"It is a side of the slavery question of which Northern people knew nothing."—John A. Cockerill, N. Y. Advertiser. "Strong and picturesque sketches of camp and field in the days of the Civil War."—San Francisco Chronicle. "The book is being dramatized by Mr. James A. Herne, the well-known actor, author and manager."—N. Y. Press. "It tells a splendid story."—Journal, Columbus, O "Will be sure to attract the attention it deserves."—Philadelphia Press. "In its scope and power it is unrivalled among war stories."—Ideas, Boston, Mass. "In many ways the most remarkable historical novel of the Civil War."—Home Journal, Boston, Mass. "The interview with Lincoln is one of the finest bits of dialogue in a modern book."—Chicago Herald. "Will probably be the most popular and saleable novel since Robert Elsmere."—Republican. "One of the most instructive and fascinating writers of our time."—Courier-Journal, Louisville. "Is calculated to command as wide attention as Judge TourgÉe's 'Fool's Errand.'"—N. Y. Evening Telegram. "Has enriched American literature."—Item, Philadelphia. "Remarkably true to history."—Inter-Ocean, Chicago "Entitled to a place with standard histories of the War."—Atlanta Journal. NEW YORK: R. F. FENNO & COMPANY |