Abahu, R., 265. -
Abraham, 219, 220, 239. -
Akiba, R., 32, 51, 52, 90, 153, 154, 249, 267. -
Am-ha-aretz, 46-47. -
Antiochus Epiphanes, 38. -
Apocalyptists, 6. -
Augustine, 90, 217. -
Authority, seat of, in Pharisaism, 314-317. -
Bacher, W., 232 n. -
Bar Coch'ba, 50. -
Belief, heads of Pharisaic, 251-255. -
Character, Pharisaic ideal of, 326-331. -
Christianity, a protest and revolt, 14. -
founded on a Person, 171. -
Circumcision, 30. -
Common ground of Jesus and Pharisees, 116-127. -
Conscience, function of, in Pharisaism, 314. -
Corban, 141, 156-161 n. -
Divorce, 141, 153-156. -
Eighteen Benedictions (see Shemoneh Esreh). -
Eisenmenger, 332. -
Elders, Tradition of the, 48, 52, 93, 135, 137, 229. -
Eleazar, R., 211. -
b. Dordaia, 212. -
Eliezer b. Horkenos, R., 121, 159. -
Elisha b. Abujah, 264. -
Essenes, 6, 46, 48. -
Exile, the, 8, 10, 64. -
Ezekiel, 64, 134. -
Ezra, 5, 7, 8-28, 62, 74. -
Faith, 218, 219. -
Father in Heaven, 120-124. -
Gabriel, 263. -
Gamaliel, R., 164. -
Gemara, 54. -
Germans, in the Talmud, 7. -
God, Pharisaic conception of, 251-252, 259-267. -
Goths, in the Talmud, 7. -
Greece, influence of, 34-38. -
?aber, 107, 288 n. -
?aburoth, 107. -
Haggadah, 91, 96 n., 226 and Ch. V passim, 240-242. -
Halachah, 27, 90, 91, 96-104, 189 n., 230, 231, 243. -
?asidim, 37-40. -
Heaven, 254. -
Hedge, for the Torah, 22, 26-28. -
Hell, 254. -
Hellenism, 6, 36-38, 208. -
?ija, R., 5, 308. -
Hillel, 5,49, 153, 164, 238. -
Hypocrites, 165-167. -
Ibn Gebirol, 285. -
Jabneh, 49, 50, 51. -
Jannai, R., 307. -
Jehudah b. Baba, R., 51. -
ha-Kadosh (see Rabbi). -
ha-Levi, 285. -
Jesus, 112 and Ch. III passim. -
Jo?anan b. Zaccai, 49, 104, 121, 164. -
R. (third century), 301, 306. -
John the Baptist, 117, 128, 129. -
Joshua b. Levi, R., 248. -
Kingdom of Heaven, 117, 129, 130, 144. -
Law (N??? [Greek: NÓmos]), 58, 183 n., 194, 195, 200. -
Levites, 16. -
Lightfoot, 332. -
Logos, the, 264. -
Lord's Prayer, the, 118. -
Maccabees, the, 31, 36, 38-39. -
Maimonides, 217, 235. -
Manasseh, King, 213-215. -
Mattathias, 38, 39. -
Mediator, 259, 263-264. -
Megillath Taanith, 45. -
Meir, R., 52. -
Memra, 264. -
Merit, 276-279. -
of the Fathers, 213, 279. -
Messiah, the, 142, 143, 250, 253, 254, 256. -
Metatron, 264-265. -
Michael, 263. -
Midrash, 55. -
Mishnah, 48, 53, 54, 102, 158, 160. -
Mitzvah (Mitzvoth), 103-104, 196, 197, 271-276. -
Moses, 11, 60. -
Nehemiah, 9, 13, 19. -
R., 219. -
Nicodemus, 196 n. -
Particularism, 322-325. -
Paul, 172, Ch. IV passim, 266. -
Pentateuch, the, 63, 94, 113, 228. -
Persia, 34. -
Pharisees, Pharisaism, passim. -
Prayer, Book of Common, 304, 305. -
the Lord's, 118. -
Prayers, Pharisaic, 298-310. -
Priest, the High, 44. -
Priests, 132. -
Prophets, the, 65, 73. -
Psalms, Book of, 84-87. -
Rab, 104. -
Rabbi (Jehudah ha-Kadosh), 52, 249. -
Repentance, 210-216. -
Resh Lakish, 5. -
Retribution, 267. -
Reward, 267-276. -
Sabbath, 30, 67, 104, 141, 146-152. -
Sadducees, the, 6, 41, 43, 45, 48. -
Sanhedrin, the, 21, 44. -
Scribes (see Sopherim). -
Separation, policy of, 67-74. -
Sermon on the Mount, the, 117-118. -
Shammai, 153, 238. -
Shechinah, the, 264, 274. -
Shemoneh Esreh, the, 298-299. -
Shul?an Aruch, 231 n. -
Sin, the Unpardonable, 150 n. -
Sopherim (Scribes), 16, 17, 20, 21, 29, 31, 42, 92, 132. -
Spirit, the Holy, 218-220, 264. -
Synagogue (place of meeting), 29, 30, 31, 78-84, 207. -
the Great, 18-28, 43, 89, 298. -
Talmud, the, 3, 4, 7, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 54, 55, 77, 93, 115, 120, 122, 151 n., 154, 218, 226, 231 n., 248, 249, 260, 264, 284, 285, 298, 303, 304, 306, 321, 322. -
Tan?um b. Iscolastiki, 308. -
Temple, the, 8, 30, 44, 48, 50, 80, 81, 256. -
Theology, Pharisaic, Ch. V. passim. -
Theology, Pharisaic, not a system, 233-237. -
Torah, passim, but especially Ch. II -
meaning of the term, 58-61. -
Tosephta, 53. -
Tradition (see Elders). -
Uniformity of belief, not required, 234. -
Unpardonable Sin, the, 150 n. -
Vows, 157-159. -
Wagenseil, 332. -
Weber, F., 77, 126, 227, 235, 236, 260. -
Wise, the, 50, 65 n. -
Zadok, R., 159. -
Zugoth, the, 21.