

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, W, Y.

Alligator, West Indian, 174
ca, intervention of, 158
Animal life, 140
Antigua, 251
Arima, 255
Barbadoes, 245
Beet bounties, 183
Belle Vue, 215
Blackbeard, 6
Black children, 217
Blue Mountains, 15
Bog Walk, 137
Buccaneers, 6
Caribs, 9
Cassava starch, 191
Cathedral, the old, 229
Chamberlain, Mr., 190
Children, black, 217
Cromwell, the Protector, 9
Cuba, 14
Dignity dance, 85
Dominica, 250
Emancipation Act, 21
Filibusters, 6
Fort Augustine, 174
Fruit trade, the, 189
Gordon, 263
Government, representative, 146
Grand Cayman, 76
Hayti, 259
Hope Garden, 231
Hunts Bay, 175
Imperial line of steamers, 190
Intervention of America, 158
Jamaica, gradual decay of, 185
want of men in, 188
Jamaican buggy, 51
freedom, 158
police, 95
revivalist meetings, 70
Jockey, the coloured, 209
Jones, Sir Alfred, 190
Kidd, 6
Kingston, the market-place, 34
Labour question, 186
Liberation Act, 187
Malarial fever, 24
Mandeville, 214
Martinique, 248
Montego Bay, 229
Mont PelÉe, 248
Morant Point, 15
Morgan, 6
Nevis, 251
Newcastle, 109
Octoroon, the cultured, 221
Pitch lake, the, 254
Political agitators, 160
Political revolution, 148
Politics, 145
Port Antonio, 229
Royal, 6, 15
of Spain, 251, 253
Princestown, 255
Railway, 165
Revivalist meetings, Jamaican, 70
Rio Cobra, 137
Roseau, 250
Rose Hall, 230
St. Kitts, 251
St. Lucia, 247
Salomon, President, 263
San Domingo, 259
San Fernando, 255
Settlements, native, 216
Settlers, absolute, 161
Soda-water compartment, 165
Spanish Town, 137, 229
Tobago, 255
Tortoise, the, 139
Trinidad, 251
Turk’s Island, 13
West India alligator, 174
West Indian regiments, 91
West Indian sugar, 183
Yellow fever, 23

Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh.


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