| PAGE | Christmas and his Children | Frontispiece | The Book of Christmas | Titlepage | "Merry Christmas to you" | 29 | Snap-dragon | 31 | Baronial Hall | 42 | Enjoying Christmas | 46 | Mummers | 65 | Gate of the "Old English Gentleman" | 109 | Family Congratulation | 134 | Country Carol Singers | 157 | Coming Home from School | 163 | Norfolk Coach at Christmas | 170 | Too late for the Coach | 172 | Bringing Home Christmas | 173 | The Mistletoe Bough | 191 | Waits | 197 | London Carol Singers | 215 | Bell-Ringing | 219 | The Lord of Misrule | 223 | Christmas Presents | 224 | St. Thomas's Day | 233 | Story Telling | 239 | Christmas Pantomime | 249 | Galantee Show | 266 | Market—Christmas Eve | 267 | Wassail Bowl | 275 | Old Christmas | 285 | Christmas Pudding | 286 | Country Church, Christmas Morning | 290 | Bringing in the Boar's Head | 295 | Christmas Dinner | 300 | Boxing Day | 302 | Seeing-in the New Year | 331 | Twelfth Night King | 339 | Twelfth Night in London Streets | 343 | Twelfth Night | 347 | Returning to School | 355 |