
Scene: a railway station.

ust two minutes more!

O Tempus, stand still,

Stand still, I implore,

One moment, until

I have time to reflect

On what I would say.

ust two minutes more!

O Tempus, stand still,

Stand still, I implore,

One moment, until

I have time to reflect

On what I would say.

Give me time to collect

My senses, I pray,

Until I have said

What my courage was mounting

To say, when instead

I was stupidly counting

The moments that fled!

O Tempus! you’re flying!

A plague on this parting,

This sighing, goodbying,

This smiling and smarting;

A plague too upon

This—Heavens! it’s starting!

Good bye!—

There, she’s gone!


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