Whips Thin Cream or Half Heavy Cream and Milk or Top of the Milk Bottle It whips up as easily as heavy cream and retains its stiffness. Every caterer and housekeeper wants CREMO-VESCO. Send for a bottle to-day. ————————
(With full directions) ———————— Cremo-Vesco Company 631 EAST 23rd ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y. Pacific Coast Agents: MILES MFG. CO., 949-951 E. 2nd St., Los Angeles, Cal. Bernard Shaw: "Say, Einie, do you really think you understand yourself?" Einstein: "No, Bernie—do you?" As the Sunday-school teacher entered, she saw leaving in great haste a little girl and her smaller brother. "Why, Mary, you aren't going away?" she exclaimed in surprise. "Pleathe, Mith Anne, we've got to go," was the distressed reply. "Jimmy thwallowed hith collection." DELISCO is considered by connoisseurs a most delicious, refreshing and healthful drink. It fully satisfies, by its aroma and flavor, the natural desire of the coffee drinker who has heretofore continued to take coffee because unable to find a satisfactory equivalent. When properly made, experts have been unable to distinguish DELISCO from the finer grades of coffee.—Adv. |