until the more dangerous symptoms appear. It begins in some cases with pain and some griping, the discharges rather consistent, having a bilious appearance, so that the patient supposes it to be an ordinary bilious diarrhoea, which is not dangerous, his fears being thus quieted. But however the diarrhoea begins, it becomes sooner or later, copious, watery, and light colored, (rice water) painless but rapidly prostrating. TREATMENT.In the early stages of the diarrhoea, Veratrum, taken about twice as often as the evac A teaspoonful of the Camphor tincture may be put into a tumbler of cold water, ice water if at hand, and the water agitated until it becomes clear, giving a teaspoonful of this camphorated cold water as a dose, stirring the water each time. I think this is better than to give the pure tincture. After the patient becomes quiet and easy, Veratrum should be given in alternation with Camphor, a dose in four to six hours for several days, or oftener if he feels any symptoms like a threatened return of the disease. These two medicines serve as prophylactics (preventives) of Cholera. If, however, the disease continues in spite of the Camphor and Veratrum, in the first instance, or later, (as the Camphor may be given in many cases with success in the advance stage,) you must resort to other remedies. If vomiting comes on with burning in the stomach give Ipecac and Arsenicum in alternation as often as the vomiting occurs, and if the diarrhoea continues give Veratrum between the doses of the other two, in a violent case, as often as every ten to fifteen minutes, and at longer intervals when the disease is slow in its progress. If the vomiting and diarrhoea, or either, occur with a kind of explosion, the vomiting ceasing suddenly for the time, after the first gush, or the discharges from the bowels are involuntary, Secale is the specific remedy. For the cramping, Cuprum and Veratrum are the remedies to be given alternately. If, however, the cramping comes on as the first symptom, which is sometimes the case, the patient being suddenly seized with it before any other alarming symptoms occur, Camphor is the great remedy, and in this case If he sinks into the collapse and lies quiet, indifferent to everything, the pulse sinking, or he is pulseless, Carbo Veg. will sometimes arouse and restore him, hopeless as the case appears. It should be given once in half an hour until the pulse begins to rise. If, however, instead of being quiet he is restless and thirsty, give Arsenicum in alternation with Carbo Veg., repeating the dose as above directed. In some cases, after all the active symptoms cease, the patient will become quiet and drop to sleep, and instead of the pulse rising, as it will if he is recovering, it sinks, or does not appear if he has been pulseless, and the breathing becomes irregular and feeble—he is sinking. If aroused, he sinks back into the stupor in a few moments as before. Laurocerasus is a specific for this condition. It should be given once an hour until he is aroused. If, however, besides the stupor, the head is hot, the face red, the breathing oppressed, the pulse slow and sluggish, Opium is to be For the irritation of the brain, and furious delirium that sometimes sets in after the cessation of cholera symptoms, Secale and Belladonna in alternation will prove specific. Let the patient have warm or cold drink as he prefers, and let his covering be light or plentiful as is most agreeable. As soon as he gets easy, and the vomiting and purging cease, and his pulse begins to return, keep him quiet as possible, let the room be darkened and everything still, so that he may go to sleep, which he is inclined to do, this being the surest restorer. I am quite sure I have known several patients carried off by a return of the disease, after it had been effectually arrested, in consequence of sleep being prevented by the rejoicing officiousness and congratulations of friends, disturbing and preventing that early and quiet slumber which nature so much needs, and must have, or hopelessly sink. The diet for two or three days after recovery, should be a little oat meal gruel or rice. Small Pox—Variola.This disease begins with pain in the head and back, chilly sensations, followed by a high fever, so similar in all respects to a severe attack of Bilious or "winter" fever, that it is difficult or impossible to distinguish it with certainty, as Small Pox. The fact of the prevalence of the disease at the time, and the exposure of the patient, may lead the Physician and friends to suspect Small Pox. There is one very striking symptom of Small Pox, however, that exists from the beginning, which, though it may be present in fever simply, is not uniformly so. This is a severe and constant aching pain in the small of the back. The headache is also constant. The Small Pox is of two varieties or degrees, distinct and confluent. The distinct is when the pustules are separated from each other, each one a distinct elevation, with more or less space between them not affected by the eruption. The confluent is where the pustules spread out from their sides and run together, covering the whole surface as one sore. It may be distinct on some parts, as on the body, and confluent on others, as the arms, face, and parts most exposed to the air. In the Distinct variety the fever continues without abatement until the eruption appears, when it entirely subsides, and that quite suddenly. The eruption comes out about the third day of the attack, sometimes not discoverable until the end of the third or beginning of the fourth day. The eruption is at first very slight, beginning with small red pimples on the forehead, upper part of the cheeks, neck and upper part of the breast, extending by degrees to the arms, and other parts of the body and limbs. About the end of the fourth or forepart of the fifth day, the eruption is complete. There is a symptom, not mentioned in the books, which will often determine the disease before the occurrence of any eruption. It is the appearance of hard shot-like pimples, to be felt under the skin in the palms of the hands, while there is, as yet, no trace of eruption to be seen upon the surface. On the eighth or ninth day, the eruptions become vessicular, have flattened tops, and In the Confluent variety, all the symptoms are more violent, the fever continuing after the eruption begins. The pustules burst early, and run into each other, covering nearly or quite the whole skin; the surface swells and turns black or dark brown, the lungs are more or less irritated, producing cough, and not unfrequently the stomach is nauseated, and vomiting ensues. If the patient survives the irritation up to the fifteenth or sixteenth day, when the secondary fever sets in, he is liable to be taken TREATMENT.As it is not often known for a certainty, in the early febrile stage, that it is the small pox, the treatment will be first adopted that would be proper for a like fever arising from other causes. But in all my observations in this disease, and they extend to several hundred cases, I have not found in a single instance, any of the ordinary fever remedies, such as Aconite and Bell., which would be applicable for such symptoms in an ordinary case, to do any good in small pox. They are directed, however, for these symptoms by the authorities, in the febrile stage of the small pox; but I am quite sure they are not the proper remedies. From the great similarity, the almost absolute identity of small pox headache and backache, with the same symptoms developed by the Macrotys racem. as well as the nausea and restlessness produced by the drug, I was led Having then, been entirely successful in so many cases, with this medicine, I am not inclined at this time to give any other the preference. I must admit, however, that though my patients all recovered, I was not able to greatly abridge the duration of the disease, nor to prevent the development of all the stages in their proper order, as is claimed by M. Teste, for his use of Mercurius cor. and Causticum. I was satisfied with so far modifying the symptoms, as to enable my patients to live through, and come out well in the end. I would then direct, if small pox is suspected, the patient having been exposed to contract it, or from the peculiarity of the symptoms, The best diet is corn or oat meal mush and molasses, to be taken in small quantities. The room should, at all times, be well ventillated, but in cold or cool weather, sufficient fire must be kept up, to keep the room warm and dry. A temperature of about 65° is the best. Hardly any thing can be worse for a small pox patient than to be in a cold or damp room, and to breathe cold air. Uniform temperature is important. If the eruption is tardy about appearing, or after it is out, a recession takes place, the Alcoholic Vapor bath will soon bring it out. (See Rheumatism p. Occasionally the feet and limbs below the knees, will swell prodigiously, and become extremely painful, causing the principal suffering. For this, wrap the feet and legs in cloths wet in a strong solution of Epsom salts, quite warm, and cover with flannels so as to keep them warm. This will afford immediate relief, and reduce the swelling in a day or two. The finely pulverized Epsom salts, dry, sprinkled on the pustules, will very often prevent pitting. It is the safest and surest remedy of which I have any knowledge. Varioloidis small pox modified by vaccination. It is to be treated as a mild case of small pox. The Macrotin has been used with apparent success as a prophylactic (preventive) to small pox, taken three times daily. Painful Urination, Incontinence of Urine,Involuntary Urination. Where the discharge of urine produces smarting and burning of the urethra, Cantharis is the remedy. Where there seems to be an over secretion of acrid urine, producing inflammation of the neck of the bladder, known by pain in the glans penis, Copaiva, and Apis mel. are the remedies. If there appears to be a partial palsy of the neck of the bladder, the discharge taking place in sleep, Podophyllin is the surest remedy. I have cured some bad cases by the use of these three remedies, given in rotation three or four hours apart. Injections of a solution of borax into the bladder, have, in several cases, been sufficient to effect a perfect cure, without any other remedy. This may be used in con Neuralgia.Aconite and Bell. are two important remedies in this affection. If given low, and applied directly along the course of the affected nerves, at full strength of the tincture, If the Neuralgia is periodical, coming on at regular intervals, Arsenicum and China are the remedies, and they should be used externally as directed for the others, both at the first dilution, and given internally at intervals, in proportion to the violence of the symptoms, the Arsen. at the 3d and the China at the first dilution. If the patient has used alcoholic drinks to excess, Nux is to be used in place of Arsenicum. Periodical Neuralgia generally requires the same treatment as ague. In females when there is uterine disease, Pulsatilla and Macrotin are the remedies to be used, as directed above. Jaundice.This disease depends upon derangement of the liver. The skin and whites of the eyes become yellow; the patient grows weak, loses his appetite, is dull and sluggish in all his actions, melancholly and discouraged in his moods. TREATMENT.Mercurius and Podophyllin given in alternation, each twice a day, will nearly always effect a cure. If the patient is costive, Nux should be taken at night, until his bowels become regular. Bathing the surface daily, or oftener, is a very important measure in the treatment of this affection. As often as once in two or three days, an alkaline bath should be taken. If the patient has fever every day, or once in two days, ever so slight, China should be used with Podophyllin. If he has been drugged with Mercury in any form, in large doses, even six months or a year before, give Hydrastin in place of Mercurius. Itch.I shall say but little about this very common and very obstinate affection. Every The most successful remedy, and the one that will always cure quickly, if at all, is Hepar Sulphurus Potassium, the common Hepar Sulphur (sulphuret of Potassa) of the shops. To succeed with it most certainly, let the patient be thoroughly bathed with warm soap suds, quite strong, in a room at the temperature of 90 to 100°, continuing the bathing and rubbing for an hour or more, then dry off the surface with soft cloths, and apply the Hepar sul. with water, at the strength of thirty drops of the strong alcoholic solution, with a gill of water, wetting every eruption on the whole surface and let it dry on. This causes some smarting, but it is effectual; it kills the acarus, (itch animalcule) and in a few days the sores heal, the itching all subsides immediately. If every pustule has not Scald Headof children, where there is a discharge of yellow and watery pus from the sores, and the eruption extends to the ears or face, like the disease called the crusta lactea (milk crust), the same washes as for itch, are the most effectual, while at the same time, and for a month or two, the child should have Hepar Sul. 5th at night, and Petroleum 3d in the morning. Daily ablutions of the head with warm soap suds, and keeping it covered, are absolutely essential. Carbuncle.This affection, though it somewhat resembles a common boil, and is by some writers considered only such, in an overgrown state, is, nevertheless, far from being identical with it. While a boil is only a sanitive effort of nature to eliminate the cause of a morbid The disease is nearly always confined to quite feeble persons and those past the meridian of life; but I have seen it on younger though feeble patients. It is generally located on the back, occasionally on the head, where it is very dangerous from its liability to affect the brain. TREATMENT.If treated very early, strong tincture of Arnica applied to the surface of the carbuncle, by cloths wet and laid over the tumor, will often arrest it so that the swelling will not be developed to the suppurative stage. However, to reap any benefit from Arnica, it must be applied while the pain is not severe, and the parts only feel bruised and tender to pressure, like a common bruise. After the ulceration occurs, Arsenicum is the great remedy to be relied on. It should be given at the second or third attenuation as often as every three hours, when the pain is severe, and applied to the surface of the The patient should have nourishing food, and good native wine may be taken in mod Though the knife operations for the removal of carbuncle are always injurious, the chemical effect of Potash is frequently most beneficial. I have, in repeated instances, applied to the ulcerated surface, caustic potash freely, allowing the dissolved caustic to penetrate to the very "core" by running into the orifices. At first it would produce some smarting, but the pain is different from that of the carbuncle, and the change is agreeable rather than otherwise. Soon after the application all pain ceases, and the tumor, under the use of a poultice, begins to slough off in a few days, leaving a raw surface, disposed to heal kindly. Occasionally, however, the healing process is tardy, when Arsenicum, at the third, applied and taken internally, will soon effect a cure. I have occasionally used Hepar Sul. with good effect in the latter stage. Felon—Whitlow.For this disease, in the early stage, when the sensation is that of sharp, sticking pain, feeling as though a brier or thistle was in the I am quite confident that a large majority, if not all, of the cases if thus treated at any time before pus is formed, will be discussed and cured. If pus has begun to form before the treatment is commenced, this will not cure the felon, but it is good treatment, especially the hot bath, as it will greatly lessen the pain. By holding it in hot water for an hour or two each day, the suppurative process will be hastened, and as soon as the pus can be felt at any point, fluctuating, puncture and let it out; then continue the hot bath, with Calendula (Marygold) flowers in the water, keeping the part all the time warm and moist. For the restless and nervous irritability that frequently occurs, especially in females, Aconite is the best remedy. It should be given, one drop of the tincture to a gill of water, in teaspoonful doses, once in one or two hours, and the same applied to the sore. |