
A Survey. By Elisabeth Luther Cary. With 25 illustrations in photogravure and some other illustrations. Large 8o, gilt top (in a box)


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His Homes, His Friends, and His Work. By Elisabeth Luther Cary. With 18 illustrations in photogravure and some other illustrations. Second edition. Large 8o, gilt top (in a box)


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By Elisabeth Luther Cary. With 27 illustrations in photogravure and some other illustrations. Large 8o, gilt top (in a box)


Popular Edition, illustrated, 8o

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The First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters. A Selection from his Correspondence with Boccaccio and other Friends. Designed to illustrate the Beginnings of the Renaissance. Translated from the original Latin together with Historical Introductions and Notes, by James Harvey Robinson, Professor of History in Columbia University, with the Collaboration of Henry Winchester Rolfe, sometime Professor of Latin in Swarthmore College. Illustrated. 8o


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