The scope and limits of the present work does not allow of the inclusion of some of the chapters contained in the latest Hungarian edition, such as those treating of the skeleton, the viscera, etc., nor can this be taken as adequately representing the work of the Royal Hungarian Central Bureau of Ornithology of which Mr. Herman is the Director. That work is arranged on a regular scientific basis, and it includes that important investigation with regard to the food of birds, which is carried on by a fully qualified entomologist. The Bureau has its collection, which contains dried ingluvies, i.e., contents of the stomachs of nearly 9,000 different species of birds; skeletons, skins, eggs, nests and insects. The Bureau has its meteorologist, its biologist, 267 corresponding professional ornithologists, and as many as 326 foresters contributing the results of their observations and experiences, besides a large number of foreign correspondents. There is a huge collection of data for the members of the regular staff to work from. These are written on separate slips, on each of which is the name of the collector, his point of observation, the character of the district in which this is carried on, the scientific name of the species, and the date of observation. The migration of birds is also made the subject of systematic observation. An important publication, “Aquila,” serve well in keeping together these different workers in connection with the Central Bureau, and the whole expenditure of In order to prevent the abuses which might arise from a general invitation to send in specimens of the different species of birds for examination, the Hungarian Minister of Agriculture has issued various decrees which are enforced by law, the non-observance of which is punishable by fines. The taking alive or killing of protected species is allowed only for scientific purposes, and with permission obtained from the authorities, and any person found employed in this work must be able, on demand, to produce an order in writing from some Hungarian scientific institute, some expert, or known person who can prove that he is engaged in Natural History research. This license is drawn up according to a form legally provided. Another safeguard, provided by M. DarÁnyi against the abuse of such permission, is that the authorities may only allow a license to the same individual for the capture of not more than 10 animals, or the taking of not more than 10 birds, nests, or eggs; and this maximum is only to be permitted in cases where there is no danger of the extinction of the species. It may be added that, by a decree of the Minister of Agriculture, protection is afforded to Bats of all kinds, and at all times; to Moles, except in flower and kitchen gardens and nurseries, where it is permitted to destroy them; to all kinds of Shrew-mice, except the Water Shrew, which is injurious to fishing interests; and to Hedgehogs. Further, in view of the great amount of deforestation which is taking place in Hungary, as in other countries, and the consequent destruction of the natural nesting [Image not available] A Winter Food Shelter. |