| Page | The Bashful Earthquake | 1 | The Lovesick Scarecrow | 7 | The Music of the Future | 9 | Song | 11 | The Doorless Wolf | 12 | The Bold Bad Butterfly | 15 | Crumbs | 20 | Japanesque | 21 | The Difference | 22 | Why ye Blossome Cometh before ye Leafe | 23 | The First First of April | 24 | The Epigrammatist | 26 | The Silver Lining | 28 | The Boastful Butterfly | 31 | The Three Wishes | 35 | Truth | 37 | The Tragic Mice | 38 | Absence of Mind | 40 | The Graduate | 41 | The Poet’s Proposal | 44 | A Three-sided Question | 45 | The Snail’s Dream | 51 | A Christmas Legend | 52 | Hyde and Seeke | 54 | In the CafÉ | 55 | The Legend of the Lily | 58 | The Untutored Giraffe | 60 | The Enchanted Wood | 64 | A Bunny Romance | 68 | The Flower Circus | 72 | The Fatuous Flower | 77 | A Love Story | 80 | Ye Knyghte-Mare | 83 | Metaphysics | 84 | The Princess that was n’t | 86 | The Lion’s Tour | 89 | The Fugitive Thought | 93 | The Cussed Damozel | 97 | A Gas-log Reverie | 101 | Cupid’s Fault | 103 | All Aboard | 104 | Killing Time | 105 | The Mermaid Club | 107 | A Song | 109 | Angel’s Toys | 110 | The Reformed Tigress | 112 | Two Ladies | 115 | | THE BASHFUL EARTHQUAKE Crime, Wickedness, Villany, Vice, And Sin only misery bring; If you want to be Happy and Nice, Be good and all that sort of thing.