An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 1





Title: An Historical Account Of The Rise And Progress Of The Colonies Of South Carolina And Georgia, Volume 1

Author: Alexander Hewatt

Edition: 10

Language: English

E-text prepared by Stan Goodman, Thomas Berger, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team


In Two Volumes.




The author of the following performance presents it to the public, not from any great value he puts upon it, but from an anxious desire of contributing towards a more complete and general acquaintance with the real state of our colonies in America. Provincial affairs have only of late years been made the objects of public notice and attention. There are yet many, both in Great Britain and America, who are unacquainted with the state of some of these settlements, and with their usefulness and importance to a commercial nation. The southern provinces in particular have been hitherto neglected, insomuch that no writer has savoured the world with any tolerable account of them. Therefore it is hoped, that a performance which brings those important, though obscure, colonies into public view, and tends to throw some light upon their situation, will meet with a favourable reception.

As many of the inhabitants of the eastern world will find themselves little interested in the trifling transactions and events here related, such readers will easily discover in what latitude the author wrote, and for whose use his work was principally intended. They will also soon perceive, that this history, like that of Dr. DOUGLAS respecting a northern settlement in America, is only a rough draught, and far from being a finished piece; and the author will frankly and candidly acknowledge it. The case with respect to him is this, to which he must beg the reader's attention. Having been several years a resident at Charlestown in South Carolina, he was at some pains to pick up such original papers and detached manuscripts as he could find, containing accounts of the past transactions of that colony. This he did at first for the sake of private amusement; but after having collected a considerable number of those papers, he resolved to devote such hours as could be spared from more serious and important business, to arrange them, and form a kind of historical account of the rise and progress of that settlement. For the illustration of particular periods, he confesses that he was sometimes obliged to have recourse to very confused materials, and to make use of such glimmering lights as occurred; indeed his means of information, in the peculiar circumstances in which he stood, were often not so good as he could have desired, and even from these he was excluded before he had finished the collection necessary to complete his plan. Besides, while he was employed in arranging these materials, being in a town agitated with popular tumults, military parade, and frequent alarms, his situation was very unfavourable for calm study and recollection.

While the reader attends to these things, and at the same time considers that the author has entered on a new field, where, like the wilderness he describes, there were few beaten tracks, and no certain guides, he will form several excuses for the errors and imperfections of this history. Many long speeches, petitions, addresses, &c. he might no doubt have abridged; but as there were his principal vouchers, for his own sake, he chose to give them entire. Being obliged to travel over the same ground, in order to mark its progress in improvement at different periods, it was no easy matter to avoid repetitions. With respect to language, style and manner of arrangement, the author not being accustomed to write or correct for the press, must crave the indulgence of critics for the many imperfections of this kind which may have escaped his notice. Having endeavoured to render his performance as complete as his circumstances would admit, he hopes the public will treat him with lenity, although it may be far from answering their expectations. In short, if this part of the work shall be deemed useful, and meet with any share of public approbation, the author will be satisfied; and may be induced afterwards to review it, and take some pains to render it not only more accurate and correct, but also more complete, by adding some late events more interesting and important than any here related: but if it shall turn out otherwise, all must acknowledge that he has already bestowed sufficient pains upon a production deemed useless and unprofitable. Sensible therefore of its imperfections, and trusting to the public favour and indulgence, he sends it into the world with that modesty and diffidence becoming every young author on his first public appearance.



  Most men pleased with the history of their ancestors.
  A notion early entertained of territories in the west.
  A project of Columbus for attempting a discovery.
  The discovery of Columbus.
  The discovery of John Cabot.
  The discovery of Sebastian Cabot.
  The discovery of Americus Vespuccius.
  The discovery of Cabral.
  America inhabited.
  Various conjectures about the first population of America.
  The natural proprietors of the country.
  Religious divisions the primary cause of emigrations to the west.
  Coligni's settlement in Florida.
  Extirpated by Spaniards.
  A traffic in negroes.
  Reflections on it.
  Virginia settled.
  Its progress.
  Disturbances in England promote foreign settlements.
  New-England peopled by Puritans.
  Who turn persecutors.
  Divide into different governments.
  A colony planted in Maryland.
  General remarks on colonization.


The first proprietors, and their charter. Of the fundamental constitutions. William Sayle visits Carolina. And is appointed the first governor of it. Settles his colony on Ashley river. Hardship of the first settlers from the climate. And from the Indians. Sir John Yeamans arrives at Carolina. And is appointed governor. Various causes contribute to the settlement of the country. America peopled in an improved age. The first treaty with Spain respecting it. A council of commerce is instituted. A legislature is formed in the colony. Its troubles from the Spaniards. Its domestic troubles and hardships. A war among the Indians seasonable for the settlement. Of Indians in general. The occasion of Europeans being peaceably admitted among them. General remarks on the manners, government, religion, &c. of the Indians. A Dutch colony brought to Carolina. Joseph West made governor. Variances break out in the colony. A trade in Indians encouraged. A general description of the climate. Of the country. Of its soil and lands. Of its storms and natural phenomena. Of its animals. Of its fishes. Of its birds. Of its snakes and vipers. Of its insects. Joseph Morton made governor. Pennsylvania settled. The proprietors forbid the trade in Indians. The toleration of pirates in Carolina. Cause of migration from England. Cause of migration from France. The European animals increase. The manner of obtaining turpentine in Carolina. And of making tar and pitch. A difference with the civil officers. James Colleton made governor. His difference with the house of assembly. Seth Sothell chosen governor. His oppression, and expulsion.


A revolution in England. The French refugees meet with encouragement. Philip Ludwell appointed governor. Harsh treatment of the colonists to the refugees. The manner of obtaining lands. Juries chosen by ballot. Pirates favoured by the colonists. Thomas Smith appointed governor. The planting of rice introduced. Occasions a necessity for employing negroes. Perpetual slavery repugnant to the principles of humanity and Christianity. Foreign colonies encouraged from views of commercial advantage. Indians complain of injustice. The troubles among the settlers continue. John Archdale appointed governor. Archdale's arrival and new regulations. Treats Indians with humanity. The proprietors shamefully neglect agriculture. Archdale returns to England, and leaves Joseph Blake governor. A colony of French in Florida. The French refugees incorporated by law. Depredations of pirates. A hurricane, and other public calamities visit the province. James Moore chosen governor. Lord Granville palatine. King William's charter to the society for propagating the gospel. An established church projected by the Palatine. But disliked by the majority of the people. Governor Moore resolves to get riches. Encourages irregularities at elections. Proposes an expedition against Augustine. Which proven abortive. The first paper currency made. The expedition against the Apalachian Indians. The culture of silk. And of cotton. Rice fixed on by the planters as a staple commodity.


War declared against France. Sir Nathaniel Johnson appointed governor. His instructions. He endeavours to establish the church of England. Pursues violent measures for that purpose. The church of England established by law. The inhabitants of Colleton county remonstrate against it. Lay commissioners appointed. The acts ratified by the Proprietor. The petition of Dissenters to the House of Lords. Resolutions of the House of Lords. Their address to the Queen. The Queen's answer. A project formed for invading Carolina. A Spanish and French invasion. The invader repulsed and defeated by the militia. The union of England and Scotland. Missionaries sent out by the society in England. Lord Craven palatine. Edward Tynte governor. The revenues of the colony. The invasion of Canada. A French colony planted in Louisiana. A colony of Palatines settled. Robert Gibbes governor. Charles Craven governor. An Indian war in North Carolina. The Tuskorora Indians conquered. Bank-bills established. Remarks on paper currency. Trade infested by pirates. Several English statutes adopted.


  A design formed for purchasing all charters and proprietary

  The Yamassees conspire the destruction of the colony.
  The Yamassee war.
  The Yamassees defeated and expelled.
  They take refuge in Florida.
  Retain a vindictive spirit against the Carolinians.
  The colonists turn their eyes for protection to the crown.
  The project revived for purchasing the proprietary colonies.
  Distresses occasioned by the war.
  Aggravated by the Proprietors.
  Robert Daniel is made deputy-governor.
  Lord Cartaret palatine.
  The disaffection of the people increases.
  Robert Johnson appointed governor.
  Of the depredations of pirates.
  And their utter extirpation.
  Troubles from paper currency.
  Several laws repealed.
  Which occasions great disaffections.
  Further troubles from Indians.
  Complaints against Chief Justice Trott.
  Laid before the Proprietors.
  Their answer.
  And letter to the governor.
  Who obeys their commands.
  An invasion threatened from Spain.
  An association formed against the Proprietors.


The people's encouragement to revolt. Their letter to the governor signifying their design. Which the governor endeavours to defeat. Proceedings of the convention. The perplexity of the Governor and council. The Governor's speech for recalling the people. Their message in answer to it. The Governor's answer. The assembly dissolved, and the proceedings of the people. James Moore proclaimed Governor. The declaration of the Convention. The Governor transmits an account of the whole proceedings to the Proprietors. The Revolutioners appoint new officers, and establish their authority. In vain the Governor attempts to disconcert them. Rhett refuses obedience to his orders. And preserves the confidence of the Proprietors. Further attempts of the Governor to recal the people. The invasion from Spain defeated. The Governor's last attempt to recover his authority. Injurious suspicions with regard to the conduct of the Governor. Francis Nicolson appointed Governor by the regency. General reflections on the whole transactions. Nicolson's arrival occasions uncommon joy. The people recognize King George as their lawful sovereign. The Governor regulates Indian affairs. And promotes religious institutions. The enthusiasm of the family of Dutartre. Their trial and condemnation. Progress of the colony. The adventure of Captain Beale. Arthur Middleton president. A dispute about the boundaries between Carolina and Florida. Colonel Palmer makes reprisals on the Spaniards. Encroachment of the French in Louisiana. A terrible hurricane. And Yellow Fever. The Province purchased for the crown. The Fundamental Constitutions of South Carolina.



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