A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Abbevillian, as substitution for Chellean, 64
- Abbott, C. C., 124;
- discoveries of, 145
- Abilene points. See Milnes Milnesand points
- Acosta, Father JosÉ de, believes Old and New Worlds joined, 12, 13
- AdhÉmar, J., on cause of glaciation, 54
- Agassiz, Louis, and glacial hypothesis, 46, 47, 121
- Agriculture, animals in, 8;
- development of, 7, 30, 39, 40, 167, 182;
- difference between Mediterranean and New World, 264;
- in fertile crescent, 40;
- and increase of roundheadness, 211;
- of Indian culture, 246, 263-65, 267-68, 272;
- and neolithic man, 38, 283;
- origins in New World of, 254, 258, 265;
- women in, 38, 39, 265
- Altamira, paintings discovered at cave of, 110-11
- Ameghino, Fiorino, 125-26;
- discoveries of, 123-24
- American Association for the Advancement of Science, 258
- Anderson, Edgar, on Burmese origin of corn, 274-75
- Animal fossils, 189-205;
- abundance of, 128;
- Alaskan, 203;
- in association with human bones, 120-21, 123, 126, 130-33, 139, 204, 215, 294
- Animals, domesticated, 8, 34
- Antevs, Ernst, 150;
- and Cochise culture, 167;
- dates corn, 273;
- and glaciation, 49, 205;
- on length of residence of man in New World, 31;
- on Minnesota man, 132;
- on pluvials, 293, 294
- Archeology, beginnings of, 61
- Arrow, as precursor of spear point, 105
- Ashe, Thomas, on extinct American mammals, 193
- Aterians, use of arrowhead by, 107
- Atlantis, 16
- Aurignacian culture, 99-101;
- recognized in ancestry of American Indian, 218, 285-86
- Australopithecines, 85-87
- B
- Badarians, 39
- Barbour, Erwin H., on existence of glacial man, 290
- Basket Makers, 219, 221-22, 247
- Basketry, beginnings of, 38;
- in first Christian centuries, 219
- Bastian, Adolf, 175;
- theory of psychic unity by, 238
- Bering Strait, 2, 3. See also Migration routes
- crossing of, 2, 16, 17, 24, 60, 219-20, 224, 278;
- Palisades culture north of, 188
- Bernhardi, A., and glacial hypothesis, 46
- Bird, Junius, 274;
- discoveries of, 132, 175
- Birdsell, Joseph, on origin of early man in New World, 230-31
- Bison bison, evolution of, 198-200
- Boas, Franz, on diversity of languages, 6
- Boucher (de CrÈvecoeur) de Perthes, Jacques, 129-30;
- discovers reality of glacial man, 63, 64
- Bow and arrow, hypothesis on invention of, 108-9, 242
- Braidwood, Robert G., on stay of Solutreans in Europe, 102;
- time scale of early man by, 65
- Breasted, James H., Sr., on advent of agriculture, 39
- Bronze Age, limits of, 33, 34
- Broom, Robert, and Dart discover southern apes, 85
- BrÜckner, Eduard, and Alpine glaciation, 47;
- on duration of glaciation, 55;
- on temperatures during glaciation, 53
- Bruman, Henry J., 266;
- on agriculture in New World, 272-73
- Bryan, Kirk, 137, 150;
- flints recorded by, 175;
- on length of residence of man in New World, 31, 289-90;
- on Minnesota man, 132;
- on movement of Durst Silts, 163;
- on pluvials, 293
- Burins, 107
- Burkitt, M. C., on pluvials, 294
- C
- Calaveras skull, dispute with churchmen over, 122
- Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. W. H., discoveries of, 160, 169, 175
- Carbon 14. See Dating, through radiocarbon
- Carter, George F., on existence of glacial man, 183, 290
- Catholic church, 191;
- explanation of Indians by, 12
- Cephalic index, 210-18
- Childe, Gordon, on beginnings of archeology, 61;
- on invention of writing, 115;
- on neolithic civilization, 37, 38;
- on Stone Age, 114-15;
- on superiority of metal over stone for tools, 34
- Clovis man, name change of, xii;
- points of, found with extinct mammal fossils, 191
- Cochise culture, 167-69
- Colbert, Edwin H., on extinction of mammals, 203
- Confins man, 131, 293
- Conquistadores, 2
- Conyers, discoveries of, 61, 62
- Coon, Carleton S., on origins of early man in New World, 230, 284
- Corn, 267, 268-76;
- no wild ancestor for Indian, 263, 272;
- origins in New World of, 265
- Coup de poing. See Hand axes
- Cressman, L. S., discoveries of, 179
- Croll, James, on causes of glaciation, 54
- Cro-Magnon man, 63, 89, 97, 126;
- as part of Aurignacian culture, 99, 100
- Culture periods, Ameghino’s, 123;
- confusion in determining, 115-18;
- history of classification of, 33;
- indicated by tools, 65-72;
- major divisions of, 33-37;
- Mortillet’s, 64, 65, 68
- Cummings, Byron, discovers milling stones, 167
- Cuvier, cataclysmal explanation of great extinction by, 201
pginternal" href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@55434@55434-h@55434-h-1.htm.html#Page_35">35 Imbelloni, JosÉ, on advent of Pygmies in New World, 225-26 Indian race, autochthonous origin of, 233-34; as descendants of Welsh, 16; as inventor of own culture, 261; myth of, 207, 279 Insects, in man’s diet, 41 International Congress of Americanists, 257 - J
- Java man. See Pithecanthropus erectus
- Jefferson, Thomas, excavates Virginia mound, 120;
- and fossils of extinct mammals, 191;
- on origin of Eskimo, 286
- Jenks, A. E., 132;
- discoveries of, 154, 157;
- on Sauk Valley skull, 133
- Johnson, Frederick, traces migration routes, 21
- K
- Kay, G. F., on Minnesota man, 132
- Keith, Sir Arthur, 31, 94;
- on Lagoa Santa craniums, 130;
- recognizes Australoid in America, 218
- King, C. J., discoveries of, 178-79
- Kingsborough, Lord, 129;
- believes Indians to be Lost Tribes, 15
- Koch, A. C., 120-21;
- discoveries of, 154
- Kroeber, Alfred L., on cultural diffusion, 244-45;
- on number of languages, 5
- L
- Lagenaria gourd, 258
- Lagoa Santa caves, 121, 127, 130-32, 135, 142
- Larkin, Frederick, on Indian domestication of mammoth, 194
- Leakey, L. S. B., and discovery of Zinjanthropus, 86;
- on paleolithic pottery sherds, 38
- Leechman, Douglas, traces migration routes, 21
- Leighton, M. M., on finds at Elm Creek Silts, 162-63;
- on length of residence of man in New World, 31;
- on Minnesota man, 132
- Lemert, Edwin M., discoveries of, 160
- Lewis, Gilbert N., on neolithic culture in Andes, 256
- Libby, Willard F., xi;
- and dating through radiocarbon, 95, 96, 165, 179, 278
- Lubbock, Sir John, on division of paleolithic and neolithic ages, 36
- Lund, P. W., 121;
- discoveries of, 130
- Lyell, Sir Charles, 121;
- on late survival of mastodon in New World, 197
- M
- MacClintock, Paul, on Minnesota man, 235-36, 253
- Papuan peoples. See Oceanic Negrito
- Paranthropus, 85
- Peking man, 81-85
- Penck, Albrecht, and Alpine glaciations, 47;
- on duration of glaciation, 55;
- on inter-glacial migration, 290-92;
- on length of residence of man in New World, 6, 31
- PeÑÓn man, 138
- Percussion flaking, 88, 90, 91
- PericÚ skulls, 135, 221
- Perry, W. J., 16, 239-40
- Peyroni, D., 173
- Piltdown forgery, 74-77
- Pithecanthropus erectus, 82, 89;
- cousin of, 84;
- discovery of, 81
- Pithecanthropus robustus, 89
- Plainview points, 155-56, 203. See also Folsom man, Generalized
- Playfair, John, and glacial hypothesis, 46
- Pleistocene. See Great Ice Age
- Plesianthropus, 85
- Pliocene Period, 67, 68, 87
- Pluvials, 59, 131, 170, 292-94;
- defined, 52
- Polished ax, social use of, 39
- Population of New World in 1492, 5
- Postglacial Period, definition of, 45
- Pottery, in association with animal fossils, 194-95;
- Aurignacian, 113;
- cord-marked, 229;
- in dating, 247;
- as factor in neolithic life, 38;
- invention in New World of, 54
- Pressure flaking, 93, 280;
- by Solutreans, 104, 283
- Prestwich, Sir Joseph, 64, 67
- Protestant dogma, 122, 124;
- influence on archeology of, 63
- Punin man, 131-33;
- question of antiquity of, 195;
- resemblance to Australian skulls of, 218
- Putnam, F. W., 124
- Putnam, General Rufus, 120
- Pygmy, as exception to Negroid headshap
- Trepanning, defined, 7
- Tule Springs, discoveries at, 182
- U
- Uhle, Max, excavates Quito find, 194-95
- Uranium, in dating, 139-40
- V
- Vaillant, George C., xii;
- dates sites of Indian culture, 247
- Varves, 132;
- defined, 49
- Vavilov, N. I., on temperate origins of agriculture, 266
- Vespucci, Amerigo, 11
- VicuÑa, 8
- Voltaire, on origin of man in New World, 15
The Natural History Library makes available in paperback format books of enduring interest in the life and earth sciences. Published in co-operation with The American Museum of Natural History by Doubleday Anchor Books, this series introduces the student and the general reader to the study of man—his origins, his nature, and his environment—and to the whole natural world, from sub-microscopic life to the universe at large. The series is guided by a board at The American Museum of Natural History consisting of: Franklyn M. Branley, Associate Astronomer, Department of Astronomy; Charles M. Bogert, Chairman and Curator, Department of Herpetology; E. Thomas Gilliard, Associate Curator, Department of Ornithology; Gordon F. Ekholm, Curator of Mexican Archaeology, Department of Anthropology; and Bobb Schaeffer, Curator, Department of Vertebrate Paleontology. - AUSTIN, MARY The Land of Little Rain N15
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EARLY MAN IN THE NEW WORLD A Doubleday Anchor Book 95 line drawings Cover design by Sydney Butchkes Cover drawing by Richard Erdoes This eminently readable and authoritative book on the Stone Age American has been extensively revised and updated for this new edition. Early Man in the New World examines and assesses the prevailing theories on the appearance of man in America during the late Ice Age, and his relationship to the present-day American Indian. With ninety-five line drawings depicting the different stone-flaking techniques, illustrating various migration routes, and locating fossil sites, this is an incomparable guide to a continuing archaeological quest. “An admirable introduction,” wrote Harry L. Shapiro in The Saturday Review; The New York Times called it “excellent and provocative.” KENNETH MACGOWAN is an outstanding amateur archaeologist with a special talent for clarifying the complex mass of evidence and the conflicting theories on the existence of prehistoric man in America. His vocation has been producing plays on Broadway and motion pictures in Hollywood. He is professor emeritus of theater arts at U.C.L.A., and the author of several books. JOSEPH A. HESTER, JR., Mr. Macgowan’s collaborator on this revised edition, is an associate professor of anthropology at San Jose State College. Dr. Hester is a member of the Society for American Archaeology and a fellow of the American Anthropological Association. The foreword to this edition is by Gordon Ekholm, Curator of Mexican Archaeology, Department of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History. Though best known for his distinguished career in the theater and motion pictures, Kenneth Macgowan has won the respect of professional archaeologists and anthropologists for his special talent in explaining to fellow amateurs the search for prehistoric man in North and South America. First published in 1950, Early Man in the New World has now been extensively revised to include the wealth of new finds in the last decade. Mr. Macgowan made his reputation first as a dramatic critic for such publications as Vogue and Theatre Arts, then as a Broadway and Hollywood producer. Since 1947 he has been professor of theater arts at U.C.L.A. Joseph A. Hester, Jr., is associate professor of anthropology at San Jose State College. He has taught at Occidental College, Stanford University, and at U.C.L.A. He received his A.B. degree in 1949 and his Ph.D. degree in 1954 from U.C.L.A., both in anthropology. From 1952 to 1954, Dr. Hester held a fellowship in archaeology with the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and later in 1955-56, a post-doctoral fellowship with the National Science Foundation. He is a member of the Society for American Archaeology and a fellow of the American Anthropological Association.