| PAGE | Preface | 1 | Chapter I. Useful or Harmful | 7 | Chapter II. The Structure of the Bird | 15 | Chapter III. Workers on the Ground | 25 | Barn or White Owl, Tawny or Wood Owl, Long-eared Owl, Short-eared Owl, Little Owl, the Rook, Hooded Crow, Carrion Crow, Raven, Jackdaw, Jay, Magpie, Quail, Black-headed Gull, Starling, Rose Starling, Waxwing. | Chapter IV. In the Air and on the Trees | 105 | Swallow, House Martin, Sand Martin, Swift, Nightjar or Fern Owl, Green Woodpecker, Greater Spotted Woodpecker, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Tree-Creeper, Nuthatch, Crossbill. | Chapter V. The Farmer’s Summer Friends | 139 | Wryneck, Cuckoo, Hoopoe, Great Grey Shrike, Lesser Grey Shrike, Red-backed Shrike, Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap, Nightingale, Redstart, Tree-Pipit, Wagtails, Great Reed Warbler, Willow Wren, Flycatchers, Wheatear, Stonechat, Bearded Reedling or Titmouse, the Titmouse Family. | Chapter VI. Workers all the year round | 225 | House Sparrow, Tree Sparrow, Hedge Sparrow, Skylark, Kingfisher, Dipper, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Oriole, Robin, Wren, Chaffinch, Hawfinch, Bullfinch, Yellow Hammer, Turtle Dove. | Chapter VII. Some Wildfowl | 283 | Lapwing, Common Curlew, Redshank, Green Sandpipers, Herons, Bitterns, Moorhen, Tern, Bean Goose, Wild Duck or Mallard, Pintail Duck, Shoveler, Great Crested Grebe. | Chapter VIII. Some of the FalconidÆ | 333 | Golden Eagle, Kite, Red-footed Falcon, Buzzard, Sparrow Hawk, Goshawk, Hobby, Kestrel, Marsh Harrier, Hen Harrier. | Chapter IX. The Rational Protection of Birds | 369 | Index | 385 |