Acts of the Apostles. Adolf Harnack, 12. Acts, The Date of the. Adolf Harnack, 12. Aeroplane, How to Build. Robert Petit, 24. Africa, The Opening Up of. Sir H. H. Johnston, 16. Agricultural Chemical Analysis. Wiley, 34. Agricultural Chemistry, Principles of. Fraps, 9. Agricultural Products. Wiley, 34. Agriculture. Prof. W. Somerville, 30. Alchemy of Thought, and other Essays. Prof. L. P. Jacks, 15. Alcyonium. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 42. All About Leaves. Heath, 13. All Men are Ghosts. Jacks, 15. American Civil War, The. Prof. F. L. Paxson, 24. Americans, The. Hugo MÜnsterberg, 22. Among the Idolmakers. Prof. L. P. Jacks, 15. Analysis of Ores. F. C. Phillips, 25. Analysis, Organic. F. E. Benedict, 2. Analytical Geometry, Elements of.—Hardy 12. Anarchy and Law, Theories of. H. B. Brewster, 3. Ancient Art and Ritual. Harrison, 13. Ancient Asia Minor, Wall Map of, 18. Ancient Assyria, Religion of. Prof. A. H. Sayce, 27. Ancient Greece, Wall Map of, 17. Ancient Italy, Wall Map of, 17. Ancient Latium, Wall Map of, 17. Ancient World, Wall Maps of the, 17. Anglican Liberalism, 1. Animal World, The. Prof. F. W. Gamble, 9. Antedon. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 43. Anthems. Rev. R. Crompton Jones, 16. Anthropology. R. R. Marett, 20. Antiquity of Man, The. A. Keith, 17. Antwerp and Brussels. Guide to, 11. Anurida. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 43. Apocalypse of St. John, 43. Apologetic of the New Testament. E. F. Scott, 28. Apostle Paul, the, Lectures on. Otto Pfleiderer, 24. Apostolic Age, The. Carl von WeizsÄcker, 34. Arabian Poetry, Ancient. Sir C. J. Lyall, 20. Architecture. Prof. W. R. Lethaby, 19. Arenicola. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 42. Aristotelian Society, Proceedings of, 25. Army Series of French and German Novels, 35. Ascidia. Johnston, L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 42. Assyriology, Essay on. George Evans, 8. Astigmatic Letters. Dr Pray, 25. Astronomy. A. R. Hinks, 14. Athanasius of Alexandria, Canons of, 43. Atlas Antiquus, Kiepert's, 18. Atlas, Topographical, of the Spinal Cord. Alex. Bruce, 4. Atonement, Doctrine of the. Auguste Sabatier, 27. Auf Verlornem Posten. Dewall, 35. Babel and Bible. Friedrich Delitzsch, 7. Bacon, Roger. "Opus Majus" of, 2; Life and Work of, Bridges, 4. Basis of Religious Belief. C. B. Upton, 33. Beet-Sugar Making. Nikaido, 23. Beginnings of Christianity. Paul Wernle, 34. Belgium, Practical Guide to, 11. Belgium Watering Places, Guide to, 11. Bible. Translated by Samuel Sharpe, 3. Bible, a Short Introduction to, Sadler, 27; Bible Problems, Prof. T. K. Cheyne, 5; How to teach the, Rev. A. F. Mitchell, 22; Remnants of Later Syriac Versions of, 43. Bible Reading in the Early Church. Adolf Harnack, 12. Biblical Hebrew, Introduction to. Rev. Jas. Kennedy, 17. Biology, Principles of. Herbert Spencer, 30. Blaise Pascal. Humfrey R. Jordan, 16. Book of Prayer. Crompton Jones, 16. Books of the New Testament. Von Soden, 29. British Fisheries. J. Johnstone, 16. Brussels and Antwerp, Guide to, 11. Buddhism. Mrs Rhys Davids, 6. Calculus, Differential and Integral. Axel Harnack, 12. Canada. A. G. Bradley, 3. Cancer. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 43. Cancer and other Tumours. Chas. Creighton, 6. Canonical Books of the Old Testament. Cornill, 6. Cape Dutch. J. F. Van Oordt, 24. Cape Dutch, Werner's Elementary Lessons in, 34. Capri and Naples, Guide to, 11. Captain Cartwright and his Labrador Journal, 4. Cardium. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 42. Catalogue of the London Library, 20. Catalogue de la BibliothÈque de l'Institut Nobel NorvÉgien, 4. Celtic Heathendom. Prof. J. Rhys, 26. Channing's Complete Works, 4. Chants and Anthems, 16; Chants, Psalms, and Canticles. Crompton Jones, 16. Character and Life, 5. Chemical Dynamics, Studies in. J. H. Van't Hoff, 14. Chemical German. Phillips, 25. Chemistry. Prof. Meldola, 21. Chemistry, Elementary. Emery, 7. Chemistry for Beginners. Edward Hart, 13. Chemist's Pocket Manual. Meade, 21. Child and Religion, The, 5. China, The Civilisation of. Prof. H. A. Giles, 10. Chinese. Descriptive Sociology. Werner, 31. Chondrus. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 42. Christian Life, Ethics of the. Theodor Haering, 11. Christian Life in the Primitive Church. DobschÜtz, 7. Christian Religion, Fundamental Truths of the. R. Seeberg, 28. Christianity, Beginnings of. Paul Wernle, 34. Christianity in Talmud and Midrash. R. Travers Herford, 12. Christianity? What is. Adolf Harnack, 11. Chromium, Production of. Max Leblanc, 19. Civilisation of China. H. A. Giles, 9. Climate and Weather. H. N. Dickson, 6. Closet Prayers. Dr. Sadler, 27. Codium. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 42. Collected Writings of Seger, 15. Colonial Period, The. C. M. Andrews, 1. Coming Church. Dr John Hunter, 15. Commentaries on Jacobite Liturgy. Connolly and Codrington, 40. Commentary on the Book of Job. Ewald, 8; Wright and Hirsch, 30; Commentary on the Old Testament. Ewald, 8; Commentary on the Psalms. Ewald, 8. Common Prayer for Christian Worship, 5. Common-Sense Dietetics. C. Louis Leipoldt, 19. Common-Sense in Law. Prof. P. Vinogradoff, 33. Communion with God. Wilhelm Herrmann, 13. Comparative Religion. Princ. J. E. Carpenter, 4. Conception of God. Alviella, 1. Concrete, Reinforced. Colby, 5. Conductivity of Liquids. Tower, 33. Confessions of St Augustine. Adolf Harnack, 12. Conservatism. Lord Hugh Cecil, 4. Constitution and Law of the Church. Adolf Harnack, 12. Contes Militaires. A. Daudet, 35. Co-Partnership and Profit-Sharing. A. Williams, 34. Copenhagen and Norway, Guide to, 11. Coptic Texts on St. Theodore. E. O. Winstedt, 35. Crime and Insanity. Dr. C. A. Mercier, 21. Crown Theological Library, 36. Cuneiform Inscriptions, The. Prof. E. Schrader, 27. Cyanamid, Manufacture, Chemistry, and Uses. Pranke, 25. CyperaceÆ, Illustrations of. Clarke, 5. Dante, Spiritual Message of. Bishop Boyd Carpenter, 4. Date, The, of the Acts and of the Synoptic Gospels. Harnack, 12. Dawn of History, The. Prof. J. L. Myres, 23. Delectus Veterum. Theodor NÖldeke, 23. Democracy and Character. Canon Stephen, 31. Democracy, Socialism and, in Europe. Samuel P. Orth, 24. De Profundis Clamavi. Dr John Hunter, 15. Descriptive Sociology. Herbert Spencer, 31. Development of the Periodic Law. Venable, 33. Dipavamsa, The. Edited by Oldenberg, 7. Doctrine of the Atonement. A. Sabatier, 27. Dogma, History of. Adolf Harnack, 12. Dolomites, The, Practical Guide to, 11. Dresden and Environs, Guide to, 11. Dynamics of Particles. Webster, 33. Early Hebrew Story. John P. Peters, 24. Early Christian Conception. Otto Pfleiderer, 25. Early Development of Mohammedanism. Margoliouth, 21. Early Zoroastrianism. Moulton, 22. Echinus. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 42. Education. Herbert Spencer, 31. Education and Ethics. Emile Boutroux, 3. Egyptian Faith, The Old. Edouard Naville, 23. Eighth Year, The. Philip Gibbs, 10. Electric Furnace. H. Moisson, 22. Electricity. Prof. Gisbert Kapp, 16. Electrolysis of Water. V. Engelhardt, 8. Electrolytic Laboratories. Nissenson, 23. Eledone. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 43. Elementary Chemistry. Emery, 7. Elementary Organic Analysis. F. E. Benedict, 2. Elements of English Law. W. M. Geldart, 10. Engineering Chemistry. T. B. Stillman, 32. England and Germany, 8. English Language. L. P. Smith, 29. English Literature, MediÆval. W. P. Ker, 17. English Literature, Modern. G. H. Mair, 20. English, The Writing of. W. T. Brewster, 3. Enoch, Book of. C. Gill, 10. Ephesian Canonical Writings. Rt. Rev. A. V. Green, 10. Epitome of Synthetic Philosophy. F. H. Collins, 6. ErzÄhlungen. HÖfer, 35. Essays on the Social Gospel. Harnack and Herrmann, 12. Essays. Herbert Spencer, 31. Ethica. Prof. Simon Laurie, 19. Ethics, Data of. Herbert Spencer, 30. Ethics, Education and. Emile Boutroux, 3. Ethics. G. E. Moore, 22. Ethics, Principles of. Herbert Spencer, 30. Ethics of the Christian Life. Prof. T. Haering, 11. Ethics of Progress, The. Chas. F. Dole, 7. Ethiopic Grammar. A. Dillmann, 7. Eucken's Philosophy, An Interpretation of. W. Tudor Jones, 16. Euripides and His Age. Prof. Gilbert Murray, 41. Europe, MediÆval. H. W. C. Davis, 6. Evolution. Thomson and Geddes, 32. Evolution of Industry. Prof. D. H. Macgregor, 20. Evolution of Plants. Dr. D. H. Scott, 28. Evolution of Religion, The. L. R. Farnell, 9. Exploration, Polar. Dr W. S. Bruce, 4. Facts and Comments. Herbert Spencer, 31. Faith and Morals. W. Herrmann, 14. Fertility and Fertilisers. Halligan, 11. Fertilisers, Soil Fertility and. Halligan, 11. First Principles. Herbert Spencer, 30. First Three Gospels in Greek. Rev. Canon Colin Campbell, 4. Flower of Gloster, The. E. Temple Thurston, 32. Foundations of Duty, The. Bishop J. W. Diggle, 7. Four Gospels as Historical Records, 9. Four Gospels, Light on the. A. Smith Lewis, 19. Free Catholic Church. Rev. J. M. Thomas, 32. Freedom of Thought. Bury, 4. Freezing Point, The. Jones, 16. French Composition. Jas. BoÏelle, 3. French History, First Steps in. F. F. Roget, 26. French Language, Grammar of. EugÈne, 8. French Literature, Landmarks in. G. L. Strachey, 32. French Reader. Leon Delbos, 7. French Revolution, The. Hilaire Belloc, 2. Fundamental Truths of the Christian Religion. R. Seeberg, 28. Gammarus. Vide L.M.B.C Memoirs, 43. Gaul, Wall Map of, 18. General Language of the Incas of Peru. Sir Clements Markham, 21. Genesis and Evolution of the Soul. J. O. Bevan, 2. Genesis, Hebrew Text, 13. Geography, Modern. Dr M. Newbigin, 23. Geometry, Analytical, Elements of. Hardy, 12. German History, Noble Pages from. F. J. Gould, 10. German Literature, A Short Sketch of. V. Phillipps, B.A., 25. Germany, England and, 8. Germany of To-day. Tower, 32. Germany, The Literature of. Prof. J. G. Robertson, 26. Glimpses of Tennyson. A. G. Weld, 34. God and Life. Dr John Hunter, 15. Gospel of Rightness. C. E. Woods, 35. Gospels in Greek, First Three. Rev. Colin Campbell, 4. Grammar, Ethiopic. A. Dillman, 7. Greek-English Dictionary, Modern, 18. Greek Ideas, Lectures on. Rev. Dr. Hatch, 13. Greek, New Testament. Prof. Edouard Nestle, 23. Greek Religion, Higher Aspects of. L. R. Farnell, 9. Greeks: Hellenic Era, 31. Grieben's English Guides, 11. Gymnastics, Medical Indoor. Dr Schreber, 28. Harnack and his Oxford Critics. T. B. Saunders, 26. Health and Disease. Dr W. L. Mackenzie, 20. Hebrew, New School of Poets, 23. Hebrew Religion. W. E. Addis, 1. Hebrew Story. John P. Peters, 24. Hebrew Synonyms, Studies in. Rev. J. Kennedy, 17. Hebrew Texts, 13. Hellenistic Greeks. Mahaffy and Goligher, 31. Herbaceous Garden, The. Mrs P. Martineau, 21. Heredity in Relation to Eugenics. C. B. Davenport, 6. Hibbert Journal Supplement for 1909, entitled: Jesus or Christ? 14. Hibbert Journal, The, 14. Hibbert Lectures, 38. Highways and Byways in Literature. H. Farrie, 9. Historical Evidence for the Resurrection. Kirsopp Lake, 18. History of Dogma. Adolf Harnack, 12. History of England. A. F. Pollard, 25. History of Jesus of Nazara. Keim, 17. History of Our Time. G. P. Gooch, 10. History of Sacerdotal Celibacy. H. C. Lea, 19. History of War and Peace. Perris, 24. History of the Church. Hans von Schubert, 28. History of the Hebrews. R. Kittel, 18. History of the Literature of the O.T. E. Kautzsch, 17. History of the New Testament Times. A. Hausrath, 13. Holland, Practical Guide to, 11. Home University Library of Modern Knowledge, 39. House of Commons, The, from Within. Rt. Hon. R. Farquharson, 9. How to Teach the Bible. Rev. A. F. Mitchell, 22. Human Body, The. Prof. Arthur Keith, 17. Hygiene, Handbook of. D. G. Bergey, 2. Hymns of Duty and Faith. R. Crompton Jones, 16. Idolmakers, Among the. Prof. L. P. Jacks, 15. Immortality, Some Intimations of. Rt. Hon. Sir E. Fry, 9. Incarnate Purpose, The. G. H. Percival, 24. India, Peoples and Problems of. Sir T. W. Holderness, 14. Indian Buddhism. Rhys Davids, 6. Individual Soul, Genesis and Evolution of. J. O. Bevan, 2. Individualism and Collectivism. Dr C. W. Saleeby, 27. Indoor Gymnastics, Medical. Dr Schreber, 28. Industrial Remuneration, Methods of. David F. Schloss, 27. Infinitesimals and Limits. Hardy, 12. Influence of Greek Ideas upon the Christian Church. Rev. Dr Hatch, 13. Influence of Rome on Christianity. E. Renan, 26. Initiation into Philosophy. Emile Faguet, 9. Initiation into Literature. Faguet, 9. Inorganic Chemistry. J. L. Howe, 15. Inorganic Qualitative Chemical Analysis. Leavenworth, 19. Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy. W. Tudor Jones, 17. Introduction to Biblical Hebrew. Rev. J. Kennedy, 17. Introduction to the Greek New Testament. Prof. E. Nestle, 23. Introduction to the Old Testament. Prof. Carl Cornill, 5, 45. Introduction to the Preparation of Organic Compounds. Emil Fischer, 9. Introduction to Science. Prof. J. A. Thomson, 32. Irish Nationality. Mrs J. R. Green, 10. Isaiah, Hebrew Text, 13. Jacobite Liturgy. Connolly and Codrington, 44. Jesus. Wilhelm Bousset, 3. Jesus of Nazara. Keim, 17. Jesus or Christ? The Hibbert Journal Supplement for 1909, 14. Jesus, Sayings of. Adolf Harnack, 12. Job. Hebrew Text, 13. Job, Book of. G. H. Bateson Wright, 35. Job, Book of. Rabbinic Commentary on, 43. Johnson, Dr., and his Circle. John Bailey, 2. Journal of the Federated Malay States, 46. Journal of the Linnean Society. Botany and Zoology, 16. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club, 16. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, 16. Justice. Herbert Spencer, 31. Kantian Ethics. J. G. Schurman, 28. Kea, The. George R. Marriner, 21. Kiepert's New Atlas Antiquus, 18. Kiepert's Wall-Maps of the Ancient World. 17. King, The, to His People, 18. Kingdom, The Mineral. Dr Reinhard Brauns, 3. Knowledge and Life. Eucken, 8. Laboratory Experiments. Noyes and Mulliken, 23. Lakes of Northern Italy, Guide to, 11. Landmarks in French Literature. G. L. Strachey, 32. Latter Day Saints, The. Ruth and R. W. Kauffman, 16. Law, English, Elements of. W. M. Geldart, 10. Lays of Ancient Rome. Macaulay, 20. Leaves, All about. F. G. Heath, 13. Le Coup de Pistolet. MerimÉe, 22. Lepeophtheirus and Lernea. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 42. Les MisÉrables. Victor Hugo, 15. Letter to the "Preussische JahrbÜcher." Adolf Harnack, 12. Liberal Christianity. Jean RÉville, 26. Liberalism. Prof. L. T. Hobhouse, 14. Life and Matter. Sir O. Lodge, 19. Life of the Spirit, The. Rudolf Eucken, 8. Ligia. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 43. Lineus. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 42. Linnean Society of London, Journal of, 16. Literature, English MediÆval. Prof. W. P. Ker, 17. Literature, Highways and Byways in. Hugh Farrie, 9. Literature, Initiation into. Faguet, 9. Literature of Germany. Prof. J. G. Robertson, 26. Literature of the Old Testament. Kautzsch, 15; Prof. G. F. Moore, 42. Literature, The Victorian Age in. G. K. Chesterton, 5. Liverpool Marine Biology Committee Memoirs, 42. Liverpool Marine Biology Committee Memoirs, I.-XVII., 47. Logarithmic Tables. Schroen, 28. London. Sir L. Gomme, 10. London Library, Catalogue of, 20. London Library Subject Index, 20. Luke the Physician. Adolf Harnack, 12. Mad Shepherds, and other Studies. Prof. L. P. Jacks, 15. Mahabharata, Index to. S. Sorensen, 30. Making a Newspaper. John L. Given, 10. Making of the Earth. Prof. J. W. Gregory, 10. Making of the New Testament. Prof. B. W. Bacon, 1. Man and the Bible, J. A. Picton, 25. Man versus the State. Herbert Spencer, 31. Man's Origin, Destiny, and Duty. Hugh MacColl, 20. Maori, Lessons in. Right Rev. W. L. Williams, 34. Maori, New and Complete Manual of. Williams, 34. Marine Zoology of Okhamandal. Hornell, 15. Marxism versus Socialism. Simkhovitch, 29. Massoretic Text. Rev. Dr J. Taylor, 32. Master Mariners. J. R. Spears, 30. Mathematics, Introduction to. A. N. Whitehead, 34. Mathematics in China and Japan. Mikami, 22. MediÆval Europe. H. W. C. Davis, 6. Metallic Objects, Production of. Dr. W. Pfanhauser, 24. Metallurgy. Wysor, 35. Metaphysica Nova et Vetusta. Prof. Simon Laurie, 19. Midrash, Christianity in. Travers Herford, 13. MilindapaÑho, The. Edited by V. Trenckner, 22. Mineral Kingdom, The. Dr R. Brauns, 3. Mineralogy of Arizona. Guild, 11. Mission and Expansion of Christianity. Adolf Harnack, 12. Missions. Mrs Creighton, 6. Modern Greek-English Dictionary. A. Kyriakides, 18. Modern Materialism. Rev. Dr James Martineau, 21. Modernity and the Churches. Percy Gardner, 10. Mohammedanism. Prof. D. S. Margoliouth, 21. Molecular Weights. Methods of Determining. Henry Biltz, 3. Monasticism. Adolf Harnack, 12. Moorhouse Lectures. Vide Mercer's Soul of Progress, 21; Stephen, Democracy and Character, 31. Mormons, The. R. W. and Ruth Kauffman, 16. Motor and the Dynamo. J. L. Arnold, 1. Munich and Environs, Guide to, 11. My Life, Some Pages of. Bishop Boyd Carpenter, 4. My Struggle for Light. R. Wimmer, 35. Mystery of Newman. Henri Bremond, 3. Naples and Capri, Guide to, 11. Napoleon. H. A. L. Fisher, 9. National Idealism and State Church, 5; and the Book of Common Prayer, 5. Dr Stanton Coit. National Religions and Universal Religion. Dr A. Kuenen, 38. Native Religions of Mexico and Peru. Dr A. RÉville, 26. Naturalism and Religion. Dr Rudolf Otto, 24. Nautical Terms. L. Delbos, 7. Navy, The, and Sea Power. David Hannay, 11. Nervation of Plants. Francis Heath, 13. Nerves. Prof. D. F. Harris, 42. New Hebrew School of Poets. Edited by H. Brody and K. Albrecht, 23. New Testament, Making of. Prof. B. W. Bacon, 1. New Zealand Language, Dictionary of. Rt. Rev. W. L. Williams, 34. Newman, Mystery of. Henri Bremond, 3. Newspaper, Making a. John L. Given, 10. Newspaper, The. G. Binney Dibblee, 7. Nibelungenlied. Trans. W. L. Lettsom, 23. Noble Pages from German History. F. J. Gould, 10. Nonconformity. Its Origin, etc. Principal W. B. Selbie, 29. North Sea Watering-Places, Guide to, 11. Norway and Copenhagen, Practical Guide to, 11. Norwegian Sagas translated into English, 27. Notre Dame de Paris. Victor Hugo, 15. Nuremberg and Rothenburg, Guide to, 11. Ocean, The. Sir John Murray, 42. Old French, Introduction to. F. F. Roget, 26. Ostend, Guide to, 11. Old Syriac Gospels. Mrs A. Smith Lewis, 19. Old Testament in the Light of the East. Jeremias, 15. Old Testament, Canonical Books of Cornill, 6. Old Testament, Prophets of. Ewald, 8. Old World, The, Wall Map of, 17. Ophthalmic Test Types. Snellen's, 29. Optical Rotating Power. Hans Landolt, 19. "Opus Majus" of Roger Bacon, 2. Organic Analysis. Benedict, 2. Organic Chemistry. A. A. Noyes, 23. Organic Compounds. Emil Fischer, 9. Origin and Growth of Religion. C. G. Montefiore, 22. Origin and Nature of Life. Prof. Benjamin Moore, 22. Outlines of Church History. Von Schubert, 28. Outlines of Psychology. Wilhelm Wundt, 35. Pages of my Life, Some. Bishop Boyd Carpenter, 4. Pacific, The, Problems of. Frank Fox, 9. Pali Miscellany. V. Trenckner, 33. Papacy and Modern Times. Rev. Dr Wm. Barry, 2. Para Rubber Cultivation. Mathieu, 21. Parliament, Its History, Constitution, and Practice. Ilbert, 15. Pascal, Blaise. H. R. Jordan, 16. Paulinism. Otto Pfleiderer, 25. Pecton. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 43. Persian Empire, Wall Map of, 17. Persian Language, A Grammar of. J. T. Platts, 25. Pharisaism, R. Travers Herford, 13. Philo JudÆus. Dr Drummond, 7. Philosophy, a New. Edouard Le Roy, 19. Philosophy, Initiation into. Emile Faguet, 9. Philosophy of Religion. Otto Pfleiderer, 25. Plant Life. Farmer, 9. Plants, Nervation of. Francis Heath, 13. Pleuronectes. Vide L.M.B.C Memoirs, 42. Pocket Flora of Edinburgh. C. O. Sonntag, 30. Polar Exploration. Dr W. S. Bruce, 4. Political Economy, Elements of. Prof. S. J. Chapman, 4. Polychaet Larvae. Vide L.M.B.C. Memoirs, 43. Portland Cement. Richard K. Meade, 21. Prayers for Christian Worship. Sadler, 27. Prehistoric Britain. R, Munro, 42. Prehistoric Times. Lord Avebury, 1. Present Day Ethics. Eucken, 8. Primitive Christianity. Otto Pfleiderer, 25. Princess, The. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 32. Principles of Physiology. Prof. J. G. MacKendrick, 20. Printing at Brescia. R. A. Peddie, 24. Prison, The. H. B. Brewster, 3. Problems of Philosophy. Hon. Bertrand Russell, 27. Problems of the Pacific. Frank Fox, 9. Problems of Village Life. E. N. Bennett, 42. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 25. Proceedings of the Optical Convention, 26. Prolegomena. Dr A. RÉville, 26. Protestantism and Progress. Ernst Troeltsch, 33. Psalms, Commentary on. Ewald, 8. Psalms, Hebrew Text, 13. Psychical Research. Sir W. F. Barrett, 2. Psychology. Prof. W. McDougall, 20. Psychology, Principles of, Spencer, 30; Outlines of, Wundt, 35. Public Schools and the Empire. Rev. Dr H. B. Gray, 10. Qualitative Analysis, Notes on. Prof. W. P. Mason, 21. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Gilman, 10. Quest, The, Dorothea Hollins, 14. Reasons for Dissenting from the Philosophy of M. Comte. Herbert Spencer, 31. Recollections of a Scottish Novelist. Mrs L. B. Walford, 33. Reconstruction and Union. Paul Leland Haworth, 13. Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. Rev. Dr C. Beard, 2. Refutation of Mani, Marcion, and Bardaisan. Rev. C. W. Mitchell, 20, 43. Reinforced Concrete in Europe. Colby, 5. Rejoinder to Prof. Weismann. Spencer, 30. Relation between Ethics and Religion. Rev. Dr James Martineau, 21. Religion and Modern Culture. Auguste Sabatier, 27. Religion, Comparative. Principal J. E. Carpenter, 4. Religion, Evolution of. L. R. Farnell, 9. Religion, Truth of. Rudolf Eucken, 8. Religion of Ancient Egypt. Renouf, 26. Religion of the Ancient Hebrews. C. G. Montefiore, 22. Religion of Israel. Kuenen, 18. Religion of the Old Testament. Marti, 21. Religions of Ancient Babylonia and Assyria. Prof. A. H. Sayce, 27. Religions of Authority and the Spirit. Auguste Sabatier, 27. Religious Experience of St. Paul. Prof. P. Gardner, 10. Religious Liberty. Professor Ruffini, 27. Revolution, The French. Hilaire Belloc, 2. Rhine, The, Guide to, 11. Ring of Pope Xystus, 6. Riviera, The, Practical Guide to, 11. Rock Gardens. L. B. Meredith, 22. Roman Empire, Wall Map of, 17. Rome. W. Warde Fowler, 9. Rothenberg and Nuremberg, Guide to, 11. Sacerdotal Celibacy. Henry Chas. Lea, 19. Sagas of Olaf Tryggvason and Harold the Tyrant, 27. Sailors' Horn Book. H. Piddington, 25. Sayings of Jesus, The. Adolf Harnack, 12. School Teaching and School Reform. Sir O. Lodge, 19. School, The. Prof. J. J. Findlay, 9. Shakespeare. John Masefield, 21. Science of Wealth. J. A. Hobson, 14. Science, Matter, and Immortality. R. C. Macfie, 20. Scientific Study of the Old Testament. R. Kittel, 18. Seasons, The: An Anthology. H. and L. Melville, 21. Second Year Chemistry. Edward Hart, 13. Seeds and Fruits, Studies in. H. B. Guppy, 11. Seger. Collected Writings, 28. Sentimental Journey. Laurence Sterne, 31. Seven-Figure Logarithms. L. Schroen, 28. Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, Letters of, 43. Short History of the Hebrew Text. T. H. Weir, 34. Silva Gadelica. Standish H. O'Grady, 24. Social Gospel, Essays on the, 12. Social Idealism. R. Dimsdale Stocker, 32. Social Insurance. Rubinow, 27. Social Statics. Herbert Spencer, 31. Socialism and Democracy in Europe. Samuel P. Orth, 24. Social and Political Reminiscences. Southwark, 30. Socialist Movement, The. J. R. MacDonald, 20. Sociology, Descriptive. Herbert Spencer, 31. Sociology, Principles of. Herbert Spencer, 30. Sociology, Study of. Herbert Spencer, 31. Soil, Fertility, and Fertilisers. Halligan, 31. Soils. Vide Wiley's Agricultural Analysis, 34. Soils and Fertilisers. Snyder, 29. Soliloquies of St Augustine. Cleveland, 30. Soul of Progress. Bishop Mercer, 21. Spencer, Herbert, Life and Letters of. D. Duncan, 7. Spinal Cord, Topographical Atlas of. Alex. Bruce, M.A., etc., 4. Spirit, The Life of the. Rudolf Eucken, 8. Spiritual Message of Dante, The. Bishop Boyd Carpenter, 4. St Paul, The Religious Experience of. Prof. P. Gardner, 10. Statuette, The, and the Background. H. B. Brewster, 3. Statutes, The, of the Apostles. G. Horner, 31. Stereochemistry, Elements of. Hantzsch, 11. Stock Exchange, The. F. W. Hirst, 14. Storms. H. Piddington, 25. Studies in Seeds and Fruits. H. B. Guppy, 11. Study of the Atom. Venable, 33. Subject-Index to London Library Catalogue, 20. Super-Organic Evolution. Dr Enrique Lluria, 19. Symbolic Logic. A. T. Shearman, 29. Symbolism, Lost Language of. Harold Bayley, 2. Synoptic Gospels, The Date of the. Adolf Harnack, 12. Synthetic Philosophy, Epitome of. F. H. Collins, 5. Syriac Grammar. Theodor NÖldeke, 23. System of Synthetic Philosophy. Herbert Spencer, 30. Talmud and Midrash, Christianity in. R. Travers Herford, 13. Taylor, General Sir Alexander. A Memoir by his Daughter, 32. Ten Services and Psalms and Canticles, 32. Testament, Old. Canonical Books of, 5; Religions of, 21; Cuneiform Inscriptions, 27; Hebrew Text, Weir, 34; Literature, 17. Testament, The New, Critical Notes on. C. Tischendorf, 32. Testament Times, New, 13; Acts of the Apostles, 12; Apologetic of, 28; Books of the, 29; Luke the Physician, 12; Textual Criticism, 23. Text and Translation Society, Works by, 43. Theological Translation Library, 44. Theories of Anarchy and of Law. H. B. Brewster, 3. Thermometer, History of the. Bolton, 3. Tourist Guides. Grieben's, 11. Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society, 33. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, 33. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 33. Truth, The, of Religion. Eucken, 8. Unemployment. Prof. A. C. Pigou, 25. Unionist Policy. Rt. Hon. F. E. Smith, 29. Universal Christ. Rev. Dr. C. Beard, 2. Universalism Asserted. Rev. Thos. Allin, 1. Urine Analysis, A Text-Book of. Long, 20. Vaillante, Vincent, 35. Various Fragments. Herbert Spencer, 31. Veiled Figure, The, 33. Via, Veritas, Vita. Dr. Drummond, 7. Victorian Age in Literature. G. K. Chesterton, 5. Virgin Birth of Christ. Paul Lobstein, 19. Vocabularies of the General Language of the Incas of Peru. Sir Clements Markham, 21. Vulgate, The. Rev. G. Henslow, 13. Wall Maps of the Ancient World. Kiepert, 17. Warfare in England. Hilaire Belloc, 2. Was Israel ever in Egypt? G. H. B. Wright, 35. Water, Electrolysis of. Engelhardt, 8. Weather, Climate and. Prof. H. N. Dickson, 7. What is Christianity? Adolf Harnack, 12. Winter Sports in Switzerland, Guide to, 11. Within, Thoughts during Convalescence. Sir Francis Younghusband, 35. Women's Suffrage. Helen Blackburn, 3. World, The Old, Wall Map of, 17. Writers, Great, of America. Profs. Trent and Erskine, 8, 33. Writing of English. Brewster, 3. Zoroastrianism. Moulton, 22. PRINTED BY NEILL AND CO., LTD., EDINBURGH. |