1860-May 2 | Wolf Theodor (Benjamin Zev) Herzl is born in the Tabakgasse, Budapest, the son of Jakob and Jeanette (Diamant) Herzl. |
1885-May 27 | First feuilleton published in Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung. |
1894-Oct. 21 | Arrest of Dreyfus. |
Oct. 21-Nov. 8 | Writes Das Neue Ghetto. This is an attempt to express himself on the Jewish question. |
1895-June 2 | Interviews Baron de Hirsch, submits plan for political action. Not favorably received. Immediately after this interview, which he later designates the beginning of his Zionist work, Herzl begins his Diaries. |
June-July | Composes first draft of Der Judenstaat. |
November 17 | Explains idea of Jewish State to Dr. Nordau in Paris. Meets with instant understanding. Nordau gives Herzl introduction to Zangwill and London Maccabean Club. |
November 21 | London. First meeting with Zangwill. |
1895-Nov. 24 | London. First address before Maccabean Club. |
1896-Feb. 14 | Der Judenstaat published in Vienna. |
May | Herzl recognized as leader by Zionist students of Vienna. |
July 13 | London. Proclaimed leader of Jewry at meeting of Whitechapel Jews. Conflict with Chovevei Zion. |
July 18 | Paris. Meeting with Baron Edmond Rothschild, who considers plan impracticable. |
November 8 | Writes to British Zionists suggesting collection of a national fund. |
1897-March 6 | Zionsverein decides upon Zionist Congress in Munich on August 25. |
June 4 | Publication of first issue of Die Welt. |
June 17 | Zionist Actions Committee decides to hold Congress in Basle. |
Aug. 29-31 | First Zionist Congress convenes in Basle. |
1898-Aug. 28-30 | Second Zionist Congress meets at Basle. |
October 26 | Herzl party lands at Jaffa; tours Jewish colonies of Palestine. |
November 2 | Formal audience with German Emperor at his headquarters outside Jerusalem. Problems of colonization discussed. |
1899-March 20 | Registration of name of Jewish Colonial Trust, Ltd. |
August 15-17 | Third Zionist Congress held at Basle. |
1900-Aug. 2 | Fourth Zionist Congress opens in London. Herzl attends though he has barely recovered from serious illness. |
1901-May 18 | Formal audience with Abdul Hamid II at Yildiz Kiosk. Herzl is promised pro-Jewish proclamation. Receives Grand Cordon of the Order of Medjidje, First Class. |
Dec. 29-31 | Fifth Congress convenes at Basle. Zangwill attacks ICA. Conflict between Herzl and Russian "cultural" Zionists. Discussion of National Fund. |
1902-Feb. 17 | Constantinople. Sultan offers Herzl charter, but not for Palestine. |
July 5 | London. Conference with Lord Rothschild. |
July 7 | London. Herzl appears before Royal Commission on Alien Immigration. |
October | Publication of Altneuland. |
1903-Jan. | El Arish expedition organized. |
May 11 | Permission for El Arish colonization refused by Egypt. |
August 16 | Vilna. Great ovations. There receives letter from Sir Clement Hill of British Foreign Office offering Uganda. |
Aug. 22-28 | Sixth Zionist Congress held at Basle. Uganda conflict. |
1904-May 16 | Last entry in Diaries—letter to Schiff. |
July 3 | Death of Theodor Herzl. |