"The quartermaster fired his two pistols, and the man fell" Frontispiece
"The two valets had at night carried off his body" 4
"Lower your flag or I will sink you" 10
"It is I, Peter Vignerolles" 14
"Running forward, stepped into the water" 29
"Open the cover a little way to look at the compass" 36
"At them, lads" 39
"We buried them at the spot that we agreed on" 48
"Stab you under the shoulder in a dark alley" 61
"Kiss my hand—do something lover-like" 68
"I want your company" 74
"Fighting across the body of a third who lay prone and prostrate
with Giles' foot upon his body"
"This is the son of your king. I charge you with his care" 96
"Master Peel," she cried; "the house is empty and all in disorder" 108
"I shouted, and tried to reach my dagger" 116
"I got a fair blow at him from aloft" 119
"Knocked him fairly off his legs" 131
"I shall try to stop them" 137
"Major Warrington?" he said 146
"You are our prisoner" 155
"The sight and sounds that met him were such as he had never
before encountered"
"The woman shrank from him" 174
"The quartermaster fired his two pistols, and the man fell" 180
"You have come back to your senses, eh?" 189
"That hand no good—cut thumb off" 198
"Jist tie my 'ands agin, will yer, Tom?" 203
"The two men met like conflicting whirlwinds" 215
"Is it a h'angel?" 222
"Kittie, who played a much stronger game" 230
"You may have a visit from the blackguards before the night's out" 235
"The passing of a body of Mashona or Matabele warriors
on the warpath"
"Bruce felt impelled to look upon Uncle Ben's body once
more before leaving it"
"The lad picked up a stone to throw at the evil-looking creature" 265
"Suddenly there arose a wild yell aloft of 'Man overboard!'" 272
"Ned seemed to stumble or throw himself backwards over the
gunwale of the boat"
"I met with nothing remarkable until I reached its farther extremity" 291
"You'll know me when you next see me" 305
"Good sport! good sport!" 310
"In a second he would have torn Lindsay to pieces" 315
"He sh


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