Fig. 4.—Otter from Squier and Davis 128
5.—Otter from Squier and Davis 128
6.—Otter from Rau. Manatee from Stevens 129
7.—Manatee from Stevens 129
8.—Lamantin or Sea-Cow from Squier and Davis 130
9.—Lamantin or Sea-Cow from Squier 130
10.—Manatee (Manatus Americanus, Cuv.) 132
11.—Manatee (Manatus Americanus, Cuv.) 132
12.—Cincinnati Tablet—back. From Squier and Davis 133
13.—Cincinnati Tablet—back. From Short 134
14.—Toucan from Squier and Davis 135
15.—Toucan from Squier and Davis 135
16.—Toucan from Squier and Davis 136
17.—Toucan as figured by Stevens 137
18.—Keel-billed Toucan of Southern Mexico 139
19.—Paroquet from Squier and Davis 140
20.—Owl from Squier and Davis 144
21.—Grouse from Squier and Davis 144
22.—Turkey-buzzard from Squier and Davis 145
23.—Cherry-bird 145
24.—Woodpecker 146
25.—Eagle from Squier and Davis 146
26.—Rattlesnake from Squier and Davis 147
27.—Big Elephant Mound in Grant County, Wisconsin 153
28.—Elephant Pipe. Iowa 155
29.—Elephant Pipe. Iowa 156
30.—The Alligator Mound near Granville, Ohio 159
31.—Carvings of heads 162
32.—Carvings of heads 162
33.—Carvings of heads 162
34.—Carving of head 163
35.—Carving of head 163


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