In a fairy forest known To the fairy-folk alone, Where the grasses meet and spread Like a green roof overhead, Where the dandelion-tree Towers tall as tall can be, And the ferns lift up their high Fairy ladders to the sky, For the elves to climb upon— Here are merry goings-on. From the forest far and near All the fairy-folk are here, For to-day there is to be Music ’neath the daisy-tree. And the creatures of the wood, One and all, have been so good And obliging as to say, They will gladly come and play For the elves a serenade, In the fairy forest glade. All the little birds have come; And the bumblebees that hum; And the gnats that twang the lute; And the frogs that play the flute; And the kind of frog whose toots Seem to come from out his boots; And the great big green and yellow Frog that plays upon the ’cello; And the katydid, in green, Who is oftener heard than seen; With the little ladybird Who is oftener seen than heard; And the cricket, never still With his lively legs and trill. And, in short, each forest thing That can hum, or buzz, or sing, Each and all have come to play For the little elves to-day. Now the crawfish takes the stand To conduct the fairy band. First there is a moment’s pause, Then the leader lifts his claws, Waves his wand, and—one, two, three! All at once, from gnat and bee, Frog, and katydid, and bird Such a melody is heard That the elves and fairies wee, Clapping little hands with glee, Make their mushroom seat to sway In a very risky way. And the creatures in delight Play away with all their might, Feeling very justly proud That the elves applaud so loud. Now the sun is getting low, And the elves to bed must go Ere the sleepy flowers close In whose petals they repose; For if they were late they might Have to stay outside all night. So the last good-byes are said; Every one goes home to bed; And the creatures as they fly Play a fairy lullaby, Growing faint and fainter still, Fainter and more faint, until All is silent—and the shade Creeps upon the fairy glade. Transcriber’s Note:Obvious printer errors corrected silently. Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation are as in the original. |