| PAGE | Notre Dame and the Pont de l’ArchevÊque | Frontispiece | Notre Dame from the South | 2 | Notre Dame from the Quai St. Bernard | 3 | Queen Marie Antoinette returning Thanks | 11 | The Chevet | 18 | Section of Nave and Double Aisle | 21 | North Aisles of the Nave | 23 | The West Front | 26 | ChimÈres | 27 | String-course on the West Front | 29 | Carved Foliage, Portail de la Vierge | 30 | Portail de la Sainte-Vierge | 31 | Figure of St. Marcel | 33 | Sculpture of the Last Judgement | 34 | Tympanum of the Porte Sainte Anne | 35 | Apostles—Central Doorway | 36 | Figures—Porte Sainte Anne | 37 | ChimÈres | 38 | ” | 39 | Le Stryge, after MÉryon | 41 | The Roof-ridge of Notre Dame, by J. Pennell | 43 | The Original FlÈche | 44 | Clocheton | 45 | Windows of the South Aisle | 46 | Triforium Windows | 47 | The North Transept Front | 49 | Tympanum, North Transept | 52 | The Interior from the West End | 54 | The Nave: South Arcade | 58 | Capital in the Nave | 59 | The Nave: North Arcade | 61 | The Triforium Gallery | 63 | Elevations of the Nave | 65 | Angle of the Choir and South Transept | 70 | The North Transept | 73 | View of the Choir at the End of the Thirteenth Century | 80 | Grille at Entrance of Choir | 82 | The Choir, looking West | 83 | The Choir from the South Transept | 87 | The Place du Parvis in 1650 | 94 | Notre Dame in the Thirteenth Century, with the Bishop’s Palace | 98 | Photo] [Ed. Hautecoeur, Paris. NOTRE DAME FROM THE SOUTH. NOTRE DAME FROM THE QUAI ST. BERNARD. NOTRE DAME DE PARIS.