Did you ever see a palace in a desert? Ralph Dimon was a good catch and Irene’s Father was very rich. Low necked dress, Dress clothes, lace, jewelry, curtains of Fine brocade, mahogany panellings and Nickel-mountings dimmed the lights of Brough’s Yacht and were more plentiful than the drops Of water that had nearly drowned me. As I was lifted over the side I saw the Two lovers lounging in the bow where there Were no lights; while inside the electric Lamps burned neglected. The wind blew a gale And I shivered; but comfortable surroundings And even diamonds would warm anybody but a Half drowned cat.... I wonder if pink ribbons And a silver-mounted collar would have made Me warmer or less hungry ... and I was most Interested because Irene’s father never paid His bills without a lawsuit.... Perhaps I might With ribbon and collar have had food for the asking. But an honest cat must be kicked around The kitchen by Maggie. Maggie was used to it: “Haven’t you better sense than to bring such Rubbish aboard, Jim? Old Brough will miss the Milk and there’ll be the devil to pay.”—And To think how I could rid this palace of vermin.... But that would cost Father Brough money and It wouldn’t show.... Jim put me ashore ... but I was grateful!