THE HABITABLE GLOBE The term “Habitable Globe” was doubtless invented by some Celestial Humorist who had never visited this planet. People live on it, to be sure, but they have no choice. There is nowhere else to live. The Giddy Globe ...* * Isn’t it about time to drop this ... Quite so. Suppose we consider the Globe as an Apartment House. We are told it was finished in six days. No wonder it is faultily constructed. The Heating Apparatus is out of date. The apartments nearest to the Radiator are insufferably hot, those farthest away unbearably cold, and those between too changeable for comfort. The Water Supply is unreliable. In some In the cellar there is a munition factory where, in defiance of regulations, there are stored High Explosives. These blow up from time to time, causing great damage and loss of life among the tenants. The janitor is a disobliging old person who has been there since the house was started and holds his job, in spite of incessant complaints. When asked to hurry, he fairly crawls and, when people want him most to stay, nothing can stop him. His name is Tempus. |