"Where My Money Goes"

Weekly Allowance Book—simple little book 32 pages, small enough for your pocketbook, easily kept; gives classified record of all personal or household expenses, 10 cents.

Wagner Cast Aluminum utentsils
Coffee carafe

Wagner Cast Aluminum utentsils utensils are cast, not stamped. Being in one solid piece there are no rivets to loosen, no seams to break, no welded parts. Wagner Cast Aluminum Ware wears longer and cooks better. The thickness of the metal is the reason—heat is retained and evenly distributed—food does not scorch or burn as is liable in stamped sheet utensils.

Wagner Ware combines durability and superior cooking quality with the most beautiful designs and finish. At best dealer's.

Don't ask for aluminum ware, ask for Wagner Ware

The Wagner Mfg. Co.

"Household Helpers"

IF YOU could engage an expert cook and an expert housekeeper for only 10 cents a week, with no board or room, you would do it, wouldn't you? Of course you would! Well, that is all our "Two Household Helpers" will cost you the first year—nothing thereafter, for the rest of your life.

Have you ever considered how much an hour a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year is worth to you? Many workmen get $1 an hour—surely your time is worth 30 cents an hour. We guarantee these "Helpers" to save you at least an hour a day, worth say $2.10 a week. Will you invest the 10 cents a week to gain $2 weekly? Send the coupon.

And the value our "Helpers" give you in courage and inspiration, in peace of mind, in the satisfaction of progress, in health, happiness and the joy of living,—is above price. In mere dollars and cents, they will save their cost twelve times a year or more. Send the coupon.

These helpers, "Lessons in Cooking" and "Household Engineering," were both prepared as home-study courses, and as such have been tried out and approved by thousands of our members. Thus they have the very highest recommendation. Nevertheless we are willing to send them in book form, on a week's free trial in your own home. Send the coupon.

In these difficult days you really cannot afford to be without our "Helpers." You owe it to yourself and family to give them a fair trial. You cannot realize what great help they will give you till you try them—and the trial costs you nothing! Send no money—send the coupon.

American School of Home Economics, Chicago.
A.S.H.E.—503 W. 69th Street, Chicago, Ill.

Send your two "HOUSEHOLD HELPERS," prepaid on a week's trial, in the De Luxe binding. If satisfactory, I will send you $5 in full payment (OR) 50 cents and $1 per month for five months. Otherwise I will return one or both books in seven days. (Regular mail price $3.14 each).

Name and

Junket Vanilla Flavor
MILK—Nature's first food—is turned into an attractive, delicious dish that children and adults enjoy when it is made into Junket.
is wholesome milk in tasty dessert form. It is eaten slowly and enjoyed—hence it is the better way of serving milk.
Junket can now be made with Junket Powder, as well as with Tablets. The new Junket Powder is already sweetened and flavored. Made in 6 different flavors.
Both Grocers and Druggists sell Junket

Send 4c. in stamps and your grocer's name, for sample (or 15c. for full size package of Junket Tablets; 20c. for full size package of Junket Powder) with recipes.
THE JUNKET FOLKS, Little Falls, N.Y.
Chr. Hansen's Canadian Laboratory, Toronto, Ont.



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