The family have gone to the country, Horton, his wife and four children. They took the butler and maids, the dogs, The canaries and parrot. Shutters They put on the house and the keys Are turned in the locks. The silver Was put in the vault and everything Valuable carefully stowed.... Little Jack Looked well for me. But when he found me Was told to put me outside; a cat has no Place in a house that is closed for The summer. When they were sorely troubled With rats and mice they coaxed me to Come to live in the cellar. They fed Me richly on cream and the choicest Bits from their lavish table. They gave Me a rug to sleep, and taught the children To pet me. All took turns to feed me and They saved the bones of each fish. The Mice and rats disappeared; the rug Is filthy, in tatters. Old Horton curses And kicks me and kicks me down stairs when he Meets me; warns the baby to heed my Claws and the older children that Cats breed all sorts of diseases. Edith Has young men to call and “cannot abide The cat that is covered with ashes.” Only Jack remembers—which reminds me How well I was treated. I was young when They found me and now have grown wise in Their councils. I have no food and no Lodging.