A Three-sided Question


Scene. A hollow tree in the woods.

Time. December evening.

Mr. Owl.
Mr. Sparrow.
Mr. Bear.

Mr. Owl (stretching his wings):

eigho! It’s dark!

How fast the daylight goes!

I must have over-slept. It’s time I rose

And went about my breakfast to prepare.

I should keep better hours; I declare,

Before I got to bed ’t was broad daylight!

That must be why I’m getting up to-night

With such a sleepy feeling in my head.

Heigho! Heigho! (Yawns.)

Mr. Owl (stretching his wings):

eigho! It’s dark!

How fast the daylight goes!

I must have over-slept. It’s time I rose

And went about my breakfast to prepare.

I should keep better hours; I declare,

Before I got to bed ’t was broad daylight!

That must be why I’m getting up to-night

With such a sleepy feeling in my head.

Heigho! Heigho! (Yawns.)

Enter Mr. Sparrow.

Mr. Sparrow: Why don’t you go to bed,

If you’re so very sleepy?—it’s high time!

The sun has set an hour ago, and I’m

Going home myself as fast as I can trot.

Night is the time for sleep.

Mr. Owl: The time for what?

The time for sleep, you say?

Mr. Sparrow: That’s what I said.

Mr. Owl:

Well, my dear bird, your reason must have fled!

Mr. Sparrow (icily):

I do not catch your meaning quite, I fear.

Mr. Owl:

I mean you’re talking nonsense. Is that clear?

Mr. Sparrow (angrily):

Say that again—again, sir, if you dare!

Say it again!

Mr. Owl: As often as you care.

You’re talking nonsense—stuff and nonsense—there!

Mr. Sparrow (hopping one twig higher up):

You are a coward, sir, and impolite!

(Hopping on a still higher twig)

And if you were n’t beneath me I would fight.

Mr. Owl:

I am beneath you, true enough, my friend,

By just two branches. Will you not descend?

Or shall I—

Mr. Sparrow (hastily):

No, don’t rise. Tell me instead

What was the nonsense that you thought I said.

Mr. Owl:

It may be wrong, but if I heard aright,

You said the proper time for sleep was night.

Mr. Sparrow:

That’s what I said, and I repeat it too!

Mr. Owl:

Then you repeat a thing that is not true.

Day is the time for sleep, not night.

Mr. Sparrow:Absurd!

Who’s talking nonsense now?

Mr. Owl:Impudent bird!

How dare you answer back, you upstart fowl!

Mr. Sparrow: How dare you call me upstart—

Mr. Owl:

This is too much! I’ll stand no more, I vow!

Defend yourself!

Mr. Bear (looking out of hollow tree):

Come, neighbors, stop that row!

What you’re about I’m sure I cannot think.

I only know I have n’t had one wink

Of sleep. Indeed, I’ve borne it long enough.

’T would put the mildest temper in a huff;

And I am but a bear. Why don’t you go

To bed like other folks, I’d like to know?

Summer is long enough to keep awake—

Winter’s the time when honest people take

Their three months’ sleep.

Mr. Sparrow: That settles me! I fly!

Dear Mr. Owl and Mr. Bear, good-by! [Exit.

Mr. Owl:

I must go too, to find another wood.

Every one’s mad in this queer neighborhood!

It is not safe such company to keep.

Good evening, Mr. Bear. [Exit.

Mr. Bear: Now I shall sleep.




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