- Ballast, plowing, 48
- Blasting, 39, 52
- Brine, sprinkling earth, 52
- Cars, dump, 19, 41, 47
- Flat, 42
- Loading, 19
- Unloading, 42, 47
- Cost of work, 55
- Cuts, 28, 36, 39
- Time for, 17
- Widening, 19
- Explosives, 39, 52
- Fills, trestles for, 47
- Grades, construction track, 34
- Cutting down, 28
- Grading, 25
- Gravel train, 42, 45, 50
- Engines for, 50
- Unloading, 48
- Leveling, 53
- Loading cars, 19
- Gangs for, 21, 22, 23
- Operating, men for, 18
- Plow, Barnhart, 43
- Gravel, 42
- Plowing, cable for, 50
- Gravel train, 48
- Hauling engine for, 51
- Winter, brine for, 52
- Railways, construction, 33
- Reducing grades, 28
- Widening cuts, 19
- Railway work, 18, 28, 33
- Rapid unloader, 51
- Spreaders, 53
- Steam shovels, Barnhart, 6
- Boilers, 9
- Bucyrus, 4
- Clement, 10
- Daily capacity, 41
- Description, 5
- Giant, 12
- Invention of, 1
- Little Giant, 12
- Industrial Works, 10
- Machinery of, 5
- Marion S. S. & Dredge Co., 6
- Number of men, 18
- Operation, 16
By E. A. Hermann, M. Am. Soc. C. E.