RACE All the Families agree that the tenants of the Globe should be of one uniform shade. image Mill-Race Each Family, however, thinks that his own particular shade is the only fitting one for the Perfect Human Being. To that end he spends a large part of his time in scheming how to get rid of all the other tints. All of which is a great waste of centuries! Old Tempus the Janitor has always settled the Tint question with his Solar Stove and always will. A week at the seashore in August ought to convince anyone of the efficiency of the Solar Tint Factory. In the tan of the surf bather image Black-Race And yet there are some Great and Wise Ones who believe that Civilization (with the assistance of Mr. Marconi and Mr. Rolls H. Royce and a few others) will bring the Race Families into such close relationship that they will eventually be all blended into one harmonious Neutral Tint! A pale mauve World! One tint, one religion, one food, one dress, one Drink, one everything. How appalling! And think of the moment when it is to be decided once and forever which it is to be—Blonde or Brunette! Oh those Wise and Great Ones! image |