THE LAUGHING WILLOW | | PAGE | Epitaphs | 9 | The Truth About Russia | 11 | The Wedding Feast | 11 | A Mujik | 12 | The Cossack | 13 | The Three S’s | 14 | The Air Raid | 15 | Vale Diabole | 18 | The Wrong Floor | 21 | Marching to Berlin | 23 | Target Practice | 26 | The Sausage Balloon | 27 | Concerning the Crown Prince | 28 | Camouflage | 31 | The Tank | 32 | The Bird-Man | 33 | Frenzylogical Chart | 34 | Britannia Salvatrix | 35 | Father Wilhelm | 37 | The Touching Ballad of General von Beers | 40 | An Imperial Sneeze | 45 | The Rubaiyat of Billi Kaisam | 52 | War Relief | 57 | Summer Mass | 58 | ABOUT PEOPLE I HAVE MET | J. M. Barrie | 61 | The Horse | 63 | The Town Cat | 65 | Towser | 68 | The Oyster | 70 | The Mouse | 71 | PEOPLE I HAVE NOT MET | The Turtle | 77 | Michael O’Leary | 79 | Clorinda | 82 | Alcibiades J. Skinner | 85 | Eve | 90 | The Highbrow Hen | 91 | Sir Ippykin | 92 | The Psychology Cop | 95 | Phyllis Lee | 97 | Mrs. Seymour Fentolin | 99 | The Devil Among the Ladies | 101 | Spring | 105 | The Catfish | 108 | The Prodigal Centipede | 109 | A Ballade of Black Socks | 111 | OTHER PEOPLE INCLUDING MARK TWAIN | The Gentlemen of Letters | THE LAUGHING WILLOW To see the Kaiser’s epitaph Would make a weeping willow laugh.
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