What a terrible contrast: from an interrupted Yachting trip to the garbage can! The smell Of the sea is sweeter but I wasn’t dressed For it.... The lure of a square meal is sweeter Than the glitter of paste. Think of finding a Half beefsteak on top of the can! There was no Gravy but it was cooked to perfection. I ate it With relish, but should have enjoyed it better If only some one would let me work for it— Especially such a meal.... And yet they say beggars Cannot be choosers.... I found a lot more in the can To eat, but the steak satisfied me. I was very tired; so I went to sleep beside the Can.... When the collector came he took counsel of My presence and hunted through to see what he could Find of value. He looked up and down the street And then slipped a half-roasted-chicken into his Blouse; but not before casting me a look of Triumph.... But I never can eat two meals at a Sitting and chicken doesn’t agree with me. Then, Too, even honey is nourishing, but it may give One indigestion.... I hope he enjoyed the chicken As much as I did my banquet.... Why, thought I, not Offer to stay in this house where plenty runs To overflowing.... It proved to be Brough’s!