Decoration Decoration DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES.No. 1.—Design for Wall-Panel. By Mr. E. Burne-Jones. Worked in outline on neutral-tinted hand-woven linen in brown crewel. This style of embroidery is very suitable for internal decoration, where a good broad effect is required without a large amount of labour. A frieze or dado, or complete panelling of a room, may be worked in this way at a comparatively small cost. No. 2.—Design for Wall or Screen Panel. By Mr. Walter Crane. Representing the Four Elements. Embroidered in crewels on a silk ground of dead gold colour partly outlined. No. 3.—Design for Quilt or Table Cover. By Mr. George Aitchison. A border of sunflowers and pomegranates, with powderings of the same for the centre. This has been embroidered on cream-coloured satin de chine in solid crewel work, with charming effect, both for a counterpane and curtains. No. 4.—Design for Wall Panelling or Curtains. By Mr. Fairfax Wade. To be worked in outline and solid embroidery, in silk or filoselle, on satin de chine. Worked in golden shades of silk on linen, lined with silk of the same colour. The embroidery is partly solid and partly outline, very fine and delicate. No. 6.—Design for Sofa-back Cover. By Mr. W. Morris. Worked on hand-woven linen in two shades of gold-coloured silks. Outline. No. 7.—Design for Sofa-back Cover or Piano Panel. By Mr. George Aitchison. Worked in two shades of blue silk on hand-woven linen or satin de chine. No. 8.—Design for AppliquÉ. By Mr. Fairfax Wade. Nos. 9 and 10.—Designs for Chair-seats or Cushions. By Miss Jekyll. Periwinkle and Iris. No. 11.—Design for Border. By Miss Webster. To be worked in outline in silk or crewel. No. 12.—Design for Border for Curtain or Table Cover. Designed by Miss Burnside, of the R.S.A.N. No. 13.—Table Border. Designed by Mr. Fairfax Wade. Conventional Buttercup. To be worked either solid or in outline. No. 15.—Table Border. Designed by Mr. Walter Crane. For solid embroidery in crewel or silk. No. 16.—Border. Designed by Miss Mary Herbert, R.S.A.N. For crewel or silk embroidery, either in outline or solid. No. 17.—Two Panels. Designed by Rev. Selwyn Image. Representing Juno and Minerva. No. 18.—Two Panels. Designed by Rev. Selwyn Image. Representing Venus and Proserpine. To be worked in outline on linen, as No. 1, or in coloured silks on a groundwork of satin de chine. No. 19.—Wall Hanging. Designed by Mr. W. Morris. To be worked on linen in outline. No. 20.—Wall Hanging. Designed by Mr. W. Morris. Worked on linen. Background in Silk Cushion Stitch. No. 21.—Border for AppliquÉ. Copied from Ancient Italian work. No. 22.—Italian Design. A Specimen. Showing the application of transposed AppliquÉ. Detailed design with a leaf border, depicting a group of musicians surrounding Musica on a dais See larger image 1. DESIGN FOR WALL PANEL. Detailed design showing an ornate pillar surrounded by birds, animals and mythical creatures See larger image 2. DESIGN FOR WALL PANEL. Corner of the design with a wide floral border and scattered floral motifs in the center See larger image 3. DESIGN FOR A QUILT OR TABLE COVER. Detailed floral design See larger image 4. DESIGN FOR WALL PANEL OR CURTAIN. Detailed floral design based on square motifs See larger image 5. DESIGN FOR A QUILT OR COUVRE-PIED. Detailed floral design See larger image 6. DESIGN FOR A SOFA-BACK COVER. Detailed floral design See larger image 7. DESIGN FOR A SOFA-BACK COVER OR PIANO PANEL. Detailed floral design See larger image 8. DESIGN FOR APPLIQUÉ. Floral design See larger image Floral design See larger image DESIGNS FOR CHAIR-SEATS OR CUSHIONS. (9. PERIWINKLE 10. IRIS.) Repeating design featuring a variation on a gryphon See larger image 11. DESIGN FOR A BORDER. Detailed floral border design See larger image 12. DESIGN FOR A BORDER FOR A CURTAIN OR TABLE COVER. Floral border design See larger image Floral border design See larger image Floral border design See larger image Floral border design See larger image DESIGNS FOR TABLE BORDERS. Two panels, each featuring one of the named figures See larger image 17. TWO DESIGNS FOR WALL PANELS—“JUNO” AND “MINERVA.” Two panels, each featuring one of the named figures See larger image 18. TWO DESIGNS FOR WALL PANELS—“VENUS” AND “PROSERPINE.” Detailed floral and foliage design See larger image 19. DESIGN FOR WALL-HANGING. Detailed floral and foliage design See larger image 20. DESIGN FOR WALL-HANGING. Twisting floral vine design See larger image 21. DESIGN FOR BORDER FOR APPLIQUÉ. Floral design with border See larger image 22. ITALIAN DESIGN. Decoration