
1860-May 2 Wolf Theodor (Benjamin Zev) Herzl is born in the Tabakgasse, Budapest, the son of Jakob and Jeanette (Diamant) Herzl.
1885-May 27 First feuilleton published in Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung.
1894-Oct. 21 Arrest of Dreyfus.
Oct. 21-Nov. 8 Writes Das Neue Ghetto. This is an attempt to express himself on the Jewish question.
1895-June 2 Interviews Baron de Hirsch, submits plan for political action. Not favorably received. Immediately after this interview, which he later designates the beginning of his Zionist work, Herzl begins his Diaries.
June-July Composes first draft of Der Judenstaat.
November 17 Explains idea of Jewish State to Dr. Nordau in Paris. Meets with instant understanding. Nordau gives Herzl introduction to Zangwill and London Maccabean Club.
November 21 London. First meeting with Zangwill.
1895-Nov. 24 London. First address before Maccabean Club.
1896-Feb. 14 Der Judenstaat published in Vienna.
May Herzl recognized as leader by Zionist students of Vienna.
July 13 London. Proclaimed leader of Jewry at meeting of Whitechapel Jews. Conflict with Chovevei Zion.
July 18 Paris. Meeting with Baron Edmond Rothschild, who considers plan impracticable.
November 8 Writes to British Zionists suggesting collection of a national fund.
1897-March 6 Zionsverein decides upon Zionist Congress in Munich on August 25.
June 4 Publication of first issue of Die Welt.
June 17 Zionist Actions Committee decides to hold Congress in Basle.
Aug. 29-31 First Zionist Congress convenes in Basle.
1898-Aug. 28-30 Second Zionist Congress meets at Basle.
October 26 Herzl party lands at Jaffa; tours Jewish colonies of Palestine.
November 2 Formal audience with German Emperor at his headquarters outside Jerusalem. Problems of colonization discussed.
1899-March 20 Registration of name of Jewish Colonial Trust, Ltd.
August 15-17 Third Zionist Congress held at Basle.
1900-Aug. 2 Fourth Zionist Congress opens in London. Herzl attends though he has barely recovered from serious illness.
1901-May 18 Formal audience with Abdul Hamid II at Yildiz Kiosk. Herzl is promised pro-Jewish proclamation. Receives Grand Cordon of the Order of Medjidje, First Class.
Dec. 29-31 Fifth Congress convenes at Basle. Zangwill attacks ICA. Conflict between Herzl and Russian "cultural" Zionists. Discussion of National Fund.
1902-Feb. 17 Constantinople. Sultan offers Herzl charter, but not for Palestine.
July 5 London. Conference with Lord Rothschild.
July 7 London. Herzl appears before Royal Commission on Alien Immigration.
October Publication of Altneuland.
1903-Jan. El Arish expedition organized.
May 11 Permission for El Arish colonization refused by Egypt.
August 16 Vilna. Great ovations. There receives letter from Sir Clement Hill of British Foreign Office offering Uganda.
Aug. 22-28 Sixth Zionist Congress held at Basle. Uganda conflict.
1904-May 16 Last entry in Diaries—letter to Schiff.
July 3 Death of Theodor Herzl.

Typographical errors corrected in text:

Page 14: Duhring replaced with DÜhring
Page 73: exaggerted replaced with exaggerated
Page 48: Maccabbeans replaced with Maccabeans


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