
pon a time I had a Heart,

And it was bright and gay;

And I gave it to a Lady fair

To have and keep alway.

She soothed it and she smoothed it

And she stabbed it till it bled;

She brightened it and lightened it

And she weighed it down with lead.

pon a time I had a Heart,

And it was bright and gay;

And I gave it to a Lady fair

To have and keep alway.

She soothed it and she smoothed it

And she stabbed it till it bled;

She brightened it and lightened it

And she weighed it down with lead.

She flattered it and battered it

And she filled it full of gall;

Yet had I Twenty Hundred Hearts,

Still should she have them all.


I’ve often wondered—have n’t you?—

What all the little angels do

To while eternity away,

When grown-up angels sing and play

Upon their harps with golden strings,

And lutes and violas and things.

What do they do? What do they play

To while eternity away?

After much pondering profound,

Perhaps an answer I have found—

I give it you for what it’s worth.

The people now upon this earth,

Who neither quite deserve to go

Above hereafter, nor below—

The prig, the poser, and the crank;

The snob, who thinks of naught but rank;

The gossip and the fool—in short,



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