SOUTH AMERICA From the beginning of time up to the present century, the continents of North and South America were joined together in terrestrial bonds of matrimony. image South American Wild Horse (From an instantaneous photograph of an animal cracker) They were seemingly inseparable. The first indication that everything was not as it should be with this long united couple, was in the year 1880, when a Frenchman named De Lesseps (who had already succeeded The attempt, however, was a failure, and, after dragging on for eight years, proceedings were dropped for want of funds. Fourteen years later President Roosevelt, desiring to remove all obstacles to a much desired union of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, started a new action for divorce on the same grounds as that of De Lesseps, and in August, 1902, the divorce of North and South America and the wedding of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans were simultaneously celebrated. The Northern and Southern continents are now better friends than ever and the Atlantic Ocean no longer has to sneak round by the back door to spend an evening with the Pacific. |