Vol. XXVINOVEMBER, 1921 No. 4 CONTENTS FOR NOVEMBER | PAGE | WINDOWS AND THEIR FITMENTS. Ill. | Mary Ann Wheelwright | 251 | THE TINY HOUSE. Ill. | Ruth Merton | 255 | YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO, JIMMIE | Eva J. DeMarsh | 258 | SOMEBODY'S CAT | Ida R. Fargo | 260 | HOMING-IT IN AN APARTMENT | Ernest L. Thurston | 263 | TO EXPRESS PERSONALITY | Dana Girrioer | 265 | EDITORIALS | 270 | SEASONABLE-AND-TESTED RECIPES (Illustrated with halftone engravings of prepared dishes) | Janet M. Hill and Mary D. Chambers | 273 | MENUS FOR WEEK IN NOVEMBER | 282 | MENUS FOR THANKSGIVING DINNERS | 283 | CONCERNING BREAKFASTS | Alice E. Whitaker | 284 | SOME RECIPES FOR PREPARING POULTRY | Kurt Heppe | 286 | POLLY'S THANKSGIVING PARTY | Ella Shannon Bowles | 290 | HOME IDEAS AND ECONOMIES:—Vegetable Tarts and Pies—New Ways of Using Milk—Old New England Sweetmeats | 292 | QUERIES AND ANSWERS | 295 | THE SILVER LINING | 310 | Chef | $1.50 A YEAR Published Ten Times a Year 15c A Copy Foreign postage 40c additional Entered at Boston post-office as second-class matter Copyright 1921, by THE BOSTON COOKING-SCHOOL MAGAZINE CO. Pope Bldg., 221 Columbus Ave., Boston 17, Mass.
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"When it rains—it pours" Discover it for yourself TO READ about the virtues of Morton Salt isn't half so pleasant as finding them out for yourself. It certainly gives you a sense of security and content to find that Morton's won't stick or cake in the package when you want it; that it pours in any weather—always ready; always convenient. You'll like its distinct bracing flavor too. Better keep a couple of packages always handy. MORTON SALT COMPANY, CHICAGO "The Salt of the Earth"
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INDEX FOR NOVEMBER | PAGE | Concerning Breakfasts | 284 | Editorials | 270 | Home Ideas and Economies | 292 | Homing-It in an Apartment | 263 | Menus | 282, 283 | Polly's Thanksgiving Party | 290 | Silver Lining, The | 310 | Some Recipes for Preparing Poultry | 286 | Somebody's Cat | 260 | Tiny House, The | 255 | To Express Personality | 265 | Windows and Their Fitments | 251 | You're not Supposed to, Jimmie | 258 | SEASONABLE-AND-TESTED RECIPES Beef, Rib Roast of, with Yorkshire Pudding. Ill. | 277 | Boudin Blanc | 281 | Bread, Stirred Brown | 280 | Brother Jonathan | 275 | Cake, Pyramid Birthday | 280 | Cake, Thanksgiving Corn. Ill. | 277 | Chicken, Guinea. Ill. | 276 | Cookies, Pilgrim. Ill. | 279 | Cucumbers and Tomatoes, SautÉed | 281 | Cutlets, Marinated | 276 | Fanchonettes, Pumpkin. Ill. | 279 | FrappÉ, Sweet Cider. Ill. | 278 | Fruit, SuprÊme | 299 | Garnish for Roast Turkey | 274 | Jelly, Apple Mint, for Roast Lamb | 276 | Pancakes, Swedish, with Aigre-Doux Sauce | 280 | Parsnips, Dry Deviled | 278 | Pie, Fig-and-Cranberry | 278 | Potage Parmentier | 273 | Pudding, King's, with Apple Sauce | 278 | Pudding, Thanksgiving | 277 | Pudding, Yorkshire | 277 | Punch, Coffee Fruit | 278 | PurÉe, Oyster-and-Onion | 274 | Salad, New England. Ill. | 275 | Salmon À la Creole | 275 | Sauce, Aigre-Doux | 280 | Sausages, Potato-and-Peanut | 273 | Steak, Skirt, with Raisin Sauce | 281 | Stuffing for Roast Turkey | 274 | Succotash, Plymouth. Ill. | 275 | Tart, Cranberry, with Cranberry Filling. Ill. | 279 | Turkey, Roast. Ill. | 274 | QUERIES AND ANSWERS Cake Baking, Temperature for | 298 | Chicken, To Roast | 295 | Corn and Potatoes, To boil | 295 | Fish, To broil | 298 | Gingerbread, Soft | 298 | Ice Cream, Classes of | 300 | Icing, Caramel | 295 | Pie, Deep-Dish Apple | 298 | Pies, Lemon, Why Watery | 296 | Pimientoes, Canned | 300 | Pineapple, Spiced | 295 | Potatoes, Crisp Fried | 296 | Sauce, Cream | 298 | Sauce, Tartare | 296 | Table Service, Instructions on | 296 | We want representatives everywhere to take subscriptions for American Cookery. We have an attractive proposition to make those who will canvass their town; also to those who will secure a few names among their friends and acquaintances. Write us today. AMERICAN COOKERY - BOSTON, MASS. Buy advertised Goods—Do not accept substitutes
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