Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary / With Comments


Transcriber’s note:

Minor typographical corrections silently made where the original was clearly inconsistent.

Where necessary, index entries were corrected to the main text.

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Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary, With Comments

Prepared for the Use of Physicians Under Authorization of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association by a Committee Consisting of the Following:

A.W. Hewlett, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Leland Stanford Junior University.

Torald Sollmann, M.D., Professor of Pharmacology and Materia Medica, Medical Department, Western Reserve University.

M.I. Wilbert, Ph.M., Phar.D., Assistant in the Division of Pharmacology, Hygienic Laboratory, U.S. Public Health Service.

W.A. Puckner, Phar.D., Secretary of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry.

535 North Dearborn Street Chicago

[Authority to use for comment the Pharmacopeia of the United States of America, ninth decennial revision, in this volume, has been granted by the Board of Trustees of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention, which Board of Trustees is in no way responsible for the accuracy of any translations of the official weights and measures, or for any statement as to the strength of official preparations.

Permission to use for comment parts of the National Formulary has been granted by the Council of the American Pharmaceutical Association.]

Copyright, 1921
American Medical Association


The Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary are now recognized by federal and state laws as standards for drugs and their preparations. Physicians who prescribe Pharmacopeial or National Formulary drugs or preparations, therefore, are more likely to obtain a good and constant quality than if they prescribe unofficial articles, i.e., articles that have no legalized standard. Hence medical men are interested in knowing what drugs and preparations are included in these two books of standards. Both the Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary, however, contain a vast amount of technical information, of value to pharmacists but of little interest to physicians. The Journal of the American Medical Association in 1907 issued the “Physicians’ Manual of the U.S. Pharmacopeia and National Formulary,” a book designed to meet the needs of physicians in this respect. The fact that this book did meet a real need is evidenced by the continued demand for it.

The present “Epitome of the U.S. Pharmacopeia and National Formulary” takes the place of that book, but is based on the new (the ninth) revision of the Pharmacopeia and the new (the fourth) edition of the National Formulary. It has been prepared under the direction of a committee appointed by the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association. The aim has been to include all the matter in the Pharmacopeia and National Formulary which is likely to be of interest to physicians. This, it is believed, consists of the official titles and their abbreviations; synonyms; brief definitions; when necessary, concise descriptions of the physical properties; and dosage. Since both the Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary include many drugs and preparations which are irrational, superfluous or worthless, in many cases the medical members of the committee have added brief comments to aid a discriminating selection of therapeutic agents.

In this epitome drugs are arranged alphabetically by Pharmacopeial or National Formulary titles; preparations of drugs are placed under the drugs themselves. Thus Tinctura Digitalis is placed not among the Ts, but among the Ds under Digitalis. Names of drugs are in black-face type; names of preparations are in light-face italics. An index is added to assist in ready reference.

Statements of composition refer in some cases to percentage by volume, in others to percentage by weight, and in still others to percentage by weight-volume—that is, the weight of a given chemical contained (or the weight of a given vegetable drug represented by extractives) in 100 Cc. of the preparation. It has not been thought worth while to indicate whether the statement in each case is by volume, weight or weight-volume, since the differences are too small to have any therapeutic importance. Statements of alcoholic content refer to percentage by volume and are approximate only. In a few instances in which the quantity of alcohol in a dose is small, or in which the preparation is intended for external use, the alcohol content is not stated.

Dosage statements, when followed by the letters “U.S.P.” or “N.F.,” are taken from these books, respectively, and are understood to be the average adult doses. In some cases in which this statement was felt to be inadequate or unsatisfactory, further suggestions as to dosage have been added.


The text of this edition is the same as that of the first, except that a few typographical errors which were in the first edition have been corrected.

The new edition differs from the first in the following particulars:

In the first edition, a star indicates that the drug is included in the second (1916) edition of Useful Drugs. To bring the present edition up to date, the star (*) here indicates that the drug is included in the fifth (1921) edition of Useful Drugs.

In compliance with the opinion expressed by some that a more complete index would be helpful, the index to the second edition has been materially extended. It is hoped that this will help to familiarize those who purchase the book with its contents.



1 Milligram (1 mg.) = 0.001 gram.
1 Centigram = 0.01 gram.
1 Decigram = 0.1 gram.
1 Gram (1 Gm.) = 1.*
1 Decagram = 10 grams.
1 Hektogram = 100 grams.
1 Kilogram (1 kg.) = 1000 grams.

* The weight of 1 cubic centimeter of water at 4 C.

The weight of 1 cubic decimeter of water at 4 C.


1 Milliliter (1 cubic centimeter, 1 Cc.) = 0.001 cubic decimeter.
1 Centiliter (10 Cc.) = 0.01 cubic decimeter.
1 Deciliter (100 Cc.) = 0.1 cubic decimeter.
1 Liter (1000 Cc.) = 1 cubic decimeter.


20 Grains = 1 scruple (℈).
 3 Scruples = 1 drachm (ℨ).
 8 Drachms = 1 ounce (℥).
12 Ounces = 1 pound (℔).


60 Minims = 1 fluidrachm (flℨ).
 8 Fluidrachms = 1 fluidounce (fl℥).
16 Fluidounces = 1 pint (O).


1 Grain = 0.06479895 Gm.
1 Drachm = 3.8879369 Gm.
1 Ounce = 31.1034956 Gm.
1 Pound = 373.241948 Gm.


1 Minim = 0.06161 Cc.
1 Fluidrachm = 3.6966 Cc.
1 Fluidounce = 29.573 Cc.
1 Pint = 473.17 Cc.


   0.001 Gm. (1 milligram, 1 mg.) = 0.01543 grain.
   0.01  Gm. (1 centigram) = 0.15432 grain.
   0.1   Gm. (1 decigram) = 1.54324 grains.
   1     Gm. (1 gram) = 15.4324 grains.
  10     Gm. (1 decagram) = 2 drachms, 34.324 grains.
 100     Gm. (1 hectogram) = 3 ounces, 1 drachm, 43.24 grains.
1000     Gm. (1 kilogram, 1 kg.) = 2 pounds, 8 ounces, 52.4 grains.


   1 Cc. = 16.231 minims.
  10 Cc. = 2 fluidrachms, 42.311 minims.
 100 Cc. = 3 fluidounces, 3 fluidrachms, 3.11 minims.
1000 Cc. (1 Liter) = 2 pints, 1 fluidounce, 6 fluidrachms, 31.1 minims.


Gm.    Grains Grains    Gm.
1  =   15.4324
2  =   30.8647
3  =   46.2971
4  =   61.7294
5  =   77.1618
6  =   92.5941
7  =  108.0265
8  =  123.4589
9  =  138.8912
1  =  0.06480
2  =  0.12960
3  =  0.19440
4  =  0.25920
5  =  0.32399
6  =  0.38879
7  =  0.45359
8  =  0.51839
9  =  0.58319


Cc.    Minims Minims    Cc.
1  =   16.231
2  =   32.462
3  =   48.693
4  =   64.924
5  =   81.156
6  =   97.387
7  =  113.618
8  =  129.849
9  =  146.080
1  =  0.061610
2  =  0.123220
3  =  0.184831
4  =  0.246441
5  =  0.308051
6  =  0.369661
7  =  0.431271
8  =  0.492882
9  =  0.554492


C.°       F.° C.°       F.°
-40       -40
-30       -22
-20        -4
-10        14
  0        32
  5        41
 10        50
 15        59
 20        68
 25        77
 30        86
 35        95
 40       104
 45       113
 50       122
 55       131
 60       140
 65       149
 70       158
 75       167
 80       176
 85       185
 90       194
 95       203
100       212
110       230
120       248
130       266
140       284
150       302
200       392
250       482
300       572
350       662


 C.°      F.°  C.°      F.°
36.0     96.80
36.2     97.16
36.3     97.34
36.4     97.52
36.5     97.70
36.6     97.88
36.7     98.06
36.8     98.24
36.9     98.42
37.0     98.60
37.1     98.78
37.2     98.96
37.3     99.14
37.4     99.32
37.5     99.50
37.6     99.68
37.7     99.86
37.8    100.04
37.9    100.22
38.0    100.40
38.1    100.58
38.2    100.76
38.3    100.94
38.4    101.12
38.5    101.30
38.6    101.48
38.7    101.66
38.8    101.84
38.9    102.02
39.0    102.20
39.1    102.38
39.2    102.56
39.3    102.74
39.4    102.92
39.5    103.10
39.6    103.28
39.7    103.46
39.8    103.64
39.9    103.82
40.0    104.00
40.1    104.18
40.2    104.36
40.3    104.54
40.4    104.72
40.5    104.90
40.6    105.08
40.8    105.44
41.0    105.80
41.2    106.16
41.4    106.52
41.6    106.88
41.8    107.24
42.0    107.60
42.2    107.96
42.4    108.32
42.6    108.68
42.8    109.04
43.0    109.40

Epitome of the U.S. Pharmacopeia and National Formulary


Absinthium (Absinth.), Absinthium, N.F. (Wormwood, Madderwort, Vermuth).

Leaves and flowering tops.

Action and Uses: Obsolete aromatic bitter; without advantage over gentian or other bitter drugs.

*Acacia (Acac.), Acacia, U.S.P. (Gum Arabic, Gum Senegal).

A gum occurring in tears, fragments or powder. Slowly and almost completely soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol. Incompatible with sodium borate, lead acetate and ferric salts.

Action and Uses: Demulcent; chiefly as a vehicle to suspend insoluble substances in aqueous mixtures.

*Mucilago Acaciae (Mucil. Acac.), Mucilage of Acacia, U.S.P.—Acacia (35%) in water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Acaciae (Syr. Acac.), Syrup of Acacia, U.S.P.— Acacia (10%) in sugar and water.

ACETA, VINEGARS.—A vinegar is a solution of vegetable principles either in diluted acetic acid or in a mixture of diluted acetic acid and alcohol. For Acetum Aromaticum, see under Oleum Lavandulae; for Acetum Opii and Acetum Scillae, see under Opium and Scilla, respectively.

*Acetanilidum (Acetanil.), Acetanilid, U.S.P. (Acetanilide, Antifebrin).—C6H5NH.CH3CO.

A white, odorless, crystalline powder, with a slightly burning taste. Slightly soluble in water (1:190), very soluble in alcohol (1:3.4) and in chloroform (1:3.7). Incompatible with spirit of nitrous ether and forms pasty masses when triturated with chloral or antipyrin.

Action and Uses: Analgesic, antipyretic and, in excessive doses, a cardiac depressant. Used particularly to relieve headache and neuralgic pains. A habit-forming drug. If used over a long period of time, it may produce a severe anemia.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (U.S.P.) in powders which may be placed in capsules, or tablets which should be crushed before swallowing. It is well to begin with 0.1 Gm. or about 1-1/2 grains, and to repeat cautiously.

Pulvis Acetanilidi Compositus (Pulv. Acetanil. Co.), Compound Acetanilid Powder, N.F.—Acetanilid (70%), caffeine (10%) and sodium bicarbonate (20%).

Uses: Irrational acetanilid preparation. The caffeine does not diminish the toxicity, nor does the bicarbonate increase the solubility of acetanilid, as was at one time supposed.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (N.F.).

Acetonum (Aceton.), Acetone, U.S.P. (Dimethyl-Ketone).

A colorless liquid, with an ethereal odor and a pungent sweetish taste. Miscible with water, alcohol, ether and chloroform.

Action and Uses: Pharmaceutic solvent.

*Acetphenetidinum (Acetphen.), Acetphenetidin, U.S.P. (Phenacetin).—C6H4(OC2H5).NH.CH3CO.

White, odorless, slightly bitter, crystalline scales or powder. Very slightly soluble in water (1:1310), soluble in alcohol (1:15) and in chloroform (1:14).

Action and Uses: Analgesic, antipyretic and, in excessive doses, a cardiac depressant. Used particularly for the relief of headache and neuralgic pains and in the treatment of mild fevers. A habit-forming drug. If used for a long period of time, it may produce a severe anemia.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.), in powders or capsules. If small doses fail to relieve headache, larger doses are also usually ineffective.

*Acidum Aceticum (Acid. Acet.), Acetic Acid, U.S.P.—Acetic acid CH3.COOH (about 36.5%).

Action and Uses: Caustic and rubefacient. In the form of vinegar, is antidote to alkalies.

Acidum Aceticum Dilutum (Acid. Acet. Dil.), Diluted Acetic Acid, U.S.P.—CH3COOH (about 6%).

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims.

Acidum Aceticum Glaciale (Acid. Acet. Glac.), Glacial Acetic Acid, U.S.P.—CH3COOH.

A colorless liquid, with a vinegar-like odor and a pungent, sour taste. Miscible with water or alcohol.

*Acidum Benzoicum (Acid. Benz.), Benzoic Acid, U.S.P.—C6H5.COOH. Obtained from benzoin or prepared synthetically.

Lustrous, almost colorless scales or needles, with a pungent, acid taste. Slightly soluble in water (1:275) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:2.3); also readily soluble in solutions of alkali hydroxides or carbonates with the production of alkali benzoates.

Action and Uses: Mild antiseptic and diuretic.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.), best given in the form of soluble benzoates (see under Sodii Benzoas).

*Acidum Boricum (Acid. Bor.) Boric Acid, U.S.P. (Boracic Acid).—H3BO3.

Colorless, odorless scales or powder with a faintly bitter taste. Soluble in water and in alcohol (1:18); freely soluble in glycerin (1:4).

Action and Uses: Mild antiseptic and astringent.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.), in solution. A watery solution, ranging from 2 per cent. to saturated, is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis, cystitis, etc. Externally used as dusting powder.

*Glyceritum Boroglycerini (Glycer. Boroglyc.), Glycerite of Boroglycerin, U.S.P.—Boroglycerin in glycerin representing 31% boric acid.

Liquor Antisepticus (Liq. Antisept.), Antiseptic Solution, N.F.—Boric acid (2.5%), thymol, eucalyptol, methyl salicylate, oil of thyme, menthol, sodium salicylate and sodium benzoate in alcohol and water.

Uses: Needlessly complex aromatic mouthwash.

*Unguentum Acidi Borici (Ung. Acid. Bor.), Ointment of Boric Acid, U.S.P.—Boric acid (10%) in paraffin and white petrolatum.

Acidum Bromauricum (Acid. Bromaur.), Bromauric Acid, N. F.—Corresponds to not less than 32 per cent. of metallic gold.

A dark-brown, odorless solid, with a metallic acid taste. Very soluble in water and in alcohol.

Action and Uses: “Alterative” apparently of no value.

Dosage: 0.006 Gm. or 1/10 grain (N.F.).

Liquor Auri et Arseni Bromidi (Liq. Aur. et Arsen. Brom.), Solution of Gold and Arsenic Bromide, N.F.—Contains hydrogen bromaurate (HAuBr4) and arsenic acid (H3AsO4) obtained by oxidizing a solution of arsenous oxide with bromine and adding bromauric acid.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (N.F.).

Acidum Citricum (Acid. Cit), Citric Acid, U.S.P.

Colorless, odorless crystals. Very soluble in water (1:0.5) and in alcohol (1:1.8).

Action and Uses: Substitute for lemon juice; also substitute for dilute hydrochloric acid in the treatment of gastric hypoacidity.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.), in solution.

Syrupus Acidi Citrici (Syr. Acid. Cit.), Syrup of Citric Acid, U.S.P.—Citric acid (1%), flavored with tincture of lemon peel, in syrup.

Uses: Vehicle for salty substances such as bromides.

Acidum Formicum (Acid. Formic), Formic Acid, N.F.—HCOOH (about 25%).

A clear, colorless liquid, with a characteristic pungent odor, and an acid reaction.

Action and Uses: Externally as caustic irritant, but without advantage over mustard. Internally as slightly irritant diuretic, but without advantage over nitrates. The elixirs containing various formates are intended as tonics, but there is no good evidence that they have such action. They are needlessly complex and irrational.

Dosage: 0.3 Cc. or 5 minims (N.F.).

Elixir Formatum (Elix. Format.), Elixir of Formates, N.F.—Potassium formate (5%), sodium formate (5%) and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 15 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Elixir Formatum Compositum (Elix. Format. Co.), Compound Elixir of Formates, N.F.—Sodium formate (3%), magnesium formate (2.5%), strontium formate (2.5%), lithium formate (1%), quinine formate (0.8%), compound spirit of cardamom, acetic ether, alcohol, glycerin and distilled water. Absolute alcohol content about 9.9 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Spiritus Acidi Formici (Sp. Ac. Formic.), Spirit of Formic Acid, N.F. (Spiritus Formicarum, Spirit of Ants).—Formic acid (4%) in distilled water and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Uses: Rubefacient.

Dosage: 4 Cc or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Acidum Gallicum (Acid. Gallic.), Gallic Acid, U.S.P.

An odorless, almost white powder, with an astringent taste. Soluble in water (1:87) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:4.6) and in glycerin (1:10).

Action and Uses: Mild astringent; not very effective.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Acidum Hydriodicum Dilutum (Acid. Hydriod. Dil.), Diluted Hydriodic Acid, U.S.P.—HI (about 10%).

A colorless, odorless liquid, with a strong acid taste. Incompatible with alkalies and their carbonates, also with metallic oxides and salts of silver and of lead.

Action and Uses: Has the general properties of iodides.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.), diluted. Administered chiefly in the form of syrup as a substitute for the alkali iodides, over which it has no material advantage.

Syrupus Acidi Hydriodici (Syr. Acid. Hydriod.), Syrup of Hydriodic Acid, U.S.P.—Hydriodic acid (about 1.25%).

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Acidum Hydrobromicum Dilutum (Acid. Hydrobrom. Dil.), Diluted Hydrobromic Acid, U.S.P.—HBr (about 10%).

A colorless, odorless liquid, with a strong acid taste. Incompatible with alkalies and their carbonates, metallic oxides and the salts of silver and of lead.

Action and Uses: In general, those of bromides; but the preparation is objectionable because of its acidity.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.), diluted.

*Acidum Hydrochloricum (Acid. Hydrochl.), Hydrochloric Acid, U.S.P. (Muriatic Acid).—HCl (about 32%).

A fuming, corrosive liquid. Incompatible with alkalies and their carbonates, metallic oxides and salts of silver and of lead.

Action and Uses: Used in gastric hypoacidity; also as caustic; antiseptic.

*Acidum Hydrochloricum Dilutum (Acid. Hydrochl. Dil.), Diluted Hydrochloric Acid, U.S.P.—HCl (about 10%).

A colorless, odorless, strongly acid solution.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.), after meals, diluted in one-half to one glass water and taken through a glass tube to protect the teeth.

Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum (Acid. Hydrocyan. Dil.), Diluted Hydrocyanic Acid, U.S.P. (Diluted Prussic Acid, Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum, P.I.).—HCN (about 2%).

A colorless liquid, with an odor like that of bitter almonds.

Action and Uses: Said to be sedative. Was formerly used as an addition to cough mixtures and as an antiemetic but, because of its poisonous properties and instability, is no longer used to the same extent.

Dosage: 0.1 Cc. or 1-1/2 minims (U.S.P.)—not drops.

Acidum Hypophosphorosum (Acid. Hypophos.), Hypophosphorous Acid, U.S.P.—H3PO2 (about 31%).

A colorless, odorless liquid.

Action and Uses: Ingredient of compound hypophosphite preparations.

Acidum Hypophosphorosum Dilutum (Acid. Hypophos. Dil.), Diluted Hypophosphorous Acid, U.S.P.—H3PO2 (about 10%).

A colorless, odorless liquid with a strong acid taste.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.), diluted.

Acidum Lacticum (Acid. Lact.), Lactic Acid, U.S.P.—Equivalent to about 87 per cent. lactic acid.

A colorless or nearly colorless, nearly odorless, syrupy liquid, with an acid taste. Miscible with water.

Action and Uses: Caustic; seldom used internally.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.), diluted.

*Acidum Nitricum (Acid. Nitric.), Nitric Acid, U.S.P.—HNO3 (about 68%).

A colorless, fuming, very corrosive liquid with a suffocating odor. Miscible with water.

Action and Uses: Caustic.

Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum (Acid. Nitrohydrochl.), Nitrohydrochloric Acid, U.S.P. (Aqua Regia, Nitromuriatic Acid).—A mixture of hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, nitrosyl chloride and chlorine.

A golden-yellow, fuming, very corrosive liquid. Miscible with water.

Action and Uses: Caustic. Formerly thought to be a “hepatic stimulant,” but acts much like other mineral acids.

Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum Dilutum (Acid. Nitrohydrochl. Dil.), Diluted Nitrohydrochloric Acid, U.S.P. (Diluted Nitromuriatic Acid).—An aqueous solution of about one-fifth the strength of nitrohydrochloric acid; should be freshly prepared.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.), well diluted.

Acidum Oleicum (Acid. Oleic.), Oleic Acid, U.S.P.—Obtained from fats.

A yellowish or brownish-yellow, oily liquid, having a lard-like odor and taste. Practically insoluble in water, partially soluble in 60 per cent. alcohol.

Action and Uses: Solvent for making oleates.

*Acidum Phenylcinchoninicum (Acid. Phenylcinch.), Phenylcinchoninic Acid, U.S.P. (Phenyl-Quinoline-Carboxylic Acid, Atophan).

A white or nearly white, odorless or nearly odorless powder with a bitter taste. Insoluble in cold water, slightly soluble in cold alcohol.

Action and Uses: Increases the excretion of uric acid and diminishes its concentration in the blood. Analgesic. Has been used in acute and chronic gout.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.), in tablets or powder.

Acidum Phosphoricum (Acid. Phos.), Phosphoric Acid, U.S.P.—H3PO4 (about 86.5%).

A colorless, odorless, syrupy liquid having a strongly acid taste. Miscible with water. Incompatible with alkalies, alkali carbonates, ferric chloride, lead acetate and solutions of lime.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of hydrochloric acid. Has none of the therapeutic properties of free phosphorus.

Acidum Phosphoricum Dilutum (Acid. Phos. Dil.), Diluted Phosphoric Acid, U.S.P.—H3PO4 (about 10%).

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.), diluted.

Liquor Phosphatum Acidus (Liq. Phos. Acid.), Acid Solution of Phosphates, N.F. (Solution of Acid Phosphates).—Made by dissolving precipitated calcium carbonate (5%) in phosphoric acid and water.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Liquor Phosphatum Compositus (Liq. Phos. Co.), Compound Solution of Phosphates, N.F.—Phosphates of calcium, iron, ammonium, potassium and sodium in citric acid, glycerin, orange flower water and water.

Syrupus Phosphatum Compositum (Syr. Phos. Co.), Compound Syrup of the Phosphates, N.F. (Chemical Food).—Compound solution of phosphates (50%), colored with tincture of cudbear, in glycerin and syrup.

Uses: Antiquated and irrational “tonic.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Syrupus Phosphatum cum Quinina et Strychnina.—See under Quininae Hydrochloridum.

Acidum Picricum, Picric Acid.—See Trinitrophenol.

*Acidum Salicylicum (Acid. Salicyl.), Salicylic Acid, U.S.P.—C6H4(OH)COOH.

A white, odorless powder, tasting first sweetish, subsequently acrid. Slightly soluble in water (1:460), freely soluble in alcohol (1:2.7) and in ether. Incompatible with solutions of iron and with spirit of nitrous ether.

Action and Uses: Antirheumatic, antiseptic, germicide and keratolytic.

Dosage: Internally 0.75 Gm. or 12 grains (U.S.P.) best given in the form of soluble salicylates (see Sodii Salicylas). Externally in 10 per cent. ointment as a keratolytic.

Collodium Salicylici Compositum (Collod. Salicyl. Co.), Compound Salicylic Collodion, N.F.—Salicylic acid (1.1%) and flexible collodion colored with fluidextract of cannabis.

Uses: A popular application for softening corns. The cannabis can play no rÔle beyond that of coloring agent.

Glycerogelatinum Acidi Salicylici (Glycerogel. Acid. Salicyl.), Salicylic Acid Glycerogelatin, N.F.—Salicylic acid (10%), in water, glycerin and glycerinated gelatin.

Mulla Acidi Salicylici (Mull. Ac. Salicyl.), Salicylic Acid Mull, N.F. (Unguentum Salicylatum Extensum, N.F. III).—Salicylic acid (10%), in benzoinated suet and benzoinated lard.

Mulla Creosoti Salicylata (Mull. Creosot. Salicyl.), Salicylated Creosote Mull, N.F. (Unguentum Creosoti Salicylatum Extensum, N.F. III).—Salicylic acid (10%), and creosote (20%) in yellow wax and benzoinated suet.

Pulvis Talci Compositus (Pulv. Talc. Co.), Compound Powder of Talc, N.F. (Boro-Salicylated Powder of Talc).—Salicylic acid (3%), boric acid (10%) and talc.

Uses: Toilet powder, used for local sweating.

Stili Acidi Salicylici Dilubiles (Stil. Acid. Salicyl. Dilub.), Salicylic Acid Pencil, N.F.—Salicylic acid (10%) with tragacanth, starch, white dextrin and sugar.

Uses: For the application of salicylic acid to limited areas.

Acidum Stearicum (Acid. Stear.), Stearic Acid, U.S.P.—Obtained from fats.

A white, hard, unctuous, odorless and tasteless substance. Soluble in alcohol (1:21) and in chloroform (1:2), but insoluble in water.

Uses: Used in making glycerin suppositories.

Acidum Sulphuricum (Acid. Sulph.), Sulphuric Acid, U.S.P.—H2SO4 (about 94%).

A colorless, odorless, corrosive liquid. Miscible with water or alcohol with evolution of much heat.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of hydrochloric acid. Externally, the dilute acid is used as astringent.

Acidum Sulphuricum Aromaticum (Acid. Sulph. Arom.), Aromatic Sulphuric Acid, U.S.P.—A mixture, containing free sulphuric acid and ethylsulphuric acid equivalent to about 20 per cent. of H2SO4 in alcohol, flavored with ginger and cinnamon. Absolute alcohol content about 85 per cent.

A clear, reddish-brown liquid with an aromatic odor.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims, well diluted.

Acidum Sulphuricum Dilutum (Acid. Sulph. Dil.), Diluted Sulphuric Acid, U.S.P.—H2SO4 (about 10%).

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.), well diluted.

*Acidum Tannicum (Acid. Tann.), Tannic Acid, U.S.P. (Gallotannic Acid, Tannin).—Usually obtained from nutgalls.

A yellowish-white to light brown powder, odorless or having a faint, characteristic odor and a strongly astringent taste. Freely soluble in glycerin (1:1) and very soluble in water and in alcohol. Incompatible with soluble preparations of iron.

Action and Uses: Astringent; local hemostatic; antidote for certain alkaloidal and metallic poisons.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Collodium Stypticum (Collod. Stypt.), Styptic Collodion, N.F.—Tannic acid (20%) and flexible collodion. There is no advantage in applying tannin as collodion.

*Glyceritum Acidi Tannici (Glycer. Acid. Tann.), Glycerite of Tannic Acid, U.S.P. (Glycerite of Tannin).—Tannic acid (20%) in glycerin.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Trochisci Acidi Tannici (Troch. Acid. Tann.), Troches of Tannic Acid, U.S.P.—Each troche contains tannic acid (0.06 Gm. or 1 grain), with sugar and tragacanth, flavored with orange flower.

Unguentum Acidi Tannici (Ung. Acid. Tann.), Ointment of Tannic Acid, U.S.P.—Tannic acid (20%), in glycerin and ointment.

Acidum Tartaricum (Acid. Tart.), Tartaric Acid, U.S.P.—Obtained from wine lees or argol.

A white, odorless powder, with an acid taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.75) and in alcohol (1:3.3).

Action and Uses: Mild acid; used in the manufacture of effervescent salts.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains, diluted.

Acidum Trichloraceticum (Acid. Trichloracet.), Trichloracetic Acid, U.S.P.—CCl3.COOH.

Colorless, deliquescent crystals with a slight characteristic odor. Miscible with water and with alcohol.

Action and Uses: Caustic, for the removal of warts and other skin blemishes. Used also as local hemostatic.

Aconitina (Aconitin.), Aconitine, U.S.P.—An alkaloid obtained from aconite.

A white, odorless powder. Very slightly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol (1:28) and in ether (1:65).

Action and Uses: Similar to those described under aconite. As several alkaloidal preparations of aconite, of varying activity, are sold under the name of aconitine, its use is not advisable.

Dosage: 0.15 mg. or 1/400 grain (U.S.P.).

Oleatum Aconitinae (Oleat. Aconitin.), Oleate of Aconitine, N.F.—Aconitine (2%) in oleic acid and olive oil.

Uses: Without advantage over aconite preparations for external application.

*Aconitum (Aconit.), Aconite, U.S.P. (Monkshood, Aconite Root, Aconiti Tuber, P.I.).—A tuberous root, yielding about 0.5 per cent. of ether-soluble alkaloids; also assayed biologically. Physicians should specify preparations that have been assayed biologically, since the alkaloidal assay is not a reliable index of activity.

Action and Uses: Slows the pulse and lowers the blood pressure, but this action in therapeutic doses is uncertain. Used in the treatment of febrile colds; also for counter-irritation, in the form of the tincture. Used also as a local anesthetic, and by some still believed to be useful in the treatment of the symptoms arising from excessive cardiac hypertrophy. Toxic symptoms may occur from local absorption.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.); not used as such.

Extractum Aconiti (Ext. Aconit.), Extract of Aconite, U.S.P. (Powdered Extract of Aconite).—Yields about 2 per cent. of ether-soluble alkaloids. Biologically assayed by producing death in the guinea-pig.

Dosage: 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.). Physicians who prescribe extract of aconite should specify the biologically assayed product.

Fluidextractum Aconiti (Fldext. Aconit.), Fluidextract of Aconite, U.S.P.—Aconite (100%), yielding about 0.5 per cent. of alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent. Biologically assayed by producing death in the guinea-pig.

Dosage: 0.03 Cc. or 1/2 minim (U.S.P.). Physicians who prescribe fluidextract of aconite should specify the biologically assayed product. Best to use the tincture.

Linimentum Aconiti et Chloroformi (Lin. Aconit. et Chlorof.), Liniment of Aconite and Chloroform, N.F.—Fluidextract of aconite (4.5%), in alcohol, chloroform and soap liniment.

*Tinctura Aconiti (Tr. Aconit.), Tincture of Aconite, U.S.P. (Aconiti Tinctura, P.I.).—Aconite (10%) yielding about 0.05 per cent. of alkaloids, in alcohol and water. Alkaloidal assay unreliable. Biologically assayed by producing death in the guinea-pig. Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

Dosage: 0.3 Cc. or 5 minims (U.S.P.). Physicians should specify the biologically assayed product.

*Adeps (Adeps), Lard, U.S.P.

Insoluble in water, and only slightly soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Basis for ointments. Used particularly when absorption is desired.

*Adeps Benzoinatus (Adeps Benz.), Benzoinated Lard, U.S.P.—Somewhat antiseptic and less liable to rancidity than ordinary lard.

Unguentum (Ung.), Ointment, U.S.P. (Simple Ointment).—White wax (20%) and benzoinated lard.

Adeps Lanae (Adeps Lan.), Wool Fat, U.S.P. (Anhydrous Lanolin).—Purified wool fat, freed from water.

Insoluble in but miscible with about twice its weight of water; sparingly soluble in cold alcohol.

Action and Uses: Basis for ointments; because of its tenacious consistency, should be mixed with some other base.

*Adeps Lanae Hydrosus (Adeps Lan. Hyd.), Hydrous Wool Fat, U.S.P. (Lanolin).—Wool fat with about 27 per cent. of water.

Uses: Ointment used particularly when absorption through the skin is desired; mixed with white petrolatum or lard.

Adonis (Adonis), Adonis, N.F. (Pheasant’s Eye).—The plant deprived of its root.

Action and Uses: Cardiac tonic of digitalis group, but of unreliable activity.

Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Adonidis (Fldext. Adonid.), Fluidextract of Adonis, N.F.—Adonis (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 0.125 Cc. or 2 minims (N.F.).

*Aether (Aether), Ether, U.S.P.—Contains about 96.5 per cent. of ethyl oxide.

A clear, colorless, very inflammable liquid with a characteristic odor and a burning, sweetish taste. Soluble in water (1:12), and miscible with alcohol, chloroform, petroleum benzin, benzene, and fixed or volatile oils.

Action and Uses: General anesthetic, administered by inhalation; when administered by mouth, carminative.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims.

*Spiritus Aetheris (Sp. Aeth.), Spirit of Ether, U.S.P. (Hoffmann’s Drops).—Ether (32.5%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

Uses: Carminative and fugacious indirect circulatory stimulant.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Spiritus Aetheris Compositus (Sp. Aether. Co.), Compound Spirit of Ether, N.F. (Hoffmann’s Anodyne).—Ether (32.5%), ethereal oil (2.5%) and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Uses: A superfluous modification of spirit of ether.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Aether Aceticus (Aeth. Acet.), Acetic Ether, N.F. (Ethyl Acetate).

A colorless, fragrant liquid, with a burning taste.

Action and Uses: Carminative, similar to and without special advantage over ether. Also used pharmaceutically, as flavoring ingredient.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

*Aether Nitrosus, Nitrous Ether.—Ethyl nitrite.

*Spiritus Aetheris Nitrosi (Sp. Aeth. Nitros.), Spirit of Nitrous Ether, U.S.P. (Sweet Spirit of Nitre).—Ethyl nitrite (about 4%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 92 per cent.

Action and Uses: Popularly used as a weak diuretic and diaphoretic. Unstable and therefore unreliable. Has the physiologic action of a weak nitrite.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Aethylis Carbamas (Aethyl. Carbam.), Ethyl Carbamate, U.S.P. (Carbamic Acid Ethyl Ester, Urethane, Ethyl Urethane).

Colorless, odorless crystals or scales, with a cooling, saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:0.45) and in alcohol (1:0.8). Incompatible with alkalies, acids and most other chemicals.

Action and Uses: Very mild and relatively harmless hypnotic.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.) in powder, cachets or solution.

*Aethylis Chloridum (Aethyl. Chlor.), Ethyl Chloride, U.S.P.—Monochlorethane, CH3CH2Cl.

A colorless, very volatile liquid, with an agreeable odor and a sweetish, burning taste. The vapor is very inflammable. Slightly soluble in water and freely soluble in alcohol and in ether.

Action and Uses: Local anesthetic for minor operations. Used in the form of a spray to produce intense cold. Has also been used by inhalation as general anesthetic in short operations.

*Aethylmorphinae Hydrochloridum (Aethylmorph. Hydrochl.), Ethylmorphine Hydrochloride, U.S.P. (Ethylmorphine Chloride, Dionin).

A white, odorless powder, with a slightly bitter taste. Very soluble in water (1:8) and soluble in alcohol (1:22).

Action and Uses: Systemically, intermediate between those of morphine and codeine. Probably possesses no advantage over codeine. When applied to the eye it causes local hyperemia terminating in acute conjunctival edema.

Dosage: 0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain (U.S.P.). Used as 10 per cent. ointment or solution in corneal opacity and similar conditions.

Agar (Agar), Agar, U.S.P. (Agar-Agar).—A mucilaginous substance extracted from certain seaweeds.

Nearly white, almost odorless and tasteless strips, shreds or powder, tough when damp, brittle when dry. Insoluble in cold water, but slowly soluble in hot water.

Action and Uses: Passes through the intestinal canal almost unchanged. Absorbs and retains moisture. Used in chronic constipation with intestinal atony; renders the feces soft and bulky and thus promotes peristalsis.

Dosage: 10 Gm. or 2-1/2 drachms (U.S.P.).

Agaricus (Agaric), Agaric, N.F. (White Agaric, Larch Agaric).—The fruit body of a fungus.

Action and Uses: Empirical and unreliable remedy for night sweats of phthisis.

Dosage: 0.6 Gm. or 10 grains (N.F.).

*Alcohol (Alcohol), Alcohol, U.S.P.—Not less than 92.3 per cent. by weight or 94.9 per cent. by volume of C2H5OH.

A colorless, volatile, inflammable liquid, with a characteristic odor and burning taste. Freely miscible with water, ether or chloroform.

Action and Uses: Rubefacient, astringent, antiseptic and by its evaporation a refrigerant. Internally it is a narcotic widely used as a “stimulant” but may do more harm than good.

Alcohol Dehydratum (Alcohol Dehyd.), Dehydrated Alcohol, U.S.P. (Alcohol Absolutum, U.S.P. VIII).—Not less than 99 per cent. by weight of C2H5OH.

A liquid with the same color, odor and taste as alcohol.

Alcohol Dilutum (Alcohol Dil.), Diluted Alcohol, U.S.P.—About 41.5 per cent. by weight or 49 per cent. by volume of C2H5OH.

*Elixir Aromaticum (Elix. Arom.), Aromatic Elixir, U.S.P. (Simple Elixir).—Compound spirit of orange in syrup, alcohol and distilled water. Absolute alcohol content about 22 per cent.

Uses: Diluent and vehicle. The alcohol content of this preparation should not be overlooked.

Elixir Aromaticum Rubrum (Elix. Arom. Rub.), Red Aromatic Elixir, N.F. (Red Elixir).—Aromatic elixir colored with cudbear.

Uses: Diluent and vehicle.

Elixir Glycyrrhizae (Elix. Glycyrrh.), Elixir of Glycyrrhiza, U.S.P. (Elixir Adjuvans, U.S.P. VIII, Elixir of Licorice).—Fluidextract of glycyrrhiza (12.5%) and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 22 per cent.

Uses: Diluent and vehicle. The alcohol content should not be overlooked.

Elixir Glycyrrhizae Aromaticum (Elix. Glycyrrh. Arom.), Aromatic Elixir of Glycyrrhiza, N.F. (Aromatic Elixir of Licorice).—Fluidextract of glycyrrhiza (12.5%), oil of clove, oil of cassia, oil of myristica, oil of fennel and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 22 per cent.

Uses: Flavoring vehicle.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms.

Aletris (Aletr.), Aletris, N.F. (Unicorn Root, Colic Root, Star Grass).—Rhizome and root.

Action and Uses: Simple bitter, without advantage over gentian. Also used in proprietary “female remedies,” without good evidence of value.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Aletridis (Fldext. Aletrid.), Fluidextract of Aletris, N.F.—Aletris (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Allium (Allium), Garlic, N.F.

Action and Uses: Irritant expectorant; without advantage over senega, terpin hydrate or asafetida.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Syrupus Allii (Syr. Allii), Syrup of Garlic, N.F.—Garlic (20%) in sugar and diluted acetic acid.

Uses: Irritant expectorant.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Aloe (Aloe), Aloes, U.S.P.—The inspissated juice of different species of aloes, yielding Socotrine, CuraÇao and Cape aloes, respectively.

Action and Uses: Moderately active cathartic used in the treatment of chronic constipation. Acts mostly on the large intestine.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.), as pills.

*Extractum Aloes (Ext. Aloes), Extract of Aloes, N.F. (Powdered Extract of Aloes).—An aqueous extract, 1 Gm. representing 2 Gm. of aloes; diluted with starch. No material advantage over aloes.

Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (N.F.).

Pilulae ad Prandium (Pil. ad Prand.), Dinner Pills, N.F.

1. For dinner pills without additional specifications Pilulae Aloes et Mastiches (which see), also called Lady Webster’s Pills, should be dispensed.

2. Chapman’s Dinner Pills, N.F.—Each pill contains aloes and mastic (each 0.097 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains), and ipecac (0.065 Gm. or 1 grain), with oil of fennel.

3. Cole’s Dinner Pills, N.F.—Each pill contains aloes, mass of mercury and jalap (each 0.078 Gm. or 1-1/4 grains), antimony and potassium tartrate (0.0013 Gm. or 1/50 grain) and syrup.

4. Hall’s Dinner Pills, N.F.—Each pill contains aloes (0.065 Gm. or 1 grain) with extract of glycyrrhiza and soap.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Aloes (Pil. Aloes), Pills of Aloes, U.S.P.—Each pill contains aloes (0.13 Gm. or 2 grains) with soap.

Dosage: 2 pills (U.S.P.).

Pilulae Aloes et Asafoetidae (Pil. Aloe. et Asafoet.), Pills of Aloes and Asafetida, N.F.—Each pill contains aloes and asafetida (each 0.09 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains) with soap.

Dosage: 1 pill (U.S.P.).

Pilulae Aloes et Ferri (Pil. Aloe. et Ferr.), Pills of Aloes and Iron, N.F.—Each pill contains aloes and exsiccated ferrous sulphate (each 0.07 Gm. or 1-1/6 grains), with aromatic powder and confection of rose.

Dosage: 2 pills (N.F.).

Pilulae Aloes et Mastiches (Pil. Aloe. et Mastich.), Pills of Aloes and Mastic, N.F. (Lady Webster’s Dinner Pill).—Each pill contains aloes (0.13 Gm. or 2 grains) and mastic (0.04 Gm. or 2/3 grain) with red rose.

Dosage: 2 pills (N.F.).

Pilulae Aloes et Myrrhae (Pil. Aloe. et Myrrh.), Pills of Aloes and Myrrh, N.F.—Each pill contains aloes (0.13 Gm. or 2 grains) and myrrh (0.06 Gm. or 1 grain), with aromatic powder and syrup.

Dosage: 2 pills (N.F.).

Pilulae Aloes et Podophylli Compositae (Pil. Aloe. et Podoph. Co.), Compound Pills of Aloes and Podophyllum, N.F. (Janeway’s Pills).—Each pill contains aloes (0.065 Gm. or 1 grain), resin of podophyllum (0.0325 Gm. or 1/2 grain), pilular extract of belladonna leaves and extract of nux vomica (each 0.016 Gm. or 1/4 grain).

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Aloes, Hydrargyri et Podophylli (Pil. Aloe. Hydrarg. et Podoph.), Pills of Aloes, Mercury and Podophyllum, N.F. (Pilulae Triplices, N.F. III, Triplex Pills, Pilula Triplex).—Each pill contains aloes (0.13 Gm. or 2 grains), mass of mercury (0.065 Gm. or 1 grain) and resin of podophyllum (0.016 Gm. or 1/4 grain). These pills should not be taken habitually.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Aloes, Hydrargyri et Scammonii Compositae (Pil. Aloe. Hydrarg. et Scammon Co.), Compound Pills of Aloes, Mercury and Scammony, N.F. (Francis’ Triplex Pills).—Each pill contains aloes, resin of scammony and mass of mercury (each 0.055 Gm. or 7/8 grain), croton oil (0.0032 Cc. or 1/20 minim), oil of caraway (0.016 Cc. or 1/4 minim) and tincture of aloes and myrrh. Should not be taken habitually.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pulvis Aloes et Canellae (Pulv. Aloe. et Canell.), Powder of Aloes and Canella, N.F. (Hiera Picra).—Aloes (80%) and canella.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (N.F.).

Tinctura Aloes (Tr. Aloes), Tincture of Aloes, U.S.P.—Aloes (10%) and glycyrrhiza in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 47 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Aloes et Myrrhae (Tr. Aloe. et Myrrh.), Tincture of Aloes and Myrrh, N.F.—Represents aloes and myrrh (each 10%) and glycyrrhiza in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Uses: Disagreeable cathartic.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

*Aloinum (Aloin.), Aloin, U.S.P.—Obtained from aloes.

A yellow, odorless, intensely bitter powder. Slightly soluble in water and soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of aloes; is more easily absorbed, and has sometimes produced renal irritation.

Dosage: 0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain (U.S.P.), as pills. In chronic constipation, frequently given in doses of from 0.006 Gm. to 0.02 Gm., or 1/12 to 1/3 grain in combination with extract of belladonna and strychnine.

Pilulae Aloini Compositae (Pil. Aloin. Co.), Compound Pills of Aloin, N.F.—Each pill contains aloin (0.0325 Gm. or 1/2 grain), resin of podophyllum (0.008 Gm. or 1/8 grain), and pilular extract of belladonna leaves (0.016 Gm. or 1/4 grain).

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Aloini, Strychninae et Belladonnae (Pil. A.S. et B.), Pills of Aloin, Strychnine and Belladonna, N.F.—Each pill contains aloin (0.013 Gm. or 1/5 grain), strychnine (0.5 mg. or 1/120 grain) and pilular extract of belladonna leaves (0.008 Gm. or 1/8 grain).

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Aloini, Strychninae et Belladonnae Compositae (Pil. A.S. et B. Co.), Compound Pills of Aloin, Strychnine and Belladonna, N.F.—Each pill contains aloin (0.013 Gm. or 1/5 grain), strychnine (0.5 mg. or 1/120 grain), pilular extract of belladonna leaves (0.008 Gm. or 1/8 grain) and extract of cascara sagrada (0.0325 Gm. or 1/2 grain).

Uses: Needlessly complex mixture.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Laxativae Compositae (Pil. Lax. Co.), Compound Laxative Pills, N.F.—Each pill contains aloin (0.013 Gm. or 1/5 grain), strychnine (0.5 mg. or 1/120 grain), pilular extract of belladonna leaves (0.008 Gm. or 1/8 grain) and ipecac (0.004 Gm. or 1/15 grain) with glycyrrhiza and syrup.

Uses: Complex and superfluous preparation of aloin.

Dosage: 2 pills (N.F.).

Althaea (Althaea), Althaea, U.S.P. (Marsh Mallow Root).

Action and Uses: Demulcent and emollient; without advantages over other drugs of the same kind, such as chondrus, tragacanth, slippery elm and flaxseed.

Species Pectorales (Spec. Pect.), Pectoral Species, N.F. (Species ad Infusum Pectorale, Breast Tea).—Althaea, coltsfoot, glycyrrhiza, anise, mullein flowers and orris root.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Syrupus Althaeae (Syr. Althae.), Syrup of Althaea, N.F.—Althaea (5%) with alcohol, glycerin and sugar in water. Absolute alcohol content about 2.5 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Althaeae Folia (Althae. Fol.), Althaea Leaves, N.F. (Marsh Mallow Leaves).

Action and Uses: Domestic demulcent and emollient; inferior for internal use to gums and for poultices to flaxseed.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Species Emollientes (Spec. Emoll.), Emollient Species, N.F. (Emollient Cataplasm).—Althaea leaves, mallow leaves, melilot, matricaria and flaxseed. Emollient poultice is made by adding a suitable quantity of hot water to this powder.

*Alumen (Alum.), Alum, U.S.P.—AlNH4(SO4)2 + 12H2O or AlK(SO4)2 + 12H2O. (The physician may indicate whether ammonium alum or potassium alum is desired.)

Colorless crystals or white powder, odorless and possessing a strongly astringent taste. Ammonium alum is somewhat less soluble in water than is potassium alum, which is freely soluble in water (1:7.2); both are insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Astringent, styptic and hemostatic. Seldom administered internally.

Dosage: As a gargle, in from 1 to 5 per cent. solution (somewhat injurious to the teeth); as an injection in gonorrhea, in from 0.5 to 1 per cent. solution; as a lotion in skin diseases, in 1 per cent. solution.

*Alumen Exsiccatum (Alum. Exsic.), Exsiccated Alum, U.S.P. (Alumen Ustum, Dried Alum, Burnt Alum).—Anhydrous AlNH4(SO4)2 or anhydrous AlK(SO4)2. (The composition of the desired salt may be indicated.)

White, odorless powder, with an astringent taste. Very slowly soluble in water (1:14); insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used externally like alum, being more escharotic.

*Alumini Acetas, Aluminum Acetate.—Normal aluminum acetate, Al(C2H3O2)3.

Liquor Alumini Acetatis (Liq. Alumin. Acet.), Solution of Aluminum Acetate, N.F. (Liquor Burowii, Burow’s Solution).—Contains normal aluminum acetate, Al(C2H3O2)3 (about 5%).

Uses: Popular astringent wash.

Dosage: Usually diluted with 15 parts of water.

Alumini Acetico-Tartras, Aluminum Acetico-Tartrate.

Liquor Alumini Acetico-Tartratis (Liq. Alumin. Acet.-Tart.), Solution of Aluminum Acetico-Tartrate, N.F.—A solution of aluminum acetate and tartrate obtained by dissolving aluminum hydroxide in a mixture of acetic and tartaric acids.

Alumini Chloridum (Alum. Chlor.), Aluminum Chloride, N.F.—AlCl3 + 6H2O.

A nearly white deliquescent powder, with a sweetish, astringent taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1) and in alcohol (1:3).

Action and Uses: Antiseptic and astringent, without advantage over alum.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (N.F.).

Alumini Hydroxidum (Alum. Hydrox.), Aluminum Hydroxide, U.S.P.—Al(OH)3.

A white, bulky, odorless and tasteless powder. Insoluble in water and in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Mild astringent and desiccant, sometimes used as a dusting powder.

Alumini Subacetas, Aluminum Subacetate.—Basic aluminum acetate, Al(C2H3O2)2OH.

*Liquor Alumini Subacetatis (Liq. Alumin. Subacet.), Solution of Aluminum Subacetate, N.F. (Liquor Alumini Acetatis, N.F. III).—Contains basic aluminum acetate, Al(C2H3O2)2OH (about 8%).

Uses: Astringent wash.

Dosage: Usually diluted with ten parts of water.

Alumini Sulphas (Alum. Sulph.), Aluminum Sulphate, N.F.—Al2(SO4)3 + 16H2O.

A white, odorless powder, with an astringent taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1), but insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to and without advantage over alum.

*Ammonia (NH3).

*Aqua Ammoniae (Aq. Ammon.), Ammonia Water, U.S.P.—NH3 (about 10%) in water.

A liquid with a strong odor and a caustic, soapy taste. Loses NH3 readily. Miscible with water or alcohol.

Uses: Local irritant and antacid, preferably as a liniment. Fugacious indirect circulatory and respiratory stimulant.

Aqua Ammoniae Fortior (Aq. Ammon. Fort.), Stronger Ammonia Water, U.S.P.—NH3 (about 28%) in water.

Loses NH3 very readily. Miscible with water or alcohol.

*Linimentum Ammoniae (Lin. Ammon.), Ammonia Liniment, U.S.P. (Volatile Liniment, Hartshorn Liniment).—Ammonia water (25%) in sesame oil.

Uses: Popularly used as counterirritant.

Lotio Ammoniacalis Camphorata (Lot. Ammon. Camph.), Ammoniated Camphor Wash, N.F. (Aqua Sedativa, N.F. III, Sedative Water, Eau SÉdative de Raspail).—Ammonia water (6%) and spirit of camphor (1%), in sodium chloride and water.

Uses: Counterirritant.

Spiritus Ammoniae Anisatus (Sp. Ammon. Anis.), Anisated Spirit of Ammonia, N.F. (Liquor Ammoniae Anisatus, Anisated Solution of Ammonia).—Ammonia water (20%) with anethol, in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Uses: Aromatic carminative preparation.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Ammonii Acetas, Ammonium Acetate.—NH4C2H3O2.

Liquor Ammonii Acetatis (Liq. Ammon. Acet.), Solution of Ammonium Acetate, U.S.P. (Spirit of Mindererus).—Contains NH4C2H3O2 (not less than 7%).

Uses: Diaphoretic and diuretic in fevers; of doubtful value.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Liquor Ferri et Ammonii Acetatis (Liq. Ferr. et Ammon. Acet.), Solution of Iron and Ammonium Acetate, U.S.P. (Basham’s Mixture).

Uses: An antiquated preparation, without the special advantages generally ascribed to it. Iron and acetates are better prescribed separately.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Ammonii Benzoas (Ammon. Benz.), Ammonium Benzoate, U.S.P.

A white, odorless or nearly odorless powder, with a bitterish taste. Very soluble in water (1:10) and soluble in alcohol (1:35). Incompatible with acids, fixed alkalies and ferric salts.

Action and Uses: Resembles sodium benzoate in its action but is more irritant and has no advantage over it.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.), in solution.

Ammonii Bromidum (Ammon. Brom.), Ammonium Bromide, U.S.P.—NH4Br.

A white, odorless powder with a pungent saline taste. Incompatible with nitrous ether.

Action and Uses: Those of the bromides; more irritant than potassium bromide, over which it has no advantage.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.) in solution.

Elixir Ammonii Bromidi (Elix. Ammon. Brom.), Elixir of Ammonium Bromide, N.F.—Ammonium bromide (8.5%), syrup, distilled water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 5 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm.

Elixir Trium Bromidorum (Elix. Tri. Brom.), Elixir of Three Bromides, N.F.—Ammonium bromide, potassium bromide and sodium bromide (each 8%), with cudbear and compound elixir of almond. Absolute alcohol content about 4 per cent.

Uses: An irrational bromide mixture, as there is no good evidence that the bases influence the bromide action materially.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Ammonii Carbonas (Ammon. Carb.), Ammonium Carbonate, U.S.P.—A mixture of ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium carbamate, yielding about 31 per cent. of NH3.

White, hard, translucent masses, with a strong ammoniacal odor and a sharp, ammoniacal taste. Very soluble in water; alcohol dissolves the carbamate and leaves the bicarbonate.

Action and Uses: Alkaline and nauseant liquefying expectorant used in cough mixtures; also as reflex “diffusible” stimulant in smelling salts.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.) in solution.

Mistura Pectoralis Stokes (Mist. Pect. Stokes), Stokes’ Expectorant, N.F.—Ammonium carbonate (1.75%), fluidextracts of senega and squill (each 3.5%), camphorated tincture of opium (17.5%), water and syrup of tolu. Absolute alcohol content about 10 per cent.

Uses: Irrational expectorant mixture.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Spiritus Ammoniae Aromaticus (Sp. Ammon. Arom.), Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia, U.S.P.—Ammonium carbonate (3.4%), ammonia water (9%) and oils of lemon, lavender and myristica in alcohol and distilled water. Absolute alcohol content about 68 per cent.

Uses: Useful aromatic alkali and carminative in flatulence, colic, etc.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

*Ammonii Chloridum (Ammon. Chlor.), Ammonium Chloride, U.S.P.—NH4Cl.

A white, odorless powder, with a saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:2.6) and soluble in alcohol (1:100).

Action and Uses: Liquefying expectorant; used in cough mixtures, and in the treatment of inflammation of the air-passages.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.), in solution or lozenges.

Mistura Ammonii Chloridi (Mist. Ammon. Chlor.), Mixture of Ammonium Chloride, N.F. (Mistura Solvens Simplex).—Ammonium chloride (2.5%) and pure extract of glycyrrhiza in water.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Trochisci Ammonii Chloridi (Troch. Ammon. Chlor.), Troches of Ammonium Chloride, U.S.P.—Each troche contains ammonium chloride (0.1 Gm.) with extract of glycyrrhiza, tragacanth and sugar, flavored with syrup of tolu.

Ammonii Citras, Ammonium Citrate.

Liquor Ammonii Citratis (Liq. Ammon. Cit.), Solution of Ammonium Citrate, N.F.—Ammonium citrate (14.47%) in water.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Ammonii Hypophosphis (Ammon. Hypophos.), Ammonium Hypophosphite, N.F.—NH4H2PO2.

Colorless plates or white powder, odorless, with a saline, bitter taste. Very soluble in water (1:1) and soluble in alcohol (1:20).

Action and Uses: Similar to but without material advantage over ammonium chloride.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

Syrupus Ammonii Hypophosphitis (Syr. Ammon. Hypophos.), Syrup of Ammonium Hypophosphite, N.F.—Ammonium hypophosphite (3.5%) and diluted hypophosphorous acid, flavored with compound spirit of vanillin, in water, glycerin and syrup.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Ammonii Iodidum (Ammon. Iod.), Ammonium Iodide, U.S.P.—NH4I.

White, odorless powder, with a saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:0.6), in alcohol (1:3.7) and in glycerin (1:1.5).

Action and Uses: Those of the iodides. More irritant and less stable than sodium or potassium iodide, over which it has no advantage.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.), in solution.

Linimentum Ammonii Iodidi (Lin. Ammon. Iod.), Liniment of Ammonium Iodide, N.F.—Ammonium iodide (about 0.5%) with oil of rosemary, oil of lavender, camphor, ammonia water and alcohol.

Uses: Irrational preparation.

Ammonii Phosphas (Ammon. Phos.), Ammonium Phosphate, N.F.—A mixture of (NH4)2HPO4 and NH4H2PO4.

Colorless crystals or white powder. Freely soluble in water (1:4), but insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to but without advantage over sodium phosphate.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (N.F.).

Ammonii Salicylas (Ammon. Salicyl.), Ammonium Salicylate, U.S.P.

White, odorless crystals or powder with a bitterish taste. Very soluble in water (1:1) and in alcohol (1:3). Incompatible with acids and fixed alkalies.

Action and Uses: Those of salicylates; without advantage over sodium salicylate.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.), in solution.

Ammonii Valeras (Ammon. Valer.), Ammonium Valerate, U.S.P. (Ammonium Valerianate).—Of variable composition.

White plates, with a valerian odor and a sharp, sweetish taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.3) and in alcohol (1:0.6).

Action and Uses: Sedative in hysteria, depending on the valeric odor. Not very effective.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Ammonii Valeratis (Elix. Ammon. Valer.), Elixir of Ammonium Valerate, N.F. (Elixir Ammonii Valerianatis, N.F. III).—Ammonium valerate (3.5%) in red elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm. The alcohol content should be borne in mind.

Amygdala Dulcis (Amygd. Dulc.), Sweet Almond, U.S.P.

Action and Uses: Demulcent, especially as cosmetic.

Emulsum Amygdalae (Emuls. Amygd.), Emulsion of Almond, U.S.P. (Milk of Almond).—Sweet almond, acacia, sugar and water.

*Amylis Nitris (Amyl. Nitris), Amyl Nitrite, U.S.P.—Not less than 80 per cent. C5H11NO2 (chiefly iso-amyl nitrite).

A yellowish liquid, with a fruity odor and a pungent, aromatic taste. Very volatile; almost insoluble in water, but miscible with alcohol or ether.

Action and Uses: Prompt vasodilator, used especially in spasms of angina pectoris, asthma and general convulsions.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.), by inhalation.

*Amylum (Amyl.), Starch, U.S.P. (Corn Starch).

Action and Uses: Dusting powder and diluent.

Glyceritum Amyli (Glycer. Amyl.), Glycerite of Starch, U.S.P.—Starch (10%) and water (10%) in glycerin.

Uses: Emollient and excipient.

Anethol (Anethol), Anethol, N.F.—The chief constituent of oil of anise and oil of fennel.

A colorless or yellowish liquid, with a sweet taste and an odor of anise; solid below 20 C. Almost insoluble in water, but freely soluble in alcohol or ether.

Action and Uses: Carminative, etc. Similar to but without advantage over oil of anise.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (N.F.).

Elixir Anisi (Elix. Anis.), Elixir of Anise, N.F.—Anethol, oil of fennel, spirit of bitter almond, alcohol, syrup and water. Absolute alcohol content about 23 per cent.

Uses: Carminative and flavor.

Dosage: For infants, 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Angelicae Fructus (Angel. Fruct.), Angelica Fruit, N.F. (Angelica Seed).

Action and Uses: Aromatic stomachic and carminative; without advantage over gentian.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Angelicae Radix (Angel. Rad.), Angelica Root, N.F.

Action and Uses: Stimulating expectorant; without advantage over tolu.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Angelicae Radicis (Fldext. Angel. Rad.), Fluidextract of Angelica Root, N.F.—Angelica root (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 85 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Anisum (Anis.), Anise, U.S.P. (Aniseed).

Action and Uses: Carminative. (See Oleum Anisi).

*Antimonii et Potassii Tartras (Antim. et Pot. Tart.), Antimony and Potassium Tartrate, U.S.P. (Antimonyl Potassium Tartrate, Tartrated Antimony, Tartar Emetic).

A white, odorless powder with a sweet, metallic taste. Soluble in water (1:12) and in glycerin (1:15); insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Nauseant expectorant and emetic. Emetic doses and the prolonged use of expectorant doses are somewhat dangerous. Externally, a pustulant.

Dosage: Expectorant, 0.005 Gm. or 1/12 grain (U.S.P.), in solution. It is best to begin with small doses (0.001 Gm. or 1/60 grain) which may be repeated hourly, care being taken to avoid too great depression.

Vinum Antimonii (Vin. Antimon.), Wine of Antimony, N.F.—Antimony and potassium tartrate (0.4%), in water and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Antimonii Oxidum (Antim. Oxid.), Antimony Oxide, N.F.—Antimonous oxide, Sb2O3.

A white or grayish-white, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water and in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Obsolete nauseant, emetic and cathartic. Action uncertain and possibly toxic.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (N.F.).

Pulvis Antimonialis (Pulv. Antimon.), Antimonial Powder, N.F. (James’ Powder).—Antimonous oxide (33%) and precipitated calcium phosphate.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

Antimonium Sulphuratum (Antim. Sulphurat.), Sulphurated Antimony, N.F. (Antimonium Oxysulphuratum, Kermes Mineral).—Chiefly antimony trisulphide, Sb2S3.

A red-brown, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water and in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Mineral cathartic, without advantage over calomel. Has no special action on the bile, as was formerly supposed.

Pilulae Antimonii Compositae (Pil. Antimon. Co.), Compound Pills of Antimony, N.F. (Plummer’s Pills).—Each pill contains sulphurated antimony and mild mercurous chloride (each 0.04 Gm. or 2/3 grain), guaiac (0.08 Gm. or 1-1/3 grains), and castor oil.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

*Antipyrina (Antipyr.), Antipyrine, U.S.P. (Phenazone, Phenyldimethylpyrazolon).

White, odorless powder, with a slightly bitter taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1) and in alcohol (1:1.3).

Action and Uses: Antipyretic and analgesic, similar to acetanilid.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.), in solution, given with even greater caution than acetanilid and acetphenetidin.

Apii Fructus (Apii Fruct.), Celery Fruit, N.F. (Celery Seed).

Action and Uses: Domestic emmenagogue, depending for its action on the volatile oil.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Apii Fructi (Fldext. Apii Fruct.), Fluidextract of Celery Fruit, N.F.—Celery fruit (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 85 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Apocynum (Apocyn.), Apocynum, N.F. (Canadian Hemp).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Cardiac tonic of digitalis group; unreliable as to rate of absorption.

Dosage: 0.75 Gm. or 12 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Apocyni (Fldext. Apocyn.), Fluidextract of Apocynum, N.F. (Fluidextract of Canadian Hemp).—Apocynum (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 50 per cent.

Dosage: 0.75 Cc. or 12 minims (N.F.).

*Apomorphinae Hydrochloridum (Apomorph. Hydrochl.), Apomorphine Hydrochloride, U.S.P. (Apomorphine Chloride).

White powder, becoming greenish on exposure to light and air, odorless and with a slightly bitter taste. Soluble in water (1:50) and in alcohol (1:50).

Action and Uses: Prompt, centrally acting emetic, especially adapted for hypodermic administration. Rarely used as nauseant expectorant.

Dosage: Expectorant 0.003 Gm. or 1/20 grain (U.S.P.). Probably too large; 0.004 Gm. or 1/15 grain is said to have produced death in a person enfeebled by chronic bronchitis. From 0.001 Gm. to 0.002 Gm., or 1/60 to 1/30 grain, repeated once an hour or once in two hours, is safer. Emetic, by mouth (hypodermic administration is better), 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.). Emetic, hypodermic, 0.005 Gm. or 1/12 grain (U.S.P.). This may be repeated at ten-minute intervals until effective, but it should be remembered that in some cases apomorphin produces toxic effects without causing vomiting.

*Aqua (Aqua), Water, U.S.P.—H2O.

Action and Uses: Solvent. The ingestion of large amounts is a very valuable eliminative measure.

*Aqua Destillata (Aq. Dest.), Distilled Water, U.S.P.—Water obtained by distillation.

Aqua Destillata Sterilisata (Aq. Dest. Steril.), Sterilized Distilled Water, U.S.P.—Should be used within forty-eight hours after its preparation.

AQUAE AROMATICAE, AROMATIC WATERS.—The official aromatic waters are aqueous solutions of volatile substances, usually volatile oils. They are used as vehicles for the more active water-soluble drugs. For preparations included in this list see under the names of the principal constituents. For the following, see under the names of the respective oils: Aqua Amygdalae Amarae, Aqua Foeniculi, Aqua Menthae Piperitae and Aqua Menthae Viridis.

Aralia (Aralia), Aralia, N.F. (American Spikenard, Spignet).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Obsolete irritant, diaphoretic and “alterative.” Probably without value.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Araliae (Fldext. Aral.), Fluidextract of Aralia, N.F.—Aralia (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

*Argenti Nitras (Arg. Nit.), Silver Nitrate, U.S.P.—AgNO3.

Colorless plates, darkening on exposure to light in the presence of organic matter; odorless; strongly caustic and having a bitter, metallic taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.4) and soluble in alcohol (1:30). Incompatible especially with chlorides and organic matter.

Action and Uses: Externally as a caustic, antiseptic and germicide; internally as an astringent.

Dosage: 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.), diluted or in kaolin pills. The concentrations of solutions for local use vary from 0.01 to 10 per cent., according to the sensitiveness of the surface and the degree of action desired. Distilled water should be used in making the solutions.

*Argenti Nitras Fusus (Arg. Nit. Fus.), Molded Silver Nitrate, U.S.P. (Fused Silver Nitrate, Lunar Caustic).—AgNO3 toughened by the addition of a small proportion of silver chloride.

White, hard pencils or cones.

Argenti Oxidum (Arg. Oxid.), Silver Oxide, U.S.P.—Ag2O.

A heavy, odorless, brownish-black powder with a metallic taste. Only slightly soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Astringent in gastric ulcer. Probably inefficient.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

Arnica (Arnic.), Arnica, U.S.P. (Arnica Flowers).

Action and Uses: Feeble rubefacient. Still used externally to some extent in the form of a tincture mixed with water as an evaporating lotion. The chief active ingredient of the tincture is probably its alcohol.

Fluidextractum Arnicae (Fldext. Arnic.), Fluidextract of Arnica, N.F.—Arnica (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Tinctura Arnicae (Tr. Arnic.), Tincture of Arnica, U.S.P.—Arnica (20%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 46 per cent.

Arseni Iodidum (Arsen. Iod.), Arsenous Iodide, U.S.P. (Arsenic Iodide).—AsI3.

An orange-red, odorless powder. Soluble in water (1:12) with partial decomposition; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of arsenic trioxide, over which it has no advantage.

Dosage: 0.005 Gm. or 1/12 grain (U.S.P.).

*Liquor Arseni et Hydrargyri Iodidi (Liq. Arsen. et Hydrarg. Iod.), Solution of Arsenous and Mercuric Iodide, U.S.P. (Donovan’s Solution).—Arsenous iodide and red mercuric iodide (each 1%) in water.

Dosage: 0.1 Cc. or 1-1/2 minims (U.S.P.).

*Arseni Trioxidum (Arsen. Triox.), Arsenic Trioxide, U.S.P. (Arsenous Acid, Arsenous Oxide, White Arsenic).—As2O3.

Amorphous, glassy masses or white, crystalline masses or powder. Slowly soluble in water (about 1:100), slightly soluble in alcohol and ether and freely soluble in glycerine. Readily dissolved by hydrochloric acid or by alkaline solutions.

Action and Uses: Believed to modify nutrition. Used as tonic in anemias, nervous diseases, etc., in skin diseases and in some forms of malaria. Externally, a mild escharotic, but the danger of poisoning prevents its general use. Likely to produce nephritis. A very common poison.

Dosage: 0.002 Gm. or 1/30 grain (U.S.P.), in pills or solutions.

*Liquor Acidi Arsenosi (Liq. Acid. Arsen.), Solution of Arsenous Acid, U.S.P. (Hydrochloric Solution of Arsenic, “Solution of Arsenic Chloride”).—Arsenic trioxide (1%) in diluted hydrochloric acid (5%) and water.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims.

*Asafoetida (Asafoet.), Asafetida, U.S.P. (Gum Asafetida).—A gum resin.

Should be 60% soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used as a carminative and also in the treatment of hysteria, the action being psychic.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.), in pills.

Emulsum Asafoetidae (Emuls. Asafoet.), Emulsion of Asafetida, U.S.P. (Milk of Asafetida).—Asafetida (4%) in water.

Uses: Used especially as enema in tympanites.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Pilulae Asafoetidae (Pil. Asafoet.), Pills of Asafetida, U.S.P.—Each pill contains asafoetida (0.2 Gm. or 3 grains), and soap.

Dosage: 2 pills (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Asafoetidae (Tr. Asafoet.), Tincture of Asafetida, U.S.P.—Asafetida (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 81 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Asarum (Asar.) Asarum, N.F. (Canada Snake-Root. Wild Ginger).—Rhizome.

Action and Uses: Carminative and flavor; similar to but without advantage over ginger.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Syrupus Asari Compositus (Syr. Asar. Co.), Compound Syrup of Asarum, N.F.—Asarum (6.2%), fluidextract of ipecac (0.3%), alcohol, cochineal and potassium carbonate in syrup.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Asclepias (Asclep.), Asclepias, N.F. (Pleurisy Root).

Action and Uses: Obsolete domestic remedy for pleurisy, also used as diaphoretic. Probably without value.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Asclepiadis (Fldext. Asclepiad.), Fluidextract of Asclepias, N.F.—Asclepias (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

*Aspidium (Aspidium), Aspidium, U.S.P. (Male Fern).—The rhizome of certain ferns.

Action and Uses: Used as a teniacide in the form of oleoresin.

*Oleoresina Aspidii (Oleores. Aspid.), Oleoresin of Aspidium, U.S.P. (Oleoresin of Male Fern).

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (total dose in a day, U.S.P.), which may be given singly or in repeated, divided doses, at intervals of fifteen minutes, in capsules containing 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains, or in emulsion. Larger doses may be given to robust persons. Special caution is necessary in giving it to anemic or debilitated persons. The patient should be prepared by a light diet or fasting for twenty-four hours. The drug should be given early in the morning, preceded by a saline cathartic, and the last dose followed in three hours by a saline laxative. Caution:—Castor oil or other fixed oils should not be used in connection with oleoresin of aspidium, as they favor the absorption of the active principle.

Aspidosperma (Aspidosp.), Aspidosperma, U.S.P. (Quebracho).—A bark.

Action and Uses: Has been recommended in dyspneic conditions. Value doubtful.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Aspidospermatis (Fldext. Aspidosp.), Fluidextract of Aspidosperma, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Quebracho).—Aspidosperma (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

*Atropina (Atrop.), Atropine, U.S.P.—An alkaloid obtained from belladonna and some other plants of the nightshade family.

A white, odorless powder. Slightly soluble in water (1:455), but freely soluble in alcohol (1:2).

Action and Uses: Atropine and the related alkaloids paralyze the parasympathetic endings. They are used especially as mydriatics and cycloplegics, to suppress secretions, as in gastric hyperacidity, and to quicken the heart, regulate peristalsis, lessen bronchial spasm, etc.

Dosage: 0.5 mg. or 1/120 grain (U.S.P.).

Oleatum Atropinae (Oleat. Atrop.), Oleate of Atropine, N.F.—Atropine (2%), in alcohol, oleic acid and olive oil.

*Atropinae Sulphas (Atrop. Sulph.), Atropine Sulphate, U.S.P.

White, odorless powder. Very soluble in water (1:0.4) and in alcohol (1:5).

Dosage: 0.5 mg. or 1/120 grain (U.S.P.).

Aurantii Amari Cortex (Aurant. Amar. Cort.), Bitter Orange Peel, U.S.P.

Action and Uses: Aromatic bitter stomachic, used principally as a flavoring.

Fluidextractum Aurantii Amari (Fldext. Aurant. Amar.), Fluidextract of Bitter Orange Peel, U.S.P.—Bitter orange peel (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Tinctura Aurantii Amari (Tr. Aurant. Amar.), Tincture of Bitter Orange Peel, U.S.P.—Bitter orange peel (20%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Vinum Aurantii Compositum (Vin. Aurant. Co.), Compound Wine of Orange, N.F. (Elixir Aurantiorum Compositum, Compound Elixir of Orange).—Bitter orange peel, absinthium, menyanthes, cascarilla, Saigon cinnamon and gentian, extracted with potassium carbonate in sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Uses: Objectionable alcoholic “bitter.”

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Aurantii Dulcis Cortex (Aurant Dulc. Cort.), Sweet Orange Peel, U.S.P.

Action and Uses: Flavoring agent.

Syrupus Aurantii (Syr. Aurant.), Syrup of Orange, U.S.P.—Tincture of sweet orange peel in syrup.

Tinctura Aurantii Dulcis (Tr. Aurant. Dulc.), Tincture of Sweet Orange Peel, U.S.P.—Sweet orange peel from fresh fruit (50%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 83 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Aurantii Flores, Bitter Orange Flowers.

Action and Uses: Flavoring agent.

Aqua Aurantii Florum (Aq. Aurant. Flor.), Orange Flower Water, U.S.P.—Stronger orange flower water in water.

Aqua Aurantii Florum Fortior (Aq. Aurant. Flor. Fort.), Stronger Orange Flower Water, U.S.P.—Prepared by distillation of bitter orange flowers with water. Must be free from mucilaginous growths.

Syrupus Aurantii Florum (Syr. Aurant. Flor.), Syrup of Orange Flowers, U.S.P.—Sugar in orange flower water.

Auri et Sodii Chloridum (Aur. et Sod. Chlor.), Gold and Sodium Chloride, U.S.P.—Equal parts of AuCl3 and NaCl.

An orange-yellow, odorless, deliquescent powder with a saline, metallic taste. Very soluble in water.

Action and Uses: Preparations of gold have been employed in medicine for the most varied conditions without any real evidence of usefulness.

Dosage: 0.005 Gm. or 1/12 grain (U.S.P.).

*Balsamum Peruvianum (Bals. Peruv.), Balsam of Peru, U.S.P. (Peru Balsam).

Dark brown, viscid liquid, with a vanilla-like odor and a bitter, acrid taste. Soluble in alcohol or chloroform; only partially soluble in ether or petroleum benzin; practically insoluble in water.

Action and Uses: Externally in the form of ointments or alcoholic solutions as a stimulant to indolent wounds and ulcers and in the treatment of scabies.

*Balsamum Tolutanum (Bals. Tolu.), Balsam of Tolu, U.S.P. (Tolu Balsam).

Yellowish-brown or brown, plastic solid, becoming brittle when old, dried or exposed to cold, and having a vanilla-like odor and a mild, aromatic taste. Insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol, chloroform and ether.

Action and Uses: Has been recommended as an expectorant; used chiefly in the form of the syrup, which is little more than a pleasantly flavored vehicle.

*Syrupus Tolutanus (Syr. Tolu.), Syrup of Tolu, U.S.P.—Tincture of tolu (5%) in syrup.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Tolutana (Tr. Tolu.), Tincture of Tolu, U.S.P.—Balsam of tolu (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 85 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Baptisia (Baptis.), Baptisia, N.F. (Wild Indigo Root).

Action and Uses: Without any definite known action; formerly used in typhoid fever and diseases showing similar symptoms.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Baptisiae (Fldext. Baptis.), Fluidextract of Baptisia, N.F.—Baptisia (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

*Belladonnae Folia (Bellad. Fol.), Belladonna Leaves, U.S.P. (Deadly Nightshade Leaves, Belladonnae Folium, P.I.).—Yield not less than 0.3 per cent. of mydriatic alkaloids.

Action and Uses: Those of the hyoscyamine and atropine (which see) contained therein.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

*Emplastrum Belladonnae (Emp. Bellad.), Belladonna Plaster, U.S.P.—Extract of belladonna leaves (30%), yielding about 0.37 per cent. of alkaloids.

Action and Uses: Applied in the treatment of rheumatic and similar pains.

*Extractum Belladonnae Foliorum (Ext. Bellad. Fol.), Extract of Belladonna Leaves, U.S.P.—One Gm. extract represents about 4 Gm. belladonna leaves and yields about 1.25 per cent. of alkaloids. Two forms: pilular extract of belladonna leaves and powdered extract of belladonna leaves.

Dosage: 0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain (U.S.P.).

*Tinctura Belladonnae Foliorum (Tr. Bellad. Fol.), Tincture of Belladonna Leaves, U.S.P. (Belladonnae Tinctura, P.I.)—Belladonna leaves (10%) yielding about 0.03 per cent. of alkaloids in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 47 per cent.

Dosage: 0.75 Cc. or 12 minims (U.S.P.).

*Unguentum Belladonnae (Ung. Bellad.), Belladonna Ointment, U.S.P.—Pilular extract of belladonna leaves (10%) in diluted alcohol, hydrous wool fat and benzoinated lard.

Belladonnae Radix (Bellad. Rad.), Belladonna Root, U.S.P. (Deadly Nightshade Root).—Yields not less than 0.45 per cent. of mydriatic alkaloids.

Action and Uses: Those of the hyoscyamine and atropine (which see) contained therein.

Dosage: 0.045 Gm. or 3/4 grain (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Belladonnae Radicis (Fldext. Bellad. Rad.), Fluidextract of Belladonna Root, U.S.P.—Belladonna root (100%) yielding about 0.45 per cent. of alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 75 per cent.

Dosage: 0.05 Cc. or 1 minim (U.S.P.).

Linimentum Belladonnae (Lin. Bellad.), Belladonna Liniment, U.S.P.—Fluidextract of belladonna root (about 95%) and camphor (5%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Uses: A mildly analgesic and rubefacient application.

Benzaldehydum (Benzaldehyd.), Benzaldehyde, U.S.P.—Produced synthetically or obtained from oil of bitter almonds.

A colorless or yellowish liquid, with a bitter-almond odor and a burning, aromatic taste. Slightly soluble in water; miscible with alcohol, ether, and fixed or volatile oils.

Action and Uses: Flavoring agent.

Dosage: 0.03 Cc. or 1/2 minim (U.S.P.).

Benzinum Purificatum (Benzin. Purif.), Purified Petroleum Benzin, U.S.P. (Petroleum Ether).

A clear, colorless liquid, with an ethereal or faint petroleum odor; highly inflammable. Practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol and miscible with ether, chloroform, volatile oils and fixed oils with the exception of castor oil.

Action and Uses: Pharmaceutic solvent.

*Benzoinum (Benzoin.), Benzoin, U.S.P. (Gum Benjamin).—A balsamic resin.

Action and Uses: Used locally to promote healing, and in inhalations as an expectorant.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Benzoini (Tr. Benz.), Tincture of Benzoin, U.S.P.—Benzoin (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 83 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

*Tinctura Benzoini Composita (Tr. Benz. Co.), Compound Tincture of Benzoin, U.S.P.—Benzoin (10%), aloes (2%), storax (8%), balsam of tolu (4%), in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Uses: Protective and local stimulant, especially by inhalation.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

*Benzosulphinidum (Benzosulphinid.), Benzosulphinide, U.S.P. (Saccharin, Glusidum).

A white, nearly odorless powder with an intensely sweet taste even in dilute solutions. Slightly soluble (1:290) in water and soluble (1:31) in alcohol and readily dissolved by ammonia water or by a solution of alkali hydroxides or of sodium bicarbonate.

Action and Uses: Sweetening agent in diabetes mellitus; about 500 times as sweet as sugar, weight for weight.

Berberis (Berber.), Berberis, N.F. (Oregon Grape Root).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Probably similar to, but without advantage over, hydrastis.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Berberidis (Fldext. Berberid.), Fluidextract of Berberis, N.F.—Berberis (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Betaeucainae Hydrochloridum (Betaeucain. Hydrochl.), Betaeucaine Hydrochloride, U.S.P. (Eucaine Chloride, Eucaine; also known as Benzamine Hydrochloride).

A white, odorless powder. Soluble in water (1:30) and in alcohol (1:35).

Action and Uses: Local anesthetic.

Dosage: In a 2 or 3 per cent. solution for the eye or 5 to 10 per cent. solution for the nose and throat.

*Betanaphthol (Betanaph.), Betanaphthol, U.S.P. (Naphthol).

Colorless or pale buff crystalline laminae or white or yellowish powder, with a faint phenol odor and a pungent taste. Only slightly soluble in water (1:1000) and very soluble in alcohol (1:0.8).

Action and Uses: Antiseptic, somewhat stronger than phenol and less toxic. Used in skin affections, and as intestinal antiseptic and anthelmintic for hookworm.

Dosage: Internally, 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.). Externally as a 3 to 5 per cent. ointment.

Pasta Betanaphtholis (Past. Betanaphthol.), Betanaphthol Paste, N.F. (Lassar’s Naphthol Paste).—Betanaphthol (10%) and precipitated sulphur (50%) in petrolatum and soft soap.

Petroxolinum Betanaphtholis (Petrox. Betanaphthol.), Betanaphthol Petroxolin, N.F. (Betanaphthol Petrox).—Betanaphthol (10%) in liquid petroxolin.

Bismuthi Betanaphtholas (Bism. Betanaph.), Bismuth Betanaphthol, U.S.P. (Bismuth Betanaphtholate; also sold as Orphol).—Of somewhat varying composition.

A buff-colored or grayish-brown, nearly odorless, tasteless powder. Nearly insoluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used as an intestinal antiseptic, being decomposed into its constituents in the intestine, where it exerts the effects of bismuth salts and of betanaphthol.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Bismuthi et Ammonii Citras (Bism. et Ammon. Cit.), Bismuth and Ammonium Citrate, U.S.P. (Bismuth Ammoniocitrate).

Shining, pearly or translucent, odorless scales or white powder, with a metallic taste. Very soluble in water and sparingly soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Somewhat astringent and irritating; should not be used as a substitute for the insoluble salts of bismuth. Its use in “bismuth elixirs” is irrational.

Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (U.S.P.).

Bismuthi et Sodii Tartras, Bismuth and Sodium Tartrate.

Uses: An irrational method of administering bismuth.

Elixir Bismuthi (Elix. Bismuth.), Elixir of Bismuth, N.F.—Glycerite of bismuth (12.5%), in glycerin, water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 10 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Bismuthi (Elix. Cinchon. Ferr. et Bism.), Elixir of Cinchona Alkaloids, Iron and Bismuth, N.F. (Elixir Cinchonae, Ferri et Bismuthi, N.F. III, Elixir of Calisaya, Alkaloidal, with Iron and Bismuth).—Glycerite of bismuth (6.5%), elixir of cinchona, alkaloids and iron (about 87%) and water. Absolute alcohol content about 17 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Glyceritum Bismuthi (Glycer. Bismuth.), Glycerite of Bismuth, N.F.—A solution of bismuth and sodium tartrate.

Liquor Bismuthi (Liq. Bism.), Solution of Bismuth, N.F.—Glycerite of bismuth (12.5%), in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 12 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm. (N.F.).

Bismuthi Oxidum, Bismuth Oxide.

Magma Bismuthi (Magma Bism.), Bismuth Magma, U.S.P. (Milk of Bismuth).—A suspension in water of bismuth hydroxide and bismuth subcarbonate, forming a thick, white opaque liquid.

Uses: Used similarly to bismuth subcarbonate, over which it has no advantage.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

*Bismuthi Subcarbonas (Bism. Subcarb.), Bismuth Subcarbonate, U.S.P.—Of varying chemical composition.

White or nearly white, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used like other insoluble salts of bismuth as a protective and healing agent against wounds, diarrheas, etc., and in x-ray work.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.) in powders or cachets or in suspension (best form).

*Bismuthi Subgallas (Bism. Subgall.), Bismuth Subgallate, U.S.P. (Dermatol).—A basic bismuth gallate of varying chemical composition.

Bright yellow, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of bismuth subcarbonate, over which it has no advantage.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

*Bismuthi Subnitras (Bism. Subnit.), Bismuth Subnitrate, U.S.P.—Basic bismuth nitrate of varying chemical composition.

A heavy, white, odorless, almost tasteless powder. Almost insoluble in water and insoluble in alcohol. In aqueous mixtures, incompatible with alkali carbonates because of the liberation of nitric acid.

Action and Uses: Somewhat more astringent than the subcarbonate, because of the liberation of nitric acid.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.). Preferably administered as a powder or as cachets.

Bismuthi Subsalicylas (Bism. Subsalicyl.), Bismuth Subsalicylate, U.S.P.—Basic bismuth salicylate, of varying chemical composition.

A white or nearly white, odorless, tasteless powder. Almost insoluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses: Protective and astringent like other insoluble salts of bismuth, over which it has no marked advantage.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Boldo (Boldo), Boldo, N.F. (Boldo Leaves).

Action and Uses: Aromatic, perhaps somewhat diuretic. No well defined indications for its use.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Boldi (Fldext. Boldi), Fluidextract of Boldo, N.F.—Boldo (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (N.F.).

Brayera (Brayer.), Brayera, N.F. (Kousso, Cusso).—Flowers.

Action and Uses: Teniacide; without advantage over aspidium or pelletierine.

Dosage: 15 Gm. or 4 drachms (N.F.).

Infusum Brayerae (Inf. Brayer.), Infusion of Brayera, N.F.—Brayera (6%) in water.

Dosage: 250 Cc. or 8 fluidounces (N.F.).

Bromoformum (Bromof.), Bromoform, U.S.P.—CHBr3.

A heavy, clear, colorless liquid, with an ethereal odor and a sweet taste resembling that of chloroform. Slightly soluble in water and miscible with alcohol, chloroform, ether or fixed or volatile oils.

Action and Uses: Has been recommended as a sedative in the treatment of whooping-cough. Opinions differ as to its value.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.), preferably dissolved in almond oil or dropped on sugar. Bromoform is too dense to be dispensed safely with aqueous vehicles.

Bromum (Bromum), Bromine, N.F.—Br.

Heavy, dark, brownish-red, volatile liquid, with a suffocating odor resembling that of chlorine. Soluble in water (1:90) and freely soluble in alcohol or ether.

Action and Uses: Violent irritant; seldom used in medicine.

Liquor Bromi (Liq. Brom.), Solution of Bromine, N.F., (Smith’s Solution of Bromine).—Bromine (8.3%), potassium bromide and water.

Uses: Antiseptic and irritant.

Bryonia (Bryon.), Bryonia, N.F. (Bryony).—Root.

Action and Uses: Drastic resinous cathartic; without advantage over jalap. Used in dropsies, pleurisy, neuralgia, etc.; of doubtful value.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Tinctura Bryoniae (Tr. Bryon.), Tincture of Bryonia, N.F.—Bryonia (10%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Buchu (Buchu), Buchu, U.S.P. (Buchu Leaves, Short Buchu, Long Buchu).

Action and Uses: At one time largely used as antiseptic and diuretic, especially in catarrhal cystitis. Value doubtful.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Buchu (Elix. Buchu), Elixir of Buchu, N.F.—Fluidextract of buchu (12.5%) in alcohol and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 35 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm.

Elixir Buchu Compositum (Elix. Buchu Co.), Compound Elixir of Buchu, N.F.—Compound fluidextract of buchu (25%) in aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 30 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm.

Elixir Buchu et Potassii Acetatis (Elix. Buchu et Pot. Acet.), Elixir of Buchu and Potassium Acetate, N.F.—Potassium acetate (8.5%) and elixir of buchu. Absolute alcohol content about 30 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm.

Fluidextractum Buchu (Fldext. Buchu), Fluidextract of Buchu, U.S.P.—Buchu (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Buchu Compositum (Fldext. Buchu Co.), Compound Fluidextract of Buchu, N.F.—Buchu (62.5%), cubeb, juniper and uva ursi (each 12.5%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Uses: A needlessly complex diuretic mixture.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Cacao Praeparata (Cacao Praep.), Cocoa, N.F. (Prepared Cacao, Soluble Cocoa).

Action and Uses: Beverage and flavor.

Cactus Grandiflorus (Cact. Grand.), Cactus Grandiflorus, N.F. (Night Blooming Cereus).—Fresh stems.

Action and Uses: Used in neurotic heart disturbances; results probably imaginary. Drug apparently inactive.

Tinctura Cacti Grandiflori (Tr. Cact. Grand.), Tincture of Cactus Grandiflorus, N.F.—Cactus grandiflorus (50%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

*Caffeina (Caffein.), Caffeine, U.S.P. (Theine).—An alkaloid obtained from coffee or tea.

White, silky, efflorescent needles, odorless and bitter. Soluble in water (1:46) and in alcohol (1:66).

Action and Uses: Diuretic; cardiac, respiratory and psychic stimulant. Used as a nerve stimulant in poisoning by narcotic drugs and for the relief of headache. Widely used to combat the circulatory depression of the acute infectious diseases but its value in such conditions is uncertain. As a diuretic probably inferior to theobromine.

Dosage: 0.15 Gm. or 2-1/2 grains (U.S.P.), in capsules.

Caffeina Citrata (Caffein Cit.), Citrated Caffeine, U.S.P.—Caffeine and citric acid equal parts.

White, odorless powder, with a slightly bitter, acid taste.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.), in solution or capsules.

Caffeina Citrata Effervescens (Caff. Cit. Eff.), Effervescent Citrated Caffeine, U.S.P.—Contains anhydrous caffeine (about 2%), with sodium tartrate and citrate.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.) in water.

*Caffeinae Sodio-Benzoas (Caff. Sod. Benz.), Caffeine Sodio-Benzoate, U.S.P.—Caffeine and sodium benzoate about equal parts.

White, odorless powder, with a slightly bitter taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.1) and soluble in alcohol (1:30); partly soluble in chloroform.

Action and Uses: The form of caffeine usually employed for hypodermic administration, since it is freely soluble.

Dosage: By mouth, 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.); hypodermic, 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (U.S.P.).

Caffeinae Sodio-Salicylas (Caff. Sod. Salicyl.), Caffeine Sodio-Salicylate, N.F.—Represents equal parts of caffeine and sodium salicylate.

White, odorless powder. Freely soluble in water (1:2).

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

Calamina Praeparata (Calamin. Praep.), Prepared Calamine, N.F. (Lapis Calaminaris).—Native zinc carbonate.

A pink powder. Insoluble in water.

Action and Uses: Protective, similar to zinc oxide, over which it has no therapeutic advantage; has the cosmetic advantage of being slightly pink.

Unguentum Calaminae (Ung. Calamin.), Calamine Ointment, N.F. (Unguentum Zinci Carbonatis Crudi, Unguentum Calaminare, Turner’s Cerate).—Prepared calamine (17%) in ointment.

Calcii Bromidum (Calc. Brom.), Calcium Bromide, U.S.P.—Hydrated calcium bromide (not less than 84 per cent. of CaBr2).

A white, odorless, deliquescent powder, with a sharp, saline taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.7) and in alcohol (1:1.3). Incompatible with alkali carbonates and phosphates.

Action and Uses: Similar to but more irritant than sodium bromide, over which it has ordinarily no advantage, although the calcium perhaps increases the sedative action.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains, preferably administered in aqueous solutions, being too deliquescent for use in powder or cachets.

Elixir Calcii Bromidi (Elix. Calc. Brom.), Elixir of Calcium Bromide, N.F.—Calcium bromide (8.5%), diluted hydrobromic acid (0.4%), syrup, distilled water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 7 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Calcii Carbonas Praecipitatus (Calc. Carb. Praec.), Precipitated Calcium Carbonate, U.S.P. (Precipitated Chalk).—CaCO3.

A fine, white, odorless, tasteless powder. Nearly insoluble in water and insoluble in alcohol. Decomposed by acids with evolution of carbon dioxide.

Action and Uses: Chiefly used as a basis for tooth powder. Internally, employed as an antacid in diarrheas, etc.; externally in mixtures with cream or oil, has been used as an application to burns as an antacid and protective.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.), as powder or in suspension.

*Calcii Chloridum (Calc. Chlor.), Calcium Chloride, U.S.P.—Hydrated calcium chloride (not less than 75 per cent. of CaCl2).

White, hard, deliquescent, odorless masses or granules, with a sharp, saline taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.62), and freely soluble in alcohol (1:10).

Action and Uses: Used for the oral administration of calcium. Employed in hemorrhagic conditions, in which it is probably useless. Has also been advised in inflammatory conditions of the skin and mucous membranes (urticaria, serum-rashes, hay-fever, etc.).

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.), in solution.

Calcii Glycerophosphas (Calc. Glycerophos.), Calcium Glycerophosphate, U.S.P. (Calcium Glycerinophosphate).—CaC3H7O6P.

White, odorless, almost tasteless powder. Soluble in water (1:50) and insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Formerly believed to be a tonic, and used especially in neurasthenia, to improve the nutrition of the nervous system. There is no reliable evidence that it has any value.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.), in solution.

Elixir Calcii et Sodii Glycerophosphatum (Elix. Calc. et Sod. Glycerophos.), Elixir of Calcium and Sodium Glycerophosphates, N.F. (Elixir Glycerophosphatum N.F. III).—Solution of sodium glycerophosphate (2.5%), calcium glycerophosphate (0.875%), phosphoric acid (0.8%), in glycerin, aromatic elixir and distilled water. Absolute alcohol content about 7 per cent.

Uses: An irrational and inefficient “tonic” mixture.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Calcii Hypophosphis (Calc. Hypophos.), Calcium Hypophosphite, U.S.P.—Ca(PH2O2)2.

Colorless crystals or white powder, odorless and having a nauseous, bitter taste. Freely soluble in water (1:6.5) and insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: The hypophosphites were introduced as of special value in tuberculosis; later they were used as general reconstructive tonics, but there is no experimental or reliable clinical evidence that the hypophosphite radical has any value as such. Calcium hypophosphite must be regarded merely as a means of administering calcium.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.) in syrups.

Elixir Calcii Hypophosphitis (Elix. Calc. Hypophos.), Elixir of Calcium Hypophosphite, N.F.—Calcium hypophosphite (3.5%) in aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Elixir Hypophosphitum (Elix. Hypophos.), Elixir of Hypophosphites, N.F.—Calcium hypophosphite (5.25%), sodium hypophosphite and potassium hypophosphite (each 1.75%) in water, glycerin, compound spirit of cardamom and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 12 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Elixir Hypophosphitum et Ferri.—See under Ferri Hypophosphis.

Liquor Hypophosphitum (Liq. Hypophos.), Solution of Hypophosphites, N.F.—Calcium hypophosphite (3.5%), sodium hypophosphite (2%) and potassium hypophosphite (1.75%) in water.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Liquor Hypophosphitum Compositus (Liq. Hypophos. Co.), Compound Solution of Hypophosphites, N.F.—Calcium hypophosphite and potassium hypophosphite (each 0.85%), sodium hypophosphite (0.22%), ferric hypophosphite (0.44%) and manganese hypophosphite (0.22%), quinine hypophosphite (0.22%), strychnine hypophosphite (0.007%) and potassium citrate in orange flower water, glycerin and water.

Uses: Complex and irrational mixture.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Syrupus Calcii et Sodii Hypophosphitum (Syr. Calc. et Sod. Hypophos.), Syrup of Calcium and Sodium Hypophosphites, N.F.—Calcium hypophosphite and sodium hypophosphite (each 3.5%), in sugar and water.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm. (N.F.).

Syrupus Calcii Hypophosphitis (Syr. Calc. Hypophos.), Syrup of Calcium Hypophosphite, N.F.—Calcium hypophosphite (3.5%) in sugar and water.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Syrupus Hypophosphitum (Syr. Hypophos.), Syrup of Hypophosphites, U.S.P.—Calcium hypophosphite (4.5%), potassium hypophosphite and sodium hypophosphite (each 1.5%) in glycerin and syrup.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Hypophosphitum Compositus (Syr. Hypophos. Co.), Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, N.F.—Calcium hypophosphite (3.5%), potassium hypophosphite and sodium hypophosphite (each 1.75%), ferric hypophosphite and manganese hypophosphite (each 0.225%), quinine (0.11%), strychnine hypophosphite (0.0123%) and sodium citrate (0.375%) in glycerin and syrup.

Uses: Antiquated, complex and irrational “tonic.”

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Calcii Iodidum, Calcium Iodide.

Syrupus Calcii Iodidi (Syr. Calc. Iodid.), Syrup of Calcium Iodide, N.F.—Represents calcium iodide (8.75%) in syrup.

Uses: Superfluous, whether regarded as a calcium preparation or as an iodide preparation.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims.

*Calcii Lactas (Calc. Lact.), Calcium Lactate, U.S.P.—Ca(C3H5O3)2 + 5H2O.

White, odorless, practically tasteless masses or powder. Soluble in water (1:20) and almost insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used for the characteristic action of calcium; less irritating and therefore better adapted to hypodermic administration than calcium chloride (which see).

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.), in solution.

Calcii Lactophosphas (Calc. Lactophos.), Calcium Lactophosphate, N.F.—A mixture of calcium lactate and calcium acid lactate with calcium acid phosphate.

White, odorless powder. Soluble in water; almost insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to but without advantage over the lactate. Not adapted to hypodermic use.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (N.F.).

Elixir Calcii Lactophosphatis (Elix. Calc. Lactophos.), Elixir of Calcium Lactophosphate, N.F.—Calcium lactophosphate (3%) in compound spirit of orange, syrup, alcohol and distilled water. Absolute alcohol content about 19 per cent. Small and probably inefficient quantities of calcium.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Calcii Lactophosphatis (Elix. Cinchon., Ferr. et Calc. Lactophos.), Elixir of Cinchona Alkaloids, Iron and Calcium Lactophosphate, N.F.—(Elixir Cinchonae, Ferri et Calcii Lactophosphatis, N.F. III, Elixir of Calisaya, Iron and Lactophosphate of Lime).—Syrup of calcium lactophosphate (50%), potassium citrate (3%) and elixir of cinchona alkaloids and iron. Absolute alcohol content about 12 per cent.

Uses: An irrational mixture, supposed to present seven active ingredients.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Syrupus Calcii Lactophosphatis (Syr. Calc. Lactophos.), Syrup of Calcium Lactophosphate, U.S.P.—Made by dissolving precipitated calcium carbonate (2.5%) in lactic acid (6%), phosphoric acid (3.6%) and a syrup containing orange flower water.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Calcii Lactophosphatis et Ferri (Syr. Calc. Lactophos. et Ferr.), Syrup of Calcium Lactophosphate and Iron, N.F.—Ferrous lactate and potassium citrate (each 0.85%) and syrup of calcium lactophosphate (about 99%).

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Calcii Phosphas Praecipitatus (Calc. Phos. Praec.), Precipitated Calcium Phosphate, N.F.—Ca3(PO4)2.

A bulky, white, odorless, tasteless powder. Practically insoluble in water and insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Precipitated calcium phosphate has been given in the form of powders or mixtures for its action as a calcium salt, which is similar to but without advantage over the action of the carbonate. Because of its insolubility it is now seldom used.

Uses: Similar to but without advantage over the carbonate.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Syrupus Calcii Hydrochlorophosphatis (Syr. Calc. Hydrochlorophos.), Syrup of Calcium Hydrochlorophosphate, N.F. (Syrupus Calcii Chlorhydrophosphatis, N.F. III).—Precipitated calcium phosphate (1.75%) flavored with tincture of lemon peel and dissolved in hydrochloric acid, water and syrup.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Calcii Sulphidum Crudum (Calc. Sulphid. Crud.), Crude Calcium Sulphide, U.S.P. (Calx Sulphurata, U.S.P. VIII, Sulphurated Lime).—CaS (not less than 55%).

A pale gray or yellowish powder, with a faint hydrogen sulphide odor and a nauseous, alkaline taste. Very slightly soluble in cold water, insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Externally, depilatory similar to barium sulphide. Internally has been used to arrest and prevent suppuration especially in boils, carbuncles and pustular acne. There is no reliable evidence of its therapeutic usefulness.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.), in solution.

Liquor Calcis Sulphuratae (Liq. Calc. Sulphurat.), Solution of Sulphurated Lime, N.F. (Solution of Oxysulphuret of Calcium, Fleming’s Solution, Vleminckx’ Solution, Vleminckx’ Lotion).—A solution of calcium polysulphides and calcium thiosulphate produced by boiling together lime, sulphur and water.

Uses: Depilatory.

Calendula (Calend.), Calendula, N.F. (Marigold, Calendula Flowers).

Action and Uses: Locally, mild irritant, without material advantage over diluted alcohol. Internally, no definite indications for its use.

Fluidextractum Calendulae (Fldext. Calend.), Fluidextract of Calendula, N.F.—Calendula (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Tinctura Calendulae (Tr. Calend.), Tincture of Calendula, N.F.—Calendula (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Calumba (Calumb.), Calumba, U.S.P. (Columba, Columbo, Colombo).—A root.

Action and Uses: Used as a simple bitter and stomachic. It appears to have no advantage over other bitters, for instance, gentian.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.); usually given in the form of the tincture.

Fluidextractum Calumbae (Fldext. Calumb.), Fluidextract of Calumba, N.F.—Calumba (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Tinctura Calumbae (Tr. Calumb.), Tincture of Calumba, U.S.P.—Calumba (20%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

*Calx (Calx), Calcium Oxide, U.S.P. (Lime, Quicklime).—CaO.

Hard, white, odorless masses with a caustic taste, forming with water calcium hydroxide, which is slightly soluble in water (1:84), insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: As liquor calcis (an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide), used as an antacid and mild alkali. As milk of lime (a mixture of calcium hydroxide and water), frequently used as a disinfectant.

*Linimentum Calcis (Lin. Calc.), Lime Liniment, U.S.P. (Carron Oil).—Lime water (50%) and linseed oil.

Uses: Topical application, used especially for burns.

*Liquor Calcis (Liq. Calc.), Solution of Calcium Hydroxide, U.S.P. (Lime Water).—Ca(OH)2 (not less than 0.14%).

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms.

*Calx Chlorinata (Calx Chlorin.), Chlorinated Lime, U.S.P. (“Chloride of Lime”).—A compound of calcium chloride and hypochlorite containing not less than 30 per cent. of available chlorine.

A white or grayish-white powder having a chlorine-like odor and a repulsive saline taste. Partially soluble in water or alcohol. Decomposed by acids with liberation of chlorine.

Action and Uses: Disinfectant, especially for excreta. Should be used liberally and left in contact for at least one hour. Widely used for treating contaminated drinking water.

Cambogia (Cambog.), Gamboge, U.S.P. (Pipe Gamboge).—A gum resin.

Odorless, grayish-orange-brown pieces or bright yellow powder, with a very acrid taste. Not less than 65 per cent. soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: A powerful irritant hydragogue cathartic; not often employed alone. Usually administered in combination with other drugs.

Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (U.S.P.), in pills.

*Camphora (Camph.), Camphor, U.S.P.—A volatile solid obtained from the camphor tree.

Tough, white, translucent masses with a pungent odor and taste. Slightly soluble in water and freely soluble in alcohol, chloroform, ether and fixed or volatile oils.

Action and Uses: Used hypodermically to stimulate the circulation and respiration in collapse. Opinions are divided as to its efficiency. Locally, applied as a mild irritant and antiseptic.

Dosage: By mouth 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (U.S.P.). Hypodermic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.), as 10 per cent. solution in oil.

*Aqua Camphorae (Aq. Camph.), Camphor Water, U.S.P.—A saturated solution of camphor in water.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Ceratum Camphorae (Cerat. Camph.), Camphor Cerate, N.F.—Camphor (2%), with cottonseed oil, white wax, white petrolatum and benzoinated lard.

Emplastrum Fuscum Camphoratum (Emp. Fusc. Camph.), Camphorated Brown Plaster, N.F. (Camphorated Motherplaster).—Camphor (1%), red oxide of lead, olive oil and yellow wax.

*Linimentum Camphorae (Lin. Camph.), Camphor Liniment, U.S.P. (Camphorated Oil).—Camphor (20%) in cottonseed oil.

Uses: Mild counterirritant. Note: This preparation, as found in drug stores, should never be used hypodermically.

Mistura Camphora Acida.—See under Opium.

Mistura Camphorae Aromatica.—See under Oleum Lavandulae.

*Spiritus Camphorae (Sp. Camph.), Spirit of Camphor, U.S.P.—Camphor (10%), in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Unguentum Camphorae (Ung. Camph.), Camphor Ointment, N.F.—Camphor (22%) in white wax and lard.

Unguentum Fuscum (Ung. Fusc.), Brown Ointment, N.F. (Unguentum Matris, Mother’s Salve).—Camphorated brown plaster (50%) olive oil and prepared suet.

Camphora Monobromata (Camph. Monobrom.), Monobromated Camphor, U.S.P.

Colorless crystals or white powder, with a mild camphoraceous odor and taste. Freely soluble in alcohol (1:6.5); almost insoluble in water.

Action and Uses: Formerly recommended as a sedative and hypnotic but now seldom used. Value doubtful.

Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (U.S.P.).

Canella (Canell.), Canella, N.F.—A bark.

Action and Uses: Obsolete aromatic bitter, without advantage over gentian.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Cannabis (Cannab.), Cannabis, U.S.P. (Cannabis Indica, U.S.P. VIII).—Flowering tops of Cannabis sativa (or var. indica).

Action and Uses: A narcotic poison, producing a mild delirium. Used in sedative mixtures, but of doubtful value. Also employed to color corn remedies.

Extractum Cannabis (Ext. Cannab.), Extract of Cannabis, U.S.P.—Assayed biologically by producing incoordination in dogs.

Dosage: 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.). Physicians who prescribe extract of cannabis should specify the biologically assayed preparation.

Fluidextractum Cannabis (Fldext. Cannab.), Fluidextract of Cannabis, U.S.P.—Cannabis (100%). Assayed biologically by producing incoordination in dogs. Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 0.1 Cc. or 1-1/2 minims (U.S.P.). Physicians who prescribe fluidextract of cannabis should specify the biologically assayed preparation.

Tinctura Cannabis (Tr. Cannab.), Tincture of Cannabis, U.S.P. (Tinctura Cannabis Indicae, U.S.P. VIII).—Cannabis (10%) in alcohol. Assayed biologically by producing incoordination in dogs. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Dosage: 0.75 Cc. or 12 minims (U.S.P.). Those physicians who prescribe tincture of cannabis should specify the biologically assayed preparation.

*Cantharis (Canthar.), Cantharides, U.S.P. (Spanish Flies, Russian Flies).—A beetle.

Action and Uses: Externally, rubefacient and vesicant. Internally, genito-urinary irritant, often producing serious nephritis. Its internal use is probably never justified.

*Ceratum Cantharidis (Cerat. Canthar.), Cantharides Cerate, U.S.P. (Blistering Cerate).—Cantharides (35%) with turpentine, glacial acetic acid, yellow wax, rosin and benzoinated lard.

Collodium Cantharidatum (Collod. Canth.), Cantharidal Collodion, U.S.P. (Blistering Collodion, Vesicating Collodion).—The glacial acetic acid acetone extract from cantharides (60%) in flexible collodion.

Emplastrum Cantharidis (Emp. Canthar.), Cantharides Plaster, U.S.P.—Cantharides cerate spread on rosin plaster. Each square centimeter of spread plaster contains 0.1 Gm. of cantharides cerate.

Uses: Convenient form for applying cantharides as a vesicant. Requires from six to eight hours to produce a blister. May produce poisoning by absorption through the skin.

*Tinctura Cantharidis (Tr. Canthar.), Tincture of Cantharides, U.S.P. (Cantharidis Tinctura P.I.).—Cantharides (10%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

*Capsicum (Capsic.), Capsicum, U.S.P. (Cayenne Pepper, African Chillies).—Fruit.

Action and Uses: Carminative and rubefacient; also stomachic, especially in alcoholic gastritis (as the tincture).

Emplastrum Capsici (Emp. Capsic.), Capsicum Plaster, U.S.P.—Oleoresin of capsicum spread on rubber plaster. Each 15 square cm. of spread plaster contains 0.25 Gm. of oleoresin of capsicum.

Oleoresina Capsici (Oleores. Capsic.), Oleoresin of Capsicum, U.S.P.—Highly irritant.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.).

*Tinctura Capsici (Tr. Capsic.), Tincture of Capsicum, U.S.P.—Capsicum (10%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 88 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Capsici et Myrrhae (Tr. Capsic. et Myrrh.), Tincture of Capsicum and Myrrh, N.F. (Hot Drops, Thomsonian Number Six).—Capsicum (3%) and myrrh (12%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 85 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Caramel (Caram.), Caramel, N.F. (Saccharum Ustum, Burnt Sugar Coloring).

A dark brown, syrupy, somewhat bitter liquid. Soluble in water and in diluted alcohol; insoluble in 80 per cent. alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used in pharmacy as a brown coloring agent.

Tinctura Caramellis, Tincture of Caramel, N.F.—Caramel in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

*Carbo Ligni (Carbo Lig.), Wood Charcoal, U.S.P. (Charcoal).—Powdered wood charcoal.

Action and Uses: Absorbent of gases and dissolved substances. Used internally against digestive disorders and vegetable poisons but of doubtful value. Locally employed as a deodorant, for fetid ulcers, usually in the form of a poultice.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains, in powder or suspension.

Trochisci Carbonis Ligni (Troch. Carb. Lig.), Troches of Charcoal, N.F.—Charcoal with tragacanth, sugar and vanillin.

Dosage: 1 troche (N.F.).

*Cardamomi Semen (Cardam. Sem.), Cardamom Seed, U.S.P. (Cardamomum, U.S.P. VIII).

Action and Uses: Used as flavor and carminative. Frequently added to purgatives, as in the compound extract of colocynth, with the object of diminishing griping.

*Tinctura Cardamomi (Tr. Cardam.), Tincture of Cardamom, U.S.P.—Cardamom seed (15%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 46 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Cardamomi Composita (Tr. Cardamom. Co.), Compound Tincture of Cardamom, U.S.P.—Cardamom seed, Saigon cinnamon, caraway and cochineal in alcohol, glycerin and water. Absolute alcohol content about 46 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Carminum (Carmin.), Carmine, N.F.—From cochineal.

Action and Uses: Used in pharmacy as a red coloring agent.

Liquor Carmini (Liq. Carmin.), Solution of Carmine, N.F.—Carmine in ammonia water, glycerin and water.

Caro, Beef.

Extractum Carnis (Ext. Carnis), Extract of Beef, N.F. (Beef Extract).—Residue from evaporation of beef broth.

Action and Uses: Stimulant and flavor; not a nutrient tonic, as was believed at one time. The “wines” are without real value and can easily be misused as beverages.

Vinum Carnis (Vin. Carn.), Wine of Beef, N.F. (Beef and Wine).—Extract of beef (3%) in water, syrup, alcohol, compound spirit of orange and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Vinum Carnis et Ferri (Vin. Carn. et Ferr.), Wine of Beef and Iron, N.F. (Beef, Wine and Iron).—Extract of beef (3%), iron and ammonium citrate, water, syrup, alcohol, compound spirit of orange and sherry wine.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Carum (Carum), Caraway, U.S.P. (Carawayseed).

Action and Uses: Aromatic carminative. Similar to anise and fennel.

*Caryophyllus (Caryoph.), Clove, U.S.P. (Cloves).

Action and Uses: Aromatic carminative and counterirritant.

Pulvis Aromaticus Rubefaciens (Pulv. Arom. Rubefac.), Rubefacient Spice Powder, N.F. (Replacing Emplastrum Aromaticum, N.F. III).—Clove, Saigon cinnamon, ginger and capsicum.

*Cascara Sagrada (Case. Sagr.), Cascara Sagrada, U.S.P. (Rhamnus Purshiana, U.S.P. VIII).—A bark.

Action and Uses: Laxative, acting mainly on the colon. Widely used for habitual constipation. Has little tendency to produce secondary constipation.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Cascarae Sagradae (Elix. Cascar. Sagr.), Elixir of Cascara Sagrada, N.F. (Elixir Rhamni Purshianae, N.F. III).—Aromatic fluidextract of cascara sagrada (50%) and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 22 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Elixir Cascarae Sagradae Compositum (Elix. Cascar. Sagr. Co.), Compound Elixir of Cascara Sagrada, N.F. (Elixir Rhamni Purshianae Co., N.F. III, Laxative Elixir).—Aromatic fluidextract of cascara sagrada (12.5%), fluidextract of senna (7.5%), fluidextract of juglans (6.5%) and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 24 per cent.

Uses: Needlessly complicated laxative.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Extractum Cascarae Sagradae (Ext. Cascar. Sagr.), Extract of Cascara Sagrada, U.S.P. (Extractum Rhamni Purshianae, U.S.P. VIII, Powdered Extract of Cascara Sagrada).—One Gm. extract represents 3 Gm. cascara sagrada.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

*Fluidextractum Cascarae Sagradae (Fldext. Cascar. Sagr.), Fluidextract of Cascara Sagrada, U.S.P. (Fluidextractum Rhamni Purshianae, U.S.P. VIII).—Cascara sagrada (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent. Bitter, unpleasant taste.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

*Fluidextractum Cascarae Sagradae Aromaticum (Fldext. Cascar. Sagr. Arom.), Aromatic Fluidextract of Cascara Sagrada, U.S.P. (Fluidextractum Rhamni Purshianae Aromaticum, U.S.P. VIII).—Sweetened and flavored fluidextract. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent. Not so bitter, but less effective than the plain fluidextract.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Fluidglyceratum Cascarae Sagradae (Fldglycer. Cascar. Sagr.), Fluidglycerate of Cascara Sagrada, N.F.—Cascara sagrada (100%) in water and glycerin.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Fluidglyceratum Cascarae Sagradae Aromaticum (Fldglycer. Cascar. Sagr. Arom.), Aromatic Fluidglycerate of Cascara Sagrada, N.F.—Cascara sagrada (75%) and fluidglycerate of glycyrrhiza (25%) with oils of fennel, clove and cinnamon, in water and glycerin.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Cascarilla (Cascarill.), Cascarilla, N.F. (Sweetwood Bark, Sweet Bark).

Action and Uses: Aromatic bitter, without advantage over gentian.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Cassia Fistula (Cass. Fist.), Cassia Fistula, N.F. (Purging Cassia).—Dried fruit.

Action and Uses: Obsolete laxative, without advantage over senna.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Castanea (Castan.), Castanea, N.F. (Chestnut Leaves).

Action and Uses: Astringent; no definite indications for its use.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Castaneae (Fldext. Castan.), Fluidextract of Chestnut Leaves, N.F.—Chestnut leaves (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 15 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

CATAPLASMATA, POULTICES.—Poultices are soft solid preparations used for the purpose of applying heat and moisture to localized areas of the body. Poultices may also be made the means of applying counterirritant drugs.

Cataria (Catar.), Catnep, N.F. (Catmint).—Leaves and flowering tops.

Action and Uses: Aromatic carminative, without advantage over peppermint.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Catariae (Fldext. Catar.), Fluidextract of Catnep, N.F.—Catnep (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 35 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Caulophyllum (Caulophyl.), Caulophyllum, N.F. (Blue Cohosh, Papoose Root, Squaw Root).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Said to be diuretic and emmenagogue; has not been adequately studied.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Caulophylli (Fldext. Caulophyl.), Fluidextract of Caulophyllum, N.F.—Caulophyllum (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (N.F.).

Centaurium (Centaur.), Centaury, N.F.—Flowering plant.

Action and Uses: Bitter stomachic; without advantage over gentian. Also used in “female remedies,” but probably useless.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

*Cera Alba (Cer. Alb.), White Wax, U.S.P.—Yellow wax bleached.

Action and Uses: Used in the preparation of emollient ointments, and to raise the melting point of mixtures of oils and fats.

Ceratum (Cerat.), Cerate, U.S.P. (Simple Cerate).—White wax (30%) and benzoinated lard.

*Cera Flava (Cer. Flav.), Yellow Wax, U.S.P. (Beeswax).

Action and Uses: Used in the making of plasters and of ointments in which the color is not objectionable.

CERATAE, CERATES.—Cerates are solid ointment-like preparations containing wax to prevent them from becoming soft at ordinary room temperature.

Cerevisiae Fermentum Compressum (Cerev. Ferm. Compr.), Compressed Yeast, N.F.—The commercial compressed yeast.

Action and Uses: For use in making fermented milk (Lac Fermentatum), which see under Lac Vaccinum.

Cerii Oxalas (Cerii Oxal.), Cerium Oxalate, U.S.P.—A mixture of the oxalates of cerium, didymium, lanthanum, and other associated elements.

White or pinkish, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water, alcohol and ether.

Action and Uses: Formerly used for the treatment of chronic vomiting but probably without value.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (U.S.P.), in powders, cachets or capsules.

Cetaceum (Cetac.), Spermaceti, U.S.P.—A solid fat from the sperm whale.

White, nearly odorless, unctuous masses, with a bland, mild taste. Insoluble in water and nearly insoluble in cold alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used as a component of cerates and cold creams.

CHARTAE, PAPERS.—Papers are pieces of unsized paper saturated with or pieces of hard-surfaced papers coated with a medicinal substance.

Chimaphila (Chimaph.), Chimaphila, N.F. (Pipsissewa).—Leaves.

Action and Uses: Obsolete; no definite indications for its use. Has been described as “tonic, astringent, diuretic.”

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Chimaphilae (Fldext. Chimaphil.), Fluidextract of Chimaphila, N.F.—Chimaphila (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Chionanthus (Chionanth.), Chionanthus, N.F. (Fringe Tree Bark).—Bark of the root.

Action and Uses: Obsolete; no definite indications for its use. Formerly used by eclectics and homeopaths in hepatic disorders and syphilis.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Chionanthi (Fldext. Chionanth.), Fluidextract of Chionanthus, N.F.—Chionanthus (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Chirata (Chirat.), Chirata, N.F. (Chiretta).—Plant.

Action and Uses: Bitter stomachic, similar to and without advantage over gentian.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Chiratae (Fldext. Chirat.), Fluidextract of Chirata, N.F.—Chirata (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Chloral Camphoratum (Chloral Camph.), Camphorated Chloral, N.F.—Equal parts of hydrated chloral and camphor.

An oily liquid with a camphoraceous odor.

Action and Uses: Local rubefacient and analgesic.

*Chloralum Hydratum (Chloral. Hydrat.), Hydrated Chloral, U.S.P. (“Chloral,” Chloral Hydrate).—CCl3.CHO + H2O.

Colorless, transparent crystals, with an aromatic, penetrating odor and a bitterish, caustic taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.25) and in alcohol (1:1.3).

Action and Uses: A reliable hypnotic in moderate doses, inducing a condition closely resembling that of normal sleep. Used for the relief of insomnia and nervousness, and for the control of convulsions and spasms. Should be used with special caution in cases of weakened heart or blood vessels. Continued use is likely to produce a habit.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.), in solution. Decomposed by alkalies; should not be dispensed in liquids containing both bromides and alcohol.

Mistura Chloralis et Potassii Bromidi Composita (Mist. Chloral. et Pot. Brom. Co.), Compound Mixture of Chloral and Potassium Bromide, N.F. (Chloral and Bromide Compound).—Hydrated chloral (20%), potassium bromide (20%), extract of hyoscyamus (0.2%) in water. The formula calls for cannabis but this is filtered out.

Uses: Similar in composition to the widely advertised nostrum Bromidia and equally irrational and objectionable.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Chloroformum (Chlorof.), Chloroform, U.S.P.—CHCl3.

A clear, colorless liquid, with an ethereal odor and a burning, sweet taste. Slightly soluble (1:210) in water and miscible with alcohol, ether, petroleum benzin or fixed or volatile oils. Decomposed by alkalies.

Action and Uses: General anesthetic, administered by inhalation. Locally, a penetrating and fairly powerful irritant. Frequently used in the form of liniments. Taken by mouth in small doses, carminative, anodyne and antiseptic. Larger doses are anthelmintic but dangerous. A direct cardiac depressant.

Dosage: 0.3 Cc. or 5 minims (U.S.P.), diluted.

*Aqua Chloroformi (Aq. Chlorof.), Chloroform Water, U.S.P.—A saturated solution of chloroform in water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

*Linimentum Chloroformi (Lin. Chlorof.), Chloroform Liniment, U.S.P.—A mixture of chloroform (30%) and soap liniment. Fairly active counterirritant.

Mistura Chloroformi et Morphinae Composita (Mist. Chlorof. et Morph. Co.), Compound Mixture of Chloroform and Morphine, N.F. (Mistura Chloroformi et Cannabis Indicae Composita, N.F. III, Chloroform Anodyne).—Morphine sulphate (0.25%), chloroform (12.5%), ether (3.25%), tincture of cannabis (18.5%), tincture of capsicum, oil of peppermint, glycerin, water and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Uses: An evident imitation of the nostrum sold as chloranodyne, and equally irrational and objectionable.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Petroxolinum Chloroformi Camphoratum (Petrox. Chlorof. Camph.), Camphorated Chloroform Petroxolin, N.F. (Camphor and Chloroform Petrox).—Chloroform (25%), camphor (25%) and liquid petroxolin.

*Spiritus Chloroformi (Sp. Chlorof.), Spirit of Chloroform, U.S.P.—Chloroform (6%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Chlorum, Chlorine.—Cl.

Liquor Chlori Compositus (Liq. Chlor. Co.), Compound Solution of Chlorine, N.F. (Chlorine Water).—A solution containing chlorine, oxides of chlorine and hydrochloric acid made by treating potassium chlorate with hydrochloric acid and dissolving the gases produced in water.

Uses: Antiseptic.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Chondrus (Chondrus), Chondrus, U.S.P. (Irish Moss, Carrageen).—Plant.

Action and Uses: Demulcent and lubricant, possessing no advantages over other gums, acacia, for instance.

Gelatinum Chondri (Gelat. Chondr.), Chondrus Gelatin, N.F. (Irish Moss Gelatin).—Obtained by extraction with hot water and evaporation to semifluid consistency.

Mucilago Chondri (Mucil. Chondr.), Mucilage of Chondrus, N.F. (Mucilage of Irish Moss).—Chondrus (3%) in water.

*Chromii Trioxidum (Chrom. Triox.), Chromium Trioxide, U.S.P. (“Chromic Acid,” Chromic Anhydride).—CrO3.

Dark purplish-red, odorless, deliquescent crystals. Very soluble in water (1:0.6). Decomposes, sometimes with dangerous violence, when brought into contact with organic solvents like alcohol and glycerin. Incompatible with most organic substances.

Action and Uses: A powerful oxidizing agent and caustic. Its action is somewhat difficult to control.

*Chrysarobinum (Chrysarob.), Chrysarobin, U.S.P.—Neutral principles from Goa powder.

Brownish to orange-yellow, tasteless, odorless powder, irritating to the mucous membrane. Slightly soluble in alcohol (1:385), soluble in chloroform (1:12.5) and very slightly soluble in water.

Action and Uses: Antiseptic and antiparasitic; a powerful irritant to the skin, used chiefly in the treatment of psoriasis, trichophytosis and alopecia areata.

*Unguentum Chrysarobini (Ung. Chrysarobin.), Chrysarobin Ointment, U.S.P.—Chrysarobin (6%) in benzoinated lard.

Cimicifuga (Cimicif.), Cimicifuga, U.S.P. (Black Snake-root, Black Cohosh, Macrotys).—A rhizome.

Action and Uses: One of the class of “domestic medicines” that were tried for a great variety of conditions (used as “stomachic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, diaphoretic, diuretic and expectorant”), but which have not been found to possess definite value.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Extractum Cimicifugae (Ext. Cimicif.), Extract of Cimicifuga, U.S.P. (Powdered Extract of Cimicifuga).—One Gm. extract represents 4 Gm. cimicifuga.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Cimicifuga (Fldext. Cimicif.), Fluidextract of Cimicifuga, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Black Cohosh, Fluidextract of Black Snakeroot).—Cimicifuga (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Cimicifugae Compositus (Syr. Cimicif. Co.), Compound Syrup of Cimicifuga, N.F. (Syrupus Actaeae Compositus, N.F. III, Compound Syrup of Actaea).—Fluidextract of cimicifuga (4%), fluidextract of senega (2%), fluidextract of ipecac (1%), fluidextract of glycyrrhiza, wild cherry, sugar and water. Absolute alcohol content about 5 per cent.

Uses: Complex expectorant.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Tinctura Cimicifugae (Tr. Cimicif.), Tincture of Cimicifuga, N.F.—Cimicifuga (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Cinchona (Cinch.), Cinchona, U.S.P. (Yellow Cinchona, Calisaya Bark, Yellow Peruvian Bark).—Yields not less than 5 per cent. of alkaloids.

Action and Uses: Astringent bitter tonic.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum and Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum et Hypophosphitum.—See under Quininae Sulphas.

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum et Ferri.—See under Ferri Phosphas.

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri, Bismuthi et Strychninae and Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Strychninae.—See under Strychninae Sulphas.

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Bismuthi.—See under Bismuthi et Sodii Tartras.

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Calcii Lactophosphatis.—See under Calcii Lactophosphas.

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Pepsini.—See under Pepsinum.

Extractum Cinchonae (Ext. Cinchon.), Extract of Cinchona, N.F.—A hydroalcoholic extract diluted with glucose, yielding about 24 per cent. of cinchona alkaloids.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Cinchonae (Fldext. Cinchon.), Fluidextract of Cinchona, U.S.P.—Cinchona (100%) yielding about 4.5 per cent. of alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Cinchonae Aquosum (Fldext. Cinchon. Aq.), Aqueous Fluidextract of Cinchona, N.F.—Cinchona (100%), yielding about 5 per cent. of alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 12 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Infusum Cinchonae (Inf. Cinchon.), Infusion of Cinchona, N.F.—Cinchona (6%), aromatic sulphuric acid (1%) and water.

Dosage: 50 Cc. or 12 fluidrachms (N.F.).

*Tinctura Cinchonae (Tr. Cinch.), Tincture of Cinchona, U.S.P.—Cinchona (20%), yielding about 0.9 per cent. of alkaloids; in alcohol, glycerin and water. Absolute alcohol content about 63 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Cinchona Rubra (Cinch. Rub.), Red Cinchona, U.S.P. (Red Peruvian Bark).—Yields not less than 5 per cent. of alkaloids.

Action and Uses: Identical with those of cinchona. Used as ingredient of the compound tincture of cinchona.

*Tinctura Cinchonae Composita (Tr. Cinch. Co.), Compound Tincture of Cinchona, U.S.P.—Red cinchona (10%), yielding about 0.45 per cent. of cinchona alkaloids, serpentaria (2%) and bitter orange peel, in glycerin, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 64 per cent.

Uses: Aromatic astringent bitter, of high alcoholic content; superfluous.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Cinchonidinae Sulphas (Cinchonid. Sulph.), Cinchonidine Sulphate, U.S.P.—The sulphate of the alkaloid cinchonidine, obtained from cinchona bark.

White, glistening, odorless needles with a very bitter taste. Soluble in water (1:65) and in alcohol (1:90).

Action and Uses: Formerly used as a cheap substitute for quinine sulphate, over which it possesses no advantage, being less efficient and more convulsant.

Dosage: 0.15 Gm. or 2-1/2 grains (U.S.P.).

Cinchoninae Sulphas (Cinchonin. Sulph.), Cinchonine Sulphate, U.S.P.—The sulphate of the alkaloid cinchonine, obtained from cinchona bark.

White, lustrous, odorless crystals with a very bitter taste. Soluble in water (1:60) and in alcohol (1:12.5).

Action and Uses: Similar to those of cinchonidine sulphate.

Dosage: 0.15 Gm. or 2-1/2 grains (U.S.P.).

*Cinnamomum Saigonicum (Cinnam. Saigon.), Saigon Cinnamon, U.S.P.—A bark.

Action and Uses: Carminative, antiseptic, somewhat astringent, occasionally administered in diarrhea.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.), in powder.

Fluidextractum Aromaticum (Fldext. Aromat.), Aromatic Fluidextract, U.S.P.—Aromatic powder (100%), extracted with alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Pulvis Aromaticus (Pulv. Arom.), Aromatic Powder, U.S.P.—Saigon cinnamon, Jamaica ginger, cardamom seed and nutmeg.

Uses: Carminative.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Pulvis Cretae Aromaticus (Pulv. Cret. Arom.), Aromatic Powder of Chalk, N.F.—Saigon cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, cardamom seed, prepared chalk and sugar.

Uses: Antidiarrheic.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Syrupus Cinnamomi (Syr. Cinnam.), Syrup of Cinnamon, N.F.—Saigon cinnamon, alcohol and syrup.

Uses: Flavoring vehicle.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Tinctura Aromatica (Tr. Arom.), Aromatic Tincture, N.F.—Saigon cinnamon, Jamaica ginger, galangal, clove, cardamom seed, extracted with a mixture of alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 63 per cent.

Uses: Aromatic carminative, complex and without special advantage over other carminatives, as, for instance, tincture of cardamom.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Tinctura Cinnamomi (Tr. Cinnam.), Tincture of Cinnamon, U.S.P.—Saigon cinnamon in alcohol, glycerin and water. Absolute alcohol content about 63 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Cinnamomum Zeylanicum (Cinnam. Zeylan.), Ceylon Cinnamon, U.S.P.—A bark.

Action and Uses: Same as those of Saigon cinnamon.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

*Cocaina (Cocain.), Cocaine, U.S.P.—An alkaloid obtained from coca leaves.

Large colorless prisms or a white powder; odorless. Slightly soluble in water (1:600) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:6.5) and in chloroform (1:0.7).

Action and Uses: A local anesthetic, paralyzing the peripheral sensory nerves and also contracting the blood vessels. Acute systemic poisoning is often caused by its local use on mucous membranes. Stimulant to the central nervous system, but such use is inadvisable because of danger of habit-formation.

Dosage: 0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain (U.S.P.).

Oleatum Cocainae (Oleat. Cocain.), Oleate of Cocaine, N.F.—Cocaine (5%) in alcohol, oleic acid and olive oil.

*Cocainae Hydrochloridum (Cocain. Hydrochl.), Cocaine Hydrochloride, U.S.P. (Cocaine Chloride, Cocainum Hydrochloricum, P.I.).

Colorless crystals, flaky leaflets or a white powder; odorless. Freely soluble in water (1:0.4) and in alcohol (1:3.2), and soluble in chloroform (1:12.5). Incompatible with borax, mercuric chloride, alkalies and alkali carbonates, phenol, tannic acid, mercuric oxide, and soluble silver salts.

Action and Uses: Local anesthetic.

Dosage: 0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain (U.S.P.). For local anesthesia in 0.2 to 1.0 per cent. solution when used hypodermatically, and in 1 to 4 per cent. solution when applied to mucous membranes.

Cocculus Indicus (Coccul. Ind.), Cocculus Indicus, N.F. (Fish Berry, Indian Berry).—A fruit.

Action and Uses: Source of picrotoxin. An alcoholic extract has been used for destroying pediculi.

Tinctura Cocculi Indici (Tr. Coccul. Ind.), Tincture of Cocculus Indicus, N.F.—Cocculus indicus (10%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 45 per cent.

Coccus (Coccus), Cochineal, U.S.P.—A dried insect.

Action and Uses: Coloring agent.

Liquor Cocci (Liq. Cocci), Cochineal Color, N.F.—A glycerin-alcohol-water solution of cochineal.

Cocillana (Cocillan.), Cocillana, N.F.—A bark.

Action and Uses: Nauseant expectorant, similar to but without advantage over ipecac. The proprietary syrup contains heroin.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Cocillanae (Fldext. Cocillan.), Fluidextract of Cocillana, N.F.—Cocillana (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

*Codeina (Codein.), Codeine, U.S.P. (Methylmorphine).—An alkaloid obtained from opium, or prepared from morphine by methylation.

Colorless, translucent prisms or a white powder; odorless. Slightly soluble in water (1:120) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:2) and in chloroform (1:0.5).

Action and Uses: Analgesic, hypnotic and sedative. It is perhaps the best modification of morphine for use in coughs. As compared with morphine it is less constipating and less apt to induce a drug habit. The phosphate and sulphate are preferred for hypodermic use.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.).

Elixir Terpini Hydratis et Codeinae (Elix. Terpin. Hyd. et Codein.), Elixir of Terpin Hydrate and Codeine, N.F.—Codeine (0.2%) and elixir of terpin hydrate. Absolute alcohol content about 42 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.). This dose contains about 0.008 Gm. or 1/8 grain of codeine, and about 0.07 Gm. or 1-1/6 grains of terpin hydrate.

*Codeinae Phosphas (Codein. Phos.), Codeine Phosphate, U.S.P.

White, odorless, efflorescent powder. Freely soluble in water (1:2.3) and slightly soluble in alcohol (1:325).

Action and Uses: Same as those of codeine; preferred for hypodermic use.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.).

*Codeinae Sulphas (Codein. Sulph.), Codeine Sulphate, U.S.P.

White, odorless, efflorescent crystals or powder. Soluble in water (1:30) and very slightly soluble in alcohol (1:1280).

Action and Uses: Same as those of codeine. Preferred for hypodermic injections.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Codeinae (Syr. Codein.), Syrup of Codeine, N.F.—Codeine sulphate (0.2%) and syrup.

Uses: Superfluous.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Coffea Tosta (Coff. Tost.), Coffee, N.F. (Roasted Coffee).

Action and Uses: Beverage and flavor.

Fluidextractum Coffeae (Fldext. Coff.), Fluidextract of Coffee, N.F. (Fluidextractum Coffeae Tostae, N.F. III).—Coffee (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Colchici Cormus (Colch. Corm.), Colchicum Corm, U.S.P. (Colchicum Root).—Yields not less than 0.35 per cent. of colchicine.

Action and Uses: Said to be antineuralgic and analgesic; frequently used in the treatment of acute gouty attacks and to some extent to ward off such attacks. Full doses produce watery stools and abdominal pains.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.), in pills; or preferably as the tincture.

Extractum Colchici Cormi (Ext. Colch. Corm.), Extract of Colchicum Corm, U.S.P. (Powdered Extract of Colchicum Corm).—One Gm. extract represents 4 Gm. colchicum corm and yields about 1.4 per cent. of colchicine.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Colchici Cormi (Fldext. Colch. Corm.), Fluidextract of Colchicum Corm, N.F.—Colchicum corm (100%), yielding about 0.35 per cent. of colchicine. Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (N.F.).

Vinum Colchici Cormi (Vin. Colchic. Corm.), Wine of Colchicum Corm, N.F.—Colchicum corm (40%) yielding about 0.14 per cent. of colchicine, in alcohol and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 30 per cent.

Dosage: 0.6 Cc. or 10 minims (N.F.).

*Colchici Semen (Colch. Sem.), Colchicum Seed, U.S.P. (Colchici Semen P.I.).—Yields not less than 0.45 per cent. of colchicine.

Action and Uses: Same as those of colchicum corm.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Colchici Seminis (Fldext. Colch. Sem.), Fluidextract of Colchicum Seed, U.S.P.—Colchicum seed (100%), yielding about 0.4 per cent. of colchicine. Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

*Tinctura Colchici Seminis (Tr. Colch. Sem.), Tincture of Colchicum Seed, U.S.P. (Colchici Tinctura P.I.).—Colchicum seed (10%), yielding about 0.04 per cent. of colchicine; in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 56 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Vinum Colchici Seminis (Vin. Colch. Sem.), Wine of Colchicum Seed, N.F.—Fluidextract of colchicum seed (10%), yielding about 0.04 per cent. of colchicine; in alcohol and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 35 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Colchicina (Colchicina), Colchicine, U.S.P.—An alkaloid obtained from colchicum.

Pale yellow, odorless scales or powder. Freely soluble in alcohol, soluble in water (1:22) and slightly soluble in ether (1:220).

Action and Uses: Same as those of colchicum corm.

Dosage: 0.5 mg. or 1/120 grain.

COLLODIA, COLLODIONS.—Collodions are solutions of pyroxylin or soluble gun cotton with medicinal agents, for external application. For the official collodions see under the names of the principal ingredients. In particular, for Collodium, see under Pyroxylin; for Collodium Flexible, under Oleum Ricini; and for Collodium Stypticum, under Acidum Tannicum.

*Colocynthis (Colocyn.), Colocynth, U.S.P. (Colocynth Pulp, Bitter Apple, Colocynth Apple).

Action and Uses: A powerful irritant hydragogue cathartic. Because of its drastic nature it is rarely used alone. The various compound pills listed below are needlessly complex and therefore irrational. Because of their irritant character, they are especially unsuited for continued use.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain.

*Extractum Colocynthidis (Ext. Colocynth.), Extract of Colocynth, U.S.P. (Powdered Extract of Colocynth).—One Gm. of extract represents 4 Gm. of colocynth.

Dosage: 0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain (U.S.P.).

*Extractum Colocynthidis Compositum (Ext. Colocynth. Co.), Compound Extract of Colocynth, U.S.P. (Powdered Compound Extract of Colocynth).—Extract of colocynth (16%), aloes (50%), resin of scammony (14%), cardamom seed and soap.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Pilulae Catharticae Compositae (Pil. Cathart. Co.), Compound Cathartic Pills, U.S.P.—Each pill contains compound extract of colocynth (0.08 Gm. or 1-1/3 grains), mild mercurous chloride (0.06 Gm. or 1 grain), resin of jalap (0.02 Gm. or 1/3 grain) and gamboge (0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain).

Dosage: 2 pills (U.S.P.).

Pilulae Catharticae Vegetabiles (Pil. Cathart. Veget.), Vegetable Cathartic Pills, N.F.—Each pill contains compound extract of colocynth (0.06 Gm. or 1 grain), extract of hyoscyamus (0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain), resin of jalap (0.02 Gm. or 1/3 grain), extract of leptandra and resin of podophyllum (each 0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain) with oil of peppermint.

Dosage: 2 pills (N.F.).

Pilulae Colocynthidis Compositae (Pil. Colocynth. Co.), Compound Pills of Colocynth, N.F. (Pilulae Cocciae, Cochia Pills).—Each pill contains extract of colocynth (0.011 Gm. or 1/6 grain), aloes and resin of scammony (each 0.13 Gm. or 2 grains), with oil of clove.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Colocynthidis et Hyoscyami (Pil. Colocynth. et Hyoscy.), Pills of Colocynth and Hyoscyamus, N.F.—Each pill contains extract of colocynth (0.0065 Gm. or 1/10 grain), aloes, resin of scammony and extract of hyoscyamus (each 0.097 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains) and oil of clove.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Colocynthidis et Podophylli (Pil. Colocynth. et Podoph.), Pills of Colocynth and Podophyllum, N.F.—Each pill contains compound extract of colocynth (0.162 Gm. or 2-1/2 grains) and resin of podophyllum (0.016 Gm. or 1/4 grain) with syrup.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Laxativae Post Partum (Pil. Lax. Post Part.), Post Partum Laxative Pills, N.F. (Barker’s Post Partum Pills).—Each pill contains compound extract of colocynth (0.11 Gm. or 1-2/3 grains), Socotrine aloes (0.055 Gm. or 7/8 grain), extract of nux vomica (0.025 Gm. or 2/5 grain), resin of podophyllum and ipecac (each 0.005 Gm. or 1/12 grain) and extract of hyoscyamus (0.008 Gm. or 1/8 grain).

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Condurango (Conduran.), Condurango, N.F.—A bark.

Action and Uses: Bitter stomachic, introduced especially for cancer cachexia, but without advantage over gentian.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Condurango (Fldext. Condurango), Fluidextract of Condurango, N.F.—Condurango (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

CONFECTIONES, CONFECTIONS (Conserves, Electuaries).—Soft, pasty solids consisting of active drugs mixed with sugar and honey.

Conium (Conium), Conium, N.F. (Poison Hemlock, Conium maculatum).—Unripe fruit.

Action and Uses: Source of coniine. Depresses the motor system, but has no definite therapeutic indication.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

Extractum Conii (Ext. Conii), Extract of Conium, N.F.—A hydro-alcoholic extract diluted with glucose, yielding about 2 per cent. of coniine.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Conii (Fldext. Conii), Fluidextract of Conium, N.F.—Conium (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (N.F.).

Convallariae Flores (Convallar. Flor.), Convallaria Flowers, N.F. (Lily-of-the-Valley Flowers).

Action and Uses: Believed to act as a cardiac tonic, similar to digitalis, but unreliable.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Convallariae Florum (Fldext. Conval. Flor.), Fluidextract of Convallaria Flowers, N.F. (Fluidextractum Convallariae, N.F. III).—Convallaria flowers (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (N.F.).

Convallariae Radix (Convallar. Rad.), Convallaria Root, N.F. (Lily-of-the-Valley Root).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Same as the flowers.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Convallariae Radicis (Fldext. Conval. Rad.), Fluidextract of Convallaria Root, N.F.—Convallaria root (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (N.F.).

*Copaiba (Copaib.), Copaiba, U.S.P. (Balsam of Copaiba, Copaiva).—An oleoresin.

Pale yellow or brownish-yellow, viscid liquid, with an aromatic odor and a persistent, bitter, acrid taste. Insoluble in water and partly soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: A mild but disagreeable irritant and diuretic. Used especially in the treatment of gonorrhea, but of doubtful efficiency. The copaiba mixtures as listed below were formerly widely used, but are disagreeable, irrational and usually inefficient.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Massa Copaibae (Mass. Copaib.), Mass of Copaiba, N.F. (Solidified Copaiba).—Copaiba solidified by combination with magnesium oxide.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Mistura Copaibae (Mist. Copaib.), Copaiba Mixture, N.F. (Lafayette Mixture).—Copaiba (12.5%), spirit of nitrous ether (12.5%), compound tincture of lavender, solution of potassium hydroxide in syrup and mucilage of acacia. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Mistura Copaibae et Opii (Mist. Copaib. et Opii), Mixture of Copaiba and Opium, N.F. (Chapman’s Mixture).—Copaiba (25%), tincture of opium (3.2%), spirit of nitrous ether (25%), and compound tincture of lavender in mucilage of acacia and water. Absolute alcohol content about 29 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Coptis (Coptis), Coptis, N.F. (Goldthread).—Plant.

Action and Uses: Bitter stomachic, possessing no advantage over gentian.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Coptis (Fldext. Copt.), Fluidextract of Coptis, N.F.—Coptis (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

CORDIALES, CORDIALS.—Cordials are sweetened alcoholic liquids.

Coriandrum (Coriand.), Coriander, U.S.P. (Coriander Seeds).

Action and Uses: Aromatic and carminative.

Cornus (Corn.), Cornus, N.F. (Dogwood Bark).—Bark of the root.

Action and Uses: Without definite indications for its use; practically obsolete.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Corni (Fldext. Corni), Fluidextract of Cornus, N.F.—Cornus (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 35 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Corydalis (Coryd.), Corydalis, N.F. (Turkey Corn, Squirrel Corn).—Tubers.

Action and Uses: Formerly exploited as antiluetic, but useless and therefore harmful.

Dosage: 0.65 Gm. or 10 grains (N.F.).

Elixir Corydalis Compositum (Elix. Coryd. Co.), Compound Elixir of Corydalis, N.F.—Fluidextract of corydalis, (6%), fluidextract of stillingia (6%), fluidextract of xanthoxylum (3%), fluidextract of blue flag (9%), potassium iodide (5%), alcohol and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Action and Uses: An irrational and harmful “alterative.”

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Corydalis (Fldext. Corydal.), Fluidextract of Corydalis, N.F.—Corydalis (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

Dosage: 0.65 Cc. or 10 minims (N.F.).

Cotarninae Hydrochloridum (Cotarn. Hydrochl.), Cotarnine Hydrochloride, U.S.P. (Cotarnine Chloride; Stypticin).

Yellow, odorless powder. Freely soluble in water and alcohol, yielding yellow solutions.

Action and Uses: Used to check functional uterine hemorrhage. The mechanism of its action has not been explained, and its efficiency is somewhat questionable.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

Coumarinum (Coumar.), Coumarin, N.F.

Colorless, fragrant crystals, with a bitter, burning taste. Sparingly soluble in cold water; freely soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Perfume and flavor.

Creosoti Carbonas (Creosot. Carb.), Creosote Carbonate, U.S.P.—A mixture of the carbonates of various constituents of creosote, chiefly guaiacol and cresol.

An almost colorless, almost tasteless, odorless viscid liquid. Insoluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol and miscible with chloroform and benzin.

Action and Uses: Passes stomach unchanged; hence is not a gastric irritant; decomposed in the intestines; used as an intestinal antiseptic.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

*Creosotum (Creosot.), Creosote, U.S.P. (Creasote).—A mixture chiefly of guaiacol and cresol, obtained from wood-tar.

An almost colorless, oily liquid, with a penetrating, smoky odor, and a burning, caustic taste. Slightly soluble in water, and miscible with alcohol, ether or fixed or volatile oils.

Action and Uses: Antiseptic; formerly widely used as an intestinal antiseptic and externally to some extent as an antiseptic dressing.

Dosage: 0.25 Cc. or 4 minims (U.S.P.), in capsules.

Aqua Creosoti (Aq. Creosot.), Creosote Water, U.S.P.—Creosote (1%) in water.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Petroxolinum Creosoti (Petrox. Creosot.), Creosote Petroxolin, N.F. (Creosote Petrox).—Creosote (20%), oleic acid and liquid petroxolin.

*Cresol (Cresol), Cresol, U.S.P.—A mixture of isomeric cresols, C6H4(CH3)OH. Obtained from coal tar.

Colorless, yellowish or brownish liquid, darkening with age and exposure to light, and having a phenol-like odor. Soluble in water (1:50), usually forming a cloudy solution, and miscible with alcohol, ether, petroleum benzin or glycerin.

Action and Uses: Action similar to phenol. Used as a disinfectant and antiseptic. Approximately four times as germicidal as phenol, and no more toxic.

Dosage: 0.05 Cc. or 1 minim (U.S.P.).

*Liquor Cresolis Compositus (Liq. Cresol. Co.), Compound Solution of Cresol, U.S.P.—Cresol (50%) with a potassium soap solution.

Creta Praeparata (Cret. Praep.), Prepared Chalk, U.S.P. (Drop Chalk).—A native calcium carbonate.

White, amorphous, odorless, tasteless powder. Almost insoluble in water, insoluble in alcohol. Decomposed and dissolved by dilute acids.

Action and Uses: Used internally as a mild alkali, as antacid and against diarrhea.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.) as a powder or in suspension.

Mistura Cretae (Mist. Cret.), Chalk Mixture, U.S.P.—Compound chalk powder (20%) with cinnamon water and water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Pulvis Cretae Aromaticus.—See under Cinnamomum Saigonicum.

Pulvis Cretae Compositus (Pulv. Cret. Co.), Compound Chalk Powder, U.S.P.—Prepared chalk (30%), with acacia and sugar.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Crocus (Croc.), Crocus, N.F. (Saffron).—Stigmas of the flowers.

Action and Uses: Yellow coloring agent without definite therapeutic indications. Has been used as “stimulant and antispasmodic.”

Tinctura Croci (Tr. Croc.), Tincture of Saffron, N.F.—Saffron (10%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 45 per cent.

Cubeba (Cubeb.), Cubeb, U.S.P. (Cubebs).—Fruit.

Action and Uses: Formerly much used internally as antiseptic, diuretic and as a stimulant to the genito-urinary membranes; also to some extent as a stimulating expectorant. Probably of little value.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.). The oleoresin is preferred.

Fluidextractum Cubebae (Fldext. Cubeb.), Fluidextract of Cubeb, N.F.—Cubeb (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc or 15 minims (N.F.).

Oleoresina Cubebae (Oleores. Cubeb.), Oleoresin of Cubeb, U.S.P.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Cubebae (Tr. Cubeb.), Tincture of Cubeb, N.F.—Cubeb (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Trochisci Cubebae (Troch. Cubeb.), Troches of Cubeb, U.S.P.—Each troche contains oleoresin of cubeb (0.02 Gm.) with oil of sassafras, extract of glycyrrhiza and acacia, flavored with syrup of tolu.

*Cupri Sulphas (Cupr. Sulph.), Copper Sulphate, U.S.P. (Cupric Sulphate).—CuSO4 + 5H2O.

Blue, odorless crystals or powder with a metallic taste. Freely soluble in water (1:2.5), and slightly soluble in alcohol (1:500).

Action and Uses: Astringent and in strong solutions corrosive. In large doses a gastric and intestinal irritant producing violent vomiting and purging. Considered one of the best antidotes in phosphorus poisoning.

Dosage: Emetic, 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Mistura Adstringens (Mist. Adstring.), Astringent Mixture, N.F. (Mistura Adstringens et Escharotica, N.F. III, Villate’s Mixture).—A needlessly complex mixture containing the acetates and sulphates of copper and zinc in dilute acetic acid solution with lead sulphate in suspension.

Cypripedium (Cypriped.), Cypripedium, N.F. (Lady Slipper Root).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: No definite indications for its use. Has been described as “tonic, stimulant and diaphoretic.”

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Cypripedii (Fldext. Cypriped.), Fluidextract of Cypripedium, N.F.—Cypripedium (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Damiana (Damiana), Damiana, N.F. (Turnera).—Leaves.

Action and Uses: Ingredient of “lost manhood” nostrums; mildly irritant, but otherwise probably inert.

Dosage 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Damianae (Fldext. Damian.), Fluidextract of Damiana, N.F. (Fluidextractum Turnerae, N.F. III).—Damiana (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

DECOCTA, DECOCTIONS.—Aqueous preparations made by boiling drugs in water and straining. They must be freshly made from the drugs.

Delphinium (Delphin.), Larkspur Seed, N.F.

Action and Uses: Preparations are used externally to destroy pediculi of the hair and of the pubic region.

Tinctura Delphinii (Tr. Delphin.), Tincture of Larkspur, N.F.—Larkspur seed (10%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Dextrinum Album (Dext. Alb.), White Dextrin, N.F.—A variable mixture of soluble carbohydrates with unconverted starch.

White, odorless powder, with a sweetish taste. Partly soluble in cold water; completely soluble in three parts of water on boiling.

Action and Uses: Substitute for acacia and other gums.

Pasta Dextrinata (Past. Dextrin.), Dextrinated Paste, N.F.—White dextrin (33%) in glycerin (33%) and water.

Uses: Basis for dermatologic pastes.

Diacetylmorphina (Diacetylmorph.), Diacetylmorphine, U.S.P. (Acetomorphine, Heroin).—An alkaloid prepared from morphine by acetylization.

White, odorless powder. Very slightly soluble in water (1:1700) and soluble in alcohol (1:31) and in chloroform (1:1.4).

Action and Uses: Used as a respiratory sedative to relieve cough. With few exceptions, generally contraindicated in pulmonary tuberculosis. Like morphine, but more toxic and less valuable for the relief of pain. Is habit-forming. See Morphina.

Dosage: 0.003 Gm. or 1/20 gr. (U.S.P.).

Diacetylmorphinae Hydrochloridum (Diacetylmorph. Hydrochl.), Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride, U.S.P. (Diacetylmorphine Chloride; Heroin Hydrochloride).

White, odorless, bitter powder. Freely soluble (1:2) in water and soluble in alcohol (1:11).

Dosage: 0.003 Gm. or 1/20 grain (U.S.P.).

Elixir Terpini Hydratis et Diacetylmorphinae (Elix. Terpin. Hyd. et Diacetylmorph.), Elixir of Terpin Hydrate and Diacetylmorphine, N.F. (Elixir Terpini Hydratis cum Heroina N.F. III).—Diacetylmorphine hydrochloride (0.027%) and elixir of terpin hydrate. Absolute alcohol content about 42 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.). This dose contains about 0.001 Gm. or 1/60 grain of diacetylmorphine hydrochloride, and about 0.07 Gm. or 1-1/6 grains of terpin hydrate.

Diastasum (Diastasum), Diastase, U.S.P.—A mixture containing amylolytic enzymes from malt.

Yellowish-white, odorless, tasteless powder or scales. Soluble in water; almost insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: May be mixed with starchy foods to assist their conversion into sugar.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

*Digitalis (Digit.), Digitalis, U.S.P. (Foxglove, Digitalis Leaves, Digitalis Folium P.I.).

Action and Uses: Direct cardiac stimulant and diuretic. Used in cardiac decompensation. Most effective when the heart action is rapid and very irregular (auricular fibrillation). Effective in the treatment of edema only when the latter is due to impaired circulation. Very likely to cause disturbance of gastro-intestinal tract.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.). Physicians are advised to specify preparations which have been biologically assayed.

Fluidextractum Digitalis (Fldext. Digital.), Fluidextract of Digitalis, U.S.P.—Digitalis (100%). May be biologically assayed by producing death in the frog. Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 0.05 Cc. or 1 minim (U.S.P.).—Physicians should specify the biologically assayed fluidextract.

*Infusum Digitalis (Inf. Digit.), Infusion of Digitalis, U.S.P.—Digitalis (1.5%), cinnamon water and water. This is an effective form of digitalis, but has no advantage over tinctures of proper potency, and is not so conveniently standardized.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Pilulae Digitalis, Scillae et Hydrargyri (Pil. Digit. Scill. et Hydrarg.), Pills of Digitalis, Squill and Mercury, N.F. (Niemeyer Pills for Dropsy, Guy’s Pills).—Each pill contains digitalis, squill and mass of mercury (each 0.065 gm. or 1 grain) with clarified honey.

Uses: Popular but needlessly complex cardiac diuretic.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

*Tinctura Digitalis (Tr. Digit.), Tincture of Digitalis, U.S.P. (Digitalis Tinctura P.I.).—Digitalis (10%) in alcohol and water. May be biologically assayed by producing death in frogs. Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.). Physicians should specify the biologically assayed tincture.

Dioscorea (Dioscor.), Dioscorea, N.F. (Wild Yam Root, Colic Root).—Rhizome.

Action and Uses: No established indications for its use; formerly used in the treatment of “abdominal irritation.”

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Dioscoreae (Fldext. Dioscor.), Fluidextract of Dioscorea, N.F.—Dioscorea (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Drosera (Droser.), Drosera, N.F. (Sundew).—Flowering plant.

Action and Uses: No established indications for its use (formerly used in respiratory diseases).

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Droserae (Fldext. Droser.), Fluidextract of Drosera, N.F.—Drosera (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Dulcamara (Dulcam.), Bittersweet, N.F.—Stems and branches.

Action and Uses: No established indications for its use. Formerly used as “alterative.”

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Dulcamarae (Fldext. Dulcam.), Fluidextract of Bittersweet, N.F.—Bittersweet (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. of fluidrachm (N.F.).

Echinacea (Echin.), Echinacea, N.F.—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: The claims for this drug as an “alterative” and antisyphilitic are extravagant and unwarranted. There are no established indications for its use.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Echinaceae (Fldext. Echin.), Fluidextract of Echinacea, N.F.—Echinacea (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

*Elaterinum (Elaterin.), Elaterin, U.S.P.—A neutral principle obtained from the squirting cucumber. The commercial product is variable and may at times be practically inert.

White, odorless powder, with a slightly acrid, bitter taste. Insoluble in water; slightly soluble in alcohol (1:325).

Action and Uses: One of the most powerful and irritant of hydragogue cathartics, causing profuse watery evacuations.

Dosage: 0.003 Gm. or 1/20 grain.

Trituratio Elaterini (Trit. Elaterin.), Trituration of Elaterin, U.S.P.—Elaterin (10%).

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.).

ELIXIRIA, ELIXIRS.—Elixirs are sweetened, aromatic, alcoholic liquids similar to cordials. In the administration of an elixir, the effects due to its alcohol content should be borne in mind. The statements of alcohol content of elixirs in this volume refer to percentage of absolute alcohol by volume.

For the various elixirs, see under the names of the principal constituents. For Elixir Aromaticum, Elixir Aromaticum Rubrum and Elixir Glycyrrhizae (Elixir Adjuvans), see under Alcohol; for Elixir Catharticum Compositum, see under Frangula; for Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum and Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum et Hypophosphitum, see under Quininae Sulphas; for Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum et Ferri, see under Ferri Phosphas; for Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri, Bismuthi et Strychninae and Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Strychninae, see under Strychninae Sulphas; for Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Bismuthi, see under Bismuthi et Sodii Tartras; for Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Calcii Lactophosphatis, see under Calcii Lactophosphas; for Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Pepsini, see under Pepsinum; for Elixir Ferri, Quininae et Strychninae, and Elixir Gentianae et Ferri, see under Ferri Citro-Chloridum; for Elixir Formatum and Elixir Formatum Compositum, see under Acidum Formicum; for Elixir Gentianae et Ferri Phosphatis, see under Ferri Phosphas; for Elixir Glycerophosphatum Compositum, see under Sodii Glycerophosphas; for Elixir Hypophosphitum, see under Calcii Hypophosphis; for Elixir Hypophosphitum et Ferri, see under Ferri Hypophosphis; for Elixir Pepsini, Bismuthi et Strychninae, see under Strychnina; for Elixir Terpini Hydratis et Codeinae, see under Codeina; for Elixir Terpini Hydratis et Diacetylmorphinae, see under Diacetylmorphinae Hydrochloridum; for Elixir Trium Bromidorum, see under Ammonii Bromidum.

*Emetinae Hydrochloridum (Emet. Hydrochl.), Emetine Hydrochloride, U.S.P.—The hydrochloride of the alkaloid emetine, obtained from ipecac.

White, or nearly white, odorless powder, darkening on exposure to light. Freely soluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses: Given hypodermically. An effective treatment of amebic dysentery and other amebic diseases.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain.

EMPLASTRA, PLASTERS.—Plasters are solid preparations for external use, serving either as simple adhesives or for the conveyance of drugs. The commercial spread plasters have largely displaced the extemporaneously prepared product. For the various plasters see under the names of the principal constituents. For Emplastrum Elasticum, see under Resina; for Emplastrum Fuscum Camphoratum, see under Camphora; for Emplastrum Plumbi, see under Plumbi Oxidum.

EMULSA, EMULSIONES, EMULSIONS.—Emulsions are aqueous preparations in which oils or resins are suspended by means of mucilaginous substances.

For the official emulsions see under the names of the respective oils and resins.

*Ergota (Ergot.), Ergot, U.S.P. (Secale Cornutum, P.I., Ergot of Rye, Spurred Rye).

Action and Uses: Causes powerful tonic, sometimes tetanic contraction of the uterus and of the bloodvessel walls. Checks postpartum hemorrhage by contracting the uterus. Used for excessive menstrual flow and as a circulatory stimulant. Has also been tried but without success in a great variety of other diseases.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Extractum Ergotae (Ext. Ergot.), Extract of Ergot, U.S.P.—A pilular extract of ergot. Probably does not contain some of the valuable constituents of ergot (the alkaloids).

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Extractum Ergotae Aquosum (Ext. Ergot. Aq.), Aqueous Extract of Ergot, N.F. (Ergoti Extractum P.I.).—A purified aqueous extract.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

*Fluidextractum Ergotae (Fldext. Ergot.), Fluidextract of Ergot, U.S.P. (Secalis Cornuti Extractum Fluidum, P.I.).—Ergot (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Ergotae Ammoniata (Tr. Ergot. Ammon.), Ammoniated Tincture of Ergot, N.F.—Ergot (25%), ammonia water (10%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Eriodictyon (Eriodict.), Eriodictyon, U.S.P. (Yerba Santa).—Yerba santa leaves.

Action and Uses: Said to be expectorant. Its most remarkable property is its power of masking the taste of quinine.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains.

Elixir Eriodictyi Aromaticum (Elix. Eriodict. Arom.), Aromatic Elixir of Eriodictyon, N.F. (Aromatic Elixir of Yerba Santa, Elixir Corrigens).—Fluidextract of eriodictyon (6%), compound elixir of taraxacum (about 44%) and syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 16 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Eriodictyi (Fldext. Eriodict.), Fluidextract of Eriodictyon, U.S.P.—Eriodictyon (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Eriodictyi Aromaticus (Syr. Eriodict. Arom.), Aromatic Syrup of Eriodictyon, N.F. (Aromatic Syrup of Yerba Santa, Syrupus Corrigens).—Fluidextract of eriodictyon, solution of potassium hydroxide, compound tincture of cardamom, oils of sassafras, lemon and clove, alcohol and syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 8 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

*Eucalyptol (Eucalyptol), Eucalyptol, U.S.P. (Cineol).—A constituent of the volatile oil of eucalyptus.

A colorless liquid with a characteristic odor and a pungent taste, producing a cooling sensation in the mouth. Very slightly soluble in water but miscible with alcohol and chloroform and fixed or volatile oils.

Action and Uses: Employed as a local stimulant, antiseptic and deodorant, largely as a constituent of inhalations, particularly oily sprays.

Dosage: 0.3 Cc. or 5 minims (U.S.P.).

Nebula Eucalyptolis (Nebul. Eucalyptol.), Eucalyptol Spray, N.F.—Eucalyptol (5%) in light liquid petrolatum.

Petroxolinum Eucalyptolis (Petrox. Eucalyptol.), Eucalyptol Petroxolin, N.F. (Eucalyptol Petrox).—Eucalyptol (20%) in liquid petrolatum.

*Eucalyptus (Eucalypt.), Eucalyptus, U.S.P. (Eucalyptus Leaves, Blue Gum Leaves).

Action and Uses: Principally those of the volatile oil. Not used as such.

Fluidextractum Eucalypti (Fldext. Eucalypt.), Fluidextract of Eucalyptus, U.S.P.—Eucalyptus (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Eugenol (Eugenol), Eugenol, U.S.P.—A constituent of oil of clove.

A nearly colorless, thin liquid, with a strong odor of cloves and a pungent, spicy taste.

Action and Uses: Same as those of oil of cloves, over which it has no material advantage.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims.

Euonymus (Euonym.), Euonymus, N.F. (Wahoo Bark).—Bark of the root.

Action and Uses: Obsolete cathartic; toxic digitalis effects. Caution: The uncertain absorption of this drug makes its use inadvisable.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains.

Extractum Euonymi (Ext. Euonym.), Extract of Euonymus, N.F. (Powdered Extract of Euonymus).—A hydroalcoholic extract, 1 Gm. representing the water-alcohol-soluble constituents of 4 Gm. of euonymus.

Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Euonymi (Fldext. Euonym.), Fluidextract of Euonymus, N.F.—Euonymus (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims. (N.F.).

Eupatorium (Eupator.), Eupatorium, N.F. (Boneset, Thoroughwort).—Leaves and flowering tops.

Action and Uses: Domestic diaphoretic “tea.” No established indications for its use.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Eupatorii (Fldext. Eupator.), Fluidextract of Eupatorium, N.F.—Eupatorium (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Euphorbia Pilulifera (Euphorb. Pilul.), Euphorbia Pilulifera, N.F. (Pill Bearing Spurge).—Entire flowering plant.

Action and Uses: Irritant; formerly used in respiratory diseases, but without established indications.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Euphorbiae Piluliferae (Fldext. Euphorb. Pilul.), Fluidextract of Euphorbia Pilulifera, N.F.—Euphorbia pilulifera (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

EXTRACTA, EXTRACTS (Solid Extracts).—Soft, solid (pilular extracts) or powdered (powdered extracts) preparations made by evaporating a solution of the soluble ingredients of vegetable or animal drugs at a low temperature. Powdered extracts are often made from the solid extracts by the addition of inert material. The strength of most extracts is four times that of the drug. For the various official extracts see under the names of the respective drugs.

Farfara (Farfar.), Coltsfoot, N.F. (Coltsfoot Leaves, Tussilago Leaves).

Action and Uses: Demulcent expectorant; no advantage over linseed.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm.

*Fel Bovis (Fel Bovis), Oxgall, U.S.P.

A brownish-green or dark green, somewhat viscid liquid, with a peculiar odor and a disagreeable, bitter taste.

Action and Uses: Used in the form of the extract as intestinal antiseptic, cholagogue and laxative.

*Extractum Fellis Bovis (Ext. Fel. Bov.), Extract of Oxgall, U.S.P. (Powdered Extract of Oxgall).—One Gm. of extract represents 8 Gm. of oxgall.

Dosage: 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains.

Ferri Acetas, Ferric Acetate.—Fe(C2H3O2)3.

Liquor Ferri Acetatis (Liq. Ferr. Acet.), Solution of Ferric Acetate, N.F.—Contains anhydrous ferric acetate, Fe(C2H3O2)3 (about 31%), corresponding to about 7.5 per cent. metallic iron, Fe.

Dosage: 0.3 Cc. or 5 minims (N.F.).

Liquor Ferri et Ammonii Acetatis.—See under Ammonii Acetas.

*Ferri Carbonas, Ferrous Carbonate.—FeCO3.

*Massa Ferri Carbonatis (Mass. Ferr. Carb.), Mass of Ferrous Carbonate, U.S.P. (Vallet’s Mass).—Contains FeCO3 (35%) with sugar and honey.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Note:—The prescribing of iron can be greatly simplified without sacrificing anything of real value, if physicians will confine themselves to the starred preparations.

Mistura Ferri Composita (Mist. Ferr. Co.), Compound Iron Mixture, N.F. (Griffith’s Mixture).—Ferrous carbonate (obtained by decomposing 0.6% ferrous sulphate with potassium carbonate), sugar, myrrh, spirit of lavender and rose water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

*Pilulae Ferri Carbonatis (Pil. Ferr. Carb.), Pills of Ferrous Carbonate, U.S.P. (Chalybeate Pills, Blaud’s Pills, Ferruginous Pills).—Each pill contains FeCO3 (0.06 Gm. or 1 grain).

Uses: Convenient and effective form of iron.

Dosage: 2 pills (U.S.P.).

Ferri Carbonas Saccharatus (Ferr. Carb. Sacch.), Saccharated Ferrous Carbonate, U.S.P.—Ferrous carbonate, FeCO3 (not less than 15%) preserved with sugar.

A greenish-brown, odorless powder, with a taste at first sweetish, afterward ferruginous.

Action and Uses: Hematinic, like other iron salts; practically non-astringent and non-irritating.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

*Ferri Chloridum (Ferr. Chlor.), Ferric Chloride, U.S.P. (Iron Perchloride, Sesquichloride of Iron).—Ferric chloride, FeCl3, with water of hydration.

Orange-yellow crystalline deliquescent pieces, odorless, and with a strongly styptic taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.2); freely soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used in the form of the tincture of ferric chloride as an astringent, especially as an application to the throat. Also hematinic, but relatively irritant.

Gossypium Stypticum (Gossyp. Stypt.), Styptic Cotton, N.F.—Purified cotton, impregnated with ferric chloride.

Liquor Ferri Chloridi (Liq. Ferr. Chlor.), Solution of Ferric Chloride, U.S.P. (Solution of Iron Perchloride).—FeCl3 (about 10.5%).

Dosage: 0.1 Cc. or 1-1/2 minims.

*Tinctura Ferri Chloridi (Tr. Ferr. Chlor.), Tincture of Ferric Chloride, U.S.P.—Ferric chloride (about 13%) corresponding to not less than 4.48 per cent. of iron, Fe. Made by diluting a solution of ferric chloride (35%) with alcohol. Absolute alcoholic content about 63 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.).

Note:—The prescribing of iron can be greatly simplified, without sacrificing anything of real value, if physicians will confine themselves to the starred preparations.

Tinctura Ferri Chloridi Aetherea (Tr. Ferr. Chlor. Aeth.), Ethereal Tincture of Ferric Chloride, N.F. (Bestuscheff’s Tincture, Lamotte’s Drops).—Solution of ferric chloride (6%) and ether (25%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Ferri Citras, Ferric Citrate

Liquor Ferri Citratis (Liq. Ferr. Cit.), Solution of Ferric Citrate, N.F.—Contains ferric citrate corresponding to not less than 7.25 per cent. metallic iron, Fe.

Dosage: 0.6 Cc. or 10 minims (N.F.).

Ferri Citro-Chloridum, Iron Citro-Chloride

Elixir Ferri, Quininae et Strychninae (Elix. Ferr. Quin. et Strych.), Elixir of Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, N.F.—Tincture of ferric citro-chloride (12.5%), quinine hydrochloride (0.875%), strychnine sulphate (0.0175%), compound spirit of orange, glycerin and water. Absolute alcohol content about 25 per cent.

Uses: A popular but irrational “tonic.”

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Elixir Gentianae et Ferri (Elix. Gent. et Ferr.), Elixir of Gentian and Iron, N.F. (Elixir of Gentian with Tincture of Ferric Citro-Chloride).—Tincture of ferric citro-chloride (10%) and elixir of gentian. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Tinctura Ferri Citro-Chloridi (Tr. Ferr. Citro-Chlor.), Tincture of Ferric Citro-Chloride, N.F. (Tasteless Tincture of Ferric Chloride, Tasteless Tincture of Iron).—A tincture of a complex iron salt, containing about 4 per cent. of iron (Fe) and rendered non-styptic by the presence of a citrate. Made from solution of ferric chloride (35%), sodium citrate (44%), alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 15 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (N.F.).

*Ferri et Ammonii Citras (Ferr. et Ammon. Cit.), Iron and Ammonium Citrate, U.S.P. (Soluble Ferric Citrate, Ammonio-Ferric Citrate).—Iron citrate rendered more readily soluble by the presence of ammonium citrate. Contains about 17 per cent. of iron, Fe.

Note:—The prescribing of iron can be greatly simplified, without sacrificing anything of real value, if physicians will confine themselves to the starred preparations.

Thin, transparent, garnet-red, odorless scales, with a saline, mildly ferruginous taste. Readily and completely soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Hematinic, practically non-astringent. Has the general properties of iron salts.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains.

Vinum Ferri (Vin. Ferr.), Wine of Iron, N.F. (Wine of Citrate of Iron).—Iron and ammonium citrate (4%) in tincture of sweet orange peel, syrup, and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Ferri et Quininae Citras (Ferr. et Quin. Cit.), Iron and Quinine Citrate, U.S.P. (Ferri et Quininae Citras Solubilis, U.S.P. VIII, Soluble Iron and Quinine Citrate).—Iron citrate and quinine citrate rendered more soluble by the presence of ammonium citrate. Contains not less than 13 per cent. of iron, Fe.

Thin, transparent, deliquescent, greenish or golden yellow, odorless scales, with a bitter, mildly ferruginous taste. Rapidly and completely soluble in cold water, partly soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used as a bitter iron tonic. Of doubtful value.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains.

Vinum Ferri Amarum (Vin. Ferr. Amar.), Bitter Wine of Iron, N.F.—Iron and quinine citrate (5%) in tincture of sweet orange peel, syrup and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 17 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Ferri Glycerophosphas (Ferr. Glycerophos.), Ferric Glycerophosphate, N.F. (Ferric Glycerinophosphate).

Yellowish-green scales or powder, odorless and nearly tasteless. Freely soluble in water (1:2) and insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Reputed “tonic,” but without advantage over the ordinary iron salts.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains.

Ferri Hydroxidum, Ferric Hydroxide.

Ferri Hydroxidum cum Magnesii Oxido (Ferr. Hydrox. cum Mag. Oxid.), Ferric Hydroxide with Magnesium Oxide, U.S.P. (Arsenic Antidote, Ferric Hydrate with Magnesia).—A dilute solution of ferric sulphate and a mixture of magnesium oxide with water, kept in separate bottles. When mixed, they yield ferric hydroxide.

Note:—The prescribing of iron can be greatly simplified, without sacrificing anything of real value, if physicians will confine themselves to the starred preparations.

Uses: Antidote for arsenic.

Dosage: 120 Cc. or 4 fluidounces.

Magma Ferri Hydroxidi (Magm. Ferr. Hydrox.), Ferric Hydroxide Magma, N.F. (Ferri Hydroxidum, U.S.P. VIII, Ferric Hydroxide).—A suspension of ferric hydroxide in water.

Ferri Hypophosphis (Ferr. Hypophos.), Ferric Hypophosphite, N.F.

White or grayish white, odorless and nearly tasteless powder. Very slightly soluble in water (1:2300); insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Reputed “tonic,” but without advantage over the ordinary iron salts.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains.

Elixir Ferri Hypophosphitis (Elix. Ferr. Hypophos.), Elixir of Ferric Hypophosphite, N.F.—Ferric hypophosphite (1.65%), potassium citrate (2.15%), water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 21 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Elixir Hypophosphitum et Ferri (Elix. Hypophos. et Ferr.), Elixir of Hypophosphites and Iron, N.F.—Calcium hypophosphite and sodium hypophosphite (each 1.75%), potassium hypophosphite and ferric hypophosphite (each 0.875%), potassium citrate, hypophosphorous acid, water, syrup and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 10 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Liquor Ferri Hypophosphitis (Liq. Ferr. Hypophos.), Solution of Ferric Hypophosphite, N.F. (Solution of Hypophosphite of Iron).—Ferric hypophosphite (16.5%) dissolved by means of potassium citrate (21.5%) in glycerin and water.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Syrupus Ferri Hypophosphitis (Syr. Ferr. Hypophos.), Syrup of Ferric Hypophosphite, N.F.—Ferric hypophosphite (1.75%), dissolved by means of potassium citrate (2.5%), and made into a syrup flavored with orange flower water.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Note:—The prescribing of iron can be greatly simplified, without sacrificing anything of real value, if physicians will confine themselves to the starred preparations.

Ferri Iodidum, Ferrous Iodide.—FeI2.

Pilulae Ferri Iodidi (Pil. Ferr. Iod.), Pills of Ferrous Iodide, U.S.P.—Each pill represents ferrous iodide, FeI2 (about 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain).

Dosage: 2 pills (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Ferri et Mangani Iodidi (Syr. Ferr. et Mangan. Iod.), Syrup of Iron and Manganese Iodide, N.F.—Ferrous iodide (10%) and manganese iodide (5%) in syrup.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

*Syrupus Ferri Iodidi (Syr. Ferr. Iod.), Syrup of Ferrous Iodide, U.S.P. (Ferri Iodidi Syrupus P.I.).—Ferrous iodide, FeI2 (about 5%).

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Ferri Lactas (Ferr. Lact.), Ferrous Lactate, N.F. (Iron Lactate).

Greenish white powder or crystalline masses, with a slight, characteristic odor and a mild, sweet ferruginous taste. Slowly soluble in water (1:40), freely soluble in solutions of alkali citrates, but almost insoluble in alcohol.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (N.F.).

Elixir Ferri Lactatis (Elix. Ferr. Lact.), Elixir of Iron Lactate, N.F.—Iron lactate (1.75%), potassium citrate (5.25%) in water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 18 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Ferri Lactophosphas, Iron Lactophosphate.

Syrupus Ferri Lactophosphatis (Syr. Ferr. Lactophos.), Syrup of Iron Lactophosphate, N.F.—Iron lactophosphate (2.5%) in syrup.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Ferri Malas, Ferrous Malate (Iron Malate).

Extractum Ferri Pomatum (Ext. Ferr. Pomat.), Ferrated Extract of Apples, N.F. (Ferri Malas Crudus, Crude Malate of Iron).—A pilular extract containing ferrous malate.

Dosage: 0.65 Gm. or 10 grains (N.F.).

Tinctura Ferri Pomata (Tr. Ferr. Pomat.), Tincture of Ferrated Extract of Apples, N.F. (Tinctura Ferri Malatis Crudi, Tincture of Crude Malate of Iron).—Ferrated extract of apples (10%) in alcohol and cinnamon water. Absolute alcohol content about 10 per cent.

Note:—The prescribing of iron can be greatly simplified, without sacrificing anything of real value, if physicians will confine themselves to the starred preparations.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Ferri Nitras, Ferric Nitrate.—Fe(NO3)3.

Liquor Ferri Nitratis (Liq. Ferr. Nit.), Solution of Ferric Nitrate, N.F.—Ferric nitrate, Fe(NO3)3, corresponding to not less than 1.3 per cent. of metallic iron, Fe.

Uses: Astringent and styptic.

Dosage: 0.3 Cc. or 5 minims (N.F.).

Ferri Oxidum Saccharatum (Ferr. Oxid. Sacch.), Saccharated Ferric Oxide, N.F. (Soluble Ferric Oxide, Ferrum Oxydatum Saccharatum, “Eisenzucker”).—Saccharated ferric oxide representing not less than 2.8 per cent. of Fe.

Syrupus Ferri Saccharati Solubilis (Syr. Ferr. Sacch. Sol.), Syrup of Soluble Saccharated Iron, N.F. (Syrupus Ferri Oxydati Solubilis, Syrup of Saccharated Oxide of Iron, Syrup of Soluble Oxide of Iron).—Saccharated ferric oxide (41.5%), syrup and water.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Ferri Oxychloridum, Ferric Oxychloride.

Liquor Ferri Oxychloridi (Liq. Ferr. Oxychlor.), Solution of Ferric Oxychloride, N.F.—Ferric oxychloride corresponding to about 3 per cent. of metallic iron, Fe, dissolved in a mixture of glycerin and water.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Ferri Oxysulphas, Ferric Oxysulphate.

Liquor Ferri Oxysulphatis (Liq. Ferr. Oxysulph.), Solution of Ferric Oxysulphate, N.F.—A solution of basic ferric sulphate.

Uses: Superfluous astringent iron solution.

*Ferri Phosphas (Ferr. Phos.), Ferric Phosphate, U.S.P. (Ferri Phosphas Solubilis, U.S.P. VIII, Soluble Ferric Phosphate).—Ferric phosphate rendered soluble by sodium citrate. Contains iron, Fe (not less than 12%).

Thin, bright green, transparent, odorless scales, with an acidulous, slightly saline taste. Freely and completely soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Hematinic. Only slightly astringent; no special advantage over other iron salts.

Note:—The prescribing of iron can be greatly simplified, without sacrificing anything of real value, if physicians will confine themselves to the starred preparations.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum et Ferri (Elix. Cinchon. et Ferr.), Elixir of Cinchona Alkaloids and Iron, N.F. (Elixir Cinchonae et Ferri N.F. III, Ferrated Elixir of Calisaya, Alkaloidal).—Ferric phosphate (3.5%), elixir of cinchona alkaloids (about 92%) and water. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Elixir Ferri Phosphatis (Elix. Ferr. Phos.), Elixir of Ferric Phosphate, N.F.—Ferric phosphate (3.5%), water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Elixir Gentianae et Ferri Phosphatis (Elix. Gent. et Ferr. Phosph.), Elixir of Gentian and Ferric Phosphate, N.F. (Elixir Gentianae Ferratum).—Ferric phosphate (1.75%), elixir of gentian (about 95%) and water. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Syrupus Ferri, Quininae et Strychninae Phosphatum (Syr. Ferr. Quin. et Strych. Phos.), Syrup of the Phosphates of Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, N.F.—Ferric phosphate (2%), quinine (2.6%), strychnine (0.02%), phosphoric acid (5%) in glycerin, water and syrup.

Uses: Needlessly complex “tonic.”

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Ferri Protochloridum, Ferrous Chloride (Iron Protochloride).

Liquor Ferri Protochloridi (Liq. Ferr. Protochlor.), Solution of Ferrous Chloride, N.F. (Solution of Protochloride of Iron).—A solution of ferrous chloride in glycerin and water.

Uses: Superfluous astringent iron solution.

Dosage: 0.6 Cc. or 10 minims (N.F.).

Syrupus Ferri Protochloridi (Syr. Ferr. Protochlor.), Syrup of Ferrous Chloride, N.F. (Syrup of Protochloride of Iron).—Solution of ferrous chloride (5%) in glycerin, orange flower water and syrup.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Ferri Pyrophosphas (Ferr. Pyrophos.), Ferric Pyrophosphate, N.F. (Soluble Ferric Pyrophosphate).

Note:—The prescribing of iron can be greatly simplified, without sacrificing anything of real value, if physicians will confine themselves to the starred preparations.

Thin, apple-green, transparent, odorless scales, with an acidulous, slightly saline taste. Freely and completely soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used in iron elixirs; no special advantage over other soluble salts of iron.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains.

Elixir Ferri Pyrophosphatis (Elix. Ferr. Pyrophos.), Elixir of Ferric Pyrophosphate, N.F. (Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron).—Ferric pyrophosphate (3.5%), water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Elixir Ferri Pyrophosphatis, Quininae et Strychninae (Elix. Ferr. Pyrophos. Quin. et Strych.), Elixir of Ferric Pyrophosphate, Quinine and Strychnine, N.F.—Ferric pyrophosphate (3.5%), quinine sulphate (0.875%), strychnine citrate (0.014%), ammonium citrate, oil of orange, alcohol, syrup and water. Absolute alcohol content about 23 per cent.

Uses: A needlessly complex “tonic.”

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Ferri Subsulphas, Ferric Subsulphate.

Liquor Ferri Subsulphatis (Liq. Ferr. Subsulph.), Solution of Ferric Subsulphate, U.S.P. (Monsel’s Solution, Solution of Basic Ferric Sulphate).

Uses: Local styptic and astringent.

*Ferri Sulphas (Ferr. Sulph.), Ferrous Sulphate, U.S.P. (Iron Protosulphate).—FeSO4 + 7H2O. (An impure product is commercially known as copperas).

Pale bluish-green, odorless crystals, with a saline styptic taste. Freely soluble (1:1.4) in water, insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Hematinic, especially in pills; but mainly used in making pharmaceutical preparations. Formerly used extensively as a disinfectant, but is only deodorant.

Dosage: 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.).

*Ferri Sulphas Exsiccatus (Ferr. Sulph. Exsic.), Exsiccated Ferrous Sulphate, U.S.P. (Dried Ferrous Sulphate).—Contains not less than 80 per cent. of FeSO4.

Grayish-white powder.

Note:—The prescribing of iron can be greatly simplified, without sacrificing anything of real value, if physicians will confine themselves to the starred preparations.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.) as pills.

Ferri Sulphas Granulatus (Ferr. Sulph. Gran.), Granulated Ferrous Sulphate, U.S.P. (Precipitated Ferrous Sulphate).—Purified ferrous sulphate.

Very pale, bluish-green, crystalline powder.

Dosage: 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.).

Pilulae Ferri, Quininae, Aloes et Nucis Vomicae (Pil. Ferr. Quin. Aloe. et Nuc. Vom.), Pills of Iron, Quinine, Aloes and Nux Vomica, N.F. (Pilulae Quadruplices, N.F. III, Quadruplex Pills, Quatuor Pills, Pilulae Ferri et Quininae Compositae).—Each pill contains exsiccated ferrous sulphate, quinine sulphate and aloes (each 0.065 Gm. or 1 grain), extract of nux vomica (0.016 Gm. or 1/4 grain) and extract of gentian.

Uses: Antiquated, complex and irrational “tonic.”

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Ferri Tersulphas, Ferric Sulphate (Iron Tersulphate).

Liquor Ferri Tersulphatis (Liq. Ferr. Tersulph.), Solution of Ferric Sulphate U.S.P. (Solution of Iron Tersulphate).

Uses: For making pharmaceutical preparations.

*Ferrum (Ferr.), Iron, U.S.P.—Metallic iron, Fe, in the form of fine, bright, and non-elastic wire.

Uses: For making the salts.

Ferrum Albuminatum, Iron Albuminate.

Liquor Ferri Albuminati (Liq. Ferr. Albumin.), Solution of Albuminate of Iron, N.F.—Contains albuminate of iron equivalent to about 0.4% of iron, Fe, in aromatic elixir, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Uses: Non-astringent iron preparation; converted into simple ionic iron by dilute acids.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Ferrum Peptonatum, Iron Peptonate.

Liquor Ferri Peptonati (Liq. Ferr. Pepton.), Solution of Peptonate of Iron, N.F.—Contains a compound of iron and peptonized fresh egg albumin representing 0.4 per cent. metallic iron, Fe; flavored with oil of orange, acetic ether and vanillin in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 14 per cent.

Note:—The prescribing of iron can be greatly simplified, without sacrificing anything of real value, if physicians will confine themselves to the starred preparations.

Uses: Non-astringent inorganic iron preparation.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Liquor Ferri Peptonati et Mangani (Liq. Ferr. Pepton. et Mangan.), Solution of Peptonate of Iron and Manganese, N.F. (Liquor Ferri Peptonati cum Mangano, N.F. III).—Solution of peptonate of iron with soluble manganese citrate (1%). Absolute alcohol content about 14 per cent.

Uses: Combination of iron and manganese, of doubtful advantage over the solution of peptonate of iron.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

*Ferrum Reductum (Ferr. Reduct.), Reduced Iron, U.S.P. (Ferrum Redactum, Iron by Hydrogen, Quevenne’s Iron).—Metallic iron, Fe (not less than 90%), obtained by reduction of iron oxide by hydrogen.

Very fine, grayish-black, lusterless, odorless and tasteless powder. Insoluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses: A hematinic, relatively non-irritant; given preferably just before meals in the form of pills or powder enclosed in capsules or cachets.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain.

Pilulae Ferri, Quininae, Strychninae et Arseni Fortiores (Pil. Ferr., Quin., Strych. et Arsen. Fort.), Stronger Pills of Iron, Quinine, Strychnine, and Arsenic, N.F. (Pilulae Metallorum, N.F. III, Metallic Pills, Pilulae Metallorum Amarae, Bitter Metallic Pills).—Each pill contains reduced iron and quinine sulphate (each 0.065 Gm. or 1 grain), strychnine and arsenic trioxide (each 0.0032 Gm. or 1/20 grain) with clarified honey.

Uses: Complex and irrational tonic.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Ferri, Quininae, Strychninae et Arseni Mites (Pil. Ferr., Quin., Strych. et Arsen. Mit.), Mild Pills of Iron, Quinine, Strychnine and Arsenic, N.F. (Aitken Tonic Pills).—Each pill contains reduced iron (0.045 Gm. or 2/3 grain), quinine sulphate (0.065 Gm. or 1 grain), strychnine and arsenic trioxide (each 0.0013 Gm. or 1/50 grain) with clarified honey.

Uses: Complex and irrational tonic.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Note:—The prescribing of iron can be greatly simplified, without sacrificing anything of real value, if physicians will confine themselves to the starred preparations.

Ficus (Ficus), Fig, N.F.

Action and Uses: Mild laxative.

FLUIDEXTRACTA, FLUIDEXTRACTS.—Fluidextracts are concentrated liquid preparations of vegetable drugs, generally containing alcohol either as a solvent or as a preservative. One Cc. represents the extractives from 1 Gm. of drug.

The statements in this book regarding alcohol content are approximate and are based on the alcohol contents of the menstruum used. For the official preparations see under the names of the respective drugs. For Fluidextractum Aromaticum, see under Cinnamomum Saigonicum.

FLUIDGLYCERATA, FLUIDGLYCERATES.—Preparations intended to be of the same drug strength as fluidextracts—that is, representing 100 Gm. of drug in 100 Cc. of preparation—but containing about 50 per cent. by volume of glycerin and no alcohol. For the various fluidglycerates, see under the names of the respective drugs.

Foeniculum (Foenic.), Fennel, U.S.P. (Fennel Seed).

Action and Uses: Aromatic and carminative.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains.

*Formaldehydum, Formaldehyde.—CH2O.

*Liquor Formaldehydi (Liq. Formaldehyd.), Solution of Formaldehyde, U.S.P.—CH2O (not less than 37%) with methyl alcohol and water.

Action and Uses: A powerful germicide, especially valuable in the form of gas for its penetrating power. Its irritant actions generally preclude its use on the body.

For disinfecting rooms, from 150 Cc. or 5 fluidounces to 1 quart or 1 liter of the official formaldehyde solution are allowed to each 1,000 cubic feet of space by various authorities. Various methods have been employed. One is to allow the solution to evaporate from sheets suspended in the tightly closed room. Another is to generate the gas in the room by treating the solution with potassium permanganate, allowing about 110 Gm. or 3-1/2 ounces of potassium permanganate to 500 Cc. or 1 pint of formaldehyde solution. A third method utilizes the reaction between formaldehyde solution and sodium dichromate in the presence of sulphuric acid, used in the proportion of 45 Cc. or 1-1/2 fluidounces of sulphuric acid and 280 Gm. or 9 ounces of sodium dichromate to 500 Cc. or 1 pint of formaldehyde solution. These methods are not effective if the temperature of the room be below 60 F. or the relative humidity below 65 per cent.

Frangula (Frang.), Frangula, U.S.P. (Buckthorn Bark).

Action and Uses: Similar to those of cascara sagrada; used principally as fluidextract.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Catharticum Compositum (Elix. Cathart. Co.), Compound Cathartic Elixir, N.F.—Fluidextract of frangula (12.5%), fluidextract of senna (10%), fluidextract of rhubarb (6.2%), spirit of peppermint, solution of potassium hydroxide and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 25 per cent.

Uses: Needlessly complicated cathartic.

Dosage: Aperient, 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.); cathartic, 12 Cc. or 3 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Frangulae (Fldext. Frangul.), Fluidextract of Frangula, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Buckthorn Bark).—Frangula (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Fraxinus (Fraxin.), White Ash Bark, N.F.

Action and Uses: Formerly used as tonic, astringent and purgative. No established indications for its use.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Vinum Fraxini (Vin. Frax.), Wine of White Ash, N.F.—White ash bark (50%), in alcohol and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 30 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Fucus (Fucus), Fucus, N.F. (Bladderwrack).—A sea weed.

Action and Uses: Formerly used against goiters and tuberculous glands; may be of some value through its iodine content, but has no special advantage over other iodine preparations.

Dosage: 0.65 Gm. or 10 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Fuci (Fldext. Fuci), Fluidextract of Fucus, N.F.—Fucus (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 0.65 Cc. or 10 minims (N.F.).

Galangal (Galang.), Galangal, N.F.—Rhizome.

Action and Uses: Aromatic carminative, resembling ginger and without advantage over the latter.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains.

Galega (Galeg.), Galega, N.F. (European Goat’s Rue).—Flowering tops.

Action and Uses: Exploited as a galactagogue and nerve stimulant; has no established value.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Galegae (Fldext. Galeg.), Fluidextract of Galega, N.F.—Galega (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Galla (Gall.), Nutgall, U.S.P. (Aleppo Galls, Smyrna Galls).

Incompatible with the salts of iron, lead, copper or silver.

Action and Uses: Astringent. Used especially as ointment, but has no advantage over tannic acid.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Gallae (Tr. Gall.), Tincture of Nutgall, N.F.—Nutgall (20%) in glycerin and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 85 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Unguentum Gallae (Ung. Gall.), Nutgall Ointment, U.S.P.—Nutgall (20%) in ointment.

Gambir (Gambir), Gambir, U.S.P. (Pale Catechu).—A dried extract.

Action and Uses: Astringent; used against diarrhea.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (in form of tincture).

Pulvis Gambir Compositus (Pulv. Gambir Co.), Compound Powder of Gambir, N.F. (Pulvis Catechu Compositus, N.F. III).—Gambir (40%), kino (20%) and krameria (20%), with Saigon cinnamon and nutmeg.

Uses: Needlessly complex intestinal astringent.

Dosage: 1.3 Gm. or 20 grains (N.F.).

Tinctura Gambir Composita (Tr. Gambir Co.), Compound Tincture of Gambir, U.S.P. (Compound Tincture of Pale Catechu).—Gambir (5%) with Saigon cinnamon in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 47 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Trochisci Gambir (Troch. Gambir), Troches of Gambir, N.F.—Each troche contains gambir (0.06 Gm. or 1 grain) with tragacanth, sugar and oil of cinnamon.

Dosage: 1 troche (N.F.).

*Gelatinum (Gelat.), Gelatin, U.S.P.—Obtained from skin, ligaments, bones, etc.

Insoluble in cold water but swells and softens when immersed in it; soluble in hot water and in glycerin; insoluble in alcohol and similar solvents.

Action and Uses: Used as a food product. Also, by mouth or by injection, with the intention of increasing the coagulability of the blood; of doubtful value. May contain tetanus spores.

Gelatinum Glycerinatum (Gelat. Glycerin.), Glycerinated Gelatin, U.S.P.—Consists of equal parts of gelatin and glycerin.

Uses: Base for suppositories, bougies, etc.

Gelsemium (Gelsem.), Gelsemium, U.S.P. (Yellow Jasmine Root, Yellow Jessamine).

Action and Uses: Used in migraine and neuralgia, and in the treatment of ovarian, rheumatic and uterine pain. Efficiency uncertain. Untoward symptoms sometimes result from comparatively small doses.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.). (Not used as such).

Extractum Gelsemii (Ext. Gelsem.), Extract of Gelsemium, U.S.P. (Powdered Extract of Gelsemium).—One Gm. of extract represents 4 Gm. of gelsemium.

Dosage: 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Gelsemii (Fldext. Gelsem.), Fluidextract of Gelsemium, U.S.P.—Gelsemium (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 0.03 Cc. or 1/2 minim (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Gelsemii (Tr. Gelsem.), Tincture of Gelsemium, U.S.P.—Gelsemium (10%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 62 per cent.

Dosage: 0.25 Cc. or 4 minims (U.S.P.).

*Gentiana (Gentian.), Gentian, U.S.P. (Yellow Gentian Root).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Probably the most widely used of the simple bitters.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Gentianae (Elix. Gent.), Elixir of Gentian, N.F.—Fluidextract of gentian (3.5%), compound spirit of cardamom, sodium citrate, glycerin, syrup, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 21 per cent.

Uses: An agreeable aromatic bitter stomachic.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Elixir Gentianae et Ferri, N.F.—See under Ferri Citro-Chloridum.

Elixir Gentianae et Ferri Phosphatis, N.F.—See under Ferri Phosphas.

Elixir Gentianae Glycerinatum (Elix. Gent. Glycerin.), Glycerinated Elixir of Gentian, N.F.—Fluidextract of gentian (1%), fluidextract of taraxacum (1.5%), acetic ether, phosphoric acid, tincture of sweet orange peel, compound tincture of cardamom, glycerin, sugar and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 11 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms.

*Extractum Gentianae (Ext. Gentian.), Extract of Gentian, U.S.P.—A pilular extract.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Gentianae (Fldext. Gentian.), Fluidextract of Gentian, U.S.P.—Gentian (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Infusum Gentianae Compositum (Inf. Gent. Co.), Compound Infusion of Gentian, N.F.—Gentian (3%), coriander and bitter orange peel in diluted alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 12 per cent.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Tinctura Amara (Tr. Amar.), Bitter Tincture, N.F. (Stomachic Tincture, Bitter Stomachic Drops, Stomach Drops).—Gentian (6%), centaury (6%), zedoary (2%) and bitter orange peel in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Uses: Bitter stomachic, complex and without special value.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

*Tinctura Gentianae Composita (Tr. Gentian. Co.), Compound Tincture of Gentian, U.S.P.—Gentian (10%), bitter orange peel and cardamom seed in glycerin, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 46 per cent.

Uses: Aromatic Bitter.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Geranium (Geran.), Geranium, N.F. (Cranesbill).—Rhizome.

Action and Uses: Obsolete intestinal astringent, without special advantage over krameria, etc.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Geranii (Fldext. Geran.), Fluidextract of Geranium, N.F.—Geranium (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 50 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Glucosum (Glucos.), Glucose, U.S.P. (Syrupy Glucose, Liquid Glucose).—Chiefly dextrose (d-glucose) and dextrins.

Colorless or nearly colorless, odorless or nearly odorless, thick, syrupy, sweet liquid. Soluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Pill excipient. Pure dextrose is also employed in saline injections.

*Glycerinum (Glycerin.), Glycerin, U.S.P. (Glycerol).—C3H5(OH)3.

A colorless, syrupy, practically odorless liquid, with a sweet taste, and producing a sensation of warmth in the mouth. Miscible with water and alcohol; insoluble in chloroform or ether.

Action and Uses: Used as solvent, sweetening agent, demulcent and emollient. The enema or suppositories are promptly evacuant.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

*Suppositoria Glycerini (Supp. Glycerin.), Suppositories of Glycerin, U.S.P.—Glycerin with a stearic acid soap.

Uses: Rectal evacuant.

Suppositoria Boroglycerini (Suppos. Boroglycer.), Suppositories of Boroglycerin, N.F.—Glycerite of boroglycerin (7.5%) with glycerinated gelatin and glycerin.

Uses: Antiseptic evacuant.

GLYCERITA, GLYCERITES.—Solutions of medicinal substances in glycerin. For the various glycerites, see under the names of the principal ingredients. For Glyceritum Boroglycerini, see under Acidum Boricum; for Glyceritum Vitelli, see under Ovi Vitellum Recens.

*Glycerylis Nitras, Glyceryl Trinitrate (Nitroglycerin, Trinitrin, Glonoin).—C3H5(NO3)3.

Action and Uses: Vasodilator, acting more slowly than amyl nitrite.

Pilulae Glycerylis Nitratis (Pil. Glycer. Nit.), Pills of Nitroglycerin, N.F. (Pilulae Glonoini, N.F. III, Pills of Glonoin).—Each pill contains spirit of glyceryl trinitrate and althaea (each 0.065 Gm. or 1 grain) with confection of rose.

Uses: Inferior to the tablets.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

*Spiritus Glycerylis Nitratis (Sp. Glyceryl. Nit.), Spirit of Glyceryl Trinitrate, U.S.P. (Spirit of Glonoin, Spirit of Nitroglycerin).—Glyceryl trinitrate (about 1%) in alcohol.

Dosage: 0.05 Cc. or 1 minim (U.S.P.) dropped on the tongue.

*Glycyrrhiza (Glycyrrh.), Glycyrrhiza, U.S.P. (Licorice, Liquorice Root).

Action and Uses: Used to disguise the taste of drugs and as demulcent expectorant. The preparations are incompatible with acids.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Glycyrrhizae and Elixir Glycyrrhizae Aromaticum.—See under Alcohol.

Elixir Glycyrrhizae Aquosum (Elix. Glycyrrh. Aq.), Aqueous Elixir of Glycyrrhiza, N.F. (Aqueous Elixir of Licorice).—Fluidextract of glycyrrhiza (15%), compound spirit of cardamom, stronger orange flower water, glycerin, syrup and distilled water. Absolute alcohol content about 3 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms.

Extractum Glycyrrhizae (Ext. Glycyrrh.), Extract of Glycyrrhiza, U.S.P. (Extract of Licorice).—The commercial extract of glycyrrhiza. Incompletely soluble in water (60%).

Extractum Glycyrrhizae Purum (Ext. Glycyrrh. Pur.), Pure Extract of Glycyrrhiza, U.S.P.—A pilular extract.

*Fluidextractum Glycyrrhizae (Fldext. Glycyrrh.), Fluidextract of Glycyrrhiza, U.S.P.—Glycyrrhiza (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Fluidglyceratum Glycyrrhizae (Fldglycer. Glycyrrh.), Fluidglycerate of Glycyrrhiza, N.F. (Fluidglycerate of Licorice).—Glycyrrhiza (100%) in glycerin and water, made alkaline with ammonia water.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims.

Mistura Glycyrrhizae Composita, U.S.P.—See under Opium.

Pulvis Glycyrrhizae Compositus, U.S.P.—See under Senna.

Syrupus Glycyrrhizae (Syr. Glycyrrhiz.), Syrup of Glycyrrhiza, N.F. (Syrup of Licorice).—Fluidglycerate of glycyrrhiza (25%) in syrup.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Glycyrrhizinum Ammoniatum (Glycyrrh. Ammon.), Ammoniated Glycyrrhizin, U.S.P.—The sweet principle of glycyrrhiza, combined with ammonia.

Dark brown or brownish-red, odorless scales, with a very sweet taste. Freely soluble in water and soluble in alcohol. Incompatible with acids.

Action and Uses: Intended as aubstitute for extract of glycyrrhiza, over which it presents no advantage.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Gossypii Cortex (Gossyp. Cort.), Cotton Root Bark, N.F.—Recently gathered or dried bark of the root.

Action and Uses: Exploited as emmenagogue, but without established value.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Gossypii Corticis (Fldext. Gossyp. Cort.), Fluidextract of Cotton Root Bark, N.F.—Cotton root bark (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Gossypium Purificatum (Gossyp. Purif.), Purified Cotton, U.S.P. (Absorbent Cotton).

Action and Uses: Used as an absorbent surgical dressing and as a filtering agent.

Gossypium Stypticum.—See under Ferri Chloridum.

Granatum (Granat.), Pomegranate, U.S.P. (Pomegranate Bark).

Action and Uses: the decoction or fluidextract expels tapeworm. Both are strongly astringent and often produce vomiting.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Granati (Fldext. Granat.), Fluidextract of Pomegranate, U.S.P.—Pomegranate (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Grindelia (Grindel.), Grindelia, U.S.P.—Leaves and flowering tops.

Action and Uses: Used with doubtful results in spasmodic asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis, and hay fever, and locally against ivy poisoning. It is a feeble drug and its action has not been clearly defined.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Grindeliae (Fldext. Grindel.), Fluidextract of Grindelia, U.S.P.—Grindelia (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Guaiaci Lignum (Guaiac. Lig.), Guaiac Wood, N.F. (Lignum Vitae).

Action and Uses: Reputed “alterative,” but without established value. No advantage over guaiac resin.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

*Guaiacol (Guaiacol), Guaiacol, U.S.P.—Obtained from wood-tar creosote or prepared synthetically.

Colorless or yellowish solid or liquid, with an aromatic odor and a strong phenolic taste. Soluble in water (1:53), freely soluble in glycerin (1:0.8) and miscible with alcohol, chloroform or ether.

Action and Uses: Used as intestinal antiseptic and bronchial stimulant, similar to creosote; less irritant but also less active. Inunction with 50 per cent. solution in oil is antipyretic but it is less powerful and more uncertain than acetphenetidin, etc. Action is difficult to control and collapse may occur.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.).

*Guaiacolis Carbonas (Guaiacol. Carb.), Guaiacol Carbonate, U.S.P.

White, nearly odorless and nearly tasteless powder. Soluble in alcohol (1:60) and in ether (1:18); insoluble in water.

Action and Uses: Being insoluble in water, it is less disagreeable and less irritating than guaiacol, but liberates this substance in the intestines. Used as intestinal antiseptic and against bronchitis.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.). in powders or cachets.

Guaiacum (Guaiac.), Guaiac, U.S.P. (Guaiac Resin).

Action and Uses: Formerly used as an “alterative,” against syphilis, chronic rheumatism and gout; and as throat lozenges for its mildly irritant action. It produces no definite systemic effects, except as a mild laxative and possibly diuretic. Its value is very doubtful. The ammoniated tincture is the most active preparation.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Gargarisma Guaiaci Compositum (Garg. Guaiac. Co.), Compound Gargle of Guaiac, N.F.—Ammoniated tincture of guaiac (10%), compound tincture of cinchona (10%), potassium chlorate (4%), with clarified honey and oil of peppermint in water. Absolute alcohol content about 12 per cent.

Uses: Complex and irrational mixture.

Glyceritum Guaiaci (Glycer. Guaiac.), Glycerite of Guaiac, N.F.—Guaiac (8.5%) and solution of potassium hydroxide in glycerin and water.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Mistura Guaiaci (Mist. Guaiac.), Mixture of Guaiac, N.F.—Tincture of guaiac (12.5%) in clarified honey and cinnamon water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Petroxolinum Guaiacolis (Petrox. Guaiacol.), Guaiacol Petroxolin, N.F. (Guaiacol Petrox).—Guaiacol (20%) in oleic acid and liquid petroxolin.

Tinctura Guaiaci (Tr. Guaiac.), Tincture of Guaiac, U.S.P.—Guaiac (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Guaiaci Ammoniata (Tr. Guaiac. Ammon.), Ammoniated Tincture of Guaiac, U.S.P.—Guaiac (20%) in aromatic spirit of ammonia. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Guaiaci Composita (Tr. Guaiac. Co.), Compound Tincture of Guaiac, N.F. (Dewees’ Tincture of Guaiac).—Guaiac (12.5%), potassium carbonate and pimenta in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 45 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Guarana (Guarana), Guarana, U.S.P.—Paste consisting chiefly of crushed seeds yielding not less than 4 per cent. of caffeine.

Action and Uses: Used for its caffeine. There is no reason for using it instead of caffeine.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Guaranae (Elix. Guar.), Elixir of Guarana, N.F.—Fluidextract of guarana (20%), compound elixir of taraxacum (60%) and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 34 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Guaranae (Fldext. Guaran.), Fluidextract of Guarana, U.S.P.—Guarana (100%) yielding about 4 per cent. of caffeine. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Gutta Percha (Gutta Percha), Gutta Percha, N.F.—A purified, coagulated tree sap.

Action and Uses: Used for technical purposes in dentistry.

Liquor Guttae Perchae (Liq. Gut. Perch.), Solution of Gutta Percha, N.F.—A clarified solution of gutta percha in chloroform.

Haematoxylon (Haematox.), Hematoxylon, N.F. (Logwood).

Action and Uses: Intestinal astringent, without advantage over krameria, etc.

Extractum Haematoxyli (Ext. Haematox.), Extract of Hematoxylon, N.F.—An aqueous extract.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Hamamelidis Folia (Hamamel. Fol.), Hamamelis Leaves, N.F. (Witch Hazel Leaves).

Action and Uses: Astringent, without advantage over other tannin-bearing drugs (krameria, etc.).

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Hamamelidis Foliorum (Fldext. Hamamel. Fol.), Fluidextract of Hamamelis Leaves, N.F.—Hamamelis leaves (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 25 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Hamamelis (Witch Hazel).

Aqua Hamamelidis (Aq. Hamam.), Hamamelis Water, U.S.P. (Witch Hazel Water, Distilled Extract of Witch Hazel).—Witch hazel bark, twigs, smaller stems or entire shrub, distilled with water and preserved with about 14 per cent. of alcohol.

Uses: Employed externally, for contusions. It owes its feeble activity mainly to the alcohol.

Helianthemum (Helianth.), Helianthemum, N.F. (Rock-Rose, Frost-Weed).—The dried herb.

Action and Uses: Obsolete astringent, tonic, alterative and emetic; unreliable and without established value.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Helianthemi (Fldext. Helianth.), Fluidextract of Helianthemum, N.F.—Helianthemum (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Helonias (Helon.), Helonias, N.F. (False Unicorn).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Ingredient of “female remedies”; without established value.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Heloniatis (Fldext. Helon.), Fluidextract of Helonias, N.F.—Helonias (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

*Hexamethylenamina (Hexam.), Hexamethylenamine, U.S.P. (Hexamethylene-tetramine; also sold as urotropine, aminoform, formamin, formin, cystamin, cystogen, urisol and uritone).—(CH2)6N4, a condensation product of ammonia and formaldehyde.

Colorless crystals or white powder, odorless and with a sweetish taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.5) and in alcohol (1:12.5). Incompatible with acids, with ammonium salts, with tannin and with mercuric chloride.

Action and Uses: Useful urinary antiseptic, liberating formaldehyde in the presence of acids (not otherwise). Also used as prophylactic against infection in bile and in other body fluids, but inefficient since these fluids are not acid.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.), in solution. When sodium acid phosphate is given to render the urine acid, hexamethylenamine should not be taken until the phosphate has left the stomach.

*Homatropinae Hydrobromidum (Homatrop. Hydrobr.), Homatropine Hydrobromide, U.S.P. (Homatropine Bromide).

White, odorless powder. Freely soluble in water (1:6) and soluble in alcohol (1:40).

Action and Uses: Used as mydriatic and cycloplegic. Its effects resemble those of atropine but occur more promptly and disappear in shorter time.

Dosage: 0.5 mg. or 1/120 grain (U.S.P.). May be used in aqueous solution of 2 per cent. strength, or a drop of a 1:500 solution may be introduced into the conjunctival sac every five minutes for five times to produce a maximum dilatation in three quarters of an hour.

Humulus (Humul.), Hops, U.S.P.

Action and Uses: Formerly used as aromatic bitter stomachic.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Humuli (Elix. Humul.), Elixir of Hops, N.F.—Fluidextract of hops (12.5%), compound elixir of taraxacum, tincture of vanilla and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 25 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Humuli (Fldext. Humul.), Fluidextract of Hops, N.F.—Hops (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 50 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Tinctura Humuli (Tr. Humul.), Tincture of Hops, N.F.—Hops (20%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 45 per cent.

Uses: Bitter stomachic.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Hydrangea (Hydrang.), Hydrangea, N.F. (Seven-Barks).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Obsolete cathartic, diuretic and diaphoretic; without established value.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Hydrangeae (Fldext. Hydrang.), Fluidextract of Hydrangea, N.F.—Hydrangea (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 50 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

*Hydrargyri Chloridum Corrosivum (Hydrarg. Chlor. Corr.), Corrosive Mercuric Chloride, U.S.P. (Bichloride of Mercury, Corrosive Sublimate, Mercuric Chloride, Perchloride of Mercury).—HgCl2.

Heavy, colorless crystals, crystalline masses or white powder, odorless and with a characteristic metallic taste. Slowly soluble in water (1:13.5) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:3.8). Its solubility in water is increased by the addition of sodium or ammonium chloride. Incompatible with soluble carbonates and hydroxides, with iodides and with alkaloids and other organic compounds. Reduced to calomel or metallic mercury by iron, zinc and other reducing agents.

Action and Uses: Chiefly as a germicide and antiseptic; also as a specific antisyphilitic agent. Acute mercuric chloride poisoning is treated by raw eggs and lavage.

Dosage: 0.003 Gm. or 1/20 grain (U.S.P.) in solution or pills. For hypodermic use in syphilis 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain daily (produces marked pain and irritation). As antiseptic externally in solution from 1:20,000 to 1:2,000. As disinfectant of clothing, in 1:1,000 solution.

Mulla Hydrargyri Chloridi Corrosivi (Mull. Hydrarg. Chlor. Corros.), Corrosive Mercuric Chloride Mull, N.F. (Unguentum Hydrargyri Chloridi Corrosivi Extensum, N.F. III).—Corrosive mercuric chloride (0.2%), alcohol, benzoinated suet and benzoinated lard.

Toxitabellae Hydrargyri Chloridi Corrosivi (Toxitabel. Hydrarg. Chlor. Corr.), Poison Tablets of Corrosive Mercuric Chloride, U.S.P. (Corrosive Sublimate Tablets, Bichloride Tablets).—Tablets of an angular shape colored blue, each having the word “Poison” and the skull and cross bones design distinctly stamped on it. Each 1 Gm. tablet contains about 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains corrosive mercuric chloride and 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains sodium chloride.

*Hydrargyri Chloridum Mite (Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit.), Mild Mercurous Chloride, U.S.P. (Mercurous Chloride, Calomel, Protochloride of Mercury, Subchloride of Mercury).—HgCl.

White or nearly white, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water, alcohol or ether. Incompatible with alkalies, with oxidizing acids like nitric acid, and with soluble bromides and iodides.

Action and Uses: A slow cathartic, fairly powerful and relatively non-irritant. Should usually be followed by a saline laxative. Should not be taken continuously as it may salivate. Also employed as a diuretic in cardiac dropsies. Intramuscular injections are very efficiently antisyphilitic, but painful.

Dosage: Laxative, 0.15 Gm. or 2-1/2 grains (U.S.P.); alterative, 0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain (U.S.P.). From 0.005 to 0.02 Gm., or from 1/12 to 1/3 grain, may be given every half hour or hour until from 0.1 to 0.2 Gm., or from 1-1/2 to 3 grains have been given. In the treatment of syphilis 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grain in oily suspension is injected about once a week.

Lotio Nigra (Lot. Nigr.), Black Lotion, N.F. (Black Wash, Aqua Phagedaenica Nigra).—A suspension of mercurous oxide, Hg2O, produced by the action of lime water on mild mercurous chloride.

Uses: Mercurial antiseptic.

Pulvis Hydrargyri Chloridi Mitis et Jalapae (Pulv. Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit. et Jalap.), Powder of Mild Mercurous Chloride and Jalap, N.F. (Calomel and Jalap).—Mild mercurous chloride (34%) and jalap (66%).

Uses: Drastic purgative.

Dosage: 0.65 Gm. or 10 grains (N.F.).

*Hydrargyri Iodidum Flavum (Hydrarg. Iod. Flav.), Yellow Mercurous Iodide, U.S.P. (Mercurous Iodide, Protoiodide of Mercury, Yellow Iodide of Mercury).—HgI.

Bright yellow, odorless, tasteless powder. Almost insoluble in water and wholly insoluble in alcohol or ether. Decomposed by oxidizing agents, alkalies and the haloid salts of the alkali metals (chlorides, bromides or iodides).

Action and Uses: Used principally as an antisyphilitic; generally given in the form of pills. Like all ingestion methods of treating syphilis, much less reliable than the intramuscular administration of mercurials and is falling into disuse on account of relative inefficiency. Has proved of value in lichen ruber planus.

Dosage: 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.).

*Hydrargyri Iodidum Rubrum (Hydrarg. Iod. Rub.), Red Mercuric Iodide, U.S.P. (Biniodide of Mercury, Mercuric Iodide, Red Iodide of Mercury).—HgI2.

Scarlet-red, odorless, nearly tasteless powder. Nearly insoluble in water and slightly soluble in alcohol (1:115); soluble in solutions of soluble iodides, sodium thiosulphate and hot solutions of alkali chlorides.

Action and Uses: Mercuric Iodide, dissolved with potassium or sodium iodide, is used as an antiseptic, germicide and antisyphilitic. It is practically as effective as mercuric chloride and less irritant or corrosive.

Dosage: 0.003 Gm. or 1/20 grain (U.S.P.).

Liquor Hydrargyri et Potassii Iodidi (Liq. Hydrarg. et Pot. Iod.), Solution of Mercury and Potassium Iodide, N.F. (Solution of Potassium Iodohydrargyrate, Channing’s Solution).—Red mercuric iodide (1%), potassium iodide (0.8%), and water.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (N.F.).

Hydrargyri Nitras, Mercuric Nitrate.—Hg(NO3)2.

Liquor Hydrargyri Nitratis (Liq. Hydrarg. Nit.), Solution of Mercuric Nitrate, N.F.—Hg(NO3)2 (60%).

Uses: Caustic.

Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis (Ung. Hydrarg. Nit.), Ointment of Mercuric Nitrate, U.S.P. (Citrine Ointment).—Mercuric nitrate (equivalent to mercury 7%) in lard.

*Hydrargyri Oxidum Flavum (Hydrarg. Oxid. Flav.), Yellow Mercuric Oxide, U.S.P.—HgO.

Light orange-yellow, heavy, odorless powder, with a somewhat metallic taste. Almost insoluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, readily dissolved by dilute hydrochloric acid and nitric acid.

Action and Uses: The ointment is used, especially on the eye, as an antiseptic and stimulant; also to some extent in impetiginous affections.

Dosage: For the eye, 2 per cent.; for the skin, from 5 to 10 per cent.

Lotio Flava (Lot. Flav.), Yellow Lotion, N.F. (Yellow Wash, Aqua Phagedaenica Flava).—A suspension of mercuric oxide produced by the action of lime water on mercuric chloride.

Uses: Mercurial antiseptic.

*Unguentum Hydrargyri Oxidi Flavi (Ung. Hydrarg. Oxid. Flav.), Ointment of Yellow Mercuric Oxide, U.S.P.—Yellow mercuric oxide (10%) in water, hydrous wool fat and petrolatum.

Hydrargyri Oxidum Rubrum (Hydrarg. Oxid. Rub.), Red Mercuric Oxide, U.S.P. (Red Precipitate).—HgO.

Heavy, orange-red scales or powder, odorless and with a somewhat metallic taste. Almost insoluble in water; insoluble in alcohol, readily dissolved by nitric acid.

Action and Uses: Occasionally used externally in the form of an ointment and as a parasiticide. Without advantage over yellow oxide.

Unguentum Hydrargyri Oxidi Rubri (Ung. Hydrarg. Oxid. Rub.), Ointment of Red Mercuric Oxide, N.F.—Red mercuric oxide (10%) in water, hydrous wool fat and petrolatum.

*Hydrargyri Salicylas (Hydrarg. Salicyl.), Mercuric Salicylate, U.S.P. (Mercuric Subsalicylate).—Contains Hg (about 57%).

White or nearly white, odorless, tasteless powder. Nearly insoluble in water or alcohol. Dissolved by solutions of the fixed alkalies or their carbonates.

Action and Uses: Used as antisyphilitic especially by intramuscular injection of oily suspensions; also as local antiseptic.

Dosage: 0.004 Gm. or 1/15 grain (U.S.P.). By intramuscular injection, 0.6 Cc. or 10 minims of a 10 per cent. suspension in liquid petrolatum once in four days.

*Hydrargyrum (Hydrarg.), Mercury, U.S.P. (Quicksilver).—Hg.

Shining, silver-white, odorless, tasteless metal, liquid at ordinary temperatures. Insoluble in the ordinary solvents.

Action and Uses: Its preparations are used to secure the systemic effects of mercury and locally against parasites.

*Hydrargyrum cum Creta (Hydrarg. cum Cret.), Mercury with Chalk, U.S.P. (Gray Powder).—Mercury (38%), with prepared chalk (57%), honey and water.

Light gray, odorless, rather damp powder, with a slightly sweet taste.

Action and Uses: A mild cathartic acting like calomel. Also used in the treatment of infantile and hereditary syphilis and of syphilis in aged patients.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.), as powder.

*Massa Hydrargyri (Mass. Hydrarg.), Mass of Mercury, U.S.P. (Blue Mass, Blue Pill).—Hg (about 33%) in pill mass.

Uses: Mainly as cathartic.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Oleatum Hydrargyri (Oleat. Hydrarg.), Oleate of Mercury, U.S.P.—A mixture of mercury oleate and oleic acid equivalent to 25 per cent. of HgO.

Uses: Alterative, antisyphilitic; rarely used.

Petroxolinum Hydrargyri (Petrox. Hydrarg.), Mercury Petroxolin, N.F. (Mercury Petrox).—Mercury (30%) in hydrous wool fat, oleic acid and solid petroxolin.

*Unguentum Hydrargyri (Ung. Hydrarg.), Mercurial Ointment, U.S.P.—Metallic mercury (about 50%) and oleate of mercury (2%) with prepared suet and benzoinated lard.

Uses: Especially to secure the systemic effects of mercury by inunction.

*Unguentum Hydrargyri Dilutum (Ung. Hydrarg. Dil.), Diluted Mercurial Ointment, U.S.P. (Blue Ointment, Hydrargyri Unguentum P.I.).—Mercurial ointment (60%) equivalent to about 30 per cent. of metallic mercury, with petrolatum.

Uses: Especially in pediculosis.

*Hydrargyrum Ammoniatum (Hydrarg. Ammon.), Ammoniated Mercury, U.S.P. (White Precipitate).—Mercurammonium chloride, HgNH2Cl, corresponding to about 79 per cent. of Hg.

White, odorless lumps or powder, with an earthy, afterward styptic and metallic taste. Insoluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses: The ointment is extensively used as a cutaneous antiseptic especially for impetigo contagiosa and other pustular dermatoses and ringworm of the scalp. Also used for removing scales of psoriasis. It may cause salivation.

Dosage: From 2 to 10 per cent. ointment.

*Unguentum Hydrargyri Ammoniati (Ung. Hydrarg. Ammon.), Ointment of Ammoniated Mercury, U.S.P. (White Precipitate Ointment).—Ammoniated mercury (10%) in white petrolatum and hydrous wool fat.

Hydrastina (Hydrastina), Hydrastine, U.S.P.—An alkaloid obtained from hydrastis or prepared synthetically.

White crystals or powder. Almost insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol (1:170).

Action and Uses: Used in the treatment of urethral and vesical catarrh and as a systemic hemostatic, especially in excessive menstruation. Its efficiency and the mechanism of its action are doubtful.

Dosage: 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.).

Hydrastinae Hydrochloridum (Hydrastin. Hydrochl.), Hydrastine Hydrochloride, U.S.P. (Hydrastine Chloride).

White, odorless, bitter powder. Very soluble in water and in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Those of hydrastine.

Dosage: 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.).

Liquor Hydrastinae Compositus (Liq. Hydrastin. Co.), Compound Solution of Hydrastine, N.F. (Colorless Hydrastine Solution).—Hydrastine hydrochloride (0.3%), aluminum chloride, calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride (each 0.3%), potassium chloride (0.1%) in glycerin and water.

Uses: Complex and irrational astringent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Hydrastininae Hydrochloridum (Hydrastinin. Hydrochl.), Hydrastinine Hydrochloride, U.S.P. (Hydrastinine Chloride).—The hydrochloride of hydrastinine, an alkaloid obtained synthetically from hydrastine.

Yellowish, odorless crystals or powder. Soluble in chloroform (1:195); very soluble in water and alcohol.

Action and Uses: Hydrastinine resembles hydrastine in its action but is said to be less depressing. Hydrastinine has a pronounced pressor effect on peripheral vessels, causing a rise of blood pressure.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.).

*Hydrastis (Hydrastis), Hydrastis, U.S.P. (Golden Seal).—Rhizome and roots, yielding not less than 2.5 per cent. of ether-soluble alkaloids, chiefly hydrastin.

Action and Uses: Hydrastis is an unpleasant bitter; it possesses no advantages over other simple bitters (gentian). It has been asserted to have a special influence on mucous membranes favoring their nutrition and return to a normal condition. There is little or no experimental evidence to bear out the claim for any special action.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Extractum Hydrastis (Ext. Hydrast.), Extract of Hydrastis, U.S.P. (Extract of Golden Seal, Powdered Extract of Hydrastis).—One Gm. extract represents about 4 Gm. hydrastis. Yields about 10 per cent. of alkaloids.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

*Fluidextractum Hydrastis (Fldext. Hydrast.), Fluidextract of Hydrastis, U.S.P.—Hydrastis (100%), yielding about 2 per cent. of alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Glyceritum Hydrastis (Glycer. Hydrast.), Glycerite of Hydrastis, U.S.P. (Glycerite of Golden Seal).—Hydrastis (100%) yielding not less than 1.245 per cent. of alkaloids.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Hydrastis (Tr. Hydrast.), Tincture of Hydrastis, U.S.P. (Tincture of Golden Seal).—Hydrastis (20%), yielding about 0.4 per cent. of hydrastin; in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

*Hydrogenii Dioxidum, Hydrogen Dioxide (Hydrogen Peroxide).—H2O2.

*Liquor Hydrogenii Dioxidi (Liq. Hydrog. Diox.), Solution of Hydrogen Dioxide, U.S.P. (Aqua Hydrogenii Dioxidii, U.S.P. VIII, Solution of Hydrogen Peroxide).—H2O2 (not less than 3%).

Action and Uses: Nontoxic and fairly efficient local antiseptic and detergent, useful mainly for the destruction of pus. Used on suppurating wounds and as a mouthwash and gargle; also as a bleaching agent. Should not be injected into a wound unless free drainage is present.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.). For external application should be diluted about 1:4.

Hyoscyaminae Hydrobromidum (Hyoscyamin. Hydrobr.), Hyoscyamine Hydrobromide, U.S.P. (Hyoscyamine Bromide).—Obtained from hyoscyamus and other plants of the nightshade family.

White, odorless crystals. Freely soluble in alcohol (1:2.5) and in chloroform (1:1.7); very soluble in water.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of atropine; is usually more sedative to the brain, but at times produces acute delirium. The drug is very uncertain.

Dosage: 0.3 mg. or 1/200 grain (U.S.P.).

*Hyoscyamus (Hyosc.), Hyoscyamus, U.S.P. (Henbane, Hyoscyami Folium, P.I.).—Leaves and tops, yielding not less than 0.065 per cent. of alkaloids.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of belladonna.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Extractum Hyoscyami (Ext. Hyosc.), Extract of Hyoscyamus, U.S.P.—One Gm. extract represents about 4 Gm. hyoscyamus. Yields about 0.25 per cent. of alkaloids.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Hyoscyami (Fldext. Hyosc.), Fluidextract of Hyoscyamus, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Henbane).—Hyoscyamus (100%) yielding about 0.065 per cent. of alkaloids, chiefly hyoscyamine. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

Oleum Hyoscyami Compositum (Ol. Hyosc. Co.), Compound Oil of Hyoscyamus, N.F. (Balsamum Tranquillans).—Infused oil of hyoscyamus (hyoscyamus 10%) flavored with oils of lavender, peppermint, rosemary and thyme.

*Tinctura Hyoscyami (Tr. Hyosc.), Tincture of Hyoscyamus, U.S.P. (Tincture of Henbane, Hyoscyami Tinctura, P.I.).—Hyoscyamus (10%), yielding about 0.0065 per cent. of hyoscyamus alkaloids; in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 47 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

*Hypophysis Sicca (Hypophysis Sic.), Desiccated Hypophysis, U.S.P. (Desiccated Pituitary Body).—The posterior lobe obtained from the pituitary body of cattle.

A yellowish or grayish powder with a characteristic odor. Partially soluble in water.

Action and Uses. Solutions are used, hypodermically, to strengthen uterine contractions in prolonged labor. They also stimulate peristalsis and have been used with some success after abdominal operations and as a vasomotor stimulant. Oral administration is ineffective.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.).

*Liquor Hypophysis (Liq. Hypophysis), Solution of Hypophysis, U.S.P. (Solution of the Pituitary Body).—Contains the water-soluble principles from the fresh posterior lobe of the pituitary body of cattle. Assayed by testing against a standard solution of beta-iminazolyl-ethylamine hydrochloride by the method of the U.S. Hygienic Laboratory.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Ignatia (Ignat.), Ignatia, N.F. (Saint Ignatius Bean, Ignatia Amara).—Seeds of Strychnos ignatii.

Action and Uses: Constituents and actions similar to those of nux vomica, over which ignatia has no advantage, being less reliable.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (N.F.).

Extractum Ignatiae (Ext. Ignat.), Extract of Ignatia, N.F. (Powdered Extract of Ignatia).—A hydroalcoholic extract, yielding about 6 per cent. of alkaloids.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (N.F.).

Tinctura Ignatiae (Tr. Ignat.), Tincture of Ignatia, N.F.—Ignatia (10%), yielding about 0.2 per cent. of ignatia alkaloids; in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 85 per cent.

Dosage: 0.6 Cc. or 10 minims (N.F.).

INFUSA, INFUSIONS.—Aqueous preparations made by pouring hot or cold water over a vegetable drug, allowing the mixture to stand for a definite period and then straining. For the official infusions, see under the names of the respective drugs.

Inula (Inula), Inula, N.F. (Elecampane).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: At one time used in bronchitis. No scientific indications for its use.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

INUNCTA, INUNCTIONS.—Semisolid ointment-like preparations used for external application. For the various inunctions see under the names of the principal ingredients.

*Iodoformum (Iodof.), Iodoform, U.S.P.—Triiodomethane, CHI3.

Lemon-yellow powder or lustrous crystals, with a peculiar, penetrating odor and an unpleasant, slightly sweetish taste suggestive of iodine. Nearly insoluble in water, to which, however, it imparts its odor and taste; soluble in alcohol (1:60) and in glycerin (1:80).

Action and Uses: Used as dusting powder, promoting healing by granulation. Oily suspensions are also used in treatment of tuberculous fistulas.

Collodium Iodoformi (Collod. Iodof.), Iodoform Collodion, N.F.—Iodoform (5%) in flexible collodion.

Uses: There appears to be no advantage in applying iodoform in collodion.

Glycerogelatinum Iodoformi (Glycerogel. Iodof.), Iodoform Glycerogelatin, N.F.—Iodoform (10%), water, glycerin and glycerinated gelatin.

Iodoformum Aromatisatum (Iodof. Arom.), Aromatized Iodoform, N.F.—Coumarin (4%) and iodoform.

Petroxolinum Iodoformi (Petrox. Iodof.), Iodoform Petroxolin, N.F. (Iodoform Petrox).—An unstable preparation made from iodoform (3%), acetone, oleic acid, eucalyptol and liquid petroxolin.

Unguentum Iodoformi (Ung. Iodof.), Iodoform Ointment, U.S.P.—Iodoform (10%) in benzoinated lard.

*Iodum (Iodum), Iodine, U.S.P.—I.

Heavy, bluish-black, brittle plates, with a metallic luster, a distinctive odor and a sharp, acrid taste. Very slightly soluble in water (1:2950) and soluble in alcohol (1:12.5). Freely soluble in solutions of alkali iodides.

Action and Uses: The tincture and compound solution are used externally as local irritant and antiseptic. The irritant action can be easily graduated by successive application. It is rarely used internally for the systemic effects of iodides.

Dosage: 0.005 Gm. or 1/12 grain (U.S.P.), largely diluted.

Collodium Iodi (Collod. Iodi), Iodine Collodion, N.F.—Iodine (5%) in flexible collodion.

Uses: There appears little advantage in applying iodine in collodion.

Liquor Iodi Compositus (Liq. Iodi Co.), Compound Solution of Iodine, U.S.P. (Lugol’s Solution).—Iodine (5%) and potassium iodide (10%) in water.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

Liquor Iodi Phenolatus (Liq. Iod. Phenol.), Phenolated Solution of Iodine, N.F. (Liquor Iodi Carbolatus, N.F. III, Carbolized Solution of Iodine, Boulton’s Solution, French Mixture).—Compound solution of iodine (1.5%), liquefied phenol (0.6%), glycerin and water. The iodine combines with the phenol.

Uses: Antiseptic.

Petroxolinum Iodi (Petrox. Iod.), Iodine Petroxolin, N.F. (Iodine Petrox 10%).—An unstable preparation, containing iodine, ammonium iodide and other iodine compounds in variable proportions, with a mixture of liquid petrolatum, alcohol, ammonium soap and oil of lavender; prepared from iodine (10%) and liquid petroxolin.

Petroxolinum Iodi Dilutum (Petrox. Iod. Dil.), Diluted Iodine Petroxolin, N.F. (Iodine Petrox 5%).—An unstable preparation containing iodine, ammonium iodide and other iodine compounds in variable proportions with a mixture of liquid petrolatum, alcohol, ammonium soap and oil of lavender; made from iodine (5%) and liquid petroxolin. Absolute alcohol content about 19 per cent.

Syrupus Iodotannicus (Syr. Iodotan.), Syrup of Iodotannin, N.F.—Made by combining iodine (0.27%) with tannic acid (0.54%) in syrup. Contains iodine probably in the form of an iodide.

Uses: Similar to those of potassium iodide; without advantage over the latter.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Tinctura Iodi (Tr. Iodi), Tincture of Iodine, U.S.P.—An alcoholic solution of iodine (about 7%) and potassium iodide (about 5%). Absolute alcohol content about 83 per cent.

Dosage: 0.1 Cc. or 1-1/2 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Iodi Decolorata (Tr. Iod. Decolor.), Decolorized Tincture of Iodine, N.F.—A solution of sodium iodide and ammonium iodide obtained by mixing iodine and sodium thiosulphate (each 8.3%), stronger ammonia water (6.5%) and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 75 per cent. Does not contain free iodine.

Uses: For external use; of doubtful utility.

Tinctura Iodi Fortior (Tr. Iod. Fort.), Stronger Tincture of Iodine, N.F. (Churchill’s Tincture of Iodine).—Iodine (16.5%) and potassium iodide (3.3%) in water and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

Unguentum Iodi (Ung. Iodi), Iodine Ointment, U.S.P.—Iodine (4%) and potassium iodide (4%) in glycerin and benzoinated lard. Should be made as required.

*Ipecacuanha (Ipecac.), Ipecac, U.S.P. (Ipecacuanhae Radix, P.I.).—A root, yielding not less than 1.75 per cent. of alkaloids.

Action and Uses: Used as irritant, nauseant, expectorant and emetic. Also specific against amebic dysentery, but in this use has been practically displaced by emetine.

Dosage: Emetic, 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.). Expectorant, 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain.

*Fluidextractum Ipecacuanhae (Fldext. Ipecac.), Fluidextract of Ipecac, U.S.P.—Ipecac (100%), yielding about 2 per cent. of alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 30 per cent.

Dosage: 0.05 Cc. or 1 minim (U.S.P.).

Pulvis Ipecacuanhae et Opii.—See under Opium.

*Syrupus Ipecacuanhae (Syr. Ipecac.), Syrup of Ipecac, U.S.P.—Fluidextract of ipecac (7%) and acetic acid (1%) in glycerin and syrup.

Dosage: Expectorant, 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.); emetic, 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Ipecacuanhae et Opii and Tinctura Ipecacuanhae et Opii.—See under Opium.

Vinum Ipecacuanhae (Vin. Ipecac.), Wine of Ipecac, N.F.—Fluidextract of ipecac (10%, yielding about 0.2% ipecac alkaloids) in alcohol and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 27 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims.

Iris (Iris), Orris, N.F. (Orris Root).—Rhizome.

Action and Uses: At one time thought to be a mild digestive stimulant, slightly cathartic and diuretic. Now employed as dusting powder, tooth powder and perfume.

Iris Versicolor (Iris Vers.), Blue Flag, N.F.—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Obsolete cathartic; without advantage over resin of podophyllum.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Iridis Versicoloris (Fldext. Iri. Ver.), Fluidextract of Blue Flag, N.F.—Blue flag (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

*Jalapa (Jalap.), Jalap, U.S.P.—A root, yielding not less than 7 per cent. of resins.

Action and Uses: Drastic hydragogue cathartic, used especially in dropsies. Preferred to other resinous cathartics, as being rather less irritant.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Extractum Jalapae (Ext. Jalap.), Extract of Jalap, N.F.—An alcoholic extract.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Jalapae (Fldext. Jalap.), Fluidextract of Jalap, N.F.—Jalap (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

*Pulvis Jalapae Compositus (Pulv. Jalap. Co.), Compound Powder of Jalap, U.S.P. (Pulvis Purgans).—Jalap (35%) and potassium bitartrate (65%).

Uses: Useful hydragogue cathartic.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Resina Jalapae (Res. Jalap.), Resin of Jalap, U.S.P.—The resin from jalap.

Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Jalapae (Tr. Jalap.), Tincture of Jalap, N.F.—Jalap (20%), in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Tinctura Jalapae Composita (Tr. Jalap. Co.), Compound Tincture of Jalap, N.F.—Jalap (12.5%) and resin of scammony (3%), in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Juglans (Juglan.), Juglans, N.F. (Butternut Bark, White Walnut Bark).—Inner bark of the roots.

Action and Uses: Obsolete cathartic, without advantage over cascara.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Juglandis (Fldext. Jugland.), Fluidextract of Juglans, N.F.—Juglans (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Juniperus (Junip.), Juniper Berries, N.F.—Ripe fruit.

Action and Uses: Irritant to urinary organs, owing to the chief constituent, a volatile oil. The spirit is sometimes used as an irritant diuretic.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Juniperi (Fldext. Junip.), Fluidextract of Juniper Berries, N.F.—Juniper (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Kaolinum (Kaolinum), Kaolin, N.F.—Purified native aluminum silicate.

White or nearly white powder or lumps with an earthy taste. Insoluble in water.

Action and Uses: Used in a poultice, cataplasma kaolini, similar to proprietary preparations. Internally, as absorbent in diarrhea and dysentery.

Dosage: Tablespoonful dry or in tea several times daily.

Cataplasma Kaolini (Catapl. Kaolin.), Cataplasm of Kaolin, N.F.—A mixture of kaolin and glycerin with boric acid aromatized with thymol, methyl salicylate and oil of peppermint.

Uses: Not superior to flaxseed or bread-and-milk poultices.

Kava (Kava), Kava, N.F. (Methysticum, Kava Kava).—Rhizome and roots of Piper methysticum.

Action and Uses: Mild irritant, without advantage over cubeb. Often inert. Owes its properties to an oleoresin.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Kavae (Fldext. Kav.), Fluidextract of Kava, N.F.—Kava (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 50 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Kino (Kino), Kino, U.S.P.—A dried plant juice.

Dark brown fragments or brick-red powder, odorless and having an astringent taste. Partly soluble in water.

Action and Uses: Used as intestinal and pharyngeal astringent; has no special advantage over other vegetable astringents, such as krameria.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Pulvis Kino et Opii Compositus (Pulv. Kino et Opii Co.), Compound Powder of Kino and Opium, N.F. (Pulvis Kino Compositus, N.F. III).—Kino (75%), and powdered opium (5%) with Saigon cinnamon.

Uses: Antidiarrheic.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Tinctura Kino (Tr. Kino), Tincture of Kino, U.S.P.—Kino (10%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 49 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Kino et Opii Composita (Tr. Kino et Opii Co.), Compound Tincture of Kino and Opium, N.F. (Tinctura Kino Composita, N.F. III, Compound Tincture of Kino).—Kino (2%), opium (1%), spirit of camphor (6.5%), oil of clove, cochineal and aromatic spirit of ammonia in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 50 per cent.

Uses: Antidiarrheic; undesirably complex.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Kola (Kola), Kola, N.F. (Cola, Kola Nuts, Cola Nuts).—The peeled seeds.

Action and Uses: Possesses stimulant actions of its caffein and theobromin. Without advantage over coffee.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Kolae (Fldext. Kol.), Fluidextract of Kola, N.F. (Fluidextractum Sterculiae, N.F. III).—Kola (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Krameria (Kramer.), Krameria, N.F. (Rhatany).—Root.

Action and Uses: Powerful astringent; like other tannin-containing drugs, is rapidly passing out of use.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Extractum Krameriae (Ext. Kramer.), Extract of Krameria, N.F. (Powdered Extract of Krameria).—An aqueous extract diluted with starch, 1 Gm. representing 4 Gm. krameria.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Krameriae (Fldext. Kramer.), Fluidextract of Krameria, N.F.—Krameria (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Fluidglyceratum Krameriae (Fldglycer. Kramer.), Fluidglycerate of Krameria, N.F.—Krameria (100%) in glycerin and water.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Syrupus Krameriae (Syr. Kramer.), Syrup of Krameria, N.F.—Fluidextract of krameria (45%) in syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 18 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Tinctura Krameriae (Tr. Kramer.), Tincture of Krameria, N.F.—Krameria (20%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 45 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Lac Vaccinum (Lac Vaccinum), Cow’s Milk, N.F.

Lac Fermentatum (Lac Ferment.), Fermented Milk, N.F. (Kumyss).—A fermentation product obtained by the action of yeast on cow’s milk to which sugar (sucrose) has been added. The following is an unofficial formula:

Take a quart of skim milk, one-fifth of a cake of yeast and two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Heat the milk. Dissolve the yeast in a little water and mix it with the sugar and lukewarm milk. Pour the mixture into strong bottles, stopper them tightly with new corks, and tie down the corks with strong twine. Shake the bottles well and place in a refrigerator to ferment slowly. After three days lay the bottles on their sides, turning them occasionally. Five days are required to complete the fermentation.

Dosage: 250 Cc. or 8 fluidounces (N.F.).

Lactucarium (Lactucar.), Lactucarium, U.S.P.—The dried juice of a species of wild lettuce.

Action and Uses: Inefficient and obsolete hypnotic and respiratory sedative. The proprietary preparation to which its popularity was due was found to contain morphine. Lactucarium is now seldom used.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.). Not given as such.

Syrupus Lactucarii (Syr. Lactucar.), Syrup of Lactucarium, U.S.P.—Tincture of lactucarium (10%) and citric acid, flavored with orange flower water, in glycerin and syrup.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.). Absolute alcohol content about 5 per cent.

Tinctura Lactucarii (Tr. Lactucar.), Tincture of Lactucarium, U.S.P.—Lactucarium (50%) in glycerin, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 46 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Lappa (Lappa), Lappa, N.F. (Burdock Root).

Action and Uses: Obsolete “alterative,” used in nostrums.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Lappae (Fldext. Lapp.), Fluidextract of Lappa, N.F.—Lappa (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Leptandra (Leptand.), Leptandra, N.F. (Culver’s Root).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Unreliable cathartic; without advantage over resin of podophyllum.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Extractum Leptandrae (Ext. Leptand.), Extract of Leptandra, N.F. (Powdered Extract of Leptandra).—A hydroalcoholic extract, diluted with starch. One Gm. represents 4 Gm. leptandra.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Leptandrae (Fldext. Leptand.), Fluidextract of Leptandra, N.F.—Leptandra (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Limonis Cortex (Limon. Cort.), Lemon Peel, U.S.P.

Action and Uses: Used for the preparation of lemon flavors.

Tinctura Limonis Corticis (Tr. Limon. Cort.), Tincture of Lemon Peel, U.S.P.—Fresh lemon peel (50%) treated with alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 83 per cent.

LINIMENTA, LINIMENTS.—Liquid preparations intended for external application. For the various official liniments, see under the names of the respective chief ingredients.

*Linum (Linum), Linseed, U.S.P. (Flaxseed).—Used in demulcent infusions, also when crushed or ground in poultices. If employed where the skin is broken the entire poultice should be sterilized by boiling before it is applied, in order to avoid infection.

LIQUORES, SOLUTIONS.—Aqueous liquid preparations in which one or more substances are completely dissolved.

For the various official solutions, see under the names of the respective principal ingredients. For Liquor Acidi Arsenosi, see under Arseni Trioxidum; for Liquor Antisepticus, under Acidum Boricum; for Liquor Antisepticus Alkalinus, under Potassii Bicarbonas; for Liquor Arseni et Hydrargyri Iodidi, under Arseni Iodidum; for Liquor Arsenicalis Clemens, under Potassii Arsenas; for Liquor Calcis Sulphuratae, under Calcii Sulphidum Crudum; for Liquor Ferri et Ammonii Acetas, under Ammonii Acetas; for Liquor Zinci et Alumini Compositus and Liquor Zinci et Ferri Compositus, under Zinci Sulphas.

Lithii Bromidum (Lith. Brom.), Lithium Bromide, U.S.P.—LiBr (not less than 85%).

White, granular, odorless, very deliquescent salt with a sharp, slightly bitter taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.6) and soluble in alcohol and in ether.

Action and Uses: Used like other bromides, over which it has no advantage. For the supposed urate-solvent properties of lithium, see Lithii Carbonas.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Lithii Bromidi (Elix. Lith. Brom.), Elixir of Lithium Bromide, N.F.—Lithium bromide (8.5%) in syrup, water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 7 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Lithii Carbonas (Lith. Carb.), Lithium Carbonate, U.S.P.—Li2CO3.

Light white, odorless powder with an alkaline taste. Soluble in water (1:78); almost insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used in the same way as sodium carbonate; without advantage over the latter. Lithium was formerly given to promote the elimination of urates because it was supposed to have special urate-solvent properties, but under the conditions existing in the body these properties do not come into play.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Lithii Citras (Lith. Cit.), Lithium Citrate, U.S.P.

White, odorless powder or granules, with a cooling, faintly alkaline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.4), very slightly soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used like citrates of sodium or potassium, over which it has no advantage. For the supposed urate-solvent properties of lithium, see Lithii Carbonas.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Lithii Citratis (Elix. Lith. Cit.), Elixir of Lithium Citrate, N.F.—Lithium citrate (8.5%), in aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 21 per cent.

Uses: An objectionable alcoholic preparation of lithium.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Sal Lithii Citratis Effervescens (Sal. Lith. Cit. Eff.), Effervescent Salt of Lithium Citrate, N.F.—Lithium citrate (5%), sodium bicarbonate (57%), tartaric acid (30%) and citric acid, the three last-named yielding sodium tartrate and sodium citrate.

Uses: Superfluous, and in view of its small lithium content, misnamed.

Dosage: 8 Gm. or 2 drachms (N.F.).

Lithii Salicylas (Lith. Salicyl.), Lithium Salicylate, N.F.

White or grayish white odorless powder, with a sweetish taste; deliquescent in a moist atmosphere. Very soluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses: As a salicylate, inferior to sodium salicylate. Adequate doses would produce the toxic effects of lithium. For the supposed urate-solvent effects of lithium salts, see Lithii Carbonas.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Elixir Lithii Salicylatis (Elix. Lith. Salicyl.), Elixir of Lithium Salicylate, N.F.—Lithium salicylate (8.5%) in aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 21 per cent.

Uses: An objectionable alcoholic salicylic preparation.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Lobelia (Lobel.), Lobelia, U.S.P. (Indian Tobacco).—Leaves and flowering tops.

Action and Uses: Expectorant, nauseant and emetic, resembling nicotine. Has fallen into disuse because of dangerous effects.

Dosage: 0.15 Gm. or 2-1/2 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Lobeliae (Fldext. Lobel.), Fluidextract of Lobelia, U.S.P.—Lobelia (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 0.15 Cc. or 2-1/2 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Lobeliae (Tr. Lobel.), Tincture of Lobelia, U.S.P. (Lobeliae Tinctura, P.I.).—Lobelia (10%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 46 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

LOTIONES, LOTIONS (Washes).—Liquid mixtures, usually of solid medicinal substances suspended in water for external use.

For the various official lotions see under the names of the respective principal ingredients. For Lotio Ammoniacalis Camphorata, see under Ammonia; for Lotio Flava, under Hydrargyri Oxidum Flavum; for Lotio Nigra, under Hydrargyri Chloridum Mite; for Lotio Plumbi et Opii, under Plumbi Acetas.

Lupulinum (Lupul.), Lupulin, N.F.—Glandular powder separated from hops.

Action and Uses: Bitter tonic without material advantage over gentian. Reputed hypnotic and anaphrodisiac effects probably attributable to the alcohol in which it is commonly dissolved.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Lupulini (Fldext. Lupul.), Fluidextract of Lupulin, N.F.—Lupulin (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (N.F.).

Oleoresina Lupulini (Oleores. Lupul.), Oleoresin of Lupulin, N.F.—The ether extract of lupulin.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

Lycopodium (Lycopod.), Lycopodium, U.S.P.—The spores of a moss.

Very inflammable.

Action and Uses: Used as an inert dusting powder for the skin, and as diluent for insufflations of boric acid, tannin, etc., for the throat, nose and ear.

Macis (Macis), Mace, N.F.—The arillode (inner covering) removed from nutmeg (myristica).

Yellowish or brownish, fragrant, branched and lobed bands, or orange-buff or orange-brown powder, with a warm, aromatic taste.

Action and Uses: Aromatic flavor and carminative without advantage over cardamom.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (N.F.).

MAGMATA, MAGMAS.—Suspensions of insoluble or nearly insoluble substances.

*Magnesii Carbonas (Mag. Carb.), Magnesium Carbonate, U.S.P.—A mixture of magnesium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide.

Light, white, friable masses or bulky white powder, odorless and with a slight earthy taste. Practically insoluble in water; insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used internally against gastric hyperacidity and as a mild laxative; externally as dusting powder. See also Magma Magnesiae, under Magnesii Hydroxidum.

Dosage: 3 Gm. or 45 grains (U.S.P.).

Mistura Magnesiae, Asafoetidae et Opii (Mist. Mag. Asafoet. et Opii), Mixture of Magnesia, Asafetida and Opium, N.F. (Mistura Magnesiae et Asafoetidae, N.F. III, Dewees’ Carminative).—Magnesium carbonate (5%), tincture of asafetida (7.5%), tincture of opium (1%), and sugar in water. Absolute alcohol content about 7 per cent.

Uses: Complex and irrational mixture intended for use in diarrhea.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Magnesii Chloridum (Magnes. Chlorid.), Magnesium Chloride, N.F.—MgCl2 + 6H2O.

Colorless transparent crystals or white translucent pieces; deliquescent in moist air. Very soluble in water (1:0.6) and soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to but without advantage over magnesium sulphate.

Dosage: 15 Gm. or 4 drachms (N.F.).

*Magnesii Citras, Magnesium Citrate.

*Liquor Magnesii Citratis (Liq. Mag. Cit.), Solution of Magnesium Citrate, U.S.P.—Magnesium citrate corresponding to not less than 1.5 per cent. of magnesium oxide.

Uses: Efficient and not distasteful mild saline laxative.

Dosage: 350 Cc. or 12 fluidounces (1 bottle) (U.S.P.).

Magnesii Hydroxidum, Magnesium Hydroxide.

Magma Magnesiae (Magma Mag.), Magnesia Magma, U.S.P. (Milk of Magnesia).—A suspension of magnesium hydroxide in water [equivalent to about 7% Mg(OH)2] forming a thick, white liquid.

Uses: Widely used as mild alkaline laxative and tooth wash.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

*Magnesii Oxidum (Mag. Oxid.), Magnesium Oxide, U.S.P. (Magnesia, Calcined Magnesia, Light Magnesia).—MgO (not less than 96%).

A white, bulky, odorless powder with an earthy but not saline taste. Almost insoluble in water; insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Useful antacid and laxative.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Magnesii Oxidum Ponderosum (Mag. Oxid. Pond.), Heavy Magnesium Oxide, U.S.P. (Heavy Magnesia).—MgO (96%).

White, dense powder.

Action and Uses: Used like magnesium oxide.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

*Magnesii Sulphas (Mag. Sulph.), Magnesium Sulphate, U.S.P. (Epsom Salt).—MgSO4 + 7H2O.

Small, colorless, odorless crystals, with a cooling, saline, bitter taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1); almost insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: One of the most active of the saline cathartics.

Dosage: 15 Gm. or 4 drachms (U.S.P.), in solution. A solution containing 1 Gm. of salt in each Cc. may be given, 5 Cc. every hour until a laxative effect is secured. This should usually be diluted with water.

Liquor Magnesii Sulphatis Effervescens (Liq. Mag. Sulph. Eff.), Effervescent Solution of Magnesium Sulphate, N.F.—Magnesium sulphate (about 7%) with syrup of citric acid, potassium citrate and water.

Dosage: The contents of a bottle, about 350 Cc. or nearly 12 fluidounces (N.F.).

Maltum (Maltum), Malt, U.S.P.—Malted barley, capable of converting not less than 5 times its weight of starch into sugars.

Yellowish grains with a characteristic odor and a sweet taste.

Action and Uses: Used to digest starch by its diastase.

Extractum Malti (Ext. Malt.), Extract of Malt, U.S.P.—Syrupy liquid.

Dosage: 15 Gm. or 4 drachms (U.S.P.).

Malvae Folia (Malv. Fol.), Mallow Leaves, N.F.

Action and Uses: Demulcent “herb tea,” without definite indications for its use.

Mangani Citras Solubilis (Mangan. Cit. Sol.), Soluble Manganese Citrate, N.F. (Manganese and Sodium Citrate).

Yellowish or pinkish white powder or translucent scales, odorless and having a slightly bitter, astringent taste. Freely soluble in water (1:4) and nearly insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Manganese salts have been tried as hematinic tonics, but are of very doubtful value. The choice among the various salts is a matter of convenience. The soluble citrate is typical of the soluble manganese salts, the dioxide of the insoluble.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

Mangani Dioxidum Praecipitatum (Mangan. Diox. Praec.), Precipitated Manganese Dioxide, U.S.P.—Chiefly MnO2.

Heavy, odorless, tasteless black powder. Insoluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses: See Mangani Citras Solubilis.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Mangani Glycerophosphas Solubilis (Mangan. Glycerophos. Sol.), Soluble Manganese Glycerophosphate, N.F. (Soluble Manganous Glycerinophosphate).—A mixture of manganese glycerophosphate and citric acid.

Yellowish or pinkish white, odorless powder, with an acid taste. Freely soluble in water (1:4); alcohol dissolves the citric acid and leaves a residue which is nearly insoluble in water.

Action and Uses: As a manganese compound it has no material advantage over other manganese salts. For a discussion of glycerophosphates, see Sodii Glycerophosphas.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

Mangani Hypophosphis (Mangan. Hypophos.), Manganese Hypophosphite, N.F.—Mn(H2PO2)2 + H2O.

Pink, odorless, nearly tasteless powder. Freely soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: As a manganese compound, has no material advantage over other manganese salts. For a discussion of hypophosphites, see Calcii Hypophosphis.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

Mangani Sulphas (Mangan. Sulph.), Manganese Sulphate, N.F.—MnSO4 (about 65%).

Pale rose-colored, translucent, odorless crystals, with a slightly bitter taste, slightly efflorescent in moist air. Freely soluble in water (1:1) and insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Without material advantage over other manganese salts.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

Manna (Manna), Manna, U.S.P.—A dried sap.

Action and Uses: Mild laxative; antiquated.

Dosage: 15 Gm. or 4 drachms (U.S.P.) as infusion.

Syrupus Mannae (Syr. Mann.), Syrup of Manna, N.F.—Manna (12.5%) and alcohol in syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 6 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

MASSAE, MASSES.—Soft solid preparations of such consistency that they can readily be made into pills. For the various masses, see under the names of the respective drugs.

Mastiche (Mastic.), Mastic, N.F.—A resin.

Completely soluble in ether and almost completely soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Carminative, without special advantage over cardamom or fennel.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Matico (Matic.), Matico, N.F. (Matico Leaves).

Action and Uses: Obsolete genito-urinary “stimulant,” without advantage over buchu, etc.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Matico (Fldext. Matic.), Fluidextract of Matico, N.F.—Matico (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Matricaria (Matricar.), Matricaria, U.S.P. (German Chamomile, Wild Chamomile).—Flower heads.

Action and Uses: Popularly used as a bitter and aromatic “tea” and poultice, any effects being due mostly to the hot water.

Dosage: 15 Gm. or 4 drachms (U.S.P.).

Mel (Mel), Honey, U.S.P.

Action and Uses: Demulcent.

Mel Depuratum (Mel Depurat.), Clarified Honey, U.S.P.

Mel Rosae (Mel Rosae), Honey of Rose, U.S.P.—Fluidextract of rose and clarified honey. Absolute alcohol content about 5 per cent.

Uses: Flavoring vehicle; rarely used.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Melilotus (Melilot.), Melilot, N.F. (Yellow Sweet Clover).—Leaves and flowering tops.

Action and Uses: Formerly used as a stimulant and antispasmodic and in the treatment of neuralgia especially associated with debility. Now seldom used; no scientific indications for its use.

MELLITA, HONEYS.—Sweet liquids having honey as a base. For the various honeys, see under the names of the respective principal ingredients. For Mel Rosae, see under Mel; for Mel Rosae et Sodii Boratis, see under Sodii Boras.

*Mentha Piperita (Menth. Pip.), Peppermint, U.S.P.—Leaves and flowering tops.

Action and Uses: Carminative and flavor, used chiefly in the form of the oil and spirit, which see under Oleum Menthae Piperitae.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

Mentha Viridis (Menth. Vir.), Spearmint, U.S.P.—Leaves and flowering tops.

Action and Uses: Same as those of peppermint. See Oleum Menthae Viridis.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

*Menthol (Menthol), Menthol, U.S.P.—Obtained from oil of peppermint or other mint oils.

Colorless crystals, with a strong peppermint odor and an aromatic taste. Slightly soluble in water; very soluble in alcohol, chloroform or petroleum benzin.

Action and Uses: Used locally as counterirritant and analgesic; sometimes internally as carminative.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain.

Inunctum Mentholis (Inunct. Menthol.), Menthol Inunction, N.F.—Menthol (5%) and hydrous wool fat.

Inunctum Mentholis Compositum (Inunct. Menthol. Co.), Compound Menthol Inunction, N.F.—Menthol (5%), methyl salicylate (10%) and hydrous wool fat.

Menthol Camphoratum (Menthol Camph.), Camphorated Menthol, N.F. (Campho-Menthol, N.F. III, Camphor and Menthol).—Camphor (47.5%), menthol (47.5%) and alcohol.

Nebula Mentholis (Nebul. Menthol.), Menthol Spray, N.F.—Menthol (2%) in light liquid petrolatum.

Nebula Mentholis Composita (Nebul. Menthol. Co.), Compound Menthol Spray, N.F.—Menthol (1%), camphor (1%), methyl salicylate, eucalyptol and oil of cinnamon in light liquid petrolatum.

Petroxolinum Mentholis (Petrox. Menthol.), Menthol Petroxolin, N.F. (Menthol Petrox).—Menthol (17%) in liquid petroxolin.

Menyanthes (Menyanth.), Menyanthes, N.F. (Buckbean, Marsh Trefoil).—Leaves of Menyanthes trifoliata.

Action and Uses: Obsolete bitter; no special indications for its use.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

*Methylis Salicylas (Methyl. Salicyl.), Methyl Salicylate, U.S.P. (Oleum Gaultheriae, U.S.P. VIII, Oil of Wintergreen, Oleum Betulae, U.S.P. VIII, Oil of Sweet Birch, Oil of Teaberry).—Produced synthetically or obtained from wintergreen (oil of wintergreen) or from birch (oil of sweet birch).

Colorless, yellowish or reddish liquid, with a wintergreen odor and taste. Sparingly soluble in water and miscible with alcohol and glacial acetic acid.

Action and Uses: Chiefly used as flavor. In sufficient amounts, antirheumatic and antipyretic.

Dosage: 0.75 Cc. or 12 minims (U.S.P.). May be applied externally either pure or diluted (10%) in ointment. For absorption through the skin is best diluted with a fatty oil.

Petroxolinum Methylis Salicylatis (Petrox. Methyl. Salicyl.), Methyl Salicylate Petroxolin, N.F. (Methyl Salicylate Petrox).—Methyl salicylate (20%), in liquid petroxolin.

Methylthioninae Chloridum (Methylthionin. Chlor.), Methylthionine Chloride, U.S.P. (Methylthioninae Hydrochloridum, U.S.P. VIII, Methylene Blue).

Dark green powder or crystals with a bronze-like luster. Freely soluble in water and alcohol, forming a deep blue solution.

Action and Uses: Sometimes used as urinary antiseptic; also in the treatment of malaria and some neuralgic conditions. In the latter use, is of doubtful value.

Dosage: 0.15 Gm. or 2-1/2 grains (U.S.P.).

Mezereum (Mezereum), Mezereum, U.S.P. (Mezereon).—A bark.

Action and Uses: Antiquated antisyphilitic and vesicant.

Fluidextractum Mezerei (Fldext. Mezer.), Fluidextract of Mezereum, N.F.—Mezereum (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

MISTURAE, MIXTURES.—Liquid preparations containing insoluble or partly soluble medicinal substances suspended in them.

For the various official mixtures, see under the names of the respective principal ingredients. For Mistura Adstringens, see under Cupri Sulphas; for Mistura Camphorae Acida, Mistura Carminativa and Mistura Glycyrrhizae Composita, under Opium; for Mistura Ferri Composita, under Ferri Carbonas; for Mistura Camphorae Aromatica and Mistura Oleo-Balsamica, under Oleum Lavandulae; for Mistura Pectoralis Stokes, under Ammonii Carbonas.

Morphina (Morphina), Morphine, U.S.P.—An alkaloid obtained from opium.

Colorless or white, odorless crystals or powder. Very slightly soluble in water (1:3,340) and soluble in alcohol (1:210).

Action and Uses: Central analgesic, hypnotic and respiratory sedative and depressant; also constipative. Is only slightly depressant to the circulation. Eliminated mainly through the bowels. Should not be used to control cough if this is associated with marked expectoration. Its habit-forming power should be constantly remembered.

Dosage: 0.008 Gm. or 1/8 grain (U.S.P.).

*Morphinae Hydrochloridum (Morph. Hydrochl.), Morphine Hydrochloride, U.S.P. (Morphine Chloride).

White, odorless needles, masses or powder. Soluble in water (1:17.5) and in alcohol (1:52).

Action and Uses: See Morphina.

Dosage: 0.008 Gm. or 1/8 grain (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Morphinae et Acaciae (Syr. Morph. et Acac.), Syrup of Morphine and Acacia, N.F. (Syrupus Pectoralis, N.F. III, Jackson’s Pectoral Syrup).—Morphine hydrochloride (0.055%) flavored with oil of sassafras in syrup of acacia.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Morphinae Sulphas (Morph. Sulph.), Morphine Sulphate, U.S.P.

White, odorless crystals or masses. Soluble in water (1:15.2) and slightly soluble in alcohol (1:565).

Action and Uses: See Morphina.

Dosage: 0.008 Gm. or 1/8 grain (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Pini Strobi Compositus cum Morphina (Syr. Pin. Strob. c. Morph.), Compound Syrup of White Pine with Morphine, N.F. (Syrupus Pini Strobi Compositus, N.F. III).—Morphine sulphate (0.04%) in compound syrup of white pine. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Uses: Objectionable expectorant mixture containing morphine.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Moschus (Mosch.), Musk, U.S.P. (Tonquin Musk, Deer Musk).—A dried animal secretion.

Action and Uses: Antiquated analeptic.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Moschi (Tr. Mosch.), Tincture of Musk, U.S.P.—Musk (5%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 48 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

MUCILAGINES, MUCILAGES.—Aqueous solutions of gums or the mucilaginous principles of vegetable substances. For the various mucilages, see under the names of the respective drugs.

MULLAE, MULLS.—Ointments of high fusing points spread on soft muslin or “mull.” For the various mulls, see under the names of the respective active constituents.

Myrica (Myrica), Bayberry Bark, N.F.—Bark of the root.

Action and Uses: Formerly recommended as digestive, nutritive and nervous stimulant. No scientific indications for its use.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (N.F.).

Pulvis Myricae Compositus (Pulv. Myric. Co.), Compound Powder of Bayberry, N.F. (Composition Powder).—Bayberry bark (60%), Jamaica ginger (30%), capsicum and clove.

Uses: An obsolete carminative.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Myristica (Myrist.), Myristica, U.S.P. (Nutmeg).

Action and Uses: Aromatic and carminative.

*Myrrha (Myrrh.), Myrrh, U.S.P. (Gum Myrrh).—A gum resin.

Action and Uses: Protective and local stimulant to the mucous membranes. Internally, carminative.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

*Tinctura Myrrhae (Tr. Myrrh.), Tincture of Myrrh, U.S.P.—Myrrh (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 87 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

NEBULAE, SPRAYS.—Spray solutions, intended for the application of medicaments in solution to the throat and nose by means of suitable atomizers. For Nebula Aromatica, see under Petrolatum Liquidum; for the various other sprays, see under Eucalyptol, Menthol and Thymol.

Nitrogenii Monoxidum (Nitrogen. Monox.), Nitrogen Monoxide, U.S.P. (Nitrous Oxide, “Laughing Gas”).—N2O.

A colorless gas with a slight characteristic odor and a sweetish taste.

Action and Uses: For inhalation anesthesia.

*Nux Vomica (Nux Vom.), Nux Vomica, U.S.P. (Strychni Semen, P.I.).—Seeds yielding not less than 2.5 per cent. of alkaloids, chiefly strychnine and brucine.

Action and Uses: Used as bitter stomachic and tonic, depending on its strychnine.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

*Extractum Nucis Vomicae (Ext. Nuc. Vom.), Extract of Nux Vomica, U.S.P. (Powdered Extract of Nux Vomica, Nucis Vomicae Extractum P.I.).—Yields about 16 per cent. of alkaloids.

Dosage: 0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Nucis Vomicae (Fldext. Nuc. Vom.), Fluidextract of Nux Vomica, U.S.P.—Nux vomica (100%) yielding about 2.5 per cent. of alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 0.05 Cc. or 1 minim (U.S.P.).

*Tinctura Nucis Vomicae (Tr. Nuc. Vom.), Tincture of Nux Vomica, U.S.P. (Strychni Tinctura, P.I.).—Nux vomica (10%) yielding about 0.25 per cent. of alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 71 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.).

OLEA INFUSA (OL. INF.), INFUSED OILS, N.F.—Liquid preparation made by extracting drugs by fixed oils.

OLEATA, OLEATES.—Oleates are combinations of alkaloids or metallic oxids with oleic acid or with mixtures of oleic acid with a fixed oil. They have no real advantage over simpler ointments. For the official oleates see under the names of the respective drugs.

OLEORESINAE, OLEORESINS.—Oleoresins are thick liquid preparations made by extracting the drug with ether, alcohol or acetone. For the official oleoresins see under the names of the respective drugs.

OLEOSACCHARA (OLEOSACCHARA), OIL-SUGARS, N.F. (Elaeosacchara).—Mixtures of volatile oil (2%) with sugar in fine powder.

Oleum Aethereum (Ol. Aether.), Ethereal Oil, N.F.—A volatile liquid consisting of equal volumes of heavy oil of wine (chiefly ethyl esters of sulphuric acid) and ether. An indefinite and obsolete ingredient of the medieval “Hoffmann’s anodyne.”

Oleum Amygdalae Amarae (Ol. Amygd. Amar.), Oil of Bitter Almond, U.S.P. (Bitter Almond Oil).—A volatile oil yielding benzaldehyde (not less than 85%) and hydrocyanic acid (about 3%).

Slightly soluble in water; miscible with alcohol or ether.

Action and Uses: Flavoring agent, especially for emulsions. Also used as a “sedative,” but probably without value.

Dosage: 0.03 Cc. or 1/2 minim (U.S.P.).

Aqua Amygdalae Amarae (Aq. Amygd. Amar.), Bitter Almond Water, U.S.P.—A solution of oil of bitter almond in water.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Elixir Amygdalae Compositum (Elix. Amygd. Co.), Compound Elixir of Almond, N.F.—Oil of bitter almond, vanillin, orange flower water, syrup, water and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 5 per cent.

Spiritus Amygdalae Amarae (Sp. Amygd. Amar.), Spirit of Bitter Almond, U.S.P.—Oil of bitter almond, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 76 per cent.

Oleum Amygdalae Expressum (Ol. Amygd. Exp.), Expressed Oil of Almond, U.S.P. (Oil of Sweet Almond).—A fixed oil; similar to olive oil.

Action and Uses: Emollient, nutritive and laxative.

Oleum Anisi (Ol. Anisi), Oil of Anise, Oil of Star Anise, U.S.P. (Anise Oil).—A volatile oil from anise and from star anise.

Very slightly soluble in water; very soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Aromatic carminative and flavor.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.), on sugar.

Aqua Anisi (Aq. Anisi), Anise Water, U.S.P.—A solution of oil of anise in water.

Spiritus Anisi (Sp. Anisi), Spirit of Anise, U.S.P.—Oil of anise (10%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 85 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Oleum Aurantii (Ol. Aurant.), Oil of Orange, U.S.P. (Oleum Aurantii Corticis, U.S.P. VIII, Orange Oil, Oil of Sweet Orange).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol and ether.

Action and Uses: Aromatic flavor.

Spiritus Aurantii Compositus (Sp. Aurant. Co.), Compound Spirit of Orange, U.S.P.—Oils of orange, lemon, coriander and anise, in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 69 per cent.

Oleum Aurantii Amari (Ol. Aurant. Amar.), Oil of Bitter Orange, N.F.—A volatile oil.

Practically insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol (1:4).

Action and Uses: Flavoring agent.

Elixir Aurantii Amari (Elix. Aurant. Amar.), Elixir of Bitter Orange, N.F. (Replacing Elixir Curassao, N.F. III).—Oil of bitter orange, tincture of bitter orange peel, stronger orange flower water, in syrup, water and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 28 per cent.

Oleum Aurantii Florum (Ol. Aurant. Flor.), Oil of Orange Flowers, N.F. (Oil of Neroli).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Flavoring agent.

Oleum Bergamottae (Ol. Bergam.), Oil of Bergamot, N.F.—A volatile oil.

Practically insoluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Flavoring agent.

Spiritus Odoratus (Sp. Odorat.), Perfumed Spirit, N.F.—Oils of bergamot, lemon, rosemary, lavender and orange flowers, acetic ether, water and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Oleum Betulae Empyreumaticum Rectificatum (Ol. Bet. Empyr. Rect.), Rectified Oil of Birch Tar, N.F. (Rectified Empyroligneous Oil of Birch, Oleum Rusci Rectificatum).—An oil obtained by the dry distillation of the bark and wood of white birch.

Insoluble in water; soluble in dehydrated alcohol, ether and chloroform.

Action and Uses: Similar to tar; employed locally as a stimulant and antiseptic in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema.

Dosage: 2 to 10 per cent. ointment.

Oleum Cadinum (Ol. Cadin.), Oil of Cade, U.S.P. (Cade Oil, Oil of Juniper Tar, Oleum Juniperi Empyreumaticum).—An empyreumatic oil obtained by the dry distillation of juniper wood.

Nearly insoluble in water; only partially soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Epidermal stimulant in chronic inflammatory skin diseases, acting similarly to tar.

Dosage: 1 to 10 per cent. ointment.

Petroxolinum Cadini (Petrox. Cadin.), Cade Petroxolin, N.F. (Cade Petrox).—Oil of cade (25%) in liquid petroxolin.

Oleum Cajuputi (Ol. Cajup.), Oil of Cajuput, U.S.P. (Cajuput Oil, Oil of Cajuput).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Counterirritant.

Oleum Cardamomi (Ol. Cardam.), Oil of Cardamom, N.F.—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; very soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Aromatic flavoring agent.

Elixir Cardamomi Compositum (Elix. Card. Co.), Compound Elixir of Cardamom, N.F.—Compound spirit of cardamom, alcohol, syrup and water. Absolute alcohol content about 9 per cent.

Spiritus Cardamomi Compositus (Sp. Card. Co.), Compound Spirit of Cardamom, N.F.—Oil of cardamom, anethol, oils of orange, cinnamon, caraway and clove, in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 72 per cent.

Uses: Flavoring agent.

Oleum Cari (Ol. Cari), Oil of Caraway, U.S.P. (Caraway Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Aromatic carminative.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

*Oleum Caryophylli (Ol. Caryoph.), Oil of Clove, U.S.P. (Clove Oil, Oil of Cloves).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Externally, rubefacient and counterirritant; internally, carminative; to some extent a local anesthetic.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

*Oleum Cassiae (Ol. Cass.), Oil of Cinnamon, U.S.P. (Oleum Cinnamomi, U.S.P. VIII, Cassia Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Aromatic flavor.

*Aqua Cinnamomi (Aq. Cinnam.), Cinnamon Water, U.S.P.—A saturated solution of oil of cinnamon in water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Spiritus Cinnamomi (Sp. Cinnam.), Spirit of Cinnamon, U.S.P.—Oil of cinnamon (10%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 85 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

*Oleum Chenopodii (Ol. Chenopod.), Oil of Chenopodium, U.S.P. (Oil of American Wormseed).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Anthelmintic, especially for roundworms and hookworms.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.). Subminimal doses repeated at intervals of several days become toxic.

Oleum Coriandri (Ol. Coriand.), Oil of Coriander, U.S.P. (Coriander Oil).

Nearly insoluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Carminative aromatic.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

Oleum Cubebae (Ol. Cubeb.), Oil of Cubeb, U.S.P. (Cubeb Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol (1:18).

Action and Uses: Used internally as a stimulating antiseptic, expectorant and against subacute gonorrhea. Of doubtful value.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.).

*Oleum Eucalypti (Ol. Eucalypt.), Oil of Eucalyptus, U.S.P. (Eucalyptus Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Largely used especially for inhalation in the form of vapor or oily sprays (about 10%) as antiseptic and deodorant, for subacute and chronic inflammations of the respiratory mucosae.

Oleum Foeniculi (Ol. Foenic.), Oil of Fennel, U.S.P. (Fennel Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Aromatic carminative frequently employed with purgative medicines to prevent griping.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

Aqua Foeniculi (Aq. Foenic.), Fennel Water, U.S.P.—A solution of oil of fennel in water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Oleum Gossypii Seminis (Ol. Gossyp. Sem.), Cottonseed Oil, U.S.P.—A fixed oil.

Action and Uses: Frequently employed in place of olive oil, in preparations for external use.

Oleum Juniperi (Ol. Junip.), Oil of Juniper, U.S.P. (Juniper Oil, Oil of Juniper Berries).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Irritant diuretic.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.); not given as such.

Spiritus Juniperi (Sp. Junip.), Spirit of Juniper, U.S.P.—Oil of juniper (5%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Spiritus Juniperi Compositus (Sp. Junip. Co.), Compound Spirit of Juniper, U.S.P.—Oil of juniper (0.4%) and oils of caraway and fennel in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 66 per cent.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Oleum Lavandulae (Ol. Lavand.), Oil of Lavender, U.S.P. (Oleum Lavandulae Florum U.S.P. VIII).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Aromatic and flavoring agent.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

Acetum Aromaticum (Acet. Arom.), Aromatic Vinegar, N.F.—Acetic acid, alcohol and water, aromatized with oils of lavender, rosemary, juniper, peppermint, cinnamon, lemon and clove.

Uses: Refreshing inhalant and counterirritant.

Mistura Camphorae Aromatica (Mist. Camph. Arom.), Aromatic Camphor Mixture, N.F. (Parrish’s Camphor Mixture).—Camphor water (about 70%) in compound tincture of lavender and sugar. Absolute alcohol content about 17.5 per cent.

Uses: Aromatic carminative.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Mistura Oleo-Balsamica (Mist. Ol.-Balsam.), Oleo-Balsamic Mixture, N.F.—Oil of lavender, eugenol, oils of thyme, cinnamon, lemon and nutmeg with balsam of Peru in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Action and Uses: Local stimulant.

Spiritus Lavandulae (Sp. Lavand.), Spirit of Lavender, U.S.P.—Oil of lavender (5%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Lavandulae Composita (Tr. Lavand. Co.), Compound Tincture of Lavender, U.S.P. (Compound Spirit of Lavender).—Oil of lavender, oil of rosemary, Saigon cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, and red saunders in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Uses: Aromatic flavor and rubefacient.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Oleum Limonis (Ol. Limon.), Oil of Lemon, U.S.P. (Lemon Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Flavoring agent.

*Oleum Lini (Ol. Lini), Linseed Oil, U.S.P. (Oil of Flaxseed, Raw Linseed Oil).—A fixed oil.

Action and Uses: Internally, laxative; its disagreeable taste and odor have made it unpopular. Externally, protective emollient, especially as Linimentum Calcis (which see under Calx) in burns.

Dosage: 30 Cc. or 1 fluidounce (U.S.P.).

*Oleum Menthae Piperitae (Ol. Menth. Pip.), Oil of Peppermint, U.S.P. (Peppermint Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Aromatic carminative and flavoring agent.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

*Aqua Menthae Piperitae (Aq. Menth. Pip.), Peppermint Water, U.S.P.—A saturated solution of oil of peppermint in distilled water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.)

*Spiritus Menthae Piperitae (Sp. Menth. Pip.), Spirit of Peppermint, U.S.P. (Essence of Peppermint).—Oil of peppermint (10%), colored with peppermint in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 85 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Trochisci Menthae Piperitae (Troch. Menth. Pip.), Troches of Peppermint, N.F.—Oil of peppermint, with sugar and mucilage of tragacanth.

Dosage: 1 troche (N.F.).

Oleum Menthae Viridis (Ol. Menth. Vir.), Oil of Spearmint, U.S.P. (Spearmint Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Aromatic carminative and flavoring agent.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

Aqua Menthae Viridis (Aq. Menth. Vir.), Spearmint Water, U.S.P.—A solution of oil of spearmint in water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Spiritus Menthae Viridis (Sp. Menth. Vir.), Spirit of Spearmint, U.S.P.—Oil of spearmint (10%), colored with spearmint, in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 85 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

*Oleum Morrhuae (Ol. Morrh.), Cod Liver Oil, U.S.P. (Oleum Jecoris Aselli).—A fixed oil.

Action and Uses: Generally considered to be a food rather than a medicine. Its value depends probably entirely on its nutritive property. Preferably administered as such or in the form of recently prepared emulsions.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Emulsum Olei Morrhuae (Emuls. Ol. Morrh.), Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, U.S.P.—Cod liver oil (50%) with acacia, syrup, methyl salicylate and water. Other flavors may be substituted for the methyl salicylate.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Emulsum Olei Morrhuae cum Calcii Lactophosphate (Emul. Ol. Morrh. c. Calc. Lactophos.), Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Calcium Lactophosphate, N.F.—Cod liver oil (50%), calcium lactophosphate (5%), lactic acid, acacia, syrup of Tolu and water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Emulsum Olei Morrhuae cum Calcii Phosphate (Emul. Ol. Morrh. c. Calc. Phos.), Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Calcium Phosphate, N.F. (Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Phosphate of Lime).—Cod liver oil (50%), precipitated calcium phosphate (3.5%), syrup of Tolu, acacia and water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Emulsum Olei Morrhuae cum Hypophosphitibus (Emul. Ol. Morrh. c. Hypophos.), Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, N.F.—Cod liver oil (50%), calcium hypophosphite (1%), potassium hypophosphite and sodium hypophosphite (each 0.5%), acacia, syrup and water.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Emulsum Olei Morrhuae cum Malto (Emul. Ol. Morrh. c. Malt.), Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Malt, N.F.—Cod liver oil (30%), extract of malt (about 55%), tragacanth and water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Emulsum Olei Morrhuae cum Pruno Virginiana (Emul. Ol. Morrh. c. Prun. Virg.), Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry, N.F.—Cod liver oil (50%), fluidextract of wild cherry (6.5%), acacia, syrup of Tolu and water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Emulsum Olei Morrhuae cum Vitello (Emul. Ol. Morrh. c. Vitel.), Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Egg, N.F.—Cod liver oil (50%), glycerite of yolk of egg, syrup of Tolu and water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Oleum Myrciae (Ol. Myrc.), Oil of Myrcia, N.F. (Oil of Bay).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Aromatizing agent used in bay-rum.

Spiritus Myrciae Compositus (Sp. Myrciae Co.), Compound Spirit of Myrcia, N.F.—Oils of myrcia, orange, pimenta, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 58 per cent.

Uses: Perfume and stimulant to the skin.

Oleum Myristicae (Ol. Myrist.), Oil of Myristica, U.S.P. (Myristica Oil, Oil of Nutmeg).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Aromatic flavor and carminative.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

Oleum Olivae (Ol. Oliv.), Olive Oil, U.S.P.—A fixed oil.

Action and Uses: Emollient, laxative and nutrient.

Dosage: 30 Cc. or 1 fluidounce (U.S.P.).

Oleum Picis Liquidae Rectificatum (Ol. Pic. Liq. Rect.), Rectified Oil of Tar, U.S.P. (Oleum Picis Liquidae, U.S.P. VIII, Rectified Tar Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Externally antiseptic, irritant and parasiticide; used in skin diseases.

Dosage: Internally, 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

Mistura Olei Picis (Mist. Ol. Pic.), Mixture of Oil of Tar, N.F. (Mistura Picis Liquidae, Tar Mixture).—Rectified oil of tar (3.5%) and chloroform (1%), with pure extract of glycyrrhiza, sugar and oil of peppermint in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 16 per cent.

Uses: Complex, disagreeable expectorant.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Petroxolinum Picis (Petrox. Pic.), Tar Petroxolin, N.F. (Tar Petrox).—Rectified oil of tar (25%) in liquid petroxolin.

Unguentum Picis Compositum (Ung. Pic. Co.), Compound Tar Ointment, N.F.—Rectified oil of tar (4%), zinc oxide (3%), and tincture of benzoin in yellow wax, lard and cottonseed oil.

Oleum Pimentae (Ol. Piment.), Oil of Pimenta, U.S.P. (Pimento Oil, Oil of Allspice).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Flavoring agent and carminative.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

Oleum Pini Pumilionis (Ol. Pin. Pumil.), Oil of Dwarf Pine Needles, U.S.P. (Dwarf Pine Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: More aromatic than oil of turpentine, and used as an inhalation in catarrh of the respiratory passages.

*Oleum Ricini (Ol. Ricin.), Castor Oil, U.S.P.—A fixed oil.

Soluble in equal parts of alcohol.

Action and Uses: Effective and prompt cathartic, but likely to be followed by constipation and therefore not indicated in chronic constipation. Useful as an initial purge in acute diarrheas.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Emulsum Olei Ricini (Emul. Ol. Ricin.), Emulsion of Castor Oil, N.F.—Castor oil (35%), with acacia, flavored with tincture of vanilla, in syrup and water.

Uses: Renders castor oil somewhat less disagreeable.

Dosage: 45 Cc. or 1-1/2 fluidounces (N.F.).

Oleum Ricini Aromaticum (Ol. Ricin. Arom.), Aromatic Castor Oil, N.F.—Castor oil flavored with benzosulphinide, oil of cinnamon, oil of clove, vanillin and coumarin.

Uses: A partly successful attempt to render castor oil less disagreeable.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Oleum Rosmarini (Ol. Rosmar.), Oil of Rosemary, U.S.P. (Rosemary Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Aromatic flavor and carminative.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

*Oleum Santali (Ol. Santal.), Oil of Santal, U.S.P. (Santalwood Oil, Oil of Sandalwood).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Urinary disinfectant and stimulant. Used in subacute stages of cystitis and gonorrhea.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.), preferably in capsules.

Oleum Sassafras (Ol. Sassaf.), Oil of Sassafras, U.S.P. (Sassafras Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Flavor; used externally as rubefacient counterirritant.

Oleum Sesami (Ol. Sesam.), Sesame Oil, U.S.P. (Teel Oil, Benne Oil).—A fixed oil.

Action and Uses: Emollient, used as substitute for olive oil.

*Oleum Sinapis Volatile (Ol. Sinap. Vol.), Volatile Oil of Mustard, U.S.P. (Mustard Oil).—Produced synthetically or from black mustard seed.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Powerful irritant and rapid vesicant; employed as counterirritant dissolved in alcohol or fixed oils.

Linimentum Sinapis Compositum (Lin. Sinap. Co.), Compound Liniment of Mustard, N.F.—Volatile oil of mustard (3%), fluidextract of mezereum (20%) and camphor (6%) in castor oil and alcohol.

Uses: Complex and antiquated counterirritant.

Spiritus Sinapis (Sp. Sinap.), Spirit of Mustard, N.F.—Volatile oil of mustard (2%) in alcohol.

Uses: Rubefacient.

*Oleum Terebinthinae (Ol. Tereb.), Oil of Turpentine, U.S.P. (Turpentine Oil, “Spirits of Turpentine”).—A volatile oil obtained from the oleoresin of pine wood (turpentine).

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Applied externally, rubefacient and counterirritant. For internal use, see Oleum Terebinthinae Rectificatum, below.

Oleum Terebinthinae Rectificatum (Ol. Tereb. Rect.), Rectified Oil of Turpentine, U.S.P. (Rectified Turpentine Oil).—Redistilled oil of turpentine.

Uses: Antiseptic, anthelmintic, diuretic and carminative. Used to relieve tympanites.

Dosage: 0.3 Cc. or 5 minims (U.S.P.).

Emulsum Olei Terebinthinae (Emuls. Ol. Tereb.), Emulsion of Oil of Turpentine, U.S.P.—Rectified oil of turpentine (15%) with expressed oil of almond, syrup, acacia and water.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 1/2 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Linimentum Terebinthinae (Lin. Terebinth.), Turpentine Liniment, U.S.P. (Kentish’s Ointment).—Rosin cerate (65%) in oil of turpentine.

Linimentum Terebinthinae Aceticum (Lin. Terebinth. Acet.), Acetic Turpentine Liniment, N.F. (Linimentum Album, Stokes’ Liniment, St. John Long’s Liniment).—Oil of turpentine (40%) and acetic acid (8%) with oil of lemon, fresh egg and rose water.

*Oleum Theobromatis (Ol. Theobrom.), Oil of Theobroma, U.S.P. (Butter of Cacao, Cacao Butter).—A solid fixed oil.

Melts at body temperature.

Action and Uses: Used principally in suppositories, etc.; sometimes in emollient ointments and as a lubricant in massage.

Oleum Thymi (Ol. Thymi), Oil of Thyme, U.S.P. (Thyme Oil).—A volatile oil.

Nearly insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Rubefacient and counterirritant; usually applied as a liniment, diluted with a fixed oil or the well-known soap liniment. Internally, carminative but now seldom used.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

*Oleum Tiglii (Ol. Tiglii), Croton Oil, U.S.P.—A fixed oil.

Action and Uses: Very powerful cathartic and gastric and intestinal irritant, frequently causing violent vomiting and purging, sometimes followed by collapse. Externally, rubefacient and vesicant.

Dosage: 0.05 Cc. or 1 minim (U.S.P.). Preferably administered in drop doses on sugar or in a pill with bread or other absorbent.

Collodium Tiglii (Collod. Tiglii), Croton Oil Collodion, N.F.—Croton oil (10%) and flexible collodion.

Uses: There is no advantage in applying croton oil with collodion.

Linimentum Tiglii (Lin. Tiglii), Liniment of Croton Oil, N.F. (Linimentum Crotonis).—Croton oil (13%), oil of cajuput, and alcohol.

Linimentum Tiglii Compositum (Lin. Tiglii Co.), Compound Croton Oil Liniment, N.F.—Croton oil, oil of sassafras and oil of turpentine (each 20%) and olive oil.

*Opium (Opium), Opium, U.S.P.—The dried juice of the opium poppy. Yields not less than 9.5 per cent. of anhydrous morphine.

Action and Uses: Like those of morphine, but opium is absorbed more slowly, and is generally preferred in the treatment of the gastro-intestinal tract, especially for the purpose of checking diarrhea. It is ineffective for external or local application, because the opium alkaloids are not absorbed to any appreciable extent through the unbroken skin.

The routine use of complicated mixtures containing opiates deserves condemnation, since opium should not be prescribed unless it is adapted to the conditions of the individual patient.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

Acetum Opii (Acet. Opii), Vinegar of Opium, N.F.—Opium (10%) in diluted acetic acid, flavored with nutmeg and sugar.

Uses: An obsolete and superfluous preparation.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.).

*Extractum Opii (Ext. Opii), Extract of Opium, U.S.P. (Powdered Extract of Opium, Opii Extractum, P.I.).—One Gm. extract represents about 2 Gm. opium. Yields about 20 per cent. of anhydrous morphine.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.).

Linimentum Opii Compositum (Lin. Opii Co.), Compound Liniment of Opium, N.F. (Canada Liniment).—Tincture of opium (10%), camphor (1.75%), oil of peppermint (2.5%) in alcohol, fresh egg albumen, ammonia water and oil of turpentine. Absolute alcohol content about 28 per cent.

Uses: Irrational opium preparation.

Mistura Camphorae Acida (Mist. Camph. Acid.), Acid Camphor Mixture, N.F. (Mistura Antidysenterica, Hope’s Mixture).—Tincture of opium (1.2%) and nitric acid (1.75%) in camphor water.

Uses: Against diarrhea.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Mistura Carminativa (Mist. Carminat.), Carminative Mixture, N.F. (Dalby’s Carminative).—Tincture of opium (2.5%), magnesium carbonate (6.5%), potassium carbonate (0.3%), with oils of caraway, fennel and peppermint in syrup and water.

Uses: Against colic.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (N.F.).

Mistura Glycyrrhizae Composita (Mist. Glycyrrh. Co.), Compound Mixture of Glycyrrhiza, U.S.P. (Brown Mixture).—Camphorated tincture of opium (12%), antimony and potassium tartrate (0.024%), with pure extract of glycyrrhiza, syrup, acacia and spirit of nitrous ether in water. Absolute alcohol content about 8 per cent.

Uses: A misnamed but popular expectorant, efficient mainly through its opium and antimony.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Mistura Opii et Chloroformi Composita (Mist. Opii et Chlorof. Co.), Compound Mixture of Opium and Chloroform, N.F. (Squibb’s Diarrhea Mixture).—Tincture of opium (20%), spirit of camphor (20%), tincture of capsicum (10%), chloroform (8%) and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 75 per cent.

Uses: Against diarrhea.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Mistura Opii et Rhei Composita (Mist. Opii et Rhei Co.), Compound Mixture of Opium and Rhubarb, N.F. (Sun Cholera Mixture).—Tincture of opium (20%), tincture of rhubarb (10%), tincture of capsicum (10%), spirit of camphor (20%), spirit of peppermint and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 78 per cent.

Uses: Against diarrhea.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Mistura Opii et Sassafras (Mist. Opii et Sassaf.), Mixture of Opium and Sassafras, N.F. (Mistura Sassafras et Opii, N.F. III, Mistura Opii Alkalina, Godfrey’s Cordial).—Tincture of opium (3.5%) and oil of sassafras (0.1%) with alcohol and potassium carbonate in syrup and water. Absolute alcohol content about 6.5 per cent.

Uses: Sedative.

Dosage: Infants, 0.3 Cc. or 5 minims (N.F.).

*Opii Pulvis (Opii Pulv.), Powdered Opium, U.S.P. (Opii Pulvis, P.I.).—Contains about 10.25 per cent. of anhydrous morphine.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

Opium Deodoratum (Opium Deod.), Deodorized Opium, U.S.P.—Opium extracted with benzin. Yields about 10.25 per cent. of anhydrous morphine.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

Opium Granulatum (Opium Gran.), Granulated Opium, U.S.P.—Yields about 10.25 per cent. of anhydrous morphine.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

Pilulae Opii, Digitalis et Quininae (Pil. Opii Digit. et Quin.), Pills of Opium, Digitalis and Quinine, N.F. (Niemeyer Pills for Phthisis).—Each pill contains powdered opium (0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain), digitalis and quinine sulphate (each 0.065 Gm. or 1 grain) with clarified honey.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Opii et Camphorae (Pil. Opii et Camph.), Pills of Opium and Camphor, N.F.—Each pill contains powdered opium (0.065 Gm. or 1 grain) and camphor (0.13 Gm. or 2 grains) with clarified honey.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Opii et Plumbi (Pil. Opii et Plumb.), Pills of Opium and Lead, N.F.—Each pill contains powdered opium and lead acetate (each 0.065 Gm. or 1 grain) with clarified honey.

Uses: Constipative. The internal use of lead is rarely advisable.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pulvis Cretae et Opii Aromaticus (Pulv. Cret. et Opii Arom.), Aromatic Powder of Chalk and Opium, N.F.—Powdered opium (2.5%) and aromatic powder of chalk.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

*Pulvis Ipecacuanhae et Opii (Pulv. Ipecac. et Opii), Powder of Ipecac and Opium, U.S.P. (Compound Powder of Ipecac, Dover’s Powder, Opii et Ipecacuanhae Pulvis Compositus, P.I.).—Powdered opium and ipecac (each 10%) with sugar of milk.

Uses: Especially as diaphoretic in incipient colds.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Ipecacuanhae et Opii (Syr. Ipecac. et Opii), Syrup of Ipecac and Opium, N.F. (Syrup of Dover’s Powder).—Tincture of ipecac and opium (8.5%) flavored with spirit of cinnamon and cinnamon water in syrup.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Tinctura Ipecacuanhae et Opii (Tr. Ipecac. et Opii), Tincture of Ipecac and Opium, N.F. (Tincture of Dover’s Powder).—Tincture of deodorized opium (100%) and fluidextract of ipecac (10%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 15 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (N.F.).

*Tinctura Opii (Tr. Opii), Tincture of Opium, U.S.P. (Laudanum, Opii Tinctura, P.I.).—Granulated opium (10%) yielding about 1 per cent. of anhydrous morphine in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 46 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims.

*Tinctura Opii Camphorata (Tr. Opii Camph.), Camphorated Tincture of Opium, U.S.P. (Paregoric, Opii Tinctura Benzoici P.I.).—Powdered opium and camphor (each 0.4%), benzoic acid, oil of anise and glycerin in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 46 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Opii Crocata (Tr. Opii Crocat.), Tincture of Opium with Saffron, N.F. (Sydenham’s Laudanum, Tinctura Opii Crocata, P.I.).—Granulated opium (10%) with saffron, Saigon cinnamon and clove in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 45 per cent.

Dosage: 0.6 Cc. or 10 minims (N.F.).

*Tinctura Opii Deodorati (Tr. Opii Deod.), Tincture of Deodorized Opium, U.S.P.—Opium (10%, a purified or deodorized aqueous extract yielding about 1% anhydrous morphine), in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 19 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Pectoralis (Tr. Pectoral.), Pectoral Tincture, N.F. (Guttae Pectorales, Pectoral Drops, Bateman’s Pectoral Drops).—Opium (0.4%), gambir (about 0.3%), camphor (0.4%), with oil of anise and caramel in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 50 per cent.

Dosage: 0.6 Cc. or 10 minims (N.F.).

Ovi Albumen Recens (Ovi Album.), Fresh Egg Albumen, N.F.

Action and Uses: Used in pharmacy.

Ovi Vitellum Recens (Ovi Vitel.), Fresh Egg Yolk, N.F.

Action and Uses: Emulsifying agent.

Glyceritum Vitelli (Glycer. Vitell.), Glycerite of Egg Yolk, N.F. (Glyconin).—Fresh yolk of egg and glycerin.

Ovum Gallinaceum (Ovum Gallin.), Fresh Egg, N.F.

Action and Uses: Used in pharmaceutical preparations.

*Oxygenium (Oxygen.), Oxygen, U.S.P.

Action and Uses: Inhaled for relief of asphyxia, carbon monoxide poisoning, etc.

*Pancreatinum (Pancreat.), Pancreatin, U.S.P.—Contains enzymes from the pancreas of the hog or beef, principally amylopsin, trypsin and steapsin. Converts not less than 25 per cent. of its own weight of starch into sugars.

A cream-colored powder with a faint odor.

Action and Uses: Chiefly for the predigestion of protein and starchy foods. Incompatible with acids and is therefore destroyed by the action of normal gastric juice. Occasionally used to assist gastric digestion in achlorhydria but the administration of dilute hydrochloric acid seems preferable. When the pancreatic juice is absent pancreatin may be given in salol-coated pills.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Liquor Pancreatini (Liq. Pancreat.), Solution of Pancreatin, N.F. (Liquor Pancreaticus, N.F. III, Pancreatic Solution).—Pancreatin (1.75%), sodium bicarbonate (5%), with compound spirit of cardamom, sodium chloride and chloroform in alcohol, glycerin and water. Absolute alcohol content about 6 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Pulvis Pancreatini Compositus (Pulv. Pancreat. Co.), Compound Pancreatin Powder, N.F. (Pulvis Pancreaticus Compositus, N.F. III, Peptonizing Powder).—Pancreatin (20%) and sodium bicarbonate.

Uses: Predigestion of milk.

Papaveris Fructus (Papav. Fruct.), Poppy Capsules, N.F.—Fully grown unripe poppy heads.

Action and Uses: Weak and unreliable opiate.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Syrupus Papaveris (Syr. Papaver.), Syrup of Poppy, N.F.—Poppy capsules (10%) in syrup.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Paracoto (Paracot.), Paracoto, N.F.—Bark of an unidentified tree.

Action and Uses: At one time used in diarrhea. The identity of the drug is uncertain and there is no scientific evidence for its value; hence it is now little used.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Paracoto (Fldext. Paracot.), Fluidextract of Paracoto, N.F. (Fluidextractum Coto, N.F. III).—Paracoto (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 75 per cent.

Dosage: 0.3 Cc. or 5 minims (N.F.).

Tinctura Paracoto (Tr. Paracoto), Tincture of Paracoto, N.F. (Tinctura Coto, N.F. III).—Paracoto (12.5%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Uses: Antidiarrheic, of doubtful efficacy.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

*Paraffinum (Paraff.), Paraffin, U.S.P.—A purified mixture of solid hydrocarbons, usually obtained from petroleum.

A white, waxy, odorless and tasteless solid, greasy to the touch, melting between 50 and 57 C.

Action and Uses: Used in surgery for prosthetic purposes and in pharmacy for raising the melting point of ointments and similar products.

Paraformaldehydum (Paraform.), Paraformaldehyde, U.S.P. (Paraform, Trioxymethylene).—A polymeric form of formaldehyde.

White friable masses or powder with a slight odor of formaldehyde. Soluble in cold water, insoluble in alcohol or ether.

Action and Uses: Employed in place of formaldehyde to disinfect rooms by vaporization in presence of moisture (to insure formation of formaldehyde). As it is active only if decomposed there may be some doubt as to its efficiency. Internally, it has been used as intestinal antiseptic, but is probably useless and may be harmful.

*Paraldehydum (Paraldehyd.), Paraldehyde, U.S.P.—A polymer of acetaldehyde.

A colorless liquid, having a strong, characteristic odor and an extremely unpleasant taste, and producing first a burning and then a cooling sensation in the mouth. Soluble in water (1:8), and miscible with alcohol or chloroform.

Action and Uses: Prompt and fairly active hypnotic and sedative devoid of serious side-effects.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.). Best administered with cracked ice or ice-cold liquids.

Pareira (Pareira), Pareira, N.F. (Pareira Brava).—Roots.

Action and Uses: Obsolete bitter tonic.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Pareirae (Fldext. Pareir.), Fluidextract of Pareira, N.F.—Pareira (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Passiflora (Passiflor.), Passion Flower, N.F. (Passion Vine).—Dried herbage.

Action and Uses: Exploited by manufacturers of proprietary remedies for the treatment of insomnia, but probably inert.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

Tinctura Passiflorae (Tr. Passiflor.), Tincture of Passion Flower, N.F.—Passion flower (20%), in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 45 per cent.

Dosage: 0.6 Cc. or 10 minims (N.F.).

PASTAE DERMATOLOGICAE, DERMATOLOGIC PASTES.—Dermatologic pastes are medicaments for external use. They are ointment-like mixtures containing starch or dextrin with glycerin, soft soap, petrolatum or lard mixed with some active medicinal agent. For the official dermatologic pastes see under the names of the principal constituents.

*Pelletierinae Tannas (Pellet. Tann.), Pelletierine Tannate, U.S.P.—A mixture of alkaloids from pomegranate.

A light yellow, odorless powder with an astringent taste. Slightly soluble in water (1:240) and soluble in alcohol (1:16).

Action and Uses: Anthelmintic and teniafuge.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.). May be administered suspended in water. Should be given on an empty stomach followed after one or two hours by brisk purging. Not more than 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains should be given.

Pepo (Pepo), Pepo, U.S.P. (Pumpkin Seed).

Action and Uses: Domestic anthelmintic; probably inefficient.

Dosage: 30 Gm. or 1 ounce (U.S.P.).

*Pepsinum (Pepsin.), Pepsin, U.S.P.—Contains a proteolytic ferment or enzyme from the stomach of the hog.

White or yellowish scales, grains, or powder, having a slightly acid or saline taste and no offensive odor. Soluble in water (1:50); nearly insoluble in alcohol. Digests 3000 times its own weight of coagulated egg albumen.

Action and Uses: Used to assist in the gastric digestion of proteins. Usually superfluous, since gastric juice generally contains sufficient pepsin to perform gastric digestion. The alcohol of the elixirs and wines may be distinctly harmful in gastric disorders, while the other ingredients of the many complex mixtures need be prescribed only when direct indications for them exist. Many of these mixtures are irrational.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Pepsini (Elix. Cinchon. Ferr. et Pepsin.), Elixir of Cinchona Alkaloids, Iron and Pepsin, N.F. (Elixir Cinchonae, Ferri et Pepsini, N.F. III, Elixir of Calisaya, Alkaloidal with Iron and Pepsin).—Glycerite of pepsin (20%) and elixir of cinchona alkaloids and iron. Absolute alcohol content about 15 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Elixir Pepsini (Elix. Pepsin.), Elixir of Pepsin, N.F.—Glycerite of pepsin (20%), glycerin (10%), hydrochloric acid (0.4%) and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 15 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Elixir Pepsini, Bismuthi et Strychninae.—See under Strychnina.

Elixir Pepsini et Bismuthi (Elix. Pepsin. et Bism.), Elixir of Pepsin and Bismuth, N.F.—Pepsin (0.85%), glycerin (12.5%), glycerite of bismuth (12.5%) in water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 10 per cent.

Uses: This preparation lacks the protective action of the basic bismuth salts.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Elixir Pepsini et Ferri (Elix. Pepsin. et Ferr.), Elixir of Pepsin and Iron, N.F.—Tincture of ferric citro-chloride (7.5%) and elixir of pepsin. Absolute alcohol content about 15 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Elixir Pepsini et Rennini Compositum (Elix. Pepsin. et Rennin. Co.), Compound Elixir of Pepsin and Rennin, N.F. (Essentia Pepsini, N.F. III).—Pepsin (2.25%), rennin (1.65%), lactic acid, tincture of sweet orange peel, glycerin, alcohol, oil of myristica and water. Absolute alcohol content about 19 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Glyceritum Pepsini (Glycer. Pepsin.), Glycerite of Pepsin, N.F.—Pepsin (8.5%), hydrochloric acid (1%) in glycerin and water.

Dosage: 3 Cc. or 45 minims (N.F.).

Liquor Pepsini (Liq. Pepsin.), Solution of Pepsin, N.F.—Glycerite of pepsin (5%) and hydrochloric acid (1%) in glycerin and water.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Liquor Pepsini Antisepticus (Liq. Pepsin. Antisept.), Antiseptic Solution of Pepsin, N.F.—Pepsin (5%), menthol, eucalyptol, methyl salicylate, alcohol, glycerin and diluted hydrochloric acid in water. Absolute alcohol content about 1 per cent.

Uses: This solution appears misnamed, since its administration cannot render the stomach antiseptic.

Liquor Pepsini Aromaticus (Liq. Pepsin. Arom.), Aromatic Solution of Pepsin, N.F.—Pepsin (1.75%), oils of cinnamon, pimenta and clove, alcohol, hydrochloric acid and glycerin in water. Absolute alcohol content about 3 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Pepsinum Saccharatum (Pepsin. Sacchar.), Saccharated Pepsin, N.F.—Pepsin (10%) with sugar of milk.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Succus Citri et Pepsinum (Suc. Cit. et Pepsin.), Lime Juice and Pepsin, N.F. (Succus Limettae cum Pepsino, N.F. III).—Glycerite of pepsin (40%) and lime juice.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Vinum Pepsini (Vin. Pepsin.), Wine of Pepsin, N.F. (Pepsin Wine).—Glycerite of pepsin (20%) in alcohol and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 23 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Persio (Persio), Cudbear, N.F. (Red Indigo).—A purplish-red powder prepared from lichens.

Action and Uses: Coloring agent.

Tinctura Persionis (Tr. Persion.), Tincture of Cudbear, N.F.—Cudbear in alcohol and water.

Uses: To impart a reddish color.

Tinctura Persionis Composita (Tr. Persion. Co.), Compound Tincture of Cudbear, N.F.—Cudbear and caramel in alcohol and water.

Uses: To impart a reddish-brown color.

*Petrolatum (Petrolat.), Petrolatum, U.S.P. (Petrolatum Ointment, Petroleum Jelly).—A purified mixture of semisolid hydrocarbons from crude petroleum.

An unctuous, nearly odorless and nearly tasteless semisolid. Insoluble in water and almost insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Protective to the skin and basis for ointments, etc.

Emulsum Petrolati (Emul. Petrolat.), Emulsion of Petrolatum, N.F. (Emulsum Petrolei, N.F. III).—Petrolatum (22.5%), expressed oil of almond and acacia in syrup and water flavored with tincture of lemon peel.

Uses: Emollient laxative.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Petrolatum Album (Petrolat. Alb.), White Petrolatum, U.S.P. (White Petroleum Jelly).—Petrolatum decolorized or nearly so.

Action and Uses: Same as those of petrolatum.

*Petrolatum Liquidum (Petrolat. Liq.), Liquid Petrolatum, U.S.P. (Liquid Paraffin, Mineral Oil).—A mixture of liquid hydrocarbons. Official as Heavy Liquid Petrolatum and Light Liquid Petrolatum.

A colorless, transparent, oily, nearly odorless and nearly tasteless liquid. Insoluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses: Vehicle for medicinal agents to be applied externally or to the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Also given internally largely for its mechanical action in constipation. Is not absorbed by the intestine and has no nutritive properties.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Nebula Aromatica (Nebul. Arom.), Aromatic Oil Spray, N.F. (Aromatol).—Light liquid petrolatum aromatized with phenol, menthol, thymol, camphor, benzoic acid, eucalyptol, oil of cinnamon, oil of clove and methyl salicylate.

Uses: An aromatic spray.

Petroxolinum Liquidum (Petrox. Liq.), Liquid Petroxolin, N.F. (Petrolatum Saponatum Liquidum, N.F. III, Liquid Petrox).—Light liquid petrolatum and ammonium oleate, scented with oil of lavender and diluted with water and alcohol.

Uses: A soap-emulsion of petrolatum intended as vehicle for oily applications.

Petroxolinum Spissum (Petrox. Spiss.), Solid Petroxolin, N.F. (Petrolatum Saponatum Spissum, N.F. III, Solid Petrox).—An ointment composed of ammonium oleate, white wax, light liquid petrolatum and alcohol scented with oil of lavender.

Petroselini Radix (Petrosel. Rad.), Parsley Root, N.F.

Action and Uses: Obsolete carminative.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Petroselini Radicis (Fldext. Petrosel. Rad.), Fluidextract of Parsley Root, N.F.—Parsley root (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Petroselinum (Petrosel.), Parsley Fruit, U.S.P. (Parsley Seed).

Action and Uses: See the oleoresin below.

Oleoresina Petroselini (Oleores. Petrosel.), Oleoresin of Parsley Fruit, U.S.P. (Liquid Apiol).

Uses: Advertised as an emmenagogue, but of doubtful value.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.).

PETROXOLINA, PETROXOLINS.—The petroxolins are solutions or suspensions of active medicaments in a mixture of ammonia soap and petrolatum or liquid petrolatum. Their advantage over other forms of external applications is doubtful. For official petroxolins see under the names of the principal ingredients.

*Phenol (Phenol), Phenol, U.S.P. (Carbolic Acid).—Hydroxybenzene obtained from coal-tar or made synthetically.

Colorless crystals or white crystalline masses, sometimes becoming reddish, with a characteristic odor. Soluble in water (1:15), and very soluble in alcohol, glycerin or the fixed or volatile oils.

Action and Uses: Standard antiseptic and germicide; also local anesthetic and caustic.

Aqua Phenolata (Aq. Phenol.), Phenolated Water, N.F. (Carbolic Acid Water).—Phenol (2%) in water.

Glyceritum Phenolis (Glycer. Phenol.), Glycerite of Phenol, U.S.P. (Glycerite of Carbolic Acid).—Liquefied phenol (20%) in glycerin.

Dosage: 0.3 Cc. or 5 minims (U.S.P.).

Oleum Phenolatum (Ol. Phenol.), Phenolated Oil, N.F. (Oleum Carbolatum, N.F. III, Carbolized Oil).—Phenol (5%) in olive oil.

Uses: A mild local stimulant and anesthetic but practically not antiseptic.

Petroxolinum Phenolis (Petrox. Phenol.), Phenol Petroxolin, N.F. (Phenol Petrox).—Phenol (5%) in liquid petroxolin.

Petroxolinum Phenolis Camphoratum (Petrox. Phenol. Camph.), Camphorated Phenol Petroxolin, N.F. (Camphorated Phenol Petrox).—Phenol (12.5%) and camphor (37.5%) in liquid petroxolin.

*Phenol Liquefactum (Phenol Liq.), Liquefied Phenol, U.S.P. (Liquefied Carbolic Acid).—Phenol liquefied by water (about 10%).

A colorless liquid, which may become reddish.

Dosage: 0.05 Cc. or 1 minim (U.S.P.).

Unguentum Phenolis (Ung. Phenol.), Ointment of Phenol, U.S.P. (Ointment of Carbolic Acid).—Liquefied phenol (2.25%) in ointment.

Phenol Iodatum (Phenol Iodat.), Iodized Phenol, N.F. (Acidum Carbolicum Iodatum, N.F. III).—Iodine (20%) and phenol (60%) in glycerin.

*Phenolphthaleinum (Phenolphthal.), Phenolphthalein, U.S.P.

White or nearly white, odorless, tasteless powder. Almost insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol (1:13).

Action and Uses: Mild but efficient cathartic. It may cause some irritation to the rectum and lower bowel and very large doses have produced alarming secondary symptoms.

Dosage: 0.15 Gm. or 2-1/2 grains (U.S.P.).

Trochisci Phenolphthaleini (Troch. Phenolphthal.), Troches of Phenolphthalein, N.F.—Each troche contains phenolphthalein (0.06 Gm. or 1 grain) with acacia, sugar, vanillin and carmine.

Dosage: 1 troche.

*Phenylis Salicylas (Phenyl. Salicyl.), Phenyl Salicylate, U.S.P. (Salol).

White powder, with an aromatic odor and a slight, characteristic taste. Slightly soluble in water (1:6670); freely soluble in alcohol (1:6), and in fixed or volatile oils.

Action and Uses: Intestinal antiseptic, by the liberation of phenol and salicylic acid.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.) best in powder; may be inclosed dry in capsules or cachets.

*Phosphorus (Phosphor.), Phosphorus, U.S.P.

Translucent, nearly colorless, waxy solid with a characteristic odor, becoming white, red or black on the surface on long keeping. Readily inflammable in air (preserved under water). Almost insoluble in water, to which phosphorus imparts its characteristic odor and taste; slightly soluble in dehydrated alcohol (1:400) and soluble in chloroform (1:17).

Action and Uses: In rickets for stimulation of bone formation. Its use as “nerve-food” is irrational.

Dosage: 0.5 mg. or 1/120 grain (U.S.P.). May be administered in pills or as phosphorated oil (1:100). The preparations are unreliable unless they have been recently made, since phosphorus rapidly loses its efficiency through oxidation.

Elixir Phosphori (Elix. Phosphor.), Elixir of Phosphorus, N.F.—Phosphorus (0.025%) and chloroform in alcohol, glycerin and water flavored with compound spirit of orange and oil of anise. Absolute alcohol content about 32 per cent. Deteriorates rapidly.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Elixir Phosphori et Nucis Vomicae (Elix. Phosphor. et Nuc. Vom.), Elixir of Phosphorus and Nux Vomica, N.F.—Tincture of nux vomica (3.5%) and elixir of phosphorus. Absolute alcohol content about 32 per cent.

Uses: An irrational “tonic.”

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Liquor Phosphori (Liq. Phosphor.), Solution of Phosphorus, N.F. (Thompson’s Solution of Phosphorus).—Phosphorus (0.07%) in glycerin and dehydrated alcohol flavored with spirit of peppermint. Absolute alcohol content about 35 per cent.

Dosage: 0.6 Cc. or 10 minims (N.F.).

Oleum Phosphoratum (Ol. Phosphorat.), Phosphorated Oil, N.F.—Phosphorus (1%), dissolved in ether and added to expressed oil of almond.

Dosage: 0.05 Cc. or 1 minim (N.F.).

Pilulae Phosphori (Pil. Phosphor.), Pills of Phosphorus, U.S.P.—Each pill should contain phosphorus (0.6 mg. or 1/100 grain) coated with tolu.

Dosage: 1 pill (U.S.P.).

Physostigma (Physostig.), Physostigma, U.S.P. (Calabar Bean, Ordeal Bean).—Yields not less than 0.15 per cent. of alkaloids (chiefly physostigmine).

Action and Uses: Antitetanic, antineuralgic, peristaltic. See Physostigminae Salicylas, which has the same actions and deserves preference because of its uniform composition.

Dosage: 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.). Not used as such.

Extractum Physostigmatis (Ext. Physostig.), Extract of Physostigma, U.S.P. (Powdered Extract of Physostigma).—One Gm. extract represents about 13 Gm. of physostigma. Yields about 2 per cent. of alkaloids.

Dosage: 0.008 Gm. or 1/8 grain (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Physostigmatis (Tr. Physostig.), Tincture of Physostigma, U.S.P. (Tincture of Calabar Bean).—Physostigma (10%), yielding about 0.015 per cent. of alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 92 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

*Physostigminae Salicylas (Physostig. Salicyl.), Physostigmine Salicylate, U.S.P. (Eserine Salicylate).

Colorless or nearly colorless, odorless crystals. Soluble in water (1:75) and in alcohol (1:16).

Action and Uses: Stimulant of parasympathetic nerve endings. Used especially as a powerful miotic, particularly in glaucoma, sometimes internally against ileus or intestinal paresis.

Dosage: Internally, 0.001 Gm. or 1/60 grain (U.S.P.). Externally, solutions (should be freshly prepared) from 0.1 to 1 per cent.

Phytolacca (Phytolac.), Phytolacca, N.F. (Poke Root).

Action and Uses: Unreliable irritant, emetic, cathartic and “alterative.”

Dosage: Emetic, 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.); alterative, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Phytolaccae (Fldext. Phytolac.), Fluidextract of Phytolacca, N.F.—Phytolacca (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: Emetic, 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.); alterative, 0.1 Cc. or 1-1/2 minims (N.F.).

*Pilocarpinae Hydrochloridum (Pilocarpin. Hydrochl.), Pilocarpine Hydrochloride, U.S.P. (Pilocarpine Chloride).

Colorless, odorless crystals with a faintly bitter taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.3) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:3).

Action and Uses: Used especially to increase sweat and other secretions, also as miotic. Must be used with caution when the circulation is weak.

Dosage: By mouth 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.); hypodermic, 0.005 Gm. or 1/12 grain (U.S.P.). Best administered by hypodermic injection.

*Pilocarpinae Nitras (Pilocarpin. Nit.), Pilocarpine Nitrate, U.S.P.

Shining, odorless crystals. Freely soluble in water (1:4) and soluble in alcohol (1:75).

Action and Uses: Has no advantage over pilocarpine hydrochloride.

Dosage: By mouth, 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.); hypodermic, 0.005 Gm. or 1/12 grain (U.S.P.).

Pilocarpus (Pilocarp.), Pilocarpus, U.S.P. (Jaborandi).—Leaves, yielding 0.6 per cent. of alkaloids (chiefly pilocarpine).

Action and Uses: See Pilocarpine.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains.

Fluidextractum Pilocarpi (Fldext. Pilocarp.), Fluidextract of Pilocarpus, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Jaborandi).—Pilocarpus (100%), yielding about 0.6 per cent. of alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

PILULAE, PILLS.—Pills are dosage forms of medicinal substances intended for administration by the mouth. For the official pills see under the names of the principal ingredients. For Pilulae ad Prandium see under Aloe; for Pilulae Antidyspepticae, under Strychnina; for Pilulae Antimonii Compositae, under Antimonium Sulphuratum; for Pilulae Antiperiodicae and Pilulae Antiperiodicae sine Aloe, under Quininae Sulphas; for Pilulae Catharticae Compositae, Pilulae Catharticae Vegetabiles and Pilulae Laxativae Post Partum, under Colocynthis; for Pilulae Ferri, Quininae, Aloes et Nucis Vomicae, under Ferri Sulphas; for Pilulae Ferri, Quininae Strychninae et Arseni Fortiores and Pilulae Ferri, Quininae, Strychninae et Arseni Mites, under Ferri Reductum; for Pilulae Laxativae Compositae, under Aloinum.

Pimenta (Piment.), Pimenta, N.F. (Pimento, Allspice).—Nearly ripe fruit.

Action and Uses: Aromatic; stomachic; has no advantage over cardamom.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Pimpinella (Pimpinell.), Pimpinella, N.F. (Pimpernel Root).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Formerly used as a diuretic, diaphoretic and stomachic. Now obsolete; no definite indications for its use.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains.

Tinctura Pimpinellae (Tr. Pimpinel.), Tincture of Pimpinella, N.F.—Pimpinella (20%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Pinus Alba (Pinus Alb.), White Pine Bark, N.F.—Inner bark.

Action and Uses: Used as “expectorant” in proprietary cough syrups. Of doubtful value.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains.

Syrupus Pini Strobi Compositus (Syr. Pin. Strob. Co.), Compound Syrup of White Pine, N.F.—White pine bark and wild cherry (each 8.5%), aralia (1%), balsam poplar buds (1%), sanguinaria (0.8%), sassafras (0.7%) and chloroform (0.6%) in glycerin, alcohol and syrup, colored with cudbear and flavored with oil of sassafras. Absolute alcohol content about 12 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Syrupus Pini Strobi Compositus cum Morphina.—See under Morphinae Sulphas.

Piper (Piper), Pepper, U.S.P. (Black Pepper).

Action and Uses: Sometimes used as carminative, generally in the form of the oleoresin, which is highly irritant.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Oleoresina Piperis (Oleores. Piper.), Oleoresin of Pepper, U.S.P.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.).

*Pix Liquida (Pix Liq.), Tar, U.S.P. (Pine Tar).—Obtained by the destructive distillation of pine wood.

A semiliquid viscid blackish-brown substance, with an empyreumatic odor and taste. Slightly soluble in water; miscible with alcohol.

Action and Uses: Externally, as antiseptic and stimulant in chronic diseases of the skin associated with thickening and scaling. Internally, as irritant expectorant in subacute bronchitis.

Dosage: Internally, 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.) as syrup. Externally, in ointment, at first from 2 to 4 per cent., later in higher strength.

Glyceritum Picis Liquidae (Glycer. Pic. Liq.), Glycerite of Tar, N.F.—Tar (6.3%) in glycerin, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 12 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Liquor Picis Alkalinus (Liq. Pic. Alk.), Alkaline Solution of Tar, N.F.—Tar (25%), in potassium hydroxide (12.5%), and water.

Syrupus Picis Liquidae (Syr. Pic. Liq.), Syrup of Tar, U.S.P.—Tar (0.5%) in alcohol, mixed with syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 5 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

*Unguentum Picis Liquidae (Ung. Pic. Liq.), Tar Ointment, U.S.P.—Tar (50%), yellow wax and lard.

Vinum Picis (Vin. Pic.), Wine of Tar, N.F.—Tar (10%) in alcohol and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 29 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Pix Lithanthracis (Pix Lith.), Coal Tar, N.F. (Pix Carbonis).—Obtained by the destructive distillation of coal.

Nearly black semisolid, with a characteristic naphthalene-like odor and a sharp, burning taste. Only slightly soluble in water; partially dissolved by alcohol.

Action and Uses: Antiseptic and irritant; used in skin diseases in the form of:

Liquor Picis Carbonis (Liq. Pic. Carbon.), Coal Tar Solution, N.F.—Coal tar (20%), quillaja and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 75 per cent.

*Plumbi Acetas (Plumb. Acet.), Lead Acetate, U.S.P. (Sugar of Lead).—Pb(CH3COO)2 + 3H2O.

Colorless, shining transparent crystals or heavy white crystalline masses, efflorescent, with a faint vinegar odor and a sweetish, astringent, afterward metallic taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.4) and soluble in alcohol (1:38).

Action and Uses: Seldom used internally for fear of lead poisoning. Externally, used as astringent lotion.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

Lotio Plumbi et Opii (Lot. Plumb. et Opii), Lotion of Lead and Opium, N.F. (Lead and Opium Wash).—A mixture of lead acetate (1.75%) and tincture of opium (3.5%) in water.

Uses: A popular but irrational application, astringent and protective, but not a true anesthetic. The opium alkaloids are not absorbed to any appreciable extent through the unbroken skin.

Plumbi Carbonas (Plumb. Carb.), Lead Carbonate, N.F. (White Lead).—A mixture of lead carbonate and hydroxide.

Heavy, white, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in alcohol or water.

Action and Uses: External protective and astringent, without marked advantage over zinc oxide or the bismuth preparations, but involving some danger of lead poisoning.

Plumbi Iodidum (Plumb. Iod.), Lead Iodide, N.F.—PbI2.

Heavy, bright yellow, odorless, tasteless powder. Very slightly soluble in water (1:1,300), and in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Has been used externally in the form of an ointment for application to glandular enlargement and for chronic joint enlargement. Its use is irrational.

Unguentum Plumbi Iodidi (Ung. Plumb. Iod.), Ointment of Lead Iodide, N.F.—Lead iodide (10%), and benzoinated lard.

Plumbi Oxidum (Plumb. Oxid.), Lead Oxide, U.S.P. (Litharge).—PbO.

Heavy yellowish or reddish-yellow, odorless and tasteless powder or minute scales. Almost insoluble in water; insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used to make pharmaceutical preparations.

Emplastrum Plumbi (Emp. Plumb.), Lead Plaster, U.S.P. (Diachylon Plaster).—Lead oleate obtained by heating a mixture of lead oxide, olive oil and lard.

Uses: Used in plaster masses and as a basis for diachylon ointment.

Unguentum Diachylon (Ung. Diachyl.), Diachylon Ointment, U.S.P.—Lead plaster (50%), oil of lavender and white petrolatum.

Plumbi Oxidum Rubrum (Plumb. Oxid. Rub.), Red Oxide of Lead, N.F. (Red Lead).—Chiefly Pb3O4.

Heavy, odorless, tasteless red powder. Almost insoluble in water; insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of Plumbi Carbonas.

Plumbi Subacetas, Lead Subacetate.

Action and Uses: Astringent; used externally in the form of the following preparations:

Ceratum Plumbi Subacetatis (Cerat. Plumb. Subacet.), Cerate of Lead Subacetate, N.F. (Goulard’s Cerate).—A mixture of solution of lead subacetate (20%), camphor (2%), wool fat, white wax, and white petrolatum.

*Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis (Liq. Plumb. Subacet.), Solution of Lead Subacetate, U.S.P. (Goulard’s Extract).—Contains lead subacetate corresponding to about 18 per cent. of lead, Pb.

Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis Dilutus (Liq. Plumb. Subacet. Dil.), Diluted Solution of Lead Subacetate, U.S.P. (Lead Water).—Solution of lead subacetate (4%) with water.

*Podophyllum (Podoph.), Podophyllum, U.S.P. (Mandrake, May Apple Rhizome).—Yields not less than 3 per cent. of resin.

Action and Uses: See the resin, below.

Extractum Podophyllum (Ext. Podophyl.), Extract of Podophyllum, N.F.—A hydro-alcoholic extract.

Dosage: 0.015 Gm. or 1/4 grain (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Podophylli (Fldext. Podophyll.), Fluidextract of Podophyllum, U.S.P.—Podophyllum (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.).

*Resina Podophylli (Res. Podoph.), Resin of Podophyllum, U.S.P. (Podophyllin).—The resin from podophyllum.

Uses: Slow but effective and rather irritant cathartic.

Dosage: 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.).

Populi Gemmae (Pop. Gem.), Balsam Poplar Buds, N.F. (Balm of Gilead Buds).

Action and Uses: Similar to but without advantage over cubeb or turpentine. Used almost exclusively in proprietary medicines and imitations.

Potassae Chlorinata, Chlorinated Potassa.

Liquor Potassae Chlorinatae (Liq. Pot. Chlorinat.), Solution of Chlorinated Potassa, N.F. (Liquor Potassae Chlorate, Javelle Water).—Potassium carbonate (5.8%), chlorinated lime (8%) and water.

Action and Uses: Same as those of Liquor Sodae Chlorinatae, which see under Soda Chlorinata.

Potassa Sulphurata (Pot. Sulphurat.), Sulphurated Potassa, U.S.P. (Liver of Sulphur).—Chiefly potassium polysulphides and potassium thiosulphate.

Irregular pieces, at first liver-brown, later greenish-yellow to gray, with a strong hydrogen sulphide odor and a bitter, acrid, alkaline taste. Very soluble in water; alcohol dissolves only the sulphides. Incompatible with acids and the salts of the heavy metals.

Action and Uses: Employed as a parasiticide and to stimulate and soften the skin in chronic cutaneous diseases.

*Potassii Acetas (Pot. Acet.), Potassium Acetate, U.S.P.—KCH3COO.

White, odorless or nearly odorless powder or crystalline masses with a warming, saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:0.5) and in alcohol (1:2.9).

Action and Uses: Systemic alkali and diuretic, practically equivalent to sodium acetate. It can easily be administered in water and milk, so that there appears to be little excuse for the alcoholic elixirs.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Potassii Acetatis (Elix. Pot. Acet.), Elixir of Potassium Acetate, N.F.—Potassium acetate (8.5%), and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Elixir Potassii Acetatis et Juniperi (Elix. Pot. Acet. et Junip.), Elixir of Potassium Acetate and Juniper, N.F.—Potassium acetate (8.5%), fluidextract of juniper (12.5%) and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 23 per cent.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Potassii Arsenas, Potassium Arsenate.

Liquor Arsenicalis Clemens (Liq. Ars. Clemens), Clemens’ Solution of Arsenic, N.F. (Liquor Potassi Arsenatis et Bromidi, N.F. III, Solution of Potassium Arsenate and Bromides).—Contains potassium arsenate corresponding to about 1 per cent. of arsenic trioxide, As2O3.

Uses: A superfluous arsenic solution.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (N.F.).

Potassii Arsenis, Potassium Arsenite.

*Liquor Potassii Arsenitis (Liq. Pot. Arsen.), Solution of Potassium Arsenite, U.S.P. (Fowler’s Solution, Liquor Arsenicalis, Liquor Arsenicalis Fowleri, P.I.).—Arsenic trioxide (1%) and potassium bicarbonate (2%) in compound tincture of lavender and water. Contains potassium arsenite corresponding to 1 per cent. of As2O3.

Uses: The most frequently used inorganic arsenical preparation. It has an alkaline reaction and therefore tends to precipitate alkaloids.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

*Potassii Bicarbonas (Pot. Bicarb.), Potassium Bicarbonate, U.S.P.—KHCO3.

Colorless, transparent crystals or white, granular powder, odorless and having a saline, slightly alkaline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:2.8) and almost insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Mild alkali; similar to sodium bicarbonate, but without advantage over the latter.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Liquor Antisepticus Alkalinus (Liq. Antisept. Alk.), Alkaline Antiseptic Solution, N.F.—Potassium bicarbonate (3.2%), sodium borate (3.2%) and sodium benzoate (0.8%) with thymol, eucalyptol, oil of peppermint, methyl salicylate and cudbear in alcohol, glycerin and water.

Uses: Of slight value as antiseptic, but a pleasant cleansing gargle.

*Potassi Bitartras (Pot. Bitart.), Potassium Bitartrate, U.S.P. (Cream of Tartar).

Colorless, slightly opaque crystals or white, somewhat gritty powder, odorless and having an acidulous taste. Only slightly soluble in water (1:155) and very slightly soluble in alcohol (1:8,820).

Action and Uses: Diuretic and aperient. Frequently administered in combination with jalap as a hydragogue cathartic. See Pulvis Jalapae Compositus under Jalapa.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

*Potassii Bromidum (Pot. Brom.), Potassium Bromide, U.S.P.—KBr.

White crystals or granular powder, odorless and having a strongly saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.5); slightly soluble in alcohol (1:250).

Action and Uses: Nerve sedative; diminishes reflex excitability and depresses the motor area of the cortex. Similar to sodium bromide, but more likely to disturb digestion.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.); preferably administered by itself in simple dilute solutions; increased if necessary. Long-continued administration should be interrupted occasionally to prevent bromism and accumulation in the system.

Elixir Potassii Bromidi (Elix. Pot. Brom.), Elixir of Potassium Bromide, N.F.—Potassium bromide (17.5%) in syrup, water and aromatic elixir; may be colored with compound tincture of cudbear. Absolute alcohol content about 7.5 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Sal Potassii Bromidi Effervescens (Sal Pot. Brom. Eff.), Effervescent Salt of Potassium Bromide, N.F. (Pulvis Potassii Bromidi Effervescens, N.F. III).—Potassium bromide (16.6%), sodium bicarbonate (53%), tartaric acid (20.4%) and citric acid, the last-named three yielding sodium citrate and sodium carbonate.

Dosage: 6 Gm. or 1-1/2 drachms.

Sal Potassii Bromidi Effervescens Compositus (Sal Pot. Brom. Eff. Co.), Compound Effervescent Salt of Potassium Bromide, N.F. (Pulvis Potassii Bromidi Effervescens cum Caffeina, N.F. III, Effervescent Potassium Bromide with Caffeine).—Caffeine (0.8%) and potassium bromide (8.3%) in a mixture of sodium bicarbonate (58.7%), lithium carbonate (4.2%), tartaric acid (18%) and citric acid. (Yielding citrate and tartrate of lithium and sodium.)

Uses: “Headache” mixture; generally undesirable.

Dosage: 6 Gm. or 1-1/2 drachms (N.F.).

Syrupus Bromidorum (Syr. Bromidor.), Syrup of the Bromides, N.F.—Potassium bromide and sodium bromide (each 8%), ammonium bromide (5%), calcium bromide (2.5%), lithium bromide (0.8%) flavored with tincture of vanilla and colored with compound tincture of cudbear in compound syrup of sarsaparilla and syrup.

Uses: It is very improbable that this complex mixture has any advantage over a simple bromide.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Potassii Carbonas (Pot. Carb.), Potassium Carbonate, U.S.P.—K2CO3. (A hydrated form is sold as salt of tartar).

White, odorless, deliquescent granular powder with a strongly alkaline taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.9), but insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Strongly alkaline and caustic; very dilute solutions sometimes used as antacid.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

*Potassii Chloras (Pot. Chloras), Potassium Chlorate, U.S.P.—KClO3.

Colorless, lustrous crystals or white, granular powder, odorless and having a saline taste. Soluble in water (1:11.5) and almost insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used as mouthwash and gargles in stomatitis, etc. Large doses are actively poisonous, causing disintegration of the blood corpuscles. Has been used in the form of gargle and troches for sore throat (swallowing the latter may be dangerous).

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Trochisci Potassii Chloratis (Troch. Pot. Chlorat.), Troches of Potassium Chlorate, U.S.P.—Each troche contains potassium chlorate (0.15 Gm. or 2-1/2 grains) with sugar and tragacanth.

Potassii Chloridum (Pot. Chlorid.), Potassium Chloride, N.F.—KCl.

Colorless crystals or white powder, odorless and having a saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:2.8) and insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Has been recommended for use as table salt in place of sodium chloride, in cases in which the absorption of salt was thought to be undesirable. Its value is not established.

*Potassii Citras (Pot. Cit.), Potassium Citrate, U.S.P.

Transparent crystals or white, granular powder; odorless and having a cooling saline taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.6) and almost insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Systemic alkali and diuretic like potassium acetate, but more laxative.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

*Potassii Citras Effervescens (Pot. Cit. Eff.), Effervescent Potassium Citrate, U.S.P.—An effervescent mixture representing potassium citrate (20%), sodium citrate (27.55%) and sodium tartrate (38.7%).

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

Liquor Potassii Citratis (Liq. Pot. Cit.), Solution of Potassium Citrate, U.S.P.—Potassium citrate (8%) in water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

*Potassii et Sodii Tartras (Pot. et Sod. Tart.), Potassium and Sodium Tartrate, U.S.P. (Rochelle Salt).

Transparent crystals or white powder, odorless and having a cooling, saline taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.9).

Action and Uses: Saline cathartic, of relatively unobjectionable taste.

Dosage: 10 Gm. or 2-1/2 drachms (U.S.P.) in water.

*Pulvis Effervescens Compositus (Pulv. Eff. Co.), Compound Effervescing Powder, U.S.P. (Seidlitz Powder).—The blue paper contains sodium bicarbonate (2.5 Gm.) and potassium and sodium tartrate (7.5 Gm.). The white paper contains tartaric acid (2.16 Gm.).

Dosage: 1 set of two powders (U.S.P.).

*Potassii Hydroxidum (Pot. Hydrox.), Potassium Hydroxide, U.S.P. (Caustic Potash, Potassium Hydrate).—KOH (not less than 85%).

Dry white or nearly white, odorless, deliquescent, hard and brittle flakes, masses or sticks. Very soluble in water (1:0.9) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:3).

Action and Uses: Internally, an antacid, but objectionable for it is more irritant than the bicarbonate and without advantage over the latter. Externally, caustic and solvent, but too diffluent.

*Liquor Potassii Hydroxidi (Liq. Pot. Hydrox.), Solution of Potassium Hydroxide, U.S.P. (Liquor Potassae, Solution of Potassa).—KOH (not less than 4.5%).

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Potassa cum Calce (Pot. c. Calc.), Potassa with Lime, N.F.—Potassium hydroxide (50%) and calcium oxide.

Uses: Caustic.

Potassii Hypophosphis (Pot. Hypophos.), Potassium Hypophosphite, U.S.P.—KH2PO2. (Caution should be observed in handling this product to avoid explosion.)

White, opaque deliquescent plates, crystalline masses or granular powder, odorless and having a pungent, saline taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.6) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:9).

Action and Uses: Introduced in common with other hypophosphites as a cure for tuberculosis; since used as “nerve-foods.” There is no proof that the hypophosphites exert any physiologic effect, influence any pathologic process, or have any food value.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

*Potassii Iodidum (Pot. Iod.), Potassium Iodide, U.S.P.—KI.

Transparent, translucent or opaque crystals or white granular powder, with a pungent, saline, afterward bitter taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.7) and soluble in alcohol (1:22). Incompatible with mineral acids and oxidizing agents and should not be prescribed in solution with alkaloids or alkaloid-containing drugs.

Action and Uses: Saline expectorant, especially in asthma and chronic bronchitis; diuretic; antisyphilitic; “alterative” in rheumatic conditions, sclerosis, etc.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.); best administered in simple solution and well diluted; in lues the dose should be gradually increased to the limit of tolerance.

Unguentum Potassii Iodidi (Ung. Pot. Iod.), Ointment of Potassium Iodide, N.F.—Potassium iodide (10%), sodium thiosulphate (1%), water and benzoinated lard.

Uses: An irrational method of administering potassium iodide, as none of the drug is absorbed through the skin.

Potassi Nitras (Pot. Nitras), Potassium Nitrate, U.S.P. (Saltpetre).—KNO3.

Transparent crystals or white powder, odorless and having a cooling saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:2.8) and slightly soluble in alcohol (1:620).

Action and Uses: Diuretic, irritant to kidneys and intestines; has largely gone out of use.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Charta Potassii Nitratis (Chart. Pot. Nit.), Potassium Nitrate Paper, N.F.—Paper impregnated with potassium nitrate.

Uses: The smoke is inhaled in asthma, but is not very effective.

*Potassii Permanganas (Pot. Permang.), Potassium Permanganate, U.S.P.—KMnO4.

Slender, dark purple odorless crystals, with a taste (in solution) at first sweet, afterward disagreeable and astringent. Soluble in water (1:13.5), forming violet-red to rose-colored solutions which stain the fingers and clothes. Decomposed by alcohol and glycerin. Should not be brought into contact with organic or other readily oxidizable substances.

Action and Uses: Effective deodorant, disinfectant and astringent. Internally as emmenagogue, probably useless.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.), usually in pills. For application to the skin, 1:500 solution.

Potassii Sulphas (Pot. Sulph.), Potassium Sulphate, N.F.—K2SO4.

Colorless crystals or white powder, odorless and having a saline, somewhat bitter taste. Freely soluble in water (1:10) and insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Saline purgative closely resembling sodium sulphate in its action, but without advantage over the latter.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Prunum (Prunum), Prune, N.F.

Action and Uses: One of the ingredients in confection of senna but seldom used in medicine apart from this.

*Prunus Virginiana (Prun. Virg.), Wild Cherry, U.S.P. (Wild Black Cherry Bark).

Action and Uses: Sedative expectorant, mainly used as flavor.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Pruni Virginianae (Fldext. Prun. Virg.), Fluidextract of Wild Cherry, N.F.—Wild cherry (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Infusum Pruni Virginianae (Inf. Prun. Virg.), Infusion of Wild Cherry, N.F.—Wild cherry (4%), in glycerin and water.

Dosage: 60 Cc. or 2 fluidounces (N.F.).

*Syrupus Pruni Virginianae (Syr. Prun. Virg.), Syrup of Wild Cherry, U.S.P.—Wild cherry bark (15%), in glycerin and syrup.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Vinum Pruni Virginianae (Vin. Prun. Virg.), Wine of Wild Cherry, N.F.—Wild cherry (25%) in water, alcohol, sugar and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 23 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Vinum Pruni Virginianae Ferratum (Vin. Prun. Virg. Ferr.), Ferrated Wine of Wild Cherry, N.F.—Tincture of ferric citrochloride (8%) in wine of wild cherry. Absolute alcohol content about 21 per cent.

Uses: Superfluous “tonic.”

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Pulsatilla (Pulsatil.), Pulsatilla, N.F. (Pasque Flower, Meadow Anemone).—The plant.

Action and Uses: Has been recommended as an alterative, sedative and antispasmodic. Has been used in syphilis with undoubted harmful results because of its inefficiency. Its use is fortunately decreasing.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (N.F.).

Tinctura Pulsatillae (Tr. Pulsatil.), Tincture of Pulsatilla, N.F.—Pulsatilla (10%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

PULVERES, POWDERS.—The official powders are mixtures of several substances in powdered form. For the preparations now official see under the names of the principal constituents. For Pulvis Antimonialis, see under Antimonii Oxidum; for Pulvis Antisepticus, see under Zinci Sulphas; for Pulvis Aromaticus and Pulvis Cretae Aromaticus, under Cinnamomum Saigonicum; for Pulvis Aromaticus Rubefaciens, under Caryophyllus; Pulvis Cretae Aromaticus et Opii, under Opium; for Pulvis Effervescens Compositus, under Potassii et Sodii Tartras; for Pulvis Glycyrrhizae Compositus, under Senna; for Pulvis Ipecacuanhae et Opii, under Opium, and for Pulvis Talci Compositus, under Acidum Salicylicum.

Pumex (Pumex), Pumice, N.F.—Consists chiefly of complex silicates of volcanic origin.

Action and Uses: Used as an abrasive material, and in pharmacy as an absorbent.

Pyrethrum (Pyreth.), Pyrethrum, U.S.P. (Pellitory Root).

Action and Uses: Obsolete, irritant sialagogue and local irritant.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Pyrethri (Tr. Pyreth.), Tincture of Pyrethrum, U.S.P. (Tincture of Pellitory).—Pyrethrum (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

Uses: External.

Pyrogallol (Pyrogall.), Pyrogallol, U.S.P. (Pyrogallic Acid).—Trihydroxybenzene.

Light, white or nearly white, odorless, bitter laminae, fine needles or powder. Freely soluble in water (1:1.7) and in alcohol (1:1.3).

Action and Uses: Irritant antiseptic in chronic skin diseases. Internally highly toxic.

Dosage: 5 per cent. ointment.

Pyroxylinum (Pyroxylin.), Pyroxylin, U.S.P. (Soluble Gun Cotton).—Chiefly cellulose tetranitrate.

A yellowish-white matted mass of filaments, resembling raw cotton in appearance; very inflammable. Slowly but completely soluble in a mixture of three volumes of ether and one volume of alcohol. Also soluble in acetone and in glacial acetic acid. Practically insoluble in alcohol or water.

Action and Uses: Basis for collodions.

*Collodium (Collod.), Collodion, U.S.P.—Pyroxylin (4%) in a mixture of ether and alcohol.

Uses: Used to form a protective film and as a vehicle for external applications.

*Collodium Flexile (Collod. Flex.), Flexible Collodion, U.S.P.—A mixture of collodion (95%) with camphor (2%) and castor oil (3%).

Uses: More pliable than collodion and does not contract as much in drying.

Quassia (Quass.), Quassia, U.S.P. (Bitter Wood).

Action and Uses: Simple bitter stomachic (more disagreeable than gentian); an infusion is also used as enema in the treatment of pinworms.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Extractum Quassiae (Ext. Quas.), Extract of Quassia, N.F. (Powdered Extract of Quassia).—An aqueous extract diluted with starch, 1 Gm. representing 10 Gm. of quassia.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Quassiae (Fldext. Quass.), Fluidextract of Quassia, N.F.—Quassia (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 25 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (N.F.).

Tinctura Quassiae (Tr. Quas.), Tincture of Quassia, U.S.P.—Quassia (20%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 30 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Quercus (Querc.), Quercus, N.F. (White Oak Bark).

Action and Uses: Tannin-bearing astringent, without advantage over krameria, etc.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Quercus (Fldext. Querc.), Fluidextract of Quercus, N.F.—Quercus (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Quillaja (Quillaja), Quillaja, N.F. (Soap-tree Bark).

Action and Uses: Contains saponin and has been recommended as an expectorant. Similar to, but without advantage over senega. Has been used as a detergent and as an emulsifying agent; in the latter use is objectionable.

Tinctura Quillajae (Tr. Quillaj.), Tincture of Quillaja, N.F.—Quillaja (20%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 30 per cent.

Quinidina (Quinid.), Quinidine, N.F.—An alkaloid isomeric with quinine.

White, odorless crystals or powder, with an intense and persistent bitter taste.

Action and Uses: At one time recommended as a cheap substitute for quinine. Inferior and obsolete.

Dosage: Tonic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (N.F.); antimalarial, 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.) daily.

Syrupus Quinidinae (Syr. Quinid.), Syrup of Quinidine, N.F. (Bitterless Syrup of Quinidine).—Quinidine (3.3%) and oil of orange in syrup.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Quinina (Quin.), Quinine, U.S.P.—Obtained from cinchona bark.

White, odorless, intensely bitter powder. Very slightly soluble in water (1:1560), and very soluble in alcohol (1:0.8).

Action and Uses: Bitter tonic, analgesic and antipyretic; specific against malaria. Contraindicated in ear diseases. Idiosyncrasies are common.

The official quinine salts are more numerous than is necessary. Those that are starred would meet every indication.

Dosage: Tonic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.); antimalarial, at least 1 Gm. or 15 grains daily (U.S.P.).

Oleatum Quininae (Oleat. Quin.), Oleate of Quinine, N.F.—Quinine (25%) in oleic acid.

*Quininae Bisulphas (Quin. Bisulph.), Quinine Bisulphate, U.S.P.—Quinine acid sulphate.

Transparent or whitish, odorless, very bitter crystals. Freely soluble in water (1:9) and soluble in alcohol (1:23).

Action and Uses: Similar to, and without advantage over, Quininae Dihydrochloridum.

Dosage: Tonic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.); antimalarial, at least 1 Gm. or 15 grains daily (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Antiperiodica (Tr. Antiperiod.), Antiperiodic Tincture, N.F. (Warburg’s Tincture).—Quinine bisulphate (2%), extract of aloes (1.75%), rhubarb (0.8%), angelica fruit, elecampane, saffron, fennel, gentian, zedoary, cubeb, myrrh, camphor, agaric, pepper, Saigon cinnamon and Jamaica ginger in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Uses: Antiquated, complex and irrational quinine mixture.

Dosage: From 4 to 15 Cc. or 1 to 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Tinctura Antiperiodica sine Aloe (Tr. Antiperiod. s. Aloe), Antiperiodic Tincture without Aloes, N.F. (Warburg’s Tincture without Aloes).—The same as the preceding (Tinctura Antiperiodica) with the omission of extract of aloes.

Uses and Dosage: See Tinctura Antiperiodica.

Quininae Dihydrochloridum (Quin. Dihydrochl.), Quinine Dihydrochloride, U.S.P.

White, odorless, very bitter powder. Very soluble in water (1:0.6), and soluble in alcohol (1:12).

Action and Uses: Used where concentrated solutions of quinine are wanted, as for subcutaneous injections, etc.

Dosage: Tonic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.); antimalarial, at least 1 Gm. or 15 grains daily (U.S.P.).

*Quininae et Ureae Hydrochloridum (Quin. et Urea. Hydrochl.), Quinine and Urea Hydrochloride, U.S.P. (Quinine and Urea Chloride).—A double salt of quinine and urea.

Colorless, translucent crystals or white, granular powder, odorless and having a very bitter taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.9) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:2.4).

Action and Uses: Much less irritating than ordinary quinine salts and therefore suited for hypodermic injections, in malaria or as local anesthetic.

Dosage: Hypodermic, one dose daily, 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.). For local anesthesia (hypodermic) solution of from 0.25 to 1 per cent.; (applied to mucous membranes), solutions of from 10 to 20 per cent.

Quininae Glycerophosphas (Quin. Glycerophos.), Quinine Glycerophosphate, N.F. (Quinine Glycerinophosphate).

Fine, white, odorless crystals or powder, with a very bitter taste.

Action and Uses: Expensive and superfluous quinine salt.

Dosage: Tonic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (N.F.); antimalarial, 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Quininae Hydrobromidum (Quin. Hydrobr.), Quinine Hydrobromide, U.S.P. (Quinine Bromide).

Light, white, odorless, very bitter silky needles. Soluble in water (1:40), and very soluble in alcohol (1:0.9).

Action and Uses: Superfluous; see Quininae Hydrochloridum.

Dosage: Tonic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.); antimalarial, at least 1 Gm. or 15 grains, daily (U.S.P.).

*Quininae Hydrochloridum (Quin. Hydrochl.), Quinine Hydrochloride, U.S.P. (Quinine Chloride).

White, odorless, very bitter, silky needles. Soluble in water (1:18) and very soluble in alcohol (1:0.8).

Action and Uses: Has the action of other quinine salts; frequently preferred to the sulphate, because neutral and more soluble.

Dosage: Tonic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.); antimalarial, at least 1 Gm. or 15 grains daily (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Phosphatum cum Quinina et Strychnina (Syr. Phosphat. c. Quin. et Strych.), Syrup of Phosphates with Quinine and Strychnine, N.F. (Syrupus Hydrochlorophosphatum, N.F. III, Compound Syrup of Hydrochlorophosphates).—Quinine hydrochloride (0.44%), strychnine nitrate (0.014%), compound solution of phosphates (50%) in glycerin and syrup.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Quininae Hypophosphis (Quin. Hypophos.), Quinine Hypophosphite, N.F.

Fine, white, odorless crystals, with a very bitter taste.

Action and Uses: Superfluous quinine salt.

Dosage: Tonic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (N.F.); antimalarial, 1 Gm. or 15 grains daily (N.F.).

Quininae Salicylas (Quin. Salicyl.), Quinine Salicylate, U.S.P.

Colorless (often becoming pinkish), odorless, bitter needles. Soluble in alcohol (1:14) and in glycerin (1:13). Only slightly soluble in water.

Action and Uses: Superfluous; see Quininae Hydrochloridum. The quantity of salicylate in a dose is usually too small to be effective.

Dosage: Tonic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.); antimalarial, at least 1 Gm. or 15 grains daily (U.S.P.).

*Quininae Sulphas (Quin. Sulph.), Quinine Sulphate, U.S.P.

White, odorless, very bitter, efflorescent crystals. Slightly soluble in water (1:725) and in alcohol (1:107).

Action and Uses: The most commonly used quinine salt but inferior to the hydrochloride, the dihydrochloride and quinine and urea hydrochloride where a soluble salt is desired, and to the alkaloid or the tannate where an insoluble one is needed.

Dosage: Tonic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.); antimalarial, at least 1 Gm. or 15 grains daily (U.S.P.).

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum (Elix. Cinchon. Alk.), Elixir of Cinchona Alkaloids, N.F. (Elixir Cinchonae, N.F. III, Elixir Calisaya, Alkaloidal).—Quinine sulphate (0.2%), cinchonidine sulphate (0.1%), cinchonine sulphate (0.1%), compound tincture of cudbear and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 21 per cent.

Uses: Imitation of cinchona, minus the tannin. No advantage over quinine.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum et Hypophosphitum (Elix. Cinchon. et Hypophos.), Elixir of Cinchona Alkaloids and Hypophosphites, N.F. (Elixir Cinchonae et Hypophosphitum, N.F. III, Elixir of Calisaya, Alkaloidal, with Hypophosphites).—Calcium hypophosphite and sodium hypophosphite (each 1.75%), elixir of cinchona alkaloids (about 85%), hypophosphorous acid and water. Absolute alcohol content about 18 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Calcii Lactophosphatis.—See under Calcii Lactophosphas.

Pilulae Antiperiodicae (Pil. Antiperiod.), Antiperiodic Pills, N.F. (Warburg’s Pills).—Each pill contains quinine sulphate (0.09 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains), extract of aloes (0.065 Gm. or 1 grain) and rhubarb (0.032 Gm. or 1/2 grain) with angelica fruit, elecampane, saffron, fennel, zedoary, cubeb, myrrh, agaric, camphor and extract of gentian.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Antiperiodicae sine Aloe (Pil. Antiperiod. s. Aloe), Antiperiodic Pills without Aloes, N.F. (Warburg’s Pills without Aloes).—Each pill contains quinine sulphate (0.09 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains), rhubarb (0.032 Gm. or 1/2 grain) with angelica fruit, elecampane, saffron, fennel, zedoary, cubeb, myrrh, agaric, camphor and extract of gentian.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

*Quininae Tannas (Quin. Tann.), Quinine Tannate, U.S.P.

Pale yellow, or yellowish-white, odorless and tasteless, or nearly tasteless powder. Only very slightly soluble in water. Somewhat more soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used where comparatively tasteless preparations are wanted.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (U.S.P.); sometimes administered with chocolate or sugar.

Trochisci Quininae Tannatis (Troch. Quin. Tan.), Troches of Quinine Tannate, N.F.—Each troche contains quinine tannate (0.06 Gm. or 1 grain) with tragacanth, oil of theobroma, cocoa, sugar and sodium benzosulphinide.

Dosage: 1 troche (N.F.).

Quininae Valeras (Quin. Valer.), Quinine Valerate, N.F.

White, lustrous crystals, with a valerian-like odor and an intensely bitter taste.

Action and Uses: Those of quinine and valerates, but disagreeable and superfluous.

Dosage: Tonic, 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (N.F.); antimalarial, 1 Gm. or 15 grains daily (N.F.).

Elixir Quininae Valeratis et Strychninae (Elix. Quin. Valer. et Strych.), Elixir of Quinine Valerate and Strychnine, N.F. (Elixir Quininae Valerianatis et Strychninae, N.F. III).—Quinine valerate (1.75%), strychnine sulphate (0.0175%), compound tincture of cudbear, distilled water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 22 per cent.

Uses: Irrational “tonic” mixture.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Renninum (Rennin.), Rennin, N.F.—Milk-curdling enzyme from the stomach of the calf.

Grayish-white or yellowish-white powder or yellowish grains or scales, with a characteristic, slightly saline taste and a peculiar odor. Slowly soluble in water and in diluted alcohol.

Action and Uses: For making wheys and junkets.

Resina (Resin.), Rosin, U.S.P. (Colophony).—The residue left after distilling the volatile oil from turpentine (the oleoresin).

Action and Uses: Used in the preparation of ointments and plasters. Rubefacient.

Ceratum Resinae (Cerat. Res.), Rosin Cerate, U.S.P. (Basilicon Ointment).—Rosin, yellow wax and lard.

Ceratum Resinae Compositum (Cerat. Resin. Co.), Compound Rosin Cerate, N.F. (Deshler’s Salve).—Rosin, yellow wax, prepared suet, turpentine and linseed oil.

Emplastrum Elasticum (Emp. Elast.), Rubber Plaster, U.S.P. (Rubber Adhesive Plaster).—A mixture of rubber, resins, and waxes, with a filler of an absorbent powder.

Emplastrum Resinae (Emp. Res.), Rosin Plaster, U.S.P. (Rosin Adhesive Plaster, Adhesive Plaster).—Rosin, lead plaster and yellow wax.

RESINAE, RESINS.—Resins are the residues obtained by distilling the volatile oil from oleoresins or the precipitates obtained from solutions of resins in alcohol by the addition of water. For the official resins see under the names of the principal constituents.

*Resorcinol (Resorcin.), Resorcinol, U.S.P. (Resorcin).—Metadihydroxybenzene.

Colorless or nearly colorless crystals or powder with a faint, peculiar odor and a taste at first sweetish, afterward bitter. Very soluble in water (1:0.9) and in alcohol (1:0.9).

Action and Uses: Irritant, antiseptic; used internally in gastric fermentation; externally in skin diseases.

Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (U.S.P.).

Pasta Resorcinolis Fortis (Past. Resorcin. Fort.), Strong Resorcinol Paste, N.F. (Lassar’s Stronger Resorcinol Paste).—Resorcinol (20%), zinc oxide (20%), starch and light liquid petrolatum.

Pasta Resorcinolis Mitis (Past. Resorcin. Mit.), Mild Resorcinol Paste, N.F. (Lassar’s Mild Resorcinol Paste).—Resorcinol (10%), zinc oxide (25%), starch and liquid petrolatum.

Unguentum Resorcinolis Compositus (Ung. Resorcin. Co.), Compound Resorcinol Ointment, N.F.—Resorcinol, zinc oxide, bismuth subnitrate and rectified oil of birch tar (each 6%), in yellow wax, petrolatum, anhydrous wool fat and glycerin.

Uses: Complex antiseptic ointment.

Rhamnus Cathartica (Rhamn. Cath.), Rhamnus Cathartica, N.F. (Buckthorn Berries, Baccae Spinae Cervinae).—Ripe fruit.

Action and Uses: Superfluous hydragogue cathartic.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Rhamni Catharticae (Fldext. Rham. Cathart.), Fluidextract of Rhamnus Cathartica, N.F.—Rhamnus cathartica (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Syrupus Rhamni Catharticae (Syr. Rham. Cathart.), Syrup of Rhamnus Cathartica, N.F. (Syrup of Buckthorn Berries, Syrupus Spinae Cervinae).—Fluidextract of rhamnus cathartica (20%), oil of fennel and oil of cinnamon, in syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 8 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

*Rheum (Rheum), Rhubarb, U.S.P.—Rhizome and root.

Action and Uses: Efficient and pleasant laxative, its action resembling cascara. It is, however, also somewhat astringent. Used especially in the form of aromatic tincture and aromatic syrup.

The official preparations of rhubarb are needlessly numerous, those that are starred being quite sufficient. Many of the official mixtures and pills are unnecessarily complex.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

*Extractum Rhei (Ext. Rhei), Extract of Rhubarb, U.S.P. (Powdered Extract of Rhubarb).—One Gm. extract represents 2 Gm. rhubarb.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Rhei (Fldext. Rhei), Fluidextract of Rhubarb, U.S.P.—Rhubarb (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Fluidglyceratum Rhei (Fldglycer. Rhei), Fluidglycerate of Rhubarb, N.F.—Rhubarb (100%) in water and glycerin.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Mistura Rhei Alkalina (Mist. Rhei Alk.), Alkaline Mixture of Rhubarb, N.F. (Syrupus Rhei et Potassii Compositus, N.F. III, Neutralizing Cordial).—Fluidextract of rhubarb (1.6%), fluidextract of hydrastis (0.8%), and potassium carbonate (1.6%) with tincture of cinnamon, spirit of peppermint in syrup and diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 37 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Mistura Rhei Composita (Mist. Rhei Co.), Compound Mixture of Rhubarb, N.F. (Mistura Rhei et Sodae, U.S.P. VIII, Mixture of Rhubarb and Soda).—Fluidextract of rhubarb (1.5%), fluidextract of ipecac (0.3%), sodium bicarbonate (3.5%), glycerin and spirit of peppermint in water. Absolute alcohol content about 4 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm.

Pilulae Rhei (Pil. Rhei), Pills of Rhubarb, N.F.—Each pill contains rhubarb (0.2 Gm. or 3 grains) with soap.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Pilulae Rhei Compositae (Pil. Rhei Co.), Compound Pills of Rhubarb, U.S.P.—Each pill contains rhubarb (0.13 Gm. or 2 grains) and aloes (0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains) with myrrh and oil of peppermint.

Dosage: 2 pills (U.S.P.).

Pulvis Rhei Compositus (Pulv. Rhei Co.), Compound Powder of Rhubarb, U.S.P. (Gregory’s Powder).—Rhubarb (25%), Jamaica ginger (10%) and magnesium oxide.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Pulvis Rhei et Magnesiae Anisatus (Pulv. Rhei et Magnes. Anis.), Anisated Powder of Rhubarb and Magnesia, N.F. (Compound Anise Powder).—Rhubarb (35%), anethol and heavy magnesium oxide.

Uses: Mild cathartic.

Dosage: For infants, 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (N.F.).

Syrupus Rhei (Syr. Rhei), Syrup of Rhubarb, U.S.P.—Fluidextract of rhubarb (10%), spirit of cinnamon and potassium carbonate in water and syrup.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

*Syrupus Rhei Aromaticus (Syr. Rhei Arom.), Aromatic Syrup of Rhubarb, U.S.P. (Spiced Syrup of Rhubarb).—Aromatic tincture of rhubarb (15%) and potassium carbonate in syrup.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Rhei (Tr. Rhei), Tincture of Rhubarb, U.S.P.—Rhubarb (20%) and cardamom seed, in glycerin, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 46 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Rhei Aquosa (Tr. Rhei. Aq.), Aqueous Tincture of Rhubarb, N.F.—Rhubarb (10%) and potassium carbonate in cinnamon water, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 10 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Tinctura Rhei Aromatica (Tr. Rhei Arom.), Aromatic Tincture of Rhubarb, U.S.P.—Rhubarb (20%), Saigon cinnamon, clove and nutmeg in glycerin, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 46 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Rhei Dulcis (Tr. Rhei Dulc.), Sweet Tincture of Rhubarb, N.F.—Rhubarb (10%), glycyrrhiza, anise and cardamom seed in glycerin, diluted alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 45 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Tinctura Rhei et Gentianae (Tr. Rhei et Gent.), Tincture of Rhubarb and Gentian, N.F.—Rhubarb (7%) and gentian (1.75%) in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 45 per cent.

Uses: Stomachic and laxative.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Vinum Rhei Compositum (Vin. Rhei Co.), Compound Wine of Rhubarb, N.F. (Tinctura Rhei Vinosa, N.F. III).—Fluidextract of rhubarb (8%), fluidextract of bitter orange peel, tincture of cardamom in sugar and sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 25 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Rhus Glabra (Rhus Glab.), Rhus Glabra, N.F. (Sumac Berries).

Action and Uses: Tannin-bearing astringent; without advantage over krameria, etc.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Rhois Glabrae (Fldext. Rhois Glab.), Fluidextract of Rhus Glabra, N.F.—Rhus glabra (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

*Rosa, Rose (Cabbage Rose, Rosa centifolia).

Action and Uses: The preparations are used for flavoring.

*Aqua Rosae (Aq. Ros.), Rose Water, U.S.P.—A mixture of stronger rose water with distilled water.

Aqua Rosae Fortior (Aq. Ros. Fort.), Stronger Rose Water, U.S.P.—Prepared by distilling fresh cabbage roses with water.

Confectio Rosae (Confect. Ros.), Confection of Rose, N.F.—Red rose, sugar, clarified honey and stronger rose water.

Unguentum Aquae Rosae (Ung. Aq. Ros.), Ointment of Rose Water, U.S.P. (Cold Cream).—Sodium borate (0.5%), spermaceti, white wax, expressed oil of almond, and stronger rose water.

Uses: Emollient.

Rosa Gallica (Rosa Gall.), Red Rose, U.S.P.—Petals.

Action and Uses: Mildly astringent but used chiefly as a flavoring agent in the confection of rose; antiquated.

Fluidextractum Rosae (Fldext. Rosae), Fluidextract of Rose, U.S.P.—Red rose (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Infusum Rosae Compositum (Inf. Ros. Co.), Compound Infusion of Rose, N.F.—Red rose (1.3%) with diluted sulphuric acid and sugar in water.

Dosage: 100 Cc. or 3 fluidounces (N.F.).

Syrupus Rosae (Syr. Ros.), Syrup of Rose, N.F.—Fluidextract of rose and diluted sulphuric acid in syrup.

Rubi Fructus (Rubi Fructus), Blackberries, N.F.

Action and Uses: Flavor.

Cordiale Rubi Fructus (Cord. Rubi Fruct.), Blackberry Cordial, N.F.—Blackberry syrup (about 75%) and diluted alcohol (about 25%), with cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Absolute alcohol content about 12 per cent.

Uses: Used as carminative in summer diarrhea. Not very efficient.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Syrupus Rubi Fructi (Syr. Rubi Fruct.), Syrup of Blackberry Fruit, N.F.—Juice of ripe blackberries in sugar.

Uses: Flavoring vehicle.

Rubi Idaei Fructus (Rubi Idaei Fructus), Raspberries, N.F.

Action and Uses: Flavoring.

Syrupus Rubi Idaei (Syr. Rubi Id.), Syrup of Raspberry, N.F.—Juice of ripe raspberries in sugar.

Rubus (Rubus), Rubus, N.F. (Blackberry Bark).—Bark of the rhizome.

Action and Uses: Tannin-bearing astringent without advantage over krameria, etc.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Elixir Rubi Compositum (Elix. Rubi Co.), Compound Elixir of Blackberry, N.F.—Rubus (1.6%), nutgall (1.6%), Saigon cinnamon, clove, mace, ginger, syrup of blackberry and diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 10 per cent.

Uses: Used in “summer complaint.”

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Rubi (Fldext. Rubi), Fluidextract of Rubus, N.F.—Rubus (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Syrupus Rubi (Syr. Rubi), Syrup of Rubus, N.F.—Fluidextract of rubus (25%) in syrup.

Uses: Intestinal astringent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Rumex (Rumex), Rumex, N.F. (Yellow Dock, Curled Dock).—Roots.

Action and Uses: Obsolete, unreliable and generally worthless “alterative and tonic”; mildly laxative.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Rumicis (Fldext. Rumic.), Fluidextract of Rumex, N.F.—Rumex (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Sabal (Sabal), Sabal, U.S.P. (Saw Palmetto Berries).—The partially dried ripe fruit.

Action and Uses: Widely exploited as a stimulant of the mucous membrane of the genito-urinary tract. Probably inferior to santal oil.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Sabal (Fldext. Sabal), Fluidextract of Sabal, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Saw Palmetto).—Sabal (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Sabal et Santali (Tr. Sabal et Santal.), Tincture of Saw Palmetto and Santal, N.F.—Sabal (20%) and sandalwood (6.5%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 75 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Saccharum (Sacch.), Sugar, U.S.P. (Sucrose).—Obtained from the sugar-cane, the sugar-beet, etc.

White, odorless crystals or powder with a sweet taste.

Action and Uses: Sweetening agent in official syrups and other preparations.

*Syrupus (Syrupus), Syrup, U.S.P. (Sirup, Simple Syrup).—Sugar (85%) in water.

*Saccharum Lactis (Sacch. Lact.), Sugar of Milk, U.S.P. (Milk Sugar, Lactose).—Obtained from the whey of cow’s milk.

White, hard, odorless crystalline masses or powder, with a faintly sweet taste.

Action and Uses: Less sweet than cane sugar and less liable to ferment; slightly laxative and diuretic; frequently used to modify cow’s milk in the feeding of infants.

SALES EFFERVESCENTES, GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT SALTS.—Effervescent salts are mixtures of active constituents with sodium bicarbonate, citric acid and tartaric acid. They are usually directed to be produced and dispensed in coarse granules. Their advantage over other methods of administering active ingredients is rather doubtful. For effervescent salts included in the Pharmacopeia and in the National Formulary, see under the names of the active ingredients. For Sal Carolinum Factitium and Sal Carolinum Factitium Effervescens, see under Sodii Sulphas; for Sal Kissingense Factitium and Sal Kissingense Factitium Effervescens, see under Sodii Chloridum; for Sal Vichyanum Factitium, Sal Vichyanum Factitium Effervescens and Sal Vichyanum Factitium Effervescens cum Lithio, see under Sodii Bicarbonas.

Salicinum (Salicin.), Salicin, U.S.P.—A glucoside obtained from certain species of willows and poplars.

White powder, odorless and having a very bitter taste.

Action and Uses: Partially decomposed in the stomach and intestines and finally oxidized in the body into salicylic acid. Less irritant to the mucous membranes than the salicylates but also less certain in its action, and has been practically superseded by the latter.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Sambucus (Sambuc.), Sambucus, N.F. (Elder Flowers).

Action and Uses: Obsolete and worthless remedy in dropsy. Large doses are said to act like a hydragogue cathartic.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Sanguinaria (Sanguin.), Sanguinaria, U.S.P. (Blood Root).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Irritant and narcotic; unreliable; expectorant in small doses and nauseant in large doses, which may produce serious secondary symptoms.

Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Sanguinariae (Fldext. Sanguin.), Fluidextract of Sanguinaria, N.F.—Sanguinaria (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 0.1 Cc. or 1-1/2 minims (N.F.).

Syrupus Sanguinariae (Syr. Sanguinar.), Syrup of Sanguinaria, N.F. (Syrup of Bloodroot).—Sanguinaria (22.5%) and acetic acid in syrup.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Tinctura Sanguinariae (Tr. Sanguin.), Tincture of Sanguinaria, U.S.P. (Tincture of Bloodroot).—Sanguinaria (10%) and hydrochloric acid (1%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 56 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Santalum Album (Santal. Alb.), Sandal Wood, N.F. (White Sandal Wood).—Heartwood.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of Oleum Santali, which see.

Santalum Rubrum (Santal. Rub.), Red Saunders, U.S.P.—Heartwood.

Action and Uses: Used as a coloring agent.

*Santoninum (Santonin.), Santonin, U.S.P.—Anhydride or lactone of santonic acid, obtained from Levant wormseed.

Colorless crystals or powder, becoming yellow on exposure to light, odorless and at first nearly tasteless, afterward becoming bitter.

Action and Uses: Used for its poisonous action on intestinal parasites, especially ascaris. When absorbed in sufficient amounts it produces yellow vision and epileptiform convulsions.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.) in powder or capsules.

Trochisci Santonini (Troch. Santonin.), Troches of Santonin, N.F.—Each troche contains santonin (0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain), with tragacanth, sugar, cocoa and vanillin.

Uses: Anthelmintic. Objectionable since their resemblance to candy may lead to serious poisoning.

Dosage: 1 troche (N.F.).

Trochisci Santonini Compositi (Troch. Santonin. Co.), Compound Troches of Santonin, N.F. (Troches of Santonin and Calomel).—Each troche contains santonin and mild mercurous chloride (each 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain) with tragacanth, sugar, cocoa and vanillin.

Uses: Anthelmintic; objectionable like Trochisci Santonini, which see above.

Dosage: 1 troche (N.F.).

*Sapo (Sapo), Soap, U.S.P. (White Castile Soap).—Soap prepared from olive oil and sodium hydroxide.

A white or whitish solid or powder, having a faint, peculiar odor and an alkaline taste.

Action and Uses: Used chiefly as a detergent and in solution as a vehicle for liniments. Also an ingredient of pills containing resinous drugs like aloes and scammony.

Emplastrum Saponis (Emp. Sapon.), Soap Plaster, N.F.—Made from soap (10%) and lead plaster (90%).

Linimentum Saponato-Camphoratum (Lin. Sapon.-Camph.), Camphorated Soap Liniment, N.F. (Opodeldoc, Solid Opodeldoc).—Camphor (2.5%), ammonia water, sodium stearate, oil of thyme, oil of rosemary, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 75 per cent.

*Linimentum Saponis (Lin. Sapon.), Soap Liniment, U.S.P. (Liquid Opodeldoc).—Soap (6%), camphor (4.5%) in oil of rosemary, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

Uses: Mild rubefacient and vehicle for more active liniments.

*Sapo Mollis (Sapo Moll.), Soft Soap, U.S.P.—Prepared from cottonseed oil and potassium hydroxide.

A soft, unctuous, yellowish-white to brownish-yellow mass, having a slight, characteristic odor and an alkaline taste.

Action and Uses: Dissolved in diluted alcohol, is employed in the preparation of various liniments, and as a detergent.

Linimentum Saponis Mollis (Lin. Sapon. Moll.), Liniment of Soft Soap, U.S.P. (Tincture of Green Soap).—Soft soap (65%) and oil of lavender in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 30 per cent.

Linimentum Saponis Mollis Compositum (Lin. Sapon. Mol. Co.), Compound Liniment of Soft Soap, N.F. (Tinctura Saponis Viridis Composita, N.F. III).—Soft soap (15%), oil of cade (2%) and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 75 per cent.

Sarsaparilla (Sarsap.), Sarsaparilla, U.S.P. (Sarsaparilla Root).

Action and Uses: Formerly used in chronic rheumatism, skin diseases and syphilis; inefficient and therefore harmful; fortunately passing out of use.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Decoctum Sarsaparillae Compositum (Decoc. Sarsap. Co.), Compound Decoction of Sarsaparilla, N.F.—Sarsaparilla (10%), guaiac wood (2%), mezereum (1%), sassafras, glycyrrhiza and water.

Uses: Antiquated and useless “alterative.”

Dosage: 120 Cc. or 4 fluidounces (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Sarsaparillae (Fldext. Sarsap.), Fluidextract of Sarsaparilla, U.S.P.—Sarsaparilla (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Sarsaparillae Compositum (Fldext. Sarsap. Co.), Compound Fluidextract of Sarsaparilla, U.S.P.—Sarsaparilla (75%), mezereum (3%), glycyrrhiza and sassafras. Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Sarsaparillae Compositus (Syr. Sarsap. Co.), Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, U.S.P.—Fluidextract of sarsaparilla (20%), fluidextract of senna (1.5%), fluidextract of glycyrrhiza, oil of sassafras, oil of anise, methyl salicylate and alcohol in syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 10 per cent.

Uses: Irrational mixture; no indications for its use.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Sassafras (Sassaf.), Sassafras, U.S.P.—Bark of the root.

Action and Uses: Mild aromatic and carminative containing a volatile oil. No advantage over other aromatics, such as peppermint, ginger, etc.

Dosage: 10 Gm. or 2-1/2 drachms (U.S.P.).

Sassafras Medulla (Sassaf. Med.), Sassafras Pith, N.F.

Action and Uses: Demulcent.

Mucilago Sassafras Medullae (Mucil. Sassaf. Medul.), Mucilage of Sassafras Pith, N.F.—Sassafras pith (0.2%) in water.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Scammoniae Radix (Scam. Rad.), Scammony Root, U.S.P.

Action and Uses: Used principally for preparing resin, in which its activity as a cathartic resides.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Resina Scammoniae (Res. Scamm.), Resin of Scammony, U.S.P.—The resin from scammony root.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (U.S.P.).

*Scilla (Scill.), Squill, U.S.P.—Fleshy inner scales of a bulb. The official drug is to be assayed biologically.

Action and Uses: Qualitatively like those of digitalis. Has been largely used as a nauseant and expectorant. Has no advantage over digitalis, and should pass out of use. If used, it should be standardized.

Dosage: 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.) of a standardized preparation.

Acetum Scillae (Acet. Scill.), Vinegar of Squill, U.S.P.—Squill (10%) in diluted acetic acid.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Scillae (Fldext. Scill.), Fluidextract of Squill, U.S.P.—Squill (100%). Assayed biologically by producing death in the frog.

Dosage: 0.1 Cc. or 1-1/2 minims (U.S.P.). Physicians who prescribe it should specify the biologically assayed preparation.

Oxymel Scillae (Oxymel Scill.), Oxymel of Squill, N.F.—Vinegar of squill (50%) and clarified honey.

Uses: Antiquated and irrational preparation of squill.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

*Syrupus Scillae (Syr. Scill.), Syrup of Squill, U.S.P.—Vinegar of squill (45%), in sugar and water.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Scillae Compositus (Syr. Scill. Co.), Compound Syrup of Squill, U.S.P. (Hive Syrup).—Fluidextract of squill (8%), fluidextract of senega (8%) and antimony and potassium tartrate (0.2%), in water and syrup.

Uses: Complex and irrational expectorant.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

*Tinctura Scillae (Tr. Scill.), Tincture of Squill, U.S.P.—Squill (10%) in alcohol and water. Biologically assayed by producing death in frogs. Absolute alcohol content about 69 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.). Physicians who prescribe it should specify the biologically assayed preparation.

Scoparius (Scopar.), Scoparius, N.F. (Broom Tops).

Action and Uses: Formerly used as diuretic, laxative and cathartic. See Sparteinae Sulphas.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Scoparii (Fldext. Scopar.), Fluidextract of Scoparius, N.F.—Scoparius (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

*Scopolaminae Hydrobromidum (Scopolamin. Hydrobrom.), Scopolamine Hydrobromide, U.S.P. (Hyoscine Hydrobromide, Scopolamine Bromide).—The hydrobromide of levorotatory scopolamine, also known as hyoscine.

Colorless, odorless, transparent crystals.

Action and Uses: Closely resembling those of atropine in its influence on the nerve endings but differing from the latter in having a sedative instead of a stimulating effect on the brain. Used as a somnifacient in motor excitement and mania; as a preliminary to anesthesia and in “twilight sleep,” and locally as a mydriatic. Uncertain in its action, at times producing acute delirium. The tendency to depress the respiratory center must be remembered.

Dosage: 0.3 Mg. or 1/200 grain (U.S.P.).

Scutellaria (Scutell.), Scutellaria, N.F. (Skullcap).—Plant.

Action and Uses: Claimed, though without reliable evidence, to be a tonic, nervine and antispasmodic, particularly useful in chorea and convulsions.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Scutellariae (Fldext. Scutellar.), Fluidextract of Scutellaria, N.F.—Scutellaria (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Senecio (Senecio), Senecio, N.F. (Life Root).—Plant deprived of its root.

Action and Uses: Has been recommended, probably without warrant, as a tonic, diuretic, expectorant and diaphoretic.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Senecionis (Fldext. Senecion.), Fluidextract of Senecio, N.F.—Senecio (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Senega (Seneg.), Senega, U.S.P. (Seneca Snakeroot, Senega Snakeroot).

Action and Uses: Employed as nauseant expectorant (by virtue of the irritant saponin).

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Senegae (Fldext. Seneg.), Fluidextract of Senega, U.S.P.—Senega (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Senegae (Syr. Seneg.), Syrup of Senega, U.S.P.—Fluidextract of senega (20%) in syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 10 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

*Senna (Senn.), Senna, U.S.P. (Alexandria Senna or India Senna).

Action and Uses: Efficient cathartic of anthraquinone series.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

Confectio Sennae (Confect. Senn.), Confection of Senna, N.F.—Senna (10%), cassia fistula (16%), tamarind (10%), prune, fig, sugar, oil of coriander and water.

Uses: A pleasant but needlessly complex laxative.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

*Fluidextractum Sennae (Fldext. Senn.), Fluidextract of Senna, U.S.P.—Senna (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 25 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Infusum Sennae Compositum (Inf. Senn. Co.), Compound Infusion of Senna, U.S.P.—Senna (6%), magnesium sulphate (12%), manna (12%) and fennel in water.

Dosage: 120 Cc. or 4 fluidounces (U.S.P.).

*Pulvis Glycyrrhizae Compositus (Pulv. Glycyrrh. Co.), Compound Powder of Glycyrrhiza, U.S.P. (Compound Licorice Powder).—Senna (18%), washed sulphur (8%) with glycyrrhiza, oil of fennel and sugar.

Uses: A misnamed senna preparation.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

Species Laxativae (Spec. Lax.), Laxative Species, N.F. (Species Laxantes, N.F. III, St. Germain Tea).—Senna (40%), potassium bitartrate (10%), elder flowers, fennel and anise.

Dosage: 1.3 Gm. or 20 grains (N.F.).

Syrupus Ficorum Compositus (Syr. Ficor. Co.), Compound Syrup of Figs, N.F.—Fluidextract of senna (20%), aromatic fluidglycerate of cascara sagrada (10%), with figs, oil of fennel and spirit of peppermint in syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 5 per cent.

Uses: Complex and misnamed cathartic, imitating a widely advertised “patent medicine.”

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Syrupus Sennae (Syr. Senn.), Syrup of Senna, U.S.P.—Fluidextract of senna (25%) and oil of coriander in syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 5 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Sennae Aromaticus (Syr. Senn. Arom.), Aromatic Syrup of Senna, N.F.—Fluidextract of senna (12.5%), jalap (5%), rhubarb (1.75%), Saigon cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, oil of lemon and sugar in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 30 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Syrupus Sennae Compositus (Syr. Senn. Co.), Compound Syrup of Senna, N.F.—Fluidextract of senna (13.5%), fluidextract of rhubarb (3.5%), fluidextract of frangula (3.5%), methyl salicylate (0.4%) and alcohol in syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 13 per cent.

Uses: Complex and irrational cathartic.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Serpentaria (Serpent.), Serpentaria, U.S.P. (Texas Snakeroot, Virginia Snakeroot).—Rhizome and root.

Action and Uses: Bitter with no advantage over gentian; now less frequently used than formerly.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Serpentariae (Fldext. Serpentar.), Fluidextract of Serpentaria, N.F.—Serpentaria (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims.

Tinctura Serpentariae (Tr. Serpent.), Tincture of Serpentaria, N.F.—Serpentaria (20%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Serum Antidiphthericum (Ser. Antidiph.), Antidiphtheric Serum, U.S.P. (Diphtheria Antitoxin).—Serum from a horse properly immunized against diphtheria toxin; has a potency of not less than 250 antitoxic units per Cc.

Action and Uses: Curative and prophylactic agent in diphtheria. The possibility of serum disease must be remembered. Caution should be exercised when antidiphtheric serum is administered to persons who have had asthma, and, above all, “horse asthma.” In such cases a few drops only of the serum may be injected, followed in fifteen or thirty minutes by the full dose.

Dosage: Curative, 10,000 units (U.S.P.); protective, 1,000 units (U.S.P.); both hypodermic.

*Serum Antidiphthericum Purificatum (Ser. Antidiph. Purif.), Purified Antidiphtheric Serum, U.S.P. (Antidiphtheric Globulins, Concentrated Diphtheria Antitoxin, Diphtheric Antitoxin Globulins, Refined and Concentrated Diphtheria Antitoxin).—Certain antitoxic proteins from the blood serum of a horse properly immunized against diphtheria toxin, dissolved in physiologic solution of sodium chloride.

Uses: Less apt to produce serum disease.

Dosage: Curative, 10,000 units (U.S.P.); protective, 1,000 units (U. S, P.); both hypodermic.

*Serum Antidiphthericum Siccum (Ser. Antidiph. Sicc.), Dried Antidiphtheric Serum, U.S.P. (Dried Diphtheria Antitoxin).

Dosage: Curative, 10,000 units (U.S.P.); protective, 1,000 units (U.S.P.); both hypodermic.

*Serum Antitetanicum (Ser. Antitetan.), Antitetanic Serum, U.S.P. (Tetanus Antitoxin).—Serum from a horse properly immunized against tetanus toxin, dissolved in physiologic solution of sodium chloride.

Action and Uses: Prophylactic agent in tetanus; also used for curative purposes.

Dosage: Curative, 10,000 units (U.S.P.); protective, 1,500 units (U.S.P.); both hypodermic.

*Serum Antitetanicum Purificatum (Ser. Antitetan. Purif.), Purified Antitetanic Serum, U.S.P. (Antitetanic Globulins, Concentrated Tetanus Antitoxin, Refined and Concentrated Tetanus Antitoxin, Tetanus Antitoxic Globulins).—Certain antitoxic proteins from the serum of a horse properly immunized against tetanus toxin.

Dosage: Curative, 10,000 units (U.S.P.); protective, 1,500 units (U.S.P.); both hypodermic.

*Serum Antitetanicum Siccum (Ser. Antitetan. Sicc.), Dried Antitetanic Serum, U.S.P. (Dried Tetanus Antitoxin).

Uses: May be used as a dusting powder in suspicious wounds.

Dosage: Curative, 10,000 units (U.S.P.); protective, 1,500 units (U.S.P.); both hypodermic.

Sevum Praeparatum (Sev. Praep.), Prepared Suet, U.S.P. (Mutton Suet).

A white, solid, almost odorless fat, having a bland taste when fresh, but becoming rancid on prolonged exposure to air.

Action and Uses: Used in the preparation of ointments and cerates.

Sevum Benzoinatum (Sev. Benz.), Benzoinated Suet, N.F.—Benzoin (3%) in prepared suet.

Uses: Ointment base; superfluous.

Sinapis Alba (Sinap. Alb.), White Mustard, U.S.P. (Yellow Mustard).—Ripe seeds.

Action and Uses: Develops irritant volatile oil on contact with water; frequently mixed with black mustard in powder for use as ground mustard.

Dosage: Emetic, 10 Gm. or 2-1/2 drachms (U.S.P.).

*Sinapis Nigra (Sinap. Nig.), Black Mustard, U.S.P. (Brown Mustard).—Ripe seeds.

Action and Uses: See Oleum Sinapis Volatile.

Dosage: Emetic, 10 Gm. or 2-1/2 drachms (U.S.P.).

*Emplastrum Sinapis (Emp. Sinap.), Mustard Plaster, U.S.P. (Charta Sinapis, U.S.P. VIII, Mustard Paper).—A mixture of black mustard, deprived of its fixed oil, and a solution of rubber, spread on paper, cotton cloth or other fabric.

Uses: Counterirritant.

Soda Chlorinata, Chlorinated Soda.

Action and Uses: Hypochlorites in acid, alkaline and neutral solutions have been found useful in the treatment of infected wounds. The alkaline solution is represented by the Liquor Sodae Chlorinatae below, and by the Liquor Potassae Chlorinatae, which see under Potassa Chlorinata.

*Liquor Sodae Chlorinatae (Liq. Sod. Chlorinat.), Solution of Chlorinated Soda, U.S.P. (Labarraque’s Solution).—Chlorine compounds of sodium containing not less than 2.5 per cent. available Cl.

Soda cum Calce (Sod. c. Calc.), Soda with Lime, N.F. (London Paste).—Sodium hydroxide and calcium oxide (each 50%).

Action and Uses: Caustic.

Sodii Acetas (Sod. Acet.), Sodium Acetate, U.S.P.—NaC2H3O2 + 3H2O.

Colorless crystals or granular powder, odorless or nearly odorless, and having a cooling, saline taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.8) and soluble in alcohol (1:19).

Action and Uses: Practically identical with those of Potassii Acetas, which see.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Sodii Arsenas (Sod. Arsen.), Sodium Arsenate, U.S.P. (Arsenas Sodii, P.I.).—Na2HAsO4 + 7H2O.

Colorless, odorless crystals, efflorescent in dry air, and somewhat deliquescent in moist air. Freely soluble in water (1:1.5) and slightly soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Has the same general action and uses as arsenic trioxide, but is less active.

Dosage: 0.005 Gm. or 1/12 grain (U.S.P.). Usually given in the form of solution or pill.

Sodii Arsenas Exsiccatus (Sod. Arsen. Exsic.), Exsiccated Sodium Arsenate, U.S.P.—Na2HAsO4.

White, odorless, amorphous powder. Freely soluble in water (1:3.1), but only slightly soluble in alcohol.

Dosage: 0.003 Gm. or 1/20 grain (U.S.P.).

Liquor Sodii Arsenatis (Liq. Sod. Arsen.), Solution of Sodium Arsenate, U.S.P.—Exsiccated sodium arsenate (about 1%) in water.

Uses: No advantage over other arsenicals.

Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.).

Liquor Sodii Arsenatis, Pearson (Liq. Sod. Arsen. Pearson), Pearson’s Solution of Sodium Arsenate, N.F. (Liquor Arsenicalis Pearsonii).—Exsiccated sodium arsenate (0.1%) in water. Should not be confounded with Liquor Sodii Arsenatis, U.S.P., which is ten times stronger.

Uses: Superfluous arsenic preparation.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

*Sodii Benzoas (Sod. Benz.), Sodium Benzoate, U.S.P.—Na(C6H5.COO).

White, odorless, sweetish powder. Freely soluble in water (1:1.8), and soluble in alcohol (1:61). Incompatible with mineral acids and ferric salts.

Action and Uses: Has the action of benzoic acid, but is less irritating. Mild antiseptic, practically non-toxic.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Sodii Benzosulphinidum (Sod. Benzosulphin.), Sodium Benzosulphinide, U.S.P. (Sodium-Saccharin, Soluble Saccharin).

Colorless crystals or white powder, odorless or nearly odorless, and having an intensely sweet taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.2) and soluble in alcohol (1:50).

Action and Uses: Those of benzosulphinide (saccharin), but with the advantage of ready solubility.

Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (U.S.P.).

*Sodii Bicarbonas (Sod. Bicarb.), Sodium Bicarbonate, U.S.P. (Baking Soda).—NaHCO3.

A white, odorless powder, having a cooling, mildly alkaline taste. Decomposed by acids and converted by boiling into the normal carbonate. Soluble in water (1:10) and insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used as a non-caustic alkali in conditions of acidosis, and to neutralize the acid of the gastric juice in hyperacidity and gastric ulcer. May be used intravenously in cases of extreme acidosis. Externally, used as a mild alkaline wash.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.). For intravenous injection a 6 per cent. solution sterilized by boiling and thus partly converted into the normal carbonate has been recommended. One thousand Cc. of such a solution may be injected, but great care must be taken that none of the liquid gets outside the veins lest necrosis of the tissues occur.

Liquor Sodae et Menthae (Liq. Sod. et Menth.), Solution of Soda and Mint, N.F. (Mistura Sodae et Menthae, N.F. III, Soda Mint).—Sodium bicarbonate (5%), aromatic spirit of ammonia (1%) and spearmint water.

Uses: Antacid and carminative.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Sal Vichyanum Factitium (Sal Vichy. Fact.), Artificial Vichy Salt, N.F.—Potassium carbonate (3.85%), magnesium sulphate (8%), sodium chloride (7.7%) and sodium bicarbonate (84.6%).

Uses: Alkaline saline cathartic.

Sal Vichyanum Factitium Effervescens (Sal Vichy. Fact. Eff.), Effervescent Artificial Vichy Salt, N.F. (Pulvis Salis Vichyani Factitii Effervescens, N.F. III).—Artificial vichy salt (25%) in a mixture of sodium bicarbonate (48.5%), tartaric acid (16.45%) and citric acid (yielding sodium citrate and tartrate).

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Sal Vichyanum Factitium Effervescens cum Lithio (Sal Vichy. Fact. Eff. c. Lith.), Effervescent Artificial Vichy Salt with Lithium, N.F. (Pulvis Salis Vichyani Factitii Effervescens cum Lithio, N.F. III).—Artificial vichy salt (25%), lithium citrate (8.33%) in a mixture of sodium bicarbonate (44.14%), tartaric acid (12.54%) and citric acid (yielding sodium tartrate and citrate).

Uses: Irrational laxative mixture. The lithium serves no useful purpose.

Dosage: 6 Gm. or 1-1/2 drachms (N.F.).

Trochisci Sodii Bicarbonatis (Troch. Sod. Bicarb.), Troches of Sodium Bicarbonate, U.S.P.—Each troche contains sodium bicarbonate (0.18 Gm.) with sugar, nutmeg and mucilage of tragacanth.

*Sodii Boras (Sod. Bor.), Sodium Borate, U.S.P. (Borax, Sodium Tetraborate, Sodium Pyroborate).—Na2B4O7 + 10H2O.

Colorless crystals or white powder, odorless and having a sweetish, alkaline taste. Soluble in water (1:15) and insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Antiseptic detergent and alkaline. Used in the form of solution as a wash both externally and in the body cavities. Seldom used internally.

Dosage: 0.75 Gm. or 12 grains (U.S.P.).

Liquor Sodii Boratis Compositus (Liq. Sod. Bor. Co.), Compound Solution of Sodium Borate, N.F. (Dobell’s Solution).—Sodium borate and sodium bicarbonate (each 1.5%) and liquefied phenol (0.3%) in glycerin and water.

Uses: Mild antiseptic.

Mel Rosae et Sodii Boratis (Mel Ros. et Sod. Bor.), Honey of Rose and Sodium Borate, N.F. (Honey of Rose with Borax).—Sodium borate (10%), glycerin and honey of rose.

Uses: Alkaline demulcent.

Mel Sodii Boratis (Mel Sod. Bor.), Honey of Sodium Borate, N.F. (Mel Boracis, Honey and Borax).—Sodium borate (10%) in glycerin and clarified honey.

Uses: Alkaline demulcent.

Sodii Boro-Benzoas (Sod. Boro-Benz.), Sodium Boro-Benzoate, N.F.—Sodium borate (43%) and sodium benzoate (57%).

Action and Uses: Feeble alkaline antiseptic.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

*Sodii Bromidum (Sod. Brom.), Sodium Bromide, U.S.P.—NaBr.

White, odorless crystals or powder, having a saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.1) and soluble in alcohol (1:16).

Action and Uses: Used as a nerve sedative and cerebral depressant. Practically identical with potassium bromide in action and uses, but somewhat less irritating.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Sodii Bromidi (Elix. Sod. Brom.), Elixir of Sodium Bromide, N.F.—Sodium bromide (1.75%) in syrup, water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 7.5 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

*Sodii Cacodylas (Sod. Cacodyl.), Sodium Cacodylate, U.S.P.—Sodium dimethylarsenate.

White, odorless, deliquescent crystals or powder. Very soluble in water (1:0.5) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:2.5).

Action and Uses: Is slowly decomposed in the tissues into trivalent arsenic. The action is thus more gradual and less toxic than that of other arsenic compounds. Produces garlic breath. Used especially by hypodermic injection, in anemias, etc.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

*Sodii Carbonas Monohydratus (Sod. Carb. Monohyd.), Monohydrated Sodium Carbonate, U.S.P.—Na2CO3 + H2O.

White, odorless, granular powder having a strongly alkaline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:3) and insoluble in alcohol. Incompatible with acids and acid salts and with the salts of the heavy metals and alkaloids.

Action and Uses: Antacid and detergent; employed in medicine chiefly in the preparation of alkaline baths.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

*Sodii Chloridum (Sod. Chlorid.), Sodium Chloride, U.S.P.—NaCl.

Colorless crystals or white powder, odorless, and having a saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:2.8), and only slightly soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used for preparing physiologic salt solution. Given by mouth in large doses, is emetic and in proper dilutions, laxative. Excessive use as a seasoning for foods is particularly harmful in nephritis.

Dosage: Emetic, 15 Gm. or 4 drachms (U.S.P.).

Liquor Sodii Chloridi Physiologicus (Liq. Sod. Chlor. Physio.), Physiological Solution of Sodium Chloride, U.S.P. (Physiological Salt Solution, Normal Salt Solution).—Sodium chloride (0.85%) in water.

Uses: An indifferent vehicle, used especially for intravenous injections.

Sal Kissingense Factitium (Sal Kissingen. Fact.), Artificial Kissingen Salt, N.F.—Potassium chloride (2.8%), sodium chloride (59.4%), magnesium sulphate (20%), sodium bicarbonate (17.8%).

Uses: Alkaline saline cathartic.

Sal Kissingense Factitium Effervescens (Sal Kissingen. Fact. Eff.), Effervescent Artificial Kissingen Salt, N.F. (Pulvis Salis Kissingensis Factitii Effervescens, N.F. III).—Artificial Kissingen salt (40%), sodium bicarbonate (40.6%), tartaric acid (9.4%) and citric acid (yielding sodium tartrate and citrate).

Dosage: 5.5 Gm. or 80 grains (N.F.).

Sodii Citras (Sod. Cit.), Sodium Citrate, U.S.P.—The hydrated salt.

White, odorless granular powder or small crystals, having a cooling saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.3); insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of potassium citrate.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains.

Liquor Sodii Citratis (Liq. Sod. Cit.), Solution of Sodium Citrate, N.F. (Mistura Sodii Citratis, Potio Rivierii).—Sodium citrate (3.5%) in water.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Liquor Sodii Citro-Tartratis Effervescens (Liq. Sod. Citro-Tart. Eff.), Effervescent Solution of Sodium Citro-Tartrate, N.F.—Sodium tartrate (about 8%) with syrup of citric acid (about 12%) and water.

Dosage: The contents of one bottle, about 350 Cc. or nearly 12 fluidounces (N.F.).

Sodii Cyanidum (Sod. Cyanid.), Sodium Cyanide, U.S.P.—NaCN.

White masses or powder, odorless when perfectly dry; deliquescent in the air and exhaling the odor of hydrocyanic acid. Freely soluble in cold water.

Action and Uses: Sodium cyanide replaces potassium cyanide, U.S.P. VIII. The alkaline cyanides are rarely administered internally, but their use in solution has been suggested as a substitute for diluted hydrocyanic acid.

Sodii Glycerophosphas (Sod. Glycerophos.), Sodium Glycerophosphate, U.S.P. (Sodium Glycerinophosphate).—Hydrated sodium glycerophosphate. Represents not less than 68 per cent. of the anhydrous salt.

White, odorless plates, scales or powder, having a saline taste. Very soluble in hot or cold water and nearly insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Has been recommended in solutions as a nerve tonic in all kinds of wasting and nervous diseases. The weight of evidence indicates that the glycerophosphates are not superior to ordinary phosphates and that the claims for them as nerve tonics are, therefore, unfounded.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Glycerophosphatum Compositum (Elix. Glycerophos. Co.), Compound Elixir of Glycerophosphates, N.F. (Compound Solution of Glycerophosphates).—Solution of sodium glycerophosphate (4%), calcium glycerophosphate (1.6%), ferric glycerophosphate (0.3%), soluble manganese glycerophosphate (0.2%), quinine glycerophosphate (0.1%), strychnine glycerophosphate (0.015%), lactic acid (1%) and compound spirit of cardamom, in alcohol, glycerin and water. Absolute alcohol content about 12 per cent.

Uses: A highly complex and therefore irrational preparation of the inactive glycerophosphates.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Liquor Sodii Glycerophosphatis (Liq. Sod. Glycerophos.). Solution of Sodium Glycerophosphate, U.S.P.—Anhydrous sodium glycerophosphate (not less than 50%) in water.

Dosage: 0.35 Cc. or 6 minims (U.S.P.).

*Sodii Hydroxidum (Sod. Hydrox.), Sodium Hydroxide, U.S.P. (Caustic Soda, Sodium Hydrate).—NaOH (not less than 90%).

White, odorless masses or hard, brittle sticks. Very soluble in water (1:0.9) and very soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Practically identical with those of potassium hydroxide.

*Liquor Sodii Hydroxidi (Liq. Sod. Hydrox.), Solution of Sodium Hydroxide, U.S.P. (Liquor Sodae, Solution of Soda).—NaOH (about 5%) in water.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Sodii Hypophosphis (Sod. Hypophos.), Sodium Hypophosphite, U.S.P.—NaH2PO2 + H2O.

Colorless plates or white powder, odorless and having a saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1) and soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: The hypophosphites have been prescribed as “tonics,” but all reliable evidence indicates that they are inert.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Sodii Hypophosphitis (Elix. Sod. Hypophos.), Elixir of Sodium Hypophosphite, N.F.—Sodium hypophosphite (3.5%), hypophosphorous acid (0.4%), and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 21 per cent.

Uses: Objectionable alcoholic preparation of an inactive drug.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Syrupus Sodii Hypophosphitis (Syr. Sod. Hypophos.), Syrup of Sodium Hypophosphite, N.F.—Sodium hypophosphite (3.5%), and hypophosphorous acid (0.2%) in syrup.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Sodii Indigotindisulphonas (Sod. Indigotin.), Sodium Indigotindisulphonate, U.S.P. (Indigo Carmine).

Blue powder or dark purple paste. Sparingly soluble in water and almost insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Coloring agent.

*Sodii Iodidum (Sod. Iod.), Sodium Iodide, U.S.P.—NaI.

Colorless crystals or white powder, odorless and having a saline taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.55) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:2).

Action and Uses: Practically identical with those of potassium iodide, but less disagreeable in taste; perhaps somewhat less irritating locally.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.).

*Sodii Nitris (Sod. Nitris), Sodium Nitrite, U.S.P.—NaNO2.

Colorless crystals or white or nearly white masses, sticks or powder, odorless and having a mild saline taste. Deliquescent on exposure to air, being gradually converted into sodium nitrate. Freely soluble in water (1:1.5), but only sparingly soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Vasodilator, similar to nitroglycerin. The action is probably somewhat slower and more prolonged.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

Sodii Perboras (Sod. Perbor.), Sodium Perborate, U.S.P.—NaBO3 + 4H2O (about 86.5%). Should contain not less than 9 per cent. of available oxygen.

White, odorless granules or powder, having a saline taste. Soluble in water.

Action and Uses: Antiseptic, deodorant and bactericide; in general, similar to hydrogen peroxide.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.); may be applied as a dusting powder or in a 2 per cent. solution.

Sodii Phenolsulphonas (Sod. Phenolsulph.), Sodium Phenolsulphonate, U.S.P. (Sodium Sulphocarbolate).—The hydrated salt.

Colorless, odorless, somewhat efflorescent crystals or granules, having a cooling, saline bitter taste. Freely soluble in water (1:4.2), and only slightly soluble in alcohol (1:140).

Action and Uses: Phenolsulphonates were introduced with the idea that they would be antiseptic like phenol, but less toxic. Actually, they are practically inert.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

*Sodii Phosphas (Sod. Phos.), Sodium Phosphate, U.S.P.—Na2HPO4 + 12H2O, representing about 41.5 per cent. of the anhydrous salt.

Colorless, odorless, efflorescent crystals or powder, having a cooling, saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:2.7); insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Saline cathartic, similar to magnesium and sodium sulphate. The taste is less disagreeable.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

Sodii Phosphas Exsiccatus (Sod. Phos. Exsic.), Exsiccated Sodium Phosphate, U.S.P.—Na2HPO4.

White powder which absorbs moisture readily. Freely soluble in water (1:8.1), but insoluble in alcohol.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Liquor Sodii Phosphatis Compositus (Liq. Sod. Phos. Co.), Compound Solution of Sodium Phosphate, N.F.—Sodium phosphate (100%) and citric acid in glycerin and water.

Uses: Laxative.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

*Sodii Phosphas Effervescens (Sod. Phos. Eff.), Effervescent Sodium Phosphate, U.S.P.—Exsiccated sodium phosphate (20%) in a mixture of sodium bicarbonate (47.7%), tartaric acid (25.2%) and citric acid, the last three yielding sodium citrate and sodium tartrate.

Dosage: 10 Gm. or 2-1/2 drachms (U.S.P.).

*Sodii Salicylas (Sod. Salicyl.), Sodium Salicylate, U.S.P.—C6H4(OH) (COONa).

White or nearly white, odorless or nearly odorless powder having a sweet, saline taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.9) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:9.2). Incompatible with acids, with acid salts and with solutions of many of the alkaloids, particularly quinine, which precipitates as the salicylate.

Action and Uses: The salt usually employed to secure the constitutional action of salicylic acid.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Sodii Salicylatis (Elix. Sod. Salicyl.), Elixir of Sodium Salicylate, N.F.—Sodium salicylate (8.5%), syrup, water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 7 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Elixir Sodii Salicylatis Compositum (Elix. Sod. Salicyl. Co.), Compound Elixir of Sodium Salicylate, N.F.—Sodium salicylate (8%), fluidextract of cimifuga (3.2%), fluidextract of gelsemium (1.6%) and potassium iodide (1.5%) in aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 23 per cent.

Uses: An irrational rheumatism mixture, constituting an invitation to haphazard use.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Liquor Ferri Salicylatis (Liq. Ferr. Salicyl.), Solution of Ferric Salicylate, N.F. (Salicylated Mixture of Iron).—Solution containing ferric salicylate with a large excess of sodium salicylate [obtained by the interaction of sodium salicylate (12.5%) and tincture of ferric citrochloride (12.5%)], and ammonium citrate, methyl salicylate, glycerin and water.

Uses: “Rheumatism remedy.” Ferric salicylate has no special advantage over the sodium salt.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

*Sodii Sulphas (Sod. Sulph.), Sodium Sulphate, U.S.P. (Glauber’s Salt).—Na2SO4 + 10H2O.

Colorless, odorless, efflorescent crystals, having a bitter, saline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1), but insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Saline cathartic, more disagreeable but less active than magnesium sulphate, over which it has no material advantage.

Dosage: 15 Gm. or 4 drachms (U.S.P.).

Sal Carolinum Factitium (Sal Carol. Fact.), Artificial Carlsbad Salt, N.F.—This is available in two forms, the dry amorphous form and the crystalline form, the latter representing about 80 per cent. of water of crystallization. The dry amorphous form represents potassium sulphate (2%), sodium chloride (18%), sodium bicarbonate (36%) and hydrated sodium sulphate (100%).

Uses: Alkaline cathartic.

Sal Carolinum Factitium Effervescens (Sal Carol. Fact. Eff.), Effervescent Artificial Carlsbad Salt, N.F. (Pulvis Salis Carolini Factitii Effervescens, N.F. III).—Artificial Carlsbad salt (26.6%) in a mixture of sodium bicarbonate (40%), tartaric acid (15.7%) and citric acid, the last three yielding sodium citrate and sodium tartrate.

Action and Uses: Cathartic. Its high sodium citrate and tartrate content should be borne in mind.

Dosage: 6 Gm. or 1-1/2 drachms (N.F.).

*Sodii Sulphis Exsiccatus (Sod. Sulphis Exsic.), Exsiccated Sodium Sulphite, U.S.P.—Na2SO3 (not less than 90%).

White, odorless powder, having a cooling, saline sulphurous taste. Freely soluble in water (1:3.2), but only sparingly soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Antiseptic; principally used externally as a wash.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

*Sodii Thiosulphas (Sod. Thiosulph.), Sodium Thiosulphate, U.S.P. (“Sodium Hyposulphite”).—Na2S2O3 + 5H2O.

Colorless, odorless crystals, having a cooling, afterward bitter taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.5) and insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used externally in the form of a lotion as application for ringworm and other parasitic diseases. Internally, rarely as cathartic.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Solanum (Solan.), Solanum, N.F. (Horsenettle Berries).—Ripe fruit.

Action and Uses: Rarely used as a sedative in convulsions and epilepsy; probably ineffective.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Solani (Fldext. Solan.), Fluidextract of Solanum, N.F.—Solanum (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Sparteinae Sulphas (Spartein. Sulph.), Sparteine Sulphate, U.S.P.

Colorless, odorless, hygroscopic crystals or powder, having a slightly saline and somewhat bitter taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.1) and in alcohol (1:3).

Action and Uses: Has been widely exploited as a diuretic, but on insufficient evidence. Is of little use and is now less frequently employed than formerly. Large doses slow and weaken the heart.

Dosage: 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.).

SPECIES.—Mixtures of vegetable drugs used as teas or poultices. For the official mixtures, see Species Emollientes, N.F., under Althaea Folia; Species Laxativae, N.F., under Senna, and Species Pectorales, under Althaea.

Spigelia (Spigelia), Spigelia, U.S.P. (Pinkroot).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Obsolete anthelmintic for ascarides. Inferior to santonin.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Spigeliae (Fldext. Spigel.), Fluidextract of Spigelia, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Pinkroot).—Spigelia (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

SPIRITUS, SPIRITS.—Alcoholic solutions of either gaseous, liquid, or solid volatile substances.

For the official spirits, see under the names of the respective principal constituents. For Spiritus Cinnamomi, see under Oleum Cassiae; for Spiritus Odoratus, under Oleum Bergamottae. For the following, see under the respective oils: Spiritus Amygdalae Amarae, Spiritus Anisi, Spiritus Aurantii Compositus, Spiritus Cardamomi Compositus, Spiritus Juniperi, Spiritus Juniperi Compositus, Spiritus Lavandulae, Spiritus Menthae Piperitae, Spiritus Menthae Viridis, Spiritus Myrciae Compositus, Spiritus Sinapis.


Staphisagria (Staphisag.), Staphisagria, U.S.P. (Stavesacre).—Seeds.

Action and Uses: To destroy pediculi. The contained alkaloid, delphinine, is toxic, resembling aconitine in its physiologic action.

Dosage: Used as an ointment or lotion.

Fluidextractum Staphisagria (Fldext. Staphisag.), Fluidextract of Staphisagria, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Stavesacre).—Staphisagria (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

STILI DILUBILES (STIL. DILUB.), PASTE PENCILS, (Unna Pencils).—Paste pencils are for the direct application of medicinal agents to the skin in dermatologic practice. The paste consists of starch, dextrin, tragacanth and sugar with sufficient water to form a plastic mass. For the official paste pencils, see Stili Acidi Salicylici Dilubiles, under Acidum Salicylicum.

Stillingia (Stilling.), Stillingia, U.S.P. (Queen’s Root).

Action and Uses: Has been used as a sialagogue and expectorant. Has no advantage over senega; is now less frequently used than formerly.

The compound fluidextract and syrup are antiquated “alteratives,” at one time used especially against syphilis and scrofula. They are complex and inefficient, and therefore irrational and harmful.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Stillingiae (Fldext. Stilling.), Fluidextract of Stillingia, U.S.P.—Stillingia (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Stillingiae Compositum (Fldext. Stilling. Co.), Compound Fluidextract of Stillingia, N.F.—Stillingia (25%), corydalis (25%), blue flag (12.5%), sambucus (12.5%), chimaphila (12.5%), prickly ash berries (6.2%) and coriander (6.2%) in glycerin, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Syrupus Stillingiae Compositus (Syr. Stilling. Co.), Compound Syrup of Stillingia, N.F.—Compound fluidextract of stillingia (25%) in glycerin and syrup. Absolute alcohol content about 10 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Stramonium (Stramon.), Stramonium, U.S.P. (Jamestown Weed, Jimson Weed).—Leaves, containing not less than 0.25 per cent. of alkaloids.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of belladonna, over which it has no advantage. Often used in “asthma powders.”

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

Extractum Stramonii (Ext. Stramon.), Extract of Stramonium, U.S.P.—Two forms: Pilular extract of stramonium and powdered extract of stramonium. One Gm. of extract represents about 4 Gm. of stramonium and yields about 1 per cent. of alkaloids.

Dosage: 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Stramonii (Fldext. Stramon.), Fluidextract of Stramonium, N.F.—Stramonium (100%), yielding about 0.25 per cent. of alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 0.05 Cc. or 1 minim (N.F.).

Tinctura Stramonii (Tr. Stramon.), Tincture of Stramonium, U.S.P.—Stramonium (10%), yielding about 0.025 per cent. of stramonium alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.).

Unguentum Stramonii (Ung. Stramon.), Stramonium Ointment, U.S.P.—Pilular extract of stramonium (10%), diluted alcohol, hydrous wool fat and benzoinated lard.

Strontii Bromidum (Stront. Brom.), Strontium Bromide, U.S.P.—SrBr2 + 6H2O.

Colorless, odorless crystals, having a bitter, saline taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.35); soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of sodium bromide over which it has no definite advantage.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Strontii Carbonas (Stront. Carb.), Strontium Carbonate, N.F.—SrCO3.

White, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water and in alcohol. Decomposed by acids.

Action and Uses: Of use only in the making of soluble salts of strontium.

Strontii Iodidum (Stront. Iod.), Strontium Iodide, U.S.P.—SrI2 + 6H2O.

Colorless crystals or white powder or crystalline crusts, turning yellow on exposure to light; odorless, deliquescent and having a bitter saline taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.2); somewhat less soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to, but without definite advantage over potassium iodide.

Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.).

Strontii Salicylas (Stront. Salicyl.), Strontium Salicylate, U.S.P.—Sr(C6H4.OH.COO)2 + 2H2O.

White, odorless powder, having a somewhat sweet, saline taste. Soluble in water (1:19) and in alcohol (1:61).

Action and Uses: Identical with those of sodium salicylate, over which it has no advantage.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

*Strophanthinum (Strophanthin.), Strophanthin, U.S.P.—A glucoside or mixture of glucosides obtained from strophanthus.

White or yellowish powder. Very soluble in water and in diluted alcohol.

Action and Uses: Like those of digitalis. Strophanthin acts more rapidly and is excreted sooner, but its absorption from the alimentary canal is so variable that its administration by mouth is inadvisable.

Dosage: Daily by mouth, 0.001 Gm. or 1/60 grain (U.S.P.); intravenous, 0.00075 Gm. or 1/80 grain (U.S.P.). Caution should be used if patient has been taking digitalis.

*Strophanthus (Strophanth.), Strophanthus, U.S.P.—Ripe seeds.

Action and Uses: Strophanthus and tincture of strophanthus have properties similar to those of the glucoside strophanthin. The absorption of strophanthus from the alimentary canal is so variable that administration by mouth is not advisable.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

*Tinctura Strophanthi (Tr. Strophanth.), Tincture of Strophanthus, U.S.P. (Strophanthi Tinctura, P.I.).—Strophanthus (10%) with the oil removed. Biologically assayed by producing death in frogs. Absolute alcohol content about 92 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.). Physicians who prescribe it should specify the biologically assayed preparation.

Strychnina (Strych.), Strychnine, U.S.P.—An alkaloid obtained from nux vomica.

Colorless, odorless crystals or white powder. Extremely bitter in very dilute solutions. Very slightly soluble in water (1:6420) and slightly soluble in alcohol (1:136).

Action and Uses: Stimulates the reflex activity of the spinal cord, but produces little or no effect on the higher nervous centers; is also used as a bitter tonic, generally in the form of a preparation of nux vomica.

As strychnine is so slightly soluble, it is generally prescribed as one of its salts. Of these, the nitrate meets every need.

Dosage: 0.0015 Gm. or 1/40 grain (U.S.P.).

Elixir Pepsini, Bismuthi et Strychninae (Elix. Pepsin. Bism. et Strych.), Elixir of Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine, N.F.—Strychnine (0.0175%), tartaric acid, and elixir of pepsin and bismuth. Absolute alcohol content about 10 per cent.

Uses: An irrational preparation.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Pilulae Antidyspepticae (Pil. Antidyspep.), Antidyspeptic Pills, N.F.—Each pill contains strychnine (0.0016 Gm., or 1/40 grain), ipecac and pilular extract of belladonna leaves (each 0.0065 Gm., or 1/10 grain), mass of mercury, and compound extract of colocynth (each 0.13 Gm., or 2 grains).

Uses: An objectionably named and misdirected mixture.

Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

Strychninae Acetas, Strychnine Acetate.

Liquor Strychninae Acetatis (Liq. Strych. Acet.), Solution of Strychnine Acetate, N.F. (Hall’s Solution of Strychnine).—Strychnine acetate (about 0.209%), alcohol, compound tincture of cardamom and water. Absolute alcohol content about 23 per cent.

Uses: Superfluous strychnine solution.

Dosage: 0.6 Cc. or 10 minims (U.S.P.).

Strychninae Glycerophosphas (Strych. Glycerophos.), Strychnine Glycerophosphate, N.F. (Strychnine Glycerinophosphate).

White, odorless crystals or powder, with a taste at first sweet, afterward intensely bitter. Slightly soluble in water (1:350), and in alcohol (1:310).

Action and Uses: Superfluous strychnine salt.

Dosage: 0.0015 Gm. or 1/40 grain (N.F.).

*Strychninae Nitras (Strych. Nit.), Strychnine Nitrate, U.S.P.

Colorless, odorless crystals or white powder. Soluble in water (1:42) and somewhat less soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Same as those of strychnine.

Dosage: 0.0015 Gm. or 1/40 grain (U.S.P.).

*Strychninae Sulphas (Strych. Sulph.), Strychnine Sulphate, U.S.P.

Colorless or white crystals or white powder, odorless; efflorescent in dry air. Soluble in water (1:32) and in alcohol (1:81).

Uses: Same as those of strychnine. Has no advantage over the nitrate.

Dosage: 0.0015 Gm. or 1/40 grain (U.S.P.).

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri, Bismuthi et Strychninae (Elix. Cinchon. Ferr. Bism. et Strych.), Elixir of Cinchona Alkaloids, Iron, Bismuth and Strychnine, N.F. (Elixir Cinchonae, Ferri, Bismuthi et Strychninae, N.F. III, Elixir of Calisaya, Alkaloidal, with Iron, Bismuth and Strychnine).—Strychnine sulphate (0.0175%), elixir of cinchona alkaloids, iron and bismuth (about 99%) and water. Absolute alcohol content about 18 per cent.

Uses: An irrational mixture supposed to contain six active ingredients.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Elixir Cinchonae Alkaloidorum, Ferri et Strychninae (Elix. Cinchon. Ferr. et Strych.), Elixir of Cinchona Alkaloids, Iron and Strychnine, N.F. (Elixir Cinchonae, Ferri et Strychninae, N.F. III, Elixir of Calisaya Alkaloidal, with Iron and Strychnine).—Strychnine sulphate (0.0175%), elixir of cinchona alkaloids and iron (about 99%) and water. Absolute alcohol content about 18 per cent.

Uses: A complex and irrational “tonic.”

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Strychninae Valeras (Strych. Valer.), Strychnine Valerate, N.F.

White, crystalline powder, with a valerian-like odor and an intensely bitter taste. Sparingly soluble in water, soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Superfluous strychnine salt.

Dosage: 0.0015 Gm. or 1/40 grain (N.F.).

Elixir Strychninae Valeratis (Elix. Strych. Valer.), Elixir of Strychnine Valerate, N.F. (Elixir Strychninae Valerianatis, N.F. III).—Strychnine valerate (0.0175%), aromatic elixir (about 96.5%), water, tincture of vanilla and compound tincture of cudbear. Absolute alcohol content about 22 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Styrax (Styrax), Storax, U.S.P. (Liquid Storax.)—A balsam.

Action and Uses: Closely resembles balsam of Peru, over which it has no advantage. An ointment (1:4) has been used as a parasiticide in scabies and other parasitic infections.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Succus Citri (Suc. Cit.), Lime Juice, N.F.

Action and Uses: Used especially in prevention and treatment of scurvy.

Succus Pomorum (Suc. Pomor.), Fresh Apple Juice, N.F.

Action and Uses: Used in pharmacy in the making of crude ferric malate.

*Sulphonethylmethanum (Sulphonethylmeth.), Sulphonethylmethane, U.S.P. (Trional).—Diethylsulphonemethylethylmethane.

Colorless, lustrous, odorless, crystalline scales, having a bitter taste in aqueous solutions. Slightly soluble in water (1:200) and in alcohol.

Action and Uses: A hypnotic producing in ordinary doses no other symptoms than sleep. The sleep comes on in about an hour, though in some cases it may be much longer delayed.

Dosage: 0.75 Gm. or 12 grains (U.S.P.), best administered in hot milk or other hot drinks.

*Sulphonmethanum (Sulphonmeth.), Sulphonmethane, U.S.P. (Sulphonal).—Diethylsulphonedimethylmethane.

Colorless, odorless and nearly tasteless crystals or powder. Slightly soluble in water (1:365) and soluble in alcohol (1:60).

Action and Uses: Hypnotic and sedative. Has properties similar to those of sulphonethylmethane, but usually acts somewhat more slowly.

Dosage: 0.75 Gm. or 12 grains (U.S.P.). Preferably administered in hot milk or other hot drinks.

*Sulphur Lotum (Sulphur Lot.), Washed Sulphur, U.S.P.—S.

Fine, yellow, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water and in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Used locally in parasitic diseases of the skin and as a mild cathartic especially in hemorrhoids.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

Trochisci Sulphuris et Potassii Bitartratis (Troch. Sulphur. et Pot. Bitart.), Troches of Sulphur and Potassium Bitartrate, N.F. (Troches of Sulphur and Cream of Tartar).—Each troche contains washed sulphur (0.3 Gm. or 5 grains) and potassium bitartrate (0.06 Gm. or 1 grain) with tragacanth, sugar and oil of orange.

Dosage: 1 troche (N.F.). Dose so small as to be practically worthless.

*Sulphur Praecipitatum (Sulphur Praec.), Precipitated Sulphur, U.S.P. (Lac Sulphuris, Milk of Sulphur).—S. Made by precipitating a solution of calcium sulphide with hydrochloric acid.

Fine, pale yellow, odorless, tasteless powder.

Action and Uses: Same as those of washed sulphur; more active and irritant.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

*Sulphur Sublimatum (Sulphur Sublim.), Sublimed Sulphur, U.S.P. (Flowers of Sulphur).—S.

Fine, yellow powder having a slight, characteristic odor and a faintly acid taste.

Action and Uses: Same as those of washed sulphur.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.).

Petroxolinum Sulphuratum (Petrox. Sulphur.), Sulphurated Petroxolin, N.F. (Sulphurated Petrox).—Sublimed sulphur (3%) in linseed oil, oleic acid and liquid petroxolin.

Petroxolinum Sulphuratum Compositum (Petrox. Sulphur. Co.), Compound Sulphurated Petroxolin, N.F. (Compound Sulphurated Petrox).—Sulphurated petroxolin (10%), in oil of cade, thymol, eucalyptol, oil of turpentine and liquid petroxolin.

*Unguentum Sulphuris (Ung. Sulphur.), Sulphur Ointment, U.S.P.—Sublimed sulphur (15%) in benzoinated lard.

Unguentum Sulphuris Alkalinum (Ung. Sulphur. Alk.), Alkaline Sulphur Ointment, N.F.—Sublimed sulphur (20%) and potassium carbonate (10%) in water and benzoinated lard.

Unguentum Sulphuris Compositum (Ung. Sulphur. Co.), Compound Sulphur Ointment, N.F. (Wilkinson’s Ointment, Hebra’s Itch Ointment).—Sublimed sulphur (15%), oil of cade (15%) and precipitated calcium carbonate in soft soap and lard.

Sulphuris Iodidum (Sulphur. Iod.), Sulphur Iodide, N.F.—Washed sulphur (20%) and iodine combined by means of heat.

Brittle, grayish black masses, having a metallic luster, an odor of iodine and a somewhat acrid taste. Almost insoluble in water; alcohol dissolves the iodine, leaving the sulphur.

Action and Uses: Used in parasitic skin diseases; antiquated.

Sumbul (Sumbul), Sumbul, U.S.P. (Musk-root).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Formerly exploited as a stimulant and antispasmodic in hysterical conditions. Effect probably psychic.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Extractum Sumbul (Ext. Sumbul), Extract of Sumbul, U.S.P.—A pilular extract.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Sumbul (Fldext. Sumbul), Fluidextract of Sumbul, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Musk-root).—Sumbul (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Sumbul (Tr. Sumbul), Tincture of Sumbul, N.F.—Sumbul (10%) in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

SUPPOSITORIA, SUPPOSITORIES, U.S.P.—Suppositories are solid bodies of various weights and shapes adapted for introduction into the different orifices of the human body and melting readily at body heat.

Suprarenalum Siccum (Supraren. Sicc.), Dried Suprarenals, U.S.P. (Glandulae Suprarenales Siccae, U.S.P., VIII, Desiccated Suprarenal Glands).—The suprarenal glands of animals which are used for food by man, cleaned, dried, freed from fat, and powdered, and containing epinephrine (about 0.5%), the active principle of the suprarenal gland.

A light, yellowish-brown powder, having a slight, characteristic odor. Partially soluble in water.

Action and Uses: The action of dried suprarenals is virtually that of epinephrine, but more variable and less conveniently employed.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

SYRUPI, SYRUPS.—Syrups are aqueous solutions of medicinal substances rendered palatable by the addition of sugar. For the official syrups see under the names of the principal ingredients. For Syrupus, see under Saccharum; for Syrupus Bromidorum, under Potassii Bromidum; for Syrupus Ficorum Compositus, under Ficus; for Syrupus Hypophosphitum and Syrupus Hypophosphitum Compositus, under Calcii Hypophosphis; for Syrupus Ipecacuanhae et Opii, under Opium; for Syrupus Phosphatum Compositus, under Acidum Phosphoricum; for Syrupus Phosphatum cum Quinina et Strychnina, under Quininae Hydrochloridum, and for Syrupus Pini Strobi Compositus cum Morphina, under Morphinae Sulphas.

Talcum Purificatum (Talc. Purif.), Purified Talc, U.S.P.—A purified native hydrous magnesium silicate, sometimes containing a small amount of aluminum silicate.

A fine white or nearly white, odorless, tasteless powder, which adheres to the skin and is slippery to the touch.

Action and Uses: Used as a dusting powder, and as a clarifying agent in pharmacy.

Tamarindus (Tamarind.), Tamarind, N.F.—The preserved pulp of the fruit.

Action and Uses: Mildly laxative. When infused with water, yields an agreeable acid drink.

Dosage: 15 Gm. or 4 drachms (N.F.).

Taraxacum (Tarax.), Taraxacum, U.S.P. (Dandelion).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Has been used as a bitter tonic (without advantage over gentian) and as a mild laxative in habitual constipation (inferior to drugs like cascara sagrada); has no specific action on the liver.

Dosage: 10 Gm. or 2-1/2 drachms (U.S.P.).

Elixir Taraxaci Compositum (Elix. Tarax. Co.), Compound Elixir of Taraxacum, N.F.—Fluidextract of taraxacum (3.5%), fluidextract of wild cherry (2%), fluidextract of glycyrrhiza, tincture of sweet orange peel, tincture of cinnamon, compound tincture of cardamom and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content, about 28 per cent.

Dosage: 8 Cc. or 2 fluidrachms (N.F.).

Extractum Taraxaci (Ext. Tarax.), Extract of Taraxacum, U.S.P.—A pilular extract.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Taraxaci (Fldext. Tarax.), Fluidextract of Taraxacum, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Dandelion).—Taraxacum (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

Terebenum (Tereben.), Terebene, U.S.P.—Obtained from oil of turpentine by the action of concentrated sulphuric acid.

A colorless, thin liquid, having a thyme-like odor and an aromatic taste. Only slightly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol (1:3).

Action and Uses: Expectorant resembling oil of turpentine, but more pleasant in odor.

Dosage: 0.25 Cc. or 4 minims (U.S.P.).

*Terebinthina (Terebinth.), Turpentine, N.F.—A solid oleoresin obtained from pine.

Action and Uses: Rubefacient; without advantage over turpentine oil.

Terebinthina Laricis (Terebinth. Laric.), Venice Turpentine, N.F. (Larch Turpentine).— A viscid oleoresin obtained from European larch.

Action and Uses: Similar to those of turpentine; now seldom used.

Petroxolinum Terebinthinae Laricis (Petrox. Terebinth. Laric.), Venice Turpentine Petroxolin, N.F. (Venice Turpentine Petrox).—Venice turpentine (20%) in liquid petroxolin.

*Terpini Hydras (Terpin. Hyd.), Terpin Hydrate, U.S.P.

Colorless, lustrous, nearly odorless crystals, having a slightly aromatic and somewhat bitter taste. Slightly soluble in water (1:200) and soluble in alcohol (1:13).

Action and Uses: Antiseptic, diaphoretic, diuretic; largely used as an expectorant in cases accompanied by free bronchial secretion.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Terpini Hydratis (Elix. Terpin. Hyd.), Elixir of Terpin Hydrate, N.F.—Terpin hydrate (1.75%), tincture of sweet orange peel, spirit of bitter almond, alcohol, glycerin, syrup and water. Absolute alcohol content about 42 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Elixir Terpini Hydratis et Codeinae, N.F.—See under Codeina.

Elixir Terpini Hydratis et Diacetylmorphinae, N.F.—See under Diacetylmorphina.

Terra Silicea Purificata (Ter. Sil. Purif.), Purified Siliceous Earth, U.S.P. (Purified Kieselguhr, Purified Infusorial Earth).—Silica (SiO2).

Fine, bulky, white or nearly white, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water, acids or dilute solutions of the alkalies.

Action and Uses: Used as a clarifying agent in pharmacy.

*Theobrominae Sodio-Salicylas (Theobrom. Sodio-Sal.), Theobromine Sodio-Salicylate, U.S.P. (Diuretin).—Sodium theobromine and sodium salicylate in approximately molecular proportions. Contains not less than 46.5 per cent. of theobromine.

White, odorless powder, having a sweetish, saline and somewhat alkaline taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1), slightly soluble in alcohol. Incompatible with acids and has the other incompatibilities of salicylates.

Action and Uses: A soluble salt of theobromine, having much the same action as caffeine, except that it does not affect the central nervous system to any extent. Mainly used as a diuretic.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

*Theophyllina (Theophyll.), Theophylline, U.S.P. (Dimethylxanthine, Theocin).—An isomer of theobromine.

White, odorless powder, having a bitter taste. Soluble in water (1:100) and in alcohol (1:80).

Action and Uses: Has a diuretic action similar to that of theobromine, more powerful, but said to be not so lasting.

Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.).

Thuja (Thuja), Thuja, N.F. (Arbor Vitae).—Young twigs.

Action and Uses: Somewhat irritant; no well-defined indications for its use, but has been recommended as a febrifuge, expectorant and anthelmintic, and as a stimulating remedy in tenesmus and dribbling of urine in the aged.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Thujae (Fldext. Thuj.), Fluidextract of Thuja, N.F.—Thuja (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

*Thymol (Thymol), Thymol, U.S.P.—A phenol.

Large, colorless, translucent crystals, having an aromatic thyme-like odor, and a pungent, aromatic taste. Very slightly soluble in water (1:1,010); freely soluble in alcohol (1:1).

Action and Uses: Antiseptic and anthelmintic. Used chiefly against the hookworm.

Dosage: Antiseptic, 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (U.S.P.); anthelmintic, 1 Gm. or 15 grains, per day (U.S.P.). In the treatment of hookworm disease it should be given in as finely divided state as possible in dosage of from 0.5 to 4 Gm. or from 8 grains to 1 drachm. No fats, oils or alcohol should be given at the same time, for fear of absorption of the drug.

The dosage may be regulated according to age as follows: Up to 5 years of age, 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains; up to 10, 1 Gm. or 15 grains; up to 15, 1.5 Gm. or 24 grains; up to 20, 2 Gm. or 30 grains; above 20, 3 to 4 Gm. or 45 grains to 1 drachm.

Nebula Thymolis (Nebul. Thymol.), Thymol Spray, N.F.—Thymol (1%) in light liquid petrolatum.

*Thymolis Iodidum (Thymol. Iod.), Thymol Iodide, U.S.P. (Aristol).—Chiefly dithymol-diiodide. Should contain not less than 43 per cent. of iodine.

A reddish-brown or reddish-yellow, bulky powder, with a very slight aromatic odor. Insoluble in water or glycerin; only slightly soluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Antiseptic; used chiefly as a dusting powder. Less efficient than iodoform.

Thymus (Thymus), Thyme, N.F.—Tops.

Action and Uses: Aromatic and rubefacient; without advantage over camphor.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Thymi (Fldext. Thym.), Fluidextract of Thyme, N.F.—Thyme (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Thyroideum Siccum (Thyroid. Sicc.), Dried Thyroids, U.S.P. (Glandulae Thyroideae Siccae, U.S.P., VIII, Desiccated Thyroid Glands).—The thyroid glands of animals which are used for food by man, freed from connective tissue and fat, dried and powdered. Should contain about 0.2 per cent. of iodine.

A yellowish powder, with a slight characteristic odor.

Action and Uses: Used in thyroid deficiency; sometimes in obesity, in which it may be harmful.

Dosage: 0.1 Gm. or 1-1/2 grains (U.S.P.).

TINCTURAE, TINCTURES.—Tinctures with few exceptions are alcoholic or hydroalcoholic extractive preparations of vegetable drugs. The tinctures of potent drugs represent uniformly 10 Gm. of drug in 100 Cc. of the preparation, while tinctures of less potent drugs vary in strength but represent usually 20 Gm. of drug in 100 Cc. of the preparation. For the official tinctures see under the names of the respective drugs. For Tinctura Amara, see under Gentiana; for Tinctura Antiperiodica and Tinctura Antiperiodica sine Aloe, under Quininae Bisulphas; for Tinctura Aromatica, under Cinnamomum Saigonicum; for Tinctura Ipecacuanhae et Opii and for Tinctura Pectoralis, under Opium.

TINCTURAE AETHEREAE, ETHEREAL TINCTURES, N.F.—When not otherwise directed, ethereal tinctures are to be prepared representing 10 per cent. drug strength, extracted with a mixture of alcohol and ether. Of doubtful advantage over ordinary tinctures.

TINCTURAE MEDICAMENTORUM RECENTIUM, TINCTURES OF FRESH DRUGS, N.F. (Tincturae Herbarum Recentium, U.S.P. VIII).—When not otherwise directed, tinctures of fresh drugs are to be prepared by extracting 50 Gm. of the fresh drug with alcohol to make 100 Cc.

TOXITABELLAE, POISON TABLETS.—Tablets containing poisons.

*Tragacantha (Trag.), Tragacanth, U.S.P. (Gum Tragacanth).—Mixed with 50 parts of distilled water, forms a smooth, nearly uniform, stiff, opalescent mucilage.

Action and Uses: Demulcent and ingredient in emulsions.

Glyceritum Tragacanthae (Glycer. Trag.), Glycerite of Tragacanth, N.F.—Tragacanth (about 10%) in glycerin and water.

Mucilago Tragacanthae (Mucil. Trag.), Mucilage of Tragacanth, U.S.P.—Tragacanth (6%) in glycerin (18%) and water.

Trifolium (Trifol.), Trifolium, N.F. (Red Clover Blossoms).

Action and Uses: Inert. Has been used in antisyphilitic and alterative compounds; also as an expectorant.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Trifolii (Fldext. Trifol.), Fluidextract of Trifolium, N.F.—Trifolium (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Trillium (Trill.), Trillium, N.F. (Beth Root).—Rhizome.

Action and Uses: Obsolete, formerly used as astringent and tonic.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Trillii (Fldext. Trill.), Fluidextract of Trillium, N.F.—Trillium (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

*Trinitrophenol (Trinitrophen.), Trinitrophenol, U.S.P. (Picric Acid).

Pale yellow, odorless crystals, having an intensely bitter taste, and exploding when heated rapidly and when subjected to percussion. Trinitrophenol stains the skin an intense, permanent yellow. Soluble in water (1:78), and in alcohol (1:12).

Action and Uses: For the dressing of burns. Internally is highly toxic, producing nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and stains the skin and mucous membranes a yellow color, simulating jaundice.

Dosage: Externally as saturated watery solution or as ointment.

Triticum (Tritic.), Triticum, U.S.P. (Couch Grass, Dog Grass).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Formerly exploited as a diuretic in cystitis and irritable bladder. Now seldom employed.

Dosage: 8 Gm. or 2 drachms (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Tritici (Fldext. Tritic.), Fluidextract of Triticum, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Couch Grass).—Triticum (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 15 per cent.

Dosage: 10 Cc. or 2-1/2 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

TRITURATIONES, TRITURATIONS.—Mixtures containing active drugs in powder form; prepared by mixing the substance (10%) with powdered sugar of milk. For the official trituration see Trituratio Elaterini, U.S.P., under Elaterinum.

TROCHISCI, TROCHES (Lozenges).—Tablets intended to be dissolved in the mouth for their local effect on the mucous membrane of the mouth and the throat. For the official troches see under the names of the principal ingredients.

Ulmus (Ulmus), Elm, U.S.P. (Elm Bark, Slippery Elm).—The inner bark.

Action and Uses: Obsolete demulcent.

Trochisci Ulmi (Troch. Ulmi), Troches of Elm, N.F.—Each troche contains elm, tragacanth, sugar and methyl salicylate.

Uses: Demulcent expectorant.

Dosage: 1 troche (N.F.).

UNGUENTA, OINTMENTS.—Soft, fatty solids, of such consistency that they are readily spread at ordinary temperatures. For the official ointments, see under the names of the respective principal constituents. For Unguentum, see under Adeps; for Unguentum Diachylon, under Plumbi Oxidum, and for Unguentum Fuscum, under Camphora.

Uranii Nitras (Uran. Nit.), Uranium Nitrate, U.S.P. (Uranyl Nitrate).—UO2(NO3)2 + 6H2O.

Light, yellow, odorless, somewhat efflorescent, radioactive crystals, having a bitter astringent taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.2); also soluble in alcohol or ether.

Action and Uses: Has been used, without adequate justification, in the treatment of diabetes and cancer. Solutions are poisonous and produce glucosuria when injected subcutaneously, even in small doses.

Dosage: 0.01 Gm. or 1/6 grain (U.S.P.), best administered in simple solutions. Use with caution.

Uva Ursi (Uva Ursi), Uva Ursi, U.S.P. (Bearberry).—Leaves.

Action and Uses: Mild and slightly antiseptic diuretic used especially in vesical catarrh. Less effective than santal oil.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Uvae Ursi (Fldext. Uvae Ursi), Fluidextract of Uva Ursi, U.S.P.—Uva ursi (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 25 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

*Valeriana (Valer.), Valerian, U.S.P.—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Used as “antispasmodic” and “nerve sedative” in hysteria and other nervous excitations. Its influence is largely psychic, owing to its strong, persistent odor.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Valerianae (Fldext. Valer.), Fluidextract of Valerian, N.F.—Valerian (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Tinctura Valerianae (Tr. Valer.), Tincture of Valerian, U.S.P.—Valerian (20%), in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 69 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

*Tinctura Valerianae Ammoniata (Tr. Valer. Ammon.), Ammoniated Tincture of Valerian, U.S.P.—Valerian (20%) in aromatic spirit of ammonia. Absolute alcohol content about 64 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Vanilla (Vanilla), Vanilla, N.F. (Vanilla Bean).—Cured fruit.

Action and Uses: Flavoring.

Tinctura Vanillae (Tr. Vanill.), Tincture of Vanilla, N.F.—Vanilla, sugar and diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Vanillinum (Vanillin.), Vanillin, U.S.P.—The odorous principle of vanilla, sometimes prepared synthetically.

Fine, white or nearly white, crystalline needles having the odor and taste of vanilla. Soluble in water (1:100) and freely soluble in alcohol or glycerin.

Action and Uses: Used only as a flavoring.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.).

Elixir Vanillini Compositum (Elix. Vanil. Co.), Compound Elixir of Vanillin, N.F.—Compound spirit of vanillin (2%), alcohol, glycerin, syrup, tincture of caramel and water. Absolute alcohol content about 8 per cent.

Spiritus Vanillini Compositus (Sp. Vanil. Co.), Compound Spirit of Vanillin, N.F.—Vanillin, oil of orange, oil of cardamom, oil of cinnamon and alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Veratrina (Veratrin.), Veratrine, U.S.P. (Veratria).—A mixture of alkaloids from sabadilla seeds.

White or nearly white, odorless powder, intensely irritating to the nasal mucous membrane. Very slightly soluble in water (1:1760) and freely soluble in alcohol (1:2.8).

Action and Uses: In its action on peripheral nerve endings, it is said to resemble aconite, but has no material advantage over the latter. Has been applied (in an ointment) as analgesic in neuralgia. It is highly toxic, and caution should be observed in its use, especially where the skin is broken.

Oleatum Veratrinae (Oleat. Veratrin.), Oleate of Veratrine, N.F.—Veratrine (2%) in oleic acid and olive oil.

Unguentum Veratrinae (Ung. Veratrin.), Veratrine Ointment, N.F.—Veratrine (4%) in expressed oil of almond and benzoinated lard.

Veratrum Viride (Verat. Vir.), Veratrum Viride, U.S.P. (Green Hellebore, American Hellebore).—Rhizome and roots.

Action and Uses: Slows the heart and lowers blood pressure. The tincture has been recommended especially in eclampsia, but is now little used.

Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Veratri Viridis (Fldext. Verat. Vir.), Fluidextract of Veratrum Viride, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Green Hellebore).—Veratrum viride (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 0.1 Cc. or 1-1/2 minims (U.S.P.).

Tinctura Veratri Viridis (Tr. Verat. Vir.), Tincture of Veratrum Viride, U.S.P.—Veratrum viride (10%). Absolute alcohol content about 91 per cent.

Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.)

Verbasci Flores (Verbasc. Flor.), Mullein Flowers, N.F.—Corollas with stamens.

Action and Uses: Demulcent, without advantage over acacia, elm, etc.

Dosage: 8 Gm. or 2 drachms (N.F.).

Verbasci Folia (Verbasc. Fol.), Mullein Leaves, N.F.

Action and Uses: Same as those of the flowers.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Verbasci Foliae [should be Foliorum] (Fldext. Verbasc. Fol.), Fluidextract of Mullein Leaves, N.F.—Mullein leaves (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Verbena (Verben.), Verbena, N.F. (Blue Vervain).—Plant deprived of its root.

Action and Uses: Obsolete; said to be tonic, emetic, expectorant and diaphoretic.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Verbenae (Fldext. Verben.), Fluidextract of Verbena, N.F.—Verbena (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

Viburnum Opulus (Viburn. Opul.), Viburnum Opulus, N.F. (Crampbark, High Bush Cranberry Bark).

Action and Uses: Slightly bitter; practically inert; was recommended as tonic, antispasmodic and alterative. The market supply is said to have been spurious for many years, consisting of mountain maple (Acer spicatum).

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

Elixir Viburni Opuli Compositum (Elix. Viburn. Opul. Co.), Compound Elixir of Viburnum Opulus, N.F. (Compound Elixir of Crampbark).—Fluidextract of viburnum opulus (7.5%), fluidextract of trillium (15%), fluidextract of aletris (7.5%) and compound elixir of taraxacum. Absolute alcohol content about 35 per cent.

Uses: An inefficient mixture sold for use in “female weakness.”

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Viburni Opuli (Fldext. Viburn. Opul.), Fluidextract of Viburnum Opulus, N.F.—Viburnum opulus (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

Tinctura Viburni Opuli Composita (Tr. Viburn. Opul. Co.), Compound Tincture of Viburnum, N.F.—Viburnum opulus (3.5%), dioscorea (3.5%) and scutellaria (1%), with clove and Saigon cinnamon in glycerin, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Uses: Irrational mixture used in menstrual disorders.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Viburnum Prunifolium (Viburn. Prun.), Viburnum Prunifolium, U.S.P. (Black Haw, Viburnum).—The dried bark.

Action and Uses: Has had considerable vogue as a “uterine sedative,” in dysmenorrhea and habitual abortion. There is no good evidence that it has any action.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Viburni Prunifolii (Elix. Viburn. Prun.), Elixir of Viburnum Prunifolium, N.F. (Elixir of Black Haw).—Fluidextract of viburnum prunifolium (12.5%), compound tincture of cardamom and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 29 per cent.

Uses: An objectionable alcoholic preparation of viburnum.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Extractum Viburni Prunifolii (Ext. Viburn. Prun.), Extract of Viburnum Prunifolium, U.S.P. (Powdered Extract of Viburnum Prunifolium).—One Gm. extract represents 5 Gm. viburnum prunifolium.

Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Viburni Prunifolii (Fldext. Viburn. Prun.), Fluidextract of Viburnum Prunifolium, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Black Haw).—Viburnum prunifolium (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

VINA, WINES.—Medicated wines are solutions of active medicaments or the active constituents of drugs in wine. For the official wines, see under the names of the respective principal constituents.

Vinum Xericum (Vin. Xeric.), Sherry Wine, N.F.—An alcoholic liquid made by fermenting the juice of fresh ripe grapes, the fruit of cultivated varieties of Vitis, freed from seeds, stems and skins, and fortifying with pure grape brandy. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

Action and Uses: Sherry wine has the action of alcohol.

*Virus Vaccinicum (Virus Vaccin.), Vaccine Virus, U.S.P. (Glycerinated Vaccine Virus, Smallpox Vaccine, Jennerian Vaccine).—Prepared from the pustules of vaccinia from vaccinated cattle. The product must comply with the requirements established by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States through the United States Public Health Service.

Uses: Prophylactic vaccination against smallpox.

Xanthoxylum (Xanthox.), Xanthoxylum, U.S.P. (Prickly Ash Bark).

Action and Uses: Bitter, without special advantage over gentian.

Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Xanthoxyli (Fldext. Xanthox.), Fluidextract of Xanthoxylum, U.S.P. (Fluidextract of Prickly Ash).—Xanthoxylum (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 60 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

Xanthoxylum Fructus (Xanthox. Fruct.), Prickly Ash Berries, N.F.

Action and Uses: Obsolete and probably worthless; has been used as stimulant, tonic, alterative, diaphoretic, sialagogue and carminative.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Zea (Zea), Zea, N.F. (Corn Silk).

Action and Uses: Probably valueless. Has been used in inflammatory conditions of the bladder.

Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

Fluidextractum Zeae (Fldext. Zea.), Fluidextract of Zea, N.F.—Zea (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 40 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Zedoaria (Zedoar.), Zedoary, N.F.—Rhizome.

Action and Uses: Practically the same as those of ginger, over which it has no advantage.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

Tinctura Zedoariae Amara (Tr. Zedoar. Amar.), Bitter Tincture of Zedoary, N.F. (Compound Tincture of Zedoary).—Zedoary (25%), aloes (12.5%), rhubarb (6.2%), gentian (6.2%), agaric (6.2%) and saffron (6.2%) in glycerin, alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 50 per cent.

Uses: Bitter stomachic and laxative; needlessly complex and without special advantage over compound tincture of gentian.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

*Zinci Acetas (Zinc. Acet.), Zinc Acetate, U.S.P.—Zn(C2H3O2)2 + 2H2O.

Soft white crystals, having a faint vinegar odor and, in dilute solutions, an astringent metallic taste. Freely soluble in water (1:2.3), and soluble in alcohol (1:30).

Action and Uses: Used locally, like zinc sulphate, being somewhat less powerful.

Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (U.S.P.).

Zinci Carbonas Praecipitatus (Zinc. Carb. Praec.), Precipitated Zinc Carbonate, U.S.P.

Impalpable, white, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to, but without advantage over zinc oxide.

*Zinci Chloridum (Zinc Chlor.), Zinc Chloride, U.S.P.—ZnCl2.

White or nearly white, granular powder, porcelain-like masses or molded pencils, odorless, very deliquescent and intensely caustic. Very soluble in water (1:0.25) and in alcohol (1:1.3).

Action and Uses: Antiseptic, astringent and escharotic.

*Liquor Zinci Chloridi (Liq. Zinc. Chlor.), Solution of Zinc Chloride, U.S.P.—ZnCl2 (about 50 per cent.).

*Zinci Oxidum (Zinc. Oxid.), Zinc Oxide, U.S.P.—ZnO.

Fine, white or nearly white, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water or in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Antiseptic and astringent, widely used either alone or in combination with other substances as a dusting powder and as a protective and sedative in ointments.

Glycerogelatinum Zinci Durum (Glycerogel. Zinc. Dur.), Firm Zinc Glycerogelatin, N.F.—Zinc oxide (10%) in water, glycerin and glycerinated gelatin.

Glycerogelatinum Zinci Molle (Glycerogel. Zinc. Mol.), Soft Zinc Glycerogelatin, N.F.—Zinc oxide (10%) in water, glycerin and glycerinated gelatin.

Mulla Zinci (Mull. Zinc.), Zinc Mull, N.F. (Unguentum Zinci Extensum, N.F. III).—Zinc oxide (10%) in benzoinated suet and benzoinated lard.

Pasta Zinci (Past. Zinc.), Zinc Paste, N.F. (Lassar’s Zinc Paste).—Zinc oxide (24%), salicylic acid (2%), starch and petrolatum.

Pasta Zinci Mollis (Past. Zinc. Moll.), Soft Zinc Paste, N.F. (Unna’s Soft Zinc Paste).—Zinc oxide (25%), precipitated calcium carbonate, linseed oil and solution of calcium hydroxide.

Pasta Zinci Sulphurata (Past. Zinc. Sulphur.), Sulphurated Zinc Paste, N.F. (Unna’s Sulphurated Zinc Paste).—Zinc oxide (15%), precipitated sulphur (10%), purified siliceous earth and benzoinated lard.

*Unguentum Zinci Oxidi (Ung. Zinc. Ox.), Ointment of Zinc Oxide, U.S.P. (Zinc Ointment).—Zinc oxide (20%) in benzoinated lard.

Zinci Phenolsulphonas (Zinc. Phenolsulph.), Zinc Phenolsulphonate, U.S.P. (Zinc Sulphocarbolate).—The hydrated salt.

Colorless, odorless crystals or granules having an astringent, metallic taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.6), and in alcohol (1:1.8).

Action and Uses: Similar to, but less active than zinc sulphate, over which it has no advantage.

Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains.

*Zinci Stearas (Zinc. Stear.), Zinc Stearate, U.S.P.—Chiefly zinc stearate and palmitate.

Fine, bulky, white, tasteless powder, having a faint characteristic odor. Insoluble in water or alcohol.

Action and Uses: Similar to, but without special advantage over zinc oxide.

Unguentum Zinci Stearatis (Ung. Zinc. Stear.), Ointment of Zinc Stearate, N.F.—Zinc stearate (50%) in white petrolatum.

Uses: Without advantage over the oxide.

*Zinci Sulphas (Zinc. Sulph.), Zinc Sulphate, U.S.P.—ZnSO4 + 7H2O.

Colorless, transparent crystals or granular powder, odorless and having an astringent, metallic taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.6) and freely soluble in glycerin (1:2.5); insoluble in alcohol.

Action and Uses: Astringent, styptic and emetic. Much used in eye washes and especially effective in that form of conjunctivitis caused by the Morax-Axenfeld bacillus.

Dosage: Emetic, 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.) in diluted solution. Locally, 0.1 to 1 per cent. in collyria; 0.5 to 4 per cent. in injections (gonorrhea).

Liquor Zinci et Alumini Compositus (Liq. Zinc. et Alumin. Co.), Compound Solution of Zinc and Aluminum, N.F.—Zinc sulphate (20%), aluminum sulphate (20%), betanaphthol (0.06%) with oil of thyme in water.

Uses: Needlessly complex astringent and antiseptic.

Liquor Zinci et Ferri Compositus (Liq. Zinc. et Ferr. Co.), Compound Solution of Zinc and Iron, N.F. (Deodorant Solution).—Zinc sulphate (20%), ferrous sulphate (20%), copper sulphate (6.5%), betanaphthol (0.06%) with oil of thyme and hypophosphorous acid in water.

Uses: Needlessly complex antiseptic mixture.

Pulvis Antisepticus (Pulv. Antisept.), Soluble Antiseptic Powder, N.F. (Pulvis Antisepticus Solubilis).—Zinc sulphate (12.5%), salicylic acid (0.5%), phenol, eucalyptol, menthol and thymol (each 0.1%) and boric acid.

Uses: Needlessly complex antiseptic mixture.

Zinci Valeras (Zinc. Valer.), Zinc Valerate, U.S.P. (Zinc Valerianate).

White scales or powder, having a valerian-like odor and a sweetish, astringent, metallic taste. Soluble in water (1:70), often leaving a residue, and in alcohol (1:22).

Action and Uses: Formerly deemed a “nerve sedative,” but is without value.

Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (U.S.P.).

Elixir Zinci Valeratis (Elix. Zinc. Valer.), Elixir of Zinc Valerate, N.F. (Elixir Zinci Valerianatis, N.F. III).—Zinc valerate (1.75%), ammonium citrate, alcohol, spirit of bitter almond, compound tincture of cudbear, water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 28 per cent.

Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

Zincum (Zinc.), Zinc, U.S.P.—Zn.

Bluish-white, thin sheets, irregular, granulated pieces, molded pencils or powder. Insoluble in water or alcohol, but dissolves in diluted sulphuric or hydrochloric acid with the evolution of hydrogen.

Action and Uses: Reagent for the generation of hydrogen.

*Zingiber (Zingib.), Ginger, U.S.P.—Rhizomes.

Action and Uses: Flavor, carminative, aromatic and stimulant to the gastro-intestinal tract, because of the irritating action of the volatile oil and resin. Probably has no advantage over other pungent aromatics, such as the mints.

Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

Fluidextractum Zingiberis (Fldext. Zingib.), Fluidextract of Ginger, U.S.P.—Ginger (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

Oleoresina Zingiberis (Oleores. Zingib.), Oleoresin of Ginger, U.S.P.

Uses: Highly irritant.

Dosage: 0.03 Gm. or 1/2 grain (U.S.P.).

Syrupus Zingiberis (Syr. Zingib.), Syrup of Ginger, U.S.P.— Fluidextract of ginger (3%), in alcohol (2%) and syrup.

Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

*Tinctura Zingiberis (Tr. Zingib.), Tincture of Ginger, U.S.P. (Tincture of Jamaica Ginger).—Jamaica ginger (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 91 per cent.

Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).


In this index preference has been given to the English names of the various drugs. The Latin names are used only when they differ materially in spelling from the English.

Absinthium, 5

Absorbent cotton (Gossypium purificatum), 103

Acacia, 5

and morphine syrup, 134

mucilage, 5

syrup, 5

Aceta, 5

Acetanilid, 5

powder, compound, 6

Acetic acid, 6

acid, diluted, 6

acid, glacial, 6

ether, 17

turpentine liniment, 148

Acetomorphine (Diacetylmorphina), 78

Acetone, 6

Acetphenetidin, 6

Acetum aromaticum, 142

opii, 149

scillae, 192

Acid, acetic acid, boric acid, citric acid, etc.: See Acetic acid, Boric acid, Citric acid, etc.

Aconite, 14

and chloroform liniment, 15

extract, 15

fluidextract, 15

powdered extract (Extractum aconiti), 15

root, 14

tincture, 15

Aconiti tuber (Aconitum), 14

Aconitine, 14

oleate, 14

Actaea, compound syrup (Syrupus cimicifugae compositus), 64

Adeps, 15

benzoinatus, 15

lanae, 15

lanae hydrosus, 16

Adhesive plaster (Emplastrum resinae), 182

rosin (Emplastrum resinae), 182

rubber (Emplastrum elasticum), 182

Adjuvans elixir (Elixir glycyrrhizae), 19

Adonis, 16

fluidextract, 16

Aether, 16

aceticus, 17

nitrosus, 17

Aethylis carbamas, 17

chloridum, 17

Aethylmorphinae hydrochloridum, 17

African chillies (Capsicum), 55

Agar, 18

Agar-Agar, 18

Agaric, 18

larch (Agaricus), 18

white (Agaricus), 18

Aitken tonic pills (pilulae ferri, quininae, strychninae et arseni mites), 95

Albuminate of iron, solution, 94

Alcohol, 18

absolutum (Alcohol dehydratum), 18

dehydrated, 18

diluted, 18

Aleppo galls (Galla), 98

Aletris, 19

fluidextract, 19

Alexandria senna or India senna (Senna), 194

Alkaline antiseptic solution, 169

mixture of rhubarb, 183

solution of tar, 165

sulphur ointment, 215

Allium, 19

Allspice (Pimenta), 163

oil (Oleum Pimentae), 146

Almond, bitter oil, 137

bitter, spirit (Spiritus Amygdalae amarae), 138

bitter, water, 137

elixir, compound, 137

emulsion, 29

milk (Emulsum amygdalae), 29

oil, expressed, 138

oil, sweet (Oleum amygdalae expressum), 138

sweet, 28

Aloes, 19

and asafetida pills, 20

and canella powder, 21

and iron pills, 20

and mastic pills, 20

and myrrh pills, 20

and myrrh tincture, 21

and podophyllum compound pills, 21

extract, 20

iron, quinine and nux vomica pills, 94

mercury and podophyllum pills, 21

mercury and scammony compound pills, 21

pills, 20

powdered extract (Extractum aloes), 20

tincture, 21

Aloin, 21

compound pills, 22

strychnine and belladonna, compound pills, 22

strychnine and belladonna pills, 22

Alum, 23

burnt (Alumen exsiccatum), 23

dried (Alumen exsiccatum), 23

exsiccated, 23

Alumen, 23

ustum (Alumen exsiccatum), 23

Aluminum acetate, 23

acetate solution, 23

acetico-tartrate, 24

acetico-tartrate solution, 24

and zinc compound solution, 230

chloride, 24

hydroxide, 24

subacetate, 24

subacetate solution, 24

sulphate, 24

Althaea, 22

leaves, 23

syrup, 22

American hellebore (Veratrum viride), 225

spikenard (Aralia), 32

wormseed oil (Oleum chenopodii), 140

Aminoform (Hexamethylenamina), 107

Ammonia, 24

liniment, 25

solution, anisated (Spiritus ammoniae anisatus), 25

spirit, anisated, 25

spirit, aromatic, 26

water, 24

water, stronger, 24

Ammoniated camphor wash, 25

glycyrrhizin, 103

mercury, 113

mercury ointment, 113

tincture of ergot, 82

tincture of guaiac, 105

tincture of valerian, 224

Ammonio-ferric citrate (Ferri et ammonii citras), 87

acetate, 25

acetate and iron solution, 25

acetate solution, 25

benzoate, 25

bromide, 26

bromide elixir, 26

carbonate, 26

chloride, 27

chloride mixture, 27

chloride troches, 27

citrate, 27

citrate and bismuth, 41

citrate and iron, 87

citrate solution, 27

hypophosphite, 27

hypophosphite syrup, 27

iodide, 28

iodide liniment, 28

phosphate, 28

salicylate, 28

valerate, 28

valerate elixir, 28

valerianate (Ammonii valeras), 28

Amygdala dulcis, 28

Amyl nitrite, 29

Amylum, 29

Anethol, 29

Angelica fruit, 29

root, 29

root, fluidextract, 30

seed (Angelicae fructus), 29

Anhydrous lanolin (Adeps lanae), 15

Anisated powder of rhubarb and magnesia, 184

solution of ammonia (Spiritus ammoniae anisatus), 25

spirit of ammonia, 25

Anise, 30

elixir, 29

oil (Oleum anisi), 138

powder, compound (Pulvis Rhei et magnesiae anisatus), 184

spirit, 138

water, 138

Aniseed (Anisum), 30

Anisum, 30

Antidiphtheric globulins (Serum antidiphthericum purificatum), 196

serum, 196

serum, dried, 196

serum, purified, 196

Antidyspeptic pills, 212

Antifebrin (Acetanilidum), 5

Antimonial powder, 30

Antimonium oxysulphuratum (Antimonium sulphuratum), 30

sulphuratum, 30

Antimony and potassium tartrate, 30

compound pills, 31

oxide, 30

sulphurated, 30

tartrated (Antimonii et potassii tartras), 30

wine, 30

Antiperiodic pills, 180

pills without aloes, 180

tincture, 177

tincture without aloes, 178

Antipyrine, 31

Antiseptic powder, soluble, 231

solution, 7

solution, alkaline, 169

solution of pepsin, 157

Antitetanic globulins (Serum antitetanicum purificatum), 196

serum, 196

serum, dried, 197

serum, purified, 196

Antitoxin, diphtheria (Serum antidiphthericum), 196

diphtheria, concentrated (Serum antidiphthericum purificatum), 196

diphtheria, dried (Serum antidiphthericum siccum), 196

diphtheria, refined and concentrated (Serum antidiphthericum purificatum), 196

globulins, diphtheric (Serum antidiphthericum purificatum), 196

globulins, tetanus (Serum antitetanicum purificatum), 196

tetanus (Serum antitetanicum), 196

tetanus, concentrated (Serum antitetanicum purificatum), 196

tetanus, dried (Serum antitetanicum siccum), 197

tetanus, refined and concentrated (Serum antitetanicum purificatum), 196

Ants, spirit of (Spiritus acidi formici), 8

Apii fructus, 31

Apiol, liquid (Oleoresina petroselini), 159

Apocynum, 31

fluidextract, 31

Apomorphine chloride (Apomorphinae hydrochloridum), 31

hydrochloride, 31

Apple juice, fresh, 214

Apples, ferrated extract, 90

ferrated extract, tincture, 90


See also under Water.

ammoniae, 24

ammoniae fortior, 25

amygdalae amarae, 137

anisi, 138

aqua, 32

aurantii florum, 37

aurantii florum fortior, 37

camphorae, 53

chloroformi, 62

cinnamomi, 140

creosoti, 75

destillata, 32

destillata sterilisata, 32

foeniculi, 141

hamamelidis, 106

hydrogenii dioxidii (Liquor hydrogenii dioxidi), 115

menthae piperitae, 143

menthae viridis, 143

phagedaenica flava (Lotio flava), 111

phagedaenica nigra (Lotio nigra), 109

phenolata, 159

regia (Acidum nitrohydrochloricum), 10

rosae, 185

rosae fortior, 185

sedativa (Lotio ammoniacalis camphorata), 25

Aquae aromaticae, 32

Aqueous elixir of glycyrrhiza, 102

elixir of licorice (Elixir glycyrrhizae aquosum), 102

extract of ergot, 82

fluidextract of cinchona, 65

tincture of rhubarb, 184

Aralia, 32

fluidextract, 32

Arbor vitae (Thuja), 219

Argenti nitras, 32

nitras fusus, 33

oxidum, 33

Aristol (Thymolis iodidum), 220

Arnica, 33

flowers (Arnica), 33

fluidextract, 33

tincture, 33

Aromatic camphor mixture, 142

castor oil, 146

elixir, 18

elixir of eriodictyon, 83

elixir of glycyrrhiza, 19

elixir of licorice (Elixir glycyrrhizae aromaticum), 19

elixir of yerba santa (Elixir eriodictyi aromaticum), 83

fluidextract, 66

fluidextract of cascara sagrada, 58

fluidglycerate of cascara sagrada, 58

oil spray, 158

powder, 66

powder of chalk, 66

powder of chalk and opium, 151

solution of pepsin, 157

spirit of ammonia, 26

sulphuric acid, 13

syrup of eriodictyon, 83

syrup of rhubarb, 184

syrup of senna, 195

syrup of yerba santa (Syrupus eriodictyi aromaticus), 83

tincture, 66

tincture of rhubarb, 184

vinegar, 142

waters, 32

Aromatized iodoform, 117

Aromatol (Nebula aromatica), 158

Arsenas sodii (Sodii arsenas), 198

Arseni iodidum, 33

trioxidum, 33

Arsenic antidote (Ferri hydroxidum cum magnesii oxido), 88

bromide and gold solution, 7

chloride, solution (Liquor acidi arsenosi), 34

iodide (Arseni iodidum), 33

iron, quinine and strychnine pills, mild, 95

iron, quinine and strychnine pills, stronger, 95

solution, Clemens’, 168

solution, hydrochloric (Liquor acidi arsenosi), 34

trioxide, 33

white (Arseni trioxidum), 33

Arsenous acid (Arseni trioxidum), 33

acid, solution, 34

and mercuric iodide solution, 33

iodide, 33

oxide (Arseni trioxidum), 33

Artificial Carlsbad salt, 207

Carlsbad salt, effervescent, 207

Kissingen salt, 202

Kissingen salt, effervescent, 202

Vichy salt, 199

Vichy salt, effervescent, 200

Vichy salt with lithium, effervescent, 200

Asafetida, 34

and aloes pills, 20

emulsion, 34

gum (Asafoetida), 34

milk (Emulsum Asafoetidae), 34

opium and magnesia mixture, 128

pills, 34

tincture, 34

Asarum, 34

syrup, compound (Syrupus asari compositus), 34

Asclepias, 35

fluidextract, 35

Aspidium, 35

oleoresin, 35

Aspidosperma, 35

fluidextract, 35

Astringent mixture, 77

Atophan (Acidum phenylcinchoninicum), 11

Atropine, 35

oleate, 36

sulphate, 36

Aurantii amari cortex, 36

dulcis cortex, 36

flores, 37

Auri et sodii chloridum, 37

Baccae spinae cervinae (Rhamnus cathartica), 182

Baking soda (Sodii bicarbonas), 199

Balm of Gilead buds (Populi gemmae), 167

Balsam of copaiba (Copaiba), 73

of Peru, 37

of Tolu, 37

poplar buds, 167

Balsamum tranquillans (Oleum hyoscyami compositum), 115

Baptisia, 38

fluidextract, 38

Barker’s post partum pills (Pilulae laxative post partum), 71

Basham’s mixture (Liquor ferri et ammonii acetatis), 25

Basilicon ointment (Ceratum resinae), 181

Bateman’s pectoral drops (Tinctura pectoralis), 152

Bay oil (Oleum myrciae), 145

Bayberry bark, 135

powder, compound, 135

Bearberry (Uva ursi), 223

Beef, 56

and wine (Vinum carnis), 56

and iron, wine, 57

extract (Extractum carnis), 56

wine, 56

wine and iron (Vinum carnis et ferri), 57

Beeswax (Cera flava), 59

Belladonna, aloin and strychnine pills, 22

aloin and strychnine pills, compound, 22

leaves, 38

leaves, extract, 38

leaves, tincture, 38

liniment, 39

ointment, 38

plaster, 38

root, 39

root, fluidextract, 39

tincture (Tinctura belladonnae foliorum), 38

Benne oil (Oleum sesami), 147

Benzaldehyde, 39

Benzamine hydrochloride (Betaeucainae hydrochloridum), 40

Benzinum purificatum, 39

Benzoic acid, 7

Benzoin, 39

tincture, 39

tincture, compound, 39

Benzoinated lard, 15

suet, 197

Benzosulphinide, 40

Berberis, 40

fluidextract, 40

Bergamot, oil, 139

Bestuscheff’s tincture (Tinctura ferri chloridi aetherea), 87

Betaeucaine hydrochloride, 40

Betanaphythol, 40

paste, 40

petrox (Petroxolinum betanaphtholis), 41

petroxolin, 41

Beth root (Trillium), 222

Bichloride of mercury (Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum), 108

tablets (Toxitabellae hydrargyri chloridi corrosivi), 109

Biniodide of mercury (Hydrargyri iodidum rubrum), 110

Birch, rectified empyroligneous oil (Oleum betulae empyreumaticum rectificatum), 139

tar oil, rectified, 139

Bismuth ammoniocitrate (Bismuth et ammonii citras), 41

and ammonium citrate, 41

and pepsin, elixir, 156

and sodium tartrate, 41

betanaphthol, 41

betanaphtholate (Bismuthi betanaphtholas), 41

elixir, 41

glycerite, 41

iron and calisaya, alkaloidal elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri et bismuthi), 41

iron and cinchona alkaloids, elixir, 41

magma, 42

milk (Magma bismuthi), 42

oxide, 42

solution, 42

strychnine, and pepsin, elixir, 212

strychnine, calisaya, alkaloidal, and iron, elixir, 213

strychnine, cinchona alkaloids, and iron, elixir, 213

subcarbonate, 42

subgallate, 42

subnitrate, 42

subsalicylate, 42

Bitter almond oil, 137

almond spirit, 138

almond water, 137

apple (Colocynthis), 70

metallic pills (Pilulae ferri, quininae, strychninae et arseni fortiores), 95

orange elixir, 138

orange flowers, 37

orange oil, 138

orange peel, 36

orange peel, fluidextract, 36

orange peel, tincture, 36

stomachic drops (Tinctura amara), 100

tincture, 100

tincture of zedoary, 228

wine of iron, 88

wood (Quassia), 176

Bitterless syrup of quinidine (Syrupus quinidinae), 177

Bittersweet, 80

fluidextract, 80

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga), 63

elixir (Elixir viburni prunifolii), 227

fluidextract (Fluidextractum cimicifuga), 63

haw (Viburnum prunifolium), 227

haw, fluidextract (Fluidextractum viburni prunifolii), 227

lotion, 109

mustard, 197

pepper (Piper), 164

snake-root (Cimicifuga), 63

snake-root, fluidextract (Fluidextractum cimicifuga), 63

wash (Lotio nigra), 109

blackberries, 186

blackberry bark (Rubus), 186

cordial, 186

elixir, compound, 186

fruit, syrup, 186

Bladderwrack (Fucus), 97

Blaud’s pills (Pilulae ferri carbonatis), 86

Blistering cerate (Ceratum cantharidis), 54

collodion (Collodium cantharidatum), 54

Blood root (Sanguinaria), 189

syrup (Syrupus sanguinariae), 189

tincture (Tinctura sanguinariae), 189

Blue cohosh (Caulophyllum), 59

flag, 120

flag, fluidextract, 120

gum leaves (Eucalyptus), 83

mass (Massa hydrargyri), 112

ointment (Unguentum hydrargyri dilutum), 112

pill (Massa hydrargyri), 112

vervain (Verbena), 226

Boldo, 43

fluidextract, 43

leaves, 43

Boneset (Eupatorium), 84

Boracic acid (Acidum boricum), 7

Borax (Sodii boras), 200

and honey (Mel sodii boratis), 200

with honey of rose (Mel rosae et sodii boratis), 200

Boric acid, 7

acid, ointment, 7

Boroglycerin, glycerite, 7

suppositories, 101

Boro-Salicylated powder of talc (Pulvis talci compositus), 12

Boulton’s solution (Liquor iodi phenolatus), 118

Brayera, 43

infusion, 43

Breast tea (Species pectorales), 22

Bromauric acid, 7

Bromide and chloral, compound (Mistura chloralis et potassii bromidi composita), 61

Bromides and potassium arsenate solution (Liquor arsenicalis clemens), 168

syrup, 170

three, elixir, 26

Bromine, 43

solution, 43

solution, Smith’s (Liquor bromi), 43

Bromoform, 43

Broom tops (Scoparius), 193

Brown mixture (Mistura glycyrrhizae composita), 150

mustard (Sinapis nigra), 197

ointment, 53

plaster, camphorated, 53

Bryonia, 44

tincture, 44

Bryony (Bryonia), 44

Buchu, 44

and potassium acetate, elixir, 44

elixir, 44

elixir, compound, 44

fluidextract, 44

fluidextract, compound, 44

leaves, 44

long, 44

short, 44

Buckbean (Menyanthes), 133

Buckthorn bark (Frangula), 97

bark, fluidextract (Fluidextractum frangulae), 97

berries (Rhamnus Cathartica), 182

berries, syrup (Syrupus rhamni catharticae), 183

Burdock root (Lappa), 124

Burnt alum (Alumen exsiccatum), 23

sugar coloring (Caramel), 55

Burow’s solution (Liquor alumini acetatis), 23

Butter of cacao (Oleum theobromatis), 148

Butternut bark (Juglans), 120

Cabbage rose (Rosa), 185

Cacao butter (Oleum theobromatis), 148

prepared, 44

Cactus grandiflorus, 45

grandiflorus, tincture, 45

Cade, oil, 139

petrox (Petroxolinum cadini), 139

petroxolin, 139

Caffeine, 45

citrated, 45

citrated, effervescent, 45

sodio-benzoate, 45

sodio-salicylate, 45

with effervescent potassium bromide (Sal potassii bromidi effervescens compositus), 170

Cajuput, oil, 139

Calabar bean (Physostigma), 161

bean, tincture (Tinctura physostigmatis), 162

Calamine ointment, 46

prepared, 46

Calcined magnesia (Magnesii oxidum), 129

Calcium and sodium glycerophosphates, elixir, 47

and sodium hypophosphates syrup, 48

bromide, 46

bromide, elixir, 46

carbonate, precipitated, 46

chloride, 47

cinchona alkaloids and iron lactophosphate elixir, 49

glycerinophosphate (Calcii glycerophosphas), 47

glycerophosphate, 47

hydrochlorophosphate, syrup, 50

hydroxide, solution, 52

hypophosphite, 47

hypophosphite elixir, 48

hypophosphite syrup, 48

iodide, 49

iodide syrup, 49

lactate, 49

lactophosphate, 49

lactophosphate and cod liver oil emulsion, 144

lactophosphate and iron syrup, 50

lactophosphate, cinchona alkaloids and iron elixir, 50

lactophosphate elixir, 49

lactophosphate syrup, 50

oxide, 52

oxysulphuret, solution (Liquor calcis sulphuratae), 51

phosphate and cod liver oil emulsion, 144

phosphate, precipitated, 50

sulphide, crude, 50

Calendula, 51

flowers, 51

fluidextract, 51

tincture, 51

Calisaya, alkaloidal elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum), 180

alkaloidal, ferrated elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum et ferri), 92

alkaloidal, with hypophosphites, elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum et hypophosphitum), 180

alkaloidal, with iron and pepsin, elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri et pepsini), 156

alkaloidal, with iron and strychnine, elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri et strychninae), 213

alkaloidal, with iron, bismuth and strychnine, elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri, bismuthi, et strychninae), 213

bark (Cinchona), 64

iron and lactophosphate of lime, elixir (Elixir of cinchona alkaloids, iron and calcium lactophosphate), 50

Calomel (Hydrargyri chloridum mite), 109

and jalap (Pulvis hydrargyri chloridi mitis et jalapae), 110

and santonin troches (Trochisci santonini compositi), 190

Calumba, 51

fluidextract, 51

tincture, 51

Calx, 52

chlorinata, 52

sulphurata (Calcii sulphidum crudum), 50

Cambogia, 52

Campho-menthol (Menthol camphoratum), 133

Camphor, 52

and chloroform petrox (Petroxolinum chloroformi camphoratum), 62

and menthol (Menthol camphoratum), 133

and opium pills, 151

cerate, 53

liniment, 53

mixture, acid, 149

mixture, aromatic, 142

mixture, Parrish’s (Mistura camphorae aromatica), 142

monobromated, 53

ointment, 53

spirit, 53

wash, ammoniated (Lotio ammoniacalis camphorata), 25

water, 53

Camphorated brown plaster, 53

chloral, 61

chloroform petroxolin, 62

menthol, 133

motherplaster (Emplastrum fuscum camphoratum), 53

oil (Linimentum camphorae), 53

phenol petrox (Petroxolinum phenolis camphoratum), 160

phenol petroxolin, 160

soap liniment, 190

tincture of opium, 152

Canada liniment (Linimentum opii compositum), 149

snake-root (Asarum), 34

Canadian hemp (Apocynum), 31

hemp, fluidextract (Fluidextractum apocyni), 31

Canella, 53

and aloes powder, 21

Cannabis, 54

extract, 54

fluidextract, 54

indica, 54

tincture, 54

Cantharidal collodion, 54

Cantharides, 54

cerate, 54

plaster, 54

tincture, 55

Capsicum, 55

and myrrh, tincture, 55

oleoresin, 55

plaster, 55

tincture, 55

Caramel, 55

tincture, 55

Caraway, 57

oil, 140

Carawayseed (Carum), 57

Carbamate, ethyl, 17

Carbamic, acid, ethyl, ester (Aethylis carbamas), 17

Carbo ligni, 55

Carbolic acid (Phenol), 159

acid, glycerite (Glyceritum phenolis), 159

acid, iodized (Phenol iodatum), 160

acid, liquefied (Phenol liquefactum), 160

acid, ointment (Unguentum phenolis), 160

acid water (Aqua phenolata), 159

Carbolized oil (Oleum phenolatum), 159

solution of iodine (Liquor iodi phenolatus), 118

Carbonate, strontium, 210

Carbonis, pix (Pix lithanthracis), 165

Cardamom, elixir, compound, 140

oil, 139

seed, 56

spirit, compound, 140

tincture, 56

tincture, compound, 56

Carlsbad salt, artificial, 207

salt, artificial, effervescent, 207

Carminative, Dalby’s (Mistura carminativa), 150

mixture, 150

Carmine, 56

solution, 56

Caro, 56

Carrageen (Chondrus), 62

Carron oil (Linimentum calcis), 52

Carum, 57

Caryophyllus, 57

Cascara sagrada, 57

elixir, 57

elixir, compound, 57

extract, 57

extract, powdered (Extractum cascarae sagradae), 57

fluidextract, 58

fluidextract, aromatic, 58

fluidglycerate, 58

fluidglycerate, aromatic, 58

Cascarilla, 58

Cassia fistula, 58

oil (Oleum cassiae), 140

Castanea, 58

Castile soap, white (Sapo), 190

Castor oil, 146

aromatic, 146

emulsion, 146

Cataplasm emollient (Species emollientes), 23

of kaolin, 121

Cataplasmata, 59

Cataria, 59

Cathartic elixir, compound, 97

pills, compound, 71

pills, vegetable, 71

Catmint (Cataria), 59

Catnep, 59

fluidextract, 59

Caulophyllum, 59

fluidextract, 59

Caustic potash (Potassii hydroxidum), 172

soda (Sodii hydroxidum), 203

Cayenne pepper (Capsicum), 55

Celery fruit, 31

fruit, fluidextract, 31

seed (Apii fructus), 31

Centaury, 59

Cera alba, 59

flava, 59

Cerate, 59

camphor, 53

cantharides, 54

of lead subacetate, 167

simple (Ceratum), 59

Cerates, 59

Ceratum resinae, 181

resinae compositum, 182

Cerevisiae fermentum compressum, 60

Cerium oxalate, 60

Cetaceum, 60

Ceylon cinnamon, 66

Chalk and opium aromatic powder, 151

drop (Creta praeparata), 75

mixture, 76

powder, aromatic, 66

powder, compound, 76

precipitated (Calcii carbonas praecipitatus), 46

prepared, 75

with mercury, 112

Chalybeate pills (Pilulae ferri carbonatis), 86

Chamomile, German (Matricaria), 131

wild (Matricaria), 131

Channing’s solution (Liquor hydrargyri et potassi iodidi), 110

Chapman’s dinner pills, 20

mixture (Mistura copaibae et opii), 73

Charcoal (Carbo ligni), 55

troches, 56

Charta potassii nitratis, 173

sinapis (Emplastrum sinapis), 197

Chartae, 60

Chemical food (Syrupus phosphatum compositum), 11

Chenopodium, oil, 140

Chestnut leaves (Castanea), 58

leaves, fluidextract, 58

Chillies, African (Capsicum), 55

Chimaphila, 60

fluidextract, 60

Chionanthus, 60

fluidextract, 60

Chirata, 61

fluidextract, 61

Chiretta (Chirata), 61

Chloral (Chloralum hydratum), 61

and bromide compound (Mistura chloralis et potassii bromidi composita), 61

and potassium bromide mixture, compound, 61

camphorated, 61

hydrate (Chloralum hydratum), 61

hydrated, 61

chloride of lime (Calx chlorinata), 52

Chlorinated lime, 52

potassa, 167

potassa, solution, 167

soda, 197

soda solution, 197

Chlorine, 62

solution, compound, 62

water (Liquor chlori compositus), 62

Chloroform, 61

and aconite liniment, 15

and morphine mixture, compound, 62

and opium mixture, compound, 150

anodyne (Mistura chloroformi et morphinae composita), 62

camphor and petrox (Petroxolinum chloroform, camphoratum), 62

liniment, 62

petroxolin, camphorated, 62

spirit, 62

water, 62

Chlorum, 62

Chondrus, 62

gelatin, 63

mucilage, 63

Chromic acid (Chromii trioxidum), 63

anhydride (Chromii trioxidum), 63

Chromium trioxide, 63

Chrysarobin, 63

ointment, 63

Churchill’s tincture of iodine (Tinctura iodi fortior), 119

Cimicifuga, 63

extract, 63

extract, powdered (Extractum cimicifugae), 63

fluidextract, 63

syrup, compound, 64

tincture, 64

Cinchona, 64

alkaloids and hypophosphites, elixir, 180

alkaloids and iron, elixir, 92

alkaloids, elixir, 180

alkaloids, iron and bismuth, elixir, 41

alkaloids, iron and calcium lactophosphate, elixir, 49

alkaloids, iron and pepsin elixir, 156

alkaloids, iron and strychnine elixir, 213

alkaloids, iron, bismuth and strychnine elixir, 213

extract, 64

fluidextract, 64

fluidextract, aqueous, 65

infusion, 65

red, 65

tincture, 65

tincture, compound, 65

yellow (Cinchona), 64

Cinchonidine sulphate, 65

Cinchonine sulphate, 65

Cineol (Eucalyptol), 83

Cinnamomum saigonicum, 66

zeylanicum, 66

Cinnamon, Ceylon, 66

oil, 140

saigon, 66

spirit, 140

syrup, 66

tincture, 66

water, 140

Citrated caffeine, 45

caffeine, effervescent, 45

Citric acid, 8

acid syrup, 8

Citrine ointment (Unguentum hydrargyri nitratis), 111

Clarified honey, 132

Clemens’ solution of arsenic, 168

Clove, 57

Cloves, oil (Oleum caryophylli), 140

Coal tar, 165

solution, 165

Cocaine, 67

chloride (Cocainae hydrochloridum), 67

hydrochloride, 67

oleate, 67

Cocculus indicus, 67

indicus tincture, 67

Coccus, 67

Cochia pills (Pilulae colocynthidis compositae), 71

Cochineal, 67

color, 67

Cocillana, 67

fluidextract, 68

Cocoa, 44

soluble (Cacao praeparata), 44

Cod liver oil, 144

emulsion, 144

with calcium lactophosphate, emulsion, 144

with calcium phosphate, emulsion, 144

with egg, emulsion, 145

with hypophosphites, emulsion, 144

with malt, emulsion, 144

with phosphate of lime, emulsion (Emulsum olei morrhuae cum calcii phosphate), 144

with wild cherry, emulsion, 144

Codeine, 68

and terpin hydrate, elixir, 68

phosphate, 68

sulphate, 68

syrup, 68

Coffee, 69

fluidextract, 69

roasted (Coffee tosta), 69

Cola (Kola), 122

nuts (Kola), 122

Colchici semen, 69

tinctura (Tinctura colchici seminis), 70

Colchicine, 70

Colchicum corm, 69

corm extract, 69

corm, extract, powdered (Extractum colchici cormi), 69

corm fluidextract, 69

corm wine, 69

root (Colchici cormus), 69

seed, 69

seed, fluidextract, 69

seed tincture, 70

seed wine, 70

Cold cream (Unguentum aquae rosae), 186

Cole’s dinner pills, 20

Colic root (Aletris), 19

root (Dioscorea), 79

Collodion, 176

blistering (Collodium cantharidatum), 54

cantharidal, 54

croton oil, 148

flexible, 176

iodine, 118

iodoform, 117

salicylic, compound, 12

styptic, 13

vesicating (Collodium cantharidatum), 54

Collodions, 70

Colocynth, 70

and hyoscyamus pills, 71

and podophyllum pills, 71

apple (Colocynthis), 70

extract, 70

extract, compound, 70

extract, powdered, 70

extract, powdered, compound (Extractum colocynthidis compositum), 70

pills, compound, 71

pulp (Colocynthis), 70

Colombo (Calumba), 51

Colophony (Resina), 181

Colorless, hydrastine, solution (Liquor hydrastinae compositus), 113

Coltsfoot, 85

leaves (Farfara), 85

Columba (Calumba), 51

Composition powder (Pulvis myricae compositus), 135

Compound acetanilid powder, 6

anise powder (Pulvis rhei et magnesiae anisatus), 184

cathartic elixir, 97

cathartic pills, 71

chalk powder, 76

chloral and bromide (Mistura chloralis et potassii bromidi composita), 61

croton oil liniment, 149

decoction of sarsaparilla, 191

effervescent, salt of potassium bromide, 170

effervescing powder, 172

elixir of almond, 137

elixir of blackberry, 186

elixir of buchu, 44

elixir of cardamon, 140

elixir of cascara sagrada, 57

elixir of corydalis, 74

elixir of crampbark (Elixir viburni opuli compositum), 226

elixir of formates, 8

elixir of glycerophosphates, 203

elixir of orange (Vinum aurantii compositum), 36

elixir of pepsin and rennin, 156

elixir of sodium salicylate, 206

elixir of taraxacum, 217

elixir of vanillin, 224

elixir of viburnum opulus, 226

extract of colocynth, 70

extract of colocynth, powdered (Extractum colocynthidis compositum), 70

fluidextract of buchu, 44

fluidextract of sarsaparilla, 191

fluidextract of stillingiae, 209

gargle of guaiac, 105

infusion of gentian, 100

infusion of rose, 186

infusion of senna, 194

iron mixture, 86

laxative pills, 22

licorice powder (Pulvis glycyrrhizae compositus), 194

liniment of mustard, 147

liniment of opium, 149

liniment of soft soap, 190

menthol inunction, 133

menthol spray, 133

mixture of chloral and potassium bromide, 61

mixture of chloroform and morphine, 62

mixture of glycyrrhiza, 150

mixture of opium and chloroform, 150

mixture of opium and rhubarb, 150

mixture of rhubarb, 183

oil of hyoscyamus, 115

pancreatin powder, 153

pills of aloes and podophyllum, 21

pills of aloes, mercury and scammony, 21

pills of aloin, 22

pills of aloin, strychnine and belladonna, 22

pills of antimony, 31

pills of colocynth, 71

pills of rhubarb, 184

powder of bayberry, 135

powder of gambir, 98

powder of glycyrrhiza, 194

powder of ipecac (Pulvis Ipecacuanhae et opii), 151

powder of jalap, 120

powder of kino and opium, 122

powder of rhubarb, 184

powder of talc, 12

resorcinol ointment, 182

rosin cerate, 182

salicylate collodion, 12

solution of chlorine, 62

solution of cresol, 75

solution of glycerophosphates (Elixir glycerophosphatum compositum), 203

solution of hydrastine, 113

solution of hypophosphites, 48

solution of iodine, 118

solution of phosphates, 11

solution of sodium borate, 200

solution of sodium phosphate, 205

solution of zinc and aluminum, 230

solution of zinc and iron, 231

spirit of cardamon, 140

spirit of ether, 16

spirit of juniper, 142

spirit of lavender (Tinctura lavandulae composita), 142

spirit of myrcia, 145

spirit of orange, 138

spirit of vanillin, 224

sulphur ointment, 216

sulphurated petrox (Petroxolinum sulphuratum compositum), 215

sulphurated petroxolin, 215

syrup of actaea (Syrupus cimicifugae compositus), 64

syrup of asarum (Syrupus asari compositus), 34

syrup of cimicifuga, 64

syrup of figs, 195

syrup of hydrochlorophosphates (Syrupus phosphatum cum quinina et strychnina), 179

syrup of hypophosphites, 49

syrup of phosphates, 11

syrup of sarsaparilla, 191

syrup of senna, 195

syrup of squill, 192

syrup of stillingia, 209

syrup of white pine, 164

syrup of white pine with morphine, 135

tar ointment, 146

tincture of benzoin, 39

tincture of cardamon, 56

tincture of cinchona, 65

tincture of cudbear, 157

tincture of gambir, 98

tincture of gentian, 100

tincture of guaiac, 105

tincture of jalap, 120

tincture of kino (Tinctura kino et opii composita), 122

tincture of kino and opium, 122

tincture of lavender, 142

tincture of pale catechu (Tinctura gambir composita), 98

tincture of viburnum, 226

tincture of zedoary (Tinctura zedoariae amara), 228

troches of santonin, 190

wine and rhubarb, 185

wine of orange, 36

Compressed yeast, 60

Concentrated and refined diphtheria antitoxin (Serum antidiphthericum purificatum), 196

diphtheria antitoxin (Serum antidiphthericum, purificatum), 196

tetanus antitoxin (Serum antitetanicum purificatum), 196

Condurango, 72

fluidextract, 72

Confection of rose, 185

of senna, 194

Confections, 72

Conium, 72

extract, 72

fluidextract, 72

maculatum (Conium), 72

Conserves (Confectiones), 72

Convallaria flowers, 72

flowers, fluidextract, 72

root, 72

root, fluidextract, 73

Copaiba, 73

and opium, mixture, 73

mass, 73

mixture, 73

solidified (Massa copaibae), 73

Copaiva (Copaiba), 73

Copper sulphate, 77

Coptis, 73

fluidextract, 73

Cordial, blackberry, 186

Godfrey’s (Mistura opii et sassafras), 150

Cordials, 73

Coriander, 74

oil, 141

seeds (Coriandrum), 74

Corn silk (Zea), 228

starch (Amylum), 29

Cornus, 74

fluidextract, 74

Corrigens elixir (Elixir eriodictyi aromaticum), 83

syrupus (Syrupus eriodictyi aromaticus), 83

Corrosive mercuric chloride, 108

mercuric chloride mull, 109

mercuric chloride tablets, poison, 109

sublimate (Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum), 108

sublimate tablets (Toxitabellae hydrargyri chloridi corrosivi), 109

Corydalis, 74

elixir, compound, 74

fluidextract, 73

Cotarnine chloride (Cotarninae hydrochloridum), 74

hydrochloride, 74

Cotton, absorbent (Gossypium purificatum), 103

purified, 103

root bark, 103

root bark, fluidextract, 103

styptic, 86

Cottonseed oil, 141

Couch grass (Triticum), 222

fluidextract (Fluidextractum tritici), 222

Coumarin, 74

Cow’s milk, 123

Crampbark (Viburnum opulus), 226

elixir, compound (Elixir viburni opuli compositum), 226

Cranberry bark, high bush (Viburnum opulus), 226

Cranesbill (Geranium), 101

Cream, cold (Unguentum aquae rosae), 186

of tartar (Potassi bitartras), 169

of tartar, and sulphur troches (Trochisci sulphuris et potassii bitartratis), 215

Creasote (Creosotum), 75

Creosote, 75

carbonate, 75

mull, salicylated, 12

petrox (Petroxolinum creosoti), 75

petroxolin, 75

water, 75

Cresol, 75

solution, compound, 75

Creta praeparata, 75

Crocus, 76

Croton oil, 148

collodion, 148

liniment, 149

liniment, compound, 149

Crude calcium sulphide, 50

malate of iron (Extractum ferri pomatum), 90

malate of iron tincture (Tinctura ferri pomata), 90

Cubeb, 76

fluidextract, 76

oil, 141

oleoresin, 76

tincture, 76

troches, 76

Cubebs (Cubeba), 76

Cudbear, 157

tincture, 157

tincture, compound, 157

Culver’s root (Leptandra), 124

Cupric sulphate (Cupri sulphas), 77

Curassao, replacing elixir (Elixir aurantii amari), 138

Curled dock (Rumex), 187

Cusso (Brayera), 43

Cypripedium, 77

fluidextract, 77

Cystamin (Hexamethylenamina), 107

Cystogen (Hexamethylenamina), 107

Dalby’s carminative (Mistura carminativa), 150

Damiana, 77

fluidextract, 77

Dandelion (Taraxacum), 217

fluidextract (Fluidextractum taraxaci), 218

Deadly nightshade leaves (Belladonnae folia), 38

nightshade root (Belladonnae radix), 39

Decoction of sarsaparilla, compound, 191

Decoctions, 77

Decolorized tincture of iodine, 118

Deer musk (Moschus), 135

Dehydrated alcohol, 18

Delphinium, 77

Deodorant solution (Liquor zinci et ferri compositus), 231

Deodorized opium, 151

opium tincture, 152

Dermatol (Bismuthi subgallas), 42

Dermatologic pastes, 155

Deshler’s salve (Ceratum resinae compositum), 182

Desiccated hypophysis, 116

pituitary body (Hypophysis sicca), 116

suprarenal glands (Suprarenalum siccum), 216

thyroid glands (Thyroideum siccum), 220

Dewees’ carminative (Mistura magnesiae, asafoetidae et opii), 128

tincture of guaiac (Tinctura guaiaci composita), 105

Dextrin, white, 78

Dextrinated paste, 78

Diacetylmorphine, 78

and terpin hydrate, elixir, 78

chloride (Diacetylmorphinae hydrochloridum), 78

hydrochloride, 78

Diachylon ointment, 166

plaster (Emplastrum plumbi), 166

Diarrhea, mixture, Squibb’s (Mistura opii et chloroform composita), 150

Diastase, 78

Digitalis, 79

fluidextract, 79

infusion, 79

leaves (Digitalis), 79

quinine and opium pills, 151

squill and mercury pills, 79

tincture, 79

Diluted acetic acid, 6

alcohol, 18

hydriodic acid, 9

hydrobromic acid, 9

hydrochloric acid, 9

hydrocyanic acid, 9

hypophosphorous acid, 10

iodine petroxolin, 118

mercurial ointment, 112

nitrohydrochloric acid, 10

nitromuriatic acid (Acidum nitrohydrochloricum, dilutum), 10

phosphoric acid, 11

prussic acid (Acidum hydrocyanicum dilutum), 9

solution of lead subacetate, 167

sulphuric acid, 13

Dimethyl-ketone (Acetonum), 6

Dimethylxanthine (Theophyllina), 219

Dinner pills, 20

Chapman’s, 20

Cole’s, 20

Hall’s, 20

Lady Webster’s (Pilulae aloes et mastiches), 20

Dionin (Aethylmorphinae hydrochloridum), 17

Dioscorea, 79

fluidextract, 80

Diphtheria antitoxin (Serum antidiphthericum), 196

antitoxin, concentrated (Serum antidiphthericum, purificatum), 196

antitoxin, dried (Serum antidiphthericum siccum), 196

antitoxin globulins (Serum antidiphthericum, purificatum), 196

antitoxin, refined and concentrated (Serum antidiphthericum purificatum), 196

Distilled extract of witch hazel (Aqua hamamelidis), 106

water, 32

water, sterilized, 32

Diuretin (Theobrominae sodio-salicylas), 219

Dobell’s solution (Liquor sodii boratis compositus), 200

Dog grass (Triticum), 222

Dogwood bark (Cornus), 74

Donovan’s solution (Liquor arseni et hydrargyri iodidi), 33

Dover’s powder (Pulvis ipecacuanhae et opii), 151

syrup (Syrupus Ipecacuanhae et opii), 151

tincture (Tinctura Ipecacuanhae et opii), 152

Dried alum (Alumen exsiccatum), 23

antidiphtheric serum, 196

antitetanic serum, 197

diphtheria antitoxin (Serum antidiphthericum siccum), 196

ferrous sulphate (Ferri sulphas exsiccatus), 93

suprarenals, 216

tetanus antitoxin (Serum antitetanicum siccum), 197

thyroids, 220

Drop chalk (Creta Praeparata), 75

Drosera, 80

fluidextract, 80

Drugs, fresh tinctures, 221

Dulcamara, 80

Dwarf pine needles, oil of, 146

pine oil (Oleum pini pumilionis), 146

Eau sÉdative de raspail (Lotio ammoniacalis camphorata), 25

Echinacea, 80

fluidextract, 80

Effervescent artificial Carlsbad salt, 207

artificial Kissingen salt, 202

artificial Vichy salt, 200

artificial Vichy salt with lithium, 200

citrated caffeine, 45

potassium bromide with caffeine (Sal potassii bromidi effervescens compositus), 170

potassium citrate, 171

salt of lithium citrate, 126

salt of potassium bromide, 170

salt of potassium bromide, compound, 170

salts, granular, 188

sodium phosphate, 206

solution of magnesium sulphate, 129

solution of sodium citro-tartrate, 202

Effervescing powder, compound, 172

Egg albumen, fresh, 152

and cod liver oil emulsion, 145

fresh, 153

yolk, fresh, 152

yolk, glycerite, 153

Eisenzucker (Ferri oxidum saccharatum), 91

Elaeosacchara (Oleosacchara), 137

Elaterin, 80

trituration, 81

Elder flowers (Sambucus), 188

Elecampane (Inula), 117

Electuaries (Confectiones), 72

Elixir adjuvans (Elixir glycyrrhizae), 19

amygdalae compositum, 137

aromaticum, 18

aurantii amari, 138

aurantiorum compositum (Vinum aurantii compositum), 36

calisaya, alkaloidal (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum), 180

cathartic, compound, 97

corrigens (Elixir eriodictyi aromaticum), 83

corydalis compositum, 74

curassao, replacing (Elixir aurantii amari), 138

ferri pyrophosphatis, 93

ferri pyrophosphatis, quininae et strychninae, 93

glycerophosphatum (Elixir calcii et sodii glycerophosphatum), 47

humuli, 108

laxative (Elixir cascarae sagradae compositum), 57

of almond, compound, 137

of ammonium bromide, 26

of ammonium valerate, 28

of anise, 29

of bismuth, 41

of bitter orange, 138

of black haw (Elixir viburni prunifolii), 227

of blackberry, compound, 186

of buchu, 44

of buchu and potassium acetate, 44

of buchu compound, 44

of calcium and sodium glycerophosphates, 47

of calcium bromide, 46

of calcium hypophosphite, 48

of calcium lactophosphate, 49

of calisaya, alkaloidal ferrated (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum et ferri), 92

of calisaya, alkaloidal, with hypophosphites (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum et hypophosphitum), 180

of calisaya, alkaloidal, with iron and bismuth (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri et bismuthi), 41

of calisaya, alkaloidal, with iron and pepsin (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri et pepsini), 156

of calisaya, alkaloidal, with iron and strychnine (Elixir cinchonae, alkaloidorum, ferri et strychninae), 213

of calisaya, alkaloidal, with iron, bismuth and strychnine (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri, bismuthi et strychninae), 213

of calisaya, iron and lactophosphate of lime (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri et calcii lactophosphatis), 50

of cardamon, compound, 140

of cascara sagrada, 57

of cascara sagrada, compound, 57

of cinchona alkaloids, 180

of cinchona alkaloids, and hypophosphites, 180

of cinchona alkaloids and iron, 92

of cinchona alkaloids, iron and bismuth, 41

of cinchona alkaloids, iron and calcium lactophosphate, 49

of cinchona alkaloids, iron and pepsin, 156

of cinchona alkaloids, iron and strychnine, 213

of cinchona alkaloids, iron, bismuth and strychnine, 213

of corydalis, compound, 74

of crampbark, compound (Elixir viburni opuli compositum), 226

of eriodictyon, aromatic, 83

of ferric hypophosphite, 89

of ferric phosphate, 92

of ferric pyrophosphate, 93

of ferric pyrophosphate, quinine and strychnine, 93

of formates, 8

of formates compound, 8

of gentian, 100

of gentian and ferric phosphate, 92

of gentian and iron, 87

of gentian, glycerinated, 100

of gentian with tincture of ferric citro-chloride (Elixir gentianae et ferri), 87

of glycerophosphates compound, 203

of glycyrrhiza, 19

of glycyrrhiza, aqueous, 102

of glycyrrhiza, aromatic, 19

of guarana, 106

of hops, 108

of hypophosphites, 48

of hypophosphites and iron, 89

of iron lactate, 90

of iron, quinine and strychnine, 87

of licorice (Elixir glycyrrhizae), 19

of licorice, aqueous (Elixir glycyrrhizae aquosum), 102

of licorice, aromatic (Elixir glycyrrhizae aromaticum), 19

of lithium bromide, 125

of lithium citrate, 126

of lithium salicylate, 126

of orange, compound (Vinum aurantii compositum), 36 of pepsin, 156

of pepsin and bismuth, 156

of pepsin and iron, 156

of pepsin and rennin compound, 156

of pepsin, bismuth and strychnine, 212

of phosphorus, 161

of phosphorus and nux vomica, 161

of potassium acetate, 168

of potassium acetate and juniper, 168

of potassium bromide, 170

of pyrophosphate of iron (Elixir ferri pyrophosphate), 93

of quinine valerate and strychnine, 181

of sodium bromide, 201

of sodium hypophosphite, 204

of sodium salicylate, 206

of sodium salicylate compound, 206

of strychnine valerate, 214

of taraxacum compound, 217

of terpin hydrate, 218

of terpin hydrate and codeine, 68

of terpin hydrate and diacetylmorphine, 78

of three bromides, 26

of vanillin compound, 224

of viburnum opulus compound, 226

of viburnum prunifolium, 227

of yerba santa, aromatic (Elixir eriodictyi aromaticum), 83

of zinc valerate, 231

pepsini, 156

pepsini, bismuth et strychninae, 212

pepsini et bismuthi, 156

pepsini et ferri, 156

pepsini et rennini compositum, 156

phosphori, 161

phosphori et nucis vomicae, 161

potassii acetatis, 168

potassii acetatis et juniperi, 168

potassii bromidi, 170

quininae valeratis et strychninae, 181

quininae, valerianatis, et strychninae, 181

red (Elixir aromaticum rubrum), 19

red aromatic, 19

rhamni purshianae (Elixir cascarae sagradae), 57

rhamni purshianae co. (Elixir cascarae sagradae compositum), 57

rubi compositum, 186

simple (Elixir aromaticum), 18

sodii bromidi, 201

sodii hypophosphitis, 204

sodii salicylatis, 206

sodii salicylatis compositum, 206

strychninae valeratis, 214

strychninae valerianatis (Elixir strychninae valeratis), 214

taraxaci compositum, 217

terpini hydratis, 218

terpini hydratis et codeinae, 68

terpini hydratis cum heroina (Elixir terpini hydratis et diacetylmorphinae), 78

terpini hydratis et diacetylmorphinae, 78

trium bromidorum, 26

vanillini compositum, 224

viburni opuli compositum, 226

viburni prunifolii, 227

zinci valeratis, 231

zinci valerianatis (Elixir zinci valeratis), 231

Elixirs, 81

Elm, 223

bark (Ulmus), 223

troches, 223

Emetine hydrochloride, 81

Emollient cataplasm (Species emollientes), 23

species, 23

Emplastra, 82


See also under Plaster

belladonnae, 38

cantharidis, 54

capsici, 55

elasticum, 182

fuscum camphoratum, 53

plumbi, 166

resinae, 182

saponis, 190

sinapis, 197

Empyroligneous oil of birch, rectified (Oleum betulae empyreumaticum rectificatum), 139

Emulsion of almond, 29

of asafetida, 34

of castor oil, 146

of cod liver oil, 144

of cod liver oil with calcium lactophosphate, 144

of cod liver oil with calcium phosphate, 144

of cod liver oil with egg, 145

of cod liver oil with hypophosphites, 144

of cod liver oil with malt, 144

of cod liver oil with phosphate of lime (Emulsum olei morrhuae cum calcii phosphate), 144

of cod liver oil with wild cherry, 144

of oil of turpentine, 148

of petrolatum, 158

Emulsions, 82

Emulsum amygdalae, 29

olei morrhuae, 144

olei morrhuae cum calcii lactophosphate, 144

olei, morrhuae, cum, calcii phosphate, 144

olei morrhuae cum hypophosphitibus, 144

olei morrhuae cum malto, 144

olei morrhuae cum pruno virginiana, 144

olei morrhuae cum vitello, 145

olei ricini, 146

olei terebinthinae, 148

Epsom salt (Magnesii sulphas), 129

Ergot, 82

extract, 82

extract, aqueous, 82

fluidextract, 82

of rye (Ergota), 82

tincture, ammoniated, 82

Eriodictyon, 83

elixir, aromatic, 83

fluidextract, 83

syrup, aromatic, 83

Eserine salicylate (Physostigminae salicylas), 162

Essence of peppermint (Spiritus menthae piperitae), 143

Essentia pepsini (Elixir pepsini et rennini compositum), 156

Ether, 16

acetic, 17

nitrous, 17

nitrous, spirit, 17

petroleum (Benzinum purificatum), 39

spirit, 16

spirit, compound, 16

Ethereal oil, 137

tincture of ferric chloride, 87

tinctures, 221

Ethyl acetate (Aether aceticus), 17

carbamate, 17

chloride, 17

ester, carbamic acid (Aethylis carbamas), 17

nitrate (Aether nitrosus), 17

urethane (Aethylis carbamas), 17

Ethylmorphine chloride (Aethylmorphinae hydrochloridum), 17

hydrochloride, 17

Eucaine (Betaeucainae hydrochloridum), 40

chloride (Betaeucainae hydrochloridum), 40

Eucalyptol, 83

petrox (Petroxolinum eucalyptolis), 83

petroxolin, 83

spray, 83

Eucalyptus, 83

fluidextract, 84

leaves (Eucalyptus), 83

oil, 141

Eugenol, 84

Euonymus, 84

extract, 84

extract, powdered (Extractum euonymi), 84

fluidextract, 84

Eupatorium, 84

fluidextract, 84

Euphorbia pilulifera, 84

pilulifera, fluidextract, 84

European goat’s rue (Galega), 98

Expectorant, Stokes’, 26

Expressed oil of almond, 138

Exsiccated alum, 23

ferrous sulphate, 93

sodium arsenate, 198

sodium phosphate, 205

sodium sulphite, 207

Extract, Goulard’s (Liquor plumbi subacetatis), 167

of aconite, 15

of aconite, powdered (Extractum aconiti), 15

of aloes, 20

of aloes, powdered (Extractum aloes), 20

of apples, ferrated, 90

of apples, ferrated, tincture, 90

of beef, 56

of belladonna leaves, 38

of cannabis, 54

of cascara sagrada, 57

of cascara sagrada, powdered (Extractum cascarae sagrada), 57

of cimicifuga, 63

of cimicifuga, powdered (Extractum cimicifugae), 63

of cinchona, 64

of colchicum corm, 69

of colchicum corm, powdered (Extractum colchici cormi), 69

of colocynth, 70

of colocynth, compound, 70

of colocynth, powdered (Extractum colocynthidis), 70

of colocynth compound, powdered (Extractum colocynthidis compositum), 70

of conium, 72

of ergot, 82

of ergot, aqueous, 82

of euonymus, 84

of euonymus, powdered (Extractum euonymi), 84

of gelsemium, 99

of gelsemium, powdered (Extractum gelsemii), 99

of gentian, 100

of glycyrrhiza, 102

of glycyrrhiza, pure, 102

of golden seal (Extractum hydrastis), 114

of hematoxylon, 106

of hydrastis, 114

of hydrastis, powdered (Extractum hydrastis), 114

of hyoscyamus, 115

of ignatia, 116

of ignatia, powdered (Extractum ignatiae), 116

of jalap, 120

of krameria, 122

of krameria, powdered (Extractum krameriae), 122

of leptandra, 124

of leptandra, powdered (Extractum leptandrae), 124

of licorice (Extractum glycyrrhizae), 102

of malt, 129

of nux vomica, 136

of nux vomica, powdered (Extractum nucis vomicae), 136

of opium, 149

of opium, powdered (Extractum opii), 149

of oxgall, 85

of oxgall, powdered (Extractum fellis bovis), 85

of physostigma, 162

of physostigma, powdered (Extractum physostigmatis), 162

of podophyllum, 167

of quassia, 176

of quassia, powdered (Extractum quassiae), 176

of rhubarb, 183

of rhubarb, powdered (Extractum rhei), 183

of stramonium, 210

of sumbul, 216

of taraxacum, 218

of viburnum prunifolium, 227

of viburnum prunifolium, powdered (Extractum viburni prunifolii), 227

of witch hazel, distilled (Aqua hamamelidis), 106

Extracts, 85

solid, 85


See also under Extract.

carnis, 56

euonymi, 84

fellis bovis, 85

ferri pomatum, 90

rhamni purshianae (Extractum cascarae sagradae), 57

rhei, 183

False unicorn (Helonias), 107

Farfara, 85

Fel bovis, 85

Fennel, 96

oil, 141

seed, 96

water, 141

Fermented milk, 123

Ferrated elixir of calisaya, alkaloidal (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum et ferri), 92

extract of apples, 90

wine of wild cherry, 174

Ferri carbonas, 85

carbonas saccharatus, 86

cinchonae et calcii lactophosphatis, elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri et calcii lactophosphatis), 50

et ammonii citras, 87

et quininae citras, 88

et quininae citras solubilis (Ferri et quininae citras), 88

iodidi syrupus (Syrupus ferri iodidi), 90

iodidum, 90

lactas, 90

lactophosphas, 90

malas, 90

malas crudus (Extractum ferri pomatum), 90

oxidum saccharatum, 91

protochloridum, 92

tersulphas, 94

Ferric acetate, 85

acetate solution, 85

and gentian phosphate elixir, 92

chloride, 86

chloride solution, 86

chloride, tincture, ethereal, 87

chloride, tasteless tincture (Tinctura ferri citro-chloridi), 87

chloride tincture, 86

citrate, 87

citrate, soluble (Ferri et ammonii citras), 87

citrate solution, 87

citro-chloride tincture, 87

citro-chloride tincture with gentian elixir (Elixir gentianae et ferri), 87

glycerinophosphate (Ferri glycerophosphas), 88

glycerophosphate, 88

hydrate with magnesia (Ferri hydroxidum cum magnesii oxido), 88

hydroxide, 88

hydroxide (Magma ferri hydroxidi), 89

hydroxide magma, 89

hydroxide, with, magnesium oxide, 88

hypophosphite, 89

hypophosphite elixir, 89

hypophosphite solution, 89

hypophosphite syrup, 89

nitrate, 91

nitrate solution, 91

oxide, soluble (Ferri oxidum saccharatum), 91

oxychloride, 91

oxychloride solution, 91

oxysulphate, 91

oxysulphate solution, 91

phosphate, 91

phosphate elixir, 92

phosphate, soluble (Ferri phosphas), 91

pyrophosphate, 92

pyrophosphate elixir, 93

pyrophosphate, quinine and strychnine elixir, 93

pyrophosphate, soluble (Ferri pyrophosphas), 92

salicylate solution, 206

subsulphate, 93

subsulphate solution, 93

sulphate, basic solution (Liquor ferri subsulphatis), 93

sulphate solution, 94

Ferrous carbonate, 85

carbonate mass, 85

carbonate pills, 86

chloride, 92

chloride solution, 92

chloride syrup, 92

iodide, 90

iodide pills, 90

iodide syrup, 90

lactate, 90

malate, 90

sulphate, 93

sulphate, dried (Ferri sulphas exsiccatus), 93

sulphate, exsiccated, 93

sulphate, granulated, 94

sulphate, precipitated (Ferri sulphas granulatus), 94

Ferruginous pills (Pilulae ferri carbonatis), 86

Ferrum, 94

albuminatum, 94

oxydatum saccharatum (Ferri oxidum saccharatum), 91

peptonatum, 94

redactum (Ferrum reductum), 95

Ficus, 96

Fig, 96

Figs, syrup compound, 195

Firm zinc glycerogelatin, 229

Fish berry (Cocculus indicus), 67

Flaxseed (Linum), 124

oil (Oleum lini), 143

Fleming’s solution (Liquor calcis sulphuratae), 51

Flexible collodion, 176

Flies, Russian (Cantharis), 54

Spanish (Cantharis), 54

Flowers of sulphur (Sulphur sublimatum), 215

Fluidextract, aromatic, 66

of aconite, 15

of adonis, 16

of aletris, 19

of angelica root, 30

of apocynum, 31

of aralia, 32

of arnica, 33

of asclepias, 35

of aspidosperma, 35

of baptisia, 38

of belladonna root, 39

of berberis, 40

of bitter orange peel, 36

of bittersweet, 80

of black cohosh (Fluidextractum cimicifuga), 63

of black haw (Fluidextractum viburni prunifolii), 227

of black snakeroot (Fluidextractum cimicifuga), 63

of blue flag, 120

of boldo, 43

of buchu, 44

of buchu compound, 44

of buckthorn bark (Fluidextractum frangulae), 97

of calendula, 51

of calumba, 51

of Canadian hemp (Fluidextractum apocyni), 31

of cannabis, 54

of cascara sagrada, 58

of cascara sagrada, aromatic, 58

of catnep, 59

of caulophyllum, 59

of celery fruit, 31

of chestnut leaves, 58

of chimaphila, 60

of chionanthus, 60

of chirata, 61

of cimicifuga, 63

of cinchona, 64

of cinchona, aqueous, 65

of cocillana, 68

of coffee, 69

of colchicum corm, 69

of colchicum seed, 69

of condurango, 72

of conium, 72

of convallaria flowers, 72

of convallaria root, 73

of coptis, 73

of cornus, 74

of corydalis, 74

of cotton root bark, 103

of couch grass (Fluidextractum tritici), 222

of cubeb, 76

of cypripedium, 77

of damiana, 77

of dandelion (Fluidextractum taraxaci), 218

of digitalis, 79

of dioscorea, 80

of drosera, 80

of echinacea, 80

of ergot, 82

of eriodictyon, 83

of eucalyptus, 84

of euonymus, 84

of eupatorium, 84

of euphorbia pilulifera, 84

of frangula, 97

of fucus, 97

of galega, 98

of gelsemium, 99

of gentian, 100

of geranium, 101

of ginger, 231

of glycyrrhiza, 102

of green hellebore (Fluidextractum veratri viridis), 225

of grindelia, 104

of guarana, 106

of hamamelis leaves, 106

of helianthemum, 107

of helonias, 107

of henbane (Fluidextractum hyoscyami), 115

of hops, 108

of hydrangea, 108

of hydrastis, 114

of hyoscyamus, 115

of ipecac, 119

of jaborandi (Fluidextractum pilocarpi), 163

of jalap, 120

of juglans, 121

of juniper berries, 121

of kava, 121

of kola, 122

of krameria, 123

of lappa, 124

of leptandra, 124

of lobelia, 126

of lupulin, 127

of matico, 131

of mezereum, 134

of mullein leaves, 225

of musk root (Fluidextractum sumbul), 216

of nux vomica, 136

of paracoto, 154

of pareira, 155

of parsley root, 159

of phytolacca, 162

of pilocarpus, 163

of pinkroot (Fluidextractum spigeliae), 208

of podophyllum, 167

of pomegranate, 103

of prickly ash (Fluidextractum xanthoxyli), 228

of quassia, 176

of quebracho (Fluidextractum aspidospermatis), 35

of quercus, 176

of rhamnus cathartica, 183

of rhubarb, 183

of rhus glabra, 185

of rose, 186

of rubus, 187

of rumex, 187

of sabal, 187

of sanguinaria, 189

of sarsaparilla, 191

of sarsaparilla compound, 191

of saw palmetto (Fluidextractum sabal), 187

of scoparius, 193

of scutellaria, 193

of senecio, 194

of senega, 194

of senna, 194

of serpentaria, 195

of solanum, 208

of spigelia, 208

of squill, 192

of staphisagria, 209

of stavesacre (Fluidextractum staphisagria), 209

of stillingia, 209

of stillingiae compound, 209

of stramonium, 210

of sumbul, 216

of taraxacum, 218

of thuja, 220

of thyme, 220

of trifolium, 222

of trillium, 222

of triticum, 222

of uva ursi, 223

of valerian, 224

of veratrum viride, 225

of verbena, 226

of viburnum opulus, 226

of viburnum prunifolium, 227

of wild cherry, 174

of xanthoxylum, 228

of zea, 228

Fluidextracts, 96


See also under Fluidextract.

apii fructi, 31

aurantii amari, 36

castaneae, 58

catariae, 59

corni, 74

coto (Fluidextractum paracoto), 154

dulcamarae, 80

gossypii corticis, 103

granati, 103

humuli, 108

iridis versicoloris, 120

petroselini radicis, 159

pruni virginianae, 174

rhei, 183

rhois glabrae, 185

scillae, 192

turnerae (Fluidextractum damianae), 77

verbasci foliae, 225

zingiberis, 231

Fluidglycerate of cascara sagrada, 58

of cascara sagrada, aromatic, 58

of glycyrrhiza, 102

of krameria, 123

of licorice (Fluidglyceratum glycyrrhizae), 102

of rhubarb, 183

Fluidglycerates, 96

Foeniculum, 96

Formaldehyde, 96

solution, 96

Formamin (Hexamethylenamina), 107

Formates elixir, 8

elixir, compound, 8

Formic acid, 8

acid spirit, 8

Formin (Hexamethylenamina), 107

Fowler’s solution (Liquor potassii arsenitis), 168

Foxglove (Digitalis), 79

Francis’ triplex pills (Pilulae aloes, hydrargyri et scammonii compositae), 21

Frangula, 97

fluidextract, 97

Fraxinus, 97

French mixture (Liquor iodi phenolatus), 118

Fresh apple juice, 214

drugs, tinctures, 221

egg, 153

egg albumen, 152

egg yolk, 152

Fringe tree bark (Chionanthus), 60

Frost-weed (Helianthemum), 107

Fucus, 97

fluidextract, 97

Galangal, 98

Galega, 98

fluidextract, 98

Galla, 98

Gallic acid, 9

Gallotannic acid (Acidum tannicum), 13

Gambir, 98

powder, compound, 98

tincture, compound, 98

troches, 99

Gamboge, 52

pipe (Cambogia), 52

Gargle of guaiac compound, 105

Garlic, 19

syrup, 19

Gaultheriae, oleum (Methylis alicylas), 133

Gelatin, 99

glycerinated, 99

Gelatinum chondri, 63

Gelsemium, 99

extract, 99

extract, powdered (Extractum gelsemii), 99

fluidextract, 99

tincture, 99

Gentian, 99

and ferric phosphate elixir, 92

and iron elixir, 87

and rhubarb tincture, 185

elixir, 100

elixir, glycerinated, 100

extract, 100

fluidextract, 100

infusion, compound, 100

tincture, compound, 100

with tincture of ferric citrochloride, elixir of (Elixir gentianae et ferri), 87

Geranium, 101

fluidextract, 101

German chamomile (Matricaria), 131

Gilead buds, balm of (Populi gemmae), 167

Ginger, 231

fluidextract, 231

oleoresin, 232

syrup, 232

tincture (Tinctura zingiberis), 232

wild (Asarum), 34

Glacial acetic acid, 6

Glandulae suprarenales siccae (Suprarenalum siccum), 216

Glandulae thyroideae siccae (Thyroideum siccum), 220

Glauber’s salt (Sodii sulphas), 206

Glonoin (Glycerylis nitras), 101

pills (Pilulae glycerylis nitratis), 102

spirit (Spiritus glycerylis nitratis), 102

Glucose, 101

liquid (Glucosum), 101

syrupy (Glucosum), 101

Glusidum (Benzosulphinidum), 40

Glycerin, 101

suppositories, 101

Glycerinated elixir of gentian, 100

gelatin, 99

vaccine virus (Virus vaccinicum), 227

Glycerite of bismuth, 41

of boroglycerin, 7

of carbolic acid (Glyceritum phenolis), 159

of egg yolk, 153

of golden seal (Glyceritum hydrastis), 114

of guaiac, 105

of hydrastis, 114

of pepsin, 157

of phenol, 159

of starch, 29

of tannic acid, 13

of tannin (Glyceritum acidi tannici), 13

of tar, 165

of tragacanth, 221

Glycerites, 101

Glyceritum amyli, 29

picis liquidae, 165

vitelli, 153

Glycerogelatinum acidi salicylici, 12

iodoformi, 117

zinci durum, 229

zinci molle, 229

Glycerol (Glycerinum), 101

Glycerophosphates elixir, compound, 203

solution, compound (Elixir glycerophosphatum compositum), 203

Glyceryl trinitrate, 101

trinitrate spirit, 102

Glycerylis nitras, 101

Glyconin (Glyceritum vitelli), 153

Glycyrrhiza, 102

elixir, 19

elixir, aqueous, 102

elixir, aromatic, 19

extract, 102

extract, pure, 102

fluidextract, 102

fluidglycerate, 102

mixture, compound, 150

powder, compound, 194

syrup, 103

Glycyrrhizin, ammoniated, 103

Goat’s rue, European (Galega), 98

Godfrey’s cordial (Mistura opii et sassafras), 150

Gold and arsenic bromide solution, 7

and sodium chloride, 37

Golden seal (Hydrastis), 114

extract (Extractum hydrastis), 114

glycerite (Glyceritum hydrastis), 114

tincture (Tinctura hydrastis), 114

Goldthread (Coptis), 73

Gossypii cortex, 103

Gossypium purificatum, 103

stypticum, 86

Goulard’s cerate (Ceratum plumbi subacetatis), 167

extract (Liquor plumbi subacetatis), 167

Granatum, 103

Granular effervescent salts, 188

ferrous sulphate, 94

opium, 151

Gray powder (Hydrargyrum cum creta), 112

Green hellebore (Veratrum viride), 225

hellebore, fluidextract (Fluidextractum veratri viridis), 225

soap, tincture (Linimentum saponis mollis), 190

Gregory’s powder (Pulvis rhei compositus), 184

Griffith’s mixture (Mistura ferri composita), 86

Grindelia, 104

fluidextract, 104

Guaiac, 104

gargle, compound, 105

glycerite, 105

mixture, 105

resin (Guaiacum), 104

tincture, 105

tincture, ammoniated, 105

tincture, compound, 105

tincture, Dewees’ (Tinctura guaiaci composita), 105

wood, 104

lignum, 104

Guaiacol, 104

carbonate, 104

petrox (Petroxolinum guaiacolis), 105

petroxolin, 105

Guaiacum, 104

Guarana, 105

elixir, 106

fluidextract, 106

Gum arabic (Acacia), 5

asafetida (Asafoetida), 34

benjamin (Benzoinum), 39

myrrh (Myrrha), 136

senegal (Acacia), 5

tragacanth (Tragacantha), 221

Gun cotton, soluble (Pyroxylinum), 175

Gutta percha, 106

solution, 106

Guttae pectorales (Tinctura pectoralis), 152

Guy’s pills (pilulae digitalis, scillae et hydrargyri), 79

Haematoxylon, 106

Hall’s dinner pills, 20

solution of strychnine (Liquor strychninae acetatis), 212

Hamamelis, 106

leaves, 106

leaves, fluidextract, 106

water, 106

Hartshorn liniment (Linimentum ammoniae), 25

Heavy magnesia (Magnesii oxidum ponderosum), 129

magnesium oxide, 129

Hebra’s itch ointment (Unguentum sulphuris compositum), 216

Helianthemum, 107

fluidextract, 107

Hellebore, American (Veratrum viride), 225

green (Veratrum viride), 225

Helonias, 107

fluidextract, 107

Hematoxylon extract, 106

Hemlock, poison (Conium), 72

Henbane (Hyoscyamus), 115

fluidextract (Fluidextractum hyoscyami), 115

tincture (Tinctura hyoscyami), 115

Heroin (Diacetylmorphina), 78

hydrochloride (Diacetylmorphinae hydrochloridum), 78

Hexamethylenamine, 107

Hexamethylene-Tetramine (Hexamethylenamina), 107

Hiera picra (Pulvis aloes et Canellae), 21

High bush cranberry bark (Viburnum opulus), 226

Hive syrup (Syrupus scillae compositus), 192

Hoffmann’s anodyne (Spiritus aetheris compositus), 16

drops (Spiritus aetheris compositus), 16

Homatropine bromide (Homatropinae hydrobromidum), 107

hydrobromide, 107

Honey, 132

and borax (Mel sodii boratis), 200

clarified, 132

of rose, 132

of rose and sodium borate, 200

of rose with borax (Mel rosae et sodii boratis), 200

of sodium borate, 200

Honeys, 132

Hope’s mixture (Mistura camphorae acida), 149

Hops, 108

elixir, 108

fluidextract, 108

tincture, 108

Horsenettle berries (Solanum), 207

Hot drops (Tinctura capsici et myrrhae), 55

Humulus, 108

Hydrangea, 108

fluidextract, 108

Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum, 108

chloridum mite, 109

iodidum flavum, 110

iodidum rubrum, 110

nitras, 110

oxidum flavum, 111

oxidum rubrum, 111

salicylas, 111

unguentum (Unguentum hydrargyri dilutum), 112

Hydrargyrum, 112

ammoniatum, 113

cum creta, 112

Hydrastine, 113

chloride (Hydrastinae hydrochloridum), 113

hydrochloride, 113

solution, colorless (Liquor hydrastinae compositus), 113

solution, compound, 113

Hydrastis, 114

extract, 114

extract, powdered (Extractum hydrastis), 114

fluidextract, 114

glycerite, 114

tincture, 114

Hydrated chloral, 61

Hydriodic acid, diluted, 9

acid, syrup, 9

Hydrobromic acid, diluted, 9

Hydrochloric acid, 9

acid, syrup, 9

solution of arsenic (Liquor acidi arsenosi), 34

hydrochlorophosphates syrup, compound (Syrupus phosphatum cum quinina et strychnina), 179

Hydrocyanic acid, diluted, 9

Hydrogen dioxide, 114

dioxide solution, 115

peroxide (Hydrogenii dioxidum), 114

peroxide solution (Liquor hydrogenii dioxidi), 115

Hydrous wool fat (Adeps lanae hydrosus), 16

Hyoscine hydrobromide (Scopolaminae hydrobromidum), 193

Hyoscyami folium (Hyoscyamus), 115

tinctura (Tinctura hyoscyami), 115

Hyoscyamine bromide (Hyoscyaminae hydrobromidum), 115

hydrobromide, 115

Hyoscyamus, 115

and colocynth pills, 71

extract, 115

fluidextract, 115

oil, compound, 115

tincture, 115

Hypophosphite of iron, solution of (Liquor ferri hypophosphitis), 89

Hypophosphites and calisaya, alkaloidal, elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, et hypophosphitum), 180

and cinchona alkaloids, elixir, 180

and iron elixir, 89

elixir, 48

solution, 48

solution, compound, 48

syrup, 48

syrup, compound, 49

with cod liver oil emulsion, 144

Hypophosphorous acid, 10

acid, diluted, 10

Hypophysis, desiccated, 116

solution, 116

Ignatia, 116

amara (Ignatia), 116

extract, 116

extract, powdered (Extractum ignatiae), 116

tincture, 116

India senna or Alexandria senna (Senna), 194

Indian berry (Cocculus indicus), 67

tobacco (Lobelia), 126

Indigo carmine (Sodii Indigotindisulphonas), 204

Infusa, 116

Infused oils, 137

Infusion of brayera, 43

of cinchona, 65

of digitalis, 79

of gentian compound, 100

of rose compound, 186

of senna compound, 194

of wild cherry, 174

Infusions, 116

Infusum pruni virginianae, 174

Inula, 117

Inunction, menthol, 132

menthol, compound, 133

Inunctions, 117

Iodi carbolatus, liquor (Liquor iodi phenolatus), 118

Iodine, 117

collodion, 118

ointment, 119

petrox 5% (Petroxolinum iodi dilutum), 118

petrox 10% (Petroxolinum iodi), 118

petroxolin, 118

petroxolin, diluted, 118

solution, carbolized (Liquor iodi phenolatus), 118

solution, compound, 118

solution, phenolated, 118

tincture, 118

tincture, Churchill’s (Tinctura iodi fortior), 119

tincture, decolorized, 118

tincture, stronger, 119

Iodized phenol, 160

Iodoform, 117

aromatized, 117

collodion, 117

glycerogelatin, 117

ointment, 117

petrox (Petroxolinum iodoformi), 117

petroxolin, 117

Iodotannin syrup, 118

Iodum, 117

Ipecac, 119

and opium powder, 151

and opium syrup, 151

and opium tincture, 152

fluidextract, 119

powder, compound (Pulvis ipecacuanhae et opii), 151

syrup, 119

wine, 119

Ipecacuanhae radix, 119

Iris, 119

versicolor, 120

Irish moss (Chondrus), 62

moss gelatin (Gelatinum chondri), 63

moss mucilage (Mucilago chondri), 63

Iron, 94

albuminate, 94

albuminate, solution, 94

and aloes pills, 20

and ammonium acetate, solution, 25

and ammonium citrate, 87

and beef wine, 57

and calcium lactophosphate, syrup, 50

and cinchona alkaloids elixir, 92

and gentian elixir, 87

and hypophosphites elixir, 89

and manganese iodide syrup, 90

and manganese, peptonate, solution, 95

and pepsin elixir, 156

and protochloride solution (Liquor ferri protochloridi), 92

and quinine citrate, 88

and quinine citrate, soluble (Ferri et quininae citras), 88

and zinc solution, compound, 231

beef and wine (Vinum carnis et ferri), 57

bismuth and calisaya, alkaloidal, elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri et bismuthi), 41

bismuth and cinchona alkaloids elixir, 41

bismuth, calisaya, alkaloidal, and strychnine, elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri, bismuthi et strychninae), 213

bismuth, strychnine and cinchona alkaloids elixir, 213

bitter wine, 88

by hydrogen (Ferrum reductum), 95

calisaya alkaloidal and strychnine elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri et strychninae), 213

calisaya and lactophosphate of lime elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri et calcii lactophosphatis), 50

cinchona alkaloids and calcium lactophosphate elixir, 49

cinchona alkaloids and strychnine elixir, 213

citrate, wine, of (Vinum ferri), 88

citro-chloride, 87

crude malate (Extractum ferri pomatum), 90

elixir of pyrophosphate of iron (Elixir ferri pyrophosphatis), 93

hypophosphite, solution (Liquor ferri hypophosphitis), 89

lactate (Ferri lactas), 90

lactate elixir, 90

lactophosphate, 90

lactophosphate syrup, 90

malate (Ferri malas), 90

mixture compound, 86

pepsin and calisaya, alkaloidal, elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum ferri et pepsini), 156

pepsin and cinchona alkaloids elixir, 156

peptonate, 94

perchloride (Ferri chloridum), 86

perchloride solution (Liquor ferri chloride), 86

protochloride (Ferri protochloridum), 92

protochloride, syrup (Syrupus ferri protochloridi), 92

protosulphate (Ferri sulphas), 93

Quevenne’s (Ferrum reductum), 95

quinine, aloes, and nux vomica pills, 94

quinine and strychnine elixir, 87

quinine and strychnine, syrup of the phosphates of, 92

quinine, strychnine and arsenic pills, mild, 95

quinine, strychnine and arsenic pills, stronger, 95

reduced, 95

saccharated oxide of, syrup (Syrupus ferri saccharati solubilis), 91

salicylated mixture (Liquor ferri salicylatis), 206

sesquichloride (Ferri chloridum), 86

soluble oxide of syrup (Syrupus ferri saccharati solubilis), 91

solution of peptonate of, 94

tersulphate (Ferri tersulphas), 94

tersulphate solution (Liquor ferri tersulphatis), 94

tincture of crude malate (Tinctura ferri pomata), 90

tincture, tasteless (Tinctura ferri citro-chloridi), 87

wine, 88

Jaborandi (Pilocarpus), 163

fluidextract (Fluidextractum pilocarpi), 163

Jackson’s pectoral syrup (Syrupus morphinae et acaciae), 134

Jalap, 120

and calomel (Pulvis hydrargyri chloridi mitis et Jalapae), 110

and mild mercurous chloride powder, 110

extract, 120

fluidextract, 120

powder, compound, 120

resin, 120

tincture, 120

tincture, compound, 120

Jamaica ginger tincture (Tinctura zingiberis), 232

James’ powder (Pulvis antimonialis), 30

Jamestown weed (Stramonium), 210

Janeway’s pills (Pilulae aloes et podophylli compositae), 21

Javelle water (Liquor potassae chlorinatae), 167

Jennerian vaccine (Virus vaccinicum), 227

Jimson weed (Stramonium), 210

Juglans, 120

fluidextract, 121

Juniper and potassium acetate

elixir, 168

berries, 121

berries, fluidextract, 121

berries, oil (Oleum juniper), 141

oil, 141

spirit, 142

spirit, compound, 142

tar, oil (Oleum cadinum), 139

Juniperus, 121

Kaolin, 121

cataplasm, 121

Kava, 121

fluidextract, 121

Kava Kava (Kava), 121

Kentish’s ointment (Linimentum terebinthinae), 148

Kermes mineral (Antimonium sulphuratum), 30

Kieselguhr, purified (Terra silicea purificata), 219

Kino, 121

and opium powder, compound, 122

and opium tincture, compound, 122

composita, tinctura (Tinctura kino et opii composita), 122

compositus, pulvis (Pulvis kino et opii compositus), 122

tincture, 122

tincture, compound (Tinctura kino et opii composita), 122

Kissingen salt, artificial, 202

artificial, effervescent, 202

Kola, 122

fluidextract, 122

nuts (Kola), 122

Kousso (Brayera), 43

Krameria, 122

extract, 122

extract, powdered (Extractum krameriae), 122

fluidextract, 123

fluidglycerate, 123

syrup, 123

tincture, 123

Kumyss (Lac fermentatum), 123

Labarraque’s solution (Liquor sodae chlorinatae), 197

Lac fermentatum, 123

sulphuris (Sulphur praecipitatum), 215

vaccinum, 123

Lactic acid, 10

Lactophosphate of lime, calisaya, and iron, elixir (Elixir of cinchona alkaloids, iron and calcium lactophosphate), 50

Lactose (Saccharum lactis), 188

Lactucarium, 123

syrup, 123

tincture, 124

Lady slipper root (Cypripedium), 77

Webster’s dinner pill (Pilulae aloes et mastiches), 20

Lafayette mixture (Mistura copaibae), 73

Lamotte’s drops (Tinctura ferri chloridi aetherea), 87

Lanolin (Adeps lanae hydrosus), 16

anhydrous (Adeps lanae), 15

Lapis calaminaris (Calamina praeparata), 46

Lappa, 124

fluidextract, 124

Larch agaric (Agaricus), 18

turpentine (Terebinthina laricis), 218

Lard, 15

benzoinated, 15

Larkspur seed, 77

tincture, 78

Lassar’s mild resorcinol paste (Pasta resorcinolis mitis), 182

naphthol paste (Pasta betanaphtholis), 40

stronger resorcinol paste (Pasta resorcinolis fortis), 182

zinc paste (Pasta zinci), 229

Laudanum (Tinctura opii), 152

Sydenham’s (Tinctura opii crocata), 152

Laughing gas (Nitrogenii monoxidum), 136

Lavender oil, 142

spirit, 142

spirit, compound (Tinctura lavandulae composita), 142

tincture, compound, 142

Laxative elixir (Elixir cascarae sagradae compositum), 57

pills, compound, 22

pills, post partum, 71

species, 195

Lead acetate, 165

and opium lotion, 165

and opium pills, 151

and opium wash (Lotio plumbi et opii), 16

carbonate, 166

iodide, 166

oxide, 166

oxide, red, 166

plaster, 166

red (Plumbi oxidum rubrum), 166

subacetate, 167

subacetate solution, 167

subacetate solution, diluted, 167

subacetate, cerate, 167

sugar (Plumbi acetas), 165

water (Liquor plumbi subacetatis dilutus), 167

white (Plumbi carbonas), 166

Lemon oil, 143

peel, 124

peel tincture, 124

Leptandra, 124

extract, 124

extract, powdered, 124

fluidextract, 124

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza), 102

elixir (Elixir glycyrrhizae), 19

elixir, aqueous (Elixir glycyrrhizae aquosum), 102

elixir, aromatic (Elixir glycyrrhizae aromaticum), 19

extract (Extractum glycyrrhizae), 102

fluidglycerate (Fluidglyceratum glycyrrhizae), 102

powder, compound (Pulvis glycyrrhizae compositus), 194

syrup (Syrupus glycyrrhizae), 103

Life root (Senecio), 193

Light magnesia (Magnesii oxidum), 129

Lignum vitae (Guaiaci lignum), 104

Lily-of-the-valley flowers (Convallariae flores), 72

root (Convallariae radix), 72

Lime (Calx), 52

chloride (Calx chlorinata), 52

chlorinated, 52

elixir of calisaya, iron and lactophosphate of lime (Elixir of cinchona alkaloids, iron and calcium lactophosphate), 49

juice, 214

juice and pepsin, 157

liniment, 52

potassa with, 172

soda with, 198

sulphurated (Calcii sulphidum crudum), 50

sulphurated, solution, 51

water (Liquor calcis), 52

Limonis cortex, 124

Liniment, acetic turpentine, 148

ammonia, 25

belladonna, 39

camphor, 53

camphorated soap, 190

Canada (Linimentum opii compositum), 149

chloroform, 62

hartshorn (Linimentum ammoniae), 25

lime, 52

of aconite and chloroform, 15

of ammonium iodide, 28

of croton oil, 149

of croton oil, compound, 149

of mustard compound, 147

of opium compound, 149

of soft soap, 190

of soft soap compound, 190

St. John Long’s (Linimentum terebinthinae aceticum), 148

soap, 190

Stokes’ (Linimentum terebinthinae aceticum), 148

turpentine, 148

volatile (Linimentum ammoniae), 25

Liniments, 124

Linimentum aconiti et chloroformi, 15

album (Linimentum terebinthinae aceticum), 148

ammonii iodidi, 28

calcis, 52

saponis mollis, 190

saponis mollis compositum, 190

sinapis compositum, 147

terebinthinae, 148

terebinthinae aceticum, 148

tiglii, 149

tiglii compositum, 149

Linseed, 124

oil, 143

oil, raw (Oleum lini), 143

Linum, 124

Liquefied carbolic acid (Phenol liquefactum), 160

phenol, 160

Liquid apiol (Oleoresina petroselini), 159

glucose (Glucosum), 101

opodeldoc (Linimentum saponis), 190

paraffin (Petrolatum liquidum), 158

petrolatum, 158

petrox (Petroxolinum liquidum), 158

petroxolin, 158

storax (Styrax), 214


See also under Solution.

acidi arsenosi, 34

alumini acetatis, 23

alumini, acetatis (Liquor alumini subacetatis), 24

alumini acetico-tartratis, 24

alumini subacetatis, 24

ammoniae anisatus (Spiritus ammoniae anisatus), 25

ammonii acetatis, 25

ammonii citratis, 27

antisepticus, 7

antisepticus alkalinus, 169

arseni et hydrargyri iodidi, 33

arsenicalis (Liquor potassii arsenitis), 168

arsenicalis Clemens, 168

arsenicalis Fowleri (Liquor potassii arsenitis), 168

arsenicalis Pearsonii (Liquor sodii arsenatis, Pearson), 198

auri et arseni bromidi, 7

bismuthi, 42

bromi, 43

Burowii (Liquor alumini acetatis), 23

calcis, 52

calcis sulphuratae, 51

carmini, 56

chlori compositus, 62

cocci, 67

cresolis compositus, 75

ferri acetatis, 85

ferri albuminati, 94

ferri chloridi, 86

ferri citratis, 87

ferri et ammonii acetatis, 25

ferri hypophosphitis, 89

ferri nitratis, 91

ferri oxychloridi, 91

ferri oxysulphatis, 91

ferri peptonati, 94

ferri peptonati cum mangano (Liquor ferri peptonati et mangani), 95

ferri peptonati et mangani, 95

ferri protochloridi, 92

ferri salicylatis, 206

ferri subsulphatis, 93

ferri tersulphatis, 94

formaldehydi, 96

guttae perchae, 106

hydrargyri et potassii iodidi, 110

hydrargyri nitratis, 110

hydrastinae compositus, 113

hydrogenii dioxidi, 115

hypophosphitum, 48

hypophosphitum compositus, 48

hypophysis, 116

iodi carbolatus (Liquor iodi phenolatus), 118

iodi compositus, 118

iodi phenolatus, 118

magnesii citratis, 128

magnesii sulphatis effervescens, 129

pancreaticus (Liquor pancreatini), 153

pepsini, 157

pepsini antisepticus, 157

pepsini aromaticus, 157

phosphatum acidus, 11

phosphatum compositus, 11

phosphori, 161

picis alkalinus, 165

picis carbonis, 165

plumbi subacetatis, 167

plumbi subacetatis dilutus, 167

potassae (Liquor potassii hydroxidi), 172

potassae chlorate (Liquor potassae chlorinatae), 167

potassae chlorinatae, 167

potassi arsenatis et bromidi (Liquor arsenicalis clemens), 168

potassii citratis, 171

potassii hydroxidi, 172

sodae (Liquor sodii hydroxidi), 204

sodae chlorinatae, 197

sodae et menthae, 199

sodii arsenatis, 198

sodii arsenatis, Pearson, 198

sodii boratis compositus, 200

sodii chloridi physiologicus, 202

sodii citratis, 202

sodii citro-tartratis effervescens, 202

sodii glycerophosphatis, 203

sodii hydroxidi, 204

sodii phosphatis compositus, 205

strychninae acetatis, 212

zinci chloridi, 229

zinci et alumini compositus, 230

zinci et ferri compositus, 231

Liquores, 125

Liquorice root (Glycyrrhiza), 102

Litharge (Plumbi oxidum), 166

Lithium bromide, 125

bromide elixir, 125

carbonate, 125

citrate, 126

citrate, effervescent salt, 126

citrate elixir, 126

salicylate, 126

salicylate elixir, 126

with effervescent artificial vichy salt, 200

Liver of sulphur (Potassa sulphurata), 168

Lobelia, 126

fluidextract, 126

tincture, 127

Logwood (Haematoxylon), 106

London paste (Soda cum calce), 198

Long buchu, 44

Lotio ammoniacalis camphorata, 25

flava, 111

nigra, 109

Lotion of lead and opium, 165

Vleminckx’ (Liquor calcis sulphuratae), 51

yellow, 111

Lotions, 127

Lozenges (Trochisci), 223

Lugol’s solution (Liquor iodi compositus), 118

Lunar caustic (Argenti nitras fusus), 33

Lupulin, 127

fluidextract, 127

oleoresin, 127

Lycopodium, 127

Mace, 127

Macrotys (Cimicifuga), 63

Madderwort (Absinthium), 5

Magma bismuthi, 42

ferri hydroxidi, 89

magnesiae, 128

Magmas, 128

Magnesia (Magnesii oxidum), 129

and rhubarb powder, anisated, 184

asafetida and opium mixture, 128

calcined (Magnesii oxidum), 129

heavy (Magnesii oxidum ponderosum), 129

light (Magnesii oxidum), 129

magma, 128

milk (Magma magnesiae), 128

with ferric hydrate (Ferri hydroxidum cum magnesii oxido), 88

Magnesium carbonate, 128

chloride, 128

citrate, 128

citrate solution, 128

hydroxide, 128

oxide, 129

oxide heavy, 129

oxide with ferric hydroxide, 88

sulphate, 129

sulphate solution, effervescent, 129

Male fern (Aspidium), 35

oleoresin (Oleoresina aspidii), 35

Mallow leaves, 130

Malt, 129

and cod liver oil emulsion, 144

extract, 129

Malvae folia, 130

Mandrake (Podophyllum), 167

Manganese and iron peptonate solution, 95

and sodium citrate (Mangani citras solubilis), 130

citrate, soluble, 130

dioxide, precipitated, 130

glycerophosphate, soluble, 130

hypophosphite, 130

iodide and iron, syrup, 90

sulphate, 131

Manganous glycerophosphate, soluble (Mangani glycerophosphas solubilis), 130

Manna, 131

syrup, 131

Marigold (Calendula), 51

Marsh mallow leaves (Althaeae folia), 23

mallow root (Althaea), 22

trefoil (Menyanthes), 133

Mass of copaiba, 73

of ferrous carbonate, 85

of mercury, 112

Vallet’s (Massa ferri carbonatis), 85

Masses, 131

Mastic, 131

and aloes pills, 20

Matico, 131

fluidextract, 131

leaves (Matico), 131

Matricaria, 131

May apple rhizome (Podophyllum), 167

Meadow anemone (Pulsatilla), 174

Mel, 132

boracis (Mel sodii boratis), 200

depuratum, 132

rosae, 132

rosae et sodii boratis, 200

sodii boratis, 200

Melilot, 132

Mellita, 132

Mentha piperita, 132

viridis, 132

Menthol, 132

and camphor (Menthol camphoratum), 133

camphorated, 133

inunction, 132

inunction compound, 133

petrox (Petroxolinum mentholis), 133

petroxolin, 133

spray, 133

spray compound, 133

Menyanthes, 133

Mercurial ointment, 112

ointment, diluted, 112

Mercuric chloride (Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum), 108

chloride, corrosive, 108

chloride, corrosive, poison tablets, 109

chloride mull, corrosive, 109

iodide (Hydrargyri iodidum rubrum), 110

iodide and arsenous solution, 33

iodide, red, 110

nitrate, 110

nitrate ointment, 111

nitrate solution, 110

oxide, red, 111

oxide, red, ointment, 111

oxide, yellow, 111

oxide, yellow, ointment, 111

salicylate, 111

subsalicylate (Hydrargyri salicylas), 111

Mercurous chloride (Hydrargyri chloridum mite), 109

chloride and jalap, mild, powder, 110

chloride, mild, 109

iodide (Hydrargyri iodidum flavum), 110

iodide, yellow, 110

Mercury, 112

ammoniated, 113

ammoniated ointment, 113

and potassium iodide solution, 110

and scammony and aloes compound pills, 21

bichloride (Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum), 108

biniodide (Hydrargyri iodidum rubrum), 110

digitalis, and squill, pills, 79

iodide, red (Hydrargyri iodidum rubrum), 110

iodide, yellow (Hydrargyri iodidum flavum), 110

mass, 112

oleate, 112

perchloride (Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum), 108

petrox (Petroxolinum hydrargyri), 112

petroxolin, 112

podophyllum and aloes pills, 21

protochloride (Hydrargyri chloridum mite), 109

protoiodide (Hydrargyri iodidum flavum), 110

subchloride (Hydrargyri chloridum mite), 109

with chalk, 112

Metallic pills (Pilulae ferri, quininae, strychninae et arseni fortiores), 95

Methyl salicylate, 133

salicylate petrox (Petroxolinum methylis salicylatis), 133

salicylate petroxolin, 133

Methylene blue (Methylthioninae chloridum), 133

Methylmorphine (Codeina), 68

Methylthioninae hydrochloridum (Methylthioninae chloridum), 133

Methylthionine chloride, 133

Methysticum (Kava), 121

Mezereon (Mezereum), 134

Mezereum, 134

fluidextract, 134

Mild mercurous chloride, 109

mercurous chloride and jalap powder, 110

pills of iron, quinine, strychnine and arsenic, 95

resorcinal paste, 182

resorcinal paste, Lassar’s (Pasta resorcinolis mitis), 182

Milk, cow’s, 123

fermented, 123

of almond (Emulsum amygdalae), 29

of asafetida (Emulsion asafoetidae), 34

of bismuth (Magma bismuthi), 42

of magnesia (Magma magnesia), 128

of sulphur (Sulphur praecipitatum), 215

sugar (Saccharum lactis), 188

Mindererus spirit (Liquor ammonii acetatis), 25

Mineral oil (Petrolatum liquidum), 158

Mint and soda, solution, 199

soda (Liquor sodae et menthae), 199


See also under Mixture.

adstringens et escharotica (Mistura adstringens), 77

ammonii chloridi, 27

antidysenterica (Mistura camphorae acida), 149

chloroformi et cannabis indicae composita (Mistura chloroformi et morphinae composita), 62

cretae, 76

olei picis, 145

opii alkalina (Mistura opii et sassafras), 150

pectoralis Stokes, 26

picis liquidae (Mistura olei picis), 145

sassafras et opii (Mistura opii et sassafras), 150

sodae et menthae (Liquor sodae et menthae), 199

sodii citratis (Liquor sodii citratis), 202

solvens simplex (Mistura ammonii chloridi), 27

Mixture, acid camphor, 149

aromatic camphor, 142

astringent, 77

Basham’s (Liquor ferri et ammonii acetatis), 25

brown (Mistura glycyrrhizae composita), 150

carminative, 150

chalk, 76

Chapman’s (Mistura copaibae et opii), 73

copaiba, 73

copaiba and opium, 73

Griffith’s (Mistura ferri composita), 86

Hope’s (Mistura camphorae acida), 149

iron, compound, 86

Lafayette (Mistura copaibae), 73

of ammonium chloride, 27

of chloral and potassium bromide compound, 61

of chloroform and morphine compound, 62

of glycyrrhiza compound, 150

of guaiac, 105

of iron, salicylate (Liquor ferri salicylatis), 206

of magnesia, asafetida and opium, 128

of oil of tar, 145

of opium and chloroform compound, 150

of opium and rhubarb compound, 150

of opium and sassafras, 150

of rhubarb, alkaline, 183

of rhubarb and soda (Mistura rhei composita), 183

of rhubarb compound, 183

oleo-balsamic, 142

Parrish’s camphor (Mistura camphorae aromatica), 142

Squibb’s diarrhea (Mistura opii et chloroformi composita), 150

sun cholera (Mistura opii et rhei composita), 150

tar (Mistura olei picis), 145

Villate’s (Mistura adstringens), 77

Mixtures, 134

Molded silver nitrate, 32

Monkshood (Aconitum), 14

Monobromated camphor, 53

Monsel’s solution (Liquor ferri subsulphatis), 93

Morphine, 134

and acacia syrup, 134

and chloroform mixture, compound, 62

chloride (Morphinae hydrochloridum), 134

hydrochloride, 134

sulphate, 135

with compound syrup of white pine, 135

Moschus, 135

Motherplaster, camphorated (Emplastrum fuscum camphoratum), 53

Mother’s salve (Unguentum fuscum), 53

Mucilage of acacia, 5

of chondrus, 63

of Irish moss (Mucilago chondri), 63

of sassafras pith, 191

of tragacanth, 221

Mucilages, 135

Mull, corrosive mercuric chloride, 109

salicylic acid, 12

zinc, 229

Mulla creosoti salicylata, 12

Mullein flowers, 225

leaves (Verbasci folia), 225

leaves, fluidextract, 225

Mulls, 135

Muriatic acid (Acidum hydrochloricum), 9

Musk, 136

deer (Moschus), 135

root (Sumbul), 216

root, fluidextract (Fluidextractum sumbul), 216

tincture, 135

tonquin (Moschus), 135

Mustard, black, 197

brown (Sinapis nigra), 197

liniment, compound, 147

oil (Oleum sinapis volatile), 147

oil, volatile, 147

paper (Emplastrum sinapis), 197

plaster, 197

spirit, 147

white, 197

yellow (Sinapis alba), 197

Mutton suet (Sevum praeparatum), 197

Myrcia oil, 145

spirit, compound, 145

Myrica, 135

Myristica, 136

oil, 145

Myrrh, 136

and aloes pills, 20

and aloes tincture, 21

and capsicum tincture, 55

gum (Myrrha), 136

tincture, 136

Naphthol (Betanaphthol), 40

paste, Lassar’s (Pasta betanaphtholis), 40

Nebula aromatica, 158

eucalyptolis, 83

mentholis, 133

mentholis composita, 133

thymolis, 220

Nebulae, 136

Neroli, oil (Oleum aurantii florum), 138

Neutralizing cordial (Mistura rhei alkalina), 183

Niemeyer pills for dropsy (Pilulae digitalis, scillae et hydrargyri), 79

pills for phthisis (Pilulae opii, digitalis et quininae), 151

Night blooming cereus (Cactus grandiflorus), 45

Nitre, sweet spirit (Spiritus aetheris nitrosi), 17

Nitric acid, 10

Nitrogen monoxide, 136

Nitroglycerin (Glycerylis nitras), 101

pills, 102

spirit (Spiritus glycerylis nitratis), 102

Nitrohydrochloric acid, 10

acid, diluted, 10

Nitromuriatic acid (Acidum nitrohydrochloricum), 10

acid, diluted (Acidum nitrohydrochloricum dilutum), 10

Nitrous ether, 17

ether spirit, 17

oxide (Nitrogenii monoxidum), 136

Normal salt solution (Liquor sodii chloridi physiologicus), 202

Nutgall, 98

ointment, 98

tincture, 98

Nutmeg (Myristica), 136

oil (Oleum myristicae), 145

Nux vomica, 136

and phosphorus elixir, 161

extract, 136

extract, powdered (Extractum nucis vomicae), 136

fluidextract, 136

iron, quinine and aloes pills, 94

tincture, 137

Oil, anise (Oleum anisi), 138

benne (Oleum sesami), 147

camphorated (Linimentum camphorae), 53

carbolized (Oleum phenolatum), 159

cassia (Oleum cassiae), 140

castor, 146

castor, aromatic, 146

castor, emulsion, 146

cod liver, 144

cod liver, emulsion, 144

cod liver, with calcium lactophosphate emulsion, 144

cod liver, with calcium phosphate emulsion, 144

cod liver, with egg emulsion, 145

cod liver, with hypophosphites emulsion, 144

cod liver, with malt emulsion, 144

cod liver, with phosphate of lime emulsion (Emulsum olei morrhuae cum calcii phosphate), 144

cod liver, with wild cherry emulsion, 144

cottonseed, 141

croton, 148

croton, collodion, 148

croton, liniment, 149

croton, liniment compound, 149

ethereal, 137

linseed, 143

linseed, raw (Oleum lini), 143

mineral (Petrolatum liquidum), 158

mustard (Oleum sinapis volatile), 147

of allspice (Oleum pimentae), 146

of almond, expressed, 138

of American wormseed (Oleum chenopodii), 140

of anise, 138

of bay (Oleum myrciae), 145

of bergamot, 139

of birch, rectified empyroligneous (Oleum betulae empyreumaticum rectificatum), 139

of birch tar, rectified, 139

of bitter almond, 137

of bitter orange, 138

of cade, 139

of cajuput, 139

of caraway, 140

of cardamon, 139

of chenopodium, 140

of cinnamon, 140

of clove, 140

of coriander, 141

of cubeb, 141

of dwarf pine needles, 146

of eucalyptus, 141

of fennel, 141

of flaxseed (Oleum lini), 143

of hyoscyamus, compound, 115

of juniper, 141

of Juniper berries (Oleum juniperi), 141

of juniper tar (Oleum cadinum), 139

of lavender, 142

of lemon, 143

of mustard, volatile, 147

of myrcia, 145

of myristica, 145

of neroli (Oleum aurantii florum), 138

of nutmeg (Oleum myristicae), 145

of orange, 138

of orange flowers, 138

of peppermint, 143

of pimenta, 146

of rosemary, 146

of sandalwood (Oleum santali), 146

of santal, 146

of sassafras, 147

of spearmint, 143

of star anise, 138

of sweet almond (Oleum amygdalae expressum), 138

of sweet birch (Methylis salicylas), 133

of sweet orange (Oleum aurantii), 138

of tar mixture, 145

of tar, rectified, 145

of teaberry (Methylis salicylas), 133

of theobroma, 148

of thyme, 148

of turpentine, 147

of turpentine emulsion, 148

of turpentine, rectified, 147

of wintergreen (Methylis salicylas), 133

olive, 145

phenolated, 159

phosphorated, 161

pimento (Oleum pimentae), 146

rosemary (Oleum rosmarini), 146

santalwood (Oleum santali), 146

sesame, 147

spray, aromatic, 158

tar, rectified (Oleum picis liquidae rectificatum), 145

teel (Oleum sesami), 147

turpentine (Oleum terebinthinae), 147

turpentine, rectified (Oleum terebinthinae rectificatum), 147

Oils, infused, 137

volatile spirits, 208

Oil-Sugars, 137

Ointment, 15

basilicon (Ceratum resinae), 181

belladonna, 38

blue (Unguentum hydrargyri dilutum), 112

brown, 53

calamine, 46

camphor, 53

chrysarobin, 63

citrine (Unguentum hydrargyri nitratis), 111

diachylon, 166

Hebra’s itch (Unguentum sulphuris compositum), 216

iodine, 119

iodoform, 117

Kentish’s (Linimentum terebinthinae), 148

mercurial, 112

mercurial, diluted, 112

nutgall, 98

of ammoniated mercury, 113

of boric acid, 7

of carbolic acid (Unguentum phenolis), 160

of lead iodide, 166

of mercuric nitrate, 111

of phenol, 160

of potassium iodide, 173

of red mercuric oxide, 111

of rose water, 186

of tannic acid, 14

of yellow mercuric oxide, 111

of zinc oxide, 230

of zinc stearate, 230

petrolatum (Petrolatum), 158

resorcinol, compound, 182

simple (Unguentum), 15

stramonium, 210

sulphur, 215

sulphur, alkaline, 215

sulphur compound, 216

tar, 165

tar, compound, 146

veratrine, 225

white precipitate (Unguentum hydrargyri ammoniati), 113

Wilkinson’s (Unguentum sulphuris compositum), 216

zinc (Unguentum zinci oxidi), 230

Ointments, 223

Olea infusa, 137

Oleate of aconitine, 14

of atropine, 36

of cocaine, 67

of mercury, 112

of quinine, 177

of veratrine, 225

Oleates, 137

Oleic acid, 11

Oleo-balsamic mixture, 142

Oleoresin of aspidium, 35

of capsicum, 55

of cubeb, 76

of ginger, 232

of lupulin, 127

of male fern (Oleoresina aspidii), 35

of parsley fruit, 159

of pepper, 164

Oleoresina petroselini, 159

piperis, 164

zingiberis, 232

Oleoresins, 137

Oleosacchara, 137


See also under Oil.

aethereum, 137

amygdalae amarae, 137

amygdalae expressum, 138

aurantii, 138

aurantii amari, 138

aurantii corticis (Oleum aurantii), 138

aurantii florum, 138

bergamottae, 139

betulae (Methylis salicylas), 133

betulae empyreumaticum rectificatum, 139

cari, 140

caryophylli, 140

foeniculi, 141

gaultheriae (Methylis salicylas), 133

gossypii seminis, 141

Jecoris aselli (Oleum morrhuae), 144

lini, 143

menthae piperitae, 143

menthae viridis, 143

morrhuae, 144

picis liquidae (Oleum picis liquidae rectificatum), 145

picis liquidae rectificatum, 145

pini pumilionis, 146

ricini, 146

ricini aromaticum, 146

rusci rectificatum (Oleum betulae empyreumaticum rectificatum), 139

sinapis volatile, 147

terebinthinae, 147

terebinthinae rectificatum, 147

tiglii, 148

Olive oil, 145

Opium, 149

and camphor pills, 151

and chalk powder, aromatic, 151

and chloroform mixture, compound, 150

and copaiba mixture, 73

and ipecac powder, 151

and ipecac syrup, 151

and ipecac tincture, 152

and kino powder, compound, 122

and kino tincture, compound, 122

and lead lotion, 165

and lead pills, 151

and lead wash (Lotio plumbi et opii), 165

and rhubarb mixture, compound, 150

and sassafras mixture, 150

deodorized, 151

deodorized tincture, 152

digitalis and quinine pills, 151

extract, 149

extract, powdered (Extractum opii), 149

granulated, 151

liniment, compound, 149

magnesia, and asafetida mixture, 128

powdered, 150

tincture, 152

tincture, camphorated, 152

vinegar, 149

with saffron tincture, 152

Opodeldoc (Linimentum saponato-camphoratum), 190

liquid (Linimentum saponis), 190

solid (Linimentum saponato-camphoratum), 190

Orange, elixir, compound (Vinum aurantii compositum), 36

flower water, 37

flower water, stronger, 37

flowers, bitter, 37

flowers oil, 138

flowers syrup, 37

oil, 138

peel, bitter, 36

peel, bitter, fluidextract, 36

peel, bitter, tincture, 36

peel, sweet, 36

peel, sweet, tincture, 37

spirit, compound, 138

syrup, 36

wine, compound, 36

Ordeal bean (Physostigma), 161

Oregon grape root (Berberis), 40

Orphol (Bismuthi betanaphtholas), 41

Orris, 119

root (Iris), 119

Ovi albumen recens, 152

vitellum recens, 152

Ovum gallinaceum, 153

Oxgall, 85

extract, 85

extract, powdered (Extractum fellis bovis), 85

Oxygen, 153

Oxymel of Squill, 192

Pale catechu (Gambir), 98

catechu tincture, compound (Tinctura gambir composita), 98

Pancreatic solution (Liquor pancreatini), 153

Pancreatin, 153

powder, compound, 153

solution, 153

Papaveris fructus, 153

Papers, 60

Papoose root (Caulophyllum), 59

Paracoto, 153

fluidextract, 154

tincture, 154

Paraffin, 154

liquid (Petrolatum liquidum), 158

Paraform (Paraformaldehydum), 154

Paraformaldehyde, 154

Paraldehyde, 154

Paregoric (Tinctura opii camphorata), 152

Pareira, 155

brava (Pareira), 155

fluidextract, 155

Parrish’s camphor mixture (Mistura camphorae aromatica), 142

Parsley fruit, 159

fruit, oleoresin, 159

root, 159

root, fluidextract, 159

seed (Petroselinum), 159

Pasque flower (Pulsatilla), 174

Passion flower, 155

flower tincture, 155

vine (Passiflora), 155

Paste, betanaphthol, 40

dextrinated, 78

Lassar’s mild resorcinol (Pasta resorcinol mitis), 182

Lassar’s naphthol (Pasta betanaphtholis), 40

Lassar’s stronger resorcinol (Pasta resorcinolis fortis), 182

Lassar’s zinc (Pasta zinci), 229

London (Soda cum calce), 198

pencils, 209

resorcinol, mild, 182

resorcinol, strong, 182

Unna’s soft zinc (Pasta zinci mollis), 229

Unna’s sulphurated zinc (Pasta zinci sulphurata), 230

zinc, 229

zinc, soft, 229

zinc, sulphurated, 230

Pastes, dermatologic, 155

Pearson’s solution of sodium arsenate, 198

Pectoral drops (Tinctura pectoralis), 153

drops, Bateman’s (Tinctura pectoralis), 152

species, 22

tincture, 152

Pectoralis, syrupus (Syrupus morphinae et acaciae), 134

Pelletierine tannate, 155

Pellitory root (Pyrethrum), 175

tincture (Tinctura pyrethri), 175

Pencils, paste, 209

Unna (Stili dilubiles), 209

Pepo, 155

Pepper, 164

black (Piper), 164

cayenne (Capsicum), 55

oleoresin, 164

Peppermint, 132

essence (Spiritus menthae piperitae), 143

oil, 143

spirit, 143

troches, 143

water, 143

Pepsin, 155

and bismuth elixir, 156

and iron elixir, 156

and lime juice, 157

and rennin elixir, compound, 156

bismuth and strychnine elixir, 212

cinchona alkaloids and iron elixir, 156

elixir, 156

glycerite, 157

iron and calisaya, alkaloidal, elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri et pepsini), 156

saccharated, 157

solution, 157

solution, antiseptic, 157

solution, aromatic, 157

wine, 157

Peptonate of iron and manganese solution, 95

of iron solution, 94

Peptonizing, powder (Pulvis pancreatini compositus), 153

Perchloride of mercury (Hydrargyri chloridum corrosivum), 108

Perfumed spirit, 139

Peroxide, hydrogen (Hydrogenii dioxidum), 114

Persio, 157

Petrolatum, 158

album, 158

emulsion, 158

liquid, 158

ointment (Petrolatum), 158

saponatum liquidum (Petroxolinum liquidum), 158

saponatum spissum (Petroxolinum spissum), 159

white, 158

Petroleum benzin, purified, 39

ether (Benzinum purificatum), 39

jelly (Petrolatum), 158

jelly, white (Petrolatum album), 158

Petroselini radix, 159

Petroselinum, 159

Petrox, liquid (Petroxolinum liquidum), 158

solid (Petroxolinum spissum), 159

Petroxolin, liquid, 158

solid, 159

Petroxolins, 159

Petroxolinum betanaphtholis, 41

cadini, 139

chloroformi camphoratum, 62

creosoti, 75

eucalyptolis, 83

guaiacolis, 105

hydrargyri, 112

iodi, 118

iodi dilutum, 118

iodoformi, 117

mentholis, 133

methylis salicylatis, 133

phenolis, 160

phenolis camphoratum, 160

picis, 145

spissum, 159

sulphuratum, 215

sulphuratum compositum, 215

terebinthinae laricis, 218

Pheasant’s eye (Adonis), 16

Phenacetin (Acetphenetidinum), 6

Phenazone (Antipyrina), 31

Phenol, 159

glycerite, 159

iodatum, 160

iodized, 160

liquefied, 160

ointment, 160

petrox (Petroxolinum phenolis), 160

petrox, camphorated (Petroxolinum phenolis camphoratum), 160

Phenolated oil, 159

solution of iodine, 118

water, 159

Phenolphthalein, 160

troches, 160

Phenyl salicylate, 160

Phenylcinchoninic acid, 11

Phenyldimethylpyrazolon (Antipyrina), 31

Phenylis salicylas, 160

Phenyl-quinoline-carboxylic acid (Acidum phenylcinchoninicum), 11

Phosphate of lime with cod liver oil emulsion (Emulsum olei morrhuae cum calcii phosphate), 144

of iron, quinine and strychnine, syrup of, 92

quinine and strychnine syrup, 179

solution, acid, 11

solution, compound, 11

syrup, compound, 11

Phosphorated oil, 161

Phosphates, acid solution of, 11

Phosphoric acid, 11

acid, diluted, 11

Phosphorus, 161

and nux vomica elixir, 161

elixir, 161

pills, 161

solution, 161

solution, Thompson’s (Liquor phosphori), 161

Physiological salt solution (Liquor sodii chloridi physiologicus), 202

solution of sodium chloride, 202

Physostigma, 161

extract, 162

extract, powdered (Extractum physostigmatis), 162

tincture, 162

Physostigmine salicylate, 162

Phytolacca, 162

fluidextract, 162

Picric acid (Trinitrophenol), 222

Pill, blue (Massa hydrargyri), 112

bearing spurge (Euphorbia pilulifera), 84

Pills, 163

Aitken tonic (Pilulae ferri, quininae, strychninae et arseni mites), 95

antidyspeptic, 212

antiperiodic, 180

antiperiodic, without aloes, 180

Barker’s post partum (Pilulae laxativae post partum), 71

bitter metallic (Pilulae ferri, quininae, strychninae et arseni fortiores), 95

Blaud’s (Pilulae ferri carbonatis), 86

cathartic, compound, 71

cathartic, vegetable, 71

chalybeate (Pilulae ferri carbonatis), 86

cochia (Pilulae colocynthidis compositae), 71

dinner, 20

dinner, Chapman’s, 20

dinner, Cole’s, 20

dinner, Hall’s, 20

dinner, Lady Webster’s (Pilulae aloes et mastiches), 20

ferruginous (Pilulae ferri carbonatis), 86

Francis’ triplex (Pilulae aloes, hydrargyri et scammonii compositae), 21

Guy’s (Pilulae digitalis, scillae et hydrargyri), 79

Janeway’s (Pilulae aloes et podophylli compositae), 21

laxative, compound, 22

metallic (Pilulae ferri, quininae, strychninae et arseni fortiores), 95

Niemeyer, for dropsy (Pilulae digitalis, scillae et hydrargyri), 79

Niemeyer, for phthisis (Pilulae opii, digitalis et quininae), 151

of aloes, 20

of aloes and asafetida, 20

of aloes and iron, 20

of aloes and mastic, 20

of aloes and myrrh, 20

of aloes and podophyllum, compound, 21

of aloes, mercury and podophyllum, 21

of aloes, mercury and scammony, compound, 21

of aloin, compound, 22

of aloin, strychnine and belladonna, 22

of aloin, strychnine and belladonna, compound, 22

of antimony, compound, 31

of asafetida, 34

of colocynth and hyoscyamus, 71

of colocynth and podophyllum, 71

of colocynth, compound, 71

of digitalis, squill and mercury, 79

of ferrous carbonate, 86

of ferrous iodide, 90

of glonoin (Pilulae glycerylis nitratis), 102

of iron, quinine, aloes and nux vomica, 94

of iron, quinine, strychnine and arsenic, mild, 95

of iron, quinine, strychnine and arsenic, stronger, 95

of nitroglycerin, 102

of opium and camphor, 151

of opium and lead, 151

of opium, digitalis and quinine, 151

of phosphorus, 161

of rhubarb, 184

of rhubarb, compound, 184

Plummer’s (Pilulae antimonii compositae), 31

post partum laxative, 71

quadruplex (Pilulae ferri, quinine, aloes et nucis vomicae), 94

quatuor (Pilulae ferri, quininae, aloes et nucis vomicae), 94

triplex (Pilulae aloes, hydrargyri et podophylli), 21

Warburg’s (Pilulae antiperiodicae), 180

Warburg’s, without aloes (Pilulae antiperiodicae sine aloe), 180

Pilocarpine chloride (Pilocarpinae hydrochloridum), 162

hydrochloride, 162

nitrate, 163

Pilocarpus, 163

fluidextract, 163


See also under Pills.

ad prandium, 20

cocciae (Pilulae colocynthidis compositae), 71

glycerylis nitratis, 102

metallorum (Pilulae ferri, quininae, strychninae, et arseni fortiores), 95

metallorum amarae (Pilulae ferri, quininae, strychninae et arseni fortiores), 95

quadruplices (Pilulae ferri, quininae, aloes et nucis vomicae), 94

triplices (Pilulae aloes, hydrargyri et podophylli), 21

Pimento (Pimenta), 163

oil (Oleum pimentae), 146

Pimpernel root (Pimpinella), 164

Pimpinella, 164

tincture, 164

Pine bark, white, 164

needles, dwarf, oil, 146

oil, dwarf (Oleum pini pumilionis), 146

tar (Pix liquida), 164

Pinkroot (Spigelia), 208

fluidextract (Fluidextractum spigeliae), 208

Pinus alba, 164

Pipe gamboge (cambogia), 52

Piper, 164

Pipsissewa (Chimaphila), 60

Pituitary body, desiccated (Hypophysis sicca), 116

solution (Liquor hypophysis), 116

Pix carbonis (Pix Lithanthracis), 165

liquida, 164

lithanthracis, 165

Plaster, adhesive (Emplastrum resinae), 182

adhesive, rubber (Emplastrum elasticum), 182

belladonna, 38

camphorated brown, 53

cantharides, 54

capsicum, 55

diachylon (Emplastrum plumbi), 166

lead, 166

mustard, 197

rosin, 182

rosin adhesive (Emplastrum resinae), 182

rubber, 182

soap, 190

Plasters, 82

Pleurisy root (Asclepias), 35

Plumbi acetas, 165

carbonas, 166

iodidum, 166

oxidum, 166

oxidum rubrum, 166

subacetas, 167

Plummer’s pills (Pilulae antimonii compositae), 31

Podophyllin (Resina Podophylli), 167

Podophyllum, 167

aloes and mercury pills, 21

and aloes pills, compound, 21

and colocynth pills, 71

extract of, 167

fluidextract, 167

resin, 167

Poison hemlock (Conium), 72

tablets, 221

tablets of corrosive mercuric chloride, 109

Poke root (Phytolacca), 162

Pomegranate, 103

bark (Granatum), 103

fluidextract, 103

Poplar buds, balsam, 167

Poppy capsules, 153

syrup, 153

Populi gemmae, 167

Post partum laxative pills, 71

partum pills, Barker’s (Pilulae laxative post partum), 71

Potassa, chlorinated, 167

chlorinated, solution, 167

cum calce, 172

solution (Liquor potassii hydroxidi), 172

sulphurated, 168

with lime, 172

Potassium acetate, 168

acetate and buchu, elixir of, 44

acetate and juniper elixir, 168

acetate elixir, 168

and sodium tartrate, 171

arsenate, 168

arsenate and bromides solution (Liquor arsenicalis clemens), 168

arsenite, 168

arsenite solution, 168

bicarbonate, 169

bitartrate, 169

bitartrate and sulphur troches, 215

bromide, 169

bromide and chloral mixture, compound, 61

bromide, effervescent salt, 170

bromide, effervescent salt, compound, 170

bromide elixir, 170

bromide with caffeine, effervescent (Sal potassi bromidi effervescens compositus), 170

carbonate, 170

chlorate, 171

chlorate troches, 171

chloride, 171

citrate, 171

citrate, effervescent, 171

citrate solution, 171

hydrate (Potassii hydroxidum), 172

hydroxide, 172

hydroxide solution, 172

hypophosphite, 172

iodide, 172

iodide and mercury, solution, 110

iodide ointment, 173

iodohydrargyrate solution (Liquor hydrargyri et potassii iodidi), 110

nitrate, 173

nitrate paper, 173

permanganate, 173

sulphate, 173

tartrate and antimony, 30

Potio rivierii (Liquor sodii citratis), 202

Poultices, 59

Powder, acetanilid, compound, 6

anise, compound (Pulvis rhei et magnesiae anisatus), 184

antimonial, 30

aromatic, 66

chalk, compound, 76

composition (Pulvis myricae compositus), 135

Dover’s (Pulvis ipecacuanhae et opii), 151

Dover’s syrup (Syrupus ipecacuanhae et opii), 151

Dover’s tincture (Tinctura ipecacuanhae et opii), 152

gray (hydrargyrum cum creta), 112

Gregory’s (Pulvis rhei compositus), 184

James’ (Pulvis antimonialis), 30

licorice, compound (Pulvis glycyrrhizae compositum), 194

of aloes and canella, 21

of bayberry compound, 135

of chalk and opium, aromatic, 151

of chalk, aromatic, 66

of gambir, compound, 98

of glycyrrhiza, compound, 194

of ipecac and opium, 151

of ipecac, compound (Pulvis ipecacuanhae et opii), 151

of jalap, compound, 120

of kino and opium, compound, 122

of mild mercurous chloride and jalap, 110

of rhubarb and magnesia, anisated, 184

of rhubarb, compound, 184

of talc, boro-salicylated (Pulvis talci compositus), 12

of talc, compound, 12

pancreatin compound, 153

peptonizing (Pulvis pancreatini compositus), 153

rubefacient spice, 57

seidlitz (Pulvis effervescens compositus), 172

soluble, antiseptic, 231

Powdered compound extract of colocynth (Extractum colocynthidis compositum), 70

extract of aconite (Extractum aconiti), 15

extract of aloes (Extractum aloes), 20

extract of cascara sagrada (Extractum cascarae sagradae), 57

extract of cimicifuga (Extractum cimicifugae), 63

extract of colchicum corm (Extractum colchici cormi), 69

extract of colocynth (Extractum colocynthidis), 70

extract of euonymus (Extractum euonymi), 84

extract of gelsemium (Extractum gelsemii), 99

extract of hydrastis (Extractum hydrastis), 114

extract of ignatia (Extractum ignatiae), 116

extract of krameria (Extractum krameriae), 122

extract of leptandra (Extractum leptandrae), 124

extract of nux vomica (Extractum nucis vomicae), 136

extract of opium (Extractum opii), 149

extract of oxgall (Extractum fellis bovis), 85

extract of physostigma (Extractum physostigmatis), 162

extract of quassia (Extractum quassiae), 176

extract of rhubarb (Extractum rhei), 183

extract of viburnum prunifolium (Extractum viburni prunifolii), 227

opium, 150

Powders, 175

Precipitated calcium carbonate, 46

calcium phosphate, 50

chalk (Calcii carbonas praecipitatus), 46

ferrous sulphate (Ferri sulphas granulatus), 94

manganese dioxide, 130

sulphur, 215

zinc carbonate, 229

Prepared cacao (Cacao praeparata), 44

calamine, 46

chalk, 75

suet, 197

Prickly ash bark (Xanthoxylum), 228

ash berries, 228

ash, fluidextract (Fluidextractum xanthoxyli), 228

Protochloride of iron solution (Liquor ferri protochloridi), 92

of iron syrup (Syrupus ferri protochloridi), 92

of mercury (Hydrargyri chloridum mite), 109

Protoiodide of mercury (Hydrargyri iodidum flavum), 110

Prune, 174

Prunus virginiana, 174

Prussic acid, diluted (Acidum hydrocyanicum dilutum), 9

Pulsatilla, 174

tincture, 175

Pulveres, 175


See also under Powder.

aloes et canellae, 21

antisepticus, 231

antisepticus solubilis (Pulvis antisepticus), 231

aromaticus rubefaciens, 57

catechu compositus (Pulvis gambir compositus), 98

cretae aromaticus, 66

cretae compositus, 76

cretae et opii aromaticus, 151

effervescens compositus, 172

gambir compositus, 98

glycyrrhizae compositus, 194

hydrargyri chloridi mitis et jalapae, 110

myricae compositus, 135

potassii bromidi effervescens (Sal potassii bromidi effervescens), 170

potassii bromidi effervescens cum caffeina (Sal potassii bromidi effervescens compositus), 170

purgans (Pulvis jalapae compositus), 120

salis carolini factitii effervescens, 207

salis kissingensis factitii effervescens (Sal kissingense factitium effervescens), 202

salis vichyani factitii effervescens (Sal vichyanum factitium effervescens), 200

salis vichyani factitii effervescens cum lithio (Sal vichyanum factitium effervescens cum lithio), 200

Pumice, 175

Pumpkin seed (Pepo), 155

Pure extract of glycyrrhiza, 102

Purgans, pulvis (Pulvis jalapae compositus), 120

Purging cassia (Cassia fistula), 58

Purified antidiphtheric serum, 196

antitetanic serum, 196

cotton, 103

infusorial earth (Terra silicea purificata), 219

kieselguhr (Terra silicea purificata), 219

petroleum benzin, 39

siliceous earth, 219

talc, 217

Pyrethrum, 175

tincture, 175

Pyrogallic acid (Pyrogallol), 175

Pyrogallol, 175

Pyroxylin, 175

Quadruplex pills (Pilulae ferri, quininae, aloes et nucis vomicae), 94

Quassia, 176

extract, 176

extract, powdered (Extractum quassiae), 176

fluidextract, 176

tincture, 176

Quatuor pills (Pilulae ferri, quininae, aloes et nucis vomicae), 94

Quebracho (Aspidosperma), 35

fluidextract (Fluidextractum aspidospermatis), 35

Queen’s root (Stillingia), 209

Quercus, 176

fluidextract, 176

Quevenne’s iron (Ferrum reductum), 95

Quicklime (Calx), 52

Quicksilver (Hydrargyrum), 112

Quillaja, 176

tincture, 177

Quinidine, 177

syrup, 177

syrup, bitterless (Syrupus quinidinae), 177

Quinine, 177

aloes, iron and nux vomica pills, 94

and urea chloride (Quininae et ureae hydrochloridum), 178

and urea hydrochloride, 178

bisulphate, 177

bromide (Quininae hydrobromidum), 178

chloride (Quininae, hydrochloridum), 179

citrate and iron, 88

citrate and iron, soluble (Ferri et quininae citras), 88

dihydrochloride, 178

ferric pyrophosphate and strychnine elixir, 93

glycerinophosphate (Quininae glycerophosphas), 178

glycerophosphate, 178

hydrobromide, 178

hydrochloride, 179

hypophosphite, 179

iron and strychnine, syrup of the phosphates of, 92

oleate, 177

opium and digitalis pills, 151

salicylate, 179

strychnine and iron elixir, 87

strychnine and phosphates syrup, 179

strychnine, iron and arsenic pills, mild, 95

strychnine, iron and arsenic pills, stronger, 95

sulphate, 179

tannate, 181

tannate troches, 181

valerate, 181

valerate and strychnine elixir, 181

Raspberries, 186

Raspberry syrup, 186

Raw linseed oil (Oleum lini), 143

Rectified empyroligneous oil of birch (Oleum betulae empyreumaticum rectificatum), 139

oil of birch tar, 139

oil of tar, 145

oil of turpentine, 147

tar oil (Oleum picis liquidae rectificatum), 145

turpentine oil (Oleum terebinthinae rectificatum), 147

Red aromatic elixir, 19

cinchona, 65

clover blossoms (Trifolium), 222

elixir (Elixir aromaticum rubrum), 19

indigo (Persio), 157

iodide of mercury (Hydrargyri iodidum rubrum), 110

lead (Plumbi oxidum rubrum), 166

mercuric iodide, 110

mercuric oxide, 111

mercuric oxide, ointment, 111

oxide of lead, 166

peruvian bark (Cinchona rubra), 65

precipitate (Hydrargyri oxidum rubrum), 111

rose, 186

Saunders, 189

Reduced iron, 95

Refined and concentrated diphtheria antitoxin (Serum antidiphthericum purificatum), 196

and concentrated tetanus antitoxin (Serum antitetanicum purificatum), 196

Rennin, 181

and pepsin elixir, compound, 156

Replacing elixir curassao (Elixir aurantii amari), 138

emplastrum aromaticum (Pulvis aromaticus rubefaciens), 57

Resin of jalap, 120

of podophyllum, 167

of scammony, 192

Resins, 182

Resorcin (Resorcinol), 182

resorcinol, 182

ointment, compound, 182

paste, Lassar’s mild (Pasta resorcinolis mitis), 182

paste, Lassar’s, stronger (Pasta resorcinolis fortis), 182

paste, strong, 182

Rhamnus cathartica, 182

cathartica fluidextract, 183

cathartica syrup, 183

purshiana (Cascara sagrada), 57

Rhatany (Krameria), 122

Rheum, 183

Rhubarb, 183

and gentian tincture, 185

and magnesia powder, anisated, 184

and opium mixture, compound, 150

and soda mixture (Mistura rhei composita), 183

extract, 183

extract, powdered (Extractum rhei), 183

fluidextract, 183

fluidglycerate, 183

mixture, alkaline, 183

mixture, compound, 183

pills, compound, 184

powder, compound, 184

syrup, 184

Rhubarb syrup, aromatic, 184

syrup, spiced (Syrupus rhei aromaticus), 184

tincture, 184

tincture, aqueous, 184

tincture, aromatic, 184

tincture, sweet, 185

wine, compound, 185

Rhus glabra, 185

glabra, fluidextract, 185

Roasted coffee (Coffea tosta), 69

Rochelle salt (Potassii et sodii tartrate), 171

Rock-rose (Helianthemum), 107

Root (Bryonia), 44

Rosa centifolia (Rosa), 185

gallica, 186

Rose, 185

confection, 185

fluidextract, 186

honey, 132

honey and sodium borate, 200

honey with borax (Mel rosae et sodii boratis), 200

infusion, compound, 186

syrup, 186

water, 185

water ointment, 186

water, stronger, 185

Rosemary oil, 146

Rosin, 181

adhesive plaster (Emplastrum resinae), 182

cerate, 181

cerate compound, 182

plaster, 182

Rubber adhesive plaster (Emplastrum elasticum), 182

plaster, 182

Rubefacient spice powder, 57

Rubi fructus, 186

idaei fructus, 186

Rubus, 186

fluidextract, 187

syrup, 187

Rumex, 187

fluidextract, 187

Russian flies (Cantharis), 54

Rye, ergot, 82

spurred, 82

Sabal, 187

fluidextract, 187

Saccharated ferric oxide, 91

ferrous carbonate, 86

iron, soluble, syrup, 91

oxide of iron, syrup (Syrupus ferri saccharati solubilis), 91

pepsin, 157

Saccharin (Benzosulphinidum), 40

soluble (Sodii benzosulphinidum), 199

Saccharum lactis, 188

ustum (Caramel), 55

Saffron (Crocus), 76

tincture, 76

with opium tincture, 152

Saigon cinnamon, 66

St. Germain tea (Species laxativae), 195

St. Ignatius bean (Ignatia), 116

St. John Long’s liniment (Linimentum terebinthinae aceticum), 148

Sal carolinum factitium, 207

carolinum factitium effervescens, 207

Kissingense factitium, 202

Kissingense factitium effervescens, 202

lithii citratis effervescens, 126

potassii bromidi effervescens, 170

potassii bromidi effervescens compositus, 170

Vichyanum factitium, 199

Vichyanum factitium effervescens, 200

Vichyanum factitium effervescens cum lithio, 200

Sales effervescentes, 188

Salicin, 188

Salicylated creosote mull, 12

mixture of iron (Liquor ferri salicylatis), 206

Salicylic acid, 12

acid glycerogelatin, 12

acid mull, 12

acid pencil, 12

collodion, compound, 12

Salol (Phenylis salicylas), 160

Salt, artificial carlsbad, 207

artificial Carlsbad, effervescent, 207

Glauber’s (Sodii sulphas), 206

of lithium citrate, effervescent, 126

of potassium bromide, effervescent, 170

of potassium bromide, effervescent, compound, 170

rochelle (Potassii et sodii tartras), 171

solution, normal (Liquor sodii chloridi physiologicus), 202

solution, physiological (Liquor sodii chloridi physiologicus), 202

Saltpetre (Potassi nitras), 173

Salts, granular effervescent, 188

Salve, Deshler’s (Ceratum resinae compositum), 182

mother’s (Unguentum fuscum), 53

Sambucus, 188

Sandal wood, 189

oil (Oleum santali), 146

white (Santalum album), 189

Sanguinaria, 189

fluidextract, 189

syrup, 189

tincture, 189

Santal and saw palmetto tincture, 187

oil, 146

Santalum album, 189

rubrum, 189

Santalwood oil (Oleum santali), 146

Santonin, 189

and calomel troches (Trochisci santonini compositi), 190

troches, 189

troches, compound, 190

Sapo, 190

mollis, 190

Sarsaparilla, 191

decoction, compound, 191

fluidextract, 191

root (Sarsaparilla), 191

syrup, compound, 191

Sassafras, 191

and opium mixture, 150

medulla, 191

oil, 147

pith, 191

pith, mucilage, 191

Saw palmetto and santal tincture, 187

palmetto berries (Sabal), 187

palmetto, fluidextract (Fluidextractum sabal), 187

Scammony, aloes and mercury pills, compound, 21

resin, 192

root, 192

Scilla, 192

Scoparius, 193

fluidextract, 193

Scopolamine bromide (Scopolaminae hydrobromidum), 193

hydrobromide, 193

Scutellaria, 193

fluidextract, 193

Secale cornutum (Ergota), 82

Sedative water (Lotio ammoniacalis camphorata), 25

Seidlitz powder (Pulvis effervescens compositus), 172

Seneca snakeroot (Senega), 194

Senecio, 193

fluidextract, 194

Senega, 194

fluidextract, 194

snakeroot (Senega), 194

syrup, 194

Senna, 194

Alexandria, or Indian senna (Senna), 194

confection, 194

fluidextract, 194

infusion, compound, 194

India, or Alexandria senna (Senna), 194

syrup, 195

syrup, aromatic, 195

syrup, compound, 195

Serpentaria, 195

tincture, 195

Serum, antidiphtheric, 196

antidiphtheric, dried, 196

antidiphtheric, purified, 196

antitetanic, 196

antitetanic, dried, 197

antitetanic, purified, 196

fluidextract, 195

Sesame oil, 147

Seven-barks (Hydrangea), 108

Sevum benzoinatum, 197

praeparatum, 197

Sherry wine, 227

Short buchu, 44

Siliceous earth, purified, 219

Silver nitrate, 32

nitrate, fused (Argenti nitras fusus), 33

nitrate, molded, 33

oxide, 33

Simple cerate (Ceratum), 59

elixir (Elixir aromaticum), 18

ointment (Unguentum), 15

syrup (Syrupus), 188

Sinapis alba, 197

nigra, 197

Sirup (Syrupus), 188

Skullcap (Scutellaria), 193

Slippery elm (Ulmus), 223

Smallpox vaccine (Virus vaccinicum), 227

Smith’s solution of bromine (Liquor bromi), 43

Smyrna galls (Galla), 98

Snake-root, black (Cimicifuga), 63

Canada (Asarum), 34

black, fluidextract (Fluidextractum cimicifuga), 63

Texas (Serpentaria), 195

Virginia (Serpentaria), 195

Soap, 190

green, tincture (Linimentum saponis mollis), 190

liniment, 190

liniment, camphorated, 190

plaster, 190

soft, 190

soft, liniment, 190

soft, liniment, compound, 190

white castile (Sapo), 190

Soap-tree bark (Quillaja), 176

Soda and mint solution, 199

and rhubarb mixture (Mistura rhei composita), 183

baking (Sodii bicarbonas), 199

caustic (Sodii hydroxidum), 203

chlorinata, 197

cum calce, 198

mint (Liquor sodae et Menthae), 199

solution (Liquor sodii hydroxidi), 204

with lime, 198

Sodio-benzoate, caffeine, 45

Sodio-salicylate, caffeine, 45

Sodium acetate, 198

and calcium glycerophosphates elixir, 47

and calcium hypophosphites syrup, 48

arsenate, 198

arsenate, exsiccated, 198

arsenate solution, 198

arsenate solution, Pearson’s, 198

benzoate, 198

benzosulphinide, 199

bicarbonate, 199

bicarbonate troches, 200

borate, 200

borate and rose honey, 200

borate honey, 200

borate solution, compound, 200

boro-benzoate, 201

bromide, 201

bromide elixir, 201

cacodylate, 201

carbonate, monohydrated, 201

chloride, 201

chloride and gold, 37

chloride, physiological solution, 202

citrate, 202

citrate and manganese (Mangani citras solubilis), 130

citrate solution, 202

citro-tartrate, effervescent solution, 202

cyanide, 202

glycerinophosphate (Sodii glycerophosphas), 203

glycerophosphate, 203

glycerophosphate solution, 203

hydrate (Sodii hydroxidum), 203

hydroxide, 203

hydroxide solution, 204

hypophosphite, 204

hypophosphite elixir, 204

hypophosphite syrup, 204

hyposulphite (Sodii thiosulphas), 207

indigotindisulphonate, 204

iodide, 204

nitrate, 204

perborate, 205

phenolsulphonate, 205

phosphate, 205

phosphate, effervescent, 206

phosphate, exsiccated, 205

phosphate solution, compound, 205

pyroborate (Sodii boras), 200

saccharin (Sodii benzosulphinidum), 199

salicylate, 206

salicylate elixir, 206

salicylate elixir, compound, 206

sulphate, 206

sulphite, exsiccated, 207

sulphocarbolate (Sodii phenolsulphonas), 205

tartrate and bismuth, 41

tartrate and potassium, 171

tetraborate (Sodii boras), 200

thiosulphate, 207

Soft soap, 190

soap liniment, 190

soap liniment, compound, 190

zinc glycerogelatin, 229

zinc paste, 229

zinc paste, Unna’s (Pasta zinci mollis), 229

Solanum, 207

fluidextract, 208

Solid extracts (Extracta), 85

opodeldoc (Linimentum saponato-camphoratum), 190

petrox (Petroxolinum spissum), 159

Solidified copaiba (Massa copaibae), 73

Soluble antiseptic powder, 231

cocoa (Cacao praeparata), 44

ferric citrate (Ferri et ammonii citras), 87

ferric oxide (Ferri oxidum saccharatum), 91

ferric phosphate (Ferric phosphas), 91

ferric pyrophosphate (Ferri pyrophosphas), 92

gun cotton (Pyroxylinum), 175

iron and quinine citrate (Ferri et quininae citras), 88

manganese citrate, 130

manganese glycerophosphate, 130

manganous glycerinophosphate (Mangani glycerophosphas solubilis), 130

oxide of iron syrup (Syrupus ferri saccharati solubilis), 91

saccharated iron syrup, 91

saccharin (Sodii benzosulphinidum), 199


See also under Liquor

antiseptic, 7

antiseptic, alkaline, 169

Boulton’s (Liquor iodi phenolatus), 118

Burow’s (Liquor, alumini acetatis), 23

Channing’s (Liquor hydrargyri et potassii iodidi), 110

coal tar, 165

deodorant (Liquor zinci et ferri compositus), 231

Dobell’s (Liquor Sodii boratis compositus), 200

Donovan’s (Liquor arseni et hydrargyri iodidi), 33

Fleming’s (Liquor calcis sulphuratae), 51

Fowler’s (Liquor potassi arsenitis), 168

hydrastine, colorless (Liquor hydrastinae compositus), 113

hydrochloric, of arsenic, 34

Labarraque’s (Liquor sodae chlorinatae), 197

Lugol’s (Liquor iodi compositus), 118

Monsel’s (Liquor ferri subsulphatis), 93

normal salt (Liquor sodii chloridi physiologicus), 202

of acid phosphates (Liquor phosphatum acidus), 11

of albuminate of iron, 94

of aluminum acetate, 23

of aluminum acetico-tartrate, 24

of aluminum subacetate, 24

of ammonia, anisated (Spiritus ammoniae anisatus), 25

of ammonium acetate, 25

of ammonium citrate, 27

of arsenic chloride (Liquor acidi arsenosi), 34

of arsenic, Clemens’, 168

of arsenous acid (Liquor acidi arsenosi), 34

of arsenous and mercuric iodide, 33

of basic ferric sulphate (Liquor subsulphatis), 93

of bismuth, 42

of bromine, 43

of bromine, Smith’s (Liquor bromi), 43

of calcium hydroxide, 52

of carmine, 56

of chlorinated potassa, 167

of chlorinated soda, 197

of chlorine, compound, 62

of cresol, compound, 75

of ferric acetate, 85

of ferric chloride, 86

of ferric citrate, 87

of ferric hypophosphite, 89

of ferric nitrate, 91

of ferric oxychloride, 91

of ferric oxysulphate, 91

of ferric salicylate, 206

of ferric subsulphate, 93

of ferric sulphate, 94

of ferrous chloride, 92

of formaldehyde, 96

of glycerophosphates, compound (Elixir glycerophosphatum compositum), 203

of gold and arsenic bromide, 7

of gutta percha, 106

of hydrastine, compound, 113

of hydrogen dioxide, 115

of hydrogen peroxide (Liquor hydrogenii dioxidi), 115

of hypophosphite of iron (Liquor ferri hypophosphitis), 89

of hypophosphites, 48

of hypophosphites, compound, 48

of hypophysis, 116

of iodine, carbolized (Liquor iodi phenolatus), 118

of iodine, compound, 118

of iodine, phenolated, 118

of iron and ammonium acetate, 25

of iron perchloride (Liquor ferri chloridi), 86

of iron tersulphate (Liquor ferri tersulphatis), 94

of lead subacetate, 167

of lead subacetate, diluted, 167

of magnesium citrate, 128

of magnesium sulphate, effervescent, 129

of mercuric nitrate, 110

of mercury and potassium iodide, 110

of oxysulphuret of calcium (Liquor calcis sulphuratae), 51

of pancreatin, 153

of pepsin, 157

of pepsin, antiseptic, 157

of pepsin, aromatic, 157

of peptonate of iron, 94

of peptonate of iron and manganese, 95

of phosphates, acid, 11

of phosphates, compound, 11

of phosphorus, 161

of pituitary body (Liquor hypophysis), 116

of potassa (Liquor potassii hydroxidi), 172

of potassium arsenate and bromides (Liquor arsenicalis Clemens), 168

of potassium citrate, 171

of potassium hydroxide, 172

of potassium iodohydrargyrate (Liquor hydrargyri et potassii iodidi), 110

of protochloride of iron (Liquor ferri protochloridi), 92

of phosphorus, Thompson’s (Liquor phosphori), 161

of soda (Liquor sodii hydroxidi), 204

of soda and mint, 199

of sodium arsenate, 198

of sodium arsenate, Pearson’s, 198

of sodium borate, compound, 200

of sodium chloride, physiological, 202

of sodium citrate, 202

of sodium citro-tartrate, effervescent, 202

of sodium glycerophosphate, 203

of sodium hydroxide, 204

of sodium phosphate, compound, 205

of strychnine acetate, 212

of strychnine, Hall’s (Liquor strychninae acetatis), 212

of sulphurated lime, 51

of tar, alkaline, 165

of zinc and aluminum, compound, 230

of zinc and iron, compound, 231

of zinc chloride, 229

physiological salt (Liquor sodii chloridi physiologicus), 202

Vleminckx’ (Liquor calcis sulphuratae), 51

Solutions, 125

Spanish flies (Cantharis), 54

Sparteine sulphate, 208

Spearmint, 132

oil, 143

spirit, 143

water, 143

Species, 208

ad infusum pectorale (Species pectorales), 22

emollientes, 23

laxativae, 195

pectorales, 22

Spermaceti, 60

Spice powder, rubefacient, 57

Spiced syrup of rhubarb (Syrupus rhei aromaticus), 184

Spigelia, 208

fluidextract, 208

Spignet (Aralia), 32

Spirit of ammonia, anisated, 25

of anise, 138

of ants (Spiritus acidi formici), 8

of bitter almond, 138

of camphor, 53

of cardamon, compound, 140

of chloroform, 62

of cinnamon, 140

of ether, 16

of ether, compound, 16

of formic acid, 8

of glonoin (Spiritus glycerylis nitratis), 102

of glyceryl trinitrate, 102

of juniper, 142

of juniper, compound, 142

of lavender, 142

of lavender, compound (Tinctura lavandulae composita), 142

of mindererus (Liquor ammonii acetatis), 25

of mustard, 147

of myrcia, compound, 145

of nitre, sweet (Spiritus aetheris nitrosi), 17

of nitroglycerin (Spiritus glycerylis nitratis), 102

of nitrous ether, 17

of orange, compound, 138

of peppermint, 143

of spearmint, 143

of vanillin, compound, 224

Spirits, 208

of turpentine (Oleum terebinthinae), 147

of volatile oils, 208

Spiritus amygdalae amarae, 138

aurantii compositus, 138

glycerylis nitratis, 102

menthae piperitae, 143

menthae viridis, 143

odoratus, 139

sinapis, 147

vanillini compositus, 224

Spray, eucalyptol, 83

menthol, 133

menthol, compound, 133

Sprays, 136

Spurred rye (Ergota), 82

Squaw root (Caulophyllum), 59

Squibb’s diarrhea mixture (Mistura opii et chloroformi composita), 150

Squill, 192

fluidextract, 192

mercury and digitalis pills, 79

oxymel, 192

syrup, 192

syrup, compound, 192

tincture, 192

vinegar, 192

Squirrel corn (Corydalis), 74

Staphisagria, 209

fluidextract, 209

Star anise oil, 138

grass (Aletris), 19

Starch, 29

glycerite, 29

Stavesacre (Staphisagria), 209

fluidextract (Fluidextractum staphisagria), 209

Stearic acid, 13

Sterilized distilled water, 32

Stili acidi salicylici dilubiles, 12

dilubiles, 209

Stillingia, 209

fluidextract, 209

fluidextract, compound, 209

syrup, compound, 209

Stokes’ expectorant, 26

liniment (Linimentum terebinthinae aceticum), 148

Stomach drops (Tinctura amara), 100

Storax, 214

liquid (Styrax), 214

Stramonium, 210

extract, 210

fluidextract, 210

ointment, 210

tincture, 210

Strong resorcinol paste, 182

Stronger ammonia water, 25

orange flower water, 37

pills of iron, quinine, strychnine and arsenic, 95

resorcinol, paste, Lassar’s (Pasta resorcinolis fortis), 182

rose water, 185

tincture of iodine, 119

Strontium bromide, 210

carbonate, 210

iodide, 210

salicylate, 211

Strophanthin, 211

Strophanthus, 211

tincture, 211

Strychni semen (Nux vomica), 136

tinctura (Tinctura nucis vomicae), 137

Strychnine, 212

acetate, 212

acetate solution, 212

and quinine valerate elixir, 181

belladonna and aloin pills, 22

belladonna and aloin pills, compound, 22

calisaya alkaloidal, and iron elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri et strychninae), 213

cinchona alkaloids, and iron elixir, 213

cinchona alkaloids, iron and bismuth elixir, 213

ferric pyrophosphate, and quinine, elixir, 93

glycerinophosphate (Strychninae glycerophosphas), 212

glycerophosphate, 212

iron and quinine elixir, 87

iron and quinine, syrup of the phosphates of, 92

iron, quinine and arsenic pills, stronger, 95

iron, calisaya, alkaloidal, and bismuth, elixir (Elixir cinchonae alkaloidorum, ferri, bismuthi et strychninae), 213

nitrate, 213

pepsin, and bismuth elixir, 212

quinine and phosphates syrup, 179

quinine, iron and arsenic pills, mild, 95

solution, Hall’s (Liquor strychninae acetatis), 212

sulphate, 213

valerate, 213

valerate elixir, 214

Styptic collodion, 13

cotton, 86

Stypticin (Cotarninae hydrochloridum), 74

Styrax, 214

Subchloride of mercury (Hydrargyri chloridum mite), 109

Sublimed sulphur, 215

Succus citri, 214

citri et pepsinum, 157

limettae cum pepsino (Succus citri et pepsinum), 157

pomorum, 214

Sucrose (Saccharum), 187

Suet, benzoinated, 197

mutton (Sevum praeparatum), 197

prepared, 197

Sugar, 187

of lead (Plumbi acetas), 165

of milk, 188

Sulphocarbolate zinc (Zinci phenolsulphonas), 230

Sulphonal (Sulphonmethanum), 214

Sulphonethylmethane, 214

Sulphonmethane, 214

Sulphur and cream of tartar troches (Trochisci sulphuris et potassii bitartratis), 215

and potassium bitartrate troches, 215

flowers (Sulphur sublimatum), 215

iodide, 216

liver (Potassa sulphurata), 168

lotum, 215

milk (Sulphur praecipitatum), 215

ointment, 215

ointment, alkaline, 215

ointment, compound, 216

precipitated, 215

sublimed, 215

washed, 215

Sulphurated antimony, 30

lime (Calcii sulphidum crudum), 50

lime solution, 51

petrox (Petroxolinum sulphuratum), 215

petrox, compound (Petroxolinum sulphuratum compositum), 215

potassa, 168

zinc paste, 230

zinc paste, Unna’s (Pasta zinci sulphurata), 230

Sulphuric acid, 13

aromatic, 13

diluted, 13

Sumac berries (Rhus glabra), 185

Sumbul, 216

extract, 216

fluidextract, 216

tincture, 216

Sun cholera mixture (Mistura opii et rhei composita), 150

Sundew (Drosera), 80

Suppositories, 216

of boroglycerin, 101

of glycerin, 101

Suprarenal glands, desiccated (Suprarenalum siccum), 216

dried, 216

Sweet almond (Amygdala dulcis), 28

almond oil (Oleum amygdalae expressum), 138

bark (Cascarilla), 58

birch oil (Methylis salicylas), 133

clover, yellow (Melilotus), 132

orange oil (Oleum aurantii), 138

orange peel, 36

orange peel, tincture, 37

spirit of nitre (Spiritus aetheris nitrosi), 17

tincture of rhubarb, 185

Sweetwood bark (Cascarilla), 58

Sydenham’s laudanum (Tinctura opii crocata), 152

Syrup, 188

hive (Syrupus scillae compositus), 192

Jackson’s pectoral (Syrupus morphinae et acaciae), 134

of acacia, 5

of actaea, compound (Syrupus cimicifugae compositus), 64

of althaea, 22

of ammonium hypophosphite, 27

of asarum, compound, 34

of blackberry fruit, 186

of bloodroot (Syrupus sanguinariae), 189

of buckthorn berries (Syrupus rhamni cathartica), 183

of calcium and sodium hypophosphites, 48

of calcium hydrochlorophosphate, 50

of calcium hypophosphite, 48

of calcium iodide, 49

of calcium lactophosphate, 50

of calcium lactophosphate and iron, 50

of cimicifuga, compound, 64

of cinnamon, 66

of citric acid, 8

of codeine, 68

of Dover’s powder (Syrupus ipecacuanhae et opii), 151

of eriodictyon, aromatic, 83

of ferric hypophosphite, 89

of ferrous chloride, 92

of ferrous iodide, 90

of figs, compound, 195

of garlic, 19

of ginger, 232

of glycyrrhiza, 103

of hydriodic acid, 9

of hydrochlorophosphates, compound (Syrupus phosphatum cum quinina et strychnina), 179

of hypophosphites, 48

of hypophosphites, compound, 49

of iodotannin, 118

of ipecac, 119

of ipecac and opium, 151

of iron and manganese iodide, 90

of iron lactophosphate, 90

of krameria, 123

of lactucarium, 123

of licorice (Syrupus glycyrrhizae), 103

of manna, 131

of morphine and acacia, 134

of orange, 36

of orange flowers, 37

of phosphates, compound, 11

of phosphates with quinine and strychnine, 179

of poppy, 153

of protochloride of iron (Syrupus ferri protochloridi), 92

of quinine, 177

of quinidine, bitterless (Syrupus quinidinae), 177

of raspberry, 186

of rhamnus cathartica, 183

of rhubarb, aromatic, 184

of rhubarb, spiced (Syrupus rhei aromaticus), 184

of rose, 186

of rubus, 187

of saccharated oxide of iron (Syrupus ferri saccharati solubilis), 91

of sanguinaria, 189

of sarsaparilla, compound, 191

of senega, 194

of senna, 195

of senna, compound, 195

of sodium hypophosphite, 204

of soluble oxide of iron (Syrupus ferri saccharati solubilis), 91

of soluble saccharated iron, 91

of squill, 192

of squill, compound, 192

of stillingia, compound, 209

of tar, 165

of the bromides, 170

of the phosphates of iron, quinine and strychnine, 92

of tolu, 37

of white pine, compound, 164

of white pine with morphine, compound, 135

of wild cherry, 174

of yerba santa, aromatic (Syrupus eriodictyi aromaticus), 83

simple (Syrupus), 188

Syrups, 217


See also under Syrup

allii, 19

aurantii, 36

aurantii florum, 37

bromidorum, 170

corrigens (Syrupus eriodictyi aromaticus), 83

ferri oxydati solubilis (Syrupus ferri saccharati solubilis), 91

ferri protochloridi, 92

ferri, quininae et strychninae phosphatum, 92

ferri saccharati solubilis, 91

papaveris, 153

pectoralis (Syrupus morphinae et acaciae), 134

phosphatum compositum, 11

phosphatum cum quinina et strychnina (See under Quininae hydrochloridum), 12

phosphatum cum quininae et strychnina, 179

picis liquidae, 165

pini strobi compositus, 164

pini strobi compositus (Syrupus pini strobi compositus cum morphina), 135

pini strobi compositus cum morphina, 135

pruni virginianae, 174

rhei et potassii compositus (Mistura rhei alkalina), 183

rubi, 187

rubi fructi, 186

rubi idaei, 186

scillae, 192

spinae cervinae (Syrupus rhamni catharticae), 183

stillingiae compositus, 209

zingiberis, 232

Syrupy glucose (Glucosum), 101

Talc, boro-salicylated powder (Pulvis talci compositus), 12

powder, compound, 12

purified, 217

Tamarind, 217

Tannic acid, 13

glycerite, 13

ointment, 14

troches, 13

Tannin (Acidum tannicum), 13

glycerite (Glyceritum acidii tannici), 13

Tar, 164

birch, rectified oil, 139

coal, 165

glycerite, 165

mixture (Mistura olei picis), 145

oil, mixture, 145

oil, rectified (Oleum picis liquidae rectificatum), 145

ointment, 165

ointment, compound, 146

petrox (Petroxolinum picis), 145

pine (Pix liquida), 164

solution, alkaline, 165

solution, coal, 165

syrup, 165

wine, 165

Taraxacum, 217

elixir, compound, 217

extract, 218

fluidextract, 218

Tartar, cream of (Potassi bitartras), 169

cream of, and sulphur troches (Trochisci sulphuris et potassii bitartratis), 215

emetic (Antimonii et potassii tartras), 30

Tartaric acid, 14

Tartrated antimony (Antimonii et Potassii tartras), 30

Tasteless tincture of ferri chloride (Tinctura ferri citro-chloridi), 87

tincture of iron (Tinctura ferri citro-chloridi), 87

Tea, breast (Species pectorales), 22

Teaberry, oil (Methylis salicylas), 133

Teel oil (Oleum sesami), 147

Terebene, 218

Terebinthina, 218

laricis, 218

Terpin hydrate, 218

hydrate and codeine elixir, 68

hydrate and diacetylmorphine elixir, 78

hydrate elixir, 218

Terra silicea purificata, 219

Tetanus antitoxic globulins (Serum antitetanicum purificatum), 196

antitoxin (Serum antitetanicum), 196

antitoxin, concentrated (Serum antitetanicum purificatum), 196

antitoxin, dried (Serum antitetanicum siccum), 197

antitoxin, refined and concentrated (Serum antitetanicum purificatum), 196

Texas snakeroot (Serpentaria), 195

Theine (Caffeina), 45

Theobroma, oil, 148

Theocin (Theophyllina), 219

Theophylline, 219

Theobromine sodio-salicylate, 219

Thompson’s solution of phosphorus (Liquor phosphori), 161

Thomsonian number six (Tinctura capsici et myrrhae), 55

Thoroughwort (Eupatorium), 84

Three bromides elixir, 26

Thuja, 219

fluidextract, 220

Thyme, 220

fluidextract, 220

oil, 148

Thymol, 220

iodide, 220

spray, 220

Thyroid glands, desiccated (Thyroideum siccum), 220

Thyroids, dried, 220


See also under Tincture

amara, 100

aurantii amari, 36

aurantii dulcis, 37

cinchonae composita, 65

coto (Tinctura paracoto), 154

croci, 76

delphinii, 78

ferri malatis crudi (Tinctura ferri pomata), 90

ferri pomata, 90

gallae, 98

humuli, 108

limonis corticis, 124

moschi, 135

pectoralis, 152

persionis, 157

persionis composita, 157

pimpinellae, 164

rhei, 184

rhei aquosa, 184

rhei aromatica, 184

rhei dulcis, 185

rhei et gentianae, 185

rhei vinosa (Vinum rhei compositum), 185

sabal et santali, 187

saponis viridis composita, 190

zingiberis, 232

Tincturae aethereae, 221

herbarum recentium (Tincturae medicamentorum recentium), 221

medicamentorum recentium, 221

Tincture, antiperiodic (Tinctura antiperiodica), 177

antiperiodic, without aloes, 178

aromatic, 66

Bestuscheff’s (Tinctura ferri chloridi aetherea), 87

bitter, 100

of aconite, 15

of aloes, 21

of aloes and myrrh, 21

of arnica, 33

of asafetida, 34

of belladonna leaves, 38

of benzoin, 39

of benzoin, compound, 39

of bitter orange peel, 36

of bloodroot (Tinctura sanguinariae), 189

of bryonia, 44

of cactus grandiflorus, 45

of calabar bean (Tinctura physostigmatis), 162

of calendula, 51

of calumba, 51

of cannabis, 54

of cantharides, 55

of capsicum, 55

of capsicum and myrrh, 55

of caramel, 55

of cardamon, 56

of cardamon, compound, 56

of cimicifuga, 64

of cinchona, 65

of cinchona, compound, 65

of cinnamon, 66

of cocculus indicus, 67

of colchicum seed, 70

of crude malate of iron (Tinctura ferri pomata), 90

of cubeb, 76

of cudbear, 157

of cudbear, compound, 157

of digitalis, 79

of Dover’s powder (Tinctura ipecacuanhae et opii), 152

of ergot, ammoniated, 82

of ferrated extract of apples, 90

of ferric chloride, 86

of ferric chloride, ethereal, 87

of ferric chloride, tasteless (Tinctura ferri citro-chloridi), 87

of ferric citro-chloride, 87

of ferric citro-chloride with gentian (Elixir gentianae et ferri), 87

of gambir, compound, 98

of gelsemium, 99

of gentian, compound, 100

of ginger, 232

of golden seal (Tinctura hydrastis), 114

of green soap (Linimentum saponis mollis), 190

of guaiac, 105

of guaiac, ammoniated, 105

of guaiac, compound, 105

of guaiac, Dewees’ (Tinctura guaiaci composita), 105

of henbane (Tinctura hyoscyami), 115

of hops, 108

of hydrastis, 114

of hyoscyamus, 115

of ignatia, 116

of iodine, 118

of iodine, Churchill’s (Tinctura iodi fortior), 119

of iodine, decolorized, 118

of iodine, stronger, 119

of ipecac and opium, 152

of iron, tasteless (Tinctura ferri citro-chloridi), 87

of jalap, 120

of jalap, compound, 120

of jamaica ginger (Tinctura zingiberis), 232

of kino, 122

of kino and opium, compound, 122

of kino, compound (Tinctura kino et opii composita), 122

of krameria, 123

of lactucarium, 124

of larkspur, 78

of lavender, compound, 142

of lemon peel, 124

of lobelia, 127

of musk, 135

of myrrh, 136

of nutgall, 98

of nux vomica, 137

of opium, 152

of opium, camphorated, 152

of opium, deodorized, 152

of opium with saffron, 152

of pale catechu, compound (Tinctura gambir composita), 98

of paracoto, 154

of passion flower, 155

of pellitory (Tinctura pyrethri), 175

of pimpinella, 164

of physostigma, 162

of pulsatilla, 175

of pyrethrum, 175

of quassia, 176

of quillaja, 177

of rhubarb, 184

of rhubarb and gentian, 185

of rhubarb, aqueous, 184

of rhubarb, aromatic, 184

of rhubarb, sweet, 185

of saffron, 76

of sanguinaria, 189

of saw palmetto and santal, 187

of serpentaria, 195

of squill, 192

of stramonium, 210

of strophanthus, 211

of sumbul, 216

of sweet orange peel, 37

of tolu, 38

of valerian, 224

of valerian, ammoniated, 224

of vanilla, 224

of veratrum viride, 225

of viburnum, compound, 226

of zedoary, bitter, 228

of zedoary, compound (Tinctura zedoariae amara), 228

pectoral, 152

stomachic (Tinctura amara), 100

Warburg’s (Tinctura antiperiodica), 177

Warburg’s, without aloes (Tinctura antiperiodica sine aloe), 178

Tinctures, 221

ethereal, 221

of fresh drugs, 221

Tobacco, Indian (Lobelia), 126

Tolu balsam (Balsamum Tolutanum), 37

syrup, 37

tincture, 38

Tonquin musk (Moschus), 135

Toxitabellae, 221

hydrargyri chloridi corrosivi, 109

Tragacanth, 221

glycerite, 221

mucilage, 221

Trichloracetic acid, 14

fluidextract, 222

Trillium, 222

fluidextract, 222

Trinitrin (Glycerylis nitras), 101

Trinitrophenol, 222

Trional (Sulphonethylmethanum), 214

Trioxymethylene (paraformaldehydum), 154

Triplex pills (Pilulae aloes, hydrargyri et podophylli), 21

Francis’ (Pilulae aloes, hydrargyri et scammonii compositae), 21

Triticum, 222

fluidextract, 222

Trituration of elaterin, 81

Triturations, 222

Troches, 223

of ammonium chloride, 27

of charcoal, 56

of cubeb, 76

of elm, 223

of gambir, 99

of peppermint, 143

of phenolphthalein, 160

of potassium chlorate, 171

of quinine tannate, 181

of santonin, 189

of santonin and calomel (Trochisci santonini compositi), 190

of santonin, compound, 190

of sodium bicarbonate, 200

of sulphur and cream of tartar (Trochisci sulphuris et potassii bitartratis), 215

of sulphur and potassium bitartrate, 215

of tannic acid, 13

Trochisci, 223

carbonis ligni, 56

menthae piperitae, 143

ulmi, 223

Turkey corn (Corydalis), 74

Turnera (Damiana), 77

Turnerae, fluidextractum (Fluidextractum damianae), 77

Turner’s cerate (Unguentum calaminae), 46

Turpentine, 218

larch (Terebinthina laricis), 218

liniment, 148

liniment, acetic, 148

oil (Oleum Terebinthinae), 147

oil, emulsion, 148

oil, rectified (Oleum terebinthinae rectificatum), 147

petrox, venice (Petroxolinum terebinthinae laricis), 218

petroxolin, Venice, 218

spirits (Oleum terebinthinae), 147

Venice, 218

Tussilago leaves (Farfara), 85

Ulmus, 223


See also under Ointment

creosoti salicylatum extensum (Mulla creosoti salicylata), 12

fuscum, 53

gallae, 98

hydrargyri, 112

hydrargyri ammoniati, 113

hydrargyri chloridi corrosivi extensum (Mulla hydrargyri chloridi corrosivi), 109

hydrargyri dilutum, 112

hydrargyri nitratis, 111

hydrargyri oxidi flavi, 111

hydrargyri oxidi rubri, 111

matris (Unguentum fuscum), 53

picis compositum, 146

picis liquidae, 165

salicylatum extensum (Mulla acidi salicylici), 12

zinci carbonatis crudi (Unguentum calaminae), 46

zinci extensum (Mulla zinci), 229

zinci oxidi, 230

zinci stearatis, 230

Unicorn root (Aletris), 19

Unna pencils (Stili dilubiles), 209

Unna’s soft zinc paste (Pasta zinci mollis), 229

sulphurated zinc paste (Pasta zinci sulphurata), 230

Uranium nitrate, 223

Uranyl nitrate (Uranii nitras), 223

Urea chloride and quinine (Quininae et ureae hydrochloridum), 178

hydrochloride and quinine, 178

Urethane (Aethylis carbamas), 17

Urisol (Hexamethylenamina), 107

Uritone (Hexamethylenamina), 107

Urotropine (Hexamethylenamina), 107

Uva ursi, 223

fluidextract, 223

Vaccine, Jennerian (Virus vaccinicum), 227

smallpox (Virus vaccinicum), 227

virus, 227

virus, glycerinated (Virus vaccinicum), 227

Valerian, 224

fluidextract, 224

tincture, 224

tincture, ammoniated, 224

Vallet’s mass (Massa ferri carbonatis), 85

Vanilla, 224

bean (Vanilla), 224

tincture, 224

Vanillin, 224

elixir, compound, 224

spirit, compound, 224

Vegetable cathartic pills, 71

Venice turpentine, 218

turpentine petrox (Petroxolinum terebinthinae laricis), 218

turpentine petroxolin, 218

Veratria (Veratrina), 225

Veratrine, 225

ointment, 225

oleate, 225

Veratrum viride, 225

viride fluidextract, 225

viride tincture, 225

Verbasci flores, 225

Verbena, 226

fluidextract, 226

Vermuth (Absinthium), 5

Vesicating collodion (Collodium cantharidatum), 54

Viburnum (Viburnum prunifolium), 227

opulus, 226

opulus elixir, compound, 226

opulus fluidextract, 226

prunifolium, 227

prunifolium elixir, 227

prunifolium extract, 227

prunifolium extract, powdered (Extractum viburni prunifolii), 227

prunifolium fluidextract, 227

tincture, compound, 226

Vichy salt, artificial, 199

artificial, effervescent, 200

with lithium, effervescent artificial, 200

Villate’s mixture (Mistura adstringens), 77

Vina, 227

Vinegar, aromatic, 142

of opium, 149

of squill, 192

Vinegars (Aceta), 5


See also under Wine

aurantii compositum, 36

carnis, 56

carnis et ferri, 57

fraxini, 97

picis, 165

pruni virginianae, 174

pruni virginianae ferratum, 174

xericum, 227

Virginia snakeroot (Serpentaria), 195

Viride, veratrum, 225

Virus, vaccine, 227

vaccine, glycerinated (Virus vaccinicum), 227

Vleminckx’ lotion (Liquor calcis sulphuratae), 51

solution (Liquor calcis sulphuratae), 51

Volatile liniment (Linimentum ammoniae), 25

oil of mustard, 147

oils, spirits, 208

Wahoo bark (Euonymus), 84

Walnut bark, white (Juglans), 120

Warburg’s pills (Pilulae antiperiodicae), 180

pills without aloes (Pilulae antiperiodicae sine aloe), 180

tincture (Tinctura antiperiodica), 177

tincture without aloes (Tinctura antiperiodica sine aloe), 178

Washed sulphur, 215

Washes (Lotiones), 127


See also under Aqua

almond, bitter, 137

ammonia, 24

ammonia, stronger, 25

anise, 138

camphor, 53

carbolic acid (Aqua phenolata), 159

chlorine (Liquor chlori compositus), 62

chloroform, 62

cinnamon, 140

creosote, 75

distilled, 32

distilled, sterilized, 32

fennel, 141

hamamelis, 106

javelle (Liquor potassae chlorinatae), 167

lead (Liquor plumbi subacetatis dilutus), 167

lime (Liquor calcis), 52

orange flower, 37

orange flower, stronger, 37

peppermint, 143

phenolated, 159

rose, 185

rose, ointment of, 186

rose, stronger, 185

sedative (Lotio ammoniacalis camphorata), 25

spearmint, 143

witch hazel (Aqua hamamelidis), 106

Waters, aromatic, 32

White agaric (Agaricus), 18

arsenic (Arseni trioxidum), 33

ash bark, 97

ash, wine, 97

castile soap (Sapo), 190

dextrin, 78

lead (Plumbi carbonas), 166

mustard, 197

oak bark (Quercus), 176

petrolatum, 158

petroleum jelly (Petrolatum album), 158

pine bark, 164

pine syrup, compound, 164

pine with morphine syrup, compound, 135

precipitate (Hydrargyrum ammoniatum), 113

precipitate ointment (Unguentum hydrargyri ammoniati), 113

sandal wood (Santalum album), 189

walnut bark (Juglans), 120

wax, 59

Wild black cherry (Prunus virginiana), 174

chamomile (Matricaria), 131

cherry, 174

cherry and cod liver oil emulsion, 144

cherry, fluidextract, 174

cherry infusion, 174

cherry syrup, 174

cherry wine, 174

cherry wine, ferrated, 174

ginger (Asarum), 34

indigo root (baptisia), 38

yam root (Dioscorea), 79

Wilkinson’s ointment (Unguentum sulphuris compositum), 216

Wine, iron and beef (Vinum carnis et ferri), 57

of antimony, 30

of beef, 56

of beef and iron, 57

of citrate of iron (Vinum ferri), 88

of colchicum corm, 69

of colchicum seed, 70

of ipecac, 119

of iron, 88

of iron, bitter, 88

of orange, compound, 36

of pepsin, 157

of rhubarb, compound, 185

of tar, 165

of white ash, 97

of wild cherry, 174

of wild cherry, ferrated, 174

pepsin (Vinum pepsini), 157

sherry, 227

Wines, 227

Wintergreen oil (Methylis salicylas), 133

Witch hazel (Hamamelis), 106

extract, distilled (Aqua hamamelidis), 106

leaves (Hamamelidis folia), 106

water (Aqua hamamelidis), 106

Wood charcoal, 55

Wool fat (Adeps lanae), 15

fat, hydrous, 16

Wormseed, American oil (Oleum chenopodii), 140

Wormwood (Absinthium), 5

Xanthoxylum, 228

fluidextract, 228

fructus, 228

Yeast, compressed, 60

Yellow cinchona (Cinchona), 64

dock (Rumex), 187

gentian root (Gentiana), 99

iodide of mercury (Hydrargyri iodidum flavum), 110

jasmine root (Gelsemium), 99

jessamine (Gelsemium), 99

lotion, 111

mercuric oxide, 111

mercuric oxide ointment, 111

mercurous iodide, 110

mustard (Sinapis alba), 197

Peruvian bark (Cinchona), 64

sweet clover (Melilotus), 132

wash (Lotio flava), 111

wax, 59

Yerba santa (Eriodictyon), 83

elixir, aromatic (Elixir eriodictyi aromaticum), 83

syrup, aromatic (Syrupus eriodictyi aromaticus), 83

Zea, 228

fluidextract, 228

Zedoary, 228

tincture, bitter, 228

tincture, compound (Tinctura zedoariae amara), 228

Zinc, 231

acetate, 229

and aluminum solution, compound, 230

and iron solution, compound, 231

carbonate, precipitated, 229

chloride, 229

chloride, solution, 229

glycerogelatin, firm, 229

glycerogelatin, soft, 229

mull, 229

ointment (Unguentum zinci oxidi), 230

oxide, 229

oxide ointment, 230

paste, 229

paste, Lassar’s (Pasta zinci), 229

paste, soft, 229

paste, sulphurated, 230

paste, Unna’s soft (Pasta zinci mollis), 229

paste, Unna’s sulphurated (Pasta zinci sulphurata), 230

phenolsulphonate, 230

stearate, 230

stearate ointment, 230

sulphate, 230

sulphocarbolate (Zinci phenolsulphonas), 230

valerate, 231

valerate elixir, 231

valerianate (Zinci valeras), 231

Zingiber, 231


A descriptive list of selected drugs, which has been prepared under the direction and supervision of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association.

This list was compiled for the purpose of aiding the movement toward the elimination of the mass of useless or superfluous drugs now in books on materia medica. It is particularly fitted to serve as a text for teachers of materia medica and therapeutics.

Many state medical examining boards are limiting their examinations on therapeutics to this list of drugs.

In this book the properties—pharmacologic action, therapeutic uses and dosage, and methods of administration—are briefly but practically discussed.

Cloth, flexible cover, 4½ by 7½ inches, 176 pages. Price, postpaid, 60 cents.

535 North Dearborn Street



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