berg@html@files@57218@57218-h@57218-h-3.htm.html#p041" class="pginternal">41 –3; 94, 96; 125, 130; Elizabethan, 16, 171; resettlement of Jews in, 91; and Zionism, 125. ESTHER, 156, 264ff. Eternity, Jew the emblem of, 136; Time and, 301. ETHICS, Jewish, 5, 7–9, 32, 293–5. Evening Prayer. See Prayer. Evil inclination, 5, 22. Exile, 37. Exodus, the. See Passover; from Spain. See Spain. Ezra, 125. FAITH, 219; 3, 342. Family. See Home. ‘Famous Men, Let us now praise’, 28. FATHERS, Merit of, 198. Fight for religion, 5, 262. Fire, Deluge of, 46. Fishes, Akiba’s Parable of, 307. Forgiveness, 39, 234, 237, 249. Folk-song, Russian-Jewish, 323. FREEDOM, 143, 144; 42, 340. Feast of. See Passover. FREE-WILL, 276; 226, 235–6, 290. Gabiha, 286. Gates of Eden, legend of, 326. GHETTO, 10, 157, 174; in London, 177; in New York, 341. ‘Glory, Hymn of’, 268. GOD, 193–7; and man, 70, 228, 283, 290; Kingship of, 120, 228–9; love of, 25, 243; the fear of, 5, 6, 3, 4, 35. See Israel, History, Patriotism, Learning,&c. Jewels, story of, 305. Jewish question, 93. Job, Book of, 155. Johanan ben Zakkai, 218, 287. JONAH, Book of, 152ff. Jordan, The Watch on the, 177. JOY, Religious aspect of, 250, 252ff., 302. Judah the Prince, 292, 313. JUDAISM, 21, 23, 24, 65; a life, 21, 92; its obligations, 21; original truth of, 25, 197; and daughter religions, 79; and the times, 218–9; and original sin, 197; and peace, 48–9; connected with Jewish nation, 24; a positive religion, 23; revival of, 119; consciousness of, 259–61. See Israel, Mission; dogmas of, see Dogma. Judea, New, 128. Justice, sacredness of, 32, 93, 133, 134, 328; faith and, 342. KADDISH, 160, 199ff. Kiddush Hashem, 282, 322. Kieff, Blood Libel in, 181. Koran, 137. Lamdan, 99. Language, Hebrew. See Hebrew. LAW, JEWISH, and humanity, 69, 144, 335; study of, 5, 293; and Israel’s immortality, 128. See Torah. Law of Nations, 46. Lazarus, Emma, Lucien Wolf on, 334. LEARNING, Israel and, 162, 169, 177. See Torah. Lec
href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@57218@57218-h@57218-h-12.htm.html#p285" class="pginternal">285ff.; parables and legends, 6, 302ff.; study of, 17, 34; burning of the, 156, 162. See Index of Sources. Tarphon, Rabbi, 318. Temple, 172, 185, 218, 291. TEN COMMANDMENTS, 215. Tephillin, 216, 341. TIME AND ETERNITY, 301. Times, Judaism and the, 218. Toledo, massacre at, 167. TOLERANCE, 25ff., 136, 160, 306; Jew, emblem of, 136, 306. TORAH, meaning of, 17; student of, 17; and Israel, 127, 128, 307. See Law, Bible. TORAH, SEPHER, 214. Torquemada, 166; a new, 179. Tragedy of Assimilation, 119. Transcendentalism of God, 193. TREASURES, earthly, 304; heavenly, 306. Trust in God, 50, 204, 239. TRUTH, 8, 20, 272, 284. UKRAINE, multi-massacres in, 331. Uprightness, 20. UNITY OF GOD. See God, Shema. UNIVERSALISM, Jewish, 25, 26, 69, 158, 210, 306. Valentia, massacre at, 167. Versions of the Bible. See Bible. Vedas, 137. ‘Veteran of History’, 30. Virtue, Original, 198. Voltaire, 173. WAR, the Great, 46, 47. War Graves Commission, 325. Warrior, Jew as, 41. WASHINGTON, George, and the Jews, 95– |