Part I. Steam Shovels.


The following article originated in a short paper which was read before a local society of civil engineers, and there were so many requests made for this paper and the illustrations presented with it that the author was led to believe that there was a demand for such information. Believing that a better understanding of the capabilities of these machines will serve a useful purpose in economizing money, time and labor in the execution of work to which they are adapted, the author presents in this article the information learned by a long practical experience in this special class of work. Descriptions of the various steam shovels can readily be found in the trade catalogues of the different manufacturers, but very little has been published on the manner of using them in the execution of different classes of work, and the disposition of the excavated material after it has been loaded on cars or wagons. This part of the subject will receive most attention, and although much of it may seem very elementary to those who have had an extended experience in operating steam shovels, it may be entirely new to the much larger number who have had few or no opportunities for doing work of this kind. It has been the aim of the author to condense the reading matter as much as possible, making it a point to use many illustrations in place of lengthy explanations, thus presenting the subject more clearly than by extended descriptions.


The steam shovel, or steam excavator, is a modified form of dredge adapted for excavating material on dry land. It was designed and patented by a Mr. Otis, about 1840, and like most new inventions the first machine built was a very clumsy affair, but even in this crude state it possessed many advantages for removing large masses of material. Its merits were recognized in its earliest stages, and with increased experience in its operation improvements were soon made which rendered it almost indispensable on all works requiring large quantities of excavation.

It was not until 1865, however, that the machine came into general use. About this time the largely increased railway construction created an active demand for the steam shovel, which demand was quickly supplied by several manufacturers, whose machines vary in distinctive designs of various parts, but the principles of operation are essentially the same in them all.

Types of Steam Shovels.—There are three types of steam shovels: First; machines mounted on trucks of standard gage, transported from place to place in freight trains (or propelled by their own power), and intended for railway work only. Second; machines mounted on wheels of other than standard gage, transported in sections by boat or wagon, or loaded complete on flat cars, and intended for both railway and other work. Third; machines mounted on wheels fitted for transportation over common roads, propelled by their own power, and intended for railway and other work.

The first machines built were of the second type. As now constructed they are mounted on a wide wooden frame or car body, supported by four small wheels of 7 ft. to 8 ft. gage, thus placing the machinery close to the ground, with a wide base of support. In transporting this machine from one place to another, not on the line of a railway, it is necessary to take it apart, forward the sections and put them together again at the site of the new work. The machine is built with a view to rapid dismantling and re-erection, and for work requiring a large machine for economical excavation, located in hilly country not yet made accessible by rail, or requiring transportation by boat, it is the machine most generally used. Its ready adaptability to all kinds of work in any location has made it the favorite machine with many general contractors whose work includes large contracts for railway and other excavation. For transportation by rail this machine is run onto an ordinary flat car, only the crane being detached and loaded on a separate car. With this manner of shipment the machine can be made ready for railway work very quickly, but for exclusive railway work a machine of a later design has come into use and is now generally preferred for this class of work.

FIG. 2.—THOMPSON STEAM SHOVEL; Bucyrus Steam Shovel & Dredge Co., South Milwaukee, Wis.

This is the machine of the first type, resting on a wooden or iron car body, supported on trucks of standard gage, with an iron or steel crane from 18 to 26 ft. high over the track when in working order, and which can be lowered to 14 ft. to permit shipment through tunnels and under low overhead bridges.

Machines of the third type are generally of smaller capacity than the others; they have come into general use only within the past few years, but are now multiplying rapidly in numbers as their utility for nearly all kinds of work is better appreciated. They are especially adapted to smaller jobs and work not readily accessible by rail, but where common roads are available.

These three types are shown in Figs. 1 to 9, representing the machines of seven of the principal manufacturers.

Steam shovels will excavate any kind of material except solid rock, and they will load rock if it has been broken up by explosives into pieces of not more than 3-4 cu. yd. in size. The materials excavated by them are mostly sand, loose gravel, all kinds of clay, cemented gravel, hardpan, clays mixed with bowlders and other small stones, ore, phosphate rock, loose rock and thin seams of slate, shale or sandstone.

These machines are used for excavating material, loading it on cars or wagons for ballasting tracks; for filling trestles, streets, roads, dams, lots and new city additions; for widening embankments for double track, side tracks, yards, shops and station grounds; for cutting down street, road and railway grades; grading lots and new city additions, railway yards, shop and station grounds; widening cuts, removing land slides, stripping coal fields, ore beds and stone quarries; digging canals and drainage ditches, loading clays for brick yards, etc.

Construction of Steam Shovels.—The general plan of construction of the machines, shown in Figs. 1 to 9, is essentially the same in all, and consists of a strong frame, mounted on wheels, forming the base to which all working parts are attached. The boiler and machinery are placed near the rear end of the frame, and the mast, or post, and crane at the front end. The crane is made in two pieces connected only at the top or point, and at the foot of the mast. Between these pieces, serving as guides, is the dipper handle, carrying at its farther end the dipper or scoop. To the top of the post (or to the foot in some machines) the swinging circle is secured.

FIG. 3.—BARNHART STEAM SHOVEL; Marion Steam Shovel Co., Marion, O.

The most used, and hence the most important part of the machinery of the steam shovel is the gearing imparting motion to the hoisting drum, actuating the chains by which the dipper is raised and lowered. It is in almost constant use, and is often subjected to severe shocks in hard digging. Of all parts of the machinery it is the most likely to break or rapidly wear out. Naturally it has received the most attention of any part of the steam shovel in all efforts to improve the design, strength and durability of the machine. There are a number of different gears in use, and essentially they are either friction clutches or positive gearing. The use of the former subjects the machinery and crane to less severe shocks, and can be thrown in and out of gear more rapidly, but it wears out quicker, often causes delay by heating, and requires frequent repairs. Positive gearing exposes the machinery and crane to more severe shocks in hard digging, and must be started slower, especially in hard material, but while these machines are a little slower than those operated with friction clutches, they are less subject to the expense of repairs and delay due to the disarrangement of the hoisting gear, so that their total output of material about equals, and sometimes exceeds, the quicker moving friction gear machine.

The mechanism for thrusting the dipper into the bank is attached to the crane, and the forms most generally used are as follows:

1. A chain, one end of which is attached to the rear end of the dipper handle, and the other end wound around a drum receiving its motion by an endless chain passing over a sprocket wheel connected to the axle of the sprocket wheel at the top of the mast, over which the hoisting chain passes, thereby revolving both wheels. This drum is thrown into gear by a friction clutch, and its motion regulated by the cranesman's lever and footbrake.

2. A rack on the dipper handle operated by a pinion attached to a shaft revolved and regulated as above described.

3. A small double cylinder engine operating either a pinion and rack as above described, or revolving a drum with a chain attached to it, and the rear end of the dipper handle as described in the first case.

4. A long steam cylinder attached to the dipper handle, whose piston rod is connected to the dipper, extending or withdrawing it as desired.

FIG. 5.—VICTOR STEAM SHOVEL; Toledo Foundry & Machine Co., Toledo, O.

The thrusting mechanism used in the last two cases imparts a rapid, steady and powerful motion, but the extra engines or steam cylinder and their connecting steam pipes involve a complication which often more than balances their advantages.

Swinging the crane in a horizontal direction is generally accomplished in one of the following three ways:

1. A chain passing around the swinging circle attached to the post, and wound around drums connected to the engine by positive gearing or friction clutches.

2. A wire rope passing round the swinging circle and connected to the piston rods operated by two long steam cylinders.

3. A chain passing round the swinging circle and wound around a drum connected to a small reversible engine.

The mechanisms used in the last two cases have the same advantages, but also suffer from the same objections urged against employing small engines or a steam cylinder for thrusting the dipper into the bank.

The engines are either of the upright type with a single steam cylinder, or of the horizontal type, with double horizontal steam cylinders. The size of the cylinders varies for machines of different capacities, ranging from 8 by 10 ins. to 10 by 12 ins. for the upright engines, and 6 by 8 ins. to 13 by 16 ins. for the horizontal engines.

The upright type of boiler with submerged flues is usually preferred, as it occupies only a small space. Horizontal boilers of the locomotive type are used in a few machines, and are more economical in the use of fuel, but occupy too large a floor space. Forced draft is used in both types of boilers, and they are generally worked to the limit of their capacity. The usual working pressure is 90 lbs. per sq. in. The safety valve is generally set to blow off at 120 lbs. per sq. in. The boiler is supplied with water either from an upright circular sheet iron tank located in a corner of the machine, behind the boiler, or from a sheet iron box tank hung under the floor. These tanks usually hold about 1,000 gallons of water, enough to run the machine half a day. The water is obtained by a pump or siphon from the tender of a locomotive on railway work, or is hauled to the machine by wagon on other work.

FIG. 6.—CLEMENT STEAM SHOVEL; Industrial Works, Bay City, Mich.

In some machines the frame or car body is made of wood, generally oak, often incased with heavy plate iron. In others it is constructed of iron or steel I-beams and channels. In all machines it is strongly built and braced with a view to sustain the weight of the working parts and to resist the shocks to which it is subjected. The floor is usually of 3-in. oak plank.

The mast or post is made of cast or wrought iron, strongly braced and guyed to the frame. It is the pivot about which the crane swings, and easy working in its bearings is of great importance for the rapid and economical operation of the machine. In order to prevent breakage or delay it should never be permitted to wabble by neglecting to promptly tighten its braces and guys in case they should work loose. The post should always stand vertical, or practically so, to insure the horizontal motion of the crane and avoid unnecessary straining of the swinging gear. For this reason the machine should be set practically level before beginning operations; and using a small mason's level is better than trusting to the eye, when blocking under the track and adjusting the jack screws for this purpose.

The crane is secured to the post, and is made of wood, iron or steel, strongly and compactly built to resist the shocks to which it is often subjected. It is from 14 to 20 ft. high above the track or ground, varying with machines of different sizes and manufacture, and swings horizontally through an angle of 180 to 240 degrees, with a radius of 15 to 20 ft. In some machines it must be detached from the post for shipment, in others (mostly those made for railway use exclusively) it can be lowered to a height of 14 ft. above the track, thereby permitting shipment without detaching from the post.

The dipper, scoop, or bucket is made of iron or steel, shaped somewhat like a coal scuttle. Its cutting edge is protected by four teeth made of steel or steel pointed. These teeth are easily removed for sharpening or replacement. Dippers vary in size from ½ cu. yd. to 2½ cu. yds. capacity. They also vary somewhat in shape, according to the material to be excavated, though no special provision is made for this unless there are very large quantities of the same kind of material to be removed; or for machines working in a certain class of material only, like ore loaders. For general work in all kinds of materials the dipper is seldom changed.

For soft, tenacious material, likely to adhere to the inner sides of the dipper, and not drop out promptly when the bottom door is opened for unloading, the dipper is shaped as shown in Fig. 10, with a larger bottom than mouth. In hard, or dry soft material the section shows parallel sides, as in Fig. 11. For general use the bottom of the dipper should be slightly larger than the mouth, as most materials contain more or less moisture which is likely to produce a partial clogging of the dipper by material sticking to the inner sides, especially between the teeth, necessitating frequent cleaning out whenever the machine is stopped while preparing to move forward, and sometimes oftener. For ordinary clay, cemented gravel, and hard dry materials, a dipper with a wide and shallow mouth, as shown in plan in Fig. 12, is preferred to the one shown in Fig. 13, which latter is better adapted for loose gravel, sand and other soft dry materials where a deep cut can easily be made. For hardpan, shale, loose rock and similar materials, ample strength of teeth and dipper is of greater importance than its shape.

FIG. 7.—GIANT STEAM SHOVEL; Vulcan Iron Works Co., Toledo, O.
FIG. 8.—LITTLE GIANT STEAM SHOVEL; Vulcan Iron Works Co., Toledo, O.

To prevent tenacious material from sticking to the inner sides of the dipper, and to allow it to drop out freely when the bottom door is opened, it is often good economy to place a barrel of water near the head of the machine from which a bucketful can be taken and thrown into the dipper just before each cut. The water acts as a lubricant and causes the material to drop out more readily. For cleaning the dipper, the tool shown in Fig. 14 is used.

Fig. 10.
Fig. 11.
Fig. 12.
Fig. 13.

The chains have links of three-quarters-inch to one-inch diameter, and are made of iron, sometimes of steel. Their constant use necessarily subjects them to great wear, and as they are also often exposed to severe shocks (especially the hoisting chain) they must be made of the very best material and in the most careful manner. At present iron chains are preferred to those made of steel: they are more durable, and less likely to break under severe shocks. Steel chains have suffered in reputation through rapid wear and frequent breakages occurring within the last few years, but with increased experience in their manufacture and use they will undoubtedly be improved, and eventually take the lead over iron chains.

The propelling mechanism consists of an endless chain connecting one or more axles of the truck or supporting wheels with the shaft of the hoisting drum by means of friction clutches or positive gearing. The usual speed is five to six miles per hour.

FIG. 9.—OTIS-CHAPMAN STEAM SHOVEL; John Souther & Co., Boston, Mass.

Steam shovels of seven of the most prominent manufacturers are shown in Figs. 1 to 9, and the general particulars of each are given in condensed form in Table I. In each case the boiler is upright.

TABLE I.—General Description of the Important Parts of the Most Prominent Makes of Steam Shovels.

Fig. Shovel. Material. Size,ft. Running gear. Gage, ft. ins. B'l'r Eng-
Cylinder, ins. H'st'g gear.
1. Osgood Wood 10 × 34 2 trucks 4 8½ V H 2 10 × 12 F
" " 10 × 30 " " " " " 8¼ × 10 F
" " 10 × 25 " " " " " 7 × 10 F
2. Thompson {I-be'm} 10 × 32 " " " " " 10 × 14 F
" {and} 10 × 30 " " " " " 8 × 12 F
" {chan- } 10 × 28 " " " " " 8 × 10 F
" {nels} 10 × 24 " " " " " 6 × 8 F
3. Barnhart " 10 × 28 " " " V " 8 × 10 F
" " 10 × 26 " " " H 1 8 × 10 F
" " 10 × 24 " " " V " 8 × 10 F
" " 10 × 22 " " " " " 6 × 8 F
5. Victor " 10 × 30 " " " H 2 8 × 10 F
6. Clement " 10 × 30 " " " " " 8 × 10 P
7. Giant " 10 × 35A " " " " " 13 × 16 F
" " 10 × 35 " " " " " 8 × 12 F
" " 10 × 30 " " " " " 7 × 11 F
8. Little Giant " 7 × 23 {4 r'd wh 8 0 " " " 7 × 11 F
" " " 6 × 23 {4 r'd wh 8 0 " " " 6 × 8 F
9. Otis-Ch'pm'n Wood 10 × 22 {4 fl'ge wh 7 10 " V 1 10 × 12 P
" " 10 × 18 {4 fl'ge wh 7 10 " " " 8 × 10 P

Transcriber's Note:
Boiler and Engine—V=Vert., H=Hor.
Hoisting Gear—F=Friction Clutch, P=Positive

Fig. Thrusting Mechanism. Swinging Mechanism.
{ Reversible engines, 2 steam cylinders }
1. { each 6 × 8 ins. }
{ Do., do 5 × 6 ins. } Chains attached to circle
} geared
2. { Rack on dipper handle } to hoisting drum.
{ actuated by friction clutch }
3. { geared to hoisting drum. }
5. Reversible engine, } Wire ropes
2 steam cyls. 6 × 8 ins. } attached to circle
6. Long st'm cyl., } and pist'n rods
piston rod at'ch'd to dipper } in long st'm cyl.
7. { Reversible engine, } Reversible engine, 2 steam
{ 2 steam cyls. 5 × 6 ins.; } cylinders
8. { 5 × 6 ins. } except A, cylinders 7 × 9 ins.
{ Chains on dipper handle actuated by } Chains attached to circle
9. { friction clutch geared to } geared to
{ hoisting drum. } hoisting drum
<—H'ght ab've—>
gr'nd or track.

Working order,
Shipping order,

of dipper,
cu. yds.

1. { Wt. iron } Wt. iron 26 14 24 240 2 40
{ A } " 24 14 24 240 30
{ frame } " 20 14 20 240 1 20
2. { Cast iron " 23 14 20 200 45
{ " " 18 14 18 200 40
{ " " 18 14 16 200 30
{ " " 16 14 12 200 ¾ 20
3. { Wt. iron Wood 26 14 20 200 37
{ " " 24 14 20 200 1 26
{ " " 20 14 18 200 ¾ 16
{ " " 18 14 18 200 ½ 12
5. { Hollow wt. ir. Wt. iron 19 14 20 200 2 40
6. { Cast iron " 20 14 20 200 2 40
7. { Cast steel Steel 20 14 19 200 70
{ Cast iron " 20 14 19 200 45
{ " " 18 14 17 200 30
8. { " " 16 Detach'd 15 185 20
{ " " 15 " 15 185 ¾ 18
9. { " Wood 20 " 20 200 26
{ " " 16 " 18 200 15

Makers: 1 (Osgood): Osgood Dredge Co., Albany, N. Y. 2 (Thompson): Bucyrus Steam Shovel & Dredge Co., Bucyrus, O. 3, 4 (Barnhart): Marion Steam Shovel Ca., Marion, O. 5 (Victor): Toledo Foundry & Machine Co., Toledo, O. 6 (Clement): Industrial Works, Bay City, Mich. 7 (Giant) and 8 (Little Giant): Vulcan Iron Works Co., Toledo, O. 9 (Otis-Chapman): John Souther & Co., Boston, Mass.

Operation of Steam Shovels.—All movements of the steam shovel are controlled by two men, the engineman and the cranesman. The former is stationed near the engine, the latter on a small platform attached to the crane. The engineman directs the movements for raising and lowering the dipper, swinging it into position for unloading, and moving the machine forward or backward. The cranesman regulates the depth of the cut made by the dipper, releases it from the bank when full or near the top of the crane, and pulls the spring latch of the bottom door of the dipper when in position for unloading, thereby dumping its contents.

Fig. 14.—Spade for Cleaning Buckets.

These motions are shown in Figs. 15 and 16. Beginning with the dipper in the position shown at A, Fig. 15, the engineman throws the hoisting drum into gear, and starting the engine pulls the dipper upward, the cranesman at the same time thrusting it forward, regulating the depth of the cut so that it will not stop the engine or tip up the rear end of the machine. When the dipper has reached the position B, near the top of the crane, the engineman throws the hoisting drum out of gear, and holds it in position with a foot brake; at the same time the cranesman by easing his foot brake, allows the dipper to fall back to the position C. The engineman then swings the dipper over the car or wagon, as shown in Fig. 16, when the cranesman pulls the latch rope, thereby opening the bottom door of the dipper and dropping the contents. The engineman then swings the crane back again to the next cut, at the same time releasing his foot brake on the hoisting drum until the dipper has fallen to a point near the ground, as at D, Fig. 15, where he holds it for an instant with the foot brake, then drops it by releasing the brake, while the cranesman (during this slight drop) regulates the length of the radius of the dipper handle by releasing his foot brake so as to bring the dipper into the position A again, and adjoining the last cut. While the dipper is being lowered, the bottom door closes and latches itself by its own weight, when all is ready again for another cut.

These motions are very simple when taken separately, but when performed together by two different men, experience and quickness in both are required to carry on the work rapidly and harmoniously, without breakages or delays. In loose gravel one cut can be made in a half to three-quarters of a minute; in hard materials one and a half to two minutes, seldom more.

Fig. 15.—Showing Series of Operations for Excavating.
Fig. 16.—Loading Earth from Steam Shovel Onto Cars.

After all material within reach of the dipper has been removed, an unoccupied section of track (generally about 4 ft. long) at the rear of the steam shovel is attached to the dipper by a chain and dragged around the machine to the front (by swinging the dipper horizontally) and there placed in position in line with the sections of track under the machine. The screws at the ends of the jack arm (a horizontal bar at the front end of the machine used for steadying it when cuts are taken at right angles to the steam shovel) are then released, and the machine moved forward three or four feet by throwing the propelling gear into motion. After placing the jack screws into their new position, and tightening them, and blocking the supporting wheels of the steam shovel, the machine is ready for another series of cuts.

The regular employees for operating a steam shovel are the engineman, cranesman, fireman and four laborers. The latter are under the supervision of the cranesman, and their duties are to shovel forward any lumps or loose material which may roll down and lodge too close to the front of the steam shovel to be reached by the dipper, to level the surface of the ground in front of the machine, preparing it for the next section of track, to lay these sections of track, to attend to the jack screws and blocking and to act as general utility men.

Fig. 17.—Pole for Breaking Down Edge of Excavation.

With this crew dry sand and loose gravel can readily be loaded. In harder or more tenacious materials from two to six extra men are required, depending upon the kind of material to be excavated, and also upon good management of the contractor or foreman in charge. Wet sand and fairly loose gravel requires only two extra men, whose duty is to break down the overhanging ledges of these materials which cannot be reached by the dipper, and are liable to fall when the machine has advanced, burying it or blocking the pit behind it. The implement used by these men is a pole, Fig. 17, headed by an iron point, resembling a surveyor's pole. With these poles fairly loose gravel and sand can be readily broken down, sloped at its natural angle, and fed into the pit in front of the steam shovel. In harder materials three to four extra men are usually sufficient, but in very hard or tenacious materials as many as six must be employed. These men break down overhanging material in the face of the bank which cannot be reached by the dipper, bore or drill holes for powder or dynamite when blasting becomes necessary, cut and remove trees, etc.

Fig. 18.

On all but very small pieces of railway work there are also employed a blacksmith and helper, and two to five car repairers. The blacksmith's work consists mostly of repairs about the cars, mainly bent or broken aprons, sideboards, chains, etc. The steam shovel occupies much the smaller part of his time. His accommodation requires a small rough frame shop about 10 by 16 ft. (an old box car body is frequently used), with forge and tools. Another rough frame shed of about the same size is needed for the storage of tools, oils and supplies. The section-men of the respective sections are occasionally called on for the building and maintaining (or taking up) of the various side tracks required during the progress of the work.


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