"Do you see that big, fat fellow talking with Mr. Joyce?" the cashier whispered to me one morning as I passed her cage. "He's Dround's manager—his name is Carmichael. When he shows up, there is trouble coming to some one." Dround & Co. was the name of the packing firm that the Enterprise dealt with. I tied up my bundles and made up my cash account, thinking a good deal about the appearance of the burly manager of the packing-house. Pretty soon Mr. Carmichael came out into the front store very red in the face, followed by the elder Joyce, who had been drinking, and they had some words. The cashier winked at me. The Enterprise had been doing a good business. It was run on a new principle for those days—strictly cash and all cut prices, a cent off here and there, a great sale of some one thing each day, which the house handled speculatively. The brothers Joyce kept branching out, but there wasn't any money to speak of behind the firm. The Drounds and a wholesale grocer had That evening, as Hillary Cox and I walked over to the Piersons', she said to me abruptly, "There's going to be a new sign at the Enterprise before long!" The smart little cashier must have divined the situation as I had. "Cox's Market?" I suggested jokingly. "Why not Harrington & Cox?" she retorted with a nervous little laugh. We were on the steps then, and Ed joined us, so that I did not have to answer her invitation. But all through the meal I kept thinking of her suggestion. It was nearly two years since she had introduced me to the Enterprise, and I had saved up several hundred dollars in the meantime, which I wanted to put into some business of my own. But it did not quite suit my card to run a retail market. After supper the others left us in the dining room, and when we were alone Hillary said:— "Well, what do you think of the firm name? It wouldn't be so impossible. I've got considerable money saved up, and I guess you have some in the bank, too. It wouldn't be the first time in this town that a clerk's name followed a busted owner's over the door." She spoke in a light kind of way, but a tone in her voice made me look up. It struck me suddenly that this thing might mean a partnership for life, as well as a "That firm name sounds pretty well," I answered slowly, somewhat embarrassed. "Yes—I thought it pretty good." Suddenly she turned her face shyly away from my eyes. She was a woman, and a lovable, warm-hearted one. Perhaps she was dreaming of a home and a family—of just that plain, ordinary happiness which our unambitious fathers and mothers took out of life. I liked her all the better for it; but when I tried to say something tender, that would meet her wish, I couldn't find a word from my heart: there was nothing but a hollow feeling inside me. And the thought came over me, hard and selfish, that a man like me, who was bound on a long road, travels best alone. "I don't know as I want to sell coffee and potatoes all my life," I said at last, and my voice sounded colder than I meant to make it. "Oh!" she gave a little gasp, as if some one had struck her. "You're very ambitious, Mr. Harrington," she said coldly. "I hope you'll get all you think you deserve, I am sure." "Well, that wouldn't be much—only I am going to try for more than I deserve—see?" I laughed as easily as I could. We talked a little longer, and then she made some Some time later Slocum looked in at the door, and, seeing me alone, came into the room. He had a grim kind of smile on his face, as if he suspected what had been happening. "Where's Grace?" I asked him. "Just about where your Hillary is," he answered dryly; "gone off with another fellow." I laughed. We looked at each other for some time. "Well?" I said. "He travels fastest who travels alone," he drawled, using the very words that had been in my mind. "But it is a shame—Miss Cox is a nice woman." "So is the other." "Yes, but it can't be—or anything like it." And the difference between us was that I believe he really cared. So the Enterprise Market crumbled rapidly to its end, while I kept my eye open for a landing-place when I should have to jump. One day I was sent over to Dround's to see why our usual order of meats hadn't been delivered. I was referred to the manager. Carmichael, as I have said, was a burly, red-faced Irishman—and hot-tempered. His black hair stood up all over his head, and when he moved he seemed to wrench his "They can't have any more," he said. "I told your boss so the last time I was over." I hung on, not knowing exactly what to say or do. "I guess they must have it this time," I ventured after a while. "'Guess they must have it'! Who are you?" He thrust his big head over the top of his desk and looked at me, laying his cigar down deliberately, as if he meant to throw me out of the office for my impudence. "Oh!" I said as easily as I could, "I'm one of their help." "Well, my son, maybe you know better than I what they do with their money? They don't pay us." I knew he was trying to pump me about the Enterprise. I smiled and told him nothing, but I got that order delivered. Once or twice more, having been successful with the manager, I was sent on the same errand. Carmichael swore at me, bullied me, and jollied me, as his mood happened to be. Finally he said in earnest:— "Joyce's got to the end of his rope, kid. You needn't come in here again. The firm will collect in the usual way." I had seen all along that this was bound to come, and had made up my mind what I should do in the event. "Do you hear?" the Irishman roared. "Do you hear?" the Irishman roared. "What are "I guess I have come to stay," I replied easily. "Come to stay?" he said with a grin. "How much, kid?" "All you will give me." "What are you getting?" "Twenty." "I'll give you fifteen to drive a wagon," he said offhand, "and I'll fire you in a week if you haven't anything better with you than your cheek." "All right," I said coolly, not letting him see that I was ruffled by his rough tongue. In that way I made the second round of the ladder, and went whistling out of Dround's packing-house into the murky daylight of the Stock Yards. My part was to drive a wagon for Dround at fifteen a week. I liked it all. Something told me that here was my field—this square plot of prairie, where is carried on the The bigness of it all! The one sure fact before every son and daughter of woman is the need of daily bread and meat. To feed the people of the earth—that is a man's business. My part was to drive a wagon for Dround at fifteen a week, but I walked out of the Yards with the swagger of a packer! |