CHAPTER II. The Structure of the Bird. CHAPTER III. WORKERS ON THE GROUND. The Barn Owl: White or Church Owl. ( Strix Flammea. ) [Image not available] CHAPTER IV. IN THE AIR AND ON THE TREES. The Swallow. ( Hirundo rustica. ) CHAPTER V. SUMMER WORKERS. The Wryneck. ( Iynx torquilla. ) CHAPTER VI. WORKERS ALL THE YEAR ROUND. The House Sparrow. ( Passer domesticus. ) CHAPTER VII. SOME WILDFOWL. The Lapwing. ( VanEllus vulgAris. ) CHAPTER VIII. SOME OF THE FALCONIDAE. The Golden Eagle. ( Aquila chrysAEtus. ) CHAPTER IX. Rational Bird Protection.
Birds Useful and Birds Sherratt & Hughes BIRDS USEFUL |