A Acid, effect on keeping qualities of antiscorbutics, 66, 161 Adrenals, 102 Adult, scurvy in, history of, 1 Age incidence, 51 Aging, effect on antiscorbutics of, 67 Agglutinins, effect of scurvy on, 68 Alimentary tract, gross pathology, 89 Alkalization, effect on milk of, 50 Amboceptor, effect of scurvy on, 68 Animals, scurvy in, 114 Anorexia, 206 Antiscorbutics, and antiscorbutic foods, 143, 149, 157 Antitoxin, effect of scurvy on, 68 Appendicitis, confused diagnosis, 183 Appetite, 206 Apple, antiscorbutic value of, 158 Army, use of canned tomatoes in ration of U. S., 231 B Bacteria, fecal, in scurvy, 28 Bacterial theory of scurvy, 30 Banana, antiscorbutic value of, 158 Beading of ribs, 197 Beef juice, 236 Beer, antiscorbutic value of, 20, 169 Beriberi, differential diagnosis, 221 Berries, antiscorbutic value of, 156 Blindness, 182 Blood cells, changes in, 209–211 Blood cells, chemistry of, 244, 245 Blood vessels, changes in, 68, 98, 209 Blood, vitamine content of, 76 Bones, gross pathology, 93 Brain, pathology, 93 Breast fed, scurvy in, 35 C Cabbage, antiscorbutic value of, 159 Calcium, deposits of, 98, 102, 103 “Capillary resistance test,” 212, 257 “Cardiorespiratory syndrome,” 200 Cardiovascular system, 199 Carrots, antiscorbutic value of, 159, 160 Central nervous system, gross pathology, 93 Cereals, antiscorbutic value of, 170 Cerebrospinal fluid, 203 Chlorides, 242–247 Citric acid theory, 23 Climate, 55 Complement, effect of scurvy on, 69 Complexion, characteristic change in, 176, 184 Complications of scurvy, 182, 202, 205, 217 Constipation, 27, 118–122, 207 Cord, spinal, pathology, 93, 104 Creatinine, 244 Cure, 236 D Deficiency diseases, general discussion, 63, 248 Diastase, blood content of, 244 Diet, general, 59 Digestive disturbances, 78 Diphtheria, antitoxin in blood, 68 Drying, effect on vitamines of, 66 Duodenum, pathology, 89 E Economic status, 55 Eczema, 195 Edema, 178, 184, 196 Eggs, antiscorbutic value of, 168 Endocrine organs, gross pathology, 92 Epiphyses, separation of, 96, 181, 198 Etiology, 35 Excretion of vitamine, 77 Expeditions, scurvy in Arctic, 10 Experimental scurvy, 111 Eyeball, proptosis, 193 F Familial tendency, 58 Fats, in diet, effect on scurvy, 59 Foetus, effect of scorbutic diet on, 125 Food, excess of, 257 Foods, antiscorbutic, 143, 149 Fractures, 95 Frost-bite, 180 Fruit juices, 153 Fruits, fresh, 144 G Generative organs, pathology, 104 Glands, endocrine, 72 Glucose, blood content of, 244 Grapes, antiscorbutic value of, 158 Growth in scurvy, 213 Guinea-pig pathogenesis, 116 Gums, 177, 181, 184 H Hair, changes in, 194 Heart, 200 Heat, effect on vitamine of, 65 Hemorrhages, 180, 189 History of scurvy, 1 Hog, effect of scorbutic diet on, 115 Hypophysis, 104 I Infantile scurvy, history, 10 Infection, as exciting factor, 60, 218 Intestines, gross pathology, 90 Intravenous use of orange juice, 238 Irregularities in course of deficiency diseases, 78 J Jaundice, 208 Joints, lesions of, 199 K Kidneys, gross pathology, 91 L Laxatives, failure to cure with, 28, 207 Lemon juice, antiscorbutic value of, 153, 234 Lentils, value as antiscorbutic, 167, 231 Lice, theory of transmission of scurvy by, 30 Lime juice, antiscorbutic value of, 156 Liver, gross pathology, 91 Lungs, gross pathology, 88 Lymph-nodes, gross pathology, 92 M Malnutrition, general, 58 Malt soup, 50 Marrow, changes in, 107 Meat, fresh, 147, 168 “Mehlnaerschaden” of Czerny, 256 Metabolism in scurvy, 241–247 Milk, alkalized, 50 Mineral metabolism in scurvy, 241–247 Monkey, scurvy in, 114, 127 Muscles, pathology, 97 N Nails, changes in, 194 Necropsy reports, 82 Nephritis, 205 Nerves, peripheral, in guinea-pig Nervous system, effect of scurvy on, 202 Nutrition, general, in scurvy, 58, 59, 213 Nyctalopia, 182 O Orange juice, antiscorbutic value of, 153, 234 Osteogenesis imperfecta, 255 Osteomalacia, differentiation of, from scurvy, 255 Osteomyelitis, differentiation of, from scurvy, 222 Osteoporosis, differentiation of, from scurvy, 255 Osteotabes infantum, 109 P Pains, as early symptom, 176 Pancreas, gross pathology, 91 Pasteurized milk, 40 Pathogenesis of scurvy, theories of, 23 Pathology of scurvy in guinea-pig, 122 Peas, antiscorbutic value of, 167, 231 Pellagra, 251 Phenols, excretion of, 245 Phosphate metabolism, 241–247 Pigeon, effect of scorbutic diet on, 114 Pneumonia, 202 Posture, characteristic, in guinea-pig, 136 Posture, characteristic, infant, 183 Potassium deficiency theory, 23 Potatoes, antiscorbutic value of, 6, 7, 146, 161, 235 Prevention of scurvy, 230 Prognosis, 225 Protein in diet, effect on scurvy, 59 Psychic element in scurvy, 57 Purpura, differential diagnosis, 221 Pyorrhoea, relation to lesion of gums, 181 R Racial immunity, 56 Rats, effect of scorbutic diet on, 114, 115 Recurrent scurvy, 228 Respirations, 201 Retina, hemorrhages in, 105 Rheumatism, confusion with scurvy, 176, 220 Ribs, beading of, 197 Rickets, relation of, to scurvy, 11, 110, 252 S Sauerkraut, antiscorbutic value of, 145 Season, effect on incidence, 54 Sex, effect on incidence, 56 Shaking, effect on antiscorbutic factor, 68 Ship beriberi, 250 Skin, pathology, 96 Spleen, gross pathology, 91 Sprue, 256 Starvation, pathology of, 125 Stomach, gross pathology, 89 Storage of vitamine in body, 74 Streptococcus in blood in scurvy, 134 Subacute form of scurvy, 184 Subcutaneous use of antiscorbutics, 155 Swede, antiscorbutic value of, 162, 235 Symptomatology, in adult, 176 Syphilis, congenital, differential diagnosis, 222, 223 T Teeth, in guinea-pig scurvy, 130, 137 Temperature, in guinea-pig scurvy, 141 Thymus, pathology of, 104 Thyroid, pathology of, 104 Tomatoes, canned, antiscorbutic value of, 166, 231, 234 Toxic theory of pathogenesis of scurvy, 25 Treatment of scurvy, 230 U Ultra-violet rays, effect on antiscorbutics, 67 Urea content of blood, 244 Urine in scurvy, 204–206 V Vegetable juices, keeping qualities of, 161 Vegetables, antiscorbutic value of 144, 158 Vitamine, antiscorbutic, general discussion of, 62 Vitamine, experimental evidence for, 62 W “White line” of Fraenkel, 128, 198 World War, scurvy in, 15 X X-ray in diagnosis of scurvy, 128, 192, 198 Y Yeast, antiscorbutic value of, 171 The test is considered to be “positive” when the forearm shows many petechial spots. In normal infants petechiÆ were almost always absent, or there were few to be seen. This is not a specific test for scurvy, but demonstrates a weakness of the vessel walls, whatsoever may be the cause. It is found to be positive in the majority of cases of scurvy. |