"The most delightful novel-heroine you've met in a long time. You like it all, but you love Phyllis."—Chicago Inter-Ocean. "A true-blue, genuine American girl of the 20th century."—Boston Globe. "Phyllis is a fine creature.... 'Otherwise Phyllis' is a 'comfortable, folksy, neighborly tale' which is genuinely and unaffectedly American in its atmosphere and point of view."—Hamilton Wright Mabie, in the Outlook. "'Phil' Kirkwood—'Otherwise Phyllis'—is a creature to welcome to our hearth, not to our shelf, for she does not belong among the things that are doomed to become musty."—Boston Herald. "Phyllis is a healthy, hearty, vivacious young woman of prankish disposition and inquiring mind.... About the best example between book covers of the American girl whose general attitude toward mankind is one of friendliness."—Boston Advertiser. |