The Deceitful Dormice.


A sleepy Dormouse who had passed
The winter in her nest,
Hearing that spring had come at last,
Got up at once and dressed,
And, hastening from her downy house
To hail the new spring day,
She ran against another mouse
That lived across the way.

The shock was such, at first the two
Could scarcely speak for lack
Of breath. Then each cried, “Oh, it’s you!!
Why, when did you get back?”
“I’ve only just return’d, my dear,”
The sleepy Dormouse said,
“From Florida—the winters here,
You know, affect my head.”
“Have you, indeed?” exclaimed her friend.
“I’m glad to see you home.
I, too, have just returned—I spend
My winters down in Rome.”
With many pawshakes then, at last
They parted—each to say,
“I wonder where that creature passed
The winter—anyway!”


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