AFRICA image “The apparel oft proclaims the man.” —Hamlet. Africa is the richest “jack-pot” in the game of territorial “freeze-out” played by the European Powers. The stakes represent diamonds, gold, ivory, rubber and slaves, though the latter are nominally outside the limit. image An Elephant (From an instantaneous photograph of an animal cracker) The game began nearly three centuries ago and now in the early morning of the twentieth century (such a fascinating game is Poker!) it is still in progress, though Germany, who staked all her pile and lost, has dropped out. image A Lion (From an instantaneous photograph of an animal cracker) The ancient Greek Geographer Strabo (64 B. C.) describes Africa as “the fruitful nurse of large serpents, elephants, antelopes and similar image Children, behold the Chimpanzee! The inhabitants of Africa are the most Moral and Patriotic in the World, and their army is second to none in bravery and won the World War. |