Cruel purposes of the Ministry—Petition for Pardon—Mr. Salter’s Escape—Cruel Act renewed—Last of the Donation—Solemn Covenant—Sorrowful Christmas—Court Martial—Another Hole—Great plan for a general Elopement—Arrangement of Escape—Plan put in execution—Wandering in the Fields—Lost—Limb out of joint—Surprise—Carried to Plymouth—Number escaped, 109—How discovered—Punishment—A sorrowful New Year—Extreme Suffering—Good Friends—New Year’s Gift—Not discouraged digging—Large Fleets—Captain Boardman escapes—A Reprieve for a Dog—Heavy Bounty for Prisoners. December 20. We learn, by the papers, that the ministry are resolved to carry on another campaign in America; and, if they can do nothing else, spread horror and depredation from one end of the continent to the other. They have a new mode for carrying on the war; as I believe they have given up all idea of conquering the country. They mean now, to destroy their seaports, and render the country of as little use to France as possible; but poor old England is in a deplorable situation, and this, I believe, will be her last dying struggle. 21. There has been no answer to the last petition that was sent to the Board; and to-day another petition was written and signed by a considerable number. This short allowance strikes such a dread upon a great number in this prison, that I am afraid it will frighten many, and induce them to go on board the men-of-war, who otherwise would have no thoughts of going. For my own part, I have received about a half a guinea for boxes, of late, but if I had not a farthing it would be equally the same, for as long as I can get provision enough to keep body and soul together, I shall prefer this prison to a man-of-war. 22. Last evening Mr. Salter made his escape from the officers’ prison. Captain Boardman attempted it, but was discovered, and put in the Black-hole. We learn, by the papers, that the high treason Act is again renewed; for how long a time, is uncertain. 23. To-day Mr. Heath came and served out the remainder of the clothes, that were left of the donation. I received only a pair of shoes. This is 24. It is two years to-day since we were taken. To-day a paper was drawn up in prison, to discover who and how many were of a side, and to hasten those who have a desire to petition, and to prevent petitioning hereafter; for we have reason to think it has already been of great damage to us. The contents of the paper were as follows: “We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do, of our own free and voluntary consent, agree firmly with each other, and hereby solemnly swear, that we are fully determined to stand, and so remain as long as we live, true and loyal to our Congress, our country, our wives, children and friends, and never to petition to enter on board any of His Britannic Majesty’s ships or vessels, or into any of his services whatsoever.” The above was signed by upwards of a hundred. I was one of the number. Some of the number that did not sign this, would not go on board of a man-of-war any sooner than those that did sign it. 25. This is Christmas, and a sorrowful one it is, though we had sent us, by our friends without, 26. We learn, by the papers, that Admiral Keppel is to receive a trial by court martial, for his behavior on the 27th of July last, in an engagement with the French fleet, off Brest. He is confined to his house, with two sentries at his door. 27. Sunday. At this time, we have a hole in hand, which we began near a month ago. This hole is dug down by the side of the prison, about nine feet perpendicular, and from thence it is dug about fifteen feet under ground, across a road; and our intention is to dig up into a garden on the other side of the way. A great quantity of dirt has already come out of this hole, and we have much trouble in concealing it. We have filled every hole and corner in the prison where we can with safety hide it, and a great many large stones are laid fore and aft the prison, in piles, under our hammocks, with old garments laid over them.—There has been so many holes discovered of late, in this prison, that we are very cautious how we proceed with this. We work only when the militia 28. We have now got the hole almost completed, and mean to put our plan into execution to-night, and I hope God will be with us. Never did I know the true value of money until now; if I had four or five guineas, I could scarcely have a doubt of my liberty; but from the want of this I expect to be brought back again if I should have the good fortune to get out. While I now write, we are dividing ourselves into companies, to cast lots who shall go out first, so as to give every one an equal chance that intends to go; except three that dug the hole—they are to go first. I believe that nearly one half in prison intend to go, if possible; but I fear that but very few will get out before we shall be discovered, on account of their being four walls to get over, about eight feet high, each, after we get into the garden, and before we get into the road. 29. Last night we opened the hole and shut it up again, until about twelve o’clock. We then opened it again, and a man went out and opened a window in the first wall. We likewise chose two of the principal men in prison, that did not intend to go, to take the list of each company, and stand one upon each side the hole, to see that every 30. Last night and to-day, about forty more were brought back, and those in the Black-hole taken out, and all put on half allowance. 31. To-day a number more were brought back, and those of us who are on short allowance, are divided into messes, eight men in a mess, all to sit down to a four pound loaf, and three pounds of beef, before it is cooked, a bowl of broth, and a January 1, 1779. This is a new year, and a sorrowful one it is, though our friends sent us a white loaf to every mess on full allowance, and would have sent one to those on half allowance, but our cruel agent would not let it come in. This so vexed us that we went and reasoned the case with him, and he at last consented to let it come in, if it was intended only as a new year’s gift. We have also received greens, for four days past, instead of cabbage or peas, which is not half so good as either. We have to-day written a petition to the Board to see if they will grant us peas, and another, to see if they will favor us in regard to provision or time, while on half allowance. Two more men were brought back this afternoon. As yet, I have not got over my frolic. My knee is stiff where I put it out of joint. My hands are sore, being torn with burs. In short, I have not got a place about me the size of a halfpenny, but what is stiff and sore. 2. To-day we wrote a note to Mr. Heath, to let him know that Mr. Coudry had consented to let a loaf come in to each mess on half allowance, as a new year’s gift. Also, to-day the agent served out 3. Sunday. In answer to the note we sent yesterday, to Mr. Heath, we received a white loaf to each mess on half allowance, and the generosity of our friends led them to send us a sixpenny loaf, which make our hearts glad. 4. Notwithstanding there are so many of us on half allowance, it does not discourage us from digging, for yesterday we began another hole, and last night it was unfortunately discovered. This afternoon another man was brought back, who had got as far as Torbay, where he saw three hundred sail of vessels, in three fleets, one of which was bound to New York, one to Halifax, and the other to the West Indies, most of them with provisions, and some troops. 5. Last night, Captain Boardman made his escape from the officers’ prison, and as there has been none brought back to-day, it gives us reason to hope, that those who are now out, will escape from this detested place. The number not yet returned is twenty-four, as eighty-five out of one hundred and nine have been brought back again. 7. To-day a gentleman came to the gate and gave in a crown, to be divided among ninety of us in prison, who are on half allowance. This crown gains a reprieve for a dog, which keeps in the yard and belongs to some of the officers on guard. This dog we are resolved to kill and eat, in a few days, as necessity will oblige us to do so. This evening two more men were brought back, who went out on the 28th of December. They were taken about forty miles distant, at a place called Exmouth. There are now only twenty-two out, as eighty-seven have been brought back. We are told that five pounds a head is given for every one that is taken up; if so, it has cost government four hundred and thirty-five pounds for the eighty-seven that are brought back. |