ILLUSTRATIONS, MAPS, AND TABLES 7 THE ARTIFACTS OF EARLY MAN IN THE NEW WORLD 8 EARLY MAN AND THE GREAT EXTINCTION 9 PYGMIES, AUSTRALOIDS, AND NEGROIDS BEFORE INDIANS? 10 DID THE INDIAN INVENT OR BORROW HIS CULTURE? 12 PUZZLES, PROBLEMS, AND HALF-ANSWERS REFERENCES IN THE TEXT Chapter 1 REFERENCES AS TO ILLUSTRATIONS REVISED EDITION BY Kenneth Macgowan And these are ancient things. PUBLISHED IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE NATURAL HISTORY LIBRARY The Natural History Library Edition, 1962 For permission to quote passages from their respective publications grateful acknowledgment is made to the following authors, publishers, and literary executors: J. B. Lippincott Company: AleŠ Hrdlička, “Early Man in America: What Have the Bones to Say?” in Early Man, ed. George Grant MacCurdy (copyright, 1937, by The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia); The Macmillan Company: William B. Scott, History of Land Mammals in the Western Hemisphere, rev. ed. (copyright, 1937, by The American Philosophical Society); G. P. Putnam’s Sons: Earnest A. Hooton, Apes, Men, and Morons (copyright, 1937, by G. P. Putnam’s Sons); Rinehart & Company, Inc.: Robert H. Lowie, The History of Ethnological Theory (copyright, 1937, by Robert H. Lowie); Charles Scribner’s Sons: Roland B. Dixon, The Racial History of Man (copyright, 1923, by Charles Scribner’s Sons) and The Building of Cultures (copyright, 1928, by Charles Scribner’s Sons); Whittlesey House: Harold S. Gladwin, Men Out of Asia (copyright, 1947, by McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.); University of Toronto Press: Earnest A. Hooton, “Racial Types in America and Their Relations to Old World Types” in The American Aborigines, ed. Diamond Jenness; Yale University Press: Earnest A. Hooton, The Indians of Pecos Pueblo (copyright, 1930, by Yale University Press). Printed in the United States of America TO |