Journal Lost—Thirty enter with Jones—Joins the Alliance—Arrive at L’Orient with Prize—Second Cruise—Journal Lost—Extracts from Paul Jones’ Life—At Dr. Franklin’s House—Joins again the Alliance—Sails Home. [The journal of their passage to France is lost. The next record that is preserved, presents Mr. Herbert to us at Nantes, situated on the river Loire, in the south-western part of France.] April 12. We lay here under pay, from the 5th of this month; have our board paid, and have nothing to do but walk about town. I have tried, but can get no labor, as business is very much stagnated here. Nearly forty sail of merchantmen are hauled up, and lay idle in this port. 14. About forty of our men have entered with Captain Jones, for twelve months, and this morning they set out for L’Orient, about seventy-five miles distant, by land. 28. This day I received from Mr. Odaire, sixteen livres, which, including the four crowns before received, amounts to forty livres, which is a month’s pay. 30. This day we embarked on board the Alliance. May 16. This day we sailed for L’Orient. August 14. Having repaired our ships, and got a clean bottom, we sailed this day for L’Orient on a cruise with Captain Jones, two French frigates, two brigs, and a cutter. With this fleet we made the best of our way to Ireland. On our passage, we took in company a ship; soon after, Captain Jones took a brig laden with provisions. A few days after, we made Ireland. Upon making land, Captain Jones took a brig from Newfoundland, laden with oil and blubber, and after cruizing a few days along shore, we parted from the fleet in a gale of wind. [From Paul Jones to Dr. Franklin.] On board the ship Serapis, at anchor without the Texel, in Holland, Oct. 3d, 1779. } His Excellency Benjamin Franklin. Honored and Dear Sir, When I had the honor of writing to you on the 11th of August, previous to my departure from the Road of Groaix, I had before me the most flattering prospect of rendering essential service to the common cause of France and America. I had a full confidence in the voluntary inclination and ability of every captain under my command to assist and support me in my duty with cheerful emulation; and I was pursuaded that every one of them would pursue glory in preference to interest. Whether I was, or was not deceived, will best appear by a relation of circumstances. The little squadron under my orders, consisting of the Bon homme Richard, of 40 guns, the Alliance, of 36 guns, the Pallas, of 32 guns, the Cerf, of 18 guns, and the Vengeance, of 12 guns, joined by two privateers, the Monsieur and the Granville, sailed from the Road of Groaix at day-break on the 14th of August. The evening of the 26th brought with it stormy weather, with the appearance of a severe gale from the S. W. The gale continued to increase in the night, with thick weather. To prevent separation, I carried a top-light, and fired a gun every quarter of an hour. I carried, also, On the 31st, we saw the Flamie Islands situated near the Lewis, on the N. W. coast of Scotland; and the next morning, off Cape Wrath, we gave chase to a ship to windward; at the same time two ships appeared in the N. W. quarter which proved to be the Alliance and a prize ship which she had taken, bound, as I understand, from Liverpool to Jamaica. The ship which I chased brought too at noon; she proved to be the Union letter of marque, bound from London to Quebec, with a cargo of naval stores on account of government, adapted for the service of the British armed vessels on the lakes. The public despatches were lost, as the Alliance very imprudently hoisted American colors, though English colors were then flying on board the Bon homme Richard. Captain Landais sent a small boat to ask whether I would man the ship or he should, as in the latter case he would suffer no boat nor person from the Bon homme Richard to go near the prize. Ridiculous as this appeared to me, I yielded to it for the sake of peace, and received the prisoners on board the Bon homme Richard, while the prize was manned from the Alliance. On the morning of the 4th, the Alliance appeared again, and had brought too two very small coasting Two rich Letters of Marque were taken off the coast of Scotland, and Captain Landais took upon himself, even under my very nose, and without my knowledge, to order them to Bergen, in Norway, where they were given up to the English.—Paul Jones to the Board of Admiralty. Three of their prizes sent into Bergen, in Norway, were, at the instance of the British minister, seized by order of the court of Denmark, and delivered up to him.—Letter from Dr. Franklin to Samuel Huntington, Esq. President of Congress. The following letter from Dr. Franklin to Paul Jones, shows the value of those prizes, taken and delivered up as above. There can be no doubt that Mr. Herbert Havre, July 21st, 1785. The Hon. Paul Jones. Dear Sir,—The offer of which you desire I would give you the particulars, was made to me by M. le Baron de Waltersdorff, in behalf of His Majesty the King of Denmark, by whose ministers he said he was authorised to make it. It was to give the sum of ten thousand pounds sterling, as a compensation for having delivered up the prizes to the English. I did not accept it, conceiving it much too small a sum, they having been valued to me at sixty thousand pounds. I wrote to Mr. Hodgson, an insurer in London, requesting he would procure information of the sums insured on those Canada ships. His answer was, that he could find no traces of such insurance, and he believed none was made, for the government, on whose account they were said to be loaded with military stores, never insured.—But, by the best judgment he could make, he thought they might be worth about sixteen or eighteen thousand pounds each. By the following letter it will be seen that Bergen was one of the places designated by Dr. Franklin, for sending prizes to. Passy, June 30th, 1779. Hon. Captain Jones. Dear Sir,—The prizes you may make, send to Dunkirk, Ostend, or Bergen, in Norway, according to your proximity to either of those ports. 8. This day I received a pair of shoes, in balance of four shillings due me as wages. 25. This day I received half a guinea of a Scotchman, for which I gave him eleven shillings. March 4. This morning arrived here from Virginia, a ship laden with tobacco, under French colors. 18. Fortunately I have got another guinea for which I paid only twenty-one shillings. 21. This day I received a pair of shoes, at five shillings. April 1. I have received one shilling and sixpence for repairing shoes. 5. This day I received of Captain Thomas White, in behalf of wages due, four Rix dollars, each valued at four shillings stirling. I have worked several days on board the before-mentioned 10. This day I received of Captain Thomas White, two pounds six shillings and sevenpence halfpenny, stirling, which was the ballance due me for clothing which I was charged with, but did not receive—all of which was given by the King of Denmark. The occasion of this was, that when we were turned on shore, many of our men were in want of clothing. Our officers interceded for them, and procured the amount of four pounds four shillings sterling each; and as I received only a trifle in clothing, I received the remainder in money. 11. This day we embarked on board a gallion, of about seventy tons, found and provisioned by the King of Denmark, to carry us to Dunkirk, after boarding us here nearly six months. 19. This day we sailed from Bergen, after being there seven months and five days. May 4. We arrived at Dunkirk, after a passage of seventeen days. 5. To-day I received of Captain Thomas White, forty livres, in behalf of wages due. 16. We set out to travel to Paris, which is one hundred and eighty miles, having a wagon to carry our baggage, and received eighteen livres 21. This day, about eight o’clock in the morning, we arrived in the city of Paris, after a pleasant journey of more than three days, through Flanders into France and Paris. After we arrived at Paris we put up our horses, and stopped not either to eat or to drink, but made the best of our way to Passy, about four miles from Paris, where Dr. Franklin resides. After we came to Dr. Franklin’s house and had a little conversation with him, he ordered his servants to get us breakfast, which we eat in his house, and likewise dinner. The Dr. sent his servants to provide lodgings for us, which he could not procure, on account of the King and Queen, and all the nobility, being in town, and all the public houses being taken up; therefore we carried our luggage to Dr. Franklin’s house, where we were well entertained; and here we saw Mr. Adams and Mr. Dean. We procured lodgings for ourselves in the afternoon. The gentleman who owns the house where Dr. Franklin resides, ordered one of his servants to show us his gardens, to guide us through the town, and show us the King and Queen and all the nobility; these we have seen twice to-day, as they passed through the town, besides many other curious objects, both in Paris and Passy. [Footnote E: The widow of Mr. Herbert has now in her possession a crown piece, which her husband received of Dr. Franklin, at this time.] 24. This day we commenced our journey to L’Orient. June 5. We arrived at L’Orient. 7. To-day I went on board the Alliance. 8. We sailed in the Alliance for America, in company with a ship, a brig, a schooner and a lugger. Also, I received this day of the purser, on board the Alliance, two shirts, one pair of shoes, a pair of trousers and a knife. July 10. This day I received of the purser, one outside jacket. August 13. We made land, which proved to be Cape Ann, having a passage of thirty-eight days, from land to land. I left the Alliance, August 21st, and arrived home at Newbury, August 23d, 1780. |