
Miscellaneous Observations.

SINCE the drawing up of the paper which has been the subject of the last chapter, some observations have occurred, which are either so immediately connected with, or at least deduced from it, that it may not perhaps seem inexpedient to introduce them in this place.

I was very much surprised to observe, in the Lectures lately published, as delivered by the very learned and ingenious Dr. Cullen, that Magnesia is there said to be no more purgative than any other absorbent earth. The sentence is this; (speaking of other absorbents) "Magnesia alba should have been added to this set. It has had a considerable reputation as an absorbent, and when neutralized, as a purgative; but I find it is not more absorbent than any of the rest, nor more purgative in less quantity, as chalk or crab's eyes given in the same quantity, viz. dramij, will have the same effect. Therefore it may be neglected."

Surely this must have been an error of the person who wrote down the lectures, and have escaped the notice of the ingenious editors; who, from their skill in chemistry, must know that pure Magnesia differs from every calcareous or testaceous earth with which we are hitherto acquainted. These earths are nearly insoluble in the vitriolic acid, and what part does unite with it, forms a selenitical salt, the most difficult of solution of all others, and of an astringent nature: whereas the Magnesia[d] united with the same acid, produces what is commonly called Epsom salt, easy of solution, and purgative to the bowels. The former, with the nitrous acid constitutes a calcareous nitre, incapable of crystallization; with the marine acid a calcareous muriatic salt; and when dissolved in vinegar, the mixture spontaneously dries up into a friable sub-astringent salt: whereas Magnesia, with all these acids, forms purging salts; that with the nitrous acid, yellow, capable of being reduced into crystals retaining their form in a dry air, but melting in a moist one: with the muriatic acid, a salt is produced which does not crystallize, and easily melts when exposed to the air: with distilled vinegar, a saline uncrystallizable mass is formed, resembling glue both in colour and consistence while warm, but becoming brittle when cold. Dr. Black says, that two drachms of this salt purged a middle aged man four times; and half an ounce of the same gave a woman of a strong constitution no less than ten stools.[e]

Besides, where an acid prevails, much smaller doses than two drachms of Magnesia prove purgative; and it seldom happens that even that dose of the other absorbents[f] will produce the same effect. Nor am I singular in my opinion, when I declare my doubt whether Magnesia be not of itself in some degree purgative, independent of its junction with any acid whatsoever. It appears to be an earth sui generis. That of alum resembles it in some respects, yet differs from it essentially, when combined with the vitriolic acid: the alum is strongly astringent and antiseptic, the Epsom salt purgative and septic.

I have very lately seen a paper signed by Doctor Cadogan and dated in the year 1767, in which he complains grievously of the advertisers of Magnesia, making use of his name without his consent, and has published the process for making his Magnesia. The doctor's intent in this was doubtless benevolent, but his manner of preparing this powder is unnecessarily expensive and wasteful. He directs only one pound of lixivium tartari to five pounds of sal catharticus amarus, which is greatly insufficient to precipitate all the Magnesia. And he insists strongly on the superiority of the lixivium prepared from salt of tartar, to that made of potashes, as if the chemical effects of one, were different from the other. But, says the Doctor, potashes render the Magnesia bitter. Surely the vitriolated tartar produced by a union of one vegetable fixed alkali with the vitriolic acid, is equally soluble in water with that prepared with any other, and if so, will be as easily washed off from the Magnesia.

But behold a champion steps forth, and at one blow levels to the ground the whole tribe of Magnesia makers, who have procured it from the factitious Epsom salts. I confess I have not had the happiness to peruse this ingenious gentleman's pamphlet on the subject, but I have formed a very extraordinary opinion of his candour, modesty, and knowledge, from the very curious paper which he distributes with his Magnesia. Notwithstanding Doctor Black, and since him Mr. Glass and several others, have procured pure Magnesia from the factitious Epsom salts, Mr. Dale Ingram, assures us, that he has made an improvement, "which is by the learned esteemed one of the greatest acquisitions to the materia medica." And wherein does this mighty discovery consist? even that Magnesia prepared from the waters of Epsom, is superiour to that prepared from the bitter purging salt; and he assures us that the Magnesia sold by him is so prepared.

To the first assertion I shall only reply, that every person at all conversant in chemistry knows that Magnesia earth is the same, from whatever substance it can be separated in a pure state; that the factitious Epsom salt yields it in as great a degree of purity as the salt of the Epsom water, and that Dr. Alston assures us, the artificial salt "by various and repeated experiments, made in France as well as in Britain, is demonstrated to be every way as good as, yea to be the very same with, the genuine made of the Epsom waters."[g]

As to the other declaration, it will be sufficient to observe that one gallon of Epsom water contains only seven drachms of salt in a dry season, and hardly six drachms in a wet one;[h] and that for this salt to precipitate its Magnesia properly, it is necessary it should be diluted with little more than its own weight of water.[i] Six drachms of salt will yield two drachms of Magnesia. So that to procure a pound of this powder Mr. Ingram must evaporate above sixty gallons of the water, to between five and six pints, before he begins the precipitation. Sure never did empiricism appear so thinly disguised!

In the preceding chapter, the necessity of using water free from any calcareous impregnation has been particularly insisted on, and I have, on another occasion,[j] observed that great attention should be given to the purity of the water used in the making of all the saline preparations; and I may add in almost all the operations of pharmacy. Dr. Percival, in his ingenious experiments on water, found a quart of the Manchester pump water to contain upwards of sixty grains of adventitious matter.[k] Suppose therefore, for instance, that in making the extract from a pound of peruvian bark, it be boiled only six times in the quantity of water directed by the London Dispensatory, nine gallons will be consumed in the process; which is a very moderate allowance, six coctions not being sufficient to extract all the virtues of that drug. Dr. Percival boiled half an ounce of bark twenty five times, in so many different pints of water, the last of which had some impregnation, and the residuum gave a deep colour, and considerable bitterness to rectified spirit of wine. If we likewise suppose only one half of the foreign contents of such water to be left by evaporation, then the quantity of calcareous and saline matter, undesignedly mixed with the extract, will be two ounces and two drachms, or nearly equal to the quantity of extract procured from a pound of bark by pure water. Thus this important medicine becomes grossly adulterated, without any such intention in the operator; and I know it is the common practice to use pump water in making it.

I have particularly selected the Peruvian bark, as requiring a very large quantity of water to extract the whole which it is capable of yielding; but the proportion of water which I have here allowed, will not be too great in obtaining extracts from most vegetable substances; and how greatly not only the quantity, but the quality of the medicine must be affected by the admixture of such a weight of insoluble calcareous earth, is so obvious, that it is needless to expatiate on it.


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